Where is the cornel? Igor Kornelyuk biography details of personal life stages of development childhood youth family parents Brest Leningrad Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory symphonic fantasy diploma theater buff musical ring Marina wedding. Became a composer because


Igor Evgenievich Kornelyuk. Born on November 16, 1962 in Brest. Soviet and Russian singer, composer, TV presenter. Honored Artist Russian Federation (2007).

Father - Evgeny Kasyanovich Kornelyuk (1933-2012), entered the Theatre Institute in Minsk, but was not accepted, worked as a shunting dispatcher in the western park central region Brest-Vostochny station, had good voice, sang beautifully, suffered three strokes and two heart attacks, did not speak for eighteen years, died of a heart attack.

Mother - Nina Afanasyevna Kornelyuk (1938-2014), worked at a garment factory - first as a seamstress, then as an engineer, and oversaw the activities of VOIR.

The elder sister is Natalya Evgenievna Kornelyuk (born 1959), graduated from a music school in violin class and the choral conducting department of the Brest Music College with a degree in music teacher, solfeggio, stage artist and choir director, works at a school in Brest, directs several ensembles. Igor dedicated the song “I Believe” to his sister.

Grandfather - Kasyan Grigorievich Kornelyuk, originally from the village of Zakazanka in the Brest region, after the revolution he worked at the railway depot.

The family lived on the edge of the city in a private house, which was located three kilometers from the border post - the state border Soviet Union. This moment left some imprint on Igor’s fate. WITH early years he listened modern music thanks to television and radio in neighboring Poland.

From the age of six he studied at music school in piano class. From the age of 12 he played in an ensemble on the ionic at dances at the Brest Palace of Culture. He wrote music based on poems by Yesenin, Pasternak, Yaroslav Smelyakov. Friends gave him the nickname Composer.

Graduated from 8th grade of Brest high school № 4.

In 1977, he entered the Brest Music College in the class of composer and musician Mark Rusin, who wrote music for the Brest Drama Theater.

In 1978 he moved from Brest to Leningrad to live with relatives. From 1978 to 1982 he studied at music school at the Leningrad Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov at the Faculty of Theory and Composition, from which he graduated with honors.

From 1982 to 1987 he studied at the Leningrad Conservatory in the composition class, studying with Professor V. Uspensky.

How the composer started with music for theater performances, among his works is “Trumpeter in the Square” in Academic Theater dramas, “Tic Tac Toe” at the Comedy Theater, etc.

In 1985-1988, Igor Kornelyuk worked musical director Leningrad theater "Buff", composed music for it.

In 1985, he recorded his first record at the Melodiya company - it was the EP “A Boy Was Friends with a Girl” performed by. With Kornelyuk’s song “Find out” she became a laureate of the festival in Sopot, the song “Not with me” brought the young singer Svetlana Medyanik second place at the TV competition “Jurmala-86”.

In 1988, Kornelyuk began solo career in the television program “Musical Ring”, for the first time reaches the finals of the festival “Song of the Year - 1988”. He participated in the “Musical Ring” show with composer Viktor Reznikov, Igor became the winner. The next day he woke up famous. Korneyuk recalled: “At that time I lived near the Gorkovskaya metro station, and the next day after the Ring I had to go to Nevsky Prospekt - one metro station - and then walk a block to the right place. During this trip I realized that something has changed radically in my life."

His songs “Rains”, “Ticket to the Ballet”, “Come Back”, “You never know”, “Smoke”, “Darling” became hits.

Igor Kornelyuk - Rains

The song “Ballet Ticket” became a laureate of the “Song of the Year” television festival. After that, she offered him cooperation, and he worked for her in the theater for several months.

He wrote an opera for children “Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street” (Music Hall 1988), music for the film “ Music games"(1988).

His songs were performed by many pop stars: - “Walking around Paris” (words by Sergei Danilov), “Meeting” (words by Regina Lisits); Anne Veski - “Horoscope”, “Find out”, “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me”, “Monkey”, “Star House”, “It’s time to go home”; E. Alexandrov and E. Spiridonova - “Darling”; - “White evening”; cabaret duet “Academy” - “I was offended”; - “Sign”, “Let’s make peace.”

In 1990, he starred in the film “Kud-kud-kuda, or Provincial Stories with Interludes and Divertissement in the Finale.”

In 1999-2000 he hosted the program “Dad, Mom, Me - sport family"on the RTR TV channel, in which he performed the song "About the Family" from the album "Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!"

In 2013, his song “About the Family” began to be performed in the “Our Way Out” program.

In 2014, he was a member of the jury in the show “One to One.”

Height of Igor Kornelyuk: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Igor Kornelyuk:

Married. Wife - Marina. They studied together at a music school in St. Petersburg: she - in the conducting and choral department, he - in the composition department. Once Igor Kornelyuk wrote a cantata for choir and orchestra based on ancient ritual songs, and Marina, who had in a wonderful voice, invited me to join the choir. Then they started dating. Two years later, Igor proposed to Marina. They got married when they were 19 years old. The wedding took place between the final exams at the school and the entrance exams to the conservatory.

In 1983, the couple had a son, Anton, who works in computer technology.

There were difficult moments in the Kornelyuk family, but they were overcome, primarily thanks to his wife. He said about his wife: “It is no coincidence that women are called the keepers of the home. Marinka and I could have run away hundreds of times, but she had enough intelligence, tact, understanding, foresight and everything else to save the family, and I am immensely grateful to her.”

Since 2002, the family has permanently lived in a private house in the city of Sestroretsk. At the musician's house large collection watches and rare items. On July 9, 2015, the Municipal Council of the city of Sestroretsk awarded Igor Kornelyuk the title “Honorary Resident of the City of Sestroretsk.”

On November 16, 2012, when Igor Kornelyuk turned 50, he told reporters that he was suffering from diabetes.

Discography of Igor Kornelyuk:

1988 - Ticket to the ballet
1990 - Wait
1993 - I can't live like this
1994 - My favorite songs (Collection)
1998 - Hello, this is Kornelyuk!
2001 - Soundtrack for the TV series “Gangster Petersburg”
2010 - Songs from cinema (Collection)
2010 - Taras Bulba
2010 - The Master and Margarita

Filmography of Igor Kornelyuk:

1988 - Pants - singer on the dance floor - performs the song “Byla-wasn’t”
1989 - Music Games - singer
1990 - Where-where-where?!.. (film-play)
1992-1993 - Music forecast
1993 - Do you remember (documentary)
1998 - Streets of Broken Lanterns-2 - cameo
2001 - Secrets of the investigation-1 - Igor Evgenievich
2009 - Formula of happiness by Maria Pakhomenko (documentary)
2009 - Sing, my song! Composer Andrey Petrov (documentary)

Vocals of Igor Kornelyuk in the cinema:

2009 - Forty-third issue...

Works of Igor Kornelyuk in cinema as a composer:

1989 - Music Games
1990 - Short Game
2000 - Gangster Petersburg - 1 (Baron)
2000 - Gangster Petersburg - 2 (Lawyer)
2001 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2001 - Gangster Petersburg - 3 (Collapse of the Antibiotic)
2003 - Repeating the past
2003 - Heaven and Earth
2003 - Idiot
2003 - Gangster Petersburg - 4 (Prisoner)
2003 - Gangster Petersburg - 5 (Opera)
2003 - Gangster Petersburg - 6 (Journalist)
2004 - I have the honor!..
2004 - The Legend of Tampuk
2005 - The Master and Margarita
2005 - Gangster Petersburg - 7 (Redistribution)
2006 - Russian translation
2006 - Gangster Petersburg - 8 (Terminal)
2006 - Gangster Petersburg - 9 (Dutch Passage)
2007 - Gangster Petersburg - 10 (Reckoning)
2009 - Taras Bulba
2009 - Forty-third issue...
2009 - Justice of Wolves (Mika i Alfred)
2010 - If the sky is silent
2012 - Fan
2014 - Alien War

Songs by Igor Kornelyuk:

"White Evening"
"Ticket to the Ballet"
"Let's dance"
"Come back"
"A town that does not exist"
"City outside the window"
"Moon Road"
"Little house"
“You never know...”
"The month of May"
"Time to go home"
"Walking around Paris"
"I believe"

Igor Evgenievich’s hometown is Brest (Belarus), date of birth - November 16, 1962. His father worked for railway, mother is an engineer. The boy was different in a ringing voice, at 9 l. he composed the first song. On the advice of a professor at the conservatory, the parents sent the boy to a music school (in 1968). Seniority Igor's career began at the age of 12, he performed at the Palace of Culture with an ensemble, playing the ionic. For this he was paid 30 rubles. per month Kornelyuk also played on dance floors.

At the age of 12, Igor fell deeply in love, but the girl did not return his feelings. He had a need to express everything that filled his soul, and Kornelyuk began to compose songs about love. They were written in poetry. S. Yesenin, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Akhmatova.

After graduating from 8th grade, Igor went to music school, but often skipped classes. At that time he was playing in a rock band. One of the teachers gave him advice to go to study in Leningrad. Kornelyuk did just that.

At the music school, Igor was in good standing with teacher V. Chistyakov, who became his mentor. It was difficult to study, but interesting. During his studies, Kornelyuk was assigned to write music for the drama theater. accompaniment to the play “The Trumpeter on the Square”, he successfully completed the task. Igor completed his studies in 1982, then entered the conservatory.

By that time, Kornelyuk had married. The family needed money, so Igor worked part-time. While studying at the conservatory, he composed a symphony, wrote romances, music for plays, films, and mastered a computer and synthesizer. His graduate work- computer symphony.

Creative career

The composer was influenced by many bands and musical styles. In his youth, Kornelyuk was interested in the work of the group QUEEN, at the music school - jazz, and at the conservatory he was interested in the works of Borodin, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov.

From 1985-1988 Kornelyuk worked as a musician. director of the Buff Theater Once the composer A. Morozov accused Igor of creating music that was far from common people. Then Kornelyuk began writing songs that became hits. He composed music based on the poems of Regina Lisits. The compositions were performed by pop stars (A. Veski, M. Boyarsky, E. Piekha, F. Kirkorov). In 1987 Kornelyuk announced best author and performer of his own songs. The composer also created music for films, plays, and musicals.

In 1988, Igor left the Buff Theater and took up solo career and gained enormous popularity. Igor participated in the “Musical Ring” and became the winner. At the “Song of the Year” his composition “Ticket to the Ballet” received a prize. Later, Kornelyuk recorded 3 albums: “Ticket to the Ballet”, “I Can’t Live Like This”, “Wait”. They brought the singer great popularity.

The composer began to be invited to “Christmas meetings”, his songs were performed at many “Song of the Year” festivals. In 1998 The album “Hello, this is Kornelyuk!” was released. In total, the composer wrote more than 200 songs. Kornelyuk spent a lot solo concerts, created a music studio, wrote songs for the films “Taras Bulba”, “The Idiot”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “The Master and Margarita”.

Personal life

The composer's wife's name is Marina; they met while studying at a music school, when they were 19 years old. The wedding was celebrated using the fee received for writing music for the play “The Trumpeter on the Square.” In 1983 they had a boy, Anton. The son devoted his life to computer technology. Marina organizes concerts for her husband.

The couple live in Sestroretsk, in a separate house. In 2012 the composer was diagnosed diabetes" Igor Evgenievich began to monitor his diet and lost weight.

IT'S A RAINY DAY IN OUR COMPANY - Igor Kornelyuk is no more. Our colleague did not return from the battle - Igor was killed under shelling of the once peaceful city of Lugansk. None of us can comprehend this death. Igor, you're alive, aren't you?

Liliya Khakimova, correspondent of State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal: “By GOD, I don’t even know what to say... Let someone else say it for now.”

Marina Kovaleva, correspondent of State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal: “He hired me 4 years ago. There was no one here. She came all green, I was afraid. He taught everything so patiently. Probably the most responsive journalist I know. Like a big brother to all of us here. Always with any problem - immediately with Kornelyuk ... "

Rinat Dzhumalin, correspondent of State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal: “We need to stop this. True, I don’t know in what ways. You can not do it this way".

It’s very difficult for us now, we have lost the person with whom we are used to sharing a cup of coffee, a subtle anecdote, any life and professional topics and problems. By the way, about life - Igor has a wife and a little daughter. They were immediately orphaned, but I won’t talk to you, our TV viewers, about them - it hurts them more than the rest of us. Such pain knocks, sounds and screams.

Anna Sokolova, correspondent for the Yamal branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company: “It’s hard to talk about this person in the past tense, it’s painful, scary, somehow offensive for everyone... I immediately got the feeling that war was nearby. It can affect absolutely anyone, absolutely everyone. This man does his duty, does his job and dies. I still can’t believe that this affected someone close to us...”

Evgenia Lyubimskaya, correspondent of the Yamal branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company: “Still, we need to say more kind, warm, sympathetic words during our lifetime. And in fact, for each of us it is a loss. Everyone knows, everyone, everyone felt it themselves, I want more people like this and I don’t want to lose them.”

Sergei Zavalny, deputy director for radio broadcasting of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal: “The only thing I can say and what is difficult to agree with is the presence of death, because you will always protest... Because you will still say that there is no death. And it cannot exist. That’s why tears come to my eyes and my voice trembles.”

It took me a little time to write this text, but a lot of personal pain. And that IGOR really doesn’t exist, I probably don’t fully understand.

Marina Vershinina, deputy director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal: “Yes, all of us are unlikely to realize the reality of what is happening. Katya, his wife, among others. She, of course, is talking on the phone, trying to resolve some issues, but this is from above, and inside - I think that the realization that THIS happened has probably not yet come. That this happened, that this is already a reality. This is some new, different reality, unknown to any of us yet..."

Alexander Dobrynin, director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal: “He was such a kind, sympathetic person. That’s how I reacted to... We are such thick-skinned people in the profession... But he reacted, he was alive, he was alive, real... I can’t even realize it yet... I can’t even imagine that this happened...”

War is always murder, it is always betrayal and grief. It's scary and pointless. Igor, you are alive for us!

Forever with you State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Yamal

On account Russian composer musician and singer Igor Kornelyuk has a lot of hits heard from the screen and on the radio. His creative biography is bright and successful, and the composer’s personal life was no less successful. Igor Kornelyuk’s wife Marina has been by his side for thirty-five years, and she is not only a faithful keeper of the family hearth, but also a creative partner.

They met while studying at the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov and dated for two years before the wedding. Marina studied at the choral department, and Igor studied at the theoretical and composition department.

At first he liked Marina in appearance, and when he got to know the girl better, he discovered the beautiful spiritual qualities- the girl turned out to be an amazingly kind and gentle person.

Offer future wife Kornelyuk did this after graduating from college, when he became a student at the Leningrad Conservatory.

His mother, when she found out that her son was going to get married, was upset and asked him to wait until the end of his studies, but Igor decided differently, and then he never regretted that he did not listen to his mother.

In the photo - Igor Kornelyuk with his wife

In his last year at school, he and Marina had a wedding, on which the aspiring composer spent his entire first fee. Friends from school and numerous relatives were invited to the celebration, and soon after the wedding their child was born. The only son Anton.

To provide for his family, he made arrangements for the orchestra, sang in restaurants and at weddings, earning decent money for those times, and also worked as the musical director of the Buff Theater. Money was also required to record soundtracks in the studio, and we had to borrow money. For a long time, no one was interested in his work, and only after Kornelyuk’s song “Ticket to the Ballet” hit the radio, his popularity grew rapidly.

The young family huddled in a small room together with Marina’s mother and little son, and only a few years later they moved to rented apartment. Igor Kornelyuk is sure that it is thanks to his wife that everything is going well in his family - Marina knows how to smooth out any conflicts, and there are almost no quarrels between them. Igor Kornelyuk’s wife has been working as his director for many years, and common interests bring the spouses even closer together.

The composer's son Anton is now thirty-four years old; he did not want to follow in his parents' footsteps and study music, so he devoted himself to studying information technology.

Today, Igor Kornelyuk spends most of his time in his luxury home near St. Petersburg, the construction of which was supervised by his wife - everything there was done with great taste and a sense of style. The house has a mini recording studio, equipped with last word techniques where Kornelyuk creates talented arrangements. The composer admits that he doesn’t want to leave this house, because he and his wife have dreamed about it for many years.

His childhood was spent in a small private house near Brest, then he huddled in small city apartments and only now enjoys life in his own huge house, where his whole family gathers and where numerous guests come.

// Photo: Belyakov Sergey/PhotoXPress.ru

The next episode of the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov was dedicated to creativity famous composer and performer Igor Kornelyuk, who is the author of more than a hundred songs.

Close people of the maestro and his colleagues were present in the studio. It was about personal life and creative biography hit maker. At some point, guests in the studio were invited to be transported to the composer’s house near St. Petersburg. Igor Kornelyuk and his wife Marina gave all TV viewers a tour of their home, furnished with great love.

“Marina built the house almost with her own hands,” says Igor Kornelyuk. – We just bought a box. Construction was underway. We come here, workers are pouring something out of concrete. Marina saw and ran up to them: “Where? The fittings should be 16, I told you so! And the coupling should be done like this!” And she showed how. I think: “Wow, the choir conductor understands such things.”

According to Igor Kornelyuk, the center of attraction in their house is the dining room. “No matter what room we are in, we are always drawn here,” the maestro smiles.

The kingdom of Marina Kornelyuk is spacious and very stylish kitchen, which, according to the woman, is very convenient to cook on. Preferred in star family fish, lean meat and vegetables. Igor Kornelyuk has been following the protein diet of French nutritionist Pierre Dukan for several years now. Thanks to her, the composer lost twenty-four kilograms.

Kornelyuki guests are received in the living room, where everything is decorated in white tones. Main actor here is a snow-white piano. “When guests arrive, it ends with us all lining up around this piano and playing music,” says Igor Kornelyuk.

In one of the rooms of the house the entire wall is covered with icons. The composer is a believer, even in Soviet times I went to the temple secretly. In the maestro's house there is also his office - a mini-recording studio equipped with the latest technology. Here he creates arrangements.

Another lovely detail of the mansion is the panoramic sliding windows on the ground floor that open directly onto the garden.

There is even a swimming pool in the house, where Igor Kornelyuk loves to swim not only in summer, but also in winter. “I love swimming here on winter mornings. I feel bliss when snow falls on my head. It’s so romantic!” says the composer.

It is worth noting that Igor Kornelyuk has been happily married to his wife Marina for almost 35 years. The couple has an adult son, Anton, he is 33 years old.