Yeger O. World History (volume one. Ancient World). Racial type of the ancient Hellenes Elina people


But in this regard, the East is simply a different model, a different model of life, a different model of behavior, and it is not known which is better. After all, even modern European civilization not that old, she's not that ancient. But, for example, Chinese civilization has four thousand years of continuous development - continuous, without shocks, without changes ethnic composition. And here Europe, which essentially begins its history, ethnic history, from the era of migration of peoples, does not look so ancient. Not to mention the Americans, who have this whole history for 200 years, because they did not consider as part of their history the history of the people they exterminated - the history of the Indians.

We must not forget that in addition to Europe there is a huge the world, which is just as interesting and original. And if it is incomprehensible, this does not mean that it is worse. In this regard, again, you need to imagine what the attitude of the Greeks was (the first lectures will be on Greece, so we will talk about the Greeks) to the world around them. I wonder if they considered themselves Europeans and did they think that they would be considered the basis on which European civilization would arise? So, for the Greeks, and later for the Romans (well, with a certain modification), there will be a very clear representation of the division into “us” and “strangers”: Hellenes and barbarians.

Who are the Hellenes?

Hellenes- these are those that belong to the circle of Greek culture. These are not Hellenes by origin. It doesn't matter what your background is. A Hellene is a person who speaks Greek, who worships the Greek gods, who leads Greek image life. And in this regard, again, it was significant that the Greeks had no concept of nationality. Then we will say that for the first time they are developing the concept of a citizen, the concept of civil status, but again not the concept of nationality.

In this regard, the Greeks were a very receptive people. This is why one can explain such a rapid and dynamic development of their culture. Many of the so-called Greeks are not ethnically Greek origin. Thales, according to tradition, is a Phoenician, that is, at least a quarter, a representative of the Asia Minor Carian people, Thucydides is a Thracian by mother. And many other remarkable representatives of Greek culture were not Greek by birth. Or here is one of the seven wise men (the seven wise men, the selection was tough), a dedicated Scythian, Anacharsis, and it is believed that he belongs to the circle of Greek culture. And, by the way, it is he who owns one saying that is so relevant, say, in our country, in our world. It was he who said that the law is like a web: the weak and poor will get stuck, but the strong and rich will break through. Well, why is this not Hellenic wisdom, Hellenic, but he is a Scythian.

So for the Greeks (and they would later settle throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions), a Greek Hellene was considered a person of their culture and that’s it, regardless of nationality. And everyone who does not belong to the culture does not speak Greek, they are all barbarians. Moreover, at that moment the word “barbarus” (this is a purely Greek word) did not carry negative character, this is just a person of a different culture. That's all. Moreover, again, any barbarian can become a representative of Hellenic culture, can become a Hellenic. There is nothing permanent about this

That is why they did not have such problems in the world as, for example, religious strife or strife in national character, although the Greeks fought all the time, they were a very restless people. They fought for completely different reasons.


The name Hellen or Hellin itself dates back to the 8th century BC. And it takes its name from Hellas or in another way - ancient Greece. Thus, Hellene is a “Greek”, or a resident of Greece, a representative of the Greek people, ethnic group.

It must be said that over time, in the 1st century AD, the word “Hellenic” began to designate not only Greeks by nationality, but also representatives of the entire Mediterranean. It came to mean speakers of Greek culture, language, and even people of other nationalities who were born in Greece or neighboring countries and assimilated there.

Since the conquests of Alexander the Great, Greek culture spread throughout the then world. Greek morals, customs, the Greek language, penetrated into all countries bordering Greece, and became, in their own way, international cultural values. That's why the whole world spoke Greek back then. And even the Romans, who replaced the Greeks, adopted much of what was rightfully Greek culture.

From all of the above, one can see that the Jews, by the word Hellenic, meant “pagan,” no matter what nation he was a representative of. If he is not a Jew, then that means he is a Hellenic (pagan).

Hellenists from Acts 6:1

1 In these days, when the disciples multiplied, there arose among the Hellenists a murmur against the Jews because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution of needs.
(Acts 6:1).

As a consequence, the Apostles instructed the brothers to appoint several persons responsible for meeting the needs of Hellenistic widows.

« Murmur" V this text this is a translation of the Greek word goggumos, which means “grumbling; muttering"; "muffled conversation"; “an expression of hidden dissatisfaction”; "complaint".

« Hellenists"this is a transliteration of the word helleniston, forms plural genitive case from hellenistes. Hellas means Hellas, Greece. In the New Testament, Hellas is used to refer to the southern part of Greece as opposed to Macedonia in the north.

The word "Greek", otherwise Greek, meant a person who did not belong to the Jewish people, as in Acts 14:1; 16:1, 16:3; 18:17; Romans 1:14.

1 At Iconium they entered together into the Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a great multitude of Jews and Greeks believed.
(Acts 14:1).

1 He reached Derbe and Lystra. And behold, there was a certain disciple named Timothy, whose mother was a Jew who believed, and whose father was a Greek.
(Acts 16:1).

3 Paul wished to take him with him; and he took it and circumcised it for the sake of the Jews who were in those places; for everyone knew about his father that he was a Greek.
(Acts 16:3).

17 And all the Greeks seized Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat; and Gallio was not at all worried about that.
(Acts 18:17).

14 I am indebted to Greeks and barbarians, to the wise and to the ignorant.
(Rom 1:14).

The word hellenistes is used only three times in the New Testament [Acts 6:1; 9:29; 11:20], and means the Jews who spoke Greek. "Hellenists" in Acts 6:1 are Greek-speaking Jews who followed Greek customs and came from Greek-speaking countries.

29 He also spoke and competed with the Hellenists; and they tried to kill him.
(Acts 9:29).

20 Now there were some of them Cypriots and Cyreneites, who came to Antioch and spoke to the Greeks, preaching the good news of the Lord Jesus.
(Acts 11:20).

They probably represented those nations [Acts 2:8-11] who were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and, following the resurrection of Jesus, were converted to the Lord Jesus Christ.

8 How can we each hear our own dialect in which we were born?
9 The Parthians, and the Medes, and the Elamites, and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia,
10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjacent to Cyrene, and those who came from Rome, Jews and proselytes,
11 Cretans and Arabians, do we hear them speaking in our tongues about the great [deeds] of God?
(Acts 2:8-11).

They were also placed there by Herodotus, Thucydides, Parian Marble, and Apollodorus. However, Aristotle transfers ancient Hellas to Epirus. According to Ed. Meyer, expressed in his work “Geschichte des Altertums” (II vol., Stuttgart, 1893), in the prehistoric period the Greeks who occupied Epirus were driven out from there to Thessaly and carried with them to new lands the former tribal and regional names.

Later genealogical poetry (starting with Hesiod) created the eponym of the Hellenic tribe Hellene, making him the son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, who survived the great local flood and were considered the ancestors of the Greek people. The same genealogical poetry created in the person of Hellene's brother, Amphictyon, the eponym of Thermopylae-Delphic amphictyony. Members of the Amphictyony, connecting themselves by origin with the Phthiotians, got used to calling themselves Hellenes and spread this name throughout Northern and Central Greece, and the Dorians transferred it to the Peloponnese.

In the 7th century BC, mainly in the east, the correlative concepts of barbarians and panhellenes arose, but this latter name was supplanted by the name Hellenes, which had already come into use, which united all the tribes that spoke Greek, with the exception of the Macedonians, who lived an isolated life.

As a national name Hellenes found for the first time in the 8th century BC by Archilochus and in the Hesiod Catalog.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

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    See what “Hellenes” are in other dictionaries: Greeks. Dictionary foreign words , included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. HELLENES, the ancient Greeks, as they called themselves. Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907 ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language - (Greek Hellenes), self-name of the Greeks...

    Modern encyclopedia - (Greek Hellenes) self-name of the Greeks... Big

    encyclopedic Dictionary HELLENES, ov, units. in, a, m. Self-name of the Greeks (usually of the classical era). Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    - (in ElhneV). For the first time we meet the name of the Hellenes of a small tribe that lived in southern Thessaly in the valley of the Enipeus, Apidan and other tributaries of the Peneus in Homer: E., together with the Achaeans and Myrmidons, are mentioned here as subjects of Achilles, inhabiting ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Hellenes- Hellenes, ov, units. h. Hellene, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Hellenes- (Greek Hellenes), self-name of the Greeks. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ov; pl. [Greek Hellēnes] 1. Self-name of the Greeks. ● For the first time, the term Hellenes to designate the Greeks is found in the poet Archilochus (7th century BC). 2. Ancient Greeks. ◁ Ellin, a; m. Ellinka, and; pl. genus. nok, dat. nkam; and. Hellenic, oh, oh. Eh speech. Uh... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Hellenes- (Greek Hellenes) self-name of the Greeks, which spread in antiquity. This word is first found in Homer, but in relation to only one tribe that inhabited a small region in southern Thessaly, Hellas; Aristotle localizes it in... ... Ancient world. Dictionary-reference book.

    Hellenes- ov; pl. (Greek Hellēnes) see also. Hellene, Hellenic, Hellenic 1) The self-name of the Greeks. For the first time, the term Hellenes to designate the Greeks is found in the poet Archilochus (7th century BC). 2) Ancient Greeks... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Hellenes and Jews, Yuri Gert. For Yuri Gert, the most important topics have always been anti-Semitism, overcoming assimilation facelessness, and understanding own destiny as part of your destiny...
  • King Herod the Great. The embodiment of the impossible (Rome, Judea, Hellenes), Vikhnovich V.L. The book by the famous St. Petersburg scientist V. L. Vikhnovich is dedicated to the life and works of the last Jewish king Herod the Great (73–4 BC), whose name is mentioned in connection with…

Hellenes(Ἔλληνες). - For the first time with the name of the Hellenes - a small tribe that lived in southern Thessaly in the valley of the Enipeus, Apidan and other tributaries of the Peneus - we meet in Homer (Il. II, 683, 684): E., along with the Achaeans and Myrmidons, are mentioned here like the subjects of Achilles, who actually inhabit Hellas. In addition, we find the name of Hellas as a southern Thessalian region in several later parts of both Homeric poems (Il. IX, 395, 447, XVI, 595; Od. I, 340, IV, 726, XI, 496). This data from epic poetry about the geographical location of Egypt is used by Herodotus, Thucydides, Parian Marble, and Apollodorus; only Aristotle, based on Il. XVI, 234-235, where the “priests of Dodon Zeus” are mentioned Cells, Not foot washers and sleeping on the bare ground,” and identifying the names of the Sells (sub-Gells) and the Hellenes, transfers ancient Hellas to Epirus. Based on the fact that Epirus Dodona was the center ancient cult primordial greek gods- Zeus and Dione, Ed. Meyer (“Geschichte des Altertums”, II vol., Stuttgart, 1893) believes that in the prehistoric period the Greeks who occupied Epirus were driven out from there to Thessaly and carried with them to new lands the former tribal and regional names; it is clear that the Hellopia mentioned by Hesiod and the Homeric Sellas (Gellas) are repeated in the Thessalian Hellenes and Hellas. Later, genealogical poetry (starting with Hesiod) created the eponym of the Hellenic tribe Hellene, making him the son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, who survived the great local flood and were considered the ancestors of the Greek people. The same genealogical poetry created in the person of Hellenus' brother, Amphictyon, the eponym of Thermopylae-Delphic amphictyony. From this we can conclude (Holm “History of Greece”, I, 1894 p. 225 trace; see also Beloch, “History of Greece”, vol. I, pp. 236-217, M., 1897) that the Greeks recognized a close connection between the union of the Amphictyons and the name of E., especially since in the center of the peoples who were originally part of the union, the Phthiotian Achaeans, identical with the most ancient Hellenes. Thus, the members of the Amphictyony, connecting themselves by origin with the Phthiotians, little by little got used to calling themselves Hellenes and spread this name throughout Northern and Central Greece, and the Dorians transferred it to the Peloponnese. In the 7th century BC mainly in the east, the correlative concepts of barbarians and panhellenes arose: this latter name was supplanted by the name Hellenes, which had already come into use, which united all the tribes who spoke Greek. language, with the exception of the Macedonians, who lived an isolated life. As a national name, the name E., according to the information we have, is found for the first time in Archilochus and in the Hesiod Catalog; in addition, it is known that the organizers of the Olympic festival bore the name Hellanodics already before 580 BC. The need to create a national name is already noticed in epic poetry: for example, in Homer, the Greeks bear the common tribal names of Danaans, Argives, Achaeans, as opposed to the Trojans. Aristotle and some representatives of Alexandrian literature mention another, in their opinion, the most ancient common ethnic name of the people - Γραικοί (= graeci = Greeks), under which in historical time the inhabitants of E. were known to the Romans and which then passed through the Romans to everyone to the European peoples. In general, the question of the origin ethnic names of the Greek people belongs to the number of controversial and unresolved issues to this day. Wed. Ed. Meyer, “Forschungen zur alten Geschichte” (Stuttgart, 1892); B. Niese, “Ueber den Volkstamm der Gräker” (“Hermes”, vol. XII, B., 1877; pp. 409 et seq.); Busolt, “Griechische Geschichte bis zur Schlacht bei Chaironeia” (I vol., 2nd ed., Gotha, 1893); Enmann, “From the field of ancient Greek geographical onomatology” (“Journal of Min. Nar. Prosv.”, 1899, April and July).