Elina Kamiren Instagram official VKontakte group. Plastic surgery by Elina Kamiren: before and after photos. Career and personal life


A girl was born in Tyumen on January 6, 1986 under the name Karyakin. According to Elina, her father is in the oil business, and her mother runs a presentable beauty salon. As it turned out, Elina was raised in a family without a father, and her mother is the owner of a small salon on the outskirts of the city.

As a child, the future participant in the television project was involved in artistic gymnastics, achieved success and received a rank in uneven bars exercises. But her height prevented her further sports career, and she briefly became interested in basketball. The girl has a lot of tenacity: she learned English, went to the UK, where she worked as a model, then opened and then sold her agency. Returning to her homeland, Elina received a higher education by correspondence.

In 2011, Elina decided to participate in the television project “Dom-2” and came to Alexey Samsonov. The couple planned the wedding several times, but eventually broke off the relationship.

The Tyumen blonde does not have a calm character, which is why quarrels and scandals with boyfriends and other participants kept breaking out in the perimeter.

In 2013, Alexander Zadoynov became Elina’s new chosen one.

Soon Elina became pregnant, and in February 2014 the couple left the project along with their newborn daughter Alexandra.

But their life together outside the show cracked: Zadoynov and Kamiren broke up, maintaining friendly relations.

I won’t do my nose... I will go with my unique, imperfect, slightly long nose.

Elina Kamiren after plastic surgery (photo)

Before the Dom-2 project, the Siberian woman did not even think about the operation, because even without it she attracted the opposite sex. Elina Kamiren looked well-groomed before plastic surgery, and even her small breasts did not cause complexes. The girl decided to undergo surgery in 2012, increasing her breast size to a full third.

In the photo of Elina Kamiren after plastic surgery she clearly protrudes forward magnificent bust. In one of the interviews, Elina admitted that her mother pushed her to enlarge her breasts. Inspired by the idea, Elina and her mother flew to New Zealand to see a plastic surgeon they knew.

The specialist did a brilliant job, injecting it under the muscle. This installation method allowed Elina to feed her daughter on her own for a long time. The ex-participant of the reality show admitted that rehabilitation was painful and caused a lot of inconvenience. After the recovery period, Elina Kamiren said that her new breasts make her incredibly happy and allow her to wear beautiful clothes.

Some fans compare photos before and after plastic surgery and claim that Elina has plumped up her lips. Elina does not hide the fact that she uses the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons with all her might. She follows Cher's principle: when you can change something you don't like, you need to seize the moment.

It is known that Kamiren, after breast surgery, became concerned about the shape of her nose. She has repeatedly stated that she wants a thin nose famous model.

For a long time, Elina followed the advice of plastic surgeons she knew who did not want to perform the operation: “They refuse to operate on me, saying that my nose is a highlight and will not allow me to lose it and become another wax doll. So I won’t do my nose... I’ll walk around with my unique, imperfect, slightly long nose, what do you think?”

In the summer of 2017, Elina finally made her dream come true and had her nose corrected by star plastic surgeon Tigran Aleksanyan. She told subscribers in detail about the intervention and besieged the haters who advocate naturalness. The girl was pleased with her new nose and at the end of the year she sent her mother for the same operation. Now Elena Kamiren is undergoing a rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.

After plastic surgery, Elina Kamiren's army of fans has grown significantly. Fans react sharply to any changes in the appearance of their idol. Debate in in social networks even provokes new hairstyle, and the operations cause unprecedented unrest among the masses.

Plastic surgery gave Elina Kamiren confidence and self-sufficiency. She proudly participates in photo shoots and gives interviews to glossy magazines.

It is quite possible that Elina will not stop there and will continue experimenting with plastic surgery, so in future photos there is a chance to see a bright blonde with different facial features.

P.S.: Elina Kamiren performed rhinoplasty plastic surgeon.

Elina Kamiren, real name of whom Karyakina is a model and businesswoman who became famous in the country thanks to her participation in the scandalous television project “House 2”.

Elina was born and spent her childhood in Siberia, in the city of Tyumen. She was raised by her mother, Elena Nikolaevna, who raised her daughter alone, without a husband. To provide for her small family, Karyakina Sr. opened her own beauty salon.

As a child, Elina became interested in gymnastics and reached the second youth category in uneven bars exercises. Further development sports career I didn’t get it because of the girl’s height. Later, Elina played basketball, but after school she decided to change her life.

Elina goes to the UK, where she improves her knowledge in English. At the same time, the girl works part-time as a fashion model and also appears on the catwalk. Elina even managed to create her own modeling agency in London, which she sold before returning to Russia.

In Moscow, Karjakina-Kamiren entered the correspondence course at the Russian State University oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkina. Simultaneously with her studies, the girl worked in the management of a reputable private company.

In 2012, Elina decided to undergo breast surgery. The girl was persuaded to have the operation by her mother, with whom she went to New Zealand to see a surgeon she knew. Kamiren increased her bust to size 3, although her own small breasts were never a reason for the girl’s complexes. After arriving home, Karjakina began to think about rhinoplasty, but surgeons and friends dissuaded the girl from the operation, since, according to her, they called Elina’s face “self-sufficient.”

TV show

A new period in Elina’s biography began after the girl first came to television project"House 2". This happened in April 2011. Then Karyakina quickly developed a relationship with her, which grew into a serious passion for each other. The guys left the show together, but behind the perimeter the lovers could not be together and broke up.

However, after some time, Alexey appeared on the air of “House 2”, followed by Elina, who decided to again try to find common ground with Samsonov. The young people even announced their engagement, but the second stage of the relationship was even more stormy. For example, Karjakina could choose in the salon in the morning Wedding Dress, and in the evening of the same day throw it out the window wedding ring prepared for the celebration.

In the end, the guys broke up completely, after which the girl made efforts to expel her ex-boyfriend from the perimeter of the show. Through the efforts of Elina, Feofilaktova and her husband, who were in a state of conflict with Karjakina, followed him. Later, Elina herself left the show.

But the girl returned again in May 2013, and already under new name- Kamiren. The girl immediately formed a relationship with her, who looked after her beautifully: giving jewelry and flowers, organizing romantic dates, and so on. However, scandals and mutual reproaches soon began again. Tired of such a life, Kamiren leaves the project, but two weeks later she realizes that she is pregnant. Zadoynov persuades Elina to return to “House 2” and start all over again clean slate.

After the birth of their daughter, the young people announced a wedding, which they planned to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the project. But a number of misunderstandings (the smaller amount of cash gift announced for the celebration from the creators of “House-2”, Alexander’s doubts about paternity) provoked new scandals between the bride and groom and their further separation.

Personal life

Just a week after, on December 18, 2014, Elina Kamiren, whom she named Alexandra after her father, the parents and the girl left the perimeter of the television show. But in real life the family of Zadoynov and Kamiren never took place. The announced wedding was soon canceled, and Elina and Alexander broke up. The young people dispersed peacefully, remaining good friends. Zadoynov often visits his daughter Sasha and spends a lot of time with the girl.

Elina denies that the baby’s father initiated the breakup of the family. The young mother said in numerous interviews that she initially understood that the lovers were connected only by their participation in the television project “House 2”; the girl did not envision any subsequent relationship from the very beginning.

True, to determine paternity, Alexander Zadoynov still insisted on the procedure of conducting a DNA test, which confirmed that he was the biological father of little Sasha. This was revealed on the television program “Live from”.

Elina Kamiren now

After leaving the Dom-2 project, Elina Kamiren took up video blogging. The girl began to develop her own account in “ Instagram", where he not only shows personal photographs, but also does advertising. As an advertised product, Kamiren uses only products for baby food.

In 2016, the girl shocked her fans and current participants“Doma-2” with a video where she appeared naked. Elina performed a striptease on camera.

Online " YouTube"in April 2017, the girl launched own channel, on which the headings “Notes of a Huntress” and “My Blog” operate, where Elina posts videos of revelations about the TV shows “Dom-2” and “Star Factory”. There are also videos with advice on how to meet oligarchs and how to marry them. Elina claims that using her advice, you can learn to fly business class without money, as well as attend events high society, without having connections in the world of show business. On his own website, Kamiren offers girls ways to upgrade their blogs, and also reveals secrets stylish wardrobe, makeup and hairstyles.

Now Elina has again surprised the subscribers of her personal page on Instagram, where she posted a photo of an Aston Martin DB11, the cost of which is estimated at 17 million rubles. A number of fans of the Dom-2 participant claim that the girl found a wealthy groom, others claim that Elina repeatedly flaunted supposedly expensive gifts from unknown fans, which in fact turned out to be rented items.


  • 2014 – “Dom-2”
  • 2017 – YouTube channel “Notes of a Huntress”

Elina Kamiren (Karyakina) on Instagram is real star, we have collected Interesting Facts and photo from Elina’s Instagram.

Her popularity is due not only to her participation in this project: Elina is a fairly smart and sensible girl, with youth she was busy in business, received her education in England and she always has something to say to her subscribers. That’s why Elina Kamiren’s Instagram has always been so in demand: new photo it immediately received a lot of likes and spread further across social networks.

The star's real name is Karjakina. The one by which we know her, from her own words, is the surname of her grandmother, which the project participant took for herself. She was born and grew up in Siberia - or rather in the city of Tyumen, where she eventually became a model in one of the local modeling agencies. After that, her geography changed: first she moved to Moscow, and then went to study in the UK. Some moments from these stages of her biography were reflected on Instagram: Elina Kamiren willingly shared pictures with her subscribers. After studying, it was time for business: already at the age of 19, she became the head of her own modeling agency - they say that not without the help of her mother, who owned a beauty salon.

The star gained fame throughout the country after her participation in the Dom-2 project, where her path to Big world show business of many modern stars. It so happened that compared to the other participants, this girl really stood out with her remarkable intelligence - for this she became loved by many viewers. Fans of the project from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok worried about her relationship, because she gained popularity not so much with her spectacular appearance as with her extraordinary mind.

What's going on with Kamiren's account now?

As an active user of social networks, Elina Kamiren often added to Instagram latest photos and video. The photographs reflected a variety of subjects: professional staged photographs, fashion clothes, family life– a participant in a television project is raising a small daughter. Walks, cafes, restaurants, cityscapes and much more. The account address could be found as follows: elina_kamiren_. Unfortunately, today the status of her account is not entirely clear: the official link has not worked for some time - probably due to reasons, Elina Kamiren deleted Instagram - however, publications from it remained on a number of mirror sites, and we have the most complete collection . Will she return to full-time management of her Instagram account – that’s the intrigue of the season!

Well, obviously, after the peak of fame during participation in the Dom-2 project, even stars sometimes want to take a break from the bright public life. This is understandable to everyone, because sometimes a person strives for peace and solitude. However, Kamiren did not leave her fans offended: her photographs are widely available on the Internet, and everyone has the opportunity to see them. If you are interested in Elina Kamiren, her Instagram and new photos with her child, you can watch it all for free with us. We are happy to share with you:

  • Studio photographs of the star;
  • Her home photos with her daughter.

And of course, we will monitor the status of her official account!

Elina was born in Tyumen in 1985. Fashion and beauty accompanied the girl throughout her life. At first, her mother opened a beauty salon, so Elina Karyakina (that’s her real name) early childhood absorbed knowledge about model hairstyles and ways to become stylish and fashionable. Then Kamiren entered the modeling business and successfully collaborated with Fashion Houses. For some time, Ellina lived in the UK, where she studied English and even opened her own agency. After some time, she sells her business and comes to Moscow. And then fate brings the young beauty to the site of the television project “Dom-2”.

Elina Kamiren's Instagram photo is a real portfolio of a model. Possessing impeccable taste and a sense of style, the charming Ellina appears to us in the most unusual images: either she is an energetic vamp, or gentle and beautiful in her simplicity, or an exquisite lady. Girls who dream of finding themselves in the world of fashion and style can learn a lot from Kamiren.

Instagram Kamiren (Karyakina) Elina

What can you find on the pages of a blog so pretty, modern and fashionable girl? Elina Karyakina uses Instagram to communicate with her fans and promote herself. There are many photographs of Kamiren herself - from all possible angles: Elina in home environment, Elya on the project, Kamiren’s photo report from the next photo shoot for a glossy publication, Elina and Alexander Zadoynov. According to many fans of the project, this is the most a beautiful couple in "House-2". And, although the relationship is improving “with difficulty”, quarrels and resentments are frequent, nevertheless, many are eager to see Kamiren as a bride. Moreover, the couple is already expecting a child.

And it’s really nice to look at them. And Eli herself doesn’t seem to be much - the girl is so attractive with her beauty and grace.

If you want to find out what Elina Kamiren lives and is interested in, Instagram photography is an excellent way to keep up to date latest news. Eli's blog on Instagram is popular - the girl has more subscribers than many of her colleagues on the project.

The beautiful Kamiren posts new photos almost every day, accompanying them with detailed comments or citing quotes from books. Followers usually support Elina, so the atmosphere on the blog is positive and complacent. Scandals and insults are not welcome; Kamiren herself rarely stoops to insults, trying to remain friendly, well-mannered and positive in any situation.

Fans of “House-2” do not need to explain who Elina Kamiren is. They also know the girl’s biography. But they should also read the article. Perhaps it contains facts that they knew nothing about.

Elina Kamiren, biography: parents

One of the rating participants of “House-2” was born on January 6, 1985 in Tyumen. What family was she brought up in? It is known that the father was a simple worker. He did not want to develop and strive for more high position in society. This is not the kind of husband Elina Kamiren’s mother dreamed of. The woman’s biography indicates that her family included aristocrats and wealthy merchants.

She was raising her daughter alone. Former spouse did not provide financial assistance and did not visit Elina on weekends. Soon our heroine had a stepfather - an intelligent and wealthy man. The girl immediately disliked him. At some point, Elena Nikolaevna had to make a choice between her beloved man and her only daughter. The woman sacrificed her personal life. To make it easier to cope with parting with common-law husband, she threw herself into her work. Elena Nikolaevna opened a small beauty salon in one of the bedrooms. Today she is the owner of a profitable and thriving business.


Elina Kamiren, whose biography we are considering, grew up as an active and sociable girl. She had practically no friends. Our heroine preferred to communicate with the yard boys. Even then she showed her tough character. Elina was their “leader”.

The girl visited regular school. Mom tried to send her daughter to dance, but Elya resisted this in every possible way. Kamiren Jr. was sensible and mature beyond her years. At 15, she made plans for the coming years. The first point was studying abroad. And I must say that Elina fulfilled it. At the end high school the blonde left for the UK. Kamiren lived there for several years. During this time, the girl managed not only to learn English, but also to visit nearby European countries.

Finding yourself

The biography of Elina Kamiren is an example of how a person achieves his goals. At the age of 19, the blonde returned to Russia. Employees of one of the Tyumen agencies accidentally saw her on the street. They offered her cooperation. The girl was a little confused, but took the business card and promised to call one of these days.

Elina has long dreamed of becoming a model. Tall height, figure and external data allowed her to build brilliant career in the field of beauty. As a result, our heroine signed a contact with the agency. After that, fashion shows, photo shoots and interviews for local magazines began in her life. Soon the blonde got bored with all this. She did not renew her contract with the modeling agency.

The girl entered the correspondence department of the Oil and Gas University. She didn't want to go to her mother's. So Elina started looking for work. Thanks to such qualities as communication skills and responsibility, Kamiren managed to get a vacancy in a large investment company. Knowledge of English was also helpful. The girl began her progress through career ladder from the position of Deputy General Director. She would have achieved considerable success if she had not quit. Nothing is known about the reasons for this decision.

"House 2"

Our heroine had a good education, attractive appearance and decent job. For complete happiness, all that was needed was a loved one nearby. This is exactly why Elina went to the reality show “Dom-2”.

On April 8, 2011, a tall and slender blonde appeared on the famous television project. It’s easy to guess that this young lady is Elina Kamiren. The girl’s biography immediately interested the other participants. The girl said that she came from Tyumen and is the owner of a small business.

Elina Kamiren and Alexey Samsonov

With the arrival of our heroine to the project, the inhabitants of the men's bedroom perked up noticeably. However, the blonde immediately announced that she was only considering Alexey Samsonov as her potential boyfriend. The guy reciprocated her feelings. A few days later, the couple moved into separate apartments. At first, romance and passion reigned in their relationship. But soon the girl demonstrated her character in all its glory. Alexey is used to suppressing women. But Elina was not going to bend under him. Mutual discontent resulted in scandals and fights. It seemed to viewers that the couple was about to break off their relationship. But Alexey and Elina staged passionate reconciliations.

Samsonov and Kamiren were going to get married. To avoid rumors and public discussions of the upcoming event, the lovers decided to leave the project. However, their relationship outside the walls of “House-2” quickly faded away.

New love

In May 2013, Elina came to the project again. She didn't even want to hear anything about Alexei Samsonov. The blonde declared that her heart is free. The guy immediately had his eye on her. The guy spent a long time wooing Elina: he arranged romantic dates, gave flowers and jewelry. As a result, the girl agreed to declare herself a couple and move into a separate room.

After some time, mutual reproaches and resentments began in this couple. Sasha and Elina either fought loudly or made up. In April 2014, Kamiren left Dom-2, breaking off relations with Zadoynov. And 2 weeks later she told him by phone about her pregnancy. Alexander managed to return his beloved to the project. The guys started life together from scratch.

On December 18, 2014, the biography of Elina Kamiren from “House-2” was updated important event. The fact is that on this day she became a mother. Their daughter and Zadoynov were born. The blue-eyed baby was named Alexandra in honor of her dad.


Now you know where Elina Kamiren was born, studied and when she came to the project. The girl’s biography includes both joyful and sad events. The first include the birth of Sasha’s daughter and the discovery own business. As for negative events, the participant in “House-2” prefers not to remember them. True, then she was known under the name Karyakin.