Ancient burials. Ancient vampire graves. The most ancient finds of archaeologists


The very fact of the existence of a funeral ritual undoubtedly indicates that primitive hunters thought about death, and perhaps had some ideas about the other world, the afterlife.

They did not abandon their dead, but rather equipped them for a long journey - they supplied them with the necessary tools, food, decorations, etc.

In addition, deceased members of the tribe were buried, as a rule, in the same place where they lived, perhaps at a small distance - that is, the deceased seemed to remain with the living. Sometimes the hands and feet of the dead man were tied - perhaps so that he would not rebel, would not return to this world (this custom is characteristic of the Upper Paleolithic era).

Often the deceased was sprinkled with ocher - probably the red paint symbolized blood, which in turn symbolized life. But, of course, the problem of interpreting all the elements of the burial rite will never be completely resolved, and scientists can only make more or less probable guesses.

The first creatures who began to have a special attitude towards death and the dead were Neanderthals.

Several of their burials are known. All of them, of course, were associated with some kind of ideas and “reflections” (although there was once an opinion that Neanderthals buried their relatives solely for sanitary and hygienic purposes). For example, the vast majority of the dead are oriented with their heads along the east-west line, that is, their position is somehow related to the position of the sun in the sky.

Most often, the dead lie in a sleeping position on their side - this suggests that, apparently, for Neanderthals the states of sleep and death were somewhat similar.

Neanderthals provided their dead comrades with tools and meat from killed animals. They buried the dead in shallow holes dug or hollowed out in the floor of the same caves where they lived, perhaps at some distance from the site.

One of the earliest Neanderthal burials is that of a young man aged 16-18 in Le Moustier (France). This grave was discovered in 1908 and caused a lot of controversy in scientific circles - the very fact of conscious burial was long disputed by skeptics. The young man lies on his side, one arm is under his head, the other is extended forward, the body itself rests in a shallow hole, and pieces of flint, stone tools and animal bones (former pieces of meat) are scattered around.

Scientists were lucky enough to find quite a lot of Neanderthal burials - adult men, women, old people (La Chapelle-aux-Saints) and children. Many of these burials are interesting due to some special features. For example, in the Shanidar cave (Iraq) the deceased was strewn with flowers - this was shown by an analysis of pollen preserved in the ground.

« Altai princess" Ochy- Bala.Excavations of the Ak-mound Alakha-3 on the Ukok plateau (Altai Republic), in which the so-called princess was buried, began in 1993 Natalya Polosmak- archaeologist from Novosibirsk, Doctor of Historical Sciences. The mound was a dilapidated monument, which in ancient times they tried to rob. In our time, the monument was destroyed due to the construction of border communications. At the beginning of the excavations, the mound was in a semi-disassembled state and looked ruined: in the sixties, during the conflict with China, a fortified area was built in this area, the materials for which were taken from the mounds. An Iron Age burial was discovered in the mound, under which there was another, more ancient one. During the excavations, archaeologists discovered that the deck in which the body of the buried woman was placed was filled with ice. That is why the woman’s mummy is well preserved. The lower burial was walled up in a layer of ice. This aroused great interest among archaeologists, since in such conditions very ancient things could be very well preserved.The burial chamber was opened for several days, gradually melting the ice, trying not to harm the contents.In the chamber they found six horses with saddles and harnesses, as well as a wooden larch block nailed with bronze nails. The contents of the burial clearly indicated the nobility of the buried person.

Perhaps one of the most interesting discoveries is the burial of a child 8-9 years old in the Teshik-Tash grotto (Uzbekistan), discovered in 1938 by A.P. Okladnikov at an altitude of approximately 1500 m above sea level.

This is a shallow grotto, approximately 20 meters long and the same width. During excavations there, for the first time in Central Asia, a Neanderthal skeleton was discovered, although very poorly preserved. After the first studies, the child was identified as a boy, but after some time, one of the largest Russian anthropologists, V.P. Alekseev, examined the bones more carefully and came to the conclusion that the remains belonged to a girl. It is interesting that above the child’s grave, archaeologists discovered the remains of a fire, and around them there were mountain goat horns stuck in a circle with their sharp ends into the ground, so that, apparently, they originally formed something like a fence. This fact was interpreted both as evidence of a special magical attitude towards the goat (the cult of this animal is widespread in Central Asia today), and as evidence of the presence of a solar cult among Neanderthals.

With the appearance of Noto sapien s (Upper Paleolithic) on the historical scene, there were more burials, and the funeral rites became more “scrupulous” and complex.

As before, burials took place on the site in shallow burial pits dug in the shape of the human body.

The bottom of the grave pit was often sprinkled with ash and lime, and on top - with a layer of red ocher up to several centimeters thick.

Then the deceased was placed in the grave, oriented to the cardinal points (that is, with his head strictly east, west, north or south), often in a crouched and bound position, and at the same time, in richly decorated clothes, with various decorations and other accompanying equipment: tools labor, objects of art, funeral food.

Often the deceased was also covered with a layer of red ocher, which apparently symbolized fire, or perhaps blood, or, in any case, some kind of vital substance that a person was deprived of after death. The grave was filled with earth and, as a rule, covered on top with either massive mammoth bones (for example, a shoulder blade) or stones - perhaps to prevent "resurrection".

A striking example of a rich and interesting burial are those from the Sungir site, located near the city of Vladimir. In the first grave, a 55-65 year old man was buried in an extended position on his back, on his chest lay a pendant in the form of a drilled pebble, and on his hands were more than 20 bracelets cut from mammoth ivory. The skeleton was covered with 3,500 beads, also made from mammoth ivory, which served as stripes for clothing; the hat was also decorated with similar beads and pendants made from arctic fox fangs. At the bottom of the grave, archaeologists found tools - a flint knife, a scraper and a flake. On the chest of the buried person lay a necklace of three rows of beads. On the surface of the grave, in a large stain of red ocher, lay a large stone and the skull of a woman (teeth and lower jaw were missing).

A second burial was found nearby. In a grave pit 3 meters long and 0.7 meters wide, two skeletons of teenagers lay, their heads pressed tightly against each other. One skeleton belonged to a 7-8 year old girl, and the other belonged to a 12-13 year old boy. The burials were accompanied by a huge number of items made from mammoth ivory, as well as several flint tools found only near the boy. Perhaps the most unique finds were spears made from mammoth ivory that accompanied the buried people. The length of one of the spears is 2 m 46 cm, and the second is 1 m 66 cm. Very durable, heavy and well sharpened, these products were powerful weapons in the hands of a hunter; with such a weapon he could go even against a large animal without fear. In addition, next to the girl lay eight darts made of the same material as spears, and two daggers 42 cm long, while with the boy there were three darts and one dagger. The wrists of the buried were decorated with bracelets, and bone rings were put on their fingers. Near each neck lay a hairpin, which was used to fasten outer clothing: a cloak or cape. In addition, the boy had a flint knife clutched in his hand (a second similar one was nearby), a figurine of a horse lay on his chest, and a figurine of a mammoth under his left shoulder.

On the surface of this second grave was discovered the skeleton of a headless man, perhaps the same one whose skull was found over the first grave. A large number of beads sewn onto clothes made it possible to recreate the costume of an ancient man. Most likely, it was clothing of the “deaf type,” reminiscent of the modern clothing of the peoples of the Arctic. The buried also wore trousers and soft shoes such as moccasins; there are hats on their heads, and the girl also has a headband.

Another famous children's burial is located in Menton, near Nice - in the so-called Grotto of the Children. Two children, approximately 8-10 years old, are also buried here. They lay on their backs, their arms extended along their bodies. A large number of shells were also found on them, apparently, once used as a beautiful belt, headbands, etc. It is interesting that in this cave several graves are located one above the other. So, under the children, the burial of a woman was discovered, and under her, right on the site of an ancient fire, lay the skeletons of a man and an elderly woman - both on their right side in a crouched position, they also had jewelry made of shells and several flint tools. The heads of both dead men were protected by a stone slab resting on two large stones.

In Dolní Vestonice in Moravia, a woman’s grave was found covered with two mammoth shoulder blades, one of which even had some strange carvings on it. The woman was also in a crouched position (apparently tied up), her body was covered in ocher. Tools were found with her: a flint tip in front of the chin, a flint knife between the shins, as well as arctic fox teeth and the remains of meat food.


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Dear readers, some names, dates and places of action in our material have been changed, because much information on this topic has not yet been declassified. A number of inaccuracies in the coverage of events were intentionally made.

At the end of the 18th century, the famous French sinologist (sinologist) Joseph de Guigne discovered in ancient Chinese chronicles a recording of a story by a Buddhist monk named Huishan, which surprised him greatly.

This April marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of a well-known man whose bones are still washed out to this day - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

What makes historians carefully read documents from 90 years ago? First of all, probably, interest in those events that have not yet been sufficiently studied by specialists and covered in the press for the general public. But people have the right to know what happened to their compatriots on this same territory almost a century ago. Novosibirsk historian Vladimir Poznansky, using recently discovered archival sources, traced the development of the Siberian Holodomor. Lenin’s call - “to save the proletarian center at any cost” - then provoked the death of many people from hunger not only in the Ukrainian granary, in the Kuban, in the Stavropol region, but also in such a relatively prosperous area as Siberia.

Not all crazy people are talented, but it is believed that the vast majority of talented people are usually a little “hello.” And some are not even slightly, but quite thoroughly mournful, one might even say they had very serious psychiatric diagnoses. Another thing is that the madness of these geniuses not only did not harm anyone, but rather, on the contrary, enriched our world with amazing creations, which we, mere mortals not examined by psychiatrists, never cease to rejoice and be amazed at.

The day of September 11, 2001 became a certain milestone in the public consciousness - the date that international terrorism reached a qualitatively new level of confrontation with socio-political institutions that the so-called free world declares as the only correct ones. But the circumstances of this tragedy involuntarily suggest some “wrong” thoughts.

Traveling through the south or west of Ukraine, you will certainly see a castle around almost every turn of the road. Shrouded in morning haze, well preserved or even dilapidated, it will make your heart beat faster, reminding you of the chivalric novels you once read.

On that day, July 16, 1676, all of Paris was buzzing like an alarmed beehive. Of course, it’s not every day that such a dangerous criminal, and besides, a woman, is executed. And not just any woman, but one of the first beauties of the French kingdom.

In the last refuge of a person there is something mystical and at the same time creepy, exciting curiosity and imagination. We have collected 15 of the most incredible cemeteries from around the world, where tourists who want to plunge into the atmosphere of horror films in real life flock to.

Old Jewish Cemetery (Prague, Czech Republic)

The old Jewish cemetery in the Josefov quarter in Prague dates back to the early 15th century. The oldest tombstone found dates back to 1439, and the latest to 1787. The exact number of gravestones and buried people is unknown, since in this cemetery burials were made in layers, on top of each other. It is estimated that more than 100,000 Jews are buried in the cemetery, but there are only 12,000 visible headstones. It's not surprising that many people see ghosts passing through tightly packed tombstones.

Paris Catacombs (Paris, France)

The Catacombs of Paris are a huge underground crypt under the capital of France. The network of caves and tunnels stretches for almost 300 km, and the remains of about six million people are buried in them. There are many stories about the creepy catacombs, which are literally covered with skulls and bones.

Allegedly, paranormal phenomena occur here all the time. Sometimes ghostly balls or ectoplasmic mist float in front of tourists, and sometimes even the shadows of ghosts wander along the corridors among piles of bones.

La Recoleta (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

The Recoleta Cemetery, which is located in the Recoleta district of the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, is a major tourist attraction due to its outstanding examples of 19th and 20th century architecture. There is a story associated with this cemetery about the “Lady in White” who often visits the graves at night.

Valley of the Kings (Cairo, Egypt)

The Valley of the Kings, which contains the tombs of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, became famous after the discovery of the unrobbed tomb of Tutankhamun and the “curse of the pharaohs” associated with it. Almost everyone who took part in the opening of the grave died mysteriously several years later.

Capuchin Crypt (Rome, Italy)

The bones of four thousand Franciscan Capuchin monks were used to decorate the walls of this crypt. Human bones were also used to create the interior of various chapels. For example, there are chapels called "Pelvis Crypt" and "Skull Crypt".

Bachelor's Grove (Chicago, USA)

Known as one of the most haunted sites in the United States, Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago opened in 1844. Stories about ghosts in this cemetery were especially popular in the 1970s and 1980s. There were stories of strange balls, phantom machines, and even a ghostly house that suddenly appeared before people and then disappeared into thin air. In 1984, witnesses also reported seeing several ghostly figures throughout the cemetery, dressed in monk robes.

Ganges River (Varanasi, India)

Due to its proximity to the Ganges, Varanasi is one of the holiest cities of Hindus in India. This city is famous for the fact that it is customary to burn corpses on the banks of the Ganges and then simply throw them into the river. Every day fires burn on the banks, and the Ganges is polluted by myriads of bacteria. Incredibly, people bathe and wash their clothes in the river while half-burnt remains float by.

Stull Cemetery, Kansas

The burial place, which is also called the “Gates of Hell”, according to legend is one of the seven portals of Hell on Earth. Legend has it that if you knock on a stone in the ruins of a church, the devil himself will answer.

Capela DOS Ossos (Portugal)

In the chapel, whose name literally means "Chapel of Bones", two skeletons hang in chains on the wall. At the same time, the walls are also covered with real skulls and human bones.

Witch Cemetery State (Tennessee, USA)

The cemetery, located in the Tennessee backcountry, is one of the oldest in the state. Stone tombstones are often engraved with pentagrams, which are said to contain witch powers. There are also numerous claims of strange lights being seen in the forest at night, as well as ghostly animals that were sacrificed during rituals in the cemetery.

Cemetery La Noria (La Noria, Chile)

La Noria is an abandoned mining town with a frightening history full of violence and slavery. The cemetery of this city is a terrible and incredible sight. Many graves have been uncovered. There are chilling rumors that at sunset the dead rise from their graves and begin to wander the abandoned mining town. Residents of Chile also reported seeing children in abandoned schools as if they were sitting in a regular lesson.

Sedlec Ossuary (Kutná Hora, Czech Republic)

In Sedlec, a suburb of the Czech town of Kutná Hora, there is a small Roman Catholic chapel near the cemetery church of All Saints. This crypt is estimated to contain the skeletons of between 40,000 and 70,000 people, whose bones were used to create decorations and furniture for the chapel.

Chamula Cemetery (San Juan Chamula, Mexico)

Although there was a Catholic church on the site in the 1960s, the priest from the parish of the neighboring village comes to mass only once a month. The rest of the time, local shamans use this area to create “magic potions.” Chickens are often sacrificed during healing ceremonies at this cemetery.

Cemetery in a cafe (Ahmedabad, India)

Tourists who go for a bite to eat at the New Lucky restaurant in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad find themselves in a cemetery - ancient Muslim graves are located throughout the building.

Okuno-in Cemetery (Japan)

Okuno is a sacred village near 120 Buddhist temples. The local cemetery is associated with an eerie legend. Kobo Daishi (Kukai), the founder of the Shingon school of Buddhism, is said to rest here and, according to legend, he did not die, but only entered deep samadhi and will be reborn along with his followers.

Equipment cemeteries present an equally creepy sight. will amaze even seasoned travelers.

It is difficult to understand what genre the proposed text should be classified into. There are many interesting points in it, but the evidence base is somewhat problematic.

However, given that the Slavs resorted to burning the deceased, we can assume that the author is on the right track.

Having been involved in the inventory of cemeteries in Russia for many years, I have the largest database in the country CKORBIM.COM and a clear idea that there are three-hundred-year-old cemeteries only in St. Petersburg, and in general in our churchyards no more than 200 years.

But human bones will last a thousand years, if people are buried in some places for decades. And how should we understand this?

In such a situation, construction in the central part of the country would constantly come across cemetery burials and face archaeological examination, but this does not happen on a large scale. We only have single cases even in cities with a thousand-year history. Why?

There are ancient burials in the ground themselves, but these are either monastery graves of clergy, or burial mounds of Scythian princes in the southern forestless part of the country and in Ukraine.

Where were ordinary residents of the country buried? Where are the cemeteries of the XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII centuries? Either due to the archaeological monopoly of the state, all this is hidden from us, or they did not exist at all?

Now, for legal archaeological research you need to ask permission in Moscow, and taboos are imposed on many topics and interesting objects. But it is not possible to hide thousands of cemeteries within the borders of cities with a billion people buried during the official history of Christianity in Rus'.

This means that two to three hundred years ago the main funeral structure was the funeral pyre, and the country was in a dual faith format, when Christianity penetrated only into the capitals and the western part of Russia.

Our real history is the biggest secret, and we won’t get into it too much now, just assessing the objective facts. A billion Russian people buried in the ground simply no, since about ten percent of their bones would remain in the cultural layer of the largest cities.

How were they buried before the religious reforms of the time of Peter I and the Time of Troubles? Apparently, until the 18th century in Russia, the tribal social structure, built on Vedic principles of Old Belief.

There are descriptions in the literature of numerous cases of self-immolation under the pressure of religious persecution. But nothing is said about the funeral pyre and funeral feast for dead people, which I see obvious church censorship.

Why did people during the Nikonian church reforms die in such a terrible way as self-immolation? Obviously, in order to immediately fulfill all the requirements of the funeral rite, since then there was no one to bury on the funeral pyre.

The burning of heretics throughout Europe in this case appears to have been deliberately distorted funeral ritual in relation to the so-called “pagans” or Old Believers. The witches' hammer took care of violating all the Vedic rules of death so that the soul of a tortured person could not get to the higher worlds.

I will assume that the burning of “heretics” at the stake was accompanied by special black magic rites of the Catholic Church.

Thus, the self-immolation of the Old Believers is a funeral service in which people who were still alive sang the last funeral song to themselves. Someone most likely remained alive to perform rituals for nine, forty days and an hour.

Accordingly, the main Russian funeral structure still remains cremation or cremation.

Only in the last two centuries has burial in the ground taken over under pressure from the state and the Catholic church system. The word Orthodoxy refers to Vedic beliefs, and consists of a list of the higher worlds of Rule and Glory. But we are ordered to forget all this.

The full name of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Orthodox, Greek Catholic Church. Orthodox is a true believer, not Orthodox, but replacing one letter in the Russian version of the word catholic should not deceive anyone.

The Russian Orthodox Church is Orthodox, Greek Catholic a church that now has nothing in common with Russian Orthodoxy.

All this is connected with the wary attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards cremation; at first it was rejected altogether, although, based on the Bible, the body of a deceased person should become ASHES, but not DESPITIVE. It should burn.

Now, under the pressure of objective processes, funeral ceremonies are carried out everywhere in crematoriums. At a new stage of development, cremation restores the funeral pyre, and our common task is to return the TRIZNA as the correct rite of seeing off the soul to the higher worlds.

In my article on life and death, I analyzed in detail the circumstances of the emergence of cemeteries in the Russian Empire, I will dwell on this from a different angle in order to get to the main problem: how correctly for a soul to go to the next world, and what significance does cremation play in this.

So, let’s imagine a fabulous picture of Vedic Rus', which existed three hundred or a little more years ago. Death is not a natural process, everyone lives happily ever after, and no one is going to die.

At some stage spiritual development people fall into a lethargic sleep, which is why kings have tombs and ordinary people have crypts.

The crypt is a wooden structure, riveted from the outside with special fastenings using the riveting method. In a dream, sleeping beauties are under the control of priests for many months, rebuild their bodies and, after waking up, practically do not age.

Waking up from a lethargic sleep, a person easily breaks off the boards of the crypt from inside, protecting him from wild and domestic animals, and goes outside.

The life we ​​know for them serves only the role of the primary stage: a cocoon or caterpillar. And after a lethargic sleep, which is also depicted in the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, people begin to live the full, eternal life of a butterfly in a rebuilt physical body.

Common beliefs can be simplistically described as the cult of joy and the cult of ancestors. The overall organizational basis is circular, the power structure is a nesting doll (not a pyramid). In it, the elders envelop and protect the younger ones, treating them like fathers.

People die few and far between, mostly on the battlefield. The clan structure ensures the reincarnation of the dead in the same clan, through the rite of calling. That is, the grandfather persuades his grandchildren to be born their child before passing away. The calls are carried out by cliques, who were finally exterminated during the Soviet years.

Loving people can continue their family union in many lives, so if the husband died suddenly, then the wife could enter the funeral pyre with him in order to enter a new birth at the same time, and continue her journey in a new incarnation.

Just treat this as a Russian fairy tale about the golden age, with which it all began, and look at what and how the enemies did to us. The funeral pyre in those days fulfills the role of instant destruction of the physical body to which the soul and astral body were attached.

A person is a community of physical and spiritual components; after death, these connections are not destroyed until the soft tissues decay. Cremation leads to the fact that the soul no longer holds anything, and with the help of the funeral feast it is easily directed through the authorities, and the astral body becomes a guardian angel of living relatives.

Through the ritual of scattering ashes in the home, the guardian angel is clearly tied to the family nest and performs security functions for the family, and all guardian angels collectively for the entire country.

In this regard, the threshold where a significant part of the ashes was placed is of great importance, so it is impossible to say hello through the threshold, and therefore during the wedding the groom carries the bride over the threshold in his arms, thereby authorizing her with the guardian angels as an integral part of himself, which is now covered by the ancestral protection.

Expressions like “enemies on the doorstep” also characterize the work of the now generic defense throughout the entire country, the Motherland.

This invincible social structure of our ancestors, who could live for centuries in a young body, eventually won.

As a result of gigantic cataclysms and the Flood, most of the Rus were destroyed, and the rest were cleared out by international invasions, known to us as the suppression of the Generalissimo of the Holy Roman Empire Suvorov Pugachev uprising and the war with Napoleon.

People of the older generation everywhere do not know the name of their grandfather’s grandfather, because at some point we were almost completely exterminated, and the remaining children were raised by the Latin executioners (kat - executioner, to cut) in a new tradition.

Gave new names , religion of death instead of the cult of ancestors, new clothes, holidays, musical instruments, calendar, chronology, history, food, burial rites, etc.

Not a single word in modern funerary culture is in any way connected with its real meaning, because all these words are within Russian culture generally meant other things not related to the death of the physical body. What does the word funeral or buried originally mean?

A cellar is a specially equipped place for long-term storage of something valuable in the ground. What does death and a dead body have to do with it? Was someone going to get it by a certain date?

No. A cemetery is a place with a lot of treasures, and a treasure is something important hidden for a while from prying eyes. What is a funeral and burying? The first meaning is to hide and hide, the second meaning is to bury = save. Try to put death in all these words - and nothing will come of it.

Now the term death itself. The root is in it MEASURE, measure, moderate, measure, die, moderate - cognate verbs, which for some reason do not have death with the root death.

Death is initially - this is a change of dimension in which a person resides, a transition to another dimension. And from the TRANSITION, we were left with only Departure from life, and in the end, all questions were generally reduced to biology, to stopping the vital activity of the body.

Illustration of the process of separation of essence and body after death. From the book by N. Levashov “ Last message to humanity»

The words deceased and deceased do not in any way refer to the death of an organism. Deceased, tomb, bedroom and dormancy is associated with sleep, most likely long-term lethargic sleep, which ensures a person’s phase transition to a new physiological state. At some point, sleep was made eternal and equated with death, and the deceased and the deceased were also attached there.

Peace has two semantic cores. The first is again associated with sleep, when the chambers are close to the bedroom where people rest. The one who has died in the bedchamber is also a type of sleeper.

Words deceased, sleeping, deceased, deceased,(and perhaps) the deceased used to have different meanings, most likely relating to different types of dreams. You need to understand that in the Russian language there were initially no synonyms; they were formed only with the loss of some objects and phenomena, when words remained in the language and were attached to something close.

The second semantic core of peace - this is peace, as a state of mind (system), in which internal conflicts and contradictions do not arise, and external objects are perceived equally balanced.

In this case we are talking about balance and equilibrium, and not about the zero level, when no perception is any longer possible. To rest in peace means to be in positive resonance with it, not to lose all connections.

If the meanings of Russian words are correctly arranged, the picture of historical reality will become obvious and very visual. Let's try to do this for... now I don't even know what words to describe our theme about death.

Let's return to our Russian fairy tale, at some point captured by the Latins. Having subjugated the country and killed almost the entire adult population, they discovered a huge number of wooden boxes (crypts) in which sleeping beauties and handsome men lay in lethargic sleep.

These people made the transition to a new physiological and spiritual level, achieving the death of the physical body, which was demonstrated by Jesus Christ in front of a large crowd of people after suffering from the Latins (Romans).

Having received severe injuries, he entered a state of short-term lethargic sleep, rebuilt his body, woke up (resurrected), calmly rolled away the multi-ton boulder and went out to the international community.

He showed his wounded hands and explained to the gathered people the principles of eternal life in a PHYSICAL BODY, which can self-renew and be restored.

Then the Pharisees distorted everything and changed the meanings, talking about the non-death of the soul, thereby establishing the cult of death of the physical body, to which our entire civilization is now subordinated.

In Rus', the Latins (Romans) who came with the ROMANOVS discovered hundreds of thousands of crypts, boxes with sleeping people waiting for their “resurrection”.

They naturally began to destroy it all. Relatives of the sleeping people tried in different ways to save (bury) their loved ones from the authorities of the third Rome, from which the word funeral was formed. And there were only two ways to do this: either lower the crypts into the cellar, or take them out into the open field and bury them to a shallow depth, lightly covering them with earth.

From those buried in the cellars, “burial” began, which involved the removal of the deceased after awakening. The word “cemetery” came from treasures in secluded places, where the deceased lay in large quantities. And the most valuable treasure that was hidden (buried) was life of a loved one.

The new government mercilessly killed those found sleeping in cellars and treasures by driving aspen stakes into the chest, which was later presented as a method of fighting all evil spirits.

Awakened people crawled out of crypts in cemeteries, came home and were further persecuted. The burning of heretics was used everywhere in Europe because only it gave an absolute guarantee of a person’s non-resurrection after execution.

After the extermination of knowledgeable and knowledgeable people, continuity was lost and we ceased to control the processes of lethargic sleep. Latin doctors (from the word lie) classified and still qualify deep sleep without signs of pulse, breathing or heartbeat as death.

People who had fallen asleep began to be buried in the ground along with the dead in cemeteries, which changed their meaning, since funeral pyres (by the way, they cannot be “funeral”) and funeral feasts were universally banned and they switched to burying the dead in the ground.

All cemetery horror films are connected with this, because people who were considered dead after a while crawled out of their graves and returned home. They were classified as evil spirits and exterminated because the understanding of the processes was lost.

When cases of revival in cemeteries became widespread, the authorities and the church decided to roll over the burial gravestone. The compressed earth under a 100-kilogram stone made it practically impossible for the awakened person to escape from the grave.

The hands of the dead were tied, the crypt was replaced by well-built coffin, which now also performed the function of carrying the body to the burial site or burial site.

These places themselves have lost their semantic difference, although initially the burial was a special case of burial, when the crypt was buried in a cellar.

In the 19th century, the most common phobia in Russia and Europe was the fear of being buried alive Therefore, in the end, it was forbidden to bury them before three days after death, dormers were made in the graves, and priests walked around fresh burials, checking for signs of decay.

There were even graves for the rich with a supply of food and food for the first time, which is abundantly described in the literature.

The final blow to lethargic sleep and death of the physical body was dealt by Roman medicine, having decided to do an autopsy with the aim of guaranteeing the finishing off of everyone who has fallen into a borderline state between life and death.

Slowly we are being pushed towards a 100% autopsy, giving a final solution to this problem, although now people practically do not reach the spiritual level necessary for lethargic sleep.

In the spiritual aspect, the destruction of the tribal way of life and the refusal of cremation have led to the most dire consequences over the past two hundred years:

1. Burial of a really dead person in the ground for a long time preserves the connection between the undecayed body and the astral body, and perhaps the soul. The astral body does not become a guardian angel of living relatives; it loses orientation, being tied to an undecomposed corpse.

Instead of protecting relatives, the reverse process begins, the astral double of the deceased imbues the body in the cemetery with energy, trying to reanimate it. The energy itself is taken away from close relatives who are grieving their loss.

2. Our dead do not become “like sentries” in Vysotsky’s song. The astral bodies of departing people acquire vampiric characteristics and are collected in huge quantities in cemeteries.

They do not become defenders of the Russian clan and land, but, on the contrary, consumers of the energy and vitality of their living relatives. Over time, such entities can acquire a pronounced demonic orientation, appearing in dreams and ghosts, harassing close relatives and acquaintances

3. The best, most spiritually strong people are bullied relics of saints"preventing the decomposition of the body forever. Thus, the powerful souls of monks and holy people cannot completely break the connection with our world and normally move through the afterlife in the right direction and in new incarnations.

4. Pyramids, ziggurats and mausoleums with mummies, temples with relics, cemeteries in cities program the entire surrounding space and people for DEATH, which is an unnatural process.

5. The physical actions of hammering, calling, wrapping the dead, laying them down with a gravestone, accompanied by various kinds of prayers and expressions, the meaning of which no one understands for a long time, actually perform the function of sealing the non-mortal soul in our world.

All this prevents her from leaving and is fraught with death due to the loss of energy in the interworld. Why no one understands the meaning of funeral prayers for a long time, I explained using the example of analyzing the meaning of words.

The funeral prayer itself is in fact a prayer for someone sleeping in a lethargic sleep, it is a prayer for his miraculous transformation and transition to deathlessness in the physical body.

6. The transition to burial in the ground has become a key element in establishing the cult of death in modern civilization. Cremation leaves no material traces of the body, but burial in the ground continuously accumulates and intensifies these traces.

Even from the point of view of the sanitary and epidemiological station cemeteries are poisoned by hundreds of infections and cadaveric poison in different manifestations. They constantly smell of negative astral energy, from restless souls and demonic entities living there.

At the same time, cemeteries were turned into places of ancestor worship, and place of worship of death.

7. For two or three centuries, burials in the ground by our own hands and the hands of doctors recording death have been killing the best of us who have fallen into borderline states of lethargic sleep.

Doctors cannot distinguish deep sleep from death, they do not know a single real cause of natural (non-criminal and non-traumatic) death, and yet in the near future an autopsy to determine these causes may become one hundred percent.

8. Now a person’s corpse has been turned into evidence against relatives, it is opened, examinations are made, and it can be exhumed several times. Abuse of a dead body has dire consequences on the soul. Not by chance warriors of all times and peoples first of all saved the bodies of fallen comrades from enemies.

Now we are handing over to be torn to pieces by the enemies from the Roman system of law and medicine who defeated us, the bodies of all our close relatives who did not die of old age. Desecration of the body can complicate or make impossible the correct afterlife path of the soul.

9. The dead in cemeteries have stopped rotting en masse, which is confirmed by data from judicial exhumations. The bodies in the coffins are fed with preservative medicines and the wrong food, the astral bodies transfer energy to them out of hopelessness, having lost their objective purpose.

The dead have stopped turning to dust, but does that bother anyone?

Of course I'm going to live forever, and so far everything is going well. But if suddenly something goes wrong, then I bequeath that I will be burned in the forest near the house. In our clearing, place two large sheets of metal and a carload of birch firewood on top. Scatter the ashes throughout the house and basement. There is an agreement with the forest.

Animals don't bury their dead.

And primates too.

Some historical schools determine the appearance of man on Earth not by the presence of tools (even a monkey can use a stick), and not even by the ability to handle fire, but by the emergence of the tradition of burying the dead.

For an archaeologist, excavating a burial is the greatest success. For not only the deceased is placed in the graves, but also many household items of that time. Excavations of burials in a certain cultural layer are the most reliable sources; they never lie.

The funerary burials, which can be spoken of with certainty, are very ancient. Some are over a hundred thousand years old. But I would not like to talk about the age of the burials or the antiquity of the person. It's about something else.

Many different burials have been found in Western Asia. The area of ​​​​the Karm-El ridge, with the caves Tabun, Qafzeh, Amud, Skul, Kebara, is especially rich in them. People of the Neanderthaloid type are buried there, not particularly similar to modern humans. But even such people are buried, I draw your attention to this term. Not thrown anywhere. It can be assumed that ancient man did not die a natural death very often; he became both the prey of predators and the victim of accidents. And the average age of an ancient person fluctuated somewhere around 36 years. The burials are all the more revealing - they contain men, women, children, some with traces of violent death, but all are buried according to some kind of ritual, some have their heads covered with stone slabs, some have their entire bodies covered, and in all the burials there are household items of that time, stone choppers or scrapers were used. Here one curious quality of ancient burials was discovered - the skeletons are oriented from west to east or from east to west, only along and never across, there are no burials from north to south or from south to north. This rule is confirmed to this day for all Stone Age burials. That is, a person buried his dead, and at the same time observed certain rituals. Another important point is that there are no mass graves. They are almost always solitary, rarely in pairs, and very rarely in groups, but more on these below.

Closer to our time there are more interesting and original graves.

In the cave of Monte Circeo (Italy), a burial dating back to 60 thousand years ago was accidentally discovered (either due to a landslide or construction work). The burial belongs to a man of 40-45 years old, surrounded by a simple arrangement of stones, and without any special cultural objects. Another thing that turned out to be interesting was a foreign human skull found in the burial. For several decades, the skull of Monte Circeo was a mystery to scientists until the possibility of DNA research became possible. And the shocking news came out: the skull was female, and a close relative of the deceased, most likely a grandmother or even a mother. Scientists have only one assumption - a respectful son or grandson, without having a photograph of his ancestors, kept this skull as a souvenir. Moreover, the memory, apparently, was so precious that they buried him with it...

The burial in the Shanidar cave (Iraq) became a real sensation for scientists.

Photo 1 "Shanidar Cave in northern Iraq"

The burial of a man about 50 years old of the Neanderthaloid type was discovered. Tools were found in the burial. The entire burial contains remains of pollen from plants used in medicine. There is so much pollen that it is clear as day that the deceased was simply covered with flowers. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that this fifty-year-old dead man was crippled! Traumatic amputation of the right hand, judging by the bones, healed well at least 10 years before death. The skull bears traces of a strong deforming blow in the area of ​​the right eye socket, also with traces of healing ten years ago. The following picture emerges: a man who lost an eye and a hand, took advantage of the care of those around him and lived for another ten long years, after which he was carefully buried, and even provided with medicine for the last time...

Photo 2 "Reconstruction of a burial in Shanidar (about 50 thousand years ago)"

A rare burial was discovered in the La Ferrassie cave (France). Family. A man, a woman, and five children ranging in age from infancy to 10 years were buried. Analysis of the skeletons does not allow us to conclude whether their lives were taken by accident or illness. But someone carefully buried the unfortunate family, providing them with tools and household items...

Photo 3 "Reconstruction of the external appearance of those buried in La Ferrassie, late Mousterian era."

What is common to all human burials from ancient times to the present day.

The dead are buried either individually or in family groups. DNA studies showed that all the bones in group burials belonged to blood relatives. There is one known exception - the burial in Grimaldi, where a young man and a tied up woman are buried, they are not relatives.

Since ancient times, the dead have been buried in accordance with ritual. First, this is the west-east orientation of the body, then the appearance of grave slabs and cobblestone displays, then household items and tools in the burial, then the coloring of the grave bed with natural dyes (ochre). Then fire is actively used, the bodies begin to be cremated, but not completely (this is still possible only in a crematorium), the bones and skulls cleared of flesh are buried in accordance with increasingly complex rituals, the bones are laid out in patterns, and bone plates are inserted into the eye sockets of the skulls. Where fire is not used, the dead are dressed and decorated with shells, feathers, etc.

...And again, well, the analogy with isolated peoples suggests itself. Well, this is how they bury their dead. Until recently, the Maori people (New Zealand) used this ritual: the body of the deceased was placed in a wicker basket and raised to the top of a tree so that scavenger birds would clean the skeleton (less often, they would burn it). Then the skull was separated from the skeleton, which most often took place in the hut next to the skulls of the ancestors (this brought indescribable horror to the Europeans; they considered the family photo archive an exhibition of cannibal trophies), and the bones were buried, laying out a complex pattern. Similar or similar rituals are practiced by all isolated peoples, in accordance with the same characteristics: single or family burial in accordance with the accepted ritual.

Why did I start this conversation? Here's what.

The burial practices of ancient people not only prove that we have inherited all the ritual aspects of their lives.

It proves that ancient people lived in small groups, and these groups consisted of several families. If a person lived in a herd, then there would be finds of either abandoned unburied bodies, or some kind of mass graves. This does not exist, there are only single or family burials.

It proves that in these groups both assistance to the living and a sense of duty to the dead were already developed.

It leads to the conclusion that it was the family that was the typical form of social structure, and not the “human herd,” and family relationships were the basis for the development of society, and not vice versa.

Used literature: Article "La Ferrassie", Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, M., 1979; The article "On the question of the semantics of collective burials in the Paleolithic era" by Dr. Sciences A. Buzhilova ; Article "Paleolithic", TSB.

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