Gerard Butler: “What attracts me to a woman is her ability to shut up at the right time. Gerard Butler: "I'm made up of extremes


Gerard Butler, the 39-year-old actor talks to Katie Maloy about falling in love, being homesick and the ugly truth about men.
Gerard Butler is at that sweet spot of fame where he balances, seemingly happily, between superstar status and vague rumors about him. Loaded with starring roles over the last 5 years (Phantom of the Opera, 300, RocknRolla), the former Scottish lawyer - still a Scot, albeit with an American accent - has the luxury of simply strolling the streets of Los Angeles with his little pug, Lolita. a dog for a big man"), already famous enough to be stopped by the paparazzi, the actor's pals, and a crazy woman who offers him a success candle and a prediction that he will produce his next picture. “I produced my last one,” he sweetly informs her.
Butler's life is not complete without dark side. According to press reports, he is awaiting a court date regarding the incident in which he allegedly assaulted a photographer. By law, he cannot comment on this widely. He says some paparazzi are "horrible" - they're the ones "who try to make you miserable to make money," which is exactly what he has a problem with.
At 39, Butler considers his relatively recent success difficult to define (measurable). “Who do you think I am?” - he laughs. But his stock will rise with the release of The Ugly Truth, a romantic comedy in which he co-starred with Katherine Heigl. The plot is based on how differently men and women view relationships, he says.
Question: Do you think women have any idea about the ugly truth about men?
Butler: If women could hear what men were saying when they weren't around, it would all be over. You would all become gay or take a vow of chastity. There is that sensual, superficial, carnal aspect which is the worst side of men. And this part is like, “Don’t talk too much on a date, laugh at what I say and don’t expect anything to come of it. But then they too can fall head over heels in love.
Question: And you?
Butler: Love is something I've definitely experienced a couple of times. It didn't work out, it made me mad, but I absolutely want to experience it again. It's all about fucking timing. A couple of years ago people said, "You're young, you're single, you couldn't be in a better position." Two years later they say: “Oh, you’re already that age.” What's happened? Did I spill acid on my face?
Question: But you have a reputation as Hollywood's new ladies' man.
Butler: I really had a lot of fun. Now I take things more seriously, I don't play the fool like I did before. It was much more fun when
I was not under surveillance (I could go under radar). Now going on a date means it will be widely covered in the press. I would be lying if I said my personal life is great at the moment. She's actually quite pathetic.
Question: Undoubtedly, fame has increased your demand. If in real life everything goes for six points, then with popularity it’s at least eight.
Butler(laughs): I think it was always 8 and a half. In general, I think what helped me in my profession (game) was the lack of confidence in my appearance and attractiveness while I was growing up. I think it got me into trouble, but it also taught me how to be an idiot, to be funny. Good looking guys were cool, but I certainly never felt that way.
Question: Perhaps this has changed now?
Butler: There is nothing better than when people think highly of you, but this is not the best. Fans are fantastic and they give value to your career, but that doesn't mean you want to marry them. They put you on a pedestal and it's very hard to date someone like that.
Question: And then there are glory hunters.
Butler: Such people do not fit into my ideal girl at all.
Question: Before you went into acting, you were fired the day before you qualified as a lawyer because of your binge drinking. Are the wild times over?
Butler: Drinking was a huge problem for me. At that time, it seemed that all dreams were destroyed, and drinking served as support (support). I was a crazy drunk, jumping off buildings, hanging off bridges. But they helped me - I haven’t drunk for 12 years. I cleaned up, except for coffee and Coca-Cola.
Question: do you miss Scotland?
Butler: More and more. Not being with your family leaves you feeling empty, you are not as confident on your feet as you would like. It's good (calm) to be at home.
Question: Are you still looking for something?
Butler: I always look forward. But I have a secret inner confidence that everything will be very good.

Communicate with Gerard Butler- a real pleasure, it’s not for nothing that the actor has a reputation as one of the most benevolent stars in Hollywood. He is ready to talk not only about his new films, but also about his personal life. No secrets, no taboos.

We met with Butler in Hollywood, at a hotel with the not so logical name for these places, London. Although the Scot does not hide the fact that Los Angeles is not particularly favored and comes here only for work, and if so, the very opportunity to say: “I went to London” should bring him, albeit small, satisfaction. Walking into the room, I found Gerard sitting on the sofa, rubbing his feet, and it looked like I just couldn't help but ask if he was okay.

- How do you feel?

Yes, my legs are just like two pieces of meat, they are killing me! I just had a special massage: I’m training and grooming my legs so that they don’t let me down during filming. new picture. I'm leaving Los Angeles tomorrow for two and a half months. Work on a science fiction film begins in Australia "Gods of Egypt", in which I will play Set, the god of rage and sandstorms.

- What kind of movie?

The scenario is based on the mythology of Ancient Egypt: Set kills his brother Osiris and usurps power; Horus, son of Osiris, who will be played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, is trying to take revenge on my character. But the thief Bek cares little about the games of the gods, however, faced with a curse, he joins Horus, thinking that the death of Seth will help him get rid of his evil fate. But the goddess of love Hathor will help everyone. This is an adventure story and will be directed by Alex Proyas (director of the science fiction film I, Robot, which grossed $347 million worldwide - THR).

- So you are a villain?

And what another! Seth destroys almost all of humanity and goes to war with the gods. It's an epic story and I've never done anything like this before. Its budget is $140 million - it's like "Avatar" or "The Lord of the Rings", but with a very unusual narrative. My character is in a world in which gods live among people: they liked their own creation so much that they decided to live in it. Gods are not eternal, although they live much longer than people - from a thousand to two thousand years.

- It turns out "Gods of Egypt" grander "300 Spartans"?

Yes, his budget is twice as big.

- Before meeting you, I watched the second part "Spartans"

-...And they didn’t find me there, right? (Laughs.) By the way, I definitely know one Russian fan of the first part. And do you know who it is? Fedor Bondarchuk! I met him in Los Angeles and he complimented my work in "Spartans". I didn't stay in debt either. I looked the day before "Stalingrad" and he impressed me the strongest impression. I admitted this with pleasure to the Russian director. We had a great chat!

- I did the math here - you haven’t appeared on screen for over a year. We spent so long preparing for filming the film "Gods of Egypt"?

Everything is much more prosaic. Actually after "Olympus Has Fallen" I paused. But this year I’m filming three films at once.

- So you yourself plan when to work and when to rest?

Yes, yes, I decided to relax and took a year off. I was happy! Traveled, wrote scripts. I wanted to take my mind off acting, and I didn’t force myself - I decided to relax. I was drawn to spiritual quests. I know that such desires arise during periods of crisis, and it’s good when you have the opportunity to step back from everything and look at your life from the outside. This helped me a lot, and I took on the work with enthusiasm, even, in my opinion, with more than necessary, since I took on too much. But this is my usual cycle - I say: “I give up” and refuse work. But then I work with special zeal. (Laughs.)

- I know, you decided to move from Los Angeles, why didn’t you like Hollywood so much?

When I lived here, my energy dried up very quickly, so I decided to move to Malibu, where it is easier to maintain creativity. When traveling, I prefer to stay in quiet places. I understand the value of living in big cities, but in order to enjoy the benefits of civilization, it is necessary to take breaks and retire.

- You don’t look very much like the guy from Malibu.

Well, I’m a Scot after all, and in Malibu I live not on the ocean shore, but in the mountains, surrounded by them I feel at home, it seems to me that I’m in Scotland. Now, when I think about my next trip, I understand: I’m unlikely to find a more pleasant and convenient place than Malibu. (Laughs.)

- What about New York? Looks like you have an apartment there.

Yes, it's true. But even having my den there, I never really lived in the Big Apple - I only visited it. As for Los Angeles, it is very difficult to make a career here, even more difficult if you do not live in this city. I know a lot of British actors who come here, go to auditions and, after a series of refusals, say that Hollywood is not for them. And I think: “Well, of course, then why do you fly here to audition for every new film?!” The truth is that you can count on one hand the number of people who, while living in London, were able to make a career here.

- What can you say about your own career? Are there many films that you are proud of?

I've had enough victories, like "The Phantom of the Opera", there were also failures, like "Trapped in Time". A "300 Spartans" transported me to another dimension, I remember the time of filming in it as, on the one hand, the best in my life, and on the other, the most difficult. In the future, I would like to act in romantic comedy, drama and thriller.

- Are you afraid of getting stuck in one role?

After "Spartans" I had many offers to star in action films, and that’s what I’m going to do in "Gods of Egypt". But then I definitely need to change the record.

- Cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon 2"- you need to understand one of the ways to do this. Even if you work in it behind the scenes. Are you surprised that animated films often become more popular than live-action films?

Yes, I think animation had a rough patch about 20 years ago, but it's been back in favor ever since. But for me the most interesting thing about this is working with voice. You put all your emotions into it because you can't show them on your face.

In this sense, what shocked me most was the reaction of your hero Stoick to meeting his wife, whom he had not seen for 20 years.

You will be surprised, but this scene was quite easy for me. A similar story just happened to me in my life. I hadn’t seen my father for 14 years and didn’t even know if he was alive. And then one day I came home, and my stepfather said: “Don’t take off your jacket - your father is in town, and you will have to go meet him.” So I didn't have to stretch my imagination to voice this scene. When I saw her in the finished film, I thought: life is full of surprises... In our story, Stoick did not suspect that his wife was alive, and meeting her literally inspired him, despite heartache which he experienced. At that moment, he realized how much he loved his wife and that they could still be happy together. A very powerful scene.

Stoic is not very balanced, and I was afraid that the hero might experience a surge of rage because his wife left him and his son alone.

Me too! (Laughs.) The scene looks so beautiful because this huge, muscular Viking is childishly fascinated by the meeting with the woman he loves and looks at her with adoration. I myself liked this unexpected manifestation of his soul.

In the new action movie "Gamer" video games merge with reality, and gamers can control their lives real people without getting up from the couch. It's a bit like modern Hollywood: teenage boys rule the world.

Executor leading role in Gamer, rose to stardom thanks to this demographic feature, which played to his advantage in the films 300, Guy Ritchie's RocknRolla and the 2001 television series Attila.

But he truly revealed himself as a heartthrob. He was called a full-fledged sex symbol after his roles in the 2007 film “P.S. I Love You" and this summer's romantic comedy "The Ugly Truth."

In a Hollywood increasingly short of stars, charismatic Gerard Butler classified as an A-list rising star. It's an unusual fate for the 39-year-old actor, who once nearly became a lawyer. After ruining his reputation with endless partying, he was fired and immediately reconsidered his life and career.

This fall he will star opposite Jamie Foxx in Law Abiding Citizen, the first film he has produced. He also recently filmed The Bounty with Jennifer Aniston in New York, where he lives most of the time.

- What was it like for you? last year when did fame come to you so quickly?

I was simultaneously learning to adapt to slightly different realities in terms of my career, how I was perceived by industry peers and the public, and how I was looked at just walking down the street. At the same time, I was trying to cope with it, and then feel comfortable and enjoy it in these conditions.

- Looks like you can handle fame. You masterfully sarcastically denied tabloid reports about an affair with Jennifer Aniston.

This got me into a lot of trouble once in the UK when they asked me about James Bond. I'm so tired of people constantly asking me about James Bond, and this was before Daniel Craig got the role. They asked, “So is this true about James Bond?” and I said, “Yes, I’m in talks with (producer) Barbara Broccoli. I told her that if Anne Widdecombe played a Bond girl, I would take it." And Ann Widdecombe was already seventy-something years old, she had a lot of extra pounds and little hair. I thought it would be funny, but the next day the Scottish newspapers left only one part and said: “J. Erard Butler will be the next James Bond." And then you start to think: “Should I completely forget about my sense of humor?”

- Have you noticed any changes in the scenarios that are offered to you?

What I noticed is, firstly, that the scripts have become much more high quality, and secondly, they have become much more diverse. Not all action, not all comedy, and not all romantic comedy. I get all kinds of scripts from heavy dramas to dark comedies and even musicals.

Do you admire anyone's acting career in particular?

Paul Newman, Steve McQueen could play dramatic roles with a really cool approach to them, and also play comedic roles... career path which I would like for myself, more modern version, this is Mel Gibson's career.

- Movies like 300 and Gamer promoted a brutal vision of bad boy masculinity that you don't see in most films today. Is this a topic that fascinates you?

I consider myself a real man, and naturally bring masculinity to these roles. Mike Chadway in The Naked Truth, for example, could have been played by several in different ways… But I also think I'm drawn to roles where guys get to talk about the mythical struggles of men and what it means to be a man.

- You also became a sex symbol, and you don’t attach this role of great importance, although you admit that it is winning.

I laugh at this because it's better to be appreciated than the other way around. If someone brushes it off and refutes it, then they are either crazy, simply dishonest, or overly arrogant... When you say this, my natural reaction is, “Well, I don’t really think so.” But again, I think so sometimes, with some discount.

- Probably your wish becoming a lawyer is already a thing of the past.

Yes, I have nightmares about this every night! Why am I still not practicing law? (Laughs.)

-You were so close to it. This must have been a great turning point.

The most incredible turning point. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I was seven days away from qualifying after seven years of work, and I gave up. I could no longer turn a blind eye to my dissatisfaction with the way I was living my life. But I was also freed in many ways from what felt like a prison sentence for the soul. Obviously, I was created to become what I became.

Personal life Hollywood actor Gerard Butler has long been under the close attention of fans, journalists and photographers. This is not surprising, the actor is handsome, successful in his profession, financially secure, and witty. At the same time, he has never been married and is extremely reluctant to talk about the details of his personal life.

Biography and personal life of Gerard Butler

Scottish by birth, Gerard Butler became known to the general public in 2004 after playing the role of the Phantom in the film “The Phantom of the Opera.” Since then, he has managed to participate in such high-profile cinematic projects as “300”, “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - 2. The Cradle of Life”, “Rock and Rolla”, “P.S. I love you". He is recognized as one of the sexiest and beautiful actors Hollywood.

At the same time, quite little is known about the man’s novels, except that he has never been married. In numerous interviews about his personal life, Gerard Butler either prefers to laugh it off or complains that journalists are ready to “marry” him with his partner in every project. Nevertheless, Gerard has firmly established himself as a connoisseur of the female sex and an avid heartthrob.

Here's what is known about him early novels. The press suspects that for more than a year, from the spring of 2007 to the spring of 2008, the actor dated Rosario Dawson, who was his co-star in the film. This relationship was not confirmed by either party, although the couple was seen together at events more than once. But such exits do not refute the version that this was just a promotional campaign for the film.

Next probable girlfriend Gerard Butler became Shanna Moakler. And again, no exact evidence, except for a few photos from the alleged date.

In 2010, the personal life of actor Gerard Butler was in full swing. He was credited with a relationship with one of the most enviable brides in Hollywood, who was also the Scottish actor's partner in the film. In addition, in the same year, according to the tabloids, he managed to meet Beatrice Coelho and Lori Koleva, as well as the Serbian model Martina Rajic. None of these novels also received official confirmation; on the contrary, the stars tried to deny their relationship.

2012 was marked for the actor by his relationship with Brandi Glanville. This affair was confirmed by the girl; she even called Gerard the most famous person with whom she had an intimate relationship.

The longest and most official, unlike the others, was Gerard Butler’s relationship with the actress Italian origin Madalina Genea. Their romance began in 2013 and lasted about a year. During this time, news appeared about the couple’s separation and about the upcoming wedding. In any case, Madalina and Gerard appeared together at official events, and the actor even introduced his chosen one to his mother. According to rumors, Gerard’s mother really liked Madalina, in addition, she is worried about the absence of children from her 46-year-old son.

Latest news about Gerard Butler's personal life

However, even the sensual Italian could not keep the flighty Scot near her for long. And in 2014, the romance between them was interrupted completely.

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From July 2014 until recently, Gerard Butler dated the leggy beauty Morgan Brown, who works as a decorator. the couples looked quite serious, they were photographed more than once on dates and events, they were not afraid to appear together in public. But just recently there was the latest news about the actor’s personal life: it seems that he is free again and is still continuing to look for the one who can lead him to the altar.

Thank you very much for the translation terra525

We publish an interview of Gerard Butler with Howard Stern, made in March 2013, in Russian.



Howard Stern: Gerard Butler in the new movie, wow, you're still as handsome as always...
Gerard Butler: How are you?
GS: I’m tired after vacation, I worked on vacation, and everyone thinks I was resting... I worked, now I have two jobs...
DB: What were you working on?
GS-DB: America's got talent
Robin(Co-host of Howard Stern): Do Americans have talent?
DB: no, I said America’s got talent, I know the name of the show, I saw it.
GS: You know Gerard, people think it's not work, but it's work and it's took me 3 days to get over it.
DB: How tiring, emotionally or what?
GS: You know what, my audience is cruel, they don't want me to talk about it, so let's move on to you...
DB: It's about Judd Apatow.
GS: Yeah, yeah...they don't want me to talk about it, so let's grant his wish.
DB: Maybe I can talk about it then, and I'll never have the chance to work with Judd Apatow...

GS: When they talk about guests, and you are always so courageous and at the same time you are a big fan of Barbra Streisand.
R: Well, for this you have to be courageous to be a fan of Barbra Streisand..
GS: I'm mostly a fan of her films, she's a great director, both because she's a woman and strong woman, they couldn't rate her, I think, but do you like her music?
R: Well Howard, how many films has she made as a director?
GS: Well, that means there were: Yentl, Prince of Tides, The way we were, she wasn’t the director there,
R: No.
GS-DB: A movie with Ryan O'Neal, I think.
R: about boxing?
GS: I think not?
R: No, I don’t think so.
GS:(to someone in the studio) She was the director there, no? — To Butler: Are you a fan of Barbra Streisand’s music?
DB: Well yes, I like her music, I like everything about her, I grew up on her music, even if you look at singers now, the difference in the quality of the voice, and her charisma that she had, she was like a ship.
GS: Well, let's see what kind of fan you are...
DB: No, no need to test me...
GS: I'll sound one note.
DB: I never remember the names of songs...
GS: What song?
DB: Memories? ...No, don't, I don't remember the names of the songs...
GS: You're really bad at this... Robin, do you know that?
R: No.
GS: Three notes.
DB: I'm telling you...
GS: You don’t know it, even I know this song...
DB: Rudolph the rednosed reindeer
GS:(plays music) You don't bring me flowers
DB: Oh, yes...You want me to sing it, I can come up with a song on the fly...(singing)
GS: You don’t know that, then give me another song...
DB: No, no, I won’t do that, no...
GS: What was that?
DB: Drummers... Okay, let me explain something. The thing is, there were reasons, and I actually grew up listening to Strisand's songs...
R: Where did you grow up?
DB: I grew up in Scotland and she was big hero in Scotland...
GS: Really?
DB: Well, yes, because she is Barbra Streisand, ...
GS: Well, the whole world knew her..
DB: Yes, but when I went to her concert, everyone was there, Katie Couric, Barbara Walters..., everyone who was there was there, and what a reaction there was in the audience, it was like Michael Jackson, there are more like her no... She is a real artist.

GS: I don’t know what’s happening anymore, it’s probably just fashionable to be a musician, you’re going to release an album(music) ?
DB: No...
GS: Did you go to Merylin Manson and Johnny Depp for advice?
DB: No...I don’t even know, I want to compliment these people, how they come up with everything, I don’t even know what to say...
GS: Are you a victim of fake tabloid articles?
DB: Yes, strange things are written about me...
GS: Mostly about women, or about other things?
DB: Mainly about women...
GS: It’s incredible, how many women are you credited with?
DB: Yes...
GS: It seems like you're constantly having sex...
R: You don’t have time for films...
GS: They accused you of having sex in the elevator...
DB: Well, yes, I really had sex in the elevator, of course, I’m not always innocent, but what I hear is real?
GS: Well, aren't you so sexually busy?
DB: No, no, I'm so sexually active, I have to tell you, however, that since I live in LA, when I go to bed alone, you turn on the TV and think that somewhere there will be read about how I sleeping with three women, how I wish they could see me now...
GS: Well, yes, you are alone, and why is my life so boring... Well, you know, as a man, I was not blessed with your looks and machismo, and I must say...
R: Can I say that he looks very good!
GS: Yes, he looks good.
DB: Thank you, yes...
GS: I have the same jacket and I look like a #**t in it!
R: I never noticed this jacket on you(everyone laughs).
DB: I like your jacket, maybe we should exchange?
GS: It'll probably look a lot better on you... This jacket is mad that I have it, I need to give you all my clothes... You know, for AGT I borrow clothes from John Varvatos...
DB: I love John Varvatos...
GS: Yes, I use his clothes and John helps me. And you know what, at the end of the day I still look like a #$***t, gotta look like you... Growing up in Scotland, were women interested in you at the time? Or did it happen later when you became an actor?
DB: This is a difficult question...

GS: How old were you when you lost your virginity?

DB: I was 17.
GS: I was 16..
R: What, women couldn’t approach you, what happened?
DB: I just didn't know what I was doing...
GS: Were you considered a handsome guy?
DB: Well, I don't know, I was quite popular at school, and I remember the first time I flirted with a girl... She was walking up the stairs and I said something to her, she said something back to me, and we just watched at each other, and I held her gaze, and she smiled back at me, and my heart almost exploded. And I thought: so this is it, you hold your gaze, smile... And that was the first time when I felt the first excitement below the belt...
GS: At the age of 17 you already had a girlfriend, a serious girl...
DB: No, not a girl, she was just walking down the stairs, and I was flirting with her, and I have such an addicting nature that I flirted with everyone endlessly...
GS: No, before you slept with anyone, did you have oral sex and all that when you were 13, 14...
DB: No, no, other things, but not this...
GS: For example, I had sex with scary girls, and there was a long time between the girls, months, it was terrible... I was not like you... Everything worked against me, you know, right?
DB: I remember a girl in chemistry class, and I remember there were beakers and burners in front of us, she wore black stockings, and it excited me so much... And we touched each other’s legs on a dare, and the hand rose higher, and that’s more for me more exciting than losing virginity...
GS: Really? Well, yes, of course, if you were caught, then things would be bad, and it would excite you.
DB: And every time you go further...
GS: You slept with her...
DB: No...
GS: Was it just in class?
DB: Yes, and once in the toilet at my house, but it never came...
GS: How is it, she came to your house and you...
R: What?
DB: I had people at home (crowd at my house - party?) and we kissed and hugged each other, and it was...
GS: And why do you think you never made love to her?
DB: I had no idea what to do
GS: Did pornography help you learn?
DB: No...

GS: And I learned everything from pornography...
DB: Porn?
R: Yes, that’s why he was arrested several times...
GS: Yeah, I was trying to take women's clothes off and everything, and I didn't know you knew about it...
DB: I visited my brother when he was studying in Edinburgh. He was a student and I had just started studying on my own. And the guy he shared a place with, he had boxes full of porn magazines. And they were throwing them out, and my brother asked if I wanted any. I was there with some friends and I grabbed a few and we got in the cars and drove back to Glasgow. I had to go to university, and they wanted to drop me off on the street, where everyone crosses it. I was crazy then and I decided to show my French Connection parody (film "The French Connection"), I opened the car door and jumped out of it while it was moving.
GS: Are you crazy, how fast was the car going?
DB: Well, it was already stopping, like 40 miles an hour, no, just kidding, it was almost stopping, and I flipped over, and I think the guys are going to love it, it's crazy. And my friend D. gets out of the car with porn magazines, throws them on the ground and says: “Stay away from us, you f***ing pervert! And I was left alone, with almost 20 porn magazines on the street, and everyone was looking at me, and I had to pick them up one by one...
GS: Wow, how embarrassing...
DB: It was the most humiliating experience.
GS: Well yes, (I didn’t understand the name)magazine…
DB: It was even worse, they had the most hardcore magazines, I had to pick them all up.
GS: This reminds me of what happened to my wife... We get free porn and sex toys here, and she has a friend... And she says to me: “Howard, you have so many different vibrators there, bring them, she she’s not dating anyone... I brought them to her, she put them in a paper bag and walks down the street. And it so happened that the package was torn, and she had to collect these vibrators in front of so many people... A black vibrator, 25 cm long, it's so embarrassing... When you pick up porn magazines on the street, women look at you like you're dirt, it's terrible…
DB: By the way, I was at a bar, it was another time, and I had in my pocket... Well, it’s not that I actually carry condoms with me all the time, but then I had several, and I put them in my inner pocket . And I’m sitting at the bar, but the jacket was old, with a hole in the pocket, and that means I’m sitting at the bar, talking to a guy, there’s a bunch of girls around, and a girl comes up to me and says: “Sorry, friend,” and she bends over and picks up 5 condoms from the floor, and it was terrible, not the best best moment my life...
GS: Well, yes, Gerard Butler carries 5 condoms in his pocket because he knows that he will be lucky...
DB: Yes, and when I think about it, yes, I probably didn’t even look anything, although, well, so what’s wrong...
GS: Do you use a condom when you're with a new girl?
DB: Yes...
GS: Yes?
DB: Yes.
GS: You can't imagine when I interview young guys, handsome guys, and they don't use condoms... And they laugh at me because I use...
DB: Do you still use...
GS: Yes...
DB: (laughs)
R: Well, he’s laughing at you too...
GS: Well, yes, I use it, what about pregnancy...
DB: Oh yes...
GS: Yes, seriously, I don’t want to have more children...
R: Does Gerard have children somewhere?
JW: No, I guess not, I always thought that after 300 came out, I was always waiting for the call to ring, but nothing yet, so if anything, now is the time... Yes. But I didn't hear anything.

GS: Are you worried about your appearance?.. So many women think that you are handsome, and the main roles are all because of your appearance. If you play sports, do you worry that something will happen to your face? I would be paranoid about this...

DB: Well, I don’t know, sometimes I look in the mirror and think I look like #$**t, today I either need to get Botox or something...
GS: Have you had Botox?
DB: No...
GS: Will you ever do it?

DB: No, I don’t think so, it’s funny, I said to someone: look how many wrinkles I have, and he said to me: man, this suits you. It’s normal for me, it suits me, it gives me character….

GS: I always considered myself lucky, because I will never lose my appearance, since I never had it... Guys like you are probably still worried... But seriously, if the producer tells you that they have a role for you life for you, but for this you need to do Botox around the eyes, would you do it?
R: Can they say that?
DB: Well, if it’s for a role, then I would be just as happy to make myself scary, or gain weight, if it’s for a role, or something else, then I would do it, but not for myself. I don't care enough about myself to think about it. It's somewhat true that I'm from Scotland, I'm not wired to think about it...
GS: Yes, the Scots are real men, they don’t sit and think about Botox.
DB: When I came here and heard about how men talk about trimming (haircut in the area...), I thought what the hell...
GS: Trimming, do you trim your bush (trimming bush = male grooming = manscaping)?
DB: No...
GS: Me neither...

R: Are you circumcised?

DB: No...They don’t do that here, I still have the umbilical cord with me...

GS: you have a huge giant belly button...
DB: That's why I didn't lose my virginity for so long, because I tried to do it with my umbilical cord...
GS: I grew up in a very poor area, some children - their navel looked like there was a stake sticking out there... Someone removed their umbilical cord incorrectly, I saw strange things... It was as if it was a tail, I'm not kidding... So if you are not circumcised, and by the way, I am against circumcision, well, probably it matters, it reduces sensitivity...
DB: Exactly...
GS: I am circumcised, I grew up in America, this is what is accepted here, this must be wrong...
DB: Since I'm not circumcised, I can't say anything, but for me it's very sensitive. When I have sex it's amazing.
GS: And girls are not surprised, they don’t say, oh, he’s not circumcised, some women don’t know how to approach this...
DB: Well, yes, sometimes they say - look at this, and sometimes...
GS: They've never seen anything like this.
DB: Well, yes, they have never seen such a small one...
GS: Do you have to teach a woman how to be with you? Because they don't know what to do with an uncircumcised penis?
DB: No, I don't think there's much difference...
GS: But they need to push back..., what to do....
DB: No, I don’t know... I myself have never dealt with an uncircumcised penis...
GS: Would you cut your hair for a role in a film?
DB: No, it was too much...
GS: I have a friend who is uncircumcised, and he always talks about how to wash it and all that.
DB: Well, this can happen if you are not careful, you need to be careful with hygiene...
GS: Yes, that's true...
DB: We’re having an interesting conversation...
GS: Robin, for example, if you told her that you want to sleep with her, but you haven't showered in a week, she wouldn't care...
R: No, no...
GS: Yes, you would be with him...
R: No, no.
DB: Really Robin? Ok, we'll talk after...

GS: When you were growing up in Scotland, you trained to be a lawyer... And then you decided to become an actor, and I look at you now and remember you in the movie 300, where you probably gained about 30 pounds(about 13 kg)pounds muscle mass, because you said earlier that you would gain weight for the role, but now you are thin...

DB: Yeah, I gained about 30 pounds... And it was months and months of training... And I'm not sure I have that kind of drive now, but back then I was very driven. When I got the role... It was funny how I got it because the director and producers wanted me for the role, but they were in a difficult position because the film had just been greenlit, but at Warner Bros. Studios. They were very nervous about this, and they wanted to introduce me to the head of the studio...
GS: They were nervous because your name was not famous...
DB: Yes, and they didn't know what Alan Horn, then the president of UB, would say, and they themselves couldn't tell him that this is the actor we want for this role. And they decided that they would do it differently: you call Alan Horn, he's great. And I knew him, and I called him, but it was so awkward, it’s not done that way, you can’t call the studio president. And he didn’t know, they didn’t tell him that I would call him, and when I called him, he told me that we don’t do things like that, but thanks for the call, usually these guys (director and producer) take the actor, they must come to me first. And I told him that I know, but please, let me come... And before that I had never done this, usually I would just say, yes of course, but then...
GS: You're not usually like this...
DB: No, but the roles I've ever gotten were usually because I was active... But this time I just took a risk...
GS: So this is good lesson for actors, that sometimes you have to be aggressive, even if it's against your nature?
DB: Yes, I was just recently talking about the offers you receive, and you seem to forget that the quality will always be higher if you have to fight for the role... And those roles that don’t come to you, you don’t care you have to look higher, and not at a parallel level, and it seems to me that for some time I was looking at a parallel level... Actors develop an ego, you stop going to auditions, you just wait for offers, and you get scripts, and you can wait, but only then, when I really wanted something, my persistence showed up...
GS: Well, and if there are several scripts that you like, you start to think: oh, well, I don’t need to go to auditions, go ask someone, and you’re right, you can’t lose this thirst, because good roles- these are the ones everyone is fighting for...
And who do you have to compete with for roles...? who are these guys...
DB: It all depends on the role. Sometimes when they're looking for someone older, it might be Russell Crowe, or if they're younger, it might be Jeremy Renner or Tom Hardy... And these guys are phenomenal, and sometimes these roles come to you, and sometimes they don't, and whatever it is , I always think that this is how it should be, otherwise you can go crazy. And I learned from the very beginning. I really wanted a part, but Max Beesley got it, and he got the part of a Scotsman, and he's an Englishman. And I thought: I can look at it both ways, I can be angry, or I can say good for him, he was able to get this role, with a different accent, and that should make me work even harder, and one day I will this guy, and one day I'll be the guy with the name, and the one who gets the roles...
GS: How hard is it for you to lose your Scottish accent? When you get a role, or want to get one, is it difficult for you?
DB: No, no, I've already done that, plus I hardly speak like a Scot anymore, sometimes I think I'm a hybrid because I've played with an American accent in so many films...
GS: How did you learn to speak American, so to speak, who do you imitate?
DB: Basically, in films, everyone speaks neutral English, with an American accent, and I try not to focus on one person, otherwise you will just adopt their style of communication. And it’s not so much watching movies or TV, but you work with a dialect coach, and you just sit and practice the sounds, because, for example, in Scotland we say “bRight lEigt”, and in America they say “bright light”, and so on, each dialect has its own rules, and sounds are pronounced in their own way...
GS: Well, if I tell you to now say the sentence “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain,” can you? They say it’s very difficult.
DB: touches….
GS: Yes, it was good.
DB: Yes, but usually you have time to practice for American, you need to relax your lips, relax your tongue, and then you can start speaking.
GS: If someone cast me in the role of a Scotsman, and stayed in the role, with this accent...
R: I wanted to ask you, do you always speak with an American accent during filming?
DB: Yes, and that was the most difficult thing for me as an actor, because I was very shy to improvise. I realized that it doesn’t work out when you go to auditions and start speaking with an American accent, and when this happens, you can’t act well, it doesn’t work with the accent, it comes out too unnatural...
GS: Yes, not natural.
DB: And so I just completely switched to an American accent, and it didn't matter that it was bad, because people don't care, they think I've already lived here for a few years, I probably already know all the accents, and my best friend(he's the director) told me I looked like an idiot. And I told him that you should support me and not tell me that this is not like American, it’s not important now, what’s important is that I learn to speak, laugh, sigh, so that later it becomes a habit... And it was very important for me...
GS: When I hear about Daniel Day Lewis, and he played the role of Lincoln the whole time we were filming, this man*** On the one hand, I understand that you have to get into the role, into the voice...
R: And he is British, and he also faces this problem?
DB: Yes, he can say about himself that he won an Oscar!
GS: He incredible actor, but imagine walking around all day like Lincoln? And suddenly you take out your phone and think, what is this? I am the president, I have never seen such a device!
DB: you can ask him why you don’t answer my calls, he will say... what is a call...
GS: What is a telephone... In the new film you play an American?
DB: Yes, I'm American...
GS: It was difficult, it's an action movie, isn't it?
DB: No.
GS: You play a guy who... Everyone knows that new enemy- this is North Korea, and you play the one who guards the President?
DB: Yes
GS: Are you CIA or FBI?
DB: I don’t know, no, I’m the Secret Service...
GS: Oh, that's cool...
DB: Yes, he is from the former special services, who went to work in the secret service...
GS: And what is this about? The North Koreans are attacking, and you have to guard the President?
DB: This is basically true, but the film begins with the fact that I was a special agent who was responsible for the protection of the President, his right hand...
GS: Who is the President?
DB: Aaron Eckhart.
GS: Really?
R: Oh yes, this is a very young President!

DB: Well, you know, in films there are usually standard presidents - so elegant, and a little aged, but we wanted to make ours younger, with character, because this is a film about heroes, and how in such situations, the most difficult time, and how we are responding to such a challenge, and we wanted a president who could fight back. At the beginning of the film, in the boxing scene, I'm in the ring with Aaron, and the film is about always being on your guard...
GS: Are you teaching him to box there, or just training...
DB: No, we are really in the ring, all presidents try to stay in shape, they run, work out, play golf, especially Bush... that's all he did
GS: Yes, Bush, it was impossible to kick him off the golf course. I'm afraid that Obama is becoming the same; he too will soon be impossible to kick out of the golf courses.
DB: “You need to go back to the White House” - What is this? (like the dialogue about the president who plays golf and doesn’t want to leave the course).
GS: You bring Ambassador Dennis Rodman to a meeting with the President, that would be a full moon... (laugh).
DB: Yes, but the political climate in the film is tense, between South Korea, North Korea, America, but the North Koreans are not the only ones here negative heroes, but also unpredictable heroes, we don’t know what they are capable of, it’s like black hole, it is not known what they will do... If you look at the global situation, and we would make a film about Spanish terrorists, no one would go to see it, what? Or about Jamaica...
GS: Is the guy from Gangham style in your film too?
R: He's from Korea...
DB: Oh, Gangham style... (here everyone is just talking at once, it’s not clear).
GS: I can't wait to watch the movie...
DB: The terrorists in the film, they are like a group of military men, something like Bin Laden’s groups, than government forces, there is also a personal vendetta of one of the Koreans...
GS: Costner played the cool Secret Service agent as he protected Whitney Houston...
DB: Do you want to hear something funny?
GS: Yes.
DB: I was an extra in this film...
GS-R together: Are you kidding me?
DB: I lived in America for a year, I lived like a homeless person, this is when I worked in a carnival...
GS: Is this when you became an actor and when your parents wanted to kill you because you wanted to become an actor?
DB: No, this was before that, this was when they wanted to kill me, when I took a year off after I graduated from university, but I still had to go back and get a diploma, get an internship in a law office. I came on an exchange program and worked in America for the summer, and I had to return, that day I called my mother, and then I was still the president of the University Law Association, and I told her that I was not coming, and ...
GS: Is this when you started working in the circus? And your mother probably wanted to kill you at that moment...
DB: Yes, that’s almost exactly what happened...
GS: “Why are you wasting your time on this?”... (his mom would probably say that) T you are the biggest madman... (also like mother's words)
JB: Yes, but on the other hand, I think she knew that when I came back, the life of a lawyer was waiting for me, and I know that sounds...
GS: For you, it would probably be hell?
JB: Not only hell, but it would be like you're stuck in a career where you only have two weeks off, and I wanted to just let off some steam...
GS: I imagine you as a lawyer, with your appearance, and you would have so many corporate girls...
R: Do they have to wear wigs in the Scottish court?
DB: I don't know ( about corporate girls), yes ( about wigs in court).
R: So you would wear a wig?
HS (for Butler): I don't need a wig, I have... looks.
R: You have fluffy hair...
GS: So what were you doing in a traveling circus?
DB: No, it was a traveling carnival, so I worked on a device called a wacky wire, it's like a spiral, and...
R: You worked on amusement swings, or what?
DB: No, it was like a kiosk, people paid $2 to play without touching the spiral... It's almost impossible because there is a lever at the back of the device, and if you stand behind the device, you can walk along the spirals without touching them , but if you are standing in front, then this is not possible, but to attract attention to ourselves, we invited people shouting, “we are the biggest group in the world, only 2 dollars to try, or 3 for 5”!
GS: Was that you? You deceived me! (laughing) AND While you were doing this, did you decide to check out how the film business was and decided to audition for roles?
DB: Yes, not exactly, but my friend, whom I met many years ago in Spain, his father turned out to be Alan Marshall, he was a famous producer, in films like Basic Instinct. And he is now a deputy director, or 2nd director, 23 years ago I met him in Spain, when we traveled as a family for two weeks, and he then told me that stay, and we had no money, and I painted his house, his mom paid me to paint it so I could stay in Spain, and he worked with me on this film, Olympus Has Fallen!
GS: Wow, full circle (like everything goes back to normal).So, when does this film come out?
DB: March 22
GS: Yeah, what date is today?
DB: I don’t know...
R: Today is the 11th.
GS: 11th, so what, are you nervous?
DB: You know, I always get nervous when a movie comes out, but the reason I'm nervous about this movie...
GS: speaks incomprehensibly...
DB: I'm nervous because we did about 80 interviews yesterday.
GS: Do you like it?
DB: No, I don’t like it, but what we made is a film, it’s very exciting, smart, provocative, emotional, patriotic...
GS: There are already reviews.
DB: Yes, but only short reviews, full reviews only come out the day after the screening, and so far everyone loves it, and we showed it in almost 300 theaters and people were excited... Screaming at the screen (they strongly empathized with what was happening).
GS: Is this an action movie?
DB: Yes
GS: Nude scenes?
DB: No.
GS: Naked girls?
DB: No.
GS: No? Ohhh. And who decided this?
DB: I tried, but...
GS: So there aren't any women in the film? You don't make love to anyone?
DB: No.
GS: It’s strange, this is the mood now, no one is James Bond anymore, basically all these men in action movies don’t make love to women, they don’t seem to want to worry or something, it seems only in the Lone Star movie...
DB: Well that's the whole point, then it goes into the romantic genre, and this...
GS: hard core.
DB: Yes, but it’s also emotional, my character has a wife, after a tragedy, when we get into an accident, I have to save the president, but in saving him, I practically have to tear him away from his wife, and they fall...
GS: Would you like to be James Bond? I can imagine you as James Bond... Can this film be compared to James Bond?
DB: Any movie where you work for the government and you have to work against the bad guys would be comparable to James Bond, but no, this is not like James Bond at all.
GS: Would you like to be...
DB: I don’t know what it would be like to be Bond number 17...
GS: Because you will be compared to others?
DB: Yes, and then, it’s very difficult to compare with Sean Connery, or Daniel Craig... I really liked the last film...
R: Yes, a lot of people liked the last film...
DB: The last film is already a classic...
GS: I think you could do it too...
DB: Yes, I absolutely agree with you, I could do it too ( laughs).
GS: When you pull the President away from his wife, isn't she naked?
DB: No...
GS: No, what kind of movie is this if she’s not naked...
DB: Well, what is it called when you pull on your clothes and they immediately come off...
R: breakaway = like something on buttons, like basketball players.
DB: Yes, I suggested that, but...
GS: Well, you take him away from her and she's not naked?
DB: No...
GS: wtf, why not when you're making love to the President?
DB: He said wtf, my wife just died, you idiot! It doesn’t matter, but in the film, after that, I work in an office, I’m like an animal in a cage, I trained all my life to be in the service...
GS: Did you audition for this role?
DB: No, I produced this film.
GS: Ok, this is your film, your role.
DB: Yes, and Antoine Fuqua, who directed Training Day, also stars Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Melissa Leo, who won an Oscar for Fighter, Ashley Judd, Dylan McDermot, Cole Houser...
GS: Did you sleep with Ashley Judd, she recently divorced?
DB: No, I slept with Dylan McDermott...
GS: He didn't care that you weren't circumcised. (laugh) ? I heard that you have a small penis from all the women you slept with.
DB: Yes, small...
R: And you believe him?
DB: Can I say that it is subtle.
GS: Wow, small and thin, wow.
GS: On the one hand, I’m pleased to hear this, well, somewhere you must have flaws...well, after all, you have the appearance...and women don’t laugh, what...Gerard Butler oooo oo oh?

DB: Yes, I do this to make them feel comfortable, well, I’m not want to see my hemorrhoids...
GS: We had a woman in the studio that you slept with recently, but I heard you got really angry when she brought it up, Brandi...
R: You were very angry.
GS: Brandi from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? Oh, you immediately became serious...
DB: Yes.
GS: She's hot, there's her photo...
DB: She's hot, but I've never watched that show...
GS: I watch it all the time...
DB: I was at a beach party, you’re having fun, and the girls are there, I asked her what you do, she said it doesn’t matter. Well, we hung out, had a little fun, and suddenly one day I'm walking down the street with Antoine Fuqua, with the director of the film, with the person who is important to me, and there are paparazzi out of nowhere, and they like to ask stupid questions, and he is with a camera in my face and says Brandi Glanville said you're good in bed...
GS: She gave you 10 out of 11, no, she gave you 11 out of 10...
DB: Oh, well, you know what I said: who is Brandi Glanville? Because, firstly, I didn’t know her last name, secondly, I didn’t know that she was a celebrity, and thirdly, I didn’t know that she would go and talk about it... and then, I regretted that I had exposed her…
GS: like a prostitute...
DB: And then I realized who it was and I called her and told her I'm not very happy that you did this, there are things you need to keep to yourself, and I'm sorry, but I told them, that I don't know you. And she was in tears, she said that she had a press conference about her show, and no one wants to hear about it: and everyone asks me that Gerard Butler said that he doesn’t even know you, when you said that you I slept with him! I know it's awkward, but what did you expect?!

GS: Well, yes, she brought it to light herself!

DB: Yes.

GS: Did she have a chance to continue this with you, or is it just one night for you...
JB: I'm dating someone now, but that was when I was getting ready for the Mavericks, I had a house in Malibu, well sometimes you can have fun, and she, of course, good girl, but it wasn't serious...
GS: For one night...
DB: No, it was during the day, one day.
GS: Well, she was on our show, and the way she rated you, 11 out of 10...
DB: Well, yeah, it was funny.
GS: Oh yeah, she's F*** wild!
DB: Yeah.
GS: I like wild women!
R: Well, yes, of course, Howard, I know who you're married to!
GS: How do you know she's not hot in bed, my wife, oh well, she's not wild... She was like that before she met me... Did you happen to sleep with any other housewives?
DB: Well, I don’t know anymore, maybe I was asleep...

GS: The movie Mavericks, is it about surfing?
R: Yes.
GS: Was it on the set of this film that you almost drowned?
DB: Yes, almost.
GS: What happened? Did you have to ride the waves yourself for this film?
DB: Yes, and it was my dream to ride these waves, and you can’t even imagine how much training you need for this, and how dangerous it is!
GS: Have you ever surfed before?

DB: No, I just learned and I'm not even that good, I learned to surf big waves first and then small waves, and I knew that if I was towed, I learned to tow first because it's very difficult to get up on board if you are being towed...
GS: What does it mean - being towed...
R: Well, there is a rope there.
DB: Yes, you hold on to the rope, you lie on the board, and then you have to stand on the board and you have to do it in time to catch the wave.
GS: So they just help you, because it is highly complex.
DB: And it's very difficult to paddle, and I thought that if they could film me for a few seconds on this big wave, I'd be... And by the way, when I was working on 300, I told them that he wouldn't regret it. they gave me this role and I set the bar so high for myself and I was so pumped up for the film.
GS: Yes, it was... Do you think you no longer have the motivation to get back into shape?
DB: I don’t know...
GS: It will be difficult.
DB: Yes, and for the Mavericks I did the same thing, I thought that if I could ride on the Mavericks... And they told me that if something happens on the Mavericks, there is nothing we can do, we cannot save you, because the waves are too big and we will have to wait, and it will probably be about 12 waves, about 3-4 minutes, but in that time you are done... But in reality I was able to ride the waves 3-4 times with the best surfers in the world, not good of course, I could only get on the board, I was there, and just that I was there….

GS: Let's pretend you didn't know how to ride waves, I was on Mavericks, but I've never surfed in my life. And if I had to film there, how would they do it? Could they use a stunt double and that's it, or did you have to be able to ride waves to get the role?
DB: They offered me to star in the film, they said that if I didn’t want to act, the film simply wouldn’t be made. And they told me: do what you want - study yourself or use an understudy, and if you can’t, we’ll figure something out, but there’s a slight difference...
GS: You wanted to do it yourself...
DB: Yes, and then still, if you watch a film and see the actor himself, or the same thing in action scenes, if you do small scenes with a double, then it’s not the same, but the incident happened a week later. We were filming rowing scenes and this scene is when Jay sees the Mavericks for the first time and he watches me row, it was incredible and we rowed.

And these huge waves appeared, and we were in the worst place, and we saw this wave half a mile away from us (0.8 km), and even with small waves you kind of get butterflies in your stomach, and here, and the guy who was with me , shouts to me: “Row, Jerry, row!” Well, in general, you row and row, about 70 meters, trying to get away from the wave, and it gets bigger and bigger, the size of a three-story house, and then you realize that you took a risk, and now you’re tired, and the wave will cover you, and you will be carried under the water.

And I was carried away, and I still couldn't get to the surface, and I kept wondering why I couldn't get up, and we were so deep, and there's so much gas in the water, and about 5 feet of foam, and it carries you down, and you can’t rise over it, plus I was spinning, and I realized that my board had been torn off, and I couldn’t be lifted up, I was almost out of air, it was terrible, and then a new wave came up, and I didn’t even manage to surface , and then…
GS: Did you think you were going to die?
DB: then I began to think that that’s it, I’ll die, or maybe they’ll find me and revive me, and the guy who filmed us was revived 3 times.
DB: And he's now in wheelchair, he has decompression sickness, after diving, he was diving to a depth of 120 feet, and one of the divers got into trouble, and he had to and...
GS: And he’s now in a wheelchair for life?
DB: looks like it.
GS: When you have decompression sickness, do you end up in a wheelchair?
DB: Yes, because he was paralyzed from the waist down, now he has a little mobility, but...
GS: Because it was so deep?
DB: Yes, deep and because he had to surface too quickly because his colleague was in trouble and he was saving him. And this guy, he’s just super, I really liked him, after they pulled me out of the water, he continued to film, despite the fact that I could barely breathe, I thought my head would explode...
GS: Was this footage used in the film?
DB: No, they didn't use them in the film, I wasn't supposed to drown in the film, I was supposed to play a super surfer.
GS: It’s a pity, all these shots are in vain...
DB: And I didn’t mind that he was filming me, because I knew that he would have switched places with me at any time. And when I surfaced, there was no one around, only Grant, he was on a jet-ski ( jet ski). And this guy, he's 6'5, and seeing him, he was scared, and I knew I was definitely in trouble, because he couldn't reach me, I was carried back down, and up again, and then they picked up.

And at that time another wave was coming, and we were near the rocks, and the wave was coming there quickly, and they were very high, and they had to pull me out very quickly, he held my hand, and the water poured on my face, and I I realized that if they didn’t pull me out now, they dragged me like this for about 200 meters.
GS: Imagine if you died because of this movie? Died! That's crazy!!!
DB: That’s when I started thinking about it, this is history between us, but now it’s already a disaster. GS: Yes, and it happens when someone dies during filming, just recently, some guy fell from a helicopter, what was his name?
R: Vic Morrow
GS: Yes, during the filming of these action films, everything happens, they demand more and more crazy things from you!!!
DB: Yes.
GS: You don't know what will happen...
DB: Yes, there was a film, not so long ago, when 12 stunt doubles died in a helicopter crash...

GS: Yes, you have to be careful... Never mind, ok, better tell me again about your small penis... First of all, the last time I saw you, here in the studio, you went to rehab, I didn’t know about it.
DB: Yes, almost immediately after that.
GS: You didn’t tell us about it, you hid it from us...
R: Well, everything seemed to be fine with him...
DB: Yes, everything was fine with me until I came here...
GS: Did you start taking pills after us? What's happened? I thought when I talked to you, were you sober?
DB: Yeah, I was sober, I don't drink, and I don't really get involved with drugs. But speaking of movies and injuries: I was in an accident at film set, injured my back, the same thing happened during the fight scene in Coriolanus, a problem with my back, it was very, very bad, for 4 months I lived with pain, as if someone was stabbing me in the back with a knitting needle, and during filming, such pain every day and I couldn't help it...
GS: And you started taking painkillers...
DB: Yes, I started taking painkillers...
GS: Oxy?
DB: No, no.
GS: What?
R: Aspirin...
DB: Heroin, no, a morphine drip ( joke, laugh)…
GS: So what did you take, did you smoke weed?
DB: No, I just took Vicodin tablets...
GS: Yes, but you don’t get a high from Vicodin... One day I was in the company of some people, took 2 tablets of Vicodin and drank some more, and still no high...
JB: Well, I don't drink myself, but there was an amazing documentary on CNN about how many people die from mixing alcohol and painkillers.
GS: Yes, it's dangerous.
DB: Every year someone goes to bed after this and their heart stops...
R: How did you take Vicodin yourself?
DB: I crushed it and inhaled it. No, I didn't take that much, by the time I went to rehab I was enrolled in a pain management program. The doctor there was great, they use Qigong (Chinese trad. 氣功, exercise 气功, pinyin: qìgōng) - this is an ancient Chinese art of self-regulation of the body, a traditional healing system, the basis of internal martial arts styles.

Built on a complex of philosophical concepts and applied coordination technologies motor activity, breathing and states of consciousness). And they practically don't touch you, and they use energy lines, and they teach you this philosophy that stress is associated with pain, even if you have real injuries, but the more stress, the more pain you feel, and the more weakened you are by pain, the more...
GS: You weren’t a real drug addict, so you just took pills because of the pain?
DB: Yes, it was...
GS: How long were you there?
DB: About 20 days - 23 days
GS: Were you there with those who were really avid users?
DB: I was surrounded by completely crazy people...
GS: And what did you say there: hey man, I'm here because of an addiction to painkillers, because I have problems with my back!
DB: No, but to be honest, in the program I was in, you had to stop, look at your life, you sit listening to other people talking about their lives, it’s incredible, it’s such a unifying experience, if it weren’t called rehab, it would be more of a spiritual experience to meet people from various fields life...
GS: You are so immersed in your life that you don’t think about anything...
DB: Yes, but I try not to do that.
GS: How is the food there, is it good?
DB: Yes, normal.
GS: Like at summer camp?
R: Do they have special departments, like SPA?
DB: The funny thing is that while you are there, you have no right to talk to women, and all the women wanted to talk to me, they came up to me, and then the employees swore at me, which is not allowed. I couldn't believe I was being told off! Don't you know who I am?!
GS: You broke all the rules!
DB: Yes, I have a small penis, but instead of....( I don't understand here)
GS: So did women slip notes under your door when you were there?
DB: Yes, I received a note...
GS: This is life, you’re in rehab, you’re trying to think about life, and suddenly they shove notes under your door! Was there any temptation?
DB: Yes ( very quiet).

GS: What was written in the note?

DB: ( very stuttering) Well, there was something there, so well, like, you are very hot, and I would like to do something... But it’s not so easy, rooms for two, I shared a room with a man, OMG, he was very funny...
GS: He probably I read the note and thought: oh, this girl thinks I’m hot, I’ll go sleep with her...

DB: Now I’m thinking, what if these notes weren’t for me...
GS: I met Gerard Butler at the rehab, found a note under the door, and the girl wants to sleep with me. I go there and she sues me because she thought I was Gerard Butler in the dark (like the neighbor's thoughts).

DB: And now Gerard Butler comes to sleep with me, and I'm suing him too, because I wrote a note to another guy ( in the girl's face).
GS: Well, who was the man with whom you shared the room, an ordinary guy?
DB: Yes, this man was older, he was about 40 years old, and then, it seems, he got bored and started drinking... Oh, I really liked this guy, such a cool guy.... When I first met him, he was so annoying: we have to go there, then we have to do this, and I told him: man, leave me alone. N oh, in the end I really liked him, but he snored so much... so loudly, even earplugs didn’t help, the room vibrated...

GS: I would have needed Vicodin just for this, I would have killed him. So what, are you still in contact with this guy?
DB: Yes, I'm in contact with a lot of people from there, and I have to tell you that everyone should try something like this...
GS: For this I go to a psychotherapist, and you went...
DB: Yes, but not now...
GS: Is it possible to masturbate in a rehab, don’t the rules prohibit it? Don't they say you can't touch yourself?
DB: Yes, but they told me that this should be done in the room ( jokes). No, they don't say anything like that. And I don’t remember whether I did it or not...
GS: Didn’t you have to clean the toilets with a toothbrush?
DB: Nooo, nothing like that.
GS: Besides you, were there any celebrities there?
DB: Yes, there were a couple more celebrities, I’ll tell you who, no, I’m kidding...
GS: Well, a couple of names, but it’s so fun, celebrities are together in the rehab, you became friends there or whatever, it’s probably great after all.
DB: Well, yes, but I could go there and say: but mine are not like that big problems. But I didn’t do this, I thought that since I was already here, I would take the opportunity, here you can learn so much, get to know yourself. Have you ever heard of power vs force ( here we're talking about about the book Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior) about energy. If you are in a room where people are meditating, then the room vibrates from the energy of the people, and the book says that Jesus was at a frequency of 650 or something else, about Mother Teresa, and the emotions of evil, envy are at a frequency of 100, and...
GS: Didn't you tell the story that after a trip to Israel you felt like a god and you could make fire come out of your penis?
DB: Yes, but I was the only one talking about my ass...
GS: Well, you said it yourself, you had a spiritual experience, you went, what was it called?
DB: No, I was in India, and I was very passionate about meditation, but no longer, not transcendental meditation, but simple, and I met a monk in Los Angeles and he told me interesting stories. And I thought: well, this is the same thing that’s wrong with my life.

And they closed this school because one guy one day, he had a spiritual experience, and he passed it on to another, and they kind of had an out-of-body experience, they told their parents what was happening (you went there, you were wearing this), and another crazy thing, they closed the school, and opened a temple and Oneness University. You go there, one on one with a monk, they teach you the philosophy of self-perception, to understand your emotions, instead of being angry, but I shouldn't be, because it's kind of futile, and it's about absolute self-acceptance.

And every day they gave blessings by putting their hand on your head, but at the beginning I thought it was stupid, and then three days later I felt a small tingling sensation on my head, and they transfer this energy to you, and in the end you can sort of do it yourself hand it over. I know this sounds stupid, I thought the same thing and this tingling only happens in a specific part of the head...

And they explain this to you, they worked with some neurosurgeon, and it affects some glands, you go through this ritual and you learn to transfer your energy. And I came back, and I began to give these blessings myself, and passed them on to my then girlfriend...

GS: Well, of course...
DB: And she immediately went to the toilet, and she vomited, and then she felt good...
GS: In other words, you yourself became a healer after returning from India? You started touching people and they felt sick... Did you think you could shoot lightning from your hands?
DB: No, you transmit energy...
GS: Okay, touch my head and see if I feel sick or not?
R: Try it on Howard!
GS: Do you still treat girls?
DB: I know I made a fool of myself, but it was actually incredible, and one girl told me that when she was working at a charity event, during Easter, with children, she was full of energy. I got a blessing from one guy, he just sat in the room and I waited for him to start. He was Brazilian, so he sat there, I sat in the room with him, and 30 minutes later it was over. And I thought: this was stupid, but after two days I felt happier than ever, or more energetic....
GS: What was he doing there, just standing there and that’s it?
DB: Yes, he was standing there, but he was completely focused on you...
R: Maybe this is the same guy I went to, he’s just standing in the room... and just looking at you intently...
GS: I also want a job like this - just looking at someone.
DB: He was in London, a Brazilian, even a director friend of mine, and he went to a spiritualist, and he told him: you have enormous energy, but you don’t even know about it, and he began treatment, and he reached mine back and after some time he became very ill...
GS: Does your back still hurt? We'll talk after the show.
DB: A lot of people suffer from back pain, but when he treated me, I couldn't believe how much better I felt afterward. My friend could not exercise for a long time, and after his treatment he went to the gym and was able to lift weights...
GS: You need to meet with Dr. John Sarno ( and everything will be fine...I saw you new girl,model.
DB: Model, actress, she starred in a film with Jude Law, starred in several films in Italy...

GS: Are you in love?
DB: I am in deep like.
GS: You're in love.
DB: No, she's amazing.
R: Look at him, he's starting to blush!
GS: What's going on? Have you tried that treatment on her yet? What would make her vomit?
GS: Look at him, OMG.
DB: Where?
GS: How old is she?
DB: She's 14?!
GS: I want to do the treatment on her! Where did you meet her?
DB: No, she's 25, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... I met her in NY after the opening of an art gallery. M oh friend was talking to her, and I said hello, and I thought, and he said, have a seat. And I asked if I would interfere, and he said no, come on, sit down, and he introduced me to her.

We started talking and she texted Paul Haggis, we all work for the same charity APJ, we talked until 7am. We went for a walk along the Brooklyn Bridge, but first we went to get some jackets from my house.

And I collect hats, I have about 200 of them, we didn’t even kiss, we were in the apartment, trying on hats, there was something magical with this girl. And she was flying out the next day, and I told her that I would come to see you in Milan. And three days later I was at her door in Milan. And she was panicking, and she called her assistant...

GS: So you met her somewhere, in NY.
DB: Yes, in NY, but it was already an after-party, at Darby, my friend’s club...
GS: Why didn’t your friend sleep with her, or the one she sent the text message to?
DB: He has a girlfriend, and he’s just friends with her, she doesn’t live here, she just came to visit...
GS: She is a model, in Milan, an actress, and she is going there, and you decided that you should go there too...
DB: Yes...
GS: Lovely night, trying on hats, but sex, walking on the Brooklyn Bridge until 7am...
JB: We never made it to the Brooklyn Bridge.
GS: What, you didn’t even kiss? Why not!
DB: No, this is very rare for me, but we just spent time...
GS: Does she speak English? Does he speak well?
DB: She speaks 5 languages!
GS: WOW, she speaks 5 languages, you try on hats, you say: I won't have sex with you, we'll be friends, that's better, and then she leaves..?
DB: Yes.
GS: She's in Milan and you think: I'll go Milan, she's a very beautiful girl, and when she sees what you've done, then you sleep with her?
DB: No, we spent 3 days in Milan, we both just spent time trying not to get caught by the paparazzi, there are a lot of paparazzi in Milan.
GS: Are her breasts real? Yes?!
DB: I don’t know, I’ve never touched them!
GS: Yes, of course you touched her, size D?
DB: Me too, after so much Coca-Cola ( didn't understand what he was talking about), then we went to Cannes, to the festival, and somehow we were not particularly noticed, and then I played in a charity game in Manchester, she went with me, we spent 8 days in Scotland, stayed in B&Bs, castles ...
R: Were you able to do all this?
GS: Wait, knowing your reputation, she gave you conditions that: I will be with you, but if you are with someone else, then it’s over? Has she ever said this to you: If you mess this up, it's all over?
DB: Well, she didn't have to say that.
GS: Ahh, so you'll marry her?
R: Don’t push so hard, take it easy!
DB: I don’t know, you’re talking to me!!!
GS: Do you think you will ever find the love of your life and live with the same woman?
DB: No, I think I can do it, it's hard to believe I'm saying this, but I think I can
GS: You don't want children, right?
DB: Yes, I want to have children! I really want to have children.
R: At what age is it good to have children when you are 60?
GS: Yep, Steve Martin is 67 and just had a baby!
DB: True!
GS-R: Yes!
DB: It's even early! Some people say they want to have kids early so they can play basketball with them and stuff like that. Firstly, I don’t know how to play basketball, and secondly, how nice it is when you sit in a stroller ( I didn't understand further).
GS: I think you'll never settle down, look at her and you know there's someone around the corner who's even more beautiful and how can you settle down with that?
R: Will you be like George Clooney - a new model every year?
DB: Well, George Clooney is a great guy, I think he's very happy in his life, but it is what it is, and I'd really like to have kids, settle down, if that happens, fine, if not, then I I'll just move on with my life.
GS: Well, what will happen to this girl, will she move in with you?
DB: I don't know, when I met her here, she was looking for an acting school, and she wants to go to Lee Strasberg's school, and she still wants to, but where will she go, LA or NYC...
GS: You have so much free time, you are here, she is somewhere else, you could very well end up in a seductive situation with someone else, and bring them to your home, try on hats, you know, right? It must be a constant temptation for you! Women slip notes under your door!!!
DB: After a few years of living like this it loses its appeal, I've been a bad boy all my life but it's always the same. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but...
GS: Robin says you're a perfect dude... OK, new movie, let's talk about it! Gerard Butler is in Olympus Has Fallen, and it's an action movie. I can't stand these Les Misarables, I'm not even going to watch them!
R: He also starred in the musical!!!
GS: Yes?
DB: Yes, in Phantom of the Opera...
GS: Ok, I saw it, well, it’s okay, at least you had sex there..
R: Not true!
DB: Yes, she was sleeping.
GS: Gerard Butler, Olympus Has Fallen, in theaters March 22nd, you can follow him on Twitter, I might have to follow you just to know what's going on. I just saw beautiful girl (performed by Butler). You were in Miami partying with Mel Gibson, I heard? You and a bunch of other guys, you, Leo DiCaprio...
DB: Bradley Cooper, who else was there?
GS: Women must have flocked to your table? Was it strange to be in Mel's company, after everything!
DB: No, Mel’s cool!
GS: I think he's a ***! Are you saying that he is a normal guy, you can have fun with him?
DB: I swear he's very funny, very cool... I'm a normal guy, I make a lot of mistakes, but the time I spent with him I was very impressed, he has a good soul.
GS: But he's a crazy anti-Semite! You're not circumcised, so he probably liked you right away!
DB: No, but he's very interesting to listen to, he's amazing...
GS: So you liked him? Jonah Hill was still there...
DB: Yes, Jonah Hill was there!!!
GS: And girls came to him! And who is in charge of the company?
R: Probably Leo.
DB: Well, not the main one, but where is Leo, there are usually 600 women around, he is very smart, he knows everything that is happening around him, he is a phenomenal actor...
GS: Did you ever envy him and his career? Do you spend time together, both seem to be in different places in show business?
DB: No, I try to turn off everything negative energy, don't think about it. Of course, there are sometimes moments when you think: I should have done this, but if you think that way about other people, it will come back to you like a boomerang ( not lit. — come back and bite you in the ass — Russian translation I don’t know for sure). Firstly, if someone is talented, I wish them success, for example Jeremy Renner, Tom Hardy, they are very good, talented...
GS: You have internal rivalry, for example, you sit and think that this girl came up to him. Oh, 5 girls approached Leo, but only two approached me? Are you starting to doubt your own worth?
DB: No, I’m glad that 5 women come to him, and only two come to me!
GS: Really?
DB: I'll tell you honestly, when a lot of women come up to you, it just seems like all your dreams have come true, in fact, it can be very annoying because sometimes you just want to talk, and every time you turn around, they try squeeze into the conversation. Sometimes I’m surprised, men, of course, are pigs sometimes, but what women allow themselves to do is terribly, they insult each other and all that...

GS: When you go somewhere together, who pays for everything is Leo, because he's kind of in charge, no, who paid for everything that night in Miami?
DB: No, none of us paid that night!
GS-R ( together): everything was free?
DB: We were all there at some event and everything was sponsored...
GS: open bar - Open bar?
JB: Yes, free Coke all night for me!
GS: You're dating this girl, you can't do anything!
DB: Yes, it was difficult for me!
GS: You should have made Mel pay for everything!
R: But there was nothing to pay for!!!
GS: Even for dinner? He had to pay for everything! He's the one who wants to please everyone, you don't need these problems!

GS: This is this life, this is this life!
DB: What do you mean, whose?
GS: Yours, of course!
DB: Do you have anything to drink, water or something?
GS: Now I’ll bring you water!
R: You know, I’m sitting here and thinking that his life is like in the Bachelor program!
GS: Yes, you're definitely a bachelor, it's incredible, it's like 40 girls competing for this guy!
DB: I should probably write it down, it sounds funny!
GS: I could talk to you all day! You have such a life, we just talked for 1.5 hours.
DB: It can't be!
GS: Yes, yes, it’s 9:24 and we started at 8.
GS: Let's go to your house and try on hats! Come on, you and I, two men!
R: He doesn’t want to try on hats with you!
GS: Yes, yes... yes, it is, of course, great when the relationship is great, especially at the beginning, you just met a girl, trying on hats at 7 in the morning! And then the time comes when everything goes wrong, and you begin to think: well, how did I try on hats with her until seven in the morning!
DB: Yes, yes
GS: Let's hope that doesn't happen!
DB: I hope so too, but we’ve already had cases!
GS: Already? Oh my God!
DB: She's hot-tempered! She's very smart, very proud...
GS: Well, you understand that a girl who looks like her will come to you and say that I don’t want to waste time with you! We've been dating for a whole year, now I want to get married! Why should I sit and wait for you... and this will be the hard part...
JB: Well, it's been 10 months and she hasn't talked about it yet!
GS: Well, she’s 25, but perhaps she doesn’t want to get married yet!
DB: Yes.
GS: You know what you're doing! Crap! You are cutting off the whole...
R: Well, yes, he’s already learned!
GS: He probably visited Clooney and learned there! Clooney is a coach! We can talk all day! Movie! I will definitely watch this movie!
DB:( laughs)
R: I’m really looking forward to this film too!
DB: Yes, the film turned out fantastic, we have almost 100% positive reviews...
GS: And how much will you receive after the rental?
DB: I won't tell you!
GS: You, of course, received sums for the role, and how much do you usually get paid?
DB: I won't tell!
GS: What do you mean, you won’t say?
DB: I can't believe how much I'm telling you here, and I almost told you! And this is the radio!!!
GS: Well yes, but quota is everything, isn't it?
DB: Probably not as much as you think!
GS: 2 million something?
DB: No, more than...
GS: Well, I thought so!
R: You insult him!!!
GS: Well, I don’t know, 5 million?
DB: I'm not saying...
GS: I would have thought that for Gerard Butler - at least 5 million per film!
DB: Maybe...
GS: Not bad...
DB: Aha, after commissions and taxes….
GS: How many houses do you have?
DB: Actually 4, but...
GS: You see!!!
DB: 2 small houses, and also the land on which my parents’ house is built is also mine! They have a house, and I have land, so I can kick them out of there at any time!
Oh, today is my mother's birthday, she is 70 years old!!!
GS: Happy birthday, mom!
JB: She's in Florida now!
GS: Boca Beach Club?
DB: No, she goes there with my stepfather every year. They usually go for 2 months, for almost 6-7 years, they go to the Villages, everyone over 65 is there, a variety of clubs for entertainment, they have aerobics, golf, and much more...
R: Why do older people want to do all this?
DB: They want to do something!
GS: But I just want to sleep, and not get out of bed, and eat, that’s what I want to do...
DB: And you know what they did, they went kayaking and I get a text: me and Katie ( Kathy Butler's aunt) let's go kayaking, 5 miles. And I didn't respond, but I thought, 5 miles, this is crazy, and the next day, we got a long email, they almost drowned. They turned over and my aunt had a problem panic attack, the kayak is being carried away by the water, they were holding on to the rope, my mother screams: Katie, do something, and within 5 minutes she was in a panic...
GS:Villages will kill your parents!!! And your aunt!
DB: They went down the river, you can imagine.
GS-DB: crazy!!!
Someone: I saw a video on CBSNews about this place, and everyone there has a golf cart, and they customize them all, they look unique...
GS: And it's called Century Villages?
someone<ДБ: Нет, они называются The Villages, и сейчас они перестали арендовать дома на 2 месяца, минимум теперь 3, и моя мама, которая терпеть не может быть там дольше 2-х месяцев, говорит: если я плачУ за 3 месяца, то я останусь на 3! Я ей говорю: я плачу, а она говорит, нет, это из-за принципов, раз платим за 3, значит, останемся на 3!
GS: So she’s torturing herself now, great! Well, that's it, you talked about everything, about a beautiful girlfriend, about rehab, even about Brandi, we found out that you are 11 out of 10 as a lover!
DB: Yes...
GS: And I hate you for it!
R: And all this with a small, thin penis!
GS: Lots of very oral sex with women, that is!! 11 out of 10 means you're doing something right!
DB: My tongue is not very long, but thick...
GS: I got 11 once from a woman, but that was 11 out of 100, I'm not kidding, that's the only 11 I've ever gotten...
R-GS: This was the highest score in your life!
GS: Gerard Butler is a good guy, a great guy, funny, friends with Mel Gibson, Leo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, see what's happening! They're all together, the drinks are free, women are annoying, he can heal you, and if he touches you with his hand, your head will start tingling...
DB: I don't think I ever said that on your show. Coming from India, after having so much energy poured into you, you know what seems crazy? I started to feel very strange, the next day I went to Hawaii, because of the press tour, and I felt bad, the doctor came and began to check me, checked my pulse, and my heart, what is it called when the heart rate is disturbed?
R: Arrhythmia?
DB: Yeah, my heart rate went up to 170, because of all this energy, I've never had anything like that happen to me, not before or after, and they had to give me an injection...
I told the nurse that I couldn’t have such a pulse, and she said yes, blah blah, she gave me an injection, I even felt weak, even sitting, and many will say this is nonsense, but this has never happened to me... This story Not ( something, but something like that, which doesn't paint a good picture of India).
GS: Oh no, I would never go there ( to India), they swim in the water there, go to the toilet, die in the water, and then drink the water there... Did you drink this water?
DB: Yes, I rode a motorcycle in the Himalayas, along the Ganges. And when we went up, the water was fresher, more beautiful, tigers on the other side of the river, one man came up to me with a bottle of water, offered me... I said I can’t, but he said no, no, this water is good , it must be an Indian accent, and I drank it.

And that night we went up the mountain, we set up a tent, and I felt so bad, I spent the whole night upset, vomiting, I had to go down on a donkey from which I fell, then they put me in a car, I even I won’t tell you what happened in the car, it took me 1.5 days to get home, I was sick for a whole month...
R: Oh, what a horror...
GS: You should never drink that f***ing Indian water!!!
DB: Yes, but we were already high in the mountains, the higher we climbed, along the road we met Indian villages, and they go to the toilet in the water there, but...
GS: Well, yes, you can’t drink water.
DB: Yes, but we were in the Himalayas... And we also swam in Varanasi, where troupes are burned, and the river slows down, but it is also very dirty, it was an unusual experience, you go into Varanasi, it seems like you took ecstasy, it was the best day in my life...
GS: Really?! OMG! You better slow it all down a little...
R -> GS: And you laugh at me, laugh at him, he needs to control himself!!
DB: In theory, I'm kind of slowing down with everything now...
GS: Yes, better stay at home! OK, OK, we can talk for two more hours, just to find out what happened in the car in India.
R: Yes, exactly!
GS: What happened, you lost consciousness and women attacked you ( I didn't understand further). I can't even imagine! Yes, I need to spend more time with you, with Leo and others...
DB: Yes, you should, I like you, you’re super...
GS: Well, at the very least, I’ll come to you and try on hats... Look at your collection of hats. What's happened?
DB: It's time for Gerard to go...
GS: Of course it's time for him to go, he's been here for two days... Let's at least mention the movie, Gerard Butler in the movie Olympus Has Fallen, it's where those f*** North Koreans attack us, our president, and who saves him... Gerard Butler! In theaters on March 22! And you can follow Gerard on Twitter!
R: Do you need more followers?
GS: He doesn’t need any more!
DB: I have to say that I am very proud of this film!
GS-R: we are looking forward to it!
DB: You actually witness the attack, everyone who watched it said that when you watch this film, it is stunning, I could not breathe out until the end of the film. I would like you to watch this film.
GS: I'll take a look...
DB: And thanks for supporting Machine Gun Preacher, it was….
GS:-R: I really liked that movie! Okay, let's go back to yours. ideal life, back to Leo, I'll be sitting here hosting this stupid show!
DB: Well I've been here, now I'm going to Kelly and Michael's, where I'm already late, and then I'm going to Piers Morgan! So it's a crazy day!
GS: Well, have fun! Don't be too pretty and touch my head before you go! Maybe you can do something with my face!
R: Give him a blessing...
GS: Gerard Butler gives me his blessing, touches my head, and his face passes over me!!! And he will look like me! Here! And there will be no more films, no more 5 million royalties, Gerard Butler, thank you!
DB: thank you!

Read the full translation. 18+