Evgeny Belousov: Portraits shot. Twenty years ago, Zhenya Belousov died. Zhenya Belousov passed away.


Evgeny Viktorovich Belousov, better known as Zhenya Belousov. Born on September 10, 1964 in the village. Zhikhar, Kharkov region - died on June 2, 1997 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian pop singer.

Mother - Nonna Pavlovna Belousova (1937-2014).

Father - Viktor Ivanovich Belousov, military man, died in 2006.

Twin brother - Alexander Viktorovich Belousov, musician, member of the Red Dawn group, later a drummer for the singer.

Sister - Marina Viktorovna Belousova, accountant.

Soon after the birth of Zhenya and his brother Sasha (they were about two months old), the Belousov family moved to Kursk.

First he studied at school No. 44, and then at school No. 6 with a mathematical bias.

Studied at a music school. As it turned out, it was his love for music that killed him - at the age of 10, on the way to music school he was involved in a serious accident, which subsequently led to his death.

“Zhenya’s passion for music appeared as a child. We immediately sent him to a music school. Although it almost cost him his life. When Zhenya was ten years old, he was hit by a car. He fell and hit his head hard on the asphalt. He was literally hanging by a thread from death. Even the doctors could not say what would happen to his son. Fortunately, after three days he began to recover,” said his mother Nonna Pavlovna.

In high school, he began playing in the school ensemble.

He graduated from vocational school No. 1 with a degree in mechanic repairman.

Then he studied at Kursk music school in bass guitar class.

He did not serve in the army: he was released for health reasons - due to an illness suffered in school age severe concussion after being hit by a car.

In the mid-1980s, he played in one of the Kursk restaurants, where he was noticed by the head of the popular ensemble “Integral” Bari Alibasov, with whom Belousov later worked as a bass guitarist and vocalist.

Since 1987 he began his solo career.

He first attracted the attention of the general public in July 1987, when he appeared on the TV show “Morning Mail” with S. Shustitsky’s song “Distant Continents”. Then - in New Year's program“Wider Circle” with Stalmakov’s song “Touch the Stars” as part of the group “Integral”, and a year later solo with the song “Alushta”.

On September 25, 1988, a video clip for the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl” was shot. The video for the next song “Night Taxi” was filmed, but in a cut-down form it was shown only on March 8 in the program.

Zhenya Belousov - My blue-eyed girl

Until 1991, Belousov’s producers were the poetess Lyubov Voropaeva and composer Viktor Dorokhin. In three years they wrote only seven songs, so at the end of 1991 Belousov went to work for composer Igor Matvienko, who became his producer.

The composition “Girl-Girl”, which appeared in 1991, repeated the success of the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl” and became a popular hit.

In 1992, 14 sold-out events took place at the Small Luzhniki Sports Arena in Moscow. solo concerts Belousov, organized by Yuri Aizenshpis. In 1993, the album “Girl-Girl” was released (songs based on poems by the poet Alexander Shaganov and music by composer Igor Matvienko).

Most famous songs performed by the singer: “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Alyoshka”, “Girl-Girl”, “Evening-Evening”, “Cloud of Hair”, “Golden Domes”, “Short Summer”, “Dunya-Dunyasha” ", "In the evening on a bench."

Since 1993, Belousov got involved in the vodka business (investing in the Ryazan Distillery), his touring activity and popularity began to decline. However, problems soon arose in the business: he was accused of tax fraud.

In 1996, the singer released an album again, but it remained unnoticed by listeners. During that period, Belousov worked with various authors, the main one of which was V. Bashenev.

Death of Zhenya Belousov

In the mid-1990s, Belousov began to have serious health problems.

At the end of March 1997, he was admitted to the Sklifosovsky Institute with an attack of acute pancreatitis. A head injury suffered in childhood also made itself felt, resulting in a stroke.

At the end of April 1997, at the Sklifosofsky Institute, Belousov underwent brain surgery due to a stroke. He lived for about another month and died at the institute on the night of June 1-2, 1997. The cause of Belousov's death was a cerebral hemorrhage.

He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow. Alexander Lyubimov and Ivan Demidov helped Belousov’s relatives erect a monument.

The singer’s mother was sure that diets ruined Zhenya. To get rid of excess weight, Belousov could eat nothing for weeks. His relatives tried to dissuade him from strict diets, but he didn’t listen to anyone. I believed that an artist should not be fat. “Once he was starving for ten days. I told him: “Zhenya, you can’t do that! You’re killing yourself.” But he just shrugged it off. During this time he drank only tea, and even that without sugar. In addition, he practically did not eat meat - he was a vegetarian. And he also smoked black - one after another,” she said.

On June 2, 2006, in Kursk, at vocational school No. 1 (now the professional lyceum), where Belousov studied, a museum dedicated to his life was opened.

Also in 2006, Channel One released the film “The Short Summer of Zhenya Belousov,” which tells about the life, work and reasons for the singer’s death.

Zhenya Belousov's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Zhenya Belousov:

He was in a civil marriage with Marta (Marina) Yuryevna Mogilevskaya, a music editor and television producer. They lived together for about a year.

Marta Mogilevskaya - former common-law wife Zhenya Belousova

On January 1, 1989, Belousov married the singer. The marriage lasted nine days - from January 1 to January 10, 1989.

They were introduced by Marta Mogilevskaya, who later said: “I introduced them myself when we were filming New Year’s Light.” Natasha then had an affair with Vadim Korotkov, a director. She came to this shooting as his girlfriend. And she and Zhenya constantly communicated on the sidelines. After a while, Zhenya was supposed to meet me at the station. Then there was severe frost, he was, as always, without a hat and went to warm up in the station building. And I, not seeing him on the platform, went home. And there she found cigarettes in the ashtray. And at that time, only Vetlitskaya was distinguished by extravagance and smoked cigarettes. After that, I simply didn’t let Zhenya in the door anymore.”

According to Andrei Razin, Zhenya Belousov and Natalya Vetlitskaya broke up because of the singer’s infidelity: “Zhenya, who went on tour, suddenly returned home because the flight was cancelled. He opens the door, and there Vetlitskaya is lying in bed with an artist whose name I will not name, and says: “Didn’t you fly away?” He said, "No." I collected my things, put them in my bag and left. That’s where the whole marriage ended.”

His next wife was Elena Khudik, whom he had known since childhood. The couple had a daughter, Christina (born 1987), who was born before her marriage to Vetlitskaya.

Elena Khudik - ex-wife Zhenya Belousova

Daughter Christina graduated medical school, and son Roman - Bauman University.

After his divorce from Khudik, he was in a civil marriage with Oksana Shidlovskaya, the keyboard player of his group and the chief accountant of his company. In 1992, their son Roman Evgenievich Belousov was born.

The last three and a half years of his life he was in a civil marriage with Elena Savina, who later took his last name and became singer Elena Belousova.

"We met Zhenya while visiting mutual friends. He was 29 years old, and I was an 18-year-old girl. I recognized him immediately. But Zhenya did not behave like an artist, no narcissism. He was very good guy, but far from being a romantic. Zhenya did not like to let strangers into his personal life. At the beginning of his career, when he was married to a girl from his native Kursk, Lena Khudik, in order to win the love of fans, he had to hide his status and even age. The producers presented him to the public as a young boy, and Zhenya was already 26 years old. They went to any lengths to make Zhenya popular. By the way, despite the fact that Zhenya was everyone’s favorite, not a single fan knocked on our door during these three and a half years,” recalled Elena Belousova.

Zhenya Belousov and Elena Savina (Belousova)

After the death of Zhenya Belousov, Elena met another man - millionaire Viktor Bondarenko. She gave birth to a daughter from him, whom she named Zhenya in honor of the singer. But the relationship did not work out, and the father tried to take the child away.

On the 20th anniversary of the musician's death.

Thus, the widow Elena Belousova said that she knew about her husband’s many hobbies. “I accepted that Zhenya was interested. She accepted, and did not forgive. These are different things,” she said.

She told how at some point Evgeniy decided to admit to her that he had a child on the side. “Zhenya told me: Roma, my son, I’ll leave you alone with a glass of wine. What thoughts will you have, tell me tomorrow. I don't want to divorce you. I decided that I also wanted to be with Zhenya. And life began... Children and women require attention. I couldn't stand it. She said to Zhenya: here is God, and here is the threshold. To be honest, I myself asked him to leave,” Elena Belousova recalled.

Wives, mistresses and children of Zhenya Belousov. Tonight

Discography of Zhenya Belousov:

1988 - “My blue-eyed girl”
1990 - “Night Taxi (reissued in 1994 on CD)”
1993 - “Girl-Girl”
1994 - “Girl-girl. Best songs"(collection)
1995 - “Golden Domes” (collection)
1996 - “And again about love”
2000 - “Best songs. My blue-eyed girl" (collection)
2003 - “Farewell” (collection)

Belousov was completely faithful and devoted to music. But by an evil irony of fate, it was she who, albeit indirectly, became the cause of it. early death. The fact is that at the age of ten, Zhenya was hit by a car - he was just coming from music school. Perhaps, if it had not been for her, this accident would not have happened. And then the boy fell and hit his head hard on the asphalt. I was literally on the verge of death. Even the doctors could not say what would happen to Zhenya.


Then he got out. But health problems accompanied the artist throughout later life. For example, at the beginning of 1997 he was admitted to the Sklifosovsky Institute with an attack of acute pancreatitis. But the examination showed that necrosis of the pancreas had begun. And this, in turn, could be provoked by the musician’s endless diets. “Once he went hungry for ten days,” his mother Nonna Pavlovna later recalled. “I told him: “Zhenya, you can’t do that!” You're killing yourself." But he just shrugged it off. During this time, he drank only tea, and even without sugar. Moreover, he practically did not eat meat - he was a vegetarian. And he also smoked black - one after another! "

The artist never left the hospital. At one time it seemed that he felt better, the pain stopped. Belousov’s relatives and common-law wife, Elena Savina, with whom he lived for the last three years, breathed a sigh of relief. But, according to the singer’s mother, the doctors made a terrible mistake - they infused him with such a dose of medication that the body could not process so much fluid, and a brain hemorrhage occurred. “Perhaps this also happened because of that accident in childhood,” said the star’s mother. “After all, the doctors then strictly warned him: he needed to take care of his head like crystal. But he is a boy - and fights often happened.”

Belousov underwent emergency surgery, which lasted about seven hours. After it, the singer lay in a coma for another 40 days and then died. Next to him was his all the time last wife Elena, and, according to her, Zhenya came to his senses just for a moment before his death...

The singer was buried at one of the oldest cemeteries Moscow - Kuntsevsky. TV presenters Alexander Lyubimov and Ivan Demidov helped Belousov’s relatives erect a monument. Fans gather there to this day to listen to Zhenya’s songs and talk about him kind words. He deserved it.

Evgeny Belousov is one of the most popular pop performers in the difficult 90s. His songs “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Girl” and some others became incredibly popular. Despite health problems, the man toured throughout the vast country.

In 1997, the singer unexpectedly passed away for many. His funeral was held in front of a large crowd of people. Now fans bring fresh flowers to his grave, located in one of the capital’s cemeteries.

The artist had large number beloved women. He believed that the more there are, the better. Evgeniy became a father twice.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Zhenya Belousov

In 2015 you could see on Russian screens documentary“Zhenya Belousov. He doesn't love you one bit." ABOUT young singer, who passed away almost 20 years ago, was told in sufficient detail. From the film one could find out what his height, weight, and age were. The years of Zhenya Belousov’s life still cause a stir among young people. The popular pop singer was only 33 years old when he died.

Zhenya Belousov, whose photo in his youth and now is of great interest, was a sex symbol Russian stage. His smile and extraordinary talent attracted the attention of numerous music lovers. The young artist suffered from headaches throughout his life, but even so, he never canceled concerts.

With a height of 180 cm, Zhenya Belousov weighed 65 kg. The singer played sports and regularly visited the gym.

Biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov

The biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov is incredibly rich, despite the fact that higher powers he was not destined to live long.

The birth of a boy occurred in the mid-60s of the last century. He was born a few minutes later than his brother Sasha. Father, Viktor Ivanovich Belousov, was a military man. Mother - Belousova Nonna Pavlovna was engaged in raising children. In addition to his brother, Zhenya also had an older sister, Marina. The birthplace of the future idol of many girls is the small village of Zhikhar, which is located near Kharkov.

At the age of 2 months, our hero, together with his parents, brother and sister, moved to Kursk, which became his hometown. It was here that Zhenya's artistic career began.

The boy studied in one of the best schools, where he studied mathematics. At the age of ten, he almost died in a car accident. From that time on, the future performer suffered from headaches.

From the age of 7, in addition to the usual, Zhenya studied at a music school, where he learned to play the button accordion. All the time the guy was occupied with music, he was one of the participants in the school musical ensemble. But the guy was not at all interested in studying. He believed that it was unfashionable to study well.

As a teenager, Belousov began studying at the Kursk vocational school, where he learned the basics of a repairman. Then he learned to play the bass guitar at a music school in his native Kursk.

IN free time our hero played with friends in clubs. Here he was noticed by Bari Alibasov, who noted the guy’s talent and invited him to Moscow. Belousov did not hesitate for a minute; in a few days he was going to the capital Soviet Union, where he begins performing first in the group “Integral”, and then solo.

In mid-1988, the aspiring singer’s career was developing rapidly. He begins to tour with concerts all over the country. Fans all over the country are waiting for his performances. In the mid-90s, the singer, unexpectedly for many, ended up in the hospital. Soon the idol is diagnosed with a stroke. The artist is undergoing surgery at the Sklifasovsky Institute. He falls into a coma from which he was never destined to emerge. Evgeniy is dying. He was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

From the age of 14, Belousov began dating different women. The singer himself joked that if he didn’t meet the girl, it means he spent the day in vain.

Family and children of Zhenya Belousov

The family and children of Zhenya Belousov were very worried about the death of their idol of the 90s. The children, brother, sister and wives of the popular pop singer are now meeting on the day of Eugene’s death. On this day, the singer’s grave is literally buried in flowers brought by fans.

The artist's father was a military man. He had a great influence on the development of his sons. After Eugene’s death, the man was very ill. In 2006, the father of the idol of the 90s passed away. Viktor Ivanovich was buried in one of the Kursk cemeteries.

Mom was raising children. The woman instilled in her children a love of music. After the death of one of her sons and her husband, she lived with her daughter. She passed away in 2014 and was buried in her native Kursk. Her grave is located next to the grave of her husband.

Evgeniy has a brother, Alexander, who was born a few minutes before him. He studied music, worked in various musical groups. Currently working in his native Kursk, performing for visitors to one of the nightclubs. Alexander is married. At the beginning of the new millennium, he had a son, who was named after his uncle - Zhenya.

The singer’s sister Marina works as an accountant in one of the Kursk institutions. The woman is married and has a son and daughter.

Son of Zhenya Belousov - Roman Belousov

In mid-1992, popular entertainer became a father. His wife Oksana Shidlovskaya gave him a son, whom they decided to name Roman. But soon the singer’s marriage broke up. Communication between father and son was infrequent after this.

The son of Zhenya Belousov, Roman Belousov, was still small when the singer died. The boy studied well at school and studied music. But professional musician the guy was not going to become. Roman’s family still has the red jacket his dad wore on stage and a guitar.

Now Roman Belousov lives in Moscow. Visually, the guy is a copy of his father. He has long hair and an attractive smile. The young man became a welder. He owns his own car service center and takes part in motorcycle racing. The guy's hobby is collecting old cars, which he builds himself from scratch.

Daughter of Zhenya Belousov - Kristina Belousova

The popular pop singer became a father for the first time in his youth, when he first moved to the capital of the Soviet Union. His wife was very happy about the birth of their baby daughter, whom he named Christina. The singer was proud of her; from his trips he brought toys, which the girl was very happy about.

After divorcing his wife, the pop star often saw Christina. He rejoiced at her success. The daughter of Zhenya Belousova, Kristina Belousova, danced, studied vocals, and learned to play various musical instruments. The girl tried herself in the modeling business.

Having received a certificate, the artist’s daughter receives psychological education. Currently, Christina works as a translator from English and German.

Little is known about the personal life of the artist’s daughter. She lives in a civil marriage with a man. In the future they are going to register their marriage.

Zhenya Belousov's ex-wife - Elena Khudik

Evgeny met Elena in 1985. The guy was playing at one of the restaurants in his native Kursk at that time, and he future wife worked in one of the stores in the city. The guy started picking up the girl from work. A few months after their first meeting, they registered their marriage.

Zhenya Belousov’s ex-wife, Elena Khudik, goes to Moscow for her beloved. Soon she becomes the mother of a charming baby, to whom she devotes a large amount of time. A few years later marriage ex-spouses terminated because the pop star met new lover. He gave his ex-wife a 3-room apartment in the center of the capital's metropolis. For the sake of their daughter, the former spouses maintained friendly relations.

Elena married three more times, but lived with them for only a short time. She was no longer a mother.

Ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

The future spouses met in 1988. They took part in one of the concerts together. At first sight, the man felt attracted to Natalya. It didn’t stop him that he was married and became the father of a baby daughter. Evgeniy divorced Elena and invited his beloved to register their marriage.

The lovers' wedding took place in January 1989. But life together The lovers' relationship lasted only ten days. Then the couple officially divorced.

The ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, was married twice more. She toured extensively and performed for 15 years. Now the woman lives in Italy, where she is engaged in growing agricultural products. Natalya rarely comes to her homeland.

Zhenya Belousov's common-law wife - Oksana Shidlovskaya

Evgeniy met Oksana shortly after breaking up with Natalya Vetlitskaya. She was several years younger than him. The girl worked in Belousov’s group, in which she played the saxophone. The lovers began to live together immediately after meeting. They never parted for a minute. The common-law spouses were in no hurry to register their marriage. In 1992, they became the parents of a boy whom they decided to name Roma.

After the birth of her son, Zhenya Belousov’s common-law wife, Oksana Shidlovskaya, stopped going on tour with him. She took care of the house, raised Roma and headed the artist’s company.

A few months after the birth of her son, a woman leaves her common-law spouse. According to her stories, the reason was Evgeniy’s frequent infidelities, which he did not even try to hide.

After the artist’s death, his common-law wife visits his grave. She bears no grudge against him. Oksana is grateful to Evgeny for the birth of her son.

Cause of death of Zhenya Belousov and his funeral

When our hero was 10 years old, he was hit by a car. The boy fell and hit his head. Doctors believed that Evgeniy would never be able to recover from this. He led normal life, although he had been bothered by severe headaches since childhood. The artist tried not to show it. He impressed with his determination and big smile, which drove many girls and women crazy.

In 1997, the pop star suddenly passed away unexpectedly for many. The cause of Zhenya Belousov's death and his funeral were covered in sufficient detail in the media.

The singer was taken to the hospital with severe headaches. He soon fell into a coma. Doctors diagnosed a stroke. An operation was performed, but the singer’s condition was serious. He soon died without regaining consciousness.

The star was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries. A large number of people came to the funeral. A monument was erected at the grave.

Wikipedia Zhenya Belousov

You can find fairly simple information about the singer, who was popular in the 90s of the last century. The most verified information is contained in Wikipedia Zhenya Belousov. Here you can find out where the baby was born and grew up. The page talks in some detail about creative biography stars, his parents, twin brother. On Wikipedia you can read what compositions Evgeniy sang, who was his producer and how Belousov lived in recent years.

IN social networks There are artist pages. They are led by the singer's fans. Evgeny himself never worked on the Internet, since during the years of his life it was not popular enough. It was only in 1994 that it was invented by students in the USA. And Russians were able to use the Internet only at the beginning of the new millennium. On social networks you can learn about the artist’s biography and listen to songs performed by him.

This year marks 15 years since the death of Zhenya Belousov. The singer's life was cut short in the prime of his life - he died at thirty-two. By official version doctors, Zhenya died of a stroke. But the mother of the show business star, Nonna Pavlovna Belousova, is still sure that diets ruined Zhenya.

"Hung on the brink of death"

Nonna Pavlovna will turn seventy-five years old this year. She still lives in a typical Khrushchev building in Kursk. For the last fifteen years she has lived in memory of famous son.

“Zhenya’s passion for music appeared in childhood,” recalls Nonna Pavlovna. – We immediately sent him to a music school. Although it almost cost him his life. When Zhenya was ten years old, he was hit by a car. He fell and hit his head hard on the asphalt. He was literally hanging on the brink of death. Even the doctors could not say what would happen to their son. Fortunately, after three days he began to recover.

At the age of twenty, Zhenya left Kursk to conquer Moscow. In the capital he became popular overnight. But I never forgot about my relatives from Kursk.

“I told him: “Zhenya, we don’t need gifts!” – says Nonna Pavlovna. – First, settle down yourself, buy yourself an apartment, a car, and only then think about us. At that time, my family was wealthy: I worked and received a pension. But can you convince Zhenya of anything? One day he brought me and my father a Sony TV - an unprecedented thing at that time. Worked for twenty years. I turned on the TV and remembered my son.

Became a Buddhist and fell into a coma

Mom is sure: Diets ruined Zhenya. To get rid of excess weight, Belousov could eat nothing for weeks. His relatives tried to dissuade him from strict diets, but he didn’t listen to anyone. I believed that an artist should not be fat.

“Once he starved for ten days,” Nonna Pavlovna shrugs. “I told him: “Zhenya, you can’t do that!” You're killing yourself." And he just waved it off. During this time I drank only tea, and even that without sugar. In addition, he practically did not eat meat - he was a vegetarian. And he smoked black, one after another.

Belousov made concessions in his diet only when his mother came to Moscow. Nonna Pavlovna always brought gifts from Kursk. Most of all, Zhenya loved her pies. Although Belousov himself was considered a distinguished cook. The best thing, according to the relatives of the show business star, was pilaf, which his first producer taught him to cook - Bari Alibasov.

“Zhenya experimented in the kitchen,” his friends recall. “And everything worked out perfectly.”

However, Zhenya experimented not only in the kitchen. Few people know that about six months before his death, Belousov visited Kalmykia, from where he returned... as a Buddhist.

“He was never a particularly religious person,” explains Nonna Pavlovna. – And Buddhism is all nonsense. He comes and shows me a small round amulet that hangs on his neck. I remember I also told him: “Zhenya, be careful that God doesn’t punish you.” And as I looked into the water, six months later troubles began.

In March 1997, Zhenya was admitted to the hospital with complaints about the pancreas. The singer lay in a coma for forty days. According to the singer’s mother, doctors gave him such a dose of medication that his body could not process so much fluid. One day there was a brain hemorrhage. The doctors were powerless.

“Perhaps the hemorrhage occurred due to that accident in childhood,” says the singer’s mother. – After all, the doctors then strictly warned him: he needed to take care of his head like crystal. But he is a boy - and fights often happened.

Natalya Vetlitskaya was seen only at the funeral

The singer is survived by two children: daughter Christina from his marriage with school love Elena Khudik and son Roman from his marriage to backing vocalist Oksana Shidlovskaya. They did not follow in their father’s footsteps: Christina graduated from medical school, and Roman just entered Bauman University.

The grandchildren rarely see their paternal grandmother - only during her infrequent visits to Moscow. But Belousova is not offended by her grandchildren. He understands that there cannot be close communication at a distance. Nonna Pavlovna rarely sees Zhenya’s ex-wives, as well as her grandchildren.

“But they don’t forget me,” the woman admits. – We congratulate each other on the holidays. His last wife, Lenochka, treated Zhenya very well. She and her son did not have children, but she named her daughter from another man in honor of Zhenya. We see each other, and I am always glad to see her. The only one I haven’t talked to for a long time is my son’s first wife, Natasha Vetlitskaya. Last time we met her fifteen years ago at Zhenya’s funeral.

During his lifetime, Zhenya earned good money and was considered one of the highest paid artists of that time. But he did not leave any inheritance to his relatives.

“Zhenya was very trusting and generous,” the singer’s mother complains. - I didn’t know how to save money. He only had an apartment left, which went to his daughter Christina. Before his death, he invested money in a business and went broke. In addition, he lent a considerable amount to some business people. Naturally, after the death of his son, no one returned the money. Christina’s mother Lena even asked me: “Well, where did the money go?” How do I know? God knows, I have nothing!

Nonna Pavlovna gave Zhenya’s personal belongings to his native Kursk school, where a museum of the singer was opened. It would have been possible to sell them at auction, but she decided: the memory of her son should live on.

“I often dream about Zhenya,” Nonna Pavlovna finally admitted to us. – Always alive and energetic. It’s as if we are running somewhere together, in a hurry. After all, during his life, when I came to Moscow, we couldn’t really talk. He constantly called me somewhere, introduced me to his artist friends. I was in Moscow as if on an endless holiday. And now for me this city is like a wake. I believe that Zhenya sees us and tries to help us in everything. He's... like a meteorite. It flashed brightly, flew by, but went out so quickly.

Something about him...

Zhenya Belousov was born on September 10, 1964 in the city of Kursk. In high school, he began playing in the school ensemble.

Graduated from vocational school No. 1 with a degree in repairman. In the mid-80s, Bari Alibasov noticed him and invited him to play bass in the Integral ensemble.

In 1987, Zhenya began his solo career. His hits - “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Such short summer", "Evening", "Girl-Girl" - are still considered one of the most popular on retro radio stations.

He died in 1997 from a stroke. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

Until suddenly in some conversation the fact came up that his first love, a girl from Kursk named Lena, gave birth to a daughter... and Zhenya married a girl Lena Khudik.

Then there were other songs and other women. A civil marriage with the keyboard player and chief accountant of his group Oksana Shidlovskaya and the birth of a son, Roman.

And finally last love singer - Elena Savina (after his death she became singer Elena Belousova), who was next to Zhenya until the last minute.

He seemed to have died strange death- was treated for pancreatitis, but had a stroke. And the artist died. He was only 32 years old.

The singer's daughter Christina was 10 years old when her dad died, now the young woman is 30 years old, she has good job- works as a translator in large company. The red-haired beauty worked in a modeling agency, graduated from music school, but did not want to study music professionally. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Medical University and is fluent in English and Spanish. Christina never told her friends, colleagues, and acquaintances whose daughter she was. The girl gives the impression of a modest, serious and purposeful person.

“It’s a feeling that dad is still around,” said Kristina Belousova in the “Live Broadcast” program. – What I know about dad is that he was always interested in philosophy, religion, psychology. And all this is interesting to me... I try not to think about my dad’s death with pain, I try to think about the fact that he lived enough bright life, he gave a lot to the people who surrounded him, including me... I don’t want to be labeled as the daughter of a famous person.

Christina lives in a three-room apartment in Moscow, which she inherited from her famous father. Evgeniy divorced his daughter’s mother when the girl was 7 years old, but always helped the family. And with illegitimate son Belousov communicated with Roma, although he did not marry his mother.

The artist's former lovers keep in touch, but the children have never been found common language. Roman Zhenya was born to former keyboard player in Belousov’s group and his common-law wife Oksana Shidlovskaya. She said that her son has been passionate about technology since childhood, not music.

“He doesn’t need anything else, just motorcycles, cars, friends. Now he walks with a cane: last week he was running around on a motorcycle, fell and hurt his leg. Together with friends, he endlessly repairs something, welds parts, and tunes motorcycles. wealthy people. By the way, that’s how he makes money. After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, but studied for a year and quit: it’s not interesting, he says. So I became what I wanted – a welder. Perhaps in the future he will open a car service…”

Christine's father left her with a three-room apartment. Five years ago a girl called her stepbrother Roman and offered to meet. He agreed, but for most of the walk both were silent, unable to find common topics for conversation.

If Roman loves motorcycles with all his heart, then Christina is passionate about equestrian sports. Neither Belousov’s son nor daughter even thinks about show business.

Something else about Zhenya...

  • Zhenya Belousov was born on September 10, 1964 in the city of Kursk. In high school, he began playing in the school ensemble.
  • Graduated from vocational school No. 1 with a degree in repairman.
  • In the mid-80s, Bari Alibasov noticed him and invited him to play bass in the Integral ensemble.
  • In 1987, Zhenya began his solo career.
  • His hits - “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Such a Short Summer”, “Evening”, “Girl-Girl” - are still considered one of the most popular on retro radio stations.
  • He died in 1997 from a stroke. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.