Fortune telling online to find a person. Fortune telling online


In one of his works, Charles Bukowski wrote: “ simple things will kill us, simple things are killing us.” This is in a figurative sense, because if you think about it and compare the facts, then an ordinary person simply accumulates a huge number of different things throughout his life, which are simply impossible to keep track of.

The imagination immediately pictures a playful brownie with an ominous grin, hiding the necessary thing in his bins. Panic begins and the search for the lost item begins. Is it necessary to immediately resort to magical rituals and conspiracies? Should we bother a higher power? Definitely not.

If the thing disappeared, then only from our field of vision, its legs did not grow and no one supernatural moved the object. You need to stop searching, calm down and mentally count to 50. After this, carefully examine the place where the loss was located before and imagine where, logically, it could have been thrown. A calm state makes it possible to immediately find a lost item in half the cases.

Psychologists have developed interesting technique, the basis of which is to divide it into three categories:

  1. “Contact” things that we use most often.
  2. Things “for a while”, they are used, but not as often as the basic necessities from the first group.
  3. “Non-contact” items that are needed only in specific cases and extremely rarely.

Based on these points, we determine the storage location of certain things and look for what we lost among them. This way you can find another 20 percent of the total number of lost items. But not everything is predictable, and there are many unexpected places where you can hide something you need and then forget about it. It is for these cases that magical rites of searching and prayer for a lost thing are used.

Fortune telling to find an object

A proven and effective method that our grandmothers used when they didn’t find the right thing in the house. In the middle of the room where the object was last seen, a square was drawn on the floor and divided into four parts. After that, they took a pinch of holy salt, a little bread and sugar, wrapped it in a small rag to make a pellet and whispered into it: “I call upon the brownie, I demand his powerful help. Show me, dear, where the loss is, where you brought it, I’ll give you some bread, some milk and a tasty treat, where you’re hiding, tell me, help me find it, it’ll be good for you and me, everyone will be happy.”

After this, you need to throw bread in salt and sugar into the middle of the square; it will fall exactly in the part where the thing is hidden. In order not to forget which side is which, you can put an object from each corner of the room in any part.

A simple and effective conspiracy can return even long-lost items or documents.

If the gold disappeared, ring or earring, then to find it, whisper to the brownie:

“I don’t have much gold, I don’t feel sorry for the brownie, but the toy is not yours, return it, it’s mine. It’s hard for me without an earring, a ring, I will be sad and cry without him. My dear brownie, return it, I’ll give you something else, I’ll bake milk and bread, I’ll treat you and prepare food, just return my gold, point to it, the best brownie.”

Using a playful form of communication with the brownie often gives a positive result, and the thing is found in the most unexpected place within a few hours.

You can read about how to quickly find a lost item at home on online resources, which also offer help using other techniques.

Karma and loss, what is the relationship?

Sometimes the items we lose have a minor role. But there are also more serious losses. This could be the necessary document for an apartment, a lot of money, wedding rings, and to find them, it is not enough to simply contact the brownie. After all, these are no longer pranks, but an influence on a person’s fate and a warning about something.

Numerology gives the exact concept, why such a problem arises and reveals the topic of karma and sins of past lives. Perhaps the person has committed a bad deed or needs to work off a sin from a past life. But he fails to repay the debt to the Universe, and then the loss of important and serious things begins. It is very difficult to restore losses, because this is a way to pay off karma, but you can stop them both with the help of practicing magicians and parapsychologists, and on your own.

The method of clearing the energy at home can help in the search and indicate the location of the item. Done on a waxing moon. A new broom is used to sweep all the thresholds and corners of the house outside and inside, after which, with the other end of the broom, you need to knock on the window sills and frames and say: “I cleanse my house from evil and filth, I will work off my sins, I will release bad power. My house is clean and free (repeat 3 times).” Light candles in every room, because the energy of fire helps to enhance the cleaning process and charges you with positive emotions.

In addition, you definitely need to call a person who works with aura and energy into the house so that he can identify the problem areas of the house and the owner himself and cleanse them with the help of his rituals. If this is not possible, then call a clergyman to the house so that he could pray with the owner. This will significantly improve the overall atmosphere in the room and will clear some karmic shortcomings.

It also happens that personal belongings disappear on the street, here it will be more difficult to find them or return them, because other people go there, often the finds are not returned, and there is no one to ask for help. In this case, you need to calm down, return to the place where the thing was in sight last time, and just follow the same route.

To prevent such situations from happening, it is best to put necessary and important items in a bag with a lock or in pockets that also close. It is also advisable to hide money, phone or car keys here. If you carry them in your hands down the street, there is a high probability that they will get lost.

Another good piece of advice for absent-minded people that helps them remember things: so that nothing important is lost either at home or on the street - just don’t carry these things with you or try to take as few items as possible on the road. Why take a whole wallet or a whole bunch of keys when going to the store? When walking with your family, you can refuse to have your phone in your pocket; this will help you get rid of constant worries about whether your gadget has been lost.

So, you can find lost things using:

  • plot per square;
  • whisper to the brownie;
  • contacting a magician specialist.

The topic of how to find something that you lost at home often interested me. I lost almost everything, from expensive mobile phone and ending with a gold ring and jewelry. At first I thought it was my little brother who was frolicking like that, but the younger one didn’t take anything. I went to a fortune teller and it turned out that I had some karmic debts. But the problem has already been solved, everything is in order and the disappearances have stopped.

When I was little in the village with my grandmother, I saw how she looked for things with the help of milk and a square of bread. It scared me. But just recently I also couldn’t find my passport and used this method. I discovered it was missing almost immediately. And it’s not a matter of absent-mindedness at all, the brownie is just being naughty. I believe in its existence, it really is true.

I read it and laughed. Do you seriously think that some brownie comes to your house to do this all on purpose and then watch, how to search for missing items? People, we live in the 21st century, where do these signs and other heresies come from? Put things in their places, don’t make a mess at home and don’t collect a bunch of rubbish and you will be happy, and you don’t need to go to a fortune teller, it’s just extra expenses.

Attention, TODAY only!

An interesting Tarot layout in the form of a question mark, the purpose of which is to help you find out important information about a missing item or an absent person. Have a successful session!

1. Significator of loss: its description, your attitude towards it. 2. Reasons for the loss (people, circumstances, etc.): 3. Where is the property now? 4. Additional facts about the loss: 5. What will help in the search? 6. Future: will the loss be returned?

  • Significator of loss: its description, your attitude towards it.
  • Reasons for the loss (people, circumstances, etc.)
  • Where is the missing person now?
  • Additional facts about the disappearance.
  • What will help in the search?
  • The future: will the loss be returned?

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

Secrets and tips for reading cards here

You have already laid out 6 cards and familiarized yourself with their meaning. Now the most interesting and exciting part will begin. What else could the card mean, its number, suit, whether it is the Major Arcanum or the Minor, in connection with your situation?..

You can try to clarify all this, for which we will once again go through the points of the layout, and once again more deeply, carefully, focusing on what could previously go unnoticed, take a look at the cards in the positions.

The first position - the signifier of loss - will describe its current state. The first card is an important card. Using it, you can immediately verify (determine whether the description of the loss on the card corresponds to the loss itself based on a set of signs known to you).

The second point of the layout talks about explicit or implicit reasons: the main driving forces due to which something valuable to you was lost. For example, inattention, oversight or forgetfulness, or an intentional/unintentional action of another person (theft, misunderstanding).

If we are talking about the disappearance of a person (a serious issue, which I always strongly recommend contacting the relevant authorities!).

The third position should ideally show the location. Skillful reading of the map can significantly help determine whether the missing person is on the move (that is, moving), mainly then the cards that are related to the road fall out (6 of swords, 8 of wands, Knight of Wands, Page of Wands, Chariot, etc.).

Or the thing is motionless, located in a closed space, which is typical for Tarot fours. For example, 4 of cups, 4 of pentacles mean indoor places (cafe, home, bathroom, safe, drawer, closet, wallet).

The difference between the 4 of Cups and the 4 of Pentacles is that the 4 of Cups will be characterized by a comfortable atmosphere, round shape, moisture, taste, while the 4 of Pentacles will be something dry, hard, square.

The Four of Swords can mean a place of a lower or hidden level - under something, a cavity of something (cellar, shelter), a state of peace or numbness.

While the 4 of Wands may be related to a place of rest, outside the home, familiar space (garden, park, suburb). Indirectly, space, but wider and larger, is shown by the 8s and 10s of the Tarot (which can mean multi-story buildings, hills, large territories).

By suits you can determine landmarks and cardinal directions. Wands - south, Cups - west, Swords - east, Pentacles - north (basically a generally accepted classification in Tarot, which is important to personally confirm with specific examples).

The numbers of the Minor Arcana cards can suggest the distance or proximity of a thing (for example, twos symbolize short distances), in comparison with, for example, Tarot 8s.

In what environment is the loss located? The 5s and 7s of the Tarot symbolize multiplicity and can denote people from a few people to a group, and the 3s and 10s are various kinds of teams, unity (10 cups - family, 10 wands - work, formal, 3 cups - company , informal). Twos often symbolize a pair of something.

If the third position of the layout shows something expected, then the 4th point is associated with factors that may not be taken into account, so it makes sense to read two positions in the spike.

The fifth position will show where to expect help and support in the situation. Point 6 answers the question whether what was lost will return. Always read the Major Arcana and Face Cards (pages, knights, more influential Queens and Kings) with increased attention. The positions where these cards fall acquire a greater influence on the situation.

Perhaps it makes sense to guess the time before the session, then the alignment should be interpreted in accordance with the time frame. You can also determine the time by spontaneously drawn cards: the fastest are wands, the slowest are pentacles. Happy searching!

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Restore the course of events that preceded the disappearance. Where was this thing before it disappeared? What exactly did you do with her? What other things were on your radar? Where are they at the moment?
Go to where you last saw the item before you lost it. Do everything you did before you went missing. A person remembers not only with his “head”, but with his whole body. Body memory can easily tell you where you left the lost item.

Talk to the missing person in a friendly manner. Mentally see the missing thing, and let its image be as bright and colorful as possible. Imagine that it is not you who are looking for her, but she who is looking for you. Where would she start her search? What words is she expecting from you now? And what would she say to you in response?
Very often it happens like this: you are still continuing your strange “conversation” with the missing person, but she is no longer missing at all, here she is - in front of you!
Gestalt psychologists say: in order to establish a “relationship” with your things, sometimes put yourself in their place. Funny? And you change the question in the store from “Which of these bags should I choose?” to the question “Which of these bags would I choose?” and your choice will be surprisingly easy and quick.

Ask for help from a brownie or brownie - as our grandmothers assure - a big fan of playing hide and seek with the residents. Contact him and ask for a refund. find a lost item and return it to you. The most popular phrase: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!” You can add something else on your own, like, I understand that you’re bored and lonely, but I really really need this little thing, and I’ll give it to you in return...
Now is the time for you to get distracted for 15-20 minutes. After the break, return to the search, and the loss will quickly be found.
Psychologists will confirm: we only see what we want to see. Our worldview always stands between us and the world. Maybe you don’t see brownies only because you don’t believe in them? Make an exception this time and imagine that in front of you is some kind of unusual interlocutor, an invisible tenant of your house, who is usually called the Brownie.

Tie a scarf to a chair leg in the evening and go to bed. In the morning, either the missing item will be found on its own, or you will “suddenly remember” where you put it.
Why is this happening? You have relieved yourself of responsibility for the search and unconditionally entrusted it to forces unknown to you. And in return for trust there is always gratitude.

Use the pendulum to find the lost item. To do this, tie a small thread to a small but weighty thing (a heavier ring, a very large button). Take the thread by the free end, extend your arm forward and close your eyes for a minute to concentrate. Wait until the thread begins to move the pendulum. Then slowly move around the room. Where the pendulum movements give way to rotational movements, you need to look for the lost thing.
Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the presence of subtle connections between a person’s thought (idea) and the movement of his hand (motor skills), hence the name “ideomotor act.”
In esoteric knowledge, the explanation is similar: if you trust your subconscious and allow it to control your behavior, it will “see” what we are not able to perceive consciously.

Start putting things in order where the loss occurred. Only cleaning should be done not in the usual way, but, so to speak, systematically.
First, clear out all the “towns” - what you and your family have piled up lately: magazines and newspapers piled up, linen thrown into a pile on the ironing board, business letters and papers accumulated on the desk, etc.
The soul of a home (of course, your home has a soul!) does not tolerate chaotic, unstructured spaces, and never tires of reminding you of this. If you find something missing in things that have been dumped haphazardly, treat this as a useful signal sent by your home: “Every part of the home should please the eye!”
The “towns” were defeated, but the loss was never found? We continue cleaning. The next goal is things that we have not used for a long time and, in fact, are no longer needed either by us or by the house. The time has come to audit the shelves with linen, books, old toys, and perfume remnants. Without pity, we get rid of ourselves and rid our lovely home of unnecessary things, and we don’t need everything that we haven’t used for a year or more.
Was the loss found in an old box in the far corner of the shelf? - All because you finally heeded the voice of your home: “I’m too small to store so much extra stuff.”

Mentally stretch a silver thread between yourself and the lost item. Imagine how you are pulling on this thread and approaching the loss. All your attention is only on a thin silver thread! If you can focus on it and follow where it comes from, then there you will find what you were looking for.

Just put off your search for a while, especially when you see that you are unsuccessfully moving in a vicious circle, returning to the same search places several times. If time is of the essence (you, of course, need the lost item, but not in a hurry), switch to some other matter. Violence is unproductive, including violence against oneself.
Do what psychologists call “letting go.” Give yourself permission to stop searching for a while and return to it, say, tomorrow.
And tomorrow the information you need will definitely pop up in your memory.

Expand your search area; to do this, simply start looking for the missing item where, in your opinion, it certainly shouldn’t be. The method of action “by contradiction” helps to break the stereotypes of consciousness and go beyond the boundaries that you have invented for yourself.
Admit it, how many times have you found your lost item where it never occurred to you to look for it!

Turn the empty cup upside down and place it on the saucer. Let it turn out as if you saw your loss and caught it, covering it like a butterfly with a net. Oops! Now be careful - you will find her soon.
Our fantasies can be as productive as real actions.

Play with the situation, look at it from different angles, fantasize, instead of getting angry at yourself or others for a seemingly ridiculous and random loss. Remember that any accident is just an unknown pattern.

Together with how to find a lost item people often search for how to find a lost item, a spell, how to find a lost item in an apartment, how to find a lost item at home, how to find a lost item using magic, how to find a lost item on the street, how to find a lost item prayer.

If you have lost something important to you, try using the help of numerology. Surprisingly, the hint obtained in this way can be very accurate. Below are some great stories to read. Using this method, people found what they had lost. Detailed instructions and 2 lists of interpretations of the results obtained are also given, ancient and modern, adapted to our realities. Let the missing person be found quickly!


State your question. He might be like, “Where did I lose my ring?” or “Where should I look for the ring?” It is better if the formulation is spontaneous. Don't think about it for too long. You need to write down the question as it comes, without corrections.

Calculate his numerological code (use the table). We replace the letter with the number corresponding to the table. We add these numbers up. If the sum you get is more than 84, then add the numbers again.


Write down any 9 digits or numbers (for example, 1, 64, 84, 399, 3). This needs to be done without tension, just think about the thing and imagine any numbers, let them arise in your head. These nine numbers need to be added together, and then 3 is added to them.Look for the resulting number in the lists given below. I bring both (antique and modern).

LIST No. 1 (original, not adapted) Sepharial (Walter Horn-Old 1864-1929) “The Kabbalah of Numbers”
Chapter “About Lost Things”

1. The object should be looked for in the main room near the white linen. You need to ask an honest child.
2. It will be found in the house with the help of a maid, in a vase, jug or next to them.
3. In the aisle, corridor, hallway or between papers.
4. You never lost the item.
5. You will discover it yourself after a very short search. Look under a hat, turban or other head covering.
6. Where sandals or boots are stored, perhaps on a shelf, hanger, or bookcase.
7. Ask the servant, maid, especially the head of the wardrobe.
8. On a shelf or horizontal ledge. A servant or worker will find him.
9. The child has an object among his clothes.
10. There will be. He's in the main room.
11. You need to visit the nearest body of water, pond or other body of water.
12. You did not lose it, but accidentally left it near your workplace, in your office, near books or papers.
13. Look where you keep your cloak, shawl, cape. It is near clothes worn around the neck.
14. Under a turban or hat. If outside the home, try looking in the toilet, in a sewer pipe, or in a drainage ditch. Detection is questionable.
15. Ask your wife (or husband), and if that doesn’t help, look in the stables or where the horses are kept.
16. The question will be clarified thanks to the cook. The item will be returned.
17. On a shelf or other furniture in an office where works of art or other valuables are stored.
18. Something lost in the house will be found among the clothes.
19. Nearby in a dry, waterless place or on a sandy path.
20. The item is not lost, but misplaced. Found near the water, or next to beautiful linen.
21. You have the item. It is in a box, case or drawer that can be divided into two parts.
22. The thing is on a shelf in the house, and will be found quickly.
23. Located somewhere nearby; look in the room where clothes are stored.
24. You have the item. He is not lost in any sense.
25. Will be quickly discovered as a result of your personal actions. Find something white and round. He's there.
26. Ask the oldest person in the house. Om placed it in a safe place.
27. Search the stalls and ask the gharivan or coachman.
28. Irreversible loss. Save yourself from pointless searches.
29. An old servant or groom can give you a hint. The item will be returned.
30. You will get it back by asking children or students. Got lost while playing.
31. In the toilet, closet or drainage system of the house. With a happy coincidence of circumstances, you will return it.
32. On a nearby veranda or ledge; on something oblong.
33. You have it and will be found among your things, perhaps in a dhoti or clothes.
34. Near the fire, or in the main room by the fireplace. It is very close and will soon be discovered.
35. In a secret place near the water, in your wife's (or husband's) private room. Inspect the sink.
36. Will be returned by a native nanny or child guardian.
37. In a chapel or private apartments. Will be found indoors.
38. You will receive it back as a result of a short journey to the place of ablution that you usually visit.
39. The item was not lost, but put on the shelf.
40. You will find it in your dhoti or other article of clothing; wrapped in a turban, loincloth, etc.
41. In the house where the shoes of the wife or husband are kept.
42. There are bavarchs or cooks in the house. Near water or kumbh.
43. Nearby. Look in the gharivan barn and stables. You will find it.
44. He is yours, look for him among the vessels of oil or lamps. It will need to be cleaned.
45. He has already been found. Reach in and take it off the shelf.
46. ​​Your partner put it in storage.
47. Two servants work together; ask them. Someone who has foot problems can give you information.
48. Where do you store drinking water?
49. Lost forever. If found, it will be in unusable condition.
50. Not lost, but in a box or storage unit in two parts.
51. You will immediately find her at the place of ablution.
52. Ask your partner or the main woman in the house; her relatives can help you. The item passed into other hands.
53. Now it is owned by a servant. He will return her.
54. The thing is in the family circle. Look in the nursery.
55. It is within the household near a drainpipe or where there is water.
56. Nearby. To find it, contact your last stop.
57. You have the item; it's in your saddlebag, your back pocket, or wherever your sports equipment is stored.
58. It is in the hands of two people, and with difficulty, but it can be returned. They take care of him.
59. He is with the old servant. Found among bread, in cakes or in flour.
60. Seems to be lost forever.
61. In the lower floor of the house, near sandals or boots, a sock or golf (stocking).
62. The item will not be returned.
63. You have the item. It is in an old, dark place or among old things.
64. You own the item. It was accidentally placed and forgotten, and will be returned in due course. Look in dark corners and high places.
65. You no longer own it, and if it is returned, it will be with the help of a hired detective.
66. It was lost as a result of a conspiracy between two servants. It's unlikely to be returned. We need to interrogate the man with the crippled hand.
67. Will be returned with the help of a young man or child.
68. He is at the top of the house. The servant will bring it.
69. At a sufficient distance. Your last stop. Near a bowl or the entrance to a relative’s house.
70. The subject is yours. It is where water is stored.
71. The item is not lost, you own it. Start with your feet and you will soon see it.
72. You have it, next to the water container.
73. You can return it with a formal request.
74. A faithful servant will return it to you.
75. The object fell into the hands of young people. It will be returned, but in a damaged condition or devalued.
76. He is in a house where bread or cereals are kept.
77. Nearby. A servant will bring it to the house.
78. Return is unlikely.
79. The thing will be found. She is near something steel or iron.
80. The item is in your possession, in a two-piece item, box or case; shoes are nearby.
81. Look among the clothes and you might be lucky enough to find it.
82. Where food is prepared, in the kitchen.
83. The young girl will return it to you. It is near a reservoir or pond.
84. It is in the house, in a double vessel, box or case.

LIST No. 2 (modern adapted translation)

1. The object may be in the living room near the white curtain, and a child may discover it.
2. An object near a kitchen utensil.
3. Among books and newspapers in the corridor.
4. The item is not lost, but simply moved to another place.
5. Look in the wardrobe, among the clothes on the hanger.
6. Near the shoe shelf.
7. The woman shifted it while putting away her clothes.
8. On top of a sideboard or shelf. Call an assistant
9. In children's clothes.
10. In the office.
11. Near water, but not in the house. Think about a picnic you recently attended.
12. The item is safe. Look for it at your workplace.
13. Look in your closet or on a hanger.
14. Perhaps you won’t find him; however, look in the hallway.
15. Somewhere near animals (cow, dogs, cats...).
16. Ask your spouse.
17. Next to important papers on the shelf.
18. In the house, among clothes.
19. On the path in front of the house.
20. The item has been moved to another place. Look near water or on carpet.
21. It is in a chest, suitcase or box.
22. On some height in the house, perhaps on a shelf.
23. In the closet or among the laundry.
24. The item is safe and will soon be found.
25. Look for it among your things
26. The item is probably safe. Ask older family members.
27. Search your garage thoroughly.
28. Forget about him. He is forever lost.
29. It was given to someone. It will be returned to you.
30. The children lost it while playing. Ask them.
31. Don't worry. It's next to the bathroom.
32. He is in the corridor or in a box.
33. He is among your clothes.
34. It is next to the stove or fireplace.
35. It is next to the washbasin.
36. It will be returned to you.
37. He is lying on the floor in your room.
38. He is next to the working tools.
39. It's on the shelf.
40. It was accidentally wrapped in your clothes.
41. Around the shoes.
42. Near the water.
43. Look near the garage.
44. Near the gas tank.
45. It’s on the sideboard or shelf.
46. ​​Ask your partner.
47. One of my acquaintances committed a theft.
48. Near drinking water.
49. You won't get him back.
50. It is in a box, suitcase or chest.
51. Near the bathroom.
52. Ask the owner of the house or her relatives, it has changed ownership.
53. The person who took possession of the item will return it.
54. Search the children's play area.
55. Near a water source.
56. He is where you last stayed.
57. It's somewhere in your personal items.
58. It is very difficult to get it back. It is owned by two people.
59. He is in agony.
60. You can forget about him. He is lost forever.
61. Near the wall.
62. Very difficult to follow.
63. In the pantry.
64. He is not lost, look in the dark corners.
65. The chances of returning are very small.
66. It was stolen by two acquaintances. Ask someone suffering from a minor illness. However, the likelihood of a return is very low.
67. A boy living in the family will help you find the item.
68. Have someone remove it from the roof of the house.
69. It could be in front of your relative's house, or in a place you recently visited.
70. He is next to the water.
71. Look on the floor under your feet.
72. Near the water tank.
73. You should report constant thefts to the police.
74. A diligent friend will find him.
75. It was taken by young guys who will return it to you in a damaged condition.
76. He is next to the food.
77. He will be found by a person who stayed in your house.
78. Very difficult to find
79. Look near the closet for ironed linen.
80. It's in a drawer, chest or box
81. You will be able to find him in your clothes.
82. You will find him in the kitchen.
83. The little girl will pull it out of the tank or reservoir of water.
84. It is in a drawer or box.

I've looked through everything and can't find the skirt. I received an answer to my question: “26. Ask the oldest person in the house. He placed it in a safe place." My husband is on a business trip now, I’ll definitely ask him. I decided to change my search tactics. I looked everywhere again. And then she went to the closet, squatted down and began to look at the hangers from below. So what do you think? My skirt hangs calmly on a hanger under my husband’s shirt and jacket. The funny thing is: we went to visit and I hung it there myself.

I lost my child’s card from the children’s clinic. Data for all 6 years, all vaccinations are in it. And my son is going to school in September, why will they issue an extract? I'm panicking, and so is our nurse. And most importantly, how can I now prove that we had all the vaccinations before the age of 6? I know how lost she was. We decided to transfer to a local pediatrician we knew, a very good one, and took our card to give to her. But my husband’s mother should have given the card to the doctor, since she lives nearby and knows her well. I brought her a card in a blue bag and handed it to her. She put it in the sideboard. And the card lay there for a very long time, since the doctor was on vacation at that time. I came across it several times when we came to visit and reminded my husband’s mother not to forget to give it to the doctor. A few months later, it turned out that neither the doctor, nor the old clinic from where they were transferred, nor my husband’s mother had the card. She searched at home and couldn't find it. My husband’s mother just called and said that the card had been found! It turns out that she was visiting a doctor, to whom my mother was supposed to give the card. A nurse found her yesterday. And in numerology it was said that after a short search the maid will find it. And I’m thinking, what a maid. But it turns out that this means assistant. And so it turned out. WORKS!"

Mom lost her earring. Huge, golden, magnificent jewelry work, very beautiful! And most importantly, it was a family heirloom. Mom, of course, was in tears and very upset. The whole house was searched, but to no avail. I could have lost it on the street or at work. My friend just brought me a fortune telling book. At first glance, it’s complete nonsense: you add up the numbers and look for the number. But mom was in such a state that I decided to distract her. She wished for everything as it should be, we read the answer in the right place: “WHAT IS LOST IS IN A CLOSED PLACE AND IS RELIABLY SECURED.” Despite the fact that when choosing numbers you do not indicate your problem. My mother and I were a little stunned by this coincidence and that’s all. And 2 days later, my mother FOUND an earring in a LOCKED personal drawer at work. And she worked in the security department of a large plant! Apparently, she got caught on her mother’s uniform while changing clothes.

One day I brought home curtains from work to wash. I put them in the back room until washed. And when it was time to wash, I couldn’t find them! She searched and searched, and looked everywhere, searched the whole house, looked under the canopy in the yard. I searched for 3 days and nothing! I decided to use numerology to find out where these ill-fated curtains were. It came out: “Ask your partner.” I live with my mother. And mom, if she puts something somewhere, she will forget where. I asked, she said that she didn’t see any curtains. I decided to look in her room. There's grandma's big chest there. I looked there. That's where I found my curtains! My mother thought that these were my new curtains and decided to put them in the chest, and, of course, happily forgot about them!

Yesterday, before leaving home for work, I discovered that the keys to the apartment were missing. I was very upset. At night after work I looked everywhere I could find it. Nowhere. In the morning again - to no avail. I asked a question and the answer was: “84. It’s in the house, in a double jar, box or case.” I went looking again. And these keys were found. They were in the double pocket of the bag. Although I checked these pockets before.

Every person has lost something important to him at least once in his life. Sometimes an item is found as a result of a thorough search, but it happens that all efforts are unsuccessful. However, do not rush to despair, because the lunar calendar will help solve your problem.

As you know, the energies of the Moon have a strong influence both on ourselves and on all surrounding processes. Sometimes, to find a lost item, it is enough to turn to the lunar calendar. It turns out that the night star and the zodiac sign in which it is located at the time of your search will help you regain your loss.

Don't know how to find your lost item? Online fortune telling according to the lunar calendar will indicate the place where your loss is located.

Select the date you are interested in:

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Moon signs and their meaning

Moon in Aries

Where to look at home: You can find a lost item if you act on your own, without the help of friends and relatives. The Aries zodiac sign indicates that your loss is in some secluded place, near metal objects or near fire. Start your search with mezzanines, wardrobes and chests of drawers. If you still can’t find the item, carefully check the space under the furniture, the corners and crevices between the radiator and the wall. Perhaps what you are looking for is lost in the kitchen, so look through literally every inch of this room, paying especially close attention to the stove and appliances.

Where to look outside the home: If you know that an item is lost outside the home, go to the hottest spots on your route. Aries is a fire sign, and it suggests that your missing person is in hot places: sauna, bathhouse, fitness center, bakery, etc. If you visited a hospital or health care facility the day before, be sure to look for the loss there as well.

Prediction: you won’t worry about the lost item for a long time, because... she will return to you soon.

Moon in Taurus

Where to look at home: loss awaits you in the most inaccessible and unexpected places - under furniture, in the pantry, in the refrigerator, in clothing pockets, etc. If your search in these places is unsuccessful, look for the item where you keep money or jewelry. The Zodiac sign Taurus indicates that the lost item is out of your line of sight, so in order to return it, you will have to literally turn over half the house.

Where to look outside the home: If an item is lost outside the home, look for it in financial organizations and institutions where cash transactions are carried out. Such places are usually banks, savings banks, shops, etc.

Forecast: online fortune telling does not promise you a quick resolution of the situation. If you are destined to find a thing, you will find it, but not right away. It is also possible that the loss will not return to you, but with its help you bought off something more serious.

Moon in Gemini

Where to look at home: a lost item should be looked for near communication facilities (telephone, radio, mailbox), near stairs and steps, as well as on elevated surfaces. If you started your search at a time when the Moon was in the sign of Gemini, be sure to ask your household for help; most likely, one of them saw where the thing disappeared. Often, an item lost at this position of the Moon is found in places where household items accumulate, drawers where notebooks and notes are stored, as well as in folders with important documents.

Where to look outside the home: the item was lost in very busy places - at a train station, at a bus stop, in a supermarket, etc. Also, the Gemini zodiac sign tells you that you can find loss in educational institutions: school, institute, library, etc.

Forecast: unfortunately, you will not be able to quickly find your loss. To return something dear to your heart, you need to try very hard, literally restoring your route every minute.

Moon in Cancer

Where to look at home: if you don’t know how to find a lost item, be sure to call on your household for help, because... together you will return what was lost in literally a matter of minutes. Start your search in the kitchen and dining room, as well as recreation areas. If you still haven’t found something dear to your heart, check chests of drawers with linen, closets with clothes and boxes where antique items are stored. The Cancer zodiac sign indicates that your loss is surrounded by shades of green and beige.

Where to Look Outside the Home: The lost item is found in either grocery stores or food service establishments. It is possible that you will be able to find the loss in preschool institutions or hobby clubs, of course, if you visited these places the day before.

Forecast: don’t worry, very soon the lost thing will definitely return to you. If you cannot find it at home, your friends will find it missing, after which they will notify you.

Moon in Leo

Where to look at home: the item can be in the bedroom, as well as in places where you are creative. Often, things that disappeared on this lunar day are found among children's toys or interior accessories. If the lost item is not large, look for it in jewelry boxes.

Where to look outside the home: if you are sure that the item could have been lost outside the home, go to places of entertainment and cultural leisure - a cafe, theater, gallery, sports club, etc. It is possible that the item was lost along the way, so look carefully at your feet.

Forecast: the lunar calendar does not give favorable forecasts. Unfortunately, you won't be able to find the item quickly. If the lost item is very valuable to you in material or mental terms, carefully analyze your actions. The Leo zodiac sign tells you that you are doing something wrong at the moment.

Moon in Virgo

Where to look at home: the lost item is securely hidden from your eyes, so look for it in the most inaccessible and remote places. The item may be under the carpet, behind heavy furniture, or even in the trash can. It is possible that your pets are to blame for the loss. Perhaps the cat or dog played with the thing until they lost it in the wilds of the apartment. Also take a good look at your desk or computer desk and any areas where work documents are kept.

Where to look outside the home: Most likely, the location of the loss is somehow related to your work. If you cannot find the item at your workplace, remember whether you visited government agencies - the mayor's office, housing office, passport office, etc.

Forecast: unfortunately, an item lost while the Moon is in Virgo is very difficult to find. Often such losses are found after many years or leave their owners forever.

Moon in Libra

Where to look at home: You most likely dropped your item in the bedroom, so start your search there. Check the bed well, perhaps the loss was lost among the pillows or blankets. If your search doesn't bring any results, look for the item among household trinkets, gifts from your spouse, and jewelry. The zodiac sign Libra gives a hint: the loss is located around things in pastel shades. In addition, your significant other may know where you lost an item dear to your heart.

Where to look outside the home: If an item is lost outside the home, look for it in your friends' apartment. Perhaps you dropped it while you were visiting. Also, the loss can await you in places where you meet with your loved one: in a cinema, cafe, park, etc.

Prediction: you will definitely find your thing. Very soon you will either remember where you left it, or receive news from loved ones who found your loss.

Moon in Scorpio

Where to look at home: The loss may be in the bathroom or toilet. It is possible that it accidentally fell into a laundry basket or got lost among toiletries. What you are looking for can also be waiting for you in the most remote and “dirty” places of the apartment - the trash can, in the attic, dusty corners, etc. The Scorpio sign gives a little hint: your loss is among objects in red and purple shades. It is best to look for a lost item alone, because... outside help is unlikely to be effective.

Where to look outside the house: If you dropped an item outside the house, most likely it is in places you visited against your will. For example, it could be a hospital, police station, tax office, etc. Also, the loss could remain in the bank or other financial institutions.

Forecast: unfortunately, the loss will not be found soon. Or maybe you have lost this thing forever. But don’t be upset, according to the lunar calendar, very soon you will acquire something more valuable and important in return for the lost item.

Moon in Sagittarius

Where to look at home: the loss is located in the brightest and most spacious room. Most likely, it was lost near the most expensive and valuable items - in a jewelry box, on a shelf with medals and awards, in a sideboard with antique crystal, etc. You can also look for a lost item near the stairs, on the loggia or balcony. Involve the youngest family member in the search, who will quickly cope with the task.

Where to look outside the home: losses of this lunar period are most often found in educational institutions - classrooms, libraries, driving courses, etc. If on the day of your loss you did not visit these institutions, but did visit the court or a notary’s office, be sure to look for your item there. Also, an item dear to you may be at gas stations and in places related to transport - at bus stops, train stations, airports, etc.

Forecast: the lost item will most likely be returned to you, however, this will not happen as quickly as you would like.

Moon in Capricorn

Where to look for houses: The smartest place to look for lost items is among vintage and antique items. Most often, things lost during this lunar period are found in wardrobes, on mezzanines, in basements and chests where old things are stored. The Capricorn zodiac sign tells you that loss is surrounded by black or brown tones. If you are unable to find the item you want, ask for help from older relatives who will certainly solve your problem.

Where to look outside the home: You need to start your search from your place of work. You probably forgot the lost item in your office, or dropped it while visiting government agencies.

Forecast: the lunar calendar indicates a favorable outcome. You will find your item quickly and without significant difficulties.

Moon in Aquarius

Where to look at home: The loss is located near electrical appliances and objects that emit light, so take a good look at appliances, table lamps and floor lamps. If the search does not lead to success, look for the loss on the balcony, loggia and near window openings. Be sure to look under the furniture, perhaps the thing you need has rolled there.

Where to look outside the home: An item lost outside the home can be waiting for you at the airport, at the post office, as well as in creative places - a dance class, clay modeling courses, etc. If you did not visit such places on the day of the loss, take a good look at the entrance and surrounding area; perhaps you dropped the item not far from your apartment.

Prediction: online fortune telling suggests that finding the lost item will be very difficult. It is possible that the item has already been picked up by another person. However, do not worry - good news awaits you, which will overshadow the worries about the loss.

Moon in Pisces

Where to look at home: if something is lost within the walls of a house, then most likely it is in the most secret and remote place. If you have a cache hidden from prying eyes, then start your search there. If you do not find the loss in the cache, then look for it in those places where there is water - in the bathroom, in the kitchen, near a decorative fountain, etc. To enlist the support of the Moon, look for the loss alone, without telling anyone about your problem.

Where to look outside the home: You should look for a lost item in pharmacies and medical institutions. If you have not visited such places, remember, maybe on the day of the loss you went to a church or temple, where you could accidentally drop the desired item.

Forecast: the loss will not be found soon. Your search will probably be complicated by some extraneous circumstances.