Effective exercises for sedentary work. Gymnastics for those who hang out at the computer and do not stand at the open hearth


We are constantly looking for excuses for not exercising. One of them is that we don't have time for this because of work. Now you will have one less excuse, because the complex that we will show you today can be done even at your desk!

It includes 9 exercises that stretch the muscles, tone them and help avoid unpleasant back pain. The exercises work every part of the back, starting at the top and ending with the lower back. To this complex you can also add the same set of neck exercises that you can find.


This exercise works the upper back. Sit up straight and place both feet on the floor. The arms should hang along the body. Raise your shoulders toward your ears while keeping your neck straight. Pause for a moment and lower your shoulders back. Repeat several times.

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Sit upright with your feet on the floor and your arms extended along your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together without lifting your shoulders. Pause for a second and pull your shoulders forward. This will stretch your shoulder girdle in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise several times at a slow pace.

Shoulder rotations

Sit upright with your feet on the floor. Place your hands on your shoulders. Rotate forward a few times as if you were swimming. Repeat several times and do the same in the opposite direction.

Back crunches

Sit upright on the edge of a chair with both feet on the floor. Your knees should be parallel to each other. Place your hands behind your head and twist your torso to the right and then to the left. Repeat several times.

Lumbar arches

Sit upright on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands behind your head. Arch your back and look at the ceiling. The neck, shoulders and head should go as far back as possible, and the middle of the back should go forward. Repeat several times.

Seated Forward Bend

Sit up straight with both feet on the floor. Bring your knees together and lean forward, resting your chest on them. Avoid rounding your back. You can help yourself a little by holding your shins with your hands. Stay in this position for as long as possible and return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Side bends

Sit on the edge of a chair and place both feet on the floor. Keep your knees parallel to each other. Place both hands behind your head and tilt your torso to the left. Return to the starting position and tilt it to the right. Do not lean your back forward or backward. Repeat several times.

Cat-cow pose (Marjariasana-bitilasana)

Sit on the edge of a chair and place both feet on the floor. Your knees should not touch; place your hands on your knees. Extend the middle of your back forward, trying not to help yourself with your pelvis and shoulders. Then, round your back and stretch it back. Repeat several times at different paces.

Side bends

Sit upright on the edge of the chair. Place your hands on your knees. Bend your back to the left side, then repeat the same to the right side. Don't help yourself with your shoulders and pelvis. Repeat several times.

You can find a description of these exercises in the original

Ecology of life. A healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body and a guarantee of well-being. What four exercises will help...

A healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body and a guarantee of well-being.Back problems are a real scourge of people in the twenty-first century. Sedentary work, cars, lack of physical activity, poor diet: all of this, to one degree or another, causes spinal diseases. To avoid them and enjoy free movement, as well as the absence of discomfort in the back, you need to exercise. And when you work sedentarily, in addition to regular training, you need to stretch your spine from time to time. What exercises for the back can be done without leaving your workplace (or after work at home, if you are embarrassed by your colleagues), says fitness director, elite trainer of the Body Art fintess fitness club Valeria Ivashchenko.

In order to stretch your back during the working day, perform a number of simple exercises. This will help remove the “clamps” and relieve you of discomfort in your back.

The first exercise for the upper back (cervical and thoracic spine) is called "Imitation Swimming". To perform it, stand straight with your knees bent. Bend forward slightly at the lumbar region, the crown of the head is elongated, the cervical region is long. Stretch your arms in front of you, bend them at the elbows as you inhale and exhale, squeeze your shoulder blades together, simulating swimming. Perform the exercise for one minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

The second exercise, which also prevents kyphosis and works with the thoracic spine, is called"Reduction of the shoulder blades". It can be done either sitting or standing: whichever is more convenient for you. Sit upright, stretch the top of your head toward the ceiling, lower your shoulders, spread your straight arms to the sides. Take 3 deep breaths to bring your shoulder blades together, slightly arching your back, expanding your chest; as you exhale, stretch your arms forward, relaxing your back in the opposite direction, rounding it. Do the exercise for a minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

The third exercise is designed to work with the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal areas of the back. His name - "Saw Crunches". This exercise prevents compression load on the spine and lordosis. To perform it, sit down, fix your pelvis well so that it is motionless. This exercise works from the lower back. Pull the top of your head up, try to increase the distance between the vertebrae as you inhale. Next, as you exhale, with your back straight, twist to the side using a “corkscrew” effect (in both directions). Do the exercise for a minute, then rest for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.

As a final exercise, do "Standing crunches". It perfectly relaxes the back muscles and gives a feeling of relaxation.

Stand on the floor, feet hip-width apart. Try to extend the top of your head to the ceiling, while making an entrance at the same time. As you exit, lower your back down, twisting vertebrae by vertebrae, keeping your knees bent. As you inhale, strain press , pulling your navel to your lower back, and exhaling, return to the starting position, straightening your round back.

Many professions which require absolutely no stress on the body, lead to many negative consequences, For example, to poor posture, poor vision, excess weight, and all these joys appear only from a lack of physical exercise at work. In addition, a monotonous sitting posture disrupts the blood supply to the brain, which causes headaches, premature fatigue, poor memory, and impaired blood pressure. Failures in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are also a popular office ailment. Don't forget about susceptibility to rapid obesity, since when sitting on a chair, pressure on the lower body increases, which stimulates the accumulation of fat in it. In continuation of the fascinating study of the unpleasant consequences of sedentary work, we can mention the appearance of muscle pain, weakness, constipation, diabetes and hemorrhoids.

Simple and effective exercises for the back during sedentary work will help to avoid all of the problems listed above, as well as relieve muscle tension. Doing them will help fill your body with energy and strength for the whole day, especially considering that even a small amount of daily physical activity is already beneficial for the body. Before listing all the effective exercises for sedentary work, It is important to note the need for morning exercises, which should last about 5 minutes, which is enough to prepare the body for everyday work.

Correct posture must be maintained at all times. To achieve and maintain it, it is recommended to choose the right chair with a hard seat, the height of which corresponds to the height of the shin, the back exactly follows the curve of the spine. The shoulder blades should be retracted, the stomach should be relaxed, and the shoulders should not sag. It is not recommended to lean your elbows, as this is a sure way to incorrect posture and subsequent diseases, which also results from the habit of crossing your legs.

A set of exercises for exercise at work

Finding the body in a constant unnatural and disturbed position has a bad effect on well-being and health, leading to pain, poor concentration, blood stagnation and subsequent formation of blood clots. To eliminate them, exercises during sedentary work are successfully used.. They incorporate gymnastics for sedentary work for most parts of the body, are unpretentious and simple, can be easily performed at the workplace, since they require little time, and the result is difficult to overestimate, given that All you need for class is a chair.

Back exercises at work

  • sitting on a chair, hands are joined in a lock behind the back, shoulder blades are brought together, arms are pulled back. Good posture will be useful for this, because the straighter your back, the easier it will be to join your hands, but if you can’t do this, you can take a pencil in them. Feel the muscles stretch. Exercise improves blood circulation in the back muscles;
  • hands are joined in a lock in front of you and extended forward. The head looks down, the stomach is drawn in, and as you exhale, the arms are extended forward as much as possible. Great stretch for the upper back;
  • The exercise is also performed while sitting on a chair. Feet are placed wide, hands rest on hips. Then alternate turns of the body to the sides are performed with a slight delay. So you will pull the muscles of the middle spine and lower back.

Perform each exercise for as long as you need. Feel muscle relaxation and a pleasant tingling sensation. If you feel relief, you can complete the exercise.

The need to maintain intervals between work and rest, which should be no more than 3 hours, deserves attention.

Spinal stretching exercises at work are extremely important, since it takes on the lion's share of the load. There are many of them and they vary depending on the situation and opportunities at work. You can always set aside some time to complete them, even if your work schedule is very busy. If you have the opportunity to watch videos at work and do a set of exercises to exercise at work based on them, it will be even better. Use the video from this article.

Exercises for the abs

Sedentary work weakens the abdominal muscles, which is fraught with both a deterioration in overall appearance and the occurrence of various diseases, therefore, for women, exercises during sedentary work are especially important, because they take care of their figure more than men. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to do abdominal exercises at work as often as possible throughout the day:

  • Sitting. The stomach is drawn in for 5 seconds, then returns to the starting position. At first, 10 repetitions are enough, but gradually their number and execution time increases. Undoubtedly, this is the main abdominal exercise at work, involving all abdominal muscles;
  • Sitting on a chair. The body is tilted left and right. When performing, the back remains straight, arms are lowered. When you exhale, the body lowers, and when you inhale, it returns to the starting position. To begin with, 10 repetitions are enough, over time it is advisable to increase their number;
  • Sitting or standing. The abdominal muscles are held in static tension for 5 seconds, after which they relax. You can also gradually increase the duration of the abdominal tension.

Do the first exercise wherever you can - in transport, at the computer, on the sofa. For as long as you can. And you are guaranteed an iron press! The main thing is to remember this 😉

Neck exercises for sedentary work

All exercises are performed sitting or standing, as you wish:

  • chin drops to chest, then the head smoothly turns back in an attempt to look behind the back. Breathing also needs to be controlled - neck flexion is done while inhaling, and neck extension is done while exhaling. Executes 5 times;
  • head turns to the side, is fixed, after which it is rotated in the other direction. 5-10 repetitions are performed;
  • 5-10 different numbers or letters are carefully drawn with your nose in the air. The neck should move in full amplitude;
  • the head rotates 2-4 times clockwise, then against her. Excellent for training the neck and stretching the vertebrae. An extremely effective exercise when working at a computer;
  • folded hands cover the back of the head and press on it, the head provides resistance, which remarkably develops the neck muscles;
  • the head drops down, the muscles relax and the shoulders rise as high as possible with a delay of several seconds.

Losing weight at work!

Often, sedentary work contributes to a decrease in muscle elasticity in the waist and hips, as well as the formation of fat pads. Comprehensive exercises for weight loss at work, which should be repeated at least 4-5 times a week:

  1. Standing. Imitation of jumping rope, which are performed either on two legs or on each in turn.
  2. Standing. Hands are crossed above the head. Produced lunges for each leg - 10 times.
  3. Standing. The feet are placed parallel to each other at a distance of 45-50 cm. Done squat until your shins reach a level perpendicular to the floor, and your thighs reach a parallel level. It is necessary to stand in this position for as long as possible.
  4. Sitting on a chair. Hands hold on to him, and the legs are smoothly pulled towards the body, after which they return to the starting position - 10 times.
  5. Standing. Classic squats. The main condition is a straight back and the inadmissibility of lifting your heels off the floor - 20 times.

In addition to basic physical exercises at work, when working sedentarily, you should also not forget about the benefits of proper nutrition and its necessity when losing weight. It is worth giving up fatty, spicy, fast food, and also drinking about 2 liters of water daily, as it has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body.

During working hours it is recommended to walk more, for example, when passing something to colleagues, up the stairs. You can talk on the phone or look through papers while standing, which, although for a short time, will relieve the strain on the spine, and during lunch breaks you can take short walks.

It is up to everyone to decide which exercises to use during sedentary work, because if working at the computer takes up a very small part of the working day, then perhaps nothing bad will happen to the body. But, if the whole week passes from morning to evening in a sitting position, exercise at work is simply a must. In addition, gymnastics at work with a sedentary lifestyle will allow you to involve colleagues in its implementation, with whom you can take care of your figure and health. Its regular and diligent implementation will very soon make you feel better, and the work will begin to bring pleasure.

Nowadays, the so-called passive lifestyle is gaining momentum. This type of activity involves a sedentary profession not related to physical activity. Many people understand that such work is extremely harmful to health, but not everyone has the opportunity to change their field of activity for various reasons. In addition, one may simply like the profession.

There is a way out of this vicious circle. It is required to properly organize the workplace, perform special sedentary exercises for women during the day, and in your free time lead an active and varied lifestyle.

How to stay healthy

Why do office gymnastics:

  • the risk of developing spinal diseases is reduced;
  • prevention of pain in the lower back, neck, back;
  • blood circulation improves, the activity of all organs is activated;
  • breaks are good for the eyes, important for working at the computer;
  • the level of anxiety and stress decreases, the nervous system calms down;
  • blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels are regulated;
  • the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity is significantly reduced;
  • activity has a positive effect on productivity and efficiency;
  • changing activities increases efficiency, energy, and concentration;
  • relieves lethargy, drowsiness, absent-mindedness;
  • maintaining a good figure, normal weight, muscle tone.

Important. By properly organizing your day and increasing activity, you will be able to avoid harmful effects on your health. In addition, if you follow simple recommendations that will become a habit over time, your health will improve.

In the morning

You shouldn’t jump out of bed at the first sound of the alarm clock and get ready to run errands. Set the alarm clock literally 5 minutes earlier and when you get up, lie down a little and stretch. It is advisable to do morning exercises. If you don’t have the strength to get up, do it without getting out of bed.

On the way to the office

Try not to use the elevator; walking up the stairs is an additional effective form of fitness. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to ride a bicycle to their place of work, since in our country there are few conditions for cyclists. And the time to get to the office can increase significantly.

But there is another solution: get off a couple of stops earlier and walk. You need to walk for at least 30-40 minutes a day without a break. The procedure can be repeated in the evening, after a working day.

In the office

While talking on the phone, get up and walk around the office. To communicate with colleagues, forget about calls or mail - go to them in person. Do not refuse if you need to take work documents to another department or pick them up. Organize your workspace so that you have to constantly get up for necessary things throughout the day.

Don't miss any opportunity to move. Practice the sports complex throughout the day.

Don’t forget about your eyes; every 2-2.5 hours it is recommended to be distracted for 10-12 minutes. At this time, you need to do exercises for your eyes and give them rest. While sitting at the table, watch your posture to avoid unpleasant consequences such as curvature of the spine and acute pain.

Suggest holding meetings and planning meetings while standing. Many companies in the world use this technique, including Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. According to research by psychologists from the University of Washington, standing planning meetings are more effective than regular ones.

The duration of the events is reduced, the speech is clearly to the point without unnecessary water and introductions. When people are moving or standing, they generate fruitful ideas more often, and a feeling of a cohesive team appears.

Add exercises in the mornings and during breaks to your corporate culture. It is easier for everyone to do the exercises together; it is especially difficult for shy people to do alone.

Working as a team is more fun, easier, and there will be no chance to evade the responsibility to take care of your health. Such events will unite the team and have a positive effect on the work process.

After a hard day and at leisure

It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle. Walk more, do gymnastics at home or join a gym or swimming pool. A meeting with friends in a cafe can be moved to the gym. Playing sports with a group is more fun and interesting. There will be fewer reasons to skip training.

Sedentary exercises for women: 15 effective exercises

When performing the following workouts, performance increases, fatigue and fatigue decreases, and muscles warm up. You can complete all tasks or choose your favorite ones.

After completing gymnastics, you will have more strength for further work. The movements are performed while sitting on a chair; if possible, perform them while standing.

No. 1. Start by warming up your neck. Turn left, right, forward, backward. Then proceed with circular movements clockwise, then counterclockwise. Practice the movements slowly, without rushing, so as not to provoke pain.

No. 2. Clasp your hands behind your back with your palms facing away from you. Stretch carefully, perform this movement, but with your hands in front of you. Warm up stagnant muscles in this way.

No. 3. Without releasing your palms, lift your handles up. Lean right, left, forward, back as far as you can. Stretch your spine and side muscles.

No. 4. In this case, you need to clasp your hands into a fist while sitting on a chair, clasping it behind the back of the chair. Stretch your chest and back in this way.

No. 5. Straighten your left arm in front of you, bend it at the elbow, forming a right angle, turning your palm towards your face. Place your straight right hand on the elbow of your bent left hand. Stretch your shoulders by stretching your left hand with your right.

No. 6. Raise one arm up, place the other along your body. Bend your elbows and try to bring your palms together behind your back.

No. 7. Interlace your fingers at the back of your head. Without pressing, pull your head down with your handles, stretching your neck and upper back.

No. 8. Place your palms on your knees. Arch your back like a cat, stretching each vertebra.

No. 9. Sitting straight, turn your entire body, not your head, first in one direction, then in the other. The movements are aimed at the back and shaping the waist.

No. 10. It is difficult to work the gluteal muscles while sitting, but it is possible. Sit on a chair, sitting in a relaxed state. Then sharply tighten your gluteal muscles and thighs for 10-12 seconds. Then relax and repeat a couple of repetitions.

No. 11. At the current stage, trousers are required; it is not recommended to perform in a skirt in a crowded office. Move away from the table or turn your chair in a different direction. Extend your legs straight in front of you at the level of the chair seat. Alternately, bending your knees, pull your legs towards your chest. The action is reminiscent of a bicycle and perfectly strengthens the abs.

No. 12. Sit straight on a chair. Raise one leg first, lower it, then the other. Exactly, parallel to the floor, without bending at the knees. Work on leg raises for your calves, thighs, and knee joints.

No. 13. In the same sitting position, lift one leg at a time to your chest, you can help with your hands. Work the back of your thigh.

No. 14. Straighten your legs in front of you, placing them on your heels. Bend towards your toes first with one hand, straighten up, then with the other.

No. 15. The final step is to rotate your feet and hands. Separately or simultaneously, turning in opposite directions.