Two big fish in a dream. Why does a girl dream about fish? Why see fish in a dream? Fish according to the Slavic dream book


See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money you will receive.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Many dream books give a positive interpretation to the question of why a woman dreams of a fish living in water. Those who happen to simply watch waterfowl playing in clear water can hope for public recognition, gaining power, and for some, their cherished dream will come true.

If night dreams gave you the opportunity to go fishing, then this is a sign of success in the implementation of plans to which a lot of effort was put. Girls who are lucky enough to see bright fish can count on new acquaintances, positive impressions, and the more bright fish there are, the richer the colors of real life will become.

Important! If a woman dreams that she is offered to buy fish at the market, then this vision should be considered as a harbinger of pregnancy.

Seeing big fish in your night dreams

In dreams, a big fish is mainly a harbinger of some bright events and for their correct interpretation it is necessary to clarify the following points:

  • number of waterfowl;
  • scale condition;
  • who exactly received the knowledge - a married woman or girl;
  • how the creatures behaved - they stood calmly, played, jumped out of the water.

Winning the lottery, receiving a large inheritance and other significant material benefits can be obtained by those who saw a school of inhabitants of the depths in their night dreams. And those who happen to clean the scales of, for example, a large carp should prepare for significant financial losses.

For young girls, visions of large-sized waterfowl are a sign of early pregnancy. For ladies already in this position, a similar dream promises the birth of a strong baby, an easy, quick birth. Positive dreams also include those where sea or river animals behave actively - jumping out of the depths, splashing. This means that a person will receive fame, universal recognition, and will successfully complete early work.

Why do you dream about pike?

For married ladies, seeing a pike in their night dreams is a sign of good luck; problems and worries will pass by on the tenth road, but there is one negative point here. If it happens that a predator bites your finger, this means trouble that should be expected both from close relatives and from strangers. Someone, out of a feeling of envy, will try to cause harm, so it makes sense to take a closer look at your surroundings; you should not talk about your achievements or financial affairs.

For unmarried girls, seeing a pike means a quarrel with a loved one or close relatives. If in a dream a toothy predator was not just a dream, but was given as a gift, then pay attention to exactly who it was given to. Along with the pike came possible problems; now this person will have disagreements with loved ones. It is a great success to find some value in it while gutting a pike. After such a dream, a girl can hope for a quick marriage proposal, and married women will strengthen their marriage bonds.

Seeing fish for pregnant women

A sea or river creature that a pregnant woman dreams of should be regarded as a sign that the birth will take place without complications, and a number of dream books give some clarifications on this matter. For a more correct interpretation, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • what kind of creature did you dream of - exotic or river, sea;
  • the waterfowl was in its natural environment or in the hands;
  • what emotions dominated in the dream;
  • what the water looked like – clean, dirty, flowing.

An exotic sea dweller - to a child who will become an extraordinary, famous person, he will live a bright, eventful life. Night dreams in which a pregnant woman managed to hold a fish in her hands speak of personal happiness and family well-being. If at the same time she fluttered and tried to slip out, you should prepare for obstacles on the path of life, but they will be able to be overcome safely. The aquatic environment surrounding waterfowl must be considered as a separate sign. A clean liquid means positive events, a dirty liquid means problems and worries.

A dream where a person is bitten by a river or sea creature is usually observed by people who are in a depressed state. The subconscious gives you a signal that the time has come to pull yourself together and start solving the accumulated problems. A waterfowl predator can bite a certain part of the body and this means the following:

  • a bite on the hand - there is a high probability of meeting street thieves, so you should not carry valuables or large sums of money in your pockets;
  • bite on the finger - someone close to you dislikes you, you need to sort things out with him, try to reconcile;
  • a river predator bites your leg - beware of rash actions, they will cause significant damage to your reputation.

For unmarried girls, an aggressive fish promises the end of a relationship with a loved one, as they have reached a dead end. You can still try to correct the situation, but should you do this?

Advice! If you are going to a party and before this event you had a dream where a small fish bit your finger, then it would be better to refuse the holiday, otherwise problems will arise with loved ones.

Dreaming about dead fish

A woman's dream of a dead fish primarily symbolizes a break in relations with her loved one. The reason for the disagreement should be sought in the features of such night dreams. If dead carcasses lie on the shore of a reservoir, the reason for the separation will be betrayal, it is likely that it has already taken place and now you have to go through a chain of unpleasant events. A dream where dead fish are in a pond is a warning about the unreliability of the chosen one. His feelings are insincere and very soon this will become known, for example, someone else’s conversation will be overheard, compromising SMS or photographs will be discovered.

Sometimes girls see night dreams with animated sea creatures that swim away from the shore. At the same time, a feeling of regret arises in the soul, the loss of something important is felt. Such emotions are not experienced by chance - this subconscious mind tells you that quite recently a wonderful chance was missed to start a relationship with the only one you can call your other half. Although all is not lost, you need to moderate your ambitions, become softer, more soulful, and then there will be another opportunity to find true happiness.

Why do you dream about a shark?

In women's dreams, a shark symbolizes an enemy or is a harbinger of a serious illness, although not everything is so simple. If during an attack by a sea predator you managed to fight off, swim away, or hide, then you will be able to cope with your enemies or the disease. A warning is a vision where you see a calmly swimming shark - this means that the dreamer will get into trouble due to his own carelessness.

Night dreams in which you happened to swim next to the toothy “mistress of the seas” will help you clarify which side to expect problems from. In this case, the ill-wisher is hiding in the inner circle, that is, it is a best friend or relative - sister, brother. Another warning is dreams of sharks tearing apart their prey - you have to make a choice between work and romantic relationships.

Young girls who see a sea predator should prepare for difficult life situations. Self-confidence will help you cope with them; you need to overcome phobias, try to act outside the box, and then you will be able to get out of difficult problems with a profit. On the positive side, dreams about sharks can be interpreted by women who have any disease. For them, the creature in question is a symbol of a speedy recovery.

Attention! A shark, although a predatory one, is still a fish, so if you dreamed that you were wrapping your arms around it, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

Interpretation of dreams about fish according to the dream books of Miller and Vanga

Psychologist G. Miller gives predominantly positive interpretations of dreams involving river or sea inhabitants. They promise all-consuming love to a young girl, and generous gifts of fate to respectable ladies. Those who happen to go fishing should prepare for serious challenges; to overcome them, they need to concentrate and show enterprise. Dreams with dead inhabitants of the water depths are an unfavorable sign; a person will face adversity, but they can be overcome with some losses.

The soothsayer Vanga views waterfowl from a culinary point of view. So, seeing smoked, salted or fried fish in your night dreams is a sign of deception. Someone is trying to confuse the dreamer and will provide him with unreliable information, on the basis of which incorrect conclusions will be drawn, which will lead to negative developments. If in your dreams you manage to catch a big fish in a net, then in reality you will be able to overcome problems at the expense of ill-wishers, who themselves will fall into the hole that they dug for you.

Quick jump to interpretations

Our ancestors also considered fish a symbol of a happy life and endowed it with the most positive qualities. We dream of aquatic inhabitants quite often, and they can differ not only in their appearance, but also in their behavior. If you dream that you managed to catch a big fish, consider it a sign of fate that promises something good and positive. However, do not forget that there are nuances that can radically change the essence of the dream. Try to remember all the circumstances that were related to the dream, in this case it will be much easier for you to understand what to expect from the nighttime phenomenon.

How do circumstances influence the meaning of a dream?

The general meaning of a dream in which you caught a big and beautiful fish promises the appearance of a soul mate, with whom the relationship will develop rapidly and emotionally, but such a romance will most likely end as quickly as it begins. Despite this, these relationships will remain in your memory for a long time.

The relationship can end with a wedding, provided that you hold the big fish you caught in your hands. Such an important nuance suggests that luck is on your side.

If you happen to catch a huge fish in a dream before a significant event, be sure of success, and it will be stunning. The planned things will go so well that your joy will know no bounds.

If fishing is difficult for you, but you still manage to get large prey, then your business will be crowned with success, but you will not get it in an easy way.

Catching big fish with a fishing rod is a symbol of success; all your affairs will go easily and bring maximum benefit and satisfaction. With all this, there will be no special effort on your part; luck itself will fall into your hands.

Catching a big fish with your bare hands - the set goals are quite feasible and realistic for you, but if you show laziness and passivity, in an instant you risk losing everything that you have been working towards for so long. The upcoming period will require a lot of effort and endurance from you, but the resulting result will justify all the time and labor costs. Now you are working for the future good, so laziness should be postponed until later. Another interpretation of such a dream promises pregnancy for a representative of the fair sex.

Watch from the sidelines while catching large fish - in the near future you will be offered help, which will be very useful.

Catching a big fish and cutting it in a dream is an unexpected profit. This vision can also promise a long trip. This interpretation option is relevant if the fish caught was fresh. In the case when the prey emanated an unpleasant odor and the appearance was not attractive, this will lead to deterioration in health.

If you dreamed that you caught and cleaned a big fish in a dream, this means mistakes in reality will bring disappointment and resentment.

To see how a huge fish that has been caught slips out and swims away is to experience grief for the impossibility of realizing what was planned. The goals you set will constantly “stumble” over various kinds of obstacles. All you can do now is be patient and keep working. Soon the black stripe will change to white, and everything will fall into place.

Dreaming of an incredibly beautiful fish, too large in size promises great success. Whatever you undertake now, everything will work out. If you are faced with a situation in which you need to compete with someone, know that luck is on your side. Now is a favorable period for making large transactions and purchasing valuable things.

A large fish caught in a net is a sign that the opinion of others about you will significantly change for the better. Your reputation will become so positive that with it you will achieve much greater results than before.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

If a young girl catches a big fish with a fishing rod, she will soon receive a marriage proposal. In this situation, it is worth paying close attention to the caught prey; if the fish was beautiful, the groom is worthy, the marriage will be successful. If the fish looked unhealthy and had an unpleasant odor, the candidate for the role of husband will soon disappoint you, so be careful, try to get to know the person better before you marry him.

For a married woman who has not given birth, the dream foreshadows pregnancy. At the same time, it will come as a surprise to others.

Catching big fish for an unmarried lady means a wedding or a new relationship that will be successful.

Such a vision will be an important sign for a pregnant girl. Catching a big fish is a sign that the future child will be incredibly lucky and happy in life. If the aquatic inhabitant had an unusual or too bright color, the child will be endowed with a creative gift, which will become a reason for pride for the mother.

The meaning of sleep depending on the day of the week

The dreamer caught a big fish in a dream from Sunday to Monday - to financial profit and stable income.

A dream with a huge fish from Monday to Tuesday portends improved health and a surge of new strength.

From Tuesday to Wednesday, such a dream promises pregnancy or the beginning of a new positive stage in the dreamer’s life.

From Wednesday to Thursday, catching large fish portends the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Catching a huge fish in a dream from Thursday to Friday for a young girl is a warning that you should refrain from casual sexual relations, otherwise you risk ruining your reputation.

If a big fish eluded you in a dream from Friday to Saturday, make decisions thoughtfully, do not rush to make hasty conclusions.

A dream involving a big fish from Saturday to Sunday will not bring significant changes in life.

Vanga's Dream Book

Matches large fish with enemies, and if you manage to catch it, your enemies themselves will fall into the trap they were preparing for you.

Without nonsense, fish is a symbol of difficulties and health problems.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, one can understand that the famous psychologist saw in a large fish a reflection of the dreamer's psychological state, his emotional state.

According to Freud, a living fish was a symbol of the male genital organ, while the process of catching large fish is the personification of sexual intercourse. Often, this phenomenon serves as an indicator that sexual life has a number of difficulties. It is difficult for a man to relax and enjoy the process with the woman who is next to him.

If the caught fish turns out to be dead, then the man has problems with erection.

Catching a large number of large fish in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is promiscuous.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, catching a big fish in clear water is a favorable sign. In the near future, financial stability, romantic relationships and success in a professional environment await you.

Catching large fish with nets is a sign of serious trials for the dreamer, which he will be able to overcome, but at the same time will experience a lot of worries. Loff’s Dream Book

From Loff's dream book you can understand that a huge fish is a symbol of the birth of a child. Another interpretation option promises monetary profit.

As can be seen from various dream books, a big fish is a multi-valued image, however, in general, such a phenomenon is considered favorable and promises positive changes in the dreamer’s life. Every dream carries some meaning, in particular, a fish is a special sign that brings more good than evil.

Dreams with a similar plot are most often pleasant; they evoke a feeling of peace and harmony. Why does a woman or man dream about live fish? As the dream book says, live fish in a dream is a positive sign for people of any age and gender. If you dreamed of a large live fish, this could mean success in work and material well-being, an addition to the family and mutual understanding in the house. Correctly interpreted details of the plot, which various dream books will help you understand, will help you understand the exact meaning of the dream.

As the dream book says, a live fish swimming in the water in a dream is a very good sign for both a man and a woman.

The smallest details that were present in your dream can tell more than a single bright element. Therefore, try to remember how you felt, where you saw live fish. How did you catch it: fast, easy or hard, calm or tense. Use our tips so as not to miss a single important detail and understand what a living fish means in a dream.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

For a woman or girl, living fish in a dream may indicate an imminent pregnancy.

Why does a girl dream of a live fish - good luck, success, pleasant meetings, a great gift from fate await her. Another interpretation predicts a meeting with the future chosen one, and the larger the fish, the richer and more respectable the groom will be. Holding a fish in your hands means an early engagement and wedding, and small fry that splash in the water mean future children.

For a woman, living fish in a dream is also a harbinger of happiness. Things will go uphill, the financial situation will improve, family happiness will grow stronger, plans will come true. In addition, if a woman wants to get pregnant, a new addition to the family will not take long to arrive.

For a child to see a fish in a dream is not a good sign. In this case, the dream book advises you to beware of impending troubles, since your luck will run out for a while, and your health may deteriorate slightly.

Why does a man dream about live fish? If the water was clear and clean, and there were large fish in it, then he would have the opportunity to improve his affairs, both financially and in family life. Colorful and rich dreams speak of upcoming happiness. If you dream of a large number of bright and colored fish, it means that the things you need to start will go easily and successfully, so you don’t need to put it off, but act immediately.

Species: pike, pike perch, carp, crucian carp, perch, roach

Catching fish in a dream: with a fishing rod or with your hands

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

The wisdom of our ancestors, passed down from generation to generation, has reached our time through many variants, one of which is dream interpreters, otherwise known as dream books. Since ancient times, people have noticed a certain connection between dreams and real life. By recording, noting coincidences, and deducing patterns, people came to the conclusion that dreams can be used to predict events and, thus, predict the behavior of fate. We present to your attention interpretations of what dreams of living fish in water mean, from those dream books that are most popular, since the predictions of their authors are considered the most truthful.

Miller's Dream Book - a pleasant surprise

A live fish playing in the water means a gift, a surprise, a happy message or news. Dead fish means sadness. Successful fishing is a feasible challenge, a surge of strength and inspiration that should be used in the right direction.

Vanga's dream book - you have enemies

Seeing in a dream how you cook live fish means that there are envious people and enemies behind you, trying to deceive and waiting for an opportunity to ruin your situation. A dream where you are fishing tells about your ill-wishers who will be caught in their own traps.

According to Miller's dream book, an aquarium with fish is a sign of success in your business.

Freud's Dream Book - problems in personal life

If you saw a fish in a dream, take your mind off your annoying thoughts during sex. If you had to eat fish in a dream, your partner in bed behaves selfishly towards you. Talk to him that you also have an important role in this matter. If you dream of fishing without a decent catch, this indicates a negative experience of sexual life. It is worth paying attention to your desires and living in the present, leaving problems in the past.

Modern dream book - success and luck

A live fish in a dream symbolizes good luck and success, the ability to achieve desires with little work. Seeing dead fish means waste of money. Catching fish is wisdom, and in relation to your enemies and envious people - setting points and the ability to avoid their tricks.

Ancient Persian dream book - wealth and prosperity

Prosperity, sudden profit, especially if we are talking about a goldfish. Catching a fish means buying a long-desired item. Seeing a talking fish in your dream means unprecedented success in business, large incomes or a quick promotion.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras - possible pregnancy

Watching fish in the water is a good sign; if the water is clean, it means success in business and fulfillment of plans. For girls, such a dream very often means pregnancy. But if the water in which the fish is located is cloudy, you will have to overcome a number of obstacles.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers - Possible Conflicts

In clear waters - seek protection from unworthy people, it is worth moving away from controversial matters. The fish are swarming and splashing - if you want to expand your family, be careful when choosing a partner. Huge carp - you are afraid of something unreasonably.

American dream book - glory and honor

Live fish swimming in the water means money. Water teeming with fish is an unprecedented success in your career, perhaps fame will come to you. A fish jumping out of the water is a profit that will not require much effort from you.

Muslim dream book - problems with competitors

A fish swimming in clear water means good luck in your affairs; For women, live fish often dreams of pregnancy. If the water is cloudy, then to achieve success you will need to overcome additional difficulties, including the machinations of competitors.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Depth of Feelings

Clear water - immersion in feelings or financial blindness. A fish jumps out of the water - forget past fears, get rid of mistrust, trust the person closest to you. Very large carp - we will soon have to remember the dead.


Dreams are just a game of our subconscious. You can take them seriously, or you can not. In any case, the choice is up to each individual. Predictions should be treated very carefully, since they provide only a superficial description of the possible situation in your life. Thinking and coming to a definite decision is a difficult task, but feasible. We wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why do you dream about Fish”

The dream book is sure: the appearance of a fish in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. After all, it is simultaneously associated with luck and pretense, a seductive offer and slander, a miracle and travel, knowledge and the ability to earn a living. The details of the dream will help you unravel the complex image.

A symbol with multiple meanings

Fish conveys the duality of the situation, indicates difficulties and impermanence. At the same time, this is an omen of good changes, favorable circumstances, fulfillment of desires, and realization of goals.

In a dream, were you treated to a fish dish? The streak of troubles is coming to an end, soon you will be able to breathe easy and relax. Dreaming of a delicious pie? Over the next period, income will be stable, but small.

Have you eaten a sandwich? The dream book states: entrepreneurship will help you achieve high status. If you look at popular interpreters, you can find out the following.

According to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream of fish in a clear river? Mr. Miller promises a gift of fate. For single people, this is a harbinger of happiness, love, and profit. Catching live bait is not very good. Tests are predetermined for you, and you will pass them only by maintaining firmness of spirit. The worst thing, Miller believes, is if the fish in the dream was dead. After such a vision, get ready for troubles and losses.

According to Vanga's interpreter

Vanga's interpreter associates fish with the futility of actions or the need to literally “keep your mouth shut.” Why dream about how a pond was teeming with silvery sides? Take part in a troublesome event. If you personally fished out at least one, then Vanga is sure that the business you know will turn out successfully if you don’t spill the beans about it prematurely.

What does it mean to give birth to a fish in a dream?

Have you given birth to a child, and a fish was born? In reality, you will acquire unusual skills, knowledge, and change the direction of your professional activity.

Giving birth to a fish means taking control of the situation, your life. Negative meaning of the dream book: instead of the expected profit, you will get into trouble and hear moral teachings.

In a dream, the transformation of a character into a herring marks the loss of values, including material ones. Did a fish with a human face appear? The dream book is convinced that some kind of attack threatens you. Both scenarios predict the appearance of a sage nearby who will become a mentor and teacher.

Why see fish in the bathtub?

Why does a married man dream of a bath with fish and dirty water? He is destined to be betrayed by his wife. For a pregnant woman, the plot predicts a difficult birth. A bath with clean water is interpreted in the reverse order, but the Enigma dream book urges you not to let your guard down. Have you ever seen a herring on a dirty floor? You will lose money, power, status.

Did fish suddenly fall from the blue sky? In reality, get ready for a surge of interesting ideas and financial profits. Sometimes such rain is an unkind sign, promising disasters and disasters. Did you happen to watch the spawning? The dream book prophesies: you will soon achieve what you have long dreamed of.

Did you dream about a pond? You'll get rich!

Why dream about swimming in a pond full of fish? Show remarkable talents in the field of commerce and get rich. Have you walked between the fry in your sleep? Prosperity must be earned through one’s own labor. Riding on a huge fish means a profitable acquisition. But dreaming of dirt around means illness and gossip.

Did you dream about a river and fish splashing in it? Positive changes are coming. But seeing the ocean is worse. You rely too much on luck and may miss an important moment. Did the fish jump in the pond? You have to monitor the progress of a troublesome event with a large number of people present.

The man will provide a profit!

Why do you dream of a man carrying booty? With hard work and patience, you will achieve a lot. The dream book foresees: in the near future you will increase your income due to a profitable deal. The appearance in a dream of a stranger with fishing rods and a full fish tank is linked in reality to a new acquaintance and unexpected prospects.

Did you accidentally find a huge fish? In real life, you will invent a method that will help you get out of critical conditions. Did you dream that your catch was lost? When trying to gain the condescension and respect of people, you will make a serious mistake. Have you decided to look for him? There will be an opportunity to show hidden abilities.

Fisherman husband: profit or bad luck?

A fisherman spouse in a dream reflects patience or its complete absence. The final interpretation depends on how you personally perceive the male hobby. If you respect, then prepare for good times. If you don’t accept it at all, then it’s the other way around.

Did your husband bring a big catch? You can count on the success of your planned business and decent money. Returned from folk fishing with an empty bucket? The interpretation is completely the opposite.

Why do you dream about how a cat managed to steal a fat carp from the table? Excessive ambitions and inflated demands on others will lead to a dead end. This is an omen that you will try to appropriate someone else’s property or idea.

Sister and mother with fish - fortunately

If the fish was connected with her sister, a rich marriage awaits her. In your dream, was your mother holding a freshwater carp? Dream book advice: look forward to happy times.

  • The plot guarantees the girl's pregnancy with a boy.
  • Pregnant - the birth of a girl.
  • For a man - benefits, prospects.
  • For a child - knowledge, friends.

Have you shared fish with someone? The dream book suspects: you want to reduce aggression from others. But with wrong actions you only worsen the situation. Did the night feature a can of canned fish? You are destined for an unsuccessful engagement.

Received as a gift? Stay tuned for news!

Why do you dream that they gave you fish? The lady should prepare for an “interesting” situation. If a man received a gift, an event is approaching that will push him to reassess his usual values. Receiving fish from a stranger means an important meeting. From an acquaintance to the desired news.

Giving fish to another character means that you want to come into closer, perhaps intimate contact with him. It's good to hold fish in your hands. The dream book assures: you are the master of fate; it depends only on your personal choice whether it will be happy or unhappy.

The plot promises trouble

Why do you dream about a fish market or a store? They are identified with prosperity and security. But, according to the dream book, choosing fish in a dream is bad. In the near future you will fall ill with the disease. Have you bought fresh produce at the market? On your own initiative, you will remain alone for an indefinite period of time.

Trading your catch means hopeless melancholy and melancholy. For no apparent reason, your thoughts will be pessimistic in the next few days. In addition, the sale of the named product suggests: you are deliberately ruining someone’s mood and even life.

Did you catch fish? Need to rest!

Catching fish on your own with excessive passion is a sign of deception and disappointment. Did you fish quietly with great pleasure? You need urgent rest. Did you manage to catch a particularly large specimen with a fishing rod? Family joy will happen.

What does it mean if you catch a fish with your bare hands? The luck will be so fantastic, you won’t even believe it. Unlucky to remove a crucian carp from a hook in a dream? The dream book advises urgently changing the direction of thoughts and lifestyle. The best way to kill fish is with dynamite. You will soon become rich without much effort.

Did you release the fish? Forget about plans!

Why do you dream that a fish has fallen off? The joy will be fleeting. Did you watch her swim away? Do not accept the offer, even if it seems extremely profitable. For a woman to miss a fish means that the desired pregnancy will not occur. For a man, this is a harbinger of missed opportunities.

But if you release a large animal voluntarily, then your dreams will not come true, and you will have to be content with little. If a cat asks for sprat, then wealth and fame will not shine on you yet. Spend your life's resources on more important things.

Freshly caught fish portends good luck

If a freshly caught fish was skewered on a kukan, long-awaited guests will appear in the house. Why else do you dream about freshly caught live bait? The dream book assures: fulfill your cherished dream. Did you manage to catch a bunch of small change? The interpretation of the vision depends on the number of fish:

  1. Zadok is a small holiday.
  2. The package is an unusual surprise.
  3. Basin - pleasant worries.
  4. The mesh is a major purchase.
  5. A bag is a wealthy house.

In your dreams, have you decided to draw a real fish from life? The image is associated with pipe dreams, as well as far-reaching ideas. The detailed depiction of the picture hints: you will make a non-trivial move, but you will not be able to explain to others the motives for your actions. Did another character teach you how to draw a picture? They will give you the wrong advice, don’t rush to follow it.

The fish died in the air - to losses

A fish thrown onto land and suffocating in the air portends loneliness, the bitterness of loss, and a period of failure. If you regularly dream of a creature suffocating in the air, then plans and hopes will be destroyed due to a serious illness. For a woman to find a dead fish on the ground - a miscarriage.

Dreamed of a frozen carcass in the refrigerator? Your own selfishness will serve as a reason for disagreement with a good person. A freshly frozen product reflects the emotional coldness and closedness of the dreamer. Did the fish freeze before your eyes? You will quarrel with your family because of your own fault.

Why do you dream of fish in the refrigerator? In a dream, it is associated with restraint and patience. The dream book tells you: you need to take a simpler approach to the situation and not worry in vain. Excessive excitement significantly moves away an already close goal.

Interpretation of an object by variety

Decoding the dream is largely based on the type of fish. The dream book offers the meanings of different sea and river species.

  • Pollock - average income.
  • Capelin is sad news.
  • Cod is a long-awaited date.
  • Mackerel are guests.
  • Flounder - pimple, stye on the eye.
  • Sprat - minor chores.
  • Trout is a temptation.
  • Salmon is a serious illness, a lie.
  • Sturgeon - cold shoulder.

Perch - to quarrels

Did you dream about an evil perch? If you quarrel with family members or friends, your plans will be disrupted. Got hooked on a poisonous mutant? The dream book believes: you can solve the problem only with the support of others. Was a catfish chasing you, a pike? The dream warns of disasters. If you were being chased by piranhas, in reality you will encounter enemies and spiteful critics.

Crucian carp is a chance!

Dreamed of river crucian carp? Expenses will increase, income will decrease sharply. If in a dream he literally jumped out of the water, then you will be disappointed. But it’s good to fish for crucian carp yourself. You will achieve serious results if you manage to use a fortunate combination of circumstances. Why do you dream of an exotic fish, for example, sawfish? Soon you will enjoy the respect you deserve.

What does bream mean?

You can see bream at night before a project that will result in losses. Did you see a pike perch? The dream book prophesies: you will learn new gossip that will seriously affect future events. The bull is associated with a young rival, a stupid lover. Carp predetermines late pregnancy, eel personifies a cunning idea.

Stroke a whale - to dubious profit

Petted a giant whale without fear? Earning income in a dubious way. Were you wary of touching a live fish with your hands? According to the dream book, you will soon require the help of loved ones. Rubbing it means tempting fate. Kissing a fish literally means: in a dream and in reality, higher powers protect you.

Did you get swallowed by a giant creature in your dream? You will be privy to the secret. Have you tried to save someone from a toothy harpy? A breakup with your partner is approaching. Hitting her means the breakdown of plans, a number of miscalculations and a state of despair against this background.

Turtle - movement, cancer - stop

Did one vision involve a fish and a turtle? Things will move forward slowly but surely. Found a cat eating trout? The cause of difficulties will be your own frivolity. The same thing with the participation of a bear foreshadows honor and respect.

If the cancer tore the fish with its claws, then the past will suddenly invade your usual existence, and you will not be able to move forward. If you are attacked by a shark, you will have to resort to extreme measures in the fight. Running away from it along the shore means real danger lurking from an unexpected direction.

Did you kill the fish? The bad thing will end...

Why do you dream if you tried to kill a shark? In reality, an unimportant period will end. Killing with a stick is a way out of a dead end.

Why do you dream of half-dead horse mackerel? By careless behavior, offend a person who depends on you. Did a half-dead fish appear to a woman? She is threatened with a gynecological illness and miscarriage.

The half-dead individual also hints: danger is very close. The wounded woman warns of losses and sorrows. But dreaming of a dead fish is a sign of prosperity after a long period of hardship.

Why do you dream that you threw away a rotten one?

Was the fish dead and smelly? The dream book says: huge profits will come. Seeing a fly on rotting meat in a dream means a rich gift or journey. Maggot symbolizes dirty methods in the fight against competitors.

Have you decided to throw out rotten meat? You need to get rid of a certain difficulty and life will noticeably improve. But throwing away a completely normal fish is bad. Voluntarily give up school, work, happiness. Before making your final choice, think carefully about the possible consequences.

Has a dead carcass come to life? The difficulties are over!

If in a dream the dead meat begins to come to life, then loneliness and difficulties will suddenly be replaced by joy and happiness. You will dramatically change your course in life, and a number of positive changes will occur. The dream book also considers this dream scene to be a herald of the return of old relationships, activities, problems, and feelings.

However, if before your eyes a dead fish suddenly swells to incredible sizes and bursts, showering you with a wave of fetid mucus, then beware. In reality, an event will occur that will unsettle you for a long time.

Seeing the insides in the stomach is good

Why do you dream of cutting up a fish carcass? In reality you will share something. Cleaning and gutting guarantees a real ordeal, especially if it smells bad.

Did you manage to not only gut the entrails, but also eat the meat? Through struggle you will gain. The dream book insists: the insides themselves symbolize good changes, welcome surprises.

  1. Caviar belly is a truly luxurious life.
  2. Milk is a clever solution to a very complicated story.
  3. Another fish is a surprise, a benefit.
  4. Ring – declaration of love, engagement.

Bony fish is a sign of deception and feasting

A very bony ram is an unkind sign, predicting poverty, difficulties, and deception. At the same time, very bony meat promises an invitation to a noisy feast. Choked on a bone? There is an obstacle ahead.

Have you eaten fatty trout? It will be a delightful surprise. Why do you dream about eating raw fish? Action denotes spiritual growth, enrichment of the inner world with new information.

Did you put a small piece in your mouth? Saving and accumulating property will only bring you disappointment. Did you overeat to the point of vomiting? The dream book recommends reconsidering your intentions and consulting with a competent person.

A dream about cooking fish is an eloquent hint: you will soon gain independence. But the dream book informs: it will be possible to achieve a high position only through tireless work.

Did you prepare food? Life will change!

Cooking fish food marks a long break from the usual rhythm of life. But smoking it in your sleep is probably the worst thing. In reality, you will experience sad defeat. In addition, the smoking process directly states: you will be denied your request, the implementation of the project.

Cutting delicious salmon into even, thin pieces means a major conflict with business partners. Did you manage to cut the fish into clumsy slices? In reality, you will be forced to adapt to current conditions.

Interpretation of main dishes

For a more accurate interpretation of dream food, special interpretations will be useful.

  • Stewed is a waste of resources.
  • Smoked is a fun ride.
  • Boiled - mild illness, injury.
  • Fried - financial losses.
  • Stuffed - contentment, luxury.

Did you happen to cook fish soup in a dream? The dream book promises cheerfulness and good health. But if he gorges himself on delicious soup, he will be deeply disappointed. Tasting the food is a waste of effort. Seeing something hot on a plate is an undeserved accusation.

Choose your dream 👇

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

    I dreamed of a lot of large live fish, someone brought them into the house, two of them had six and legs. They moved quickly. I felt disgusted and unpleasant.

    • You will be very happy about something, but you yourself will cool your ardor :) And in vain! Give free rein to your emotions, don’t be afraid to look satisfied and happy. And you don’t need to hide your good mood from others - no one will jinx it 😃.

      Hello, I saw in a dream that I came to my garden plot, and there were three fires lit there, but they had no fire, only coals and large fish, laid out in the form of a wigwam, were fried on them, I looked inside one of such “wigwams”, and there are live small crayfish, shrimp and some other living creatures running right across the coals... All these living creatures are white... Please tell me what this could mean?

      • I see small family disagreements, but they will quickly be resolved :) The main thing is not to start money conversations with your loved ones. If they ask you for money, give it and don’t regret it. 😉

        I dreamed that I caught a poisonous fish with my hand; instead of fins, it had spines and needles on its back. I took it in my hand and hit an unfamiliar man in the face with it, as if in defense, and the actions took place at the bottom of the sea, walking along the bottom, or trying to hide from someone or something.

        • You will not allow yourself to be offended) And for the man who dared to offend you, you will come up with the most sophisticated punishment. But there is also a downside to this - you feel insecure and “turn on” protection even where it is not needed.

          26-Sep-2019 Inna:

          The day before yesterday I had a dream that my daughter ate the fish I cooked and she liked it. And today I saw frozen fish in transparent bags. It’s as if a work colleague gave it to me.

          • Such a dream is for money! Make a good profit and spend it on your daughter’s needs 😊, buy something useful. There will still be some amount left that can be put aside for later.

            In my dream, I saw how fish was cooked (heated) in a bag with vegetables in the oven. I also found several already cooked fish carcasses in the kitchen; I thought they might be rotten, but after trying them I realized that they were edible. Please tell me how to interpret this dream?

            In a dream, I caught a cod with my hands, ripped open its belly alive, took out caviar and a small fish from one fish, the second had only caviar. These fish, gutted by me, swam away alive.

            I dreamed of a black and white fish in the river. The river was not transparent, but in the place where the fish were, the water was clear to the bottom. I wasn't just looking at a fish.

            Hello, I dreamed that I found someone else’s gear abandoned in a pond, which was not very clean, and I pulled them out, and there were crayfish and dead fish, I was happy about the crayfish and started collecting them...

            In my dream I saw a lot of frozen fish, several tons, they were throwing it into a pond to get rid of it and hide the traces of a crime, or they were getting rid of it because it was expired, there was so much fish that I walked on these frozen briquettes, birds were taking away this fish in the reservoir and monkeys, strange, I thought, because monkeys don’t eat fish... I walked on these briquettes as if on a stage and crossed the pond without getting my feet wet... Afterwards there was a dynamite explosion on the river behind me, but it didn’t affect me.

            Please tell me what the dream means? Belching live goldfish for a long time, practically pulling them out of your mouth. The fish are very beautiful, lively and active. Thank you.

            I dreamed that they offered me stewed fish in tomato and fish soup, but I refused, my friend had it instead of me and then offered it more than once.