Where is Zhanna Badoeva now? Zhanna Badoeva: “All my men are different, but they are all leaders. Friendship - love - friendship


Children of Zhanna Badoeva- son Boris and daughter Lolita were born from different men. Boris's father was Zhanna's first husband, businessman Igor Kurechenko - he was rich, owned a chain of gas stations and fully provided for his family. Zhanna married him very early, at nineteen, and after the birth of her son she completely immersed herself in family problems. The birth of her son did not prevent her from going to college, but Jeanne’s husband, who was much older and only wanted his wife to be a housewife and an obedient woman, did not like such independence.

In the photo are the children of Zhanna Badoeva

However, Zhanna’s character did not allow her to obey Igor in everything and remain silent when he began to put forward his demands and make claims. In response, Zhanna objected, argued, and, as a result, Igor Kurechenko set a condition - either Zhanna leaves the institute, or they get a divorce. She chose the second, hoping to the end that these were just words, but Igor really decided to break off relations with her, and at the same time, he simply kicked his wife out the door along with his little son, who at that time was only eight months old. She took this situation very hard, and pride and resentment did not allow her to demand from ex-husband child support for my son.

In the photo - Zhanna and Alan Badoevs with children

Zhanna worried about this situation for several years and only calmed down when she got married for the second time. At the institute, she met her second husband, Alan Badoev, whom she initially treated simply as a friend, and did not even think that she would ever marry him. They became close after a joint trip to Egypt, and after some time they got married - this happened seven years after the first divorce.

Zhanna's son Boris took Alan calmly, since he had known him since childhood. They had a daughter, Lolita, but, according to Zhanna, they never had a family as such, and in last years relations became strained to the limit, even Zhanna Badoeva’s children did not help correct the situation. The presenter says that their marriage was heading towards its collapse slowly and smoothly, and therefore it is difficult to say when the relationship between them deteriorated completely.

According to the TV presenter, her second husband turned out to be a wonderful father - he never made any distinction between his own daughter and Zhanna’s son from her first marriage, even now, when two years have passed since the divorce, Alan takes Zhanna Badoeva’s children to school and generally communicates with them often . Zhanna's first husband also often takes Boris and Lolita to his place, and in this regard, the children of Zhanna Badoeva are not deprived of male attention.
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Zhanna Badoeva (Dolgopolskaya) has Lithuanian origin: She was born in the town of Mazeikiai in 1976. There are also rumors that the woman has Jewish roots. Zhanna grew up in a simple working-class family, but her parents did their best to develop all sorts of talents in the girl. So she developed an early love for various arts. After school, the girl entered a construction university, and completed her studies in Kyiv, moving there with her family.

Zhanna was in no hurry to work in her specialty. She made a long-desired attempt to enter the Theater Institute. Karpenko-Kary, but failed to get into the acting department. The girl did not give up and on the second attempt she entered the directing department without any problems. Thanks to her perseverance, Zhanna not only successfully studied, but also began teaching aspiring actors at a nearby faculty.

Zhanna began her television career by participating in the Ukrainian version comedy show"Comedy club". Soon, from ordinary artists, the girl moved to the producing staff of the project. This allowed her to begin to implement own ideas. Thus, under her leadership, the shows “Hurdy Organ”, “I Dance for You” and some others were filmed.

In 2011, Zhanna Badoeva’s original show “Heads and Tails” was released, in which she and her husband Alan Badoev traveled to various cities and countries, tossing a coin before each episode. The leader who won became a millionaire for two days, and the loser was forced to try to live this period on $100. The project, which actually had no analogues, gained high popularity and even began to be broadcast on Russian TV channel“Friday!”, as well as on its own YouTube channel.

Three years later, Zhanna Badoeva left the project to devote more time to her children, but periodically appeared in subsequent issues as a guest host. In addition, she took part in other shows on the “Friday!” channel. - “#ZhannaPozheni” and “Battle of the salons.” Ukrainian viewers remembered her from the projects “MasterChef” and “Don’t Leave Me.”

Personal life

Zhanna Badoeva entered into her first marriage not with the well-known director and music video director, whose last name she still bears, but with businessman Igor Kurachenko. From him the TV presenter has a son, Boris. The husband was not happy with his wife’s busy work life, and the marriage soon broke up. In 2003, Zhanna married Alan Badoev, giving birth to his daughter Lolita.

The seemingly strong marriage broke up in 2012. The spouses do not disclose the real reason breakup, but journalists suspect that she is connected with Alan: the man leads a riotous lifestyle and, apparently, has ceased to be a faithful husband. But still ex-couple remained friends and still takes an active part in raising children.

After the divorce, Zhanna briefly started an affair with entrepreneur businessman Sergei Babenko. The wedding did not come to fruition for unknown reasons. Already in 2014, the TV presenter suddenly announced that she was going to marry businessman Vasily Melnichin. The wedding actually took place, and currently the lovers live in Italy with Zhanna’s children, periodically flying to Ukraine on work matters.

Tip 2: Zhanna Osipovna Badoeva: biography, career, personal life

Badoeva Zhanna – presenter, director in Ukrainian, Russian television. She gained popularity thanks to the television project “Heads and Tails.”

Early years, youth

Zhanna Osipovna was born in the city of Mazeikiai (Lithuania). Her parents worked as engineers, and her grandmother loved to play the piano. The girl also became interested in music and studied choreography, but at the insistence of her parents, after school she graduated from a construction university. At that time, the family already lived in Kyiv.

Zhanna did not work in her specialty; she wanted to become an actress. However, the faculty acting she was not accepted because of her age. Then the girl graduated from the directing department. Then she was invited to become a university teacher, and Badoeva worked in this position for several years.

Creative biography

For the first time on television, Zhanna appeared in the Ukrainian version of the Comedy Club show, then became a creative producer. Later she was a director of projects that became popular in Ukraine. Badoeva received great experience TV program production.

Badoeva’s fame in Russia was brought to her by the author’s project “Heads and Tails,” where she was the host together with her husband Alan. The first episodes of the program were released in 2011. The presenters traveled to many countries, devoting all their time to the project. In 2012, Zhanna left the program, explaining that she wanted to be more involved with children.

Badoeva became co-host cooking show“MasterChef” with Nikolay Tishchenko and Hector Jimenez-Bravo, she passed to participate in the program big competition. After this program, Zhanna Osipovna became a real culinary guru. Then she hosted the “Don’t Leave Me” program together with Dmitry Kolyadenko, the program aired on the Inter channel.

Zhanna was invited to work on the “Friday!” TV channel, she led the projects “Dangerous Tours”, “#ZhannaPozheni”, “Battle of Salons”. In 2018, Badoeva again became the host of the project “Heads and Tails. Russia”, she had different co-hosts in each episode. Zhanna Osipovna continues to work as a producer, delighting fans with new projects.

Personal life

Zhanna Osipovna's first husband was Igor Kurachenko, a businessman. They have common son Boris. However, due to Zhanna's work, the marriage broke up.

Then she married Alan Badoev, director and music video director. They had a daughter, Lolita. However, the couple divorced after 9 years life together. They continue to support friendly relations. Badoeva had an affair with Sergei Babenko, a businessman, but it didn’t come to a wedding.

In 2014, Zhanna Osipovna married Vasily Melnichin, a businessman. The family settled in Venice, where Vasily lived since childhood. Zhanna became calmer, she liked Italy and Italian cuisine.

Pictures appeared in one of the magazines family photos from holiday in Mauritius. From time to time, Zhanna Osipovna goes to film projects. She maintains an Instagram account where she shares photos and her thoughts.

Zhanna Badoeva is one of the most popular Ukrainian TV presenters. She took part in many shows. Zhanna was born on March 18 (according to the Pisces horoscope) 1976 in Mazeikiai. Her height is 164 centimeters, and her weight ranges between 58 and 60 kilograms.

Zhanna's parents were engineers, and they dreamed that their daughter would later enter the construction department. Badoeva herself was a very creative person; she loved listening to her grandmother play the piano. She was so fascinated by this instrument that after some time she began to play it herself. In addition, Zhanna danced excellently and did it at a more professional level.
Following the instructions of her parents, she nevertheless enters the construction university. This profession she was not interested, and therefore after graduation she decides to enter the directing department. Zhanna wanted to become an actress, but due to her age, her old dream never came true.

Zhanna's first appearances on television

After some time, a teacher at the acting department notices her and offers her a job at the university as a teacher. Zhanna agrees with pleasure and spends several years teaching future talents at the acting department.
But the girl decided not to stop there and after a short period of time she became a resident." Comedy Club" She was responsible for creativity in the team, and also worked as a production director.

Time of "Heads and Tails"

The most striking event in Badoeva’s biography was participation in the TV show “Heads and Tails,” where the presenters had to travel the whole world as a poor or rich tourist. Vela this program Zhanna is not alone, but with her husband Alan Badoev.
For Zhanna, this project became an opportunity to visit the most extraordinary places in the world and spend more time with her husband. But already in 2012, she left the show. The reason for her departure was that she could no longer be away from her beloved children.

This was followed by many projects, such as: “ZhannaPozheni”, “Battle of Salons”, “ZhannaHelp” and much more.

Marriages of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna's first husband was Igor, who worked in the oil industry. At the age of twenty she gave birth to her son Boris. But after a while, Zhanna divorced Igor.

The second marriage took place with Alan Badoev. They spent twenty years of their lives together and even gave birth to a daughter, Lolita. But in 2012 it is learned that they are breaking up. After the divorce, the Badoevs continue to communicate and even go on vacation with the whole family.
Zhanna's next relationship was with Sergei Babenko; he proposed to her in 2014, but after a while they ran away without getting married.
On this moment Zhanna is married to Vasily Melnichin, who does business in Italy.

Participant's name: Zhanna Osipovna Badoeva

Age (birthday): 11.03.1976

City: Mazeikiai, Lithuanian SSR

Education: Theatre Institute, Construction Institute

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Zhanna Badoeva was born and raised in Lithuania, her parents worked as engineers and believed that their daughter should definitely follow in their footsteps.

Grandmother Zhanna had different preferences, she instilled in her granddaughter a love of music - thanks to her, Zhanna became interested not only in notes, but also in choreography.

After graduating from school, Badoeva entered construction, as the parents wished, but a year later the family had to change their place of residence, moving to Kyiv.

Here Zhanna’s fate began to take shape, despite the wishes of her father and mother, she decided not to transfer to the construction department, but to submit documents to the theater department.

Zhanna no longer qualified for the acting department due to her age., so she entered the theater school.

The teachers immediately noticed the makings of a real actress in the new student, so after the second semester she was offered to teach a subject at the acting department. She worked in this position for almost 2 years.

Having completed teaching and training, Zhanna discovers new facets for herself - she becomes a resident of the Ukrainian Comedy Club. Soon she leaves the stage and takes on the position of producer of a humorous project.

This was followed by an offer to become a production director for a number of programs on the “1+1” channel - this work, to which Zhanna devoted several years of her life, gave her an incredible experience.

The project “Heads and Tails” brought enormous popularity to the talented girl.

She came up with the basic concept of the show, believing that it would be interesting for viewers not only to look around the whole world and see its beautiful sights, but also to find out whether it is possible to relax in a particular place for $100.

The second participant was asked to do the same, only with bank card, which has an unlimited amount of money.

An ordinary coin was entrusted to decide the fate of which of the participants would show off and which would be modest. Hence the name of the project.

The first presenters were Zhanna and her husband Alan Badoev, in the second season Andrei Bednyakov took his place.

Zhanna herself lasted for several seasons, and in 2012 she vacated her position as host, citing being too busy with her family and being tired of traveling all the time.

Badoeva did not rest for long; the travel show was followed by a culinary show, then “Don’t Leave Me,” then “Zhanna Get Married” and many others. Today, the TV presenter has a lot of projects, but even more have not been implemented, which are just getting ready for release.

Zhanna’s personal life is just as varied and full of exciting events.- She got married for the first time while still a university student. Her chosen one was Igor, an oil businessman.

From him Zhanna gave birth to a son, they named him Boris. But the couple quickly separated, as the husband wanted his wife to be at home, and Zhanna was simply bursting with ideas and passion for creativity.

The second husband was director Alan Badoev - two kindred spirits quickly got married, and soon their daughter Lolita was born. But after 9 years, Zhanna divorced again.

Now she is married to businessman Vasily living in Italy. Interestingly, the newlyweds celebrated their wedding in the strictest secrecy - there is still not a single photo from this event on the Internet.

Photo of Zhanna

The presenter has an Instagram with almost 1 million subscribers.

Zhanna Badoeva is one of the most talented and successful TV presenters in Ukraine. She gained fame after participating in several highly rated projects. Viewers remember her from the shows “Heads and Tails”, “Battle of Salons”, “MasterChef”. How did this woman manage to short term win the hearts of the television audience? Of course, she captivates with her originality, sincerity and natural charm. In addition, she has impeccable taste and natural manners. TV programs with the participation of this presenter are always a hit with viewers.


The biography of Zhanna Badoeva began in 1976, on March 18, in the city of Mazeikiai (Lithuania). She grew up in a family of engineers who dreamed that daughter will go in their footsteps and will enter construction institute. However, from childhood the girl showed remarkable Creative skills. Zhanna's favorite pastime was listening musical compositions, which her grandmother masterfully performed on the piano. Having matured, the future celebrity became seriously interested in dancing and music.

Choice of profession

After graduating from school, Zhanna Badoeva, a biography whose personal life is no secret to anyone, submitted documents to a construction university. By this time, her family settled in Kyiv. The girl received an engineering degree, but did not work by profession. Realizing that she wanted to connect her life with creativity, she entered the Institute of Film and Television to become a director. In fact, Zhanna dreamed of becoming an actress, but, unfortunately, she did not qualify for this faculty due to her age.

Career development

The creative biography of Zhanna Badoeva began in the popular humorous program “Comedy Club”. It was she who managed to become the first resident girl in this successful project. Then the future celebrity began working on television as creative producer. In addition, she was the director of several famous shows on the channel “1+1”: “Hurdy Organ”, “Dancing for You”. Several years of serious work on television made Zhanna a true professional. However, cheerful, sparkling and nice girl I couldn’t stay behind the scenes for long. Soon she loudly announced herself in a new rating project.

"Heads and Tails"

The biography of Zhanna Badoeva is filled with bright events. One of them was her participation in the popular travel show “Heads and Tails.” This project became real for the girl finest hour. The essence of the program was that two presenters (traditionally a man and a woman) went to one of the countries of the world, cast lots and found out which of them would get to spend a weekend in royal conditions, and which would live on just $100. Zhanna's partner in this show was her husband, music video director Alan Badoev. Together they traveled to different corners planet and delighted the audience with stories about luxury and budget holidays. “Heads and Tails” is an original project created by Zhanna Badoeva. The biography and nationality of this woman have since greatly interested the television public. However, having traveled almost the entire planet, the TV presenter suddenly left the project in 2012. She stated that she wants to devote more time to her family and children.

Other TV programs

But viewers did not long for their favorite TV presenter. Soon she appeared in the new project “MasterChef”, dedicated to the intricacies of cooking. Here the presenter Zhanna Badoeva, whose biography is described in this article, has become a real gourmet. And this is not surprising, because she had to try a lot of delicious and delicious dishes. Zhanna's co-hosts in this project were the famous restaurateur Nikolai Tishchenko and the famous chef Hector Gemenez-Bravo. In order to take part in the show, famous TV presenter I had to go through a serious casting.

In addition, Zhanna could be seen on the Inter channel in the “Don’t Stop Me” program. She led it together with Dmitry Kolyadenko. Among other things, the TV presenter continued to work in the field of producing and constantly improve her skills. She still has a lot ahead of her interesting projects. Now she hosts the show “Battle of Salons” on the “Friday!” channel, where she continues to delight viewers with her sparkling humor.


Zhanna looks amazing, but when asked about the secrets of her attractiveness, she replies that she has no time to watch calories. She often snacks on the go, but tries to avoid fatty foods and does not drink alcohol or smoke. The weaknesses that she cannot and does not want to get rid of are sweets and coffee. The TV presenter is not involved in sports, she is very active image She has enough life and movement. Therefore, if there is a choice between going to the gym and sleeping, she chooses the latter. Zhanna believes that main secret external attractiveness - the opportunity to do what you love. This is what makes her fresh, young and beautiful.

First marriage

The biography of Zhanna Badoeva was not easy. She married early (at the age of 19) to a man who was much older than her. The successful oil business tycoon - Igor Kurachenko - first wore his young wife in his arms and allowed her everything in the world. It was at his suggestion that Zhanna tried to open a video and audio store. However, she quickly became disillusioned with business, gave birth to a son, Boris, and became completely immersed in family concerns. The businesswoman never left Zhanna. Soon, disagreements arose between the spouses. The fact is that the young, inexperienced girl, having matured, quickly turned into a woman with own opinion on any question. Igor did not tolerate his wayward wife and one day kicked her out of the house with an eight-month-old baby in her arms. Zhanna had to return to her parents. She was depressed, but withstood this blow and did not even file for alimony. At the same time, she never interfered with her son’s communication with his own father.

Second marriage

What is Zhanna Badoeva’s second husband famous for? The biography of this man is widely known. Alan Badoev is a famous director and music video director; it was he who filmed the first seasons of “Heads and Tails” and even hosted one of them. The TV presenter met him when he was still a skinny boy and dreamed of earning his first million dollars. Perhaps the bright and spontaneous Zhanna was able to inspire him to great achievements, since soon Badoev really became rich. Inexhaustible creative potential and wild ambitions made Alan very famous person. But at the very beginning of his career he met and fell in love with Jeanne, took upon himself the care of her and her son and lived with her for ten years in happy marriage. What caused the breakup? The TV presenter claims that Badoev has strong leadership qualities and does not tolerate any competition around him. In his wife, he preferred to see a housewife, rather than an independent and successful person. Eventually the couple began living apart. This happened when the “Heads and Tails” project was at the peak of its popularity. So we can say that the Badoevs’ spouses did not stand the test of fame.


Zhanna Badoeva calmly divorced her second husband. The biography and photos of this woman are often published in the media, but they are never a reason for gossip and gossip. The TV presenter is not mercantile, so she did not share property with ex-husband. In her second marriage, she had a daughter, Lolita, whom Alan still cares about reverently. Zhanna claims that he is a wonderful father. The former spouses celebrated their divorce together in a restaurant. They still remain great friends. Zhanna's son, Boris, communicates more with Alan than with his own father, and often calls him to consult on this or that issue.

New relationships

Soon after the divorce, Badoeva began a relationship with businessman Sergei Babenko. In 2013, there were even rumors that the lovers were engaged. However, this union never happened. The TV presenter was free, successful, adored by millions of fans and was ready to enter into a new marriage if she found a man who would not put pressure on her and learned to respect her opinion. And it happened. Zhanna Badoeva, a biography whose children are of interest to many, met her third husband in Venice. His name is Vasily, he works in the fashion industry and lives in Italy. The lovers' relationship developed quickly, and less than a year later they got married. Now Zhanna lives in old house twenty minutes drive from Venice. She is very happily married. Plus she likes that she settled in the surrounding area ancient city, which always seemed magical to her.


How old is Zhanna Badoeva? The TV presenter's biography is very rich, and yet she was only 39 years old. Of course she looks much younger. Zhanna is cheerful, cheerful, easy-going and quickly got used to her new place. Italy and its children like it. Son Boris previously studied in Canada and London, speaks English well and quickly made new friends. Daughter Lolita is more difficult, she is only ten years old, and she misses her friends in Kyiv. Now mother and daughter are learning English and Italian together. Moreover, Lolita is making progress and is far ahead of her mother. Zhanna jokingly calls herself a “B student.”

Our days

Now Zhanna is in complete harmony with herself and the world around her. She has everything to be happy: her beloved man, interesting job, charming children. But she understands perfectly well that anything can happen in life, so she doesn’t wear rose-colored glasses and tries to look at things realistically. She is friends with her ex-husband (Alan Badoev), who often visits the children and managed to find mutual language with her new boyfriend. Basil - strong man, who does not like emotional outbursts, but always finds a way to extinguish them in a peaceful way. Thanks to him, peace and harmony now reign in Zhanna Badoeva’s family. I would like to wish this wonderful woman new interesting projects and even greater success in the television field. And, of course, happiness in her personal life, which is not always easy for a successful and sought-after TV presenter. Let's hope that the charming Zhanna will be able to preserve and increase it.