Breathe and lose weight: all about breathing exercises. Breathe and lose weight


The main way to lose weight for most people is diet, but this is not enough. It is important to know how to breathe correctly to lose weight.

  • Practical recommendations

Basic principles of proper breathing when running

Aerobic exercise is a type of physical activity used to lose weight. In addition to physical activity, in order to lose weight faster, you need to balance your diet, increase your metabolic rate, using such methods as proper breathing for weight loss.

It is important to breathe properly while running. When running slowly, you should take one inhalation for 3 steps, one exhalation for 3 steps. That is, you must inhale, run 3 steps, exhale, run 3 steps, inhale.

When running fast, take one breath for 2 steps, one exhale for 2 steps.

With this regimen, weight loss occurs faster.

Inhalation must be done through the nose, exhalation can be done through the mouth. You need to listen to the sensations that arise, you should be comfortable.

The effect of proper breathing on body weight

Factors that help you lose weight:

  1. massage of internal organs that occurs during a correctly implemented breathing process;
  2. reducing stress, which causes weight gain;
  3. improving the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues, as a result of which oxidative processes in the body are activated, leading to the destruction of fat deposits;
  4. an increase in metabolic rate, which leads to an increase in calorie expenditure.

The combination of these factors allows you to lose weight in a short period of time: 3 - 5 months

Since few people can breathe correctly to lose weight right away, it requires persistence and perseverance. The effectiveness of proper breathing techniques is quite effective, but before choosing a specific method, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Breathing techniques for weight loss

Today, several breathing techniques are the most popular, offering different ways to breathe to lose weight.

Bodyflex. The peculiarity of the method is that in addition to a certain breathing rhythm, those who want to lose weight use special poses and stretches that allow them to achieve enhanced fat burning in specific areas of the body.

Holotropic breathing. The emphasis is on getting rid of stress and psychological problems associated with the process of losing weight during breathing practice.

Breathing according to Strelnikova. During practice, the state of the body's respiratory system improves, which results in an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues and increases the muscle tone of the body.

Oxysize. A method that combines physical exercises related to the work of the abdominal muscles and a way to breathe correctly allows you to lose weight in the waist area.

Ayurvedic breathing. The essence of the technique is to reduce inhalations and exhalations per unit of time. This breathing technique for weight loss allows you to improve your well-being and improve your overall health, and weight loss is a pleasant side effect.

Pranayama. Breathe alternately through each nostril. This way of breathing harmonizes the body’s functioning and allows you to lose weight.

Contraindications to the use of breathing practices

Breathing practices are useful, but they have limitations in their use. Those who have:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • violation of blood pressure levels,
  • oncological processes of various localizations,
  • bleeding of any etiology,
  • pregnancy,
  • postpartum period.

Therefore, before practicing weight loss using breathing, you should seek advice from a specialist. He will select the best ways to breathe and lose weight.

To learn any practice, it is advisable to contact a trainer, he will help you practice the technique of performing the exercise. Before choosing a method, you can do several exercises at home, after which you can determine the appropriate practice. Since breathing with your stomach to lose weight is an effective method, the diaphragmatic breathing technique is given below.

Most people are used to breathing using only the upper part of their lungs; it is difficult to start breathing from the stomach. It will take several workouts to achieve results.

  • Sit in a comfortable position. Place one hand on your chest and place the other on your navel area.
  • Start breathing. Direct the air flow so that the hand lying on your stomach rises.

Once you have learned to breathe with your stomach, you need to practice the method for several days until this way of breathing becomes familiar. Then you can move on to a more complex breathing method that will help you lose weight.

  1. Take a sharp, deep breath.
  2. Inhale again, draw in your stomach.
  3. Pull your stomach in, trying to point it upward.
  4. Continue until the gluteal and perineal muscles are tense.
  5. Take three breaths.
  6. Exhale as if you were blowing up a balloon.
  7. Repeat the exhalation two times. On your last exhale, relax your abdominal muscles.
  8. To lose weight, you need to breathe this way for a quarter of an hour every day.

Strelnikova breathing should be practiced in the morning. This will supply the body with oxygen. The orientation of the complex is towards inhalations. Exhalation occurs spontaneously.

  • Take 4 sharp breaths.
  • 4 passive exhalations
  • Inhale deeply 8 times.
  • Exhale smoothly 8 times.
  • Continue until you reach 96 breaths per exercise.

Simply learning to breathe correctly will not help you lose weight. You need to stop eating fried foods and fatty foods, and enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. Consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, the bulk of the proteins should be low-fat.

Only lifestyle changes will help you lose weight. It is impossible to eat buns and fast food, breathe properly, and at the same time believe that excess weight will not form. You must realize: a good figure is the result of diet, hard work, and a healthy lifestyle. If you want to lose weight, you should change your life. You need to drink more water, sleep 8 hours, avoid stress.

Not many people have yet heard that you can lose weight using only breathing. Looking at this fact, let's try to understand this in more detail. So, in order to find out how to breathe correctly so that?? to lose weight, carefully read the following material. The main rule is to train yourself to breathe only from the lower abdomen. Observe yourself and you will realize that your breathing is shallow. Try changing it to abdominal.

It’s not that difficult to do this; it’s much more difficult to accustom yourself to it. Fortunately, there are special exercises like breathing to lose weight. The point of the first of them is to find a bench and sit on its edge. Next, rest your palms on the bench. It is important that your feet press firmly to the ground. Practice deep breathing. Next exercise. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in both hands. After taking a deep breath into your belly, hold your breath and lift them to shoulder level. Then exhale and hold the dumbbells for a while.

And one more exercise. You need to try as hard as possible to exhale the air from yourself. After this, close your mouth tightly and hold your breath. In this position, you should tilt your head and pull in your stomach. After you count to ten, you can exhale and relax. The following exercise may also be the answer to the question of how to breathe to lose weight. It is very simple and does not require supernatural efforts. Just breathe actively through your nose without opening your mouth. The sound it makes is very reminiscent of a vacuum cleaner when it is turned on.

The main effect of performing breathing cocktails is healing and cleansing the body, accelerating the working metabolism, which is very important for the process of losing weight. With proper breathing, more oxygen enters the cells, thereby stimulating the activity of internal organs and increasing the metabolic rate. It is necessary to follow the principle of deep breathing, on which many breathing practices are based: breathe from the diaphragm, filling the stomach with air, not the chest.

If the body does not receive enough oxygen, digestion worsens and cells are deprived of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients. Deep breathing increases gastrointestinal motility and blood flow. Before meals, it is useful to perform the “Kung Fu” cocktail, which you may have seen in the “Bodyslim” program, 10-12 times. As you inhale slowly, gently tilt your head back and then sharply lower it forward, exhaling from your diaphragm with a “ha” sound, as if you had been hit hard in the stomach. While eating, simply relax your abdominal muscles and breathe slowly and deeply. This way you will eat less, enjoy your food more, and ensure comfortable digestion.

Simply learning to breathe correctly will not help you lose weight. You need to stop eating fried foods and fatty foods, and enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. Consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, the bulk of the proteins should be low-fat.

Ayurvedic breathing. The essence of the technique is to reduce inhalations and exhalations per unit of time. This breathing technique for weight loss allows you to improve your well-being and improve your overall health, and losing weight is a pleasant side effect.

Not all people find it easy to lose weight - dieting is difficult, it is debilitating, exercise and regular visits to the gym are sometimes unavailable due to lack of time and money. However, the problem of excess weight haunts many, what to do? You can learn to breathe correctly while losing weight.

In breathing practices, abdominal breathing is used more intensively, while in ordinary life we ​​breathe more from the chest. Belly breathing tightens your respiratory muscles, increasing your lung capacity and inhalation volume. Regular exercises teach you to breathe deeply and correctly, which means that the problem of excess weight goes away by itself.

Yuri Vilunas presents a unique method of healing and rejuvenation - sobbing breathing. No diets! No plastic surgery! You breathe correctly, which means you lose weight and look younger! The author's discovery over the past 30 years of natural healing mechanisms inherent in the body of every person by Nature itself is a truly epoch-making event. From now on, for the first time in the history of civilization, people have a real opportunity to independently manage their health, prolong youth and gain longevity without the use of dangerous chemical drugs.

The first time I worked out for three weeks. I took on a load that was too much for me. About seven months later I started again, it was enough for a month and a half - laziness - s. At the same time, there was indeed a certain effect from breathing, mostly positive, but there are some difficulties and pitfalls in mastering the technique. At the same time, I began to breathe more correctly in general. As for the theoretical basis of the methods - as far as I understand, those breathing on a machine receive more oxygen!

In the book by Yuri Vilunas you will find all the necessary recommendations for losing excess weight, increasing vital energy and rejuvenation. You can cope with excess weight and ill health on your own, quickly and without any financial costs!

Now the most important thing is weight loss. On average, he spends a kilogram a week on the “shuffle.” However, the results may vary significantly in each individual case. This very much depends on the initial weight of your body: the higher it is, the greater the slope will be, and vice versa. The results of Protasov’s diet may well amount to even tens of kilograms!

The positive results of the diet include the formation of new eating habits: cravings for sweets weaken significantly (if not disappear altogether), the correct culture and diet are adopted, high-calorie snacks on the go and consumption of unhealthy foods, as a rule, remain a thing of the past.

Experts in the field of weight loss classify this diet as a soft, so-called physiological one, since it involves the consumption of foods enriched with vitamins and microelements. Moreover, “shuffling” allows you to significantly reduce weight, but preserve muscle mass as much as possible and not disrupt metabolism. As a result of the diet, cravings for sweets disappear.

You are not mistaken, with the help of breathing you can really lose weight, reduce the volume of your stomach and even pump up certain muscles. But at the same time you need to breathe correctly and perform special light breathing exercises. At first glance it seems unrealistic, but breathing exercises really work!

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In short, no amount of breathing alone helps you lose weight. Breathing movements provide a minimal increase in energy costs, “feeding oxygen to cells” without creating a calorie deficit in other ways (dieting, of course) does not work, muscles are better loaded with targeted exercises, rather than twisting into a donut while holding your breath. And the psychological effects of breathing techniques do not always cause a decrease in appetite, and may well cause exactly the opposite result. Read at least the reviews of would-be holonauts (practitioners of holotropic breathing), who then struggle long and hard with the revealed dark depths of the psyche, and their “work” in the form of exacerbation of all addictions, including those from tasty and unhealthy food. It would seem that it would be worth ending the article here, at the same time motivating the reader not to study deliberately ineffective methods, but rather to go to the gym and the farmers market.

Breathing exercises for weight loss only work in combination with dietary restrictions. The author of bodyflex, Greer Childers, has a diet of a maximum of 1600 kcal and 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Marina Korpan promotes “eating according to appetite” and “reasonable restrictions”, without being particularly specific about this. Those interested, by the way, can find Marina’s own diet on the Internet to understand what we are talking about.

But... improper breathing under load significantly reduces the effect of that same load. If you do not give the body oxygen during aerobics, energy costs will decrease. If you breathe haphazardly during strength training, your movement technique may suffer and have far-reaching consequences from overloading certain muscles to injury.

It is generally accepted that the human body from birth is endowed with the ability to breathe through the upper chest, lower and abdominal cavity. A competent combination of all three types is the correct way of breathing, which will help a person not only lose weight, but also get rid of many health problems associated with a lack of oxygen.

As you know, at the moment there are a huge number of different techniques, thanks to which you can easily get rid of excess fat deposits. But how can you choose for yourself exactly the method of losing weight that will not only lead to eternal slimness, but will also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

It is especially worth paying attention to abdominal breathing, since almost no adult can breathe using the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Although this method is actively used by children who have not yet learned to control their emotions and drown out the abdominal breathing system.

It is also worth mentioning breathing during physical activity. If, in order to lose weight, you decide to learn not only how to breathe correctly, but also to take a closer look at your health and appearance, you should remember about proper breathing during training. If you decide to run or swim, your breathing should be even and rhythmic. You can count a beat during training, for example, every 2 steps - inhale, every 2 steps - exhale.

Many people do not have enough time or money to visit fitness clubs for active exercises for the purpose of burning fat. However, the advantage of such cardio training is that it can be successfully done at home. In this article we will look at dancing for weight loss.

The desire to have a beautiful slim body is for everyone who, unfortunately, does not have it. And there are a huge number of methods aimed at losing weight. But how can you choose from this “dump” of recommendations and advice exactly what is right for you? One of the universal ways leading to a healthy body without extra pounds is the breathing system for weight loss.

When there is no way to go to a fitness club, and the body needs correction, the only way out is to exercise at home. If you set yourself a goal correctly, create a schedule and choose exercises, there will be practically no differences from training in the gym. Let's take a closer look at exercises for losing weight at home.

Despite the abundance of existing diets and complexes that promote weight loss, excess weight stubbornly does not want to leave its owners. Why? Let's leave aside the cases of lazy people who try to outwit themselves (for example, after six you should never eat, and after seven, sneakily - please), such people can only blame themselves. Let's talk about those poor souls (who knows, maybe you're just one of them) who, despite all their efforts and efforts, cannot get rid of extra pounds.

Probably the reason for the unsuccessful fight against excess weight lies in the lack of oxygen. Most people use shallow chest breathing, which cannot saturate the body with it. It is considered correct that this is how a newborn baby breathes; this is the way of breathing that is most useful. During diaphragmatic breathing, the muscular septum separating the thoracic and abdominal sections is actively used. As you inhale, the diaphragm tenses, straightens and pushes the ribs apart, while the abdominal muscles tense and protrude like a beach ball. This increases the volume of the lungs, allowing a person to inhale more oxygen. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and arches, while the abdominal muscles tense and “hide” under the ribs, the volume of the lungs decreases sharply, due to which the lungs are freed from carbon dioxide.

When breathing in this way, the body, in particular, works at full capacity, which means that the process of losing weight will not take long.

for weight loss?

When oxygen enters the body in limited quantities, energy cannot be released in large quantities, which means that the part of it that was not involved in the oxidation of glucose and its reserves (fats) will be transformed into fat. Therefore, to lose weight, you need to provide the body with as much oxygen as possible.

How to do it? By performing anaerobic exercise. True, during active physical activity, fat oxidation will begin to occur only after 30 minutes from the start of the workout, and until then, energy will be used by glucose reserves from the liver.

Therefore, it is better to master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, which will saturate the body with oxygen. Many therapeutic techniques and health systems are based on diaphragmatic breathing. For example, it is diaphragmatic breathing that underlies the now widespread complex system for healing the body and saturating it with oxygen, such as bodyflex.

According to the rules of bodyflex, in order to get the maximum effect from performing exercises (i.e., get rid of excess weight and make the body flexible), you need to master the five-stage breathing technique.

1. Exhale through the mouth.

2. Inhale quickly through the nose.

3. Powerful, full exhalation through the mouth.

4. Holding your breath.

5. Relaxation and calm breathing.

Initially, breathing exercises began to be practiced by yogis. Nowadays, this is a serious addition to the loads during aerobics. Methods of proper breathing may vary somewhat depending on the specific system (bodyflex, yoga, oxysize, etc.), but all of them aim at maximum oxygen saturation, due to which the fat burning process occurs.

for weight loss. We study the key points

When playing sports, exhale with effort, and inhale with relaxation.

Under no circumstances should you forcefully hold your breath.

When performing exercises, you do not need to make yourself dizzy; at the first symptoms of malaise, you need to stop the load and analyze your mistakes.

You need to do breathing exercises for weight loss on an empty stomach.

To begin with, the simplest exercises are used, the transition to complex exercises is carried out gradually.

For example, the technique of repeated and cleansing breathing is considered the simplest. It consists of performing the following exercises:

  • three times a day, 10 cycles of repeated breathing are performed (deep inhalation for four counts + breath holding for four counts + calm exhalation for four counts). Prerequisite: the exercise is performed in the fresh air;
  • Cleansing breathing is performed three times a day. It is identical to the previous one, with the exception of exhalation: with effort, the air is exhaled through tightly compressed lips in small portions.

Proper breathing for weight loss. Eliminate side effects

Hypertensive patients, pregnant women, those who suffer from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, and those who have problems with the spine should not practice breathing exercises. It is also not used when working with young children and the elderly, unless there is medical advice.

Proper breathing for weight loss. We train easily

The following exercises are quite effective; performing them correctly will prepare you for more complex exercises included in the cycle of one or another healing technique (say, yoga or bodyflex). In the meantime, we are mastering proper breathing, which is the first step towards a slim figure and a healthy body.

So, lying on your back, place a not very heavy book on your stomach. Take a shallow breath, and as you exhale, try to clear the air from your lungs as much as possible, for which you also use your abdominal muscles: pull in your stomach and feel how it sticks to your spine. In this case, the book seems to fall into the stomach. Inhaling sharply through your nose, fill your lungs as much as possible with air and inflate your stomach. The book will rise upward. Exhale sharply and draw in your stomach. Repeat this exercise five to six times. You may feel slightly (!) dizzy, this is normal: the body is saturated with oxygen; The desire to cough is also considered normal: mucus that has stagnated in the lungs comes out.

On the way to work, while in transport, you can perform a square breathing exercise. For every four counts, take a deep breath - hold your breath - exhale - hold your breath. The exercise should be performed for at least three minutes. It is very effective for stress and nervous tension.

Another important issue for a person losing weight is the issue of proper nutrition. Moreover, the essence of this process lies not so much in eating only healthy foods, but in the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In general, it is ideal to develop a menu (with the help of a doctor) and follow it day after day. Take into account recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss (this is the topic of a separate article, so we will mention this in passing); dishes prepared according to such recipes take into account the needs of a losing weight, and therefore are the element that speeds up the process of acquiring the desired slimness.

Proper breathing for weight loss is the key to success. However, do not forget about a balanced diet and active physical activity. This is the only way to get your figure in order and, no less important, to normalize the functioning of organs and systems in the body.

Breathing exercises help not only to lose weight without dieting and exercise, but also to slow down the aging process. Choose one of five effective programs and get your perfect figure in just 15 minutes a day!

Excess weight is a disruption to the functioning of the entire body. For the weight loss process to be effective and harmonious, you need an integrated approach to its restoration. As a rule, this requires eating a balanced diet and providing the body with sufficient physical activity. However, many who want to lose extra pounds cannot always restrict themselves too much in diet or exercise - for good reasons or due to a lack of willpower. In addition, exhausting diets or workouts often have little effect, and visible success becomes noticeable only after a few months. Therefore, many people who lose weight give up the fight halfway through, having lost faith in their success. A way out of this situation can be breathing exercises for weight loss. Unlike physical exercise, it allows you to see positive results after just a few workouts, and without strict dietary restrictions.


The effectiveness of breathing practices has been proven by time and a large number of real examples: thanks to such exercises, thousands of people of different ages have become slimmer and improved their health. Proper breathing techniques help activate many important processes for weight loss:

  • dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • improving digestion;
  • breakdown of fat deposits;
  • increasing vigor;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Just 15 minutes of regular breathing exercises a day can speed up the loss of extra pounds many times over and ensure that you maintain a stable weight for a long time.

How it works

The amount of oxygen entering the blood depends on the quality of breathing. Its increase has a beneficial effect on major systems, including:

  • digestive – metabolic processes are activated;
  • excretory – toxic substances are removed;
  • endocrine, nervous – relieves stress and tension.

Breathing exercises are the only weight loss option that helps not only reduce total body weight, but also local reduction of problem areas, which cannot be achieved by any other natural methods.

Effect on digestion

Sustained weight loss or the appearance of new fat deposits is directly dependent on the rate of processing of incoming food into useful energy. It is oxygen that ensures the absorption of nutrients by the intestines, so its insufficient supply during so-called “shallow” breathing significantly slows down metabolism and the breakdown of fats.

The breathing technique is especially useful in this regard for women 40 years of age and older, when unpleasant hormonal changes in the body begin to occur, as a result of which metabolism deteriorates and excess weight appears, usually in the abdomen or other problem areas. At this age, even diets with training are often powerless. But special breathing techniques that ensure sufficient oxygen saturation of the blood can slow down age-related changes, preventing the appearance of extra pounds. In fact, such a system is indispensable for quickly losing belly fat at any age. With regular training or dieting, it is these fat deposits that are the most difficult to break down, while special breathing techniques allow you to get rid of them first.

Cleansing the body

Breathing exercises promote the active removal of harmful substances accumulated in fat cells. About 70% of these toxins can be converted into a gaseous state and then simply exhaled through proper breathing. Oxygen also oxidizes fat deposits, promoting faster destruction of fat cells, which leads to weight loss with a decrease in the volume of all problem areas.

Relief from stress and overeating

Another beneficial effect of breathing practice is reducing the level of stress hormones in the blood. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to eliminate one of the main causes of excess body weight associated with the habit of “eating” stress.

Any breathing exercises for quick weight loss are based on one principle: a specially designed inhalation-exhalation pattern promotes the intake of more oxygen than during normal breathing, and the exercises performed ensure its flow to problem areas and the activation of all fat-burning processes in the body.

To obtain the above results, you just need to start breathing correctly, combining special breathing techniques with simple training. Such training does not involve much effort and does not require much time to practice, but must be carried out in strict compliance with all requirements.

Proper weight loss with breathing exercises

For classes to be effective and bring real benefits, any such technique requires compliance with three basic rules:

  • training should be regular, and the decisive role is played not by intensity, but by consistency;
  • you should not combine exercises with a very strict diet, it is enough to switch to proper nutrition, since such training consumes a huge amount of energy, which must be replenished;
  • You only need to practice on an empty stomach (with the exception of the oxysize technique), the best time for this is the morning, immediately after waking up or at any other time - three hours after eating.

How to do breathing and physical exercises correctly and how to combine them with each other is described differently in each method. At the same time, there are many nuances, the accuracy of which determines the effectiveness of the final result.


There are several main types of breathing techniques, most of which are an independent treatment and preventive program that goes well with other activities aimed at losing weight. Breathing exercises are also often part of health practices, such as yoga.

The most common types of such techniques include:

  • oxysize;
  • Strelnikova;
  • jianfei;
  • Qigong.

In addition, there is a separate breathing exercise for quickly losing belly fat, which is most popular among overweight people, as it helps reduce the most problematic area and very quickly gives visible results.

Breathing exercises for the abdomen

This technique differs from all others in that the set of exercises, which is carried out in combination with proper breathing, is aimed at training not the whole body, but only the abs and waist. Although this has a positive effect on the entire body, since oxygen activates all the processes necessary for its life.

Universal technique

Before practicing this system, you should master a special technique of diaphragmatic breathing, learning how to:

  • take a quick breath through your nose;
  • exhale slowly through your mouth for six counts.

Another important condition for such exercises is strong tension in the abdominal muscles with each exhalation and relaxation as you inhale.

For women 40 years and older

A special breathing system for middle-aged or older women helps remove fat deposits on the abdomen, which greatly spoil the figure. The complex consists of 4 exercises and is performed like morning exercises for 15 minutes. You need to breathe as follows:

  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale with two sharp exhalations through your nose;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, exhale slowly through your nose, then take two sharp breaths;
  • slowly inhale through your nose, exhale a little through your nose, and finish exhaling through your mouth.

With each inhalation, you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible, and with each exhalation, relax and protrude. All exercises are repeated three times in a row, and then in a circle.

Performing these exercises daily helps to quickly normalize your abs, tighten your stomach, and reduce your waist. However, a more effective exercise for losing weight would be not for individual muscles, but for the whole body in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to one of the most famous breathing practices in the world - bodyflex. This unique system was developed by a 53-year-old mother of three who was able to use it to go from a size 56 to a size 44.


The bodyflex program is based on a combination of aerobic breathing and special exercises and poses. The exercises are performed at a slow pace, but at the same time they provide a load several times higher than strength exercises.

Features of the technique

Bodyflex, like most similar programs, also involves breathing from the diaphragm, but its peculiarity is that when performing some exercises you need to make quite loud sounds. In this case, inhalation is always done through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. One breathing exercise lasts 22 seconds, but you don’t need to count them - if done correctly, everything will work out by itself.

The breathing pattern is as follows:

  • exhale all the air, then exhale the rest of it, slightly rounding and stretching your lips forward;
  • take a quick, sharp, deep breath, as if after a long lack of air;
  • hold your breath for 3 seconds;
  • exhale sharply as follows: open your mouth strongly, tense the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, exhale explosively with the sound “p-a-h-h”;
  • hold your breath as much as possible (recommended for eight counts), drawing in your stomach as much as possible;
  • take a deep breath, relaxing all the muscles to make the sound “s-sh-sh”.

Even one such activity promotes an increased supply of oxygen, which activates the breakdown of fats, elevates mood, improves well-being, and fills the body with energy.

Simultaneously with breathing, physical exercises are performed in bodyflex, which are divided into three types:

  • isometric, working with one muscle group;
  • isotonic, forcing several muscle groups to work;
  • stretching, aimed at developing elasticity.

It is thanks to this comprehensive approach that rapid visible results are achieved.

Training results

A large amount of oxygen entering the blood during aerobic respiration helps to activate processes important for weight loss:

  • metabolism accelerates, digestion improves;
  • lymph flow increases, which improves the removal of harmful substances;
  • the intensity of contraction of the stomach increases, helping to reduce its volume;
  • The breakdown of fat is activated, due to which the subcutaneous fat layer disappears.

As a result of regular training, the following is observed:

  • reduction in volumes;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • getting rid of psycho-emotional stress, improving mood;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • normalization of the work of all systems, organs, processes;
  • general health, body rejuvenation;
  • gaining flexibility, elegance, grace.

This technique does not require much time, is suitable for all ages and provides a quick visible effect - in one week you can get rid of 5-10 cm in volume.

Just one hour of bodyflex allows you to burn 3500 kcal, while with the same duration of time you burn 150 kcal, aerobics - 250 kcal, running - 700 kcal.

The uniqueness of the bodyflex system is manifested in the fact that it simultaneously reduces overall volumes while correcting specific problem areas. However, such a high load is not suitable for every body, so you need to approach it with caution, taking into account contraindications and possible consequences.


It is prohibited to practice bodyflex if you have:

  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with the spine (postoperative period, presence of implants);
  • acute inflammatory or infectious processes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • any bleeding;
  • pregnancy.

Another limitation is that you cannot perform bodyflex breathing exercises on a full stomach, otherwise nausea or vomiting may occur. You only need to exercise on an empty stomach, it is best if it is in the morning immediately after waking up, or later, but three hours after eating. Training should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. You should also not start classes without first mastering breathing techniques, which usually takes about 4 weeks of daily training.

If the bodyflex system does not suit some parameters or seems too rigid, you can pay attention to another technique - oxysize. The weight loss mechanism here is the same, but is based on a softer breathing system without sharp exhalations, so such breathing exercises are suitable for absolutely everyone.


Oxysize is an innovative weight loss program by American Jill Johnson, very similar to the bodyflex technique, but with some differences. The main advantages are that this program has absolutely no contraindications, and classes can be carried out even after meals. On the other hand, such a system is suitable only for those who are overweight due to excess fat deposits. If you need to get rid of muscle mass, oxysize will not bring significant benefits.

Features of the technique

This technique is based on a combination of continuous diaphragmatic breathing with a certain load on specific muscles. Its main feature is the breathing cycle for one exercise, which is performed according to a special scheme:

  • one breath;
  • three breaths;
  • one exhale;
  • three breaths.

Unlike bodyflex exercises, exercises are performed with constant breathing without delays and without sharp retraction of the abdomen under the ribs, which makes this technique less stressful for the body.

Training results

Oxysize primarily fights excess volume, practically without reducing weight, since it eliminates only fat, which has a small mass. But if you follow proper nutrition during exercise, you can simultaneously get rid of extra pounds. The author of this program recommends eating four meals a day with a predominance of natural products and avoiding all junk food. At the same time, you cannot reduce the calorie content of your diet too much - it should be 1500-1700 calories.

Since this oxygen technique works more to burn fat, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved in the fight against cellulite and reducing problem areas - the abdomen, arms, thighs, where the most deposits usually appear. If you need to remove not only fat, but also become more graceful by reducing muscle volume, Strelnikova’s weight loss system is more suitable.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

The technique of proper breathing, developed by Alexandra Strelnikova, was originally intended for the treatment of the respiratory system. But, since a significant decrease in body volume was noticed with regular exercise, this system began to be used for the purpose of losing weight.

Features of the technique

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are considered “paradoxical”, since they involve a large number of fast movements, after which inhalations are performed with a non-expanding chest. To achieve a positive weight loss result using this program, several important rules must be followed:

  • the basis of the exercise is inhalation - it should be sharp, noisy, reminiscent of sniffing;
  • exhalation follows each inhalation - it should be absolutely natural without holding or pushing out air;
  • all movements are performed while inhaling at the pace of a marching step;
  • the number of approaches and breaths should be increased gradually, while the number of approaches should always remain a multiple of 4, the number of breaths – 8;
  • break between approaches – 3-5 seconds.

Regularly performing such exercises leads to an increase in lung volume, develops the habit of breathing correctly, and maintains an accelerated metabolism in the future.

Training results

The effectiveness of Strelnikova’s system is based on accelerating metabolism, which is achieved due to the fact that air, with short and sharp breaths, penetrates as deeply as possible into the lungs and supplies a large amount of oxygen to the blood. Thanks to this, a number of processes are launched:

  • blood supply and lymph flow improves;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • a significant amount of internal energy is consumed;
  • subcutaneous fat is broken down, providing this energy;
  • neuropsychic disorders are eliminated;
  • increases tone, improves mood;
  • local congestion is relieved.

Thanks to these actions, the weight does not return, and the acquired slimness is not lost over time. In addition, Strelnikova’s system helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve health, strengthen the body, and prevent the development of many diseases. However, before you start exercising, you should make sure there are contraindications.


It is believed that the Strelnikova system is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications. But practicing this method is not recommended in the following cases:

  • acute conditions with fever;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of organs or systems;
  • acute thrombophlebitis.

In addition, you should not treat this system as the only method of losing excess weight. It will only work simultaneously with proper nutrition and physical activity. In order to lose weight without dieting or exercising, the Chinese Jianfei method is better suited. According to Rosa Yu Bin, who first introduced this system in Russia, in 2 months she got rid of 10 kg, without doing anything for this except breathing exercises.

Chinese gymnastics jianfei

The principle of losing weight with jianfei is based on the fact that such exercises help dull appetite and significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. This type of respiratory system is also based on diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, but with the simultaneous performance of only three simple posture exercises.

Features of the technique

The practice of proper breathing according to the Jianfei method can radically change not only the figure, but even the inner world of a person. Before doing such exercises, you need to clear your mind by focusing on your goal.

While many diets do not always give the expected weight loss, and are often even harmful to health, Chinese Jianfei gymnastics is not only effective and safe, but even necessary for a person. When it is performed, the body’s own forces are activated and its self-healing processes are activated.

The technique is a sequential combination of “upper” and “lower” breathing, while the inhalation-exhalation technique is separate for each exercise:

  • “wave” - a deep slow inhalation with the abdomen drawn in and the chest raised, then a second delay and the same exhalation with the stomach protruded and the chest drawn in;
  • “frog” - alternating inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and nose, holding the breath for 3-5 seconds and completely filling the abdomen with air;
  • “lotus” - you need to breathe in three stages: for the first five minutes, control the inhalation and exhalation, doing them deeply, slowly, without raising the stomach and chest; then five minutes - a natural uncontrolled inhalation, then the same deep, long, relaxing exhalation as in the first stage; Finally, ten minutes of simply breathing naturally, without paying attention to depth and rhythm.

By doing just three of these exercises, you can achieve significant weight loss and overall health. Moreover, each of them has its own directional effect:

  • “wave” reduces appetite, eliminates the feeling of hunger, promotes faster satiety, it can be performed before or instead of meals;
  • “frog” normalizes blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • “Lotus” eliminates fatigue, calms, and gives energy.

You can perform the entire complex at once or each exercise separately with different frequencies depending on the needs of the body or the presence of specific problems.

Training results

Jianfei gymnastics helps saturate all organs with oxygen, which contributes to:

  • improving metabolism;
  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • restoration of tissue gas exchange;
  • strengthening and healing the body.

In addition to eliminating hunger, jianfei training relieves fatigue and tension, and normalizes important processes in the body. Thanks to this, a person gets rid of extra pounds gradually, without harm to health.

The result of losing weight using this system depends on compliance with the recommended rules and systematic exercise. If you do everything correctly, weight loss will begin literally from the second day, and after 3 months you can get rid of 8-12 kilograms.


Of the three indicated exercises, only the “frog” has contraindications - it is not recommended to do it:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for diseases of the spine;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • with a tendency to internal bleeding.

The “wave” and “frog” exercises should be performed on an empty stomach. “Lotus” is only a meditation pose that does not require any effort, therefore it has no restrictions. The result on such a system is achieved consistently, but rather slowly. For accelerated weight loss, but no less beneficial, the ancient Chinese practice of qigong is more suitable.


Qigong is a system of traditional exercises that emerged from Taoist psychopractices aimed at healing the soul and body. It includes a whole range of different techniques, of which a combination of a special diet and a special breathing technique is used to lose weight.

Features of the technique

Qigong breathing exercises are part of health practice and are based on a combination of a special breathing technique with a healthy diet. The diet requires adherence to several principles:

  • harmony of all tastes: salty, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy;
  • refusal of meat;
  • no overeating;
  • dinner 4 hours before bedtime.

There are no more restrictions, everything else follows the rules of a balanced diet. But it is extremely important to perform breathing exercises correctly while normalizing your diet.

At its core, qigong is not so much gymnastics as working with Qi energy, the free flow of which ensures the health of the body. A feature of such a system is the presence of a large number of types of breathing, the main of which are:

  • natural – shallow, free, soft, long;
  • direct abdominal – carried out using the abdomen: protrusion as you inhale, retraction as you exhale;
  • reverse abdominal - the opposite of direct: retraction on inhalation, protrusion on exhalation;
  • with delays - after inhalation or exhalation of varying durations;
  • latent – ​​thread-like, almost invisible to others.

All these types of breathing can be combined with each other, forming other varieties.

In addition, there are many exercises in qigong, which are divided into three categories:

  • static;
  • dynamic;
  • on balance and coordination.

They are not executed all at once. The main thing here is to carefully practice one movement and only after that start another.

Training results

Chinese breathing exercises allow you to control weight without feeling hungry or tired from physical activity. As a result of the lessons:

  • the blood is enriched with oxygen, blood flow improves, which reduces appetite and clears the mind;
  • eliminates stress and tension leading to overeating;
  • the speed of metabolic processes increases;
  • diseases that cause obesity are cured;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • tissue elasticity increases.

In addition, qigong can be structured in such a way as to get rid of specific problems, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.


It is not recommended to do qigong gymnastics if you are very tired, after insomnia or severe nervous tension. Only a calm state will ensure maximum effect. Immediately before and after exercise, you should not eat anything cold, since it is believed that such food takes energy from the stomach and negates the benefits of any exercise. In addition, there is a whole list of conditions in which qigong practices are contraindicated:

  • general heaviness or weakness;
  • mental disorders;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • severe pathologies of body structure;
  • relapse of chronic diseases;
  • taking potent drugs;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe deviations from normal body temperature;
  • exercising too intensely.

It should be noted that even if there are contraindications, qigong practice can be effective, but it can only be practiced under the guidance of a Master.

In addition, there are other breathing exercises that can be used instead of qigong. You should know that of all the breathing techniques, only the Indian yoga system, the so-called pranayama, is not recommended for women, since it ages the face.

Having decided to lose weight or get healthier with the help of breathing exercises, you need to consciously choose the type that best suits your goals, individual characteristics, needs and problems of the body, taking into account your state of health, character, and lifestyle.

Only with the right approach and strict adherence to all recommendations can you really not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Everyone knows methods of losing weight: diet, fitness or any other physical activity. But there are situations when a person cannot stick to a diet or exercise to lose weight, or he is simply lazy. And I want to lose weight. And this is where a method such as proper breathing for weight loss comes to the rescue. It turns out that there are several types of breathing exercises, the leading place among which is occupied by Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss Jianfei. We will tell you about it.

Breathing exercises have many advantages over other methods for losing weight. Among them, we can focus on the following:

  • dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • improves the digestion process;
  • triggers the breakdown of fat cells;
  • gives energy and activity;
  • removes all harmful substances from fat cells: preservatives, pesticides and others;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • calms the nervous system.

In addition, breathing exercises are an absolutely safe method that has virtually no contraindications: breathing exercises for weight loss are harmless even for pregnant women. It has only a few contraindications:

  • hypertension;
  • problems with the spine;
  • kidney or gallstones;
  • small children and elderly people.

Gymnastics does not require dietary restrictions or exhausting physical activity - you just breathe correctly and lose weight literally before your eyes.
Why are Chinese breathing exercises so effective for weight loss? Here we need to dwell a little on the medical aspects:

  • Proper breathing increases the amount of oxygen needed for good metabolism. As you know, it is thanks to oxygen that beneficial substances are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. If there is not enough oxygen, then metabolism will be at a low level. Gymnastics sharply increases the amount of oxygen;
  • Thanks to breathing, the digestion of food improves and, accordingly, it quickly turns into useful energy. It is then that ATP molecules appear that break down fat cells. These molecules work in an alkaline environment, and again oxygen plays an important role here: thanks to it, the ideal alkaline balance is maintained for the ATP molecules to work. Accordingly, fat cells are broken down better and you lose weight;
  • Toxins that enter our body and accumulate in fat cells contribute to weight gain. The fact is that toxins negatively affect the production of adrenal and thyroid hormones. The body tries to protect organs from this negative influence by accumulating fat cells, which it uses as storage for toxins. By breathing, you can reduce the harmful effects of toxins on the body by 70% and remove them. Consequently, there will no longer be a need for the accumulation of fat cells;
  • oxygen oxidizes accumulated fat deposits. Most people only use 30% of their lungs. If you learn to breathe deeply and correctly, fat cells will begin to break down at a much faster pace;
  • Breathing reduces the amount of stress hormones in the blood. But many people are accustomed to “eating” stress. If there are fewer of these hormones, the need for “eating” will simply disappear by itself.

In fact, everything is very easy and simple and, more importantly, absolutely natural and safe for the body. You can be sure that when you start doing gymnastics, you will only bring benefits to your body.

Breathing exercises for weight loss Jianfei: the basics

In Chinese, “jianfei” means “lose fat.” Gymnastics reveals to us the secrets of slimness, longevity, beauty and health. When done regularly, it really gives amazing results. This is truly a magical breathing exercise for losing weight in the abdomen and other parts of the body. You need to do it every day, at any time convenient for you. All you need for class is loose clothing that will not hamper your movement; 15 minutes of free time and, of course, desire.

A person is designed in such a way that he wants to get results immediately. But be patient: no diet, sports training or gymnastics will make you slim in 1 day. Although after 2-3 days you will get the first results with the help of breathing: during this period you will definitely lose 1 kg. Let this become a motivating factor for you and convince you of the effectiveness of your chosen method of losing weight. After 2-3 months, with the help of breathing exercises, regular, targeted and painstaking exercises, you simply will not recognize your reflection in the mirror: during this time you will lose 8-12 kg. Miracle, isn't it? You don't sit on a strict diet, don't sweat in the gym and at the same time get such excellent results.

The basis of Chinese breathing exercises are only 3 exercises, each of which is aimed at losing weight by reducing the number of fat cells. The exercises are aimed at solving primary problems that are familiar to all people who want to lose weight:

  • eliminating the feeling of hunger;
  • reduction of fatigue and emotional stress;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Gymnastics has a very gentle and natural effect on all processes in the human body, there is no violence against it, so a person loses weight without any harm to health. Everything happens smoothly, gradually. In addition to this, the whole body is healed, the physical condition is improved, and if you have the right mindset, also the psychological one: the Chinese are sure that this gymnastics can change a person’s inner world and clear the mind.

Breathing exercises: complex

As we have already said, the basis of gymnastics is just 3 exercises. Let's look at them so that you can quickly start exercising and achieve your desired goal. You can do the exercises at any convenient time, but it is still better to do them before meals.

Exercise "Frog"

Starting position: sitting on a comfortable low chair, feet shoulder-width apart, right angle between the thigh and shin. Concentrate on what you will do. Place your elbows on your knees, clench your left hand into a fist (men need to clench your right hand), clasp your fist with your right hand. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes, relax.

Sit like this for a while and begin breathing exercises.
Fill your stomach completely with air and begin to alternate inhalations and exhalations through your mouth and nose. At the same time, hold your breath slightly for 1-5 seconds. Do the exercise for 15 minutes. You can repeat it 2-3 times a day. If dizziness occurs, reduce the depth and rhythm of your breaths. Make sure that your chest rises evenly, and that your stomach either completely fills with air or retracts.

Exercise "Lotus"

Starting position: sitting on the same chair as when performing the “Frog”, or in the “sitting Buddha” pose. In this case, the legs lie in front of the stomach. Place your hands on them, palms up (for women: place your left hand on top of your right, for men - vice versa). For the first 5 minutes, breathe evenly, deeply, take long inhalations and exhalations. Concentration on what you are doing is important. Do not lift your stomach and chest too much. Conscious breathing is about managing, regulating and controlling this process.

For the next 5 minutes, try to inhale as casually and naturally as possible. As you exhale, relax completely and try to achieve even, silent, deep breathing. For 10 minutes you simply breathe without controlling this process. Breathe at your usual rhythm and depth. Don't think about anything, relax.

You can perform all the exercises in a row or just one, you can alternate their sequence - it depends on your desire and mood.

Exercise instead of eating

Every person who wants to lose weight tries to eat less. But the feeling of hunger haunts, poisoning life. There is another wonderful exercise in the Jianfei gymnastics complex that helps reduce hunger. Therefore, this exercise should be done 20 minutes before meals. In addition, it can be used instead of food. You can perform it every time you feel hungry, in any place and starting position.

Exercise "Wave"

Starting position: best - lying on your back. If this is not possible, you can also do it while sitting, standing, walking or cycling. Relax, focus on what you are doing. Then bend your knees and place your feet straight. Place one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach. Start doing the exercise while helping yourself with your hands.

Take a deep, slow breath while simultaneously drawing in your stomach and lifting your chest. Then hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale slowly. At the same time, try to draw in your chest and inflate your stomach. You need to do 40 full cycles (inhale – exhale). More is possible. It is important to maintain the same breathing rate. Your breathing rate should not exceed what is natural for you. If exercise makes you dizzy, slow your breathing a little.