Where does Alexander Gradsky live? Alexander Gradsky: biography, creativity, personal life. You will develop musical abilities


Alexander Borisovich Gradsky, whose biography and personal life is so interesting to us, was born in the Chelyabinsk region. In a town called Kopeisk. It was November 3, 1949. The musician's mother was a professional actress. She played in the theater. And perhaps it was from her that the boy inherited artistry and love of art.

Father Alexander had a more “down-to-earth” profession. He worked as a mechanical engineer. In 1957, the family moved to the capital of the USSR, Moscow. Dad still worked at the factory, and mom worked as a teacher in children's theater studios. In addition, she was one of the authors of a well-known literary magazine at the time. It is interesting that for a long time the boy lived with his grandmother in Rastorguevo (Butovo district) near Moscow. There he studied at a music school and learned to play the violin. This gave the child great interest. But he didn’t want to practice the violin much at home.

Childhood photo of Alexander Gradsky

At school, the boy also gravitated toward the humanities. He really liked history and literature. He was especially fond of poetry. And at the age of thirteen he wrote his first poem for the first time.

Gradsky recalls that instead of practicing the violin, he spent all his free time on sports. The artist played football and was fond of volleyball and wrestling. In addition, he went to chess. He graduated from music school in violin class. But the Beatles, who appeared at that time, changed the boy’s worldview so much that he had no chance of becoming a violinist.

In addition, Gradsky loved listening to modern music - both domestic and foreign performers. He adored Elvis Presley, Louis Armstrong, Mark Bernes, Klavdia Shulzhenko, Lydia Ruslanova.

A. Gradsky in his youth

His uncle from abroad brought him vinyl records with modern hits. And the boy was amazed by the amazing music. In high school, he began performing as a performer at school events. He sang and played along with himself on the guitar or piano. In addition, he tried his hand as an actor in the school theater.

As a child, Alexander bore the last name Fradkin, which is his father’s last name. However, everything changed when his mother, Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya, passed away in 1963. The boy missed her very much and decided to change his last name.

1963 became a landmark year for the boy. He lost a loved one, changed his last name and took the first steps in his musical career. He first started playing in the rock band "Cockroaches", which included students from Poland. And in 1965, at sixteen, he organized the group “Slavs”. This group became very popular in the USSR, the young guys won the hearts of many fans. They sang songs of popular bands - the Rolling Stones and The Beatles.

Gradsky in his youth

In 1966, Alexander Gradsky, whose biography and personal life contains many interesting moments, created another group - “Skomorokhi”. He himself was the author of songs, composing them in his native language. And in the company of old friends from the “Slavs” - Vyacheslav Dontsov and Viktor Degtyarev - he travels around cities on tour. Soon they earn money to buy themselves high-quality expensive equipment. But he doesn’t abandon the “Skomorokhi” team either. Together with him, he continues to tour Soviet cities. And Gradsky personally receives honorary awards for his activities - “For vocals”, “For guitar” and “For composition”.

One day, director Andrei Konchalovsky noticed Alexander and invited him to take part in the filming of his film “Romance of Lovers.” Initially, Gradsky was invited simply as a talented singer. And then he became the author of all the poems, songs and music that were heard in this film.

Gradsky and Kanchalovsky

Then Gradsky receives even greater fame and the “Star of the Year” award (1974). The young musician’s career is rapidly going uphill. The audience loves Gradsky very much; they come to his concerts with pleasure.

But Gradsky, despite his resounding success, does not become arrogant - he continues to study. In 1974 he became a student at the Moscow Conservatory. His teacher was the famous composer Tikhon Khrennikov. In 1988, Gradsky wrote compositions for films, which soon became popular.

In the late 70s, Gradsky wrote many songs in support of rock music. As you know, such compositions were not very encouraged in the USSR. They were considered a negative trend from the West. Because of such activities of Gradsky, he has many ill-wishers.

However, the musician remains true to his views and continues to work actively. For several years he taught at the Gnessin School, and then at the institute. Worked as head of the vocal department.

Vinyl record by A. Gradsky

From 1976 to 1980 he wrote the suite “Russian Songs” in two parts. He also publishes a collection of compositions, “Reflections of a Jester,” where he introduces himself as an artist capable of singing and playing music in various genres. In addition, Gradsky composes the opera “Stadium” and music for the ballet “Man”. And after the death of the poet and composer Vladimir Vysotsky, Gradsky changes the vector of creativity to tragic and dramatic.

It is interesting that Gradsky is popular not only in his homeland, but also abroad. Various creative projects are being created under his leadership. Concerts are held in the capital of the USSR with the participation of various orchestras, rock groups and choir soloists. Gradsky also has fifteen CDs with his compositions coming out. Abroad, Gradsky works with such celebrities as Liza Minnelli, John Denver, Diana Warwick and others.

A. Gradsky with John Denver

Today Gradsky is still popular, continues to tour Russia and works abroad. In addition, for a long time he was a member of the jury of the “Voice” project on central television. Young talents under his leadership have repeatedly become winners of this high-profile project.

Gradsky has been friends with Alexandra Pakhmutova for many years. They met at work. Gradsky was supposed to record a composition for the film “My Love in the Third Year.” And Pakhmutova wrote the music for this film. This acquaintance grew into a long friendship. And it was Pakhmutova who wrote his famous song “How young we were” for Alexander Borisovich. It's been a hit for years now.

Gradsky admitted in an interview that he gained popularity precisely thanks to the composition “How Young We Were” and the popular film “Romance of Lovers,” for which he wrote the musical accompaniment. The artist does not hide that he was offered a lot of money for concerts - like no one else in the USSR. The fact is that everywhere he could gather full houses. Not every touring artist can do this.

Alexander Gradsky, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing today, is widely known as the author of numerous stage productions. For example, his work - the rock opera "Stadium" became very famous and popular. It talks about the military coup in Chile in 1973. Then Augusto Pinochet subjected the country to terrible repressions. Many people died. The hero of the opera is musician Victor Jara, who also became a victim of the bloody regime. Although Gradsky does not indicate the name of the main character and the location of the events, it is clear that this is the story that is based on it. It is interesting that the role of the singer with a tragic fate was played by the artist himself.

During protrusion

This work was released on disc, so fans of Gradsky’s work can get acquainted with it. The roles in the work are played by the author's friends - Alexander Rosenbaum, Joseph Kobzon, Lolita, Andrei Makarevich, Grigory Leps and others.

With I. Kobzon during a performance

It so happened that the popular musician was married several times. His first wife is Natalya Gradskaya. The artist met her in his youth and, without thinking twice, got married. The second wife of the master was the famous Soviet actress Anastasia Vertinskaya.

This marriage also did not bring happiness to the artist. The actress and musician stayed together for only four years and broke up in 1980.

With Anastasia Vertinskaya and her son

For the third time, the artist married Olga Gradskaya, the site reports. They lived together for 23 years. Olga gave birth to two children to the musician. The son of Alexander Gradsky, whose personal life and biography is still of interest to fans, is called Daniil. He was born in 1981. And his daughter's name is Maria. She was born in 1985. The son is a successful businessman, which does not prevent him from seriously pursuing music. The daughter works as a TV presenter.

And in 2004, Alexander married again. His chosen one was the beauty and model Marina Kotashenko, who is thirty years younger than him. They met on the street, where the charming Gradsky was able to attract the girl’s attention. Marina later admitted in an interview that she was happy in her marriage. The musician treats her with love and takes care of her. In addition, she is interested in him as a person. Marina is currently filming TV series.

A. Gradsky with Marina Kotashenko

And in 2014 she gave Alexander Borisovich a son. A happy event took place in the capital of the United States. The child was named Sasha in honor of his father, but it is too early to say whether the boy will become such a famous musician.

In 2016, paparazzi caught Gradsky and his young wife on vacation and posted photos of Alexander and Marina on the Internet. After which the family was hit with many malicious comments. Alexander, unlike his young wife, cannot boast of excellent shape. Therefore, many called their union nothing more than “Beauty and the Beast.” Alexander admits that he does not have a complex, but on the contrary, he is very glad that Marina chose him and not someone younger and more athletic.

Alexander and Marina

It should be noted that the beauty was never seen trying to cheat on her husband and never gave anyone any reason to doubt her love for her husband. However, it is not surprising that Gradsky really does not like journalists. It was he who introduced the word “journalist” into use, reflecting his negative attitude towards representatives of this profession.

Now Alexander Gradsky, whose biography and personal life is the subject of today’s article, lives with his family in the Moscow region. He writes music and teaches vocals.

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Gradsky Alexander Borisovich is a famous Russian singer, composer and poet, as well as a musician. He is one of the founders of rock in Russia. Since 1999 he became People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Fradkin (surname at birth) was born in the Chelyabinsk region in 1949, into an intelligent family. The boy's father, Fradkin Boris Abramovich (life years - 1926-2013), worked as a mechanical engineer. Mother, Gradskaya Tamara Pavlovna (years of life - 1928-1963), was an actress and director who was a graduate of GITIS.

It was the mother who instilled in her son a love of music. She was collecting various records. Sasha knew two operas – “The Barber of Siberia” and “Carmen” performed by Firsova and Kozlovsky by heart.

Sasha's early childhood years were spent beyond the Urals. At the age of four the boy began to read. In 1957, the family moved to Moscow. A year later, at the age of nine, the boy began attending music school to study violin. Despite his great love for music, Sasha did not like classes at a music school.

In secondary school, Sasha did not have any special achievements. He loved humanities subjects, especially literature classes. Already at the age of 14 he began writing poems. After his mother's death in 1963, he took her last name. During these years, the young man lived with his grandmother Maria Ivanovna in the Moscow region. He was interested in Western music. He was a fan of the musical quartet “The Beatles”, as well as the work of Elvis Presley.

At the age of 16, the young man already knew for sure that he would devote his life to music and be a singer. Begins performing as part of the Polish (student) group “Cockroaches”. His first song, “The Best City on Earth,” was performed at many regional concerts.

From 1969 to 1974, the young man studied at the Gnessin Academy of Music at the faculty of academic singing. While studying at a music university, he gained experience in solo performances. Later he studied at the Moscow Conservatory with the teacher and composer Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov, majoring in composition (1976-1977).

Professional activities

During his student years, he created the group “Skomorokhi”, which performed only Alexander’s songs. He toured with the ensemble throughout the country and gave several solo performances every day. The concerts were always sold out, Alexander’s popularity went through the roof.

In 1971, the Buffoons took part in the Silver Strings festival, where they triumphantly won six out of eight music prizes. The young man's career skyrocketed. He became one of the first experimenters on the Russian stage, performing music and songs in the rock style.

A breakthrough in Alexander’s creative biography was the writing of musical accompaniment for films.“The Romance of Lovers” especially stood out for the director’s film of the same name. For this song, 25-year-old Alexander was recognized as “Star of the Year” by Billboard magazine for his outstanding contribution to world music. The performer’s earnings at that time were much higher than other famous and popular singers on television.

Interesting notes:

Alexander wrote a huge number of musical accompaniments for cartoons and feature films. In 1973 he released his first LP, “Blue Forest”. Alexander also took part in feature films as an actor, among them: “Courtesy Visit”, “Tuning Fork”, “Genius” and others.

Participated in the work on the rock opera “The Fly-Tsokotukha” (1967-1969). His rock opera “Stadium” (1973-1985) became famous; the plot was based on the fate of the singer Victor Haar, who was portrayed by Alexander in the opera. Such star artists as I. Kobzon, M. Boyarsky, A. Pugacheva and A. Makarevich also participated in the musical work. From 1979 to 2009 he worked on the rock opera The Master and Margarita. Since 1987 - member of the Union of Composers.

At the age of thirty, Alexander released several records and began teaching at GITIS (in the vocal department) and at his native Gnessin Institute. Since 1985, he has been working on music for the rock ballets “Rasputin”, “Man”, “Jewish Ballad”.

In the 90s he began touring abroad with a shortened program. He performed in the following countries: USA, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Japan and others. He has collaborated with world-famous artists such as Liza Minnelli, Kris Kristoffersson, John Denver, Diana Warwick, Charles Aznavour and others. Alexander has released more than 18 original albums, among them:

  • “Only you believe me” (1979);
  • "Monte Cristo" (1989);
  • "The Master and Margarita" (2009);
  • "Romances" (2014).

Alexander is the owner of a large number of state prizes and awards for his contribution to the development of musical and theatrical art. Today, the musician continues to be active in creative work. From 2012 to 2015 he was a mentor of the vocal project “Voice”. In 2014, he founded the Gradsky Hall musical theater, whose team members included the best performers of the Voice competition.

After a break in 2017, Alexander returned to the “Voice” project as a mentor and led his ward Selim Alakhyarov to a triumphant victory on the show (season 6). Today Alexander is one of the most respected professionals in the Russian music industry.

Personal life

Alexander has always enjoyed success with women. He was married three times; you can read more about Gradsky’s personal life. The first wife of the still young composer was student Smirnova Natalya Mikhailovna. Alexander's official marriage to the girl lasted three months in 1973.

The second wife was actress Vertinskaya Anastasia. We met at a party. The young people got married in 1976 and separated in 1980. The third wife was Olga Semyonovna Fartysheva (born in 1960), with whom Alexander lived in an official relationship from 1980 to 2003. At the time we met, Olga was 18 years old. She was a student at Moscow State University and studied at the Faculty of Economics, living in a dormitory.

The family had two children: son Daniel (born in 1981) and daughter Maria (born in 1986). Olga initiated the divorce in 2003; the children remained with Alexander. The musician maintains friendly relations with his wife.

Since 2004, the musician has been in a civil marriage with model and actress Kotashenko Marina Vladimirovna. The year of birth of Alexander’s common-law wife is 1980. In the mid-2000s, the girl graduated from VGIK, where she studied at the acting department. Marina does not work in her specialty; she devotes all her time to her family. They met on the street. The self-confident composer himself approached Marina to meet her. Then the girl was not at all familiar with the work of the singer and composer. Before meeting the musician, Marina graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University.

In 2014, on September 1, Marina gave birth to a son to the musician, who was named Alexander. The boy was born in one of the prestigious New York clinics. In November 2018, the wife gave birth to Alexander’s second son, Ivan.

The couple are happily married and currently live in the village of Novoglagolevo in the Moscow region, where they have a house with an area of ​​400 square meters. m. Son Daniel today is a musician and businessman. Daughter Maria graduated from Moscow State University and lives in Miami, by profession an art director and TV presenter.

  • Alexander has a lyric tenor, tenor-altino. Plays the following musical instruments: piano, guitar, drums, violin, celesta. All his life he has worked mainly in the following musical genres: rock opera, blues rock, rock and roll, and progressive rock.
  • He likes to watch sports channels on TV.
  • He loves football and has been a fan of the Moscow club Spartak since the age of five.
  • Alexander's uncle (mother's brother) - Boris Pavlovich (1930-2002) was a soloist of the Moiseev dance ensemble.
  • In 2013, the first biographical book about the musician, entitled “Alexander Gradsky. The Voice"
  • The artist considers himself a marginal and apolitical person. He doesn't like journalists. Likes to be in control of everything.
  • The musician knows how to cook well. He loves to cook and eat cutlets. All his friends come to eat his delicious cutlets.
  • Alexander has his own official website, where you can find out all the latest information about the musician’s creative activities today. He doesn't have an Instagram account.

And the newborn son is doing well.

Alexander and Marina have been together since 2003. In 2014, their son Alexander was born in one of the clinics in New York, where Kotoshenko was helped by the best doctors. The couple decided to give birth to their second child in Moscow.

Gradsky and Kotoshenko did not advertise the imminent addition to the family; only close friends and colleagues knew about the upcoming happy event. The winner of the show “The Voice” said that she was incredibly happy for her mentor.

“In September we were at the birthday party of little Sashenka, the son of Alexander Borisovich. And when I saw Marina with a belly, I was very surprised and happy that he was in amazing shape! I wish him, of course, great health and that only good people surround him! He is a great motivator for others, and that’s so cool,” Alexandra shared.

It became known that the newborn son was named Ivan. The musician himself has not yet commented on the joyful event. In rare interviews, he admitted that he was grateful to his wife for her support and boundless love. By the way, the master of the national stage also has two adult children. In 1981, in his marriage to Olga Gradskaya, he had a son, Daniil, and in 1986, a daughter, Maria. Gradsky maintains good relations with all his heirs; they both took part in the show “The Voice”.

A concert by Alexander Gradsky is scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg on November 1, and it is likely that it will be there that he will talk about the addition to his family.

One of the grandfathers of Russian rock was married three times, his first marriage took place in his early youth. Then she became the chosen one, the official relationship with whom lasted only three months. The musician himself calls this marriage a “youth act.” In 1976, Alexander Borisovich married for the second time, his wife was an actress, but the musician could not build family happiness with her either.

Gradsky lived in an official marriage with his third wife Olga for 23 years.

Gradsky’s current chosen one is Ukrainian model Marina Kotashenko, who is 32 years younger than the musician. The artist has always been distinguished by humor and healthy self-esteem, therefore, having met a girl right on the street, he invited her to “touch history.” Kotashenko did not immediately recognize the star of Soviet and Russian rock, but two weeks later she called back. Already on the first date, Alexander Borisovich charmed the young lady. With Gradsky, Marina felt calm and at ease.

Their eldest son Sasha is growing up under the close attention of his mother: the woman refuses offers from film directors for the sake of her family, despite the fact that in the mid-2000s she graduated from the acting department of VGIK. The boy was given a real guitar, but for now it was a child's size. Alexander Alexandrovich has already mastered the song repertoire from his favorite children's programs and cartoons. In the future, the parents plan to send the young man to an appropriate music studio.

In the summer of 2016, photographs of Gradsky and his wife on the beach caused a wide resonance on the Internet. Evil tongues called the couple “beauty and the beast”; the musician himself reacted neutrally to the ridicule; he admits that he was very lucky that Marina chose him and did not find a younger partner.

Kotashenko herself never gave any reason for gossip or doubt about her warm feelings for her husband. Now Alexander Gradsky lives with his family in the Moscow region in the village of Novoglagolevo, they are located in a house with an area of ​​400 square meters. m. The head of the family writes classical music and teaches vocals. Despite his fame and active life position, the musician calls himself a marginal and apolitical person.

Gradsky does not like representatives of the press; for their annoyingness and tactlessness, he nicknamed the reporters “journalists.” The word took root in the musician’s vocabulary and went “to the people.” Gradsky has a personal website where he introduces fans to the latest releases of his work, but the musician does not have an account on Instagram.

    Gradsky Alexander Borisovich

    GRADSKY Alexander Borisovich- (b. 1949, Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region), Russian singer, composer, People's Artist of Russia. In 1958-1965 he studied violin at a music school. Early on I became interested in Western modern music (E. Presley (see PRESLEY Elvis), B. Haley (see HAYLEY... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GRADSKY Alexander Borisovich- (b. 1949) Russian singer, composer. In the early 1970s. creates a series of compositions based on poems by Burns and Shakespeare, a kind of encyclopedia of rock styles from blues to rock and roll. Author of the first Soviet rock opera Stadium (in memory of Viktor Hara) (1973), ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gradsky, Alexander Borisovich- Composer and singer; born 1950; Graduated from music school, violin class, Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins; studied at the Moscow Conservatory in the composition department; married, has two children... Large biographical encyclopedia

    GRADSKY Alexander Borisovich- (b. November 3, 1949), Russian composer; winner of the Silver Strings festival (1971, Gorky); received the title “Star of the Year” (1974, for outstanding contribution to world music, US Billboard magazine); laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1998... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Gradsky, Alexander- Alexander Gradsky Date of birth November 3, 1949 Place of birth Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region, USSR Countries ... Wikipedia

    Gradsky Alexander- Alexander Gradsky Date of birth November 3, 1949 Place of birth Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region, USSR Countries ... Wikipedia

Alexander Gradsky is not only a famous singer, but also a famous composer who, despite his age, never ceases to amaze fans with his inexhaustible talent. He is known in the field of domestic pop music, and throughout his career he was able to not only write, but also perform many songs.

It is worth mentioning that back in school he tried to conquer the real stage and earn the love of the audience. He always had a love for music, although as a child he hated playing, for example, the violin for several hours at a time. But ultimately, Alexander Gradsky was able to realize himself as a worthy musician.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gradsky

Many who are interested in the personality of this musician are interested in his height, weight, and age. It’s easy to answer how old Alexander Gradsky is - the composer is already 68 years old. With a height of 180 centimeters, the musician weighs 93 kilograms. And from the photographs you can see that he has a small amount of excess weight. At the same time, he always maintains a good mood and, perhaps, this is one of the reasons why Gradsky manages to maintain popularity and retain the love of the audience for so long.

If you look at the photo of Alexander Gradsky in his youth and now, you can see that he always wore glasses. During his career, they became an integral attribute of the composer's appearance.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Gradsky

During his school years, the future musician was mainly interested in the humanities. The same cannot be said about more accurate ones. Gradsky was especially interested in literature. It is known that already at the age of 14 he was able to write his first poem. In addition, at the same time he began to participate in the creative life of the school - he read poetry, played the guitar and even went to a theater club, where he showed very good results. It is interesting that his parents were in no way connected with musical activities. Father - Boris Fradkin - worked as a mechanical engineer. And my mother, Tamara Gradskaya, was an actress and director. But later she became an employee of the Theater Life magazine. The guy made his final decision to become a musician at the age of 15, when he began to become interested in The Beatles. It was then that the biography and personal life of Alexander Gradsky took a new turn.

The performer began his career in mid. 60s. He created a musical group called “Slavs”, which slowly but surely became more and more popular over time. I had to turn to part-time jobs in addition to performing, because there was absolutely not enough money for equipment. And every next step brought Gradsky closer to his dream of becoming a real professional in the field of music. Real fame came to Alexander when he graduated from university. Then his tours around the country began, and his career began to rapidly climb the mountain. In the 70-80s he was able to win the love of the public.

Of course, things happened to Alexander, but he was still able to achieve fame. Gradsky became a novelty in the musical field. His songs could be heard in every home. If we talk about the personal life of this man, it is quite eventful. First of all, it is worth noting that Alexander Gradsky was not particularly lucky with his women. Maybe the whole point here is that he lost his own mother early.

His first wife was a girl named Natalya Smirnova. It is not known for certain whether the former lovers are now communicating, but as the musician himself later said, this marriage was not something really serious for him. And this seems to be true, because the family lived together for only a few months. His next wife was Anastasia Vertinskaya. Alexander had lived with her for a couple of years, but he could not avoid divorce in this case either. His next wife, with whom the musician lived for twenty-three years, gave him a son and daughter. Currently, Gradsky lives with his new wife, Marina Kotashenko, who is thirty years younger than him. And, by the way, she also gave the composer a son. Only time will tell whether this marriage will be Gradsky’s last.

Family and children of Alexander Gradsky

The family and children of Alexander Gradsky are what currently occupy a special place in his life. Currently, the composer's family consists of his wife Marina and three children - Daniil, Alexander and Maria Gradsky.

Let us remind you that Daniil and Maria Gradsky have long been adults and today they are the only ones, like their father, who work in the field of show business, although they were not able to reach such heights in it as he did. Although, in fairness, it is worth mentioning that they did not strive for anything like that. In addition, we should not forget about the youngest heir of the musician, whom his last wife, Marina, gave him.

Sons of Alexander Gradsky - Daniil and Alexander

The sons of Alexander Gradsky - Daniil and Alexander - are his only sons, although born from different women and at different times. But little is known about both. So, for example, Daniil, the eldest son, was born in 1981. Currently, he works as a businessman, which, however, does not prevent him from making music.

As mentioned earlier, the guy was born in the composer’s third marriage with Olga Gradskaya. The musician’s youngest son, Alexander, is only four years old and, unlike his half-brother and sister, he is just beginning to explore this world. But it is possible that in the future the boy will also want to connect his life with music.

Daughter of Alexander Gradsky - Maria

The daughter of Alexander Gradsky, Maria Gradskaya, was also born in the musician’s third marriage. She is five years younger than her brother Daniel. As it already becomes clear, Maria is already an adult. It is not known for certain whether she has her own family. But there is information that she works not only as a TV presenter, but also as an art manager. Moreover, he really loves what he does, so he always tries to do his job “excellently.”

As you can see, very little is known about the children of the composer Gradsky, but at least the older ones have already “flyed” out of the nest and are living an independent life. Which, in turn, is what little Sasha has yet to do.

Ex-wives of Alexander Gradsky - Natalya Gradskaya, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Olga Gradskaya

We can say that the famous composer had quite a lot of women. But, be that as it may, the ex-wives of Alexander Gradsky - Natalya Gradskaya, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Olga Gradskaya - each of them played their own specific role in the life of the future showman.

Alexander first married in his youth, to a girl named Natalya. This marriage lasted only a few months. For the second time, Gradsky married actress Anastasia Vertinskaya, but it did not bring the expected happiness to the musician, although it lasted a couple of years.

Alexander’s third wife was a woman named Olga Gradskaya - with her the master lived for twenty-three years, and it was with her that he first learned the joy of fatherhood. But this family could not be saved from breaking up.

Alexander Gradsky's wife - Marina Kotashenko

Fourteen years ago, the musician married for the fourth time. It’s interesting that this time Alexander Gradsky’s wife, Marina Kotashenko, is old enough to be her husband’s daughter. She is thirty years younger than her chosen one. The couple met on the street and Marina admitted that the musician made a serious impression on her. Now she is happily married and the musician takes care of her. Kotashenko currently works as a fashion model and also appears in TV series. Ten years after the start of the relationship, Marina gave birth to her husband a little son, whom the musician loves very much, like his other children.

According to Alexander himself, unlike his wife, he cannot boast of ideal forms, but he does not have any complexes about this. Quite the opposite - I’m even glad that Marina chose him and not someone younger and more beautiful.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Gradsky

If you wish, you can find a lot of information about this person on the Internet, on a variety of sites. Of course, the most popular pages for this matter are such pages as Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Gradsky. There you can find a variety of facts about the creative path of this amazing man, his development as a composer and performer, details about the details of his personal life, and so on.

On your Instagram profile page you can always see the latest photos and videos with captions. In particular, these are pictures from rehearsals or vacations. Thus, any information about this celebrity is available to ordinary fans.