Ancient arias. Aryans and India: Aliens from the north conquered the locals with superweapons


Who are the Aryans? Modern science confidently says that these are related tribes that lived a hundred thousand miles ago in the territory of Persia and India. Okay, at least she partially recognizes geography.

In the picture: Aryavarta. The country of the Aryans, described in the Rig Veda.

Today we can say with confidence that Persia, like India, was inhabited by people genetically identical to the Slavs. And we also know that the Indians themselves say that a long time ago, white Gods came to them from the north and taught them everything that they then began to teach the rest of the world. And there are thousands of irrefutable evidence that those whites came to Hindustan not from heaven, but precisely from the Russian north, from Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Map 1542 Sebastian Munster.

It turns out that we are talking about our ancestors, common to some of today’s Indians, and numerous small tribes of white people preserved in the mountains of the Caucasus, northern Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
For clarity, here are photographs of representatives of the tribes of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nuristan:

By the way, in I-RA-ne, there is a tribe that calls itself the Khazars. And this is a white tribe, with pronounced Slavic features, clearly having common cultural roots with us.
That's why I don't believe that the Khazars are Jews. No. Modern DNA genealogy clearly defines Jews as immigrants from northern Africa, the closest relatives of the AR-abovs. They moved to Europe in the same way as the Arabs are moving there now. They had and do not have anything to do with the Khazars. The real Khazars are one of the Slavic tribes, and they never knew the Jewish faith.

Here they are, the “terrible” Khazars:

Well, what will our authoritative faithologists now say about the Khazars belonging to the Jews? One people? You don't even need a DNA test to say confidently: - NO.
And the reading of the word “Khazars” (Khazary) is most likely distorted by the Latin transcription. It would be correct to read K(x)-AS-Ary, where K is a diphthong sound preserved, for example, in the Georgian language and some Turkic dialects, such as Kazakh.
Well, there is not a single documentary evidence of the existence of the Khazar Kaganate within the limits in which the TORICS placed it. And generally within no limits. There is Scythia, Sarmatia, Mithridatia, Nesiotia, everything except Khazaria...

But Khazaria seemed to exist! Or "Song of Prophetic Oleg"is he lying to us? Well... In fact, all these “ancient” epics raise huge doubts about the authenticity, and besides, the Khazars could have been at that time just a small tribe. So small that they were not noted even on maps

You can check it yourself. In the place where the historians placed Khazaria, there was always the kingdom of the Pyatigorsk Circassians (Chirkassi Petigorski). In modern terms - Terek Cossacks.
So, the Khazars in Rus' were just one of many tribes, most likely southern Russians, from the Kuban, or North Caucasus, but they are part of the Kuban Cossacks, Circassians, or Alans.
Do you remember the name of the most famous Aryan, the King of Persia, the invincible commander?
His name was D'Arius!

Darius the Great. Will anyone doubt that he is God? He is sitting, taller than the standing people... And all sorts of secret devices in the office...
But bad luck... One day, the invincible Darius was completely defeated by the King of Scythia, Ariant. Arius+ANT. Ants = Russians, which means that the name of the glorious Scythian king is translated into understandable terms as “Russian Aryan”. And who would argue!

Everything fits, these are the descendants of the Aryans, and the memory of the newcomers from the north has been preserved in many sources, including written ones. And the attitude of the ancestors towards the Aryans was completely unambiguous. In any language, in any culture, an Aryan is:
- Mine,
- Free,
- Noble (descendant of the Gods),
- Freeborn,
- Relative,
- Noble,
- Saint,
- Comrade,
- Pious,
- Courageous.
- Friend.

Not one epithet with a negative attitude! Everyone loved the Aryans.
Among the Armenians to this day, Ara is a Friend, and the self-name of the Armenians suggests that they are also Aryans. Ariy + Man (human) Ahriman = Armenian (in). And among the Hindus, Aryaman is the deity of friendship, hospitality and weddings! Oh how!

And here’s another interesting observation: Buddhists call themselves “Aryapuggala”. This translates as "Aryan people", but it is difficult to convince us of this at first. Where to put the “scarecrow”? And the point, most likely, is not that someone was trying to intimidate someone. Probably, this or another word with the same root was used to call all the statues, including those in the garden, to scare away the boys from Mishka Kvakin’s gang (the birds are not scared anyway).

You can also remember about the Amu Darya river, flowing through the territory of Tartaria, where Tamerlan ruled, who was also a direct descendant of the Gods, and was appointed ruler by the Gods. Only he didn’t like the word “Tartaria”, cosmopolitanism is everything, that’s why the “Tartars” themselves called their country TURAN. And it’s quite a suitable word if you know that the sacred animal in Rus' was the Tur. Otherwise Veles. Eh, it’s just a pity that real tours haven’t survived to this day. The latter, they say, was killed by Vladimir Monomakh himself in 1627. in Polyania. At the same time, miraculously he did not die.

The Hindus also have H'are Krishna, who is probably Ariya Kryshen, and also H'are Vishnu, possibly the call sign Ariya Vyshenya, and of course, H'are RA - MA. RA is the Sun God, MA is the Mother, just as the Sun is the Creator of all things, father and mother in one incarnation. Everything is entirely Vedism, or more precisely the Slavic sun-centric worldview, which is mistakenly considered a proto-religion, called paganism and shamanism.

And this is not a mythological consciousness, and not superstition. This is the responsibility of the RA. Whole, unified, not divided into branches and sub-sectors, knowledge about the structure of the world, and the laws of its harmonious existence and development.

Peace, not in the sense of the absence of war, but peace as a universe, is the sacred Mount Meru, which the Indians were told about by the Gods who came from the north, and which was located in the center of the Earth, in Arctida - Hyperborea.

Knowing one feature of the worldview of our ancestors, we can trace a lot of wonderful things lying on the surface that help to penetrate the meaning of the words that we use every day, using them as a set of sounds. This peculiarity is that a certain positive concept acquired the opposite meaning when simply reading it backwards. But this is so logical! Then many words with the root AR are clear.

If RA is the Sun, then AR is the complete opposite. This is darkness. And if Ra is good, then Ar, of course, is evil.
MARs is the God of War, and even if you read it in the opposite direction, it comes out in general: - SHAM. Well, that's how it is, isn't it?

Then these are ARchAngels dark side Angels? After all, it may be that the word “angel” was pronounced aspirated, “h’angel”! But somewhere I’ve already come across that “Allah” was originally pronounced “h’allah’h.” Then no matter which way you read it, it turns out the same thing. Ideal God, that... All sides in one vessel...

You can also speculate about the meaning of the word “gate”. In RA – ta, or entrance to Paradise. And if it’s the other way around, IN AR-ta, or VATRA. Do you know that the concept of “bonfire” used to have many different meanings? So here it is. A bonfire, like a flame, was previously designated in Rus' by the word “vatra”. It is still used to this day in Ukraine and Belarus. Then, if you do not deny the possibility of existence, at first glance impossible, everything begins to be filled with meaning.
This is no longer a set of meaningless sounds, these are images that, by their very sound, give an idea of ​​​​the essence of an object, concept, or event. The gate is the path to heaven, and vatra, on the contrary, is the path to hell. Gehenna is fiery, isn't it? Just don’t fill this word with such a negative meaning. Hell was invented by Christian preachers, whose goal was the unconditional submission of the masses through intimidation. Speaking modern language, with the help of terror.
But in fact, the opposite did not mean something terrible at all. It assumed the presence of a different point of view, in modern terms - pluralism. That's all. No underworld, with sinners in frying pans and in boiling resin.

Then how can one interpret the meaning of the word "Aryavarta"? (see picture at the very beginning). Can be read as a fiery Aria, i.e. the country of the Aryans, where it’s hot (of course, after Vologda it’s absolutely scorching hot there). Or it can be like the Country – hell (again, figuratively speaking) for the Aryans. But doesn’t the European name of our country T-AR-T-Aria have a similar meaning? Tartar... Tar-tar-ry... Who benefited from making the world tremble in horror at the sounds of Tar-tar-y?
Is it not those who made every effort to make the “demo(no)cratic” world groan at the mere mention of the USSR? Has the situation changed now? In the Baltics, trenches are already being dug on farmsteads, in anticipation of “Russian aggression”!
But all in all... TART. Do you know what TRT is? No? And the cake? So there you go! The word cake, clearly not foreign, returned to us from Europe like a boomerang. At first it was a sacrificial pie of the Slavs, brought to the Sun God of RA on the day spring equinox(Yar Day, also known as Maslenitsa) March 21-22 (the name of the month appeared thanks to the God of War Mars/Shame).

Tarta. It's a cake. If the tart belongs to an Aryan, then whose is it? Correct answer: Tarta aria, i.e. Tartary.

Truly, nothing is new under this Sun. Just as in the Middle Ages they frightened children west of the Danube with Tartary, so now they frighten the mentally unstable part of the Jewish population with Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to know history...
Or are you tired of living?

Andrey Golubev


The materials and results of research by A. Klesov and his colleagues, genetic scientists, to determine the haplogroup - clan affiliation, made it possible to destroy many myths created around the history of peoples.

MYTH FIRST - THE TRUE ARYANS ARE GERMAN PEOPLES, and the Slavs recently came from dugouts.

Genetic studies have shown that more than 50% -70% of the population are Eastern Slavs and are direct descendants of the ancient Aryan tribes of the R1a genus who lived in Eurasia. Modern Germans have only 18% Aryan descendants. In addition, it is clear to archaeologists that the Aryan Slavs already lived in cities 3,500 years ago.


Of the six world religions, the Proto-Slavs created three: Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and improved the fourth - Christianity. They founded the Vedic Indian, Trypillian, Etruscan, Hittite, Cretan-Mycenaean and Greek civilizations. For more than 5 thousand years, the Slavic-Aryans had a written language from which the writing of many Eurasian countries originated; they left an endless variety of valuable written sources.

MYTH THIRD: - “TRIPOLIAN CULTURE” - as if created by unknown peoples.

Genetics have established that “Tripolye” is a civilization of Aryan origin, the direct descendants of the “Tripillians” still live and speak dialects of the Russian language.


Genetics did not find any traces of the presence of “Mongolian genes” among the Slavs - up to 75% of the male population of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have clear genetic evidence of origin from the great-ancestor of the R1a genus who lived more than 3,500 years ago. In addition, direct relatives belonging to the genus R1a are found in India, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, the Balkans, even on the islands of England and many other countries in which they lived in different times Slavic-Aryans, of whom there are now more than 500 million people on the planet.


Genetic practice has established that those who consider themselves a “biological Jew”, go to the synagogue, preach Zionism, may turn out to be by blood Eastern Slav-Aryan, Turkic and even Chinese. In total, out of 18 genera-haplogroups, seven are found among modern Jews.

Many European and oriental languages close to each other. They all belong to a single “Aryan” or Indo-European language family. However, historians still debate whether the “Aryans” actually existed.

Aryan etymology

Aryans are the ancient peoples of India and Iran who spoke Aryan languages, part of the Indo-European language family. The etymology of their self-name is very mysterious. In the 19th century, a hypothesis was put forward that the ethnonym “Aryan” came from the words “nomad” or “farmer.” Already in the 20th century, scientists believed that the Indo-European ar-i̯-o- means “one who is hospitable to ari,” and “ari” can be translated from ancient Indian as “friend” or, conversely, “enemy” (the opposite meaning of one and the same the same words or related words are characteristic of ancient languages).

The unifying meaning could also be “a fellow tribesman from another clan,” since he could be both a friend and an enemy. Thus, the concept of “Aryan” meant a person who was part of the ethnic totality of various Aryan tribes. The hypothesis is confirmed by the presence in the Vedic pantheon of the god Aryaman, who is responsible for friendship and hospitality.

Another vector of etymological research leads us to a different meaning of the word “Aryan” - “freeborn” and “noble”, which came from Semitic languages. It is possible that rudiments of this word survive in Old Irish, in which "aire" is translated as "noble" or "free", as well as in some others.

Where did the Aryans come from?

Recent studies show that the ancient ancestors were originally a single people, and only in the second millennium BC they divided into two branches - Iranian and Indo-Aryan. The word “Iran” itself has a connection with the word “Aryan”, and means “land of the Aryans”. It is important to take into account that modern Iran is only a small area on the map of those vast territories that were occupied by the ancient Iranian peoples: the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the steppes north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea and others. In addition, the commonality of the Indo-Aryan and Iranian branches proves the similarity of the sacred texts - the Iranian Avesta and the Indian Vedas. Today, there are several versions about where the Aryans came from.

According to the linguistic hypothesis, the Aryans migrated to India and settled there around 1700-1300. B.C. The version is based on the study of ancient languages ​​and customs reflected in historical sources. Linguistics shows that India was not the homeland of the Aryans - as a rule, in the region of origin of any language family there are many different languages ​​and dialects of the same family, and in India there is only one Indo-Aryan branch of languages. In Central and Eastern Europe, on the other hand, there are hundreds of varieties of Indo European languages. It is logical to assume that this is where it originated Indo-European family languages ​​and peoples. In addition, having come to India, the Aryans encountered its indigenous population, speaking languages ​​of another family, for example, Munda (Austroasiatic family) or Dravidian - languages ​​from which archaic borrowings in Sanskrit were taken.

The most accepted one at the moment is the burial mound hypothesis. According to it, the ancestral homeland of the Indo-Europeans was the Volga and Black Sea lands, where archaeologists recorded the Yamnaya culture. Its representatives were the first to build war chariots, which allowed them to capture ever larger territories and spread their influence over the entire Eurasian continent.

Pseudoscientific speculation

In addition to academic versions, there are dozens of fantastic ones: that the Aryans are, in fact, inhabitants of the mythical Hyperborea, who came from the Arctic; that they are the direct ancestors of the Germans, Russians or anyone else. As a rule, such theories are in demand among nationalistically minded communities for building a pseudo-history of a certain people. The main goal is to “extend” the history of their country.

Aryan culture

The Aryans or Indo-Iranians left a rich cultural heritage. In addition to the most important written heritage, such as the Vedas and Avesta, the later Mahabharata and Ramayana, the Aryans also left monuments material culture. Originally a semi-nomadic people, they focused on breeding cows and horses. The main weapon of the Aryans were arrows. These peoples were familiar with irrigation systems and forging copper and gold products.

The Aryan family was patriarchal; in addition to the head of the family, each family had other members, slaves and livestock. Families united into clans, communities and tribes, sometimes at war with each other. The three-class social system that became widespread in ancient Iranian and Indian societies was not as strongly developed among the Aryans, however, its main features were present. The top of the hierarchy consisted of priests, future brahmins, and kshatriya aristocrats who commanded common people. The Aryans were a warlike people, mining lands in search of new lands and pastures.


The origin of races was a historical mystery before the 19th century. However, at the beginning of the century, scientists discovered the commonality of many European languages ​​with the languages ​​of India and Iran. All these languages ​​were called the Aryan language family - later it would be called Indo-European. The self-name of the peoples of ancient India and Iran - Aryans, was mistakenly understood as the general name of all Indo-European tribes, and archaeologists soon found the so-called Yamnaya culture, which, thanks to the construction of war chariots, quickly expanded its linguistic, cultural and political influence from a small area within the borders of some the lands of modern Poland, Ukraine and southern Russia to the scale of an entire empire - from Portugal to Sri Lanka.
Despite the fact that no separate race of Aryans existed, and the confusion of physiological characteristics with linguistic ones was pseudoscientific (speakers of Indo-European languages ​​included the very different peoples of Tajikistan, Persia, Gypsies and even Veddas, who are Australoids), scientists began to believe that the community of languages ​​is equal to the community of race. The well-known mistake of the German researcher Max Müller, who accidentally referred to the non-existent “Aryan race”, led to the spread of scientific world opinions about the existence of the Aryan race, and later the emergence of Nazi racial theories.

Who are the Aryans? This question excites modern minds. However, history buffs can still somehow understand it. It became relevant under the rule of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. The German "pure race" theory - a consequence of the mistake of researcher Max Müller - still haunts some people. Some people have an extremely negative attitude towards it, especially in our country, while others are trying to find a rational grain. However, now another question is relevant: “Who are the Slavic-Aryans?” He greatly surprises professional historians, sociologists and political scientists. Let's try to figure out where this term came from and who the arias are.

The concept of "Slavs"

We will try to reason objectively, one might say, with scientific point point of view, how legitimate is it to say so. The Slavs are an ethnic group, not a people. The difference is that by ethnicity we mean a set of peoples who have common historical roots. At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the Ushe Slavs were divided into three branches: western (modern Kashubians, Lusatians, Czechs, Slovaks, etc.), southern (modern Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, etc.), eastern (modern Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians). Of course, many historians had different names: Antes, Sklavins, etc. There is no reliable information in history about a single Pros-Slavic people. Only linguists talk about it based on an analysis of linguistic similarities and differences. It is by them that the approximate separation of one group of Slavs from another, the influence of other cultures, localities, etc. is determined. There is not a single real scientist who would use the term “Slavic-Aryans” in his work. Where does this myth come from? Let's try to figure it out.

Myths and reality

Two unrelated concepts - “Slavs” and “Aryans” - were united by a certain Alexander Khinevich. His followers brought the idea to the masses. Despite the fact that Slavs and Aryans are the same incompatible concepts as, for example, “yellow is cold,” many people liked the idea. In our country, “family faith,” i.e., belief in ancestors, is gaining popularity. Calendars, holidays, time zones, phraseological units, etc. are being rewritten to suit the fashion trend. There is an explanation for this: communism, with its rejection of Christianity, gave birth to several unspiritual generations who refused to accept Christianity during its revival. And the “Slavic-Aryans” came in handy. Besides this, new religion, neo-paganism, has become “true”, alternative. In fact, it turned into a protest to the social system. And this has attracted young romantics at all times. Let's add here the rejection of morality and rituals - and we get an ideal religion. The main postulate - “we are believers, but nothing is required of us” - made the idea of ​​neo-paganism attractive. Against this background, it does not seem difficult to instill the idea of ​​not just “tribalism,” but Slavic-Aryanism.

Who are the Aryans

Studying this concept began in the 19th century. At this time, distorted translations of Indian shastras began to reach Europe. Serious work on this issue belongs to Arthur Avalon, who first began to explore this topic. The author's massive popularity led to the growth of less talented imitators, who began to replicate the “sensations” in their works.

It is a mistake to believe that the Aryans are a single race, nation. The Indian shastras actually mention a certain unified ancestral people, who are supposedly the ancestors of all former people. This idea was developed by the Frenchman Arthur de Gobineau, who created the racial theory. He called the Aryans a single people from which all the others descended. The idea gained not just popularity, but large-scale development under the rule of Adolf Hitler. He modified the statement of the superiority of the Germans over all others, and included the Germans among the direct “pure” descendants, in contrast to others - “dirty, half-blooded”.

In fact, there was no such thing as a single people. Then where do myths come from? Who are the Aryans? They weren't invented artificially.

In the oldest set of Indian laws - "Manavadharmashastra", the term "arya" is translated as "noble". This was the name given to representatives of the higher castes - brahmans, kshatriyas, vaishyas. That is, these are the three highest castes of the ancestral people, in modern language - “the cream of society.” In addition to the Aryans, these people also had two other castes - the Shudras and the Chandals.

Arius - friend or foe?

Despite this, the admissibility of the existence of a single Proto-Indo-European people is not canceled. Many are European and close to each other. All of them belong to the Indo-European group. Therefore, we can assume that there was still a single people. Historians believe that this concept should be considered a group of tribes of Ancient Iran. Literally, “Aryan” is translated as “friend.” And at the same time as an “enemy”. Having opposite meanings for the same word is a common practice in ancient languages. That is, it could be either a friend or an enemy. Perhaps it was a person from a foreign tribe. That is, an Aryan is a foreigner who comes from another tribal community. He can really be a friend and then become an enemy. The hypothesis is confirmed by the presence of the god Aryaman in the Vedic pantheon. He is precisely responsible for friendship and hospitality.

Is Ukraine the homeland of the Aryans?

Most researchers today are inclined to believe that the Aryans lived on the territory of Ancient Iran. There is no need to link it to the modern Shia state in the Middle East. Its territory is relatively small. Ancient Iran consists of vast territories of the Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea. That is why there is an opinion among Ukrainian historians that the Proto-Europeans lived precisely on the territory of modern Ukraine more than 5 thousand years ago.

The hypothesis of a single ancestral people

There is a hypothesis that a single ancestral people (Indo-Europeans, Aryans) was divided into two branches: Iranian and Indo-Aryan. The term “Iran” itself means “land of the Aryans”. In support of this, scientists have proven the similarity of the Iranian Avesta. According to the theory, a group, perhaps one of the tribes, separated from a single Iran, and around 1700-1300. BC e. went to India, where she remained permanently. If this is indeed the case, then the theory about the origin of Proto-Europeans from the territory of Ukraine has a right to exist.

Linguistic theory

Linguists also support the territory of origin of the Aryans from the Eastern and Central Europe, since here a single language branches into many dialects, which is logical given its natural development on the same territory. In India there is only one Indo-European branch, which speaks more of migration rather than origin and development. In addition, here the aliens encountered a group speaking local languages, which subsequently affected the development of the language as a whole.

Kurgan hypothesis

Archaeologists are also inclined to believe that the Aryans originally lived in the Black Sea region. Artifacts of the famous Yam culture are presented as evidence. It is believed that the first chariots were invented here, which made it possible to quickly capture huge areas. Such theories, unfortunately, give rise to pseudoscientific fabrications based on scientific facts. Like, the direct descendants of the Aryans are Russians, Germans, Ukrainians or anyone else. Against this background, various Slavic-Aryans appear. It is possible that the common ancestors originated from the territory of the Black Sea region, but later settled and divided over time into many other peoples, and subsequently their descendants returned to these lands. Followers of the exclusivity and “purity” of one nation in comparison with others manipulate these facts, tying the ancient single root to only one leaf, and not to the whole tree.

Aryan cultural heritage

The Aryans left behind many written monuments. These are the Vedas, Avesta, Mahabharata, Ramayana. From nomadic people they became settled farmers. They bred cows and horses. They were familiar with irrigation and knew how to forge copper and gold products. The main weapon was a bow and arrow. They did not have a clearly defined caste system, as in India. However, the top of the hierarchy - the priests and aristocrats - enjoyed enormous influence.


To summarize, we can say that one race Aryans may never have existed. Most likely, thanks to a certain group of tribes, perhaps not even closely related, they spread their influence over vast territories. Hence the emergence of a single Indo-European language peoples who have never been close historically.

However, there is no clear answer to the question of who the Aryans are. Every day we are all moving away from him, and scientific theories are replaced by pseudoscientific statements. It is quite possible that the Aryans are a people who spread their influence. But it is possible that this is a group of unrelated, but culturally similar tribes, settled on different sides of a single center.

What is the difference and what is common between the Slavs and Aryans.

Honestly, I decided to write this material only so that some of you would simply understand how the Slavs and Aryans differ. I have been asked several times why some pagan organizations call themselves Slavic-Aryans? It seems clear with the Slavs, especially since several articles have already been written regarding the Slavs, for example, (The origin of the word ethnonym), and you can always turn to them to refresh your memory of the meaning of this term. But who are the Aryans? Are these the same Aryans who were ruled by the famous bloody dictator Hitler? Not really.

Aryans - the peoples of ancient Iran and Ancient India. The native language of the Indo-Iranians is Aryan. The Indo-European word “Aryans” can be translated as “noble” - the exaltation of God’s special chosen people. So, Arius is an insider, Non-Aryan is a barbarian. Something similar can be found in one of the proposed translations regarding the Slavs: Slav is the one who speaks in his own word, i.e. on native language. In addition, some historians and researchers suggest that the word “Aryan” can be translated as “Nomad”, “Ploughman”, “Shower of Hospitality”, “Friend”, “Courageous”. IN modern India the word ārya means Pious or Upholding the Dharma. The term is widely used in the Rig Veda, where it is used to refer to several Indian tribes. Also often, and maybe even more often than in Hindu literature, it is used in Buddhism and is translated here as “Noble, Holy.” In Buddhism, there are such concepts as the Four Aryan Truths, the Aryan (Eightfold) Path, Aryan people (Buddhists themselves), etc. Used in the ancient Iranian Avesta as an ethnic self-determination. In the South Russian and North Caucasian steppes, the Alans (Ossetians) called themselves Aryans. The Iranian-speaking population did not consider the Alans to be Aryans; in response, the Alans considered only themselves to be Aryans. Research shows that the Aryans were originally a single people and were the ancestors of the Indian and Iranian-speaking peoples.

Slavic-Aryans- this is the same as Indo-Europeans. The Slavs and Aryans are already two divided groups of the once existing Slavic-Aryan people. Such terms are usually used to refer to an ancient group of people or people who were the ancestors of the Slavic and Aryan peoples or the ancestors of the Indians, Iranians, Slavs, Europeans and others. Thus, it would be natural to say that none of us can be either a Slavic-Aryan or an Indo-European, since these words are only suitable to designate a certain ancient people, the ancestor of the Aryan and Slavic peoples.

The term Aryan became widely known with the rise to power of Hitler. Although he only used the theory he developed French writer Arthur de Gobineau. In his writings, he divided all of humanity by skin color - black, yellow and white. He considered the Aryans to be the white-skinned population of the earth, which occupies a dominant role on the planet. Modern science rejects this theory as pseudoscientific and does not stand up to any criticism of modern scientists, anthropologists, etc., there is obvious linguistic confusion with terms, since Aryans are a concept of a completely different sense, in no way related to skin color.

Among the many legends preserved in the memory of mankind, the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata is considered greatest monument culture, science and history of the ancestors of all Indo-European peoples. Initially, this was a story about the civil strife of the Kuru peoples, who lived more than 5 thousand years ago between the Indus and the Ganges. Gradually, new ones were added to the main text - and the Mahabharata came to us containing almost 200 thousand lines of poetry in 18 books.



Among the many legends preserved in the memory of mankind, the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata is considered the greatest monument of culture, science and history of the ancestors of all Indo-European peoples. Initially, this was a story about the civil strife of the Kuru peoples, who lived more than 5 thousand years ago between the Indus and the Ganges. Gradually, new ones were added to the main text - and the Mahabharata came to us containing almost 200 thousand lines of poetry in 18 books.

One of them, called “Forest”, describes sacred springs - rivers and lakes of the country of the ancient Aryans, i.e. the land on which the events told in the great poem unfolded.

But, speaking about this country, called Bharata by the epic, we note that the final event of the story was the grandiose battle of Kurukshetra in 3102 BC. However, as scientific data testify, there were no Aryan tribes on the territory of Iran and Hindustan at that time, and they lived in their ancestral homeland - quite far from India and Iran.

But where was she, where did all these grandiose events unfold? This question has worried researchers since the last century. IN mid-19th century, the idea was expressed that such an ancestral home was the territory Eastern Europe. In the middle of the 20th century, the German scientist Scherer returned to the idea that the ancestral home of all Indo-Europeans was on the lands of Russia, proceeding from the fact that, judging by the texts of the Rig Veda and Avesta, in the 3rd millennium BC. The Aryans lived in Eastern Europe. As you know, the great river of our Motherland is the Volga until the 2nd century. AD bore the name by which the sacred book of the Zoroastrians Avesta knew her - Ranha or Ra. But the Ranha of the Avesta is the river Ganga of the Rig Veda and Mahabharata!

As the Avesta narrates, along the shores of the Voorukasha Sea (the “Milk Sea” of the Mahabharata) and Ranhi (Volga) there were a number of Aryan countries - from Aryan-Vedzh in the far north to seven Indian countries in the south, beyond Ranha. These same seven countries are mentioned in the Rigveda and Mahabharata as the lands between the Ganga and the Yamuna, on Kurukshetra. It is said about them: “The illustrious Kurukshetra. All living beings, as soon as they come there, get rid of their sins,” or “Kurukshetra is the holy Altar of Brahma; holy brahmanas - sages - come there. Whoever settles in Kurukshetra will never know sorrow.”

The question naturally arises: what are these rivers - the Ganga and the Yamuna, between which the country of Brahma lay? We have already found out that Ranha - Ganga is the Volga. But ancient Indian legends call the Yamuna the only major tributary of the Ganges flowing from the southwest. Let's look at the map, and it will become clear to us that the ancient Yamuna is our Eye! Is this possible? Apparently - yes! It is no coincidence that along the course of the Oka here and there there are rivers with the names: Yamcha, Yam, Ima, Imiev. Moreover, according to Aryan texts, the second name of the Yamuna river was Kala. So, the mouth of the Oka is still called local residents the mouth of the Kala.

Other large rivers are also mentioned in the Rigveda and Mahabharata. Thus, not far from the source of the Yamuna (Oka) was the source of the Sindhu River flowing to the east and south and flowing into the Red (Red) Sea ("Sindhu" in Sanskrit - stream, sea). But let us remember that in Irish and Russian chronicles the Black Sea was called Cheremny, that is, Red. By the way, this is still the name of the area of ​​its waters in the north. On the shores of this sea the Sind people lived and the city of Sind was located (modern Anapa). whose sources are located near the source of the Oka.

In the Volga-Oka interfluve there are many rivers, the names of which have been lost for millennia. To prove this, no special effort is required: it is enough to compare the names of the Poochya rivers with the names of the “sacred springs” in the Mahabharata, more precisely, in that part of it that is known as “Walking along the springs.” It is in it that a description is given of more than 200 sacred reservoirs of the ancient Aryan land of Bharata in the Ganges and Yamuna basins (as of 3150 BC):

Krinitsa River in Poochie

lake Frame

Lake Rama

It is also surprising that we are dealing not only with an almost literal coincidence of the names of the sacred springs of the Mahabharata and the rivers of Central Russia, but even with the correspondence of their relative locations. Thus, in both Sanskrit and Russian, words with an initial “F” are extremely rare: from the list of rivers of the Mahabharata, only one river has an “F” at the beginning of its name - Falguna. flowing into the Sarasvati. But, according to ancient Aryan texts, Saraswati is the only big river flowing north of the Yamuna and south of the Ganges and flows into the Yamuna at its mouth. It corresponds only to the Klyazma River, located north of the Oka and south of the Volga. So what? Among hundreds of its tributaries, only one has a name starting with “f” - Falyugin! Despite 5 thousand years, this unusual name practically unchanged.

Another example. According to the Mahabharata, south of the sacred forest of Kamyaka, the river Praveni (that is, the Great River) flowed into the Yamuna, with Lake Godowari (where “vara” means “circle” in Sanskrit). What about today? As before, to the south of the Vladimir forests the Pra River flows into the Oka and Lake Godd lies.

Or another example. The Mahabharata tells how the sage Kaushika, during a drought, irrigated the Paru River, which was renamed in his honor. But further the epic reports that ungrateful local residents still call the river Para and it flows from the south to the Yamuna (i.e., to the Oka). So what? The Para River still flows from the south to the Oka and the locals call it the same as many thousands of years ago.

The description of springs five thousand years ago speaks, for example, of the Pandya River, flowing near Varuna, a tributary of the Sindhu (Don). But the Panda River even today flows into the largest tributary of the Don - the Vorona (or Varona) River.

But if the names of the rivers have been preserved, if the language of the population has been preserved, then perhaps the peoples themselves should be preserved? And, indeed, they exist. Thus, the Mahabharata says that to the north of the country of Pandya, lying on the banks of Varuna, is the country of the Martyas. But it is precisely to the north of Panda and Vorona along the banks of Moksha and Sura that lies the land of Mordva (Mortva of the Middle Ages) - a people who speak the Finno-Ugric language from a huge amount Russian, Iranian and Sanskrit words.

The country between Yamuna, Sindh, Upajala and Para was called A-Vanti. That’s exactly what Arab travelers, Byzantine chronicles and Russian chronicles called the land of the Vyatichi between the Oka, Don, Upa and Para.

The Mahabharata and Rigveda mention the Kuru and Kurukshetra people. Kurukshetra literally means “Kursk Field”, and it is in its center that the city of Kursk is located, where “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” places the Kursk people - noble warriors.

The warlike Krivi people are also mentioned in the Rig Veda. But Latvians and Lithuanians call all Russians “Krivi”, after the neighboring Russian ethnic group Krivichi, whose cities were Smolensk, Polotsk, Pskov, and present-day Tartu and Riga.

Well, what about the ethnonym Rus itself - Russian land? Are they mentioned in ancient texts that are thousands of years old?

Rusa, Rasa, Rasyane are constantly mentioned in the Rig Veda and Avesta. As for the Russian land, it’s a matter of translation. The lands of Bharata, lying along the Ganges and Yamuna, on Kurukshetra, were otherwise called Sacred, Holy or Bright Land, and in Sanskrit “Rusa” means “bright”.

Speaking about the history of Eastern Europe, archaeologists and historians in general, the period from 10 to 3 thousand BC. e. not particularly detailed. This is the Mesolithic-Neolithic, with their archaeological cultures. But archaeological culture in in a certain sense abstract, but they lived here real people who were born and died, loved and suffered, fought and became related, and somehow assessed themselves, their lives, called themselves some kind of specific names. That distant past was the present for them. And it is the ancient Aryan sources that make it possible to shed light on some of the dark pages of these seven millennia (from 10 to 3 thousand BC).

One of the legends of the Mahabharata says: “We heard that when Samvarana, the son of Raksha, ruled the earth, great disasters came for his subjects. And then the kingdom collapsed from all kinds of disasters, struck by hunger and death, drought and disease. And the armies of enemies defeated the descendants Bharatas. And, shaking the earth with his forces consisting of four branches of troops, the king of the Panchalas quickly passed through the entire country, conquering it.

And with ten armies he defeated him in battle. Then King Samvarana, along with his wife, advisers, sons and relatives, fled in great fear. And he began to live by the great river Sindhu (Don) in a grove located near a mountain and washed by the river. So the descendants of Bharata lived for a long time, settling in the fortress. And when they had lived there for a whole thousand years, the descendants of Bharata were visited by the great sage Vasishtha. And when he lived there for the eighth year, the king himself turned to him: “Be our household priest, for we strive for the kingdom.” And Vasishta gave his consent to the descendants of Bharata. We further know that he appointed Puru's descendant as the autocratic king over all the kshatriyas (warriors) throughout the earth. And he again took possession of the capital, which had previously been inhabited by Bharata, and forced all the kings to pay him tribute. The powerful ruler of the country, Ajamidha, having taken possession of the entire land, then performed sacrifices."

This is how the Mahabharata talks about the affairs of bygone days. But when and where did this happen? The reign of Samvaran dates back, according to the chronology accepted in the Mahabharata, to 6.4 thousand BC. e. Then, after the defeat and expulsion, the people of Samvarana live in the river basin. Don in the Ajamidha fortress for a whole thousand years, up to 5, 4 thousand BC. e. Throughout this millennium, their native lands have been dominated by another conquering people and newcomers, the Panchala. But after 5.4 thousand BC. e. The Kauravas recapture their homeland from the Panchalas and live there again.

It would seem that the veracity of this ancient legend can neither be confirmed nor refuted these days. But this is what modern archaeological science tells us. L.V. Koltsov writes: “One of the major cultural manifestations in the Mesolithic of the Volga-Oka interfluve was the Butovo culture. Noteworthy is the localization of the described monuments of the Butovo culture in the western part of the Volga-Oka interfluve. The absolute chronology of the early stages of the Butovo culture is determined by the framework from the middle 8th millennium BC to the second half of the 7th millennium BC (that is, before us is the reign of King Samvarana - 6400 BC). "In the second half of the 7th millennium BC, another group of Mesolithic population invaded the Volga-Oka interfluve, which is located in this region, in its western part, leaving an archaeological culture, which we call Ienevskaya. With the advent of the newcomers, the population of the Butovo culture first retreated to the east and south of the region. Under the pressure of the Ienevo culture, the Butovo population probably split into several isolated groups, some of them apparently even left the Volga-Oka basin, as evidenced by the appearance of typical Butovo elements in other neighboring regions. elements in the Sukhona basin or the Borovichi site in the Novgorod region. “As for the Ienevites who displaced the Butovo people, their origin seems to archaeologists “not entirely clear.” They note that: “Apparently, somewhere in the second half of the boreal period (6.5 thousand BC), part of the population of the Upper Dnieper region moved to the northeast and settled part of the Volga-Oka interfluve, displacing the Butovo tribes. “But “the isolation of the Ienevo population and the lack of peaceful contacts with the surrounding cultures ultimately led to the decline of the culture and its reverse displacement by the Butovites, who had become stronger towards the end of their existence.” The late Butovo population again begins a “reconquista”—the re-capture of their ancestral territory.”

So, the “Ienevan culture, which was in hostile relationship with Butovo and having lost contact with the “mother” territory, apparently, gradually degenerated, which subsequently led to the easier movement of the Butovo people back to the west and their assimilation of the remnants of the Ienevites. In any case, in the Early Neolithic Upper Volgian culture, which formed in the region in the 5th millennium BC. e. , we practically no longer find elements of Jenevan culture. Butov’s elements sharply dominate.”

When comparing the text of the epic and archaeological data, one is struck by the coincidence of both the chronology of the entire event and its individual episodes. And a logical question arises: are descendants hiding behind the Butovites?
The Puru-Pauravas, and behind the “Ienevites” are their enemies the Panchalas?

Moreover, strange as it may seem, time turned out to have no power over these events. And today, at the source of the Don (near the Donets River), next to the cities of Kimovsky and Epifan, on a hill stands a tiny village that has preserved its ancient name- Ajamki. Maybe someday archaeologists will find here the ruins of the ancient fortress of King Samvarana - Ajamidhi.

But in this case, it can be assumed that the names of other settlements of the ancient Aryans have survived to this day. And so it is.

Thus, at the confluence of the Upa and Plava rivers stands the city of Krapivna. But one of the books of the Mahabharata tells about the city of Upaplav - the capital of the Matsya people, who lived in the kingdom of Virata. And the word “virata” in Sanskrit means “bast plant, nettle.”

The greatest of the seven sacred cities of the ancient Aryans was the city of Varanasi - the center of learning and the capital of the kingdom of Kashi, that is, the "shining one." The epic claims that Varanasi was founded in ancient times, under the grandson of the great ancestor of the people, Manu, who escaped the flood. According to the astronomical chronology of the Mahabharata, Varanasi as a capital existed already 12 thousand 300 years before the present day. Its name is derived either from the word “varana”, which means “forest elephant” (mammoth), or from the name of the Varana and Asi rivers, on which this city stood, or it is possible that it comes from the combination “vara-us”, which means “our circle (fortress).”

But is there a city with that name on the Varan River today? If we look at the banks of the Vorona River, we will not see such a city there. However, let us remember that until the 18th century, the current Voronezh River was called the Great Vorona, was navigable and even deeper than the upper Don. On this river today stands the largest city in southern Russia - Voronezh. We do not have any exact information about when it was founded. Voronezh is mentioned both in 1177 and in 1237. It is believed that the Voronezh fortress was restored in 1586. In the 17th and 18th centuries the city was made of wood, but back in 1702 there were ruins of some stone buildings within its boundaries, which were called “Kazarian” by local residents. Now on the territory of Voronezh there are at least four ancient Russian fortifications. There are also monuments from previous eras. But could Voronezh be ancient?

This question should be answered positively. Firstly, the name Voronezh itself is closer to the ancient Aryan Varanasi (Varanashi) than the modern Indian Ben-Ares (city of Ares), especially since in the 16th century the fortress was called Voronets.

Secondly, the ancient Aryan epic indicates a number of geographical objects in the Varanasi region that are absent in India. In addition to the Varana River (Great Crow), the Asi, Kaveri, and Deva rivers flowed near Varanasi. But the Usman, Kaverie, and Devitsa rivers still flow near Voronezh. Not far from Varanasi were the Vai-durya reservoir ("durya" - mountain) and the Deva-sabha mountains ("sabha" - hill). But even now in Voronezh and Lipetsk regions The Bai Mountain River flows, and the hills south of Voronezh, near the Sosna and Don rivers are called Devogorye.

One of the books of the Mahabharata talks about Varanasi as a city in the Videha region. But the epic country of Videha with its capital Mithila was located on the edge of the seven mouths of the Ganges (Volga) and thousands of lotus lakes and, as Sanskrit commentators believed, had nothing to do with the kingdom of Kashi. (By the way, many lotuses still grow in the Volga delta, and 5-6 thousand years ago the level of the Caspian Sea was 20 meters lower than today and the Volga delta merged with the deltas of the Terek and Ural into one huge lake region). This apparent contradiction has a simple explanation. Near Voronezh, the Veduga River flows into the Don, after which, apparently, the Videkha region was named.

Near the city of Varanasi, as the Mahabharata testifies, the city of Hastin was located, which became the capital of the Aryans after the Battle of Kurukshetra (Kursk Field) in 3102 BC. So what? Near Voronezh is the village of Kostenki (a city in the 17th century), famous for its archaeological sites, the oldest of which date back to 30 thousand BC. e. The cultural layers of this village go from ancient times to the present day without interruption, which indicates the continuity of culture and population.

So, we think it can be argued that Voronezh and Varanasi, like Kostenki and Hasti, are one and the same.

There is another one on the Voronezh River large city south of Russia - Lipetsk. This name is not in the Mahabharata. But there is the city of Mathura (Mathura), also one of the seven sacred cities of the ancient Aryans. It was located on Kurukshetra (Kursk Field) east of the Yamuna (Oka). But even now the Matyra River flows into the Voronezh River near Lipetsk. The epic says that in order to capture the city of Matura, Krishna first had to take possession of five hills in its vicinity. But today, like many thousands of years ago, five hills north of Lipetsk continue to dominate the valley.

It is quite possible that the numerous information on ethnogenesis preserved by the Mahabharata will help archaeologists in identifying those archaeological cultures Eastern Europe, which still bear their conventional archaeological names. So according to the Mahabharata in 6.5 thousand BC. e. "all these panchalas originated from Duhshanta and Parameshthina." This confirms the emergence of a tribe or people, called by archaeologists “Ienevtsy,” immediately before their invasion of the territory of the Volga-Oka interfluve, since Dukhshanta immediately preceded Samvarana.

Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin once wrote:

"The river of time, in its rush, carries away all the affairs of people"

We are faced with an amazing paradox when real rivers as if they stopped the flow of time, returning to our world those people who once lived along the banks of these rivers and their affairs. They gave us back our Memory.

A. VINOGRADOV, economist, ecologist, geographer
S.ZHARNIKOVA, candidate historical sciences, art critic, ethnologist.
[newspaper] New Petersburg, No. 18, 2001, p. 4.