Touring whims of stars. Tour riders: what Russian stars demand on tour

April 25, 2010, 10:41

Beyonce is said to be demanding only Pepsi products, honey nut cereal, ginger root, a love seat, a temperature of 26 degrees and no sweets in her dressing room. Iggy Pop's rider has a clause that requires broccoli to be delivered to his room every day, which the father of punk rock hates. The singer will throw away the cabbage and thereby improve his mood. Also, seven dwarfs in a sports Jaguar must meet him every day at the hotel and accompany him to the site.
During a tour in Moscow, musicians American group The Bloodhound Gang demanded bowls of M&M's in their dressing rooms. Moreover, the dragees could be any color except brown. The entire team of the promotion company had to unpack multi-colored bags and take out brown candies from them for several hours.
It's funny that Limp Bizkit also love M&M's, but they demand that the jelly beans be divided into three bowls: with green, red and yellow candies. Eminem has some of the most bizarre requests: a bucket of fried chicken, a large TV with Play Station, a basketball hoop, a ping pong table, a supply of booze and diet snacks. Madonna demands specially charged energy water from the Kabbalah center into her room. They say that once in London she asked for a bath in her dressing room.
Sir Elton John is said to be unpretentious. Flowers (not chrysanthemums), fresh fruit, soft drinks and teas, large green plants and a large sofa are what he needs to be happy.
They say that Jerry Halliwell once rented an entire floor at the Hilton Hotel just to avoid meeting the pop group Steps.
Britney Spears' requests are quite reasonable: a bag of Doritos and a bowl of mints. True, the star requires seven additional numbers for his entourage. Actress Julia Roberts needs the least: a lot of fresh milk - and she is happy. Jennifer Lopez is said to demand that the scent of gardenia be spread behind her during public appearances. She is also said to be very picky about hotel bedding. Singer Robbie Williams is unpretentious, but when he tours he is said to ask for a framed photograph of former Blockbusters presenter Bob Holness. Marilyn Manson demands a tray of cat litter for his dressing room, but not for his cat, but for himself, in case he gets the itch.
Latino Ricky Martin requires orange lighting to make him look more tanned. The Rolling Stones insist they have a pool table backstage.

Whitney Houston's rider features a variety of snacks: peanut butter, sandwiches, crab legs, bagels, shrimp rice and spring rolls. Mariah Carey is said to have once refused to get out of her car at 2:15 a.m. when she arrived at her hotel because she wasn't given the red carpet with candles she demanded.

Our selection today contains a list of quirks and whims of celebrities who are commonly called riders.

Ridiculous riders of foreign stars


Celine Dion needs her dressing room to be 23 degrees Celsius.


At her request, Britney Spears had a dedicated telephone line installed in her dressing room. For a while, her escort ate hundreds of McDonald's cheeseburgers before the concert. At a concert in London she performed with a portrait of Diana. Jennifer Lopez must be surrounded White color


Madonna is accompanied by 200 people, including a personal chef, a yoga instructor, 30 bodyguards and a special person who vacuums her outfits. The room should be fragrant with soft pink lilies or white roses with a stem 15 centimeters long.


To describe the demands of Iggy Pop and his The group The Stooges needed 28 A4 pages. One of the requirements was as follows: “We need 7 dwarfs, dressed exactly like those gnomes from the Walt Disney cartoon about a woman who plunges into a hundred-year hibernation after she was bitten by a poisonous gnome, or after she pricked her finger with a sharp an apple... or something like that. Well, taller people will do too. The main thing is attitude. And don’t forget the pointy hats.”


Vegetarian Paul McCartney should not be offered anything that would remind of the death of animals: skins, furs and leather, meat.


Marilyn Manson demands that his dressing room be stocked with his favorite Haribo bears, popcorn and chips.


Actor and singer David Hesselhoff wants to constantly contemplate his cardboard figure in full height.


The floor and toilet in Barbra Streisand's suite should be covered in rose petals.


Nicki Minaj, to give a concert without compromising her interests, you need a bucket of spicy chicken wings, two heaters, bakery-scented candles, three different tastes chewing gum and a plate of cheese.


A mandatory attribute in Mariah Carey's room is a bottle of Crystal champagne and a straw in a glass, as well as an assistant to throw away used chewing gum and help her climb the stairs. Furniture: a sofa in dark colors, “without those annoying patterns.” The temperature in the room is 24 degrees Celsius, there are white roses and vanilla-scented candles in the room.


Singer Cher needs a separate room for wigs, of which she has an unrealistic amount.


The members of Coldplay want postcards of local landmarks to traditionally send to family.


Beyonce's dressing room should be the size of a high school gym and baked chicken for dinner.


Rihanna wants a plush sofa and animal print pillows, preferably zebra or tiger stripes, no glitter, and a brand new rug for barefoot walking.


Katy Perry's rider fits into 45 pages. Required: two cream-colored egg chairs, a refrigerator with a glass door, a vintage French lamp with an ornament, a special person to wash fruits and vegetables. Strictly does not allow communication with staff.


Eminem once demanded that organizers in Ireland have a hotel with a pond full of Japanese koi carp.


Singer M.I.A. wants to see a couple of 20-25-year-old dancers dressed in burqas as backup dancers, and in the act there is “gruyère cheese as old as dinosaurs.”


Lady Gaga's rider is weird simply because it's Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga's dressing room should be decorated in a glam rock style (whatever that means), bath amenities should certainly be lavender in color and scent, and there should be a mannequin with pink pubic hair in the bathroom.


Moby needs to provide 10 pairs of white cotton socks and the same number of crisp white boxers. He takes the unused linen with him.


From rockers Van Halen's rider: "There should be a bowl of M&M's in the room with all the candy removed." Brown" This is not a star's whim. In this way, the group checks how much the organizers take into account all the little details, since every performance of the group is fraught with risk, and the slightest inaccuracy can lead to disaster.


Lolita Milyavskaya's requirements include standard conditions: a suite in a five-star hotel, bodyguards and a limousine at the ramp. And in order to determine whether the organizers had read her rider, Lolita has recently added “Oka” with a flashing light to it, but then, however, she clarifies: “Just kidding, relax!” For the actual performance, Lolita requires two Viennese chairs and three water cannons.

Alla Pugacheva does not demand anything supernatural, but if she is not satisfied with the “energy” in the suite, she will cancel the performance.


Philip Kirkorov “outdid” all Russian stars. He won't be performing from a small stage. Requirements for it: 15 meters wide, 10 meters deep and a meter high, and a starry sky in the background. A meeting in a limousine with 2 escort cars and a Mercedes bus for backup dancers is required. To a popular singer Traffic police escort is also required.
Of the living conditions, the availability of a two-room presidential suite is fundamentally important. The first room should have a huge mirror the size of Kirkorov himself, upholstered furniture, a dressing table, a wardrobe for 20 suits, a table with a snow-white tablecloth, a separate bathroom, fresh flowers and a decanter of orange juice. The second room contains a wardrobe. The most ridiculous condition in Kirkorov’s rider involves “preliminary screening on local TV of Kirkorov’s video clips, the film “Philip Kirkorov. One Year in the Life: Love and Stage” and promotional videos for his performance.

For a star to agree to go on tour, she needs to create the appropriate conditions. For example, get a live rooster, a gilded toilet bowl, or Kabbalistic water.

The rider contains two parts: technical and household. With the first, everything is more or less clear: here are the requirements that the artist places on light, sound equipment, stage, and so on. The second part is more intricate and depends on the level of aspirations and imagination of the celebrity. And if in Soviet times Most of the stars were quite modest in their wishes (some were content to stay in ordinary hotels in provincial cities), but now it is believed that the cooler the rider, the higher the status. Many domestic celebrities have even surpassed their Western colleagues.

Oh Madonna!

During Madonna's last world tour, she was accompanied by a team of two hundred people - and everyone had to be adequately accommodated. The star was carrying ballet dancers, thirty bodyguards, a yoga instructor, a personal chef and an acupuncturist. At the singer’s request, all the furniture was removed from the premises and replaced with her own, and the chairs and sofas had to be arranged in a certain order. Madonna put forward required condition: the dressing room must be equipped with twenty international telephone lines (!). It should also contain: three white orchids (stem length six inches), soft pink roses, three candles, salt Dead Sea and water from mountain springs, blessed according to the rites of Kabbalah.
However, the organizers of the Jennifer Lopez concert in Moscow suffered no less. Each time the singer demands that the walls of the apartment be repainted in the color that best suits her mood. (During a visit to our capital in 2012, it was boiling white.) The room must have flowers, vanilla-scented candles, Venetian lamps and several full-length mirrors. Among the singer's whims are headphones encrusted with diamonds, a white sofa, which she affectionately called Love Seat, and a leather toilet seat. In addition to the team of ninety people, Jennifer brought her family to Moscow - her mother and two children. A separate room and playground have been equipped for children. The star turned out to be quite meticulous in details: bath towels for children were specially sewn, with their names and embroideries (a crocodile for one and a hippopotamus for the second). Lopez insisted that the coffee in her cup be stirred counterclockwise. They looked for Cuban bread in all the stores in the capital. But it did not help. Fifteen minutes before the concert, the star refused to go on stage: the Crocus City Hall complex seemed too big to her to walk. Of course, the singer was given a car, which she drove for exactly forty seconds.

Mariah Carey can compete with Jennifer, whose rider includes champagne worth one and a half thousand dollars, a restroom with gold taps and handles, two hundred towels and a separate room (!) for her dog. Apparently, Mariah is particularly disgusted. She can take water procedures in a huge bath with mineral water. In addition, in the hotel where the singer intends to stay, all toilets must be replaced with new ones.
There are whims among men too. So, in Robbie Williams' dressing room there should be a photograph of the Dalai Lama, a bonsai tree and four ashtrays. Robbie often enlivens his rider with funny demands: he asks to bring it to his room japanese tree, then a live monkey.
Rapper Jay-Z's fifty-seven-item rider includes silverware and china (the star doesn't eat from disposable plates, even when camping), freshly squeezed orange juice and four golf carts. In addition, the musician refuses to go on stage without doping. The supply of alcohol in the dressing room must be replenished immediately.
Sometimes the whims of stars make organizers clutch their heads. So, Sting, on tour in Kyiv, urgently demanded that the walls of his dressing room be painted pistachio color. Enrique Iglesias wanted a special guy with a juicer to follow him all the time and make fresh carrots. The Rolling Stones wanted to place about a dozen pool tables behind the stage so that they would have something to do during the break. Paris Hilton ordered an aquarium with live lobsters for her room, and the Depeche Mode musicians ordered four hundred kilograms of ice. And why do they need so many?! The cold probably helps rockers stay in good shape. Limp Bizkit couldn't do without three bowls of M&M's (one bowl has green candies, the second has red candies, and the third has yellow). And Iggy Pop asked for broccoli, which... he happily threw in the trash. The rocker said that he has hated broccoli since childhood and is happy that he can now afford to deal with the product in such a radical way.
Stars are like children. And no matter what the star enjoys, as long as she doesn’t refuse to perform. Paul McCartney has everything clearly written down: “If there is furniture in the dressing rooms, then under no circumstances should it be covered in leather, just like the interior of a car.” The ex-Beatle is a vegetarian and animal rights activist. Failure to comply with the rider threatens the organizers with at least a fine (starting from one hundred dollars per item), and at most, the star’s refusal to give a concert. Unlike Sir Paul, sultry macho Antonio Banderas prefers only leather furniture. Well, Shakira will never sit on a sofa if it is filled not with goose down, but with something else. Compared to his colleagues, Justin Bieber is simply darling! Coca-cola, ginger ale, white cotton socks and Internet access - that’s all the singer’s wishes.

Vivat king!

Among our stars there are those who make up a rider with a truly royal scope. And in first place here, of course, is Philip Kirkorov. Residents of the city where the pop star is going on tour should be notified of this grandiose event in advance. In an Aeroport

A VIP meeting is organized for Philip Bedrosovich: a limousine is delivered directly to the plane, two more cars are intended for the personal security of the singer and service personnel, and a Mercedes bus is for the team. If the tour takes place in Russia or the CIS countries, then Kirkorov wants to see traffic police cars next to his motorcade as an escort. Naturally, the singer only stays in a luxury room of a five-star hotel. He brings with him a personal chef, who must immediately be provided with food for the “royal meal.” Namely: French hard cheese, beef sirloin, chicken fillet, mayonnaise, seafood, Korean carrots, black and cheese bread, fish and cold cuts, tomatoes, bananas, grapes... Hot tea, coffee and mineral water must be available from the moment the equipment is unloaded. The star also requires two dressing rooms filled with vases of flowers.
Sofia Rotaru is very popular in the CIS countries. Therefore, the organizers of her concerts do not skimp on expenses, knowing that they will pay off. The star should be met by a luxury car. She is accompanied by traffic police cars all the way. For Sofia Mikhailovna, they book the best mansion in the city, or a luxury room in a five-star hotel: she prefers to live separately from her team. The rider stipulates three meals a day. Rotaru monitors health, so the menu must include homemade cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, fresh vegetables, still water and juices. In the dressing rooms, the star wants to see green Jasmine tea in bags, ground coffee, uncut fruit on a platter, as well as deli meat sandwiches and caviar. However, after the concert, Sofia Mikhailovna is not averse to relaxing with the help of Chivas Regal whiskey. In general, the life of artists is nervous. Alcohol and cigarettes help many people calm down. Alexander Peskov insists that his team is allowed to smoke right on the bus. Two bottles of light beer are waiting in the parodist’s room. imported beer, and in the dressing room - Hennessy XO cognac. Almost all celebrities require that the window in their room be covered with a dark curtain. Valery Leontiev has problems with his eyes, so one of his indispensable conditions is “the feeling of night at any time of the day.” It’s just that dark curtains are not enough here; the window needs to be covered with a thick black blanket.

Some musicians approach writing riders with a sense of humor. So, everyone was perplexed by one of Lolita’s demands. The singer should be met at the airport not by a limousine, but by... an Oka with flashing lights. As it turned out, this point was included in the document to check whether the organizers even read the rider. “When they call me and ask me about Oka, I answer: relax, guys, it’s a joke,” Lolita laughs. Otherwise, the singer is quite unpretentious: “The hotel should be good, but the number of stars is not the main thing. In the dressing room it is necessary to put large mirror, chair and table. Drinks include still water, tea, coffee and two liters of milk. I love him so much".

One-armed driver

Of course, all stars care about their own safety. Remembering what happened to John Lennon, Paul McCartney is especially concerned about this. He is accompanied by six guards. All roads must be clear before the singer arrives. The ex-Beatle also insists on the presence at the concert of a service dog that can detect explosives by smell. During the performance, not only video and photography are prohibited, but also laser pointers and lighters. And all letters and gifts are opened by Sir Paul’s personal security in a specially designated area.
At each of Valeria's solo performances, spectators are passed through metal frames. And the singer herself on tour must be accompanied by at least two high-quality security guards - “sober and neatly dressed.”

Boris Moiseev also makes his own demands on security. She must control all exits, and also ensure that during the concert the audience does not throw foreign objects onto the stage. Dmitry Hvorostovsky will get into a car only if the driver is “a clean-shaven and pleasant-smelling man who does not drink, does not smoke, wears white shirt and a tie."
Singer Taisiya Povaliy insists that the driver must be... with two hands. Her husband and producer Igor Likhuta explained why such a clause was introduced: “Once on some tour we were served by a car, and when we got into the cabin, I saw that the driver... did not have a left hand. I immediately asked to stop the car, protested, but he reassured us - they say, he worked at festivals, he has a lot of experience. Thank God, we got there safely then, but since then I have been writing to riders: the driver must have two hands.”
But Alla Pugacheva is more concerned about energy security. She may even leave the hotel prepared for her if she feels " Negative influence" Before a performance, the singer puts on a talisman of her zodiac sign, and when traveling she eats according to recommendations lunar calendar. The organizers specifically calculate lunar days to prepare a menu in accordance with the Diva's diet.


What intricate demands do artists sometimes make! Give the group "Disco Accident" a live rooster! No, the musicians were not going to break his neck with their own hands. On the contrary, they assured that the feathered creature would remain safe and sound and would be returned to the organizers after the concert. It turns out that the bird was needed to sing the popular song “Eggs.” After some time, this request was removed from the rider, leaving a fairly standard list. And the organizers sighed calmly, but then “Disco Crash” decided to add spice to their show again. They asked for... several pairs of plastic legs from mannequins for the concert. This time it was necessary to illustrate the song “Legs”.

Rider of the group " Inveterate scammers"contains a rather intimate requirement: fourteen rolls toilet paper without perforation. "I'm not kidding!" — the artists prudently indicate in the document. The thing is that paper is scattered around the stage in one of the songs.
Oddly enough, the shocking Shura turned out to be one of the most unassuming stars. At each rider point, the singer politely adds the word “desirable.” The only thing he cannot give up is the TV, the screen of which beckons the singer in any free time.

Summer is coming, and now the city streets are full of posters of visiting stars. Big names, bright posters. But in order for a celebrity to come to the city and give a concert, it is necessary to create comfort and convenience for her. What is the name of this list of conditions for a star on tour?

What are the requirements called? popular artists on tours that an artist presents to his managers? What does it include, and what wishes of famous guests are sometimes difficult to fulfill?

Requirements of a star on tour, a list of conditions, called - rider. Largely thanks to the rider, the tour is successful. Or, on the contrary, they end in failure. The rider acts as an agreement between the performer, manager and host.

A kind of document that spells out all the wishes and conditions for the celebrity’s arrival and stay.

Types of riders - requirements of a performer on tour

  • First type of rider - technical requirements artist on tour, such as the capacity of the hall, the availability and quality of equipment, stage lighting, and the number of musicians.
  • The second type of rider is an economic, everyday list of the artist’s conditions. This list may include accommodation preferences, requirements for housekeeping staff, availability of certain types of food in the hotel refrigerator, presence of the press, and much more.

The strangest riders in the history of touring stars

There is a curious story with the Van Halen group. For many years, artists have made it a requirement on tour to have M&M candies in their dressing room. Moreover, there should be no brown peas in the bowl with the dragees.

It would seem like a strange desire. But in reality, this is only a test of managers' attention. If there are no brown candies, then other conditions are carefully studied.

This rider's point somehow saved the entire concert from disaster. The artists noticed brown M&Ms. Based on this, we decided to test the most “slippery” conditions for the rider – the reinforced stage. And it turned out that the floor on the stage could not support the powerful equipment of the hard rock band.

Sometimes the list of conditions of individual stars arriving on tour is more like a voluminous book. For example, Katy Perry requires two egg-shaped chairs, always powder-colored, and the refrigerator in the suite must have a glass door. By the way, Ketty’s requirements and conditions on tour take up 48 pages of text.

Exotic Cher requires a separate room for her wigs.

Philip Kirkorov points a full-length mirror in the rider and a white limousine to the ramp.

Madonna wants the toilet seat replaced after every use.
Jennifer Lopez should be surrounded by white. Against this background, Aquarium’s demands for a dressing room where you can smoke seem very modest.

So, having seen the next poster, you need to wish the star that the conditions of their tour fully comply with the list, which, as we learned, is called a rider.

Riders of stars are considered to be a list of conditions and wishes of the star to the organizers of the concert or show. In other words, the riders of the stars are the whims and whims of the stars. Each star has their own wish list, and they present this list to the organizers. It is necessary that all items in this list were fulfilled and observed by the organizers so that the star would deign to perform and delight fans with his singing.
From all the abundance and diversity, I will highlight excerpts from the most striking ones, from the point of view of their own self-esteem and audacity.

So! Philip Kirkorov

... The customer is obliged to provide the necessary products for three meals a day for Kirkorov and those accompanying him.
Allow the chef to cook in the hotel kitchen. In the absence of a personal chef, a special chef must be allocated.
Necessary food products: hard cheese (mostly French); mayonnaise; chicken fillet; beef sirloin; seafood; assorted meats; assorted fish; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, potatoes, onions, greens); fruits (apples, bananas, grapes, pears, watermelon); Korean carrots; bread (black, cheese); juices (apple, orange); mineral water without gas; The customer must provide a Mercedes class bus to transport the group from the airport to the hotel, to the performance venue, back to the hotel and the airport.
You also need a truck to transport luggage.
Limousine for F. Kirkorov.
Two executive cars for producers, security and retinue.
The customer must order and pay for rooms in a first class hotel for the performer for the duration of his stay in the country.
The customer must provide a VIP meeting for Philip Kirkorov at the airport.
To meet at the airport, the following vehicles must be provided: a limousine class car (access to the plane's steps is allowed) for Philip Kirkorov, 2 escort cars (the first for personal security, the second for service personnel), a Mercedes class bus for Philip's team Kirkorov.
If the tour takes place in cities of Russia or CIS countries, provide traffic police cars for escort.


... The organizer will provide the group with 3 meals a day at his own expense (there are 2 vegetarians in the group! They eat everything except meat :)))).
Note: The group reserves the right to determine the quantity and quality of food offered.
The menu should be varied and include both meat, fish and vegetarian dishes.
Breakfast should only be served at the hotel and include the following: Dairy products.
Light snacks.
Sandwiches (including vegetarian ones).
Porridge (at the request of the group).
Fruits. Juices.Tea. Coffee. Mineral water.
Lunch should include the following: Any salads for the whole group. For vegetarians, salads made from squid, shrimp, chicken, fish, mushrooms or vegetables.
Appetizers: fish, meat and vegetable platters.
First meal. For vegetarians, first courses should consist of: vegetable soup (only with vegetable broth), chicken broth or noodles, mushroom soup(and therefore not in meat broth), fish soup or fish solyanka.
Second courses. For vegetarians - fish or chicken.
Fruits. Desserts. Juices assorted, including freshly squeezed juices. Mineral water without gases (in unlimited quantities).
Red wine - 1 bottle, 5-star cognac - 250 g, beer (at the request of the group). Tea, coffee (unlimited quantities).
Dinner should include the following: Salads (see lunch). Appetizers (see lunch). Main courses (see lunch).
Fruits. Desserts. Juices (see lunch). Mineral water.
Alcohol: 1 bottle of 5-star cognac - 0.75 l or 1 bottle of vodka (at the request of the group). Tea, coffee (unlimited quantities).

Ksenia Borodina

... Airplane - 1st place business.
Train - 1st place NE.
1 passenger car executive class.
LUX class hotel One LUX room. All telephone numbers are MANDATORY! (don’t have your own or what?)
Hairdresser, make-up artist and security guard are required.
(On my own behalf, who is she and why invite her somewhere at all?)

Leningrad Group

Vodka - Russian standard, Absolut, martini, beer, mineral water, juice, grub. (It’s all simple, in my opinion)

Sofia Rotaru

Fresh products from the market must be available: cottage cheese, homemade eggs, kefir, fresh vegetables, still water, juices, a bottle of CHIVAS REGAL Whiskey 12 or 18 (750ml) (after the concert). The rest is optional.
When the Artist arrives on the day of the concert - lunch for 4 people per concert venue, do not offer restaurants - DO NOT GO. All other meals take place in the mansion at the accommodation location.

Alla Pugacheva

If arriving by train, a white limousine will arrive at the platform.

Nikolay Baskov

The rider is sent only when placing an order (probably so as not to shock)

Stas Mikhailov

Separate (!!!) carriage, only VIP-class cars - Mercedes or Lexus.
In the dressing room there is red caviar, spring water, honey. A luxury room with billiards, a SPA salon, rented only for him for the entire duration of his stay in the city where he is giving a concert.