Find help getting a loan. Real help in getting a loan for a kickback


Services for obtaining a loan for a certain percentage of its amount are very popular today. Banks are tightening requirements for their borrowers, wary of defaults. Meanwhile, the material well-being of citizens is not improving, and unemployment is only growing. Therefore, there are people who are willing to pay a kickback for help in obtaining a loan. Let's try to figure out what risks exist in such transactions and whether it is possible to protect yourself from scammers.

For most citizens, the main option for borrowing the required amount remains lending. However, banks are not always ready to provide the necessary loan. There may be several reasons for this:

  • lack of registration or citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • low salary;
  • inconsistency with age limits;
  • Availability large quantity dependents;
  • lack of official employment;
  • damaged credit history;
  • a large number of outstanding loans;
  • no collateral or guarantors.

Of course, there will always be a credit institution that will issue a loan. However, searching for it will take a lot of time and effort.

How to avoid problems during a transaction

Most often declarations like “I’ll help you get a loan for a kickback” so-called black dealers are able to provide the borrower with serious debt problems. The reward percentage will be at least half of the amount received. The money will be used to pay for the services of the brokers themselves and dummies, for whom the loan will be issued. As a result, you will have to overpay twice, and sometimes even four times.

There are many scammers among those who provide such assistance, but it will be too difficult to prove the fact of deception. After all, the citizen does not have any evidence of using their services. The potential borrower should be too wary tempting offers, requests for advance payment, communication on neutral territory instead of an office, lack of a formal contract.

Often, offers for “Urgent loan for a rollback without prepayment” are placed by people calling themselves private investors. Often behind this are ordinary swindlers who want to profit. There is no need for a real investor to take kickbacks; the debtor settles with him by paying the amount with interest. Often, communication with such a “lender” takes place over the phone, and after transferring the advance payment, he evaporates without fulfilling his promise.

Obtaining a loan through bank employees - the main risks

As a rule, the same “black” brokers offer to apply for a loan through the bank’s security service for a kickback. They have connections with employees who turn a blind eye to the discrepancy between the debtor’s parameters and the requirements of the financial organization. The risk of such transactions is quite high, and a completely damaged credit history is not the biggest loss in this situation.

Most often, after such a transaction is completed, the borrower becomes the “lucky” owner of an agreement with enslaving conditions.

It should be noted that such actions of the participants in the transaction fall immediately under three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 154, 176 and 204, that is, they can be prosecuted for fraud, bribery and illegal processing of a loan. In practice, the borrower himself rarely acts as a defendant in such cases; his complicity in this case is difficult to prove. However, the bank may demand full repayment of the debt through the court. For the debtor, this is fraught with communication with bailiffs and deprivation of property.

The borrower risks coming to the attention of the police if forged documents are used to obtain a loan. Of course, if payments are made regularly and without delays, bankers are unlikely to be interested in fake securities. But citizens who borrow money without being able to pay it back risk finding themselves involved in a criminal case for illegally obtaining a loan and fraud.

How to get a loan with bad credit history Some banks cooperate with borrowers who have bad credit history , if they do not have open arrears or litigation on debt obligations. But loan rates for such citizens will not be the most profitable. Lenders will willingly provide a large loan secured by liquid real estate or a car. Officially, a loan can be obtained without intermediaries through numerous microfinance organizations, but often their annual interest rates are too high. Therefore, take credit for large amounts

You need to know that real help in obtaining a loan for a kickback without prepayment can only come from official brokers. Their job is to find a suitable lending institution willing to work with a problem borrower. Typically, they do not charge until the transaction is completed. The second difference from “black” dealers is a small rate of up to 15% of the loan amount. Such organizations do not guarantee a 100% result, but most often they manage to find the right offer. Up to 80% of applications are approved. Brokerage firms provide legal support and strictly observe the client’s interests. Therefore, you should not be afraid that you will sign an agreement with unfavorable conditions.