Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife. Dzhigarkhanyan about his young wife: An extremely vile story. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Documentary


Last week, the 82-year-old actor was again in the hospital, this time with a heart attack. Ironically, the misfortune coincided with the date of the hearing in the divorce case of Armen Borisovich and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. In the absence of the actor, a decision was made to dissolve the marriage. The pianist plans to annul it and make peace with her ex-husband.

“Due to the worsening of pneumonia, Armen Borisovich became ill with his heart,” Vitalina shared with StarHit. – I have been caring for him since 2009 and I know how to prevent such conditions. But they didn’t call me or ask for advice. I have no right to blame anyone, but what is happening now is the result of an oversight and negligent attitude. Where were the vaunted friends who supposedly support him in everything?”

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is surprised why the artist will not hire a nurse, because there are funds for this. The monthly salary of an actor holding the position of president of the theater is at least 100 thousand rubles.

“About another million was kept in his savings book, and he also had cash,” continues the pianist. – When we parted, he was not a beggar. But it is unknown who now manages the finances. I see he’s feeling bad, I’m ready to take him back and live together, but without friends, because there’s only one bed in the apartment! I hope he comes to his senses before it’s too late.”

Fortunately, Dzhigarkhanyan spent only a day at the clinic. The man felt better and the doctors sent him home. Armen Borisovich's acquaintances rent housing in the same fashionable complex where Vitalina's apartments are located. However, the former spouses never crossed paths. Dzhigarkhanyan refuses to meet, but Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya intends to get her way.

“The Kuntsevo court left our appeal unchanged,” lawyer Larisa Shirokova told StarHit. – The divorce has entered into legal force, but we do not lose hope. In two weeks we will file a cassation appeal with the Moscow City Court. Everything is done with the goal of reconciliation. Vitalina wants to talk to her husband face to face and explain her position.”

Love knows no boundaries. Sometimes, a huge age difference does not stop people from taking such a serious step as marriage. In society, such couples are often treated with condemnation. Most often this concerns public people whose lives are in plain sight. Their relationship becomes the subject of heated discussions, mistrust and sincere feelings. But it seems that the lovers themselves are not interested in outside opinions.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old Playboy founder announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

3. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Age difference - 45 years

About the affair of the 79-year-old actor with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, has been known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary. The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4. Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years now, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and cook Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than the eldest son of her husband, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphreys

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist for The Rolling Stones, split from his wife Jo after 23 years of marriage for Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after his affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphreys, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after his divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera, the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children, Dylan and Moses. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls. By the way, Soon-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh. Mia Farrow does not agree with her, who, after breaking up with Allen, accused him of molesting her daughter and forbade him to communicate with the rest of the children.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, confirmed bachelor Al Pacino surprised fans with the announcement that he was going to marry his Argentine girlfriend, actress Lucila Sola. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor never says “never.”

9. Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when the young GITIS graduate was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and, despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

The conflict between the famous actor and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya flared up this week. Armen Borisovich accuses his wife of not letting him into his own theater and of taking over two of his apartments. He spoke in an interview with the “Let Them Talk” program about his disappointment in his wife.

Just a couple of years ago, Armen Borisovich and Vitalina seemed like a happy couple and were inseparable. The actor completely trusted his wife, who is 45 years younger than him. He transferred his entire fortune to Vitalina and entrusted her with the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, she was appointed director.

But this week Vitalina Tsymbalyuk made a statement: her husband was kidnapped! She claimed that the actor had been ill for a long time and was now not aware of his actions. She wrote a statement to the police about the disappearance of Armen Borisovich, and gathered a group at the theater and stated that the artist had been kidnapped by unknown people who wanted to take over the theater.

Vitalina told the media:

Because of all his illnesses, Armen sometimes has outbursts of anger. We recently had a fight. And suddenly some of his old friends arrived. I haven't seen him since then. But I did say it once. He said he would kill me. I do not understand anything.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Photo Ivanov Sergey/

Dzhigarkhanyan’s friend: “I think this will end in a breakup”

All this time, Dzhigarkhanyan was in the hospital, where his friends took him. He asked that Vitalina not be allowed to see him, but he received the host of “Let Them Talk,” Dmitry Borisov, with pleasure. The “Let Them Talk” program visited Dzhigarkhanyan in the hospital to understand the situation. And the actor’s ex-wife Tatyana Vlasova, with whom he lived for 48 years, and recently scandalously divided property, came to the program’s studio.

Tatyana learned about what was happening with her ex-husband from the Internet:

I understand what old friends Vitalina is talking about. One of them is Arthur Soghomonyan, his great friend, one might say he is like a son to him. Arthur was a sponsor of the theater and helped financially with productions. The man is amazing! Vitalina knows him very well. As for the second, I think this is the son of director Nerses Hovhannisyan, Hayrapet. I don’t know why Vitalina calls them unknown. Maybe she wanted to add drama.

Armen Borisovich was very worried about his theater. This was the reason for the conflict with my wife

Photo by Vadim Tarakanov/

Arthur Soghomonyan told Let Them Talk how the actor’s “kidnapping” took place:

Vitalina’s statement looks ridiculous. Armen Borisovich himself asked me to pick him up. As he said, a few days ago they had a conflict, and he does not want to communicate with her, and he personally asked that she not be allowed into the hospital. When we brought him to the hospital, he was not in very good condition: he had not taken his medication for three days. We arrived on time, I'm afraid what would have happened if we hadn't arrived on time. The rest of what Tsymbalyuk says is a complete lie, and I don’t know why she needs it. At first I was in touch with Vitalina every hour, she herself came to the hospital and promised to bring things and documents. The next morning I wrote a statement - first against Airapet, then against me. Now Armen Borisovich is in perfect health, I hope that by the end of the week he will be out of the hospital, and all these intrigues will go away.

He wrote an appeal to the theater actors, where he indicated that he expressed distrust of the administration headed by Vitalina and her two deputies. He asks not to panic and promises to return to the theater in the coming days.

The reason for their conflict is the management of the theater. What is happening now is sad: unprofessional management, few spectators, the latest productions are not pleasing. Armen Borisovich can be deceived somewhere, but not in the theater; he feels falsehood with his skin. And he worries about what is happening there.

He and I discussed his relationship with Vitalina, and said a few things to her. He is deeply disappointed, and I worry about him: stress at this age does not go away without leaving a trace. I don’t see that the situation can return to normal; I think it will end in a breakup.

Ex-wife: “The authorities turned Vitalina’s head”

His second wife Tatyana Vlasova expressed her opinion about why Armen Borisovich was so carried away by Vitalina Tsymbalyuk that he was left without a theater and property:

I’m used to the fact that there are always some intrigues going on around these two people, especially Armen Borisovich’s new wife. The main thing for me is to be happy. He was happy with me too, 48 years is proof of that. I was never jealous of him, because I myself am an actress by training. I was there all the time. She lived for him. But Tsymbalyuk lives for himself. And I can’t understand what caused our separation. When I was like her, he liked me. But we all get old. I can say he changed too.

I tried to understand what was in her that was not in me. When he met Vitalina, she was a pianist. And he loves music and knows it well - classical, opera. And then suddenly she’s young, slender, nimble, and even plays the piano! I think that's what attracted him to it.

Vitalina is 45 years younger than her husband

Photo Timirkhanova Tatyana/

Got carried away, okay. When she firmly entered his life, he began to look at something in her. And now she’s already running the theater, and she’s firing actresses and costume designers. Rules. I think he didn't know a lot of the things she did.

It seems to me that she was playing too much. It went to her head that she was the wife of such a man, that the director, that she ruled, could kick this one out and criticize that one. I tried to put myself in her place to understand. But, having achieved my goal, I would not turn people against me!

Vlasova admitted that Dzhigarkhanyan has a little secret:

He is aged, he is sick. I know all his ailments. I even know when he is really sick and when he wants to rest. He had a habit: if he wanted to think so that no one would interfere, he fell ill. I could have gone to the hospital.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: “I noticed that Vitalina was stealing, but she was my wife!”

Dmitry Borisov visited Armen Borisovich in the hospital. The artist looked cheerful and answered the host’s questions without hiding, although not always clearly.

Love has no boundaries. Sometimes, even a huge age difference does not stop people from taking such a serious step as marriage. In society, such couples are often treated with condemnation. Most often this concerns public people whose lives are in plain sight. Their relationship becomes the subject of heated discussions, mistrust and sincere feelings. But it seems that the lovers themselves are not interested in outside opinions.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old Playboy founder announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Age difference - 45 years

About the affair of the 79-year-old actor with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, has been known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary. The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4. Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years now, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and cook Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than the eldest son of her husband, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphreys

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist for The Rolling Stones, split from his wife Jo after 23 years of marriage for Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after his affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphreys, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after his divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera, the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children, Dylan and Moses. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls. By the way, Soon-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh. Mia Farrow does not agree with her, who, after breaking up with Allen, accused him of molesting her daughter and forbade him to communicate with the rest of the children.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, confirmed bachelor Al Pacino surprised fans with the announcement that he was going to marry his Argentine girlfriend, actress Lucila Sola. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor never says “never.”

9. Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when the young GITIS graduate was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and, despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

13. Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva

Age difference - 30 years

At the time of his acquaintance with 20-year-old VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, Gordon already had a reputation as a lover of young girls: the journalist had a divorce behind him from Nina Shchipilova, who was also 30 years younger than her husband, and from Katya Gordon, who was 15 years younger than Alexander . Nozanin became Gordon's fourth official wife and the mother of his third child.

They walked down the aisle after 15 years of dating. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan it was 80 and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya- 36. Of course, evil tongues predicted a short life for this union, but in the first months after the registry office it seemed that the newlyweds were happy. Everything changed a year later: the People's Artist of the USSR accused his newly-made wife of robbing him completely, and he intends to sue, and before that Vitalina went to the police with a statement about the kidnapping of her husband, who was allegedly in an inadequate state. A romantic love story that began many years ago ended in a banal scandal and, apparently, is headed for divorce.

First meeting

The future spouses first met in 1994, when Dzhigarkhanyan was on tour in Kyiv. 15-year-old Vitalina approached the famous actor for an autograph, joining the impressive army of the artist’s fans: she read all of Armen Borisovich’s interviews, watched films with his participation, and attended performances. A closer acquaintance with the idol took place 6 years later. The girl gave Dzhigarkhanyan a note through her friend who worked in the theater. The actor called her and invited her to come to the dressing room for a cup of tea before the performance. The conversation between them developed from the first seconds. They were brought together by music: Vitalina studied piano at the conservatory, Armen Borisovich was well versed in classical music. But after a heartfelt conversation, they parted again and met only when the girl finally moved to Moscow.

Up the career ladder

In 2008, Dzhigarkhanyan invited Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to become the head of the musical department in his theater; she selected the musical design for performances. Literally a year later, Armen Borisovich had a stroke. Although the actor was married then, he lived alone, since his wife Tatyana Vlasova by that time she was firmly established in America and practically never came to the capital. Dzhigarkhanyan often ate at the theater buffet and, like many other creative people, did not take care of his health. One day he forgot to take a drug that the doctor prescribed for him and ended up in a hospital bed. Then Vitalina took care of the artist into her own hands. After some time, Armen Borisovich returned to work in the theater and even appeared on stage in the premiere play “The Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneca.”

Attentive and...young

Vitalina said more than once in interviews that the romance between her and Dzhigarkhanyan did not begin immediately. There were too many obstacles on the path to family happiness: an impressive age difference, different social status. In addition, it was difficult for the famous actor to believe in the sincerity of the girl’s intentions. But Vitalina’s attention prevailed, and soon they became a real couple. The lovers were constantly together: at home, at work and at social events.

The more than 40-year age difference between Dzhigarkhanyan and his new passion, of course, gave rise to many rumors about the latter’s selfish plans. But one nuance cast doubt on the accusations of spiteful critics: Armen Borisovich was officially married to another woman, which means that if something happened, all his property would go to his legal wife. However, in 2016, the actor decided to put an end to his relationship with Tatyana Vlasova, which lasted almost fifty years, and marry Vitalina.

year 2012. Photo:

There might not have been a wedding

Dzhigarkhanyan proposed marriage at the premiere of “A Christmas Story” at the Mariinsky Theater in January 2016, and the wedding took place in February. As Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said in one of her interviews, she proposed setting a registration date for March, since it was in this month that the couple met. However, Armen Borisovich told her that he could not wait that long.

On the eve of the wedding, the actor was hospitalized. Vitalina was not completely sure that the wedding would take place. But on day X, the loving groom ran away from the doctors and finally came to the registry office. The ceremony was modest, without lavish feasts and festivities. Having become husband and wife, the newlyweds went to the theater.

After the stamp

It seemed that Armen Borisovich’s family life was a real idyll. However, in October 2017, news appeared in the press that Dzhigarkhanyan was hiding from his young wife in the hospital, accusing her of theft and flatly refusing to let Vitalina into his room.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself interprets this unpleasant story differently. The woman claims that her husband is very ill and was abducted, and she did not know about his whereabouts for several days, so she contacted the police.

Friend of Dzhigarkhanyan Arthur Soghomyan, who helped the artist go to the hospital, claims that serious disputes arose between the spouses not only on financial grounds, because the girl allegedly transferred all her husband’s property to herself, but also on creative grounds. In 2015, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya took the position of general director of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and began to implement productions on its stage that her husband did not like. And when the scandal broke out, she even issued an order according to which Armen Borisovich was forbidden to cross the threshold of his own theater.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

After Dzhigarkhanyan’s “escape”, the spouses do not communicate and, apparently, there is no point in talking about reconciliation of the parties, since Armen Borisovich announced his desire to divorce Vitalina and deprive her of her position. Alas, even the third marriage did not become truly happy for the actor.