Ancient Greek muse terpsichore. The magic of dance. Muse Polyhymnia - muse of solemn hymns


According to the legends of the ancient Greeks, the muse of dance was called Terpsichore. She had eight sisters. On summer evenings, they held hands and danced in circles. On Greek frescoes and vases, sisters - muses hold hands. Dance was closely connected with music, singing, speech, and acting.

Terpsichore (Teryicora) - muse of dance and choral singing. In Greek mythology, the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, one of the nine muses, the patroness of dance (sometimes of choral singing). She was depicted as a young woman in the pose of a dancer, with a smile on her face. She had a wreath on her head, in one hand she held a lyre, and in the other a plectrum. She is “enjoying round dances.” The muse reveals to people the harmony between the external and the internal, soul and body.
Ancient dance was based on strict adherence to rhythm, on a combination of rhythmic steps and appropriate hand movements. Dancing was a compulsory subject in gymnasiums. It was believed that Terpsichore, the companion of the god of harmony Apollo, taught the soul to properly combine with the body. Postures and movements should be beautiful and harmonious, the dance should reflect the mood of thought and feeling.
The attitude towards dance in Ancient Greece is evidenced by the fact that Terpsichore was included in the pantheon of deities. The Greeks understood dance very broadly, viewing it both as gymnastics, a means of healing the body, and as a mimic art.
There is a myth according to which Terpsichore is the mother of the singer Lin (according to another version, his mother is Urania).
According to one version of the myth, Terpsichore gave birth to sirens from the god of the river Aheloy (Apoll. Rhod. IV 892-896; option: sirens are the children of Melpomene).
This muse is associated with Dionysus, attributing to her an attribute of this god - ivy (as stated in the inscription on Helicon dedicated to Terpsichore).
There is evidence that a temple dedicated to the muses existed in the Pythagorean school. In this temple, Pythagoras gave instructions to his disciples. Terpsichore, Erato and Thalia were in charge of earthly physics, the science of elements, stones, plants and animals.

Terpsichore and dance were not invented by the ancient Greeks for the sake of entertainment and pastime. Muse and dance are the result of thoughtful contemplation of Nature, where everything moves in rhythm according to unwritten laws.

To understand the spirit of the dance, it is enough to immerse yourself in the rustle of dense foliage. Without leaving the branches, the leaves dance and sing, giving birth to a symphony of green shades, enchanting the eye and ear. It is enough to sit on the seashore for a minute, turning your face towards it, and surrender to the will of the tireless rhythm with which the waves rush onto the shore. It is enough to follow the flight of a bird or a falling leaf in the autumn. Just look at how the clouds dance in the sky, alternately taking on thousands of fantastic forms. In the end, it is enough just to be able to read that open book, the pages of which life turns before us every day, but in which we value - and even then not always - only the cover.

No, Terpsichore did not die, because beauty never dies. Yes, perhaps no one will notice her presence, but everything Genuine is immutable....
The Muse of Dance has always been, is and will be among us. True, few people already know her name and the art that she patronizes. But perhaps a vague melancholy has awakened in someone’s body; it has long ago lost its wings and can no longer fly or walk. And only it can raise its gaze to a fleeting vision, and the soul begs it to again become the same as before.
After all, the soul can dance. It lives in each of us, and it all depends on how much we ourselves constrain it. If the soul is seized with trepidation, the Greeks called it the name of grace and harmony, that is, Terpsichore.

The work of almost every great artist is unthinkable without the presence of a woman who inspires him - the muse.

Raphael's immortal works were painted using images that his lover, the model Fornarina, helped create; Michelangelo enjoyed a platonic relationship with the famous Italian poetess Vittoria Colonna.

The beauty of Simonetta Vespucci was immortalized by Sandro Botticelli, and the famous Gala inspired the great Salvador Dali.

Who are the muses?

The ancient Greeks believed that every area of ​​their life that they considered most important had its own patron, a muse.

According to their ideas, The list of muses of ancient Greece looked like this:

  • Calliope is the muse of epic poetry;
  • Clio is the muse of history;
  • Melpomene - the muse of tragedy;
  • Thalia is the muse of comedy;
  • Polyhymnia - the muse of sacred hymns;
  • Terpsichore – muse of dance;
  • Euterpe is the muse of poetry and lyricism;
  • Erato is the muse of love and wedding poetry;
  • Urania is the muse of science.

According to classical Greek mythology, nine daughters were born to the supreme god Zeus and Mnemosyne, daughter of the titans Uranus and Gaia. Since Mnemosyne was the goddess of memory, it is not surprising that her daughters began to be called muses, translated from Greek this means “thinking ones.”

It was assumed that the favorite habitat of the muses was Mount Parnassus and Helicon, where in the shady groves, to the sound of clear springs, they formed Apollo's retinue.

They sang and danced to the sound of his lyre. This subject was loved by many Renaissance artists. Raphael used it in his famous paintings of the Vatican halls.

Andrea Montegna's work "Parnassus", which depicts Apollo surrounded by muses dancing for the supreme gods of Olympus, can be seen in the Louvre.

The famous sarcophagus of the Muses is also located there. It was found in the 18th century in Roman excavations, its lower bas-relief is decorated with an excellent image of all 9 muses.


In honor of the muses, special temples were built - museions, which were the focus of the cultural and artistic life of Hellas.

The most famous is the Alexandria Museum. This name formed the basis of the well-known word museum.

Alexander the Great founded Alexandria as a center of Hellenistic culture in the Egypt he conquered. After his death, his body was brought here to a tomb specially built for him.. But, unfortunately, then the remains of the great king disappeared and have not yet been found.

One of the associates of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy I Soter, who laid the foundation for the Ptolemaic dynasty, founded a museum in Alexandria, which combined a research center, an observatory, a botanical garden, a menagerie, a museum, famous library.

Archimedes, Euclid, Eratosthenes, Herophilus, Plotinus and other great minds of Hellas worked under its arches.

The most favorable conditions were created for successful work, scientists could meet each other, have long conversations, as a result, the greatest discoveries were made, which have not lost their significance even now.

The muses were always depicted as young, beautiful women; they had the ability to see the past and predict the future.

The greatest favor of these beautiful creatures was enjoyed by singers, poets, artists, muses encouraged them in creativity and served as a source of inspiration.

Unique abilities of muses

Clio, the "Glory-Giving" Muse of History, whose permanent attribute is a parchment scroll or board with writing, where she wrote down all events in order to preserve them in the memory of descendants.

As the ancient Greek historian Diodorus said about her: “The greatest of muses inspires love for the past.”

According to mythology, Clio was friends with Calliope. The surviving sculptural and pictorial images of these muses are very similar, often made by the same master.

There is a myth about a quarrel that arose between Aphrodite and Clio.

Possessing strict morals, the goddess of history did not know love and condemned Aphrodite, who was the wife of the god Hephaestus, for her tender feelings for the young god Dionysus.

Aphrodite ordered her son Eros to shoot two arrows, the one that kindled love hit Clio, and the one that killed her went to Pieron.
Suffering from unrequited love convinced the strict muse not to judge anyone anymore for their feelings.

Melpomene, muse of tragedy

Zeus or Poseidon, here the opinions of myth-makers differ, turned them into sirens.
The same ones that almost killed the Argonauts.

Melpomene vowed to forever regret their fate and all those who defy the will of heaven.

She is always wrapped in a theatrical robe, and her symbol is a mournful mask, which she holds in her right hand.
In her left hand is a sword, symbolizing punishment for insolence.

Thalia, muse of comedy, sister of Melpomene, but never accepted her sister’s unconditional belief that punishment was inevitable, this often became the reason for their quarrels.

She is always depicted with a comedy mask in her hands, her head is decorated with an ivy wreath, and she is distinguished by her cheerful disposition and optimism.

Both sisters symbolize life experience and reflect the way of thinking characteristic of the inhabitants of ancient Greece that the whole world is a theater of the gods, and people in it only perform their assigned roles.

Polyhymnia, muse of sacred hymns, faith expressed in music

The patroness of speakers, the fervor of their speeches and the interest of listeners depended on her favor.

On the eve of the performance, one should ask the muse for help, then she would condescend to the person asking and instill in him the gift of eloquence, the ability to penetrate every soul.

The constant attribute of Polyhymnia is the lyre.

Euterpe - muse of poetry and lyricism

She stood out among other muses for her special, sensual perception of poetry.

To the quiet accompaniment of Orpheus' harp, her poems delighted the ears of the gods on the Olympian hill.

Considered the most beautiful and feminine of the muses, she became the savior of his soul for him, who had lost Eurydice.

Euterpe's attribute is a double flute and a wreath of fresh flowers.

As a rule, she was depicted surrounded by forest nymphs.

Terpsichore, muse of dance, which is performed in the same rhythm with heartbeats.

The perfect art of Terpsichore dance expressed complete harmony of the natural principle, movements of the human body and spiritual emotions.

The muse was depicted in a simple tunic, with an ivy wreath on her head and with a lyre in her hands.

Erato, muse of love and wedding poetry

Her song is that there is no force that can separate loving hearts.

Songwriters called on the muse to inspire them to create new beautiful works.
Erato's attribute is a lyre or tambourine; her head is decorated with wonderful roses as a symbol of eternal love.

Calliope, which means “beautiful-voiced” in Greek, is the muse of epic poetry.

The eldest of the children of Zeus and Mnemosyne and, in addition, the mother of Orpheus, from her the son inherited a subtle understanding of music.

She was always depicted in the pose of a beautiful dreamer, holding in her hands a wax tablet and a wooden stick - a stylus, which is why the well-known expression “writing in a high style” appeared.

The ancient poet Dionysius Medny called poetry “the cry of Calliope.”

The ninth muse of astronomy, the wisest of the daughters of Zeus, Urania holds in her hands the symbol of the celestial sphere - a globe and a compass, which helps determine the distances between celestial bodies.

The name was given to the muse in honor of the god of heaven, Uranus, who existed even before Zeus.

Interestingly, Urania, the goddess of science, is among the muses associated with various types of arts. Why?
According to the teaching of Pythagoras on the “harmony of the celestial spheres,” the dimensional relationships of musical sounds are comparable to the distances between the celestial bodies. Without knowing one, it is impossible to achieve harmony in the other.

As the goddess of science, Urania is still revered today. There is even a Urania Museum in Russia.

The muses symbolized the hidden virtues of human nature and contributed to their manifestation.

According to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, the muses had the amazing gift of introducing the souls of people to the great secrets of the Universe, memories of which they then embodied in poetry, music, and scientific discoveries.

Patronizing all creative people, the muses did not tolerate vanity and deception and severely punished them.

The Macedonian king Pierus had 9 daughters with beautiful voices, who decided to challenge the muses to a competition.

Calliope won and was declared the winner, but the Pierids refused to admit defeat and tried to start a fight. For this they were punished, and they were turned into forty.

Instead of wonderful singing, they announce their fate to the whole world with sharp guttural screams.

Therefore, you can count on the help of the muses and divine providence only if your thoughts are pure and your aspirations are selfless.

Lydia Ignatenko
Visiting the Goddess of Dance Terpsichore

"IN visiting the Goddess of Dance Terpsichore»

The hall is festively decorated. Children enter the hall to the music and perform dance composition

"Rainbow of Wishes".

1st child: Attention, attention!

rather everyone come here.

see the show

hurry up, gentlemen.

2nd child: Before appearing

Before you in this hall,

We're probably about thirty minutes

They stood in front of the mirror.

3rd child: Checked bows, folds,

so that everything is in order.

Let's spin around merrily

dance and have fun.

4th child: today is a joyful holiday,

and there is no other day

when can you see dancing myself!

Leading: Guys, you probably love everything very much and want dance? On this occasion, we invited the lady to our kindergarten dance - the beautiful Terpsichore!

Enters the hall to solemn music Terpsichore.

Terpsichore: My name is Terpsichore,

I came to you for a holiday,

because both music and dancing -

These are symbols of goodness!

I Goddess - muse of dance.

there is no other like this,

but I won’t become arrogant,

You will get bored with me.

drive boredom away today,

don't let me in the door

because today is a holiday dance,

A celebration of the body, arms and legs.

There are many different ones in the world dancing:

fast, light, mischievous,

Even birds, even animals cannot do without them!

And the most popular and beloved dance is considered at all times "Waltz".

What kind of prince came here?

the minutes froze

gentlemen in black,

ladies in fluffy skirts

the sound of a chord smoothly cuts through the air,

The first movements - the viewer freezes.

The wonderful Viennese waltz brings enchantment into our hall,

Transports young and old into a fairy tale.

Waltz magic music flows,

The couples will swirl smoothly now,

We have fun and everyone laughs

let only the waltz sound, only the waltz.

Sviridov's Waltz "Blizzard", children perform dance composition.

Cheerful music sounds and Spotykaylo enters the hall.

Stupykailo: I am the cheerful Spotykailo

I've been unlucky in life:

I stumble, I stumble,

I stumble day and night.

to you guys, I'm on holiday

I was in such a hurry and flying so,

I tripped 15 times

25 turned over,

I broke my nose, I broke my knee,

hit his forehead against your wall.

This is how life happens -

I stumble day and night.

Came to your holiday dance

and I’ll tell you without lying,

I wish I could teach you how to dance

you make me miserable.

Leading: What are you, dear Spotykailo,

here in the garden we have guys

love very much dance

"Rock and Roll", "Lambada", "Polka",

"Waltz", "Kalinka",


Stupykailo: If you want, we can teach you too dance. In our away today lady dance - beautiful Terpsichore.

Stupykailo: Thanks for your suggestion. I would agree, of course, to learn dance. I'm not the only one Spottykaylo, there is another unfortunate lover dancing, my friend Zapinailo. Has he come to you yet?

Children: No.

Stupykailo: And here he is!

Zapinailo enters to the music, stuttering endlessly.

Zapinaylo: Very sad Zapinile

live in this white world,

Every step I take I stumble,

I stumble, I get caught.

That would be great, guys.

You guys are preschoolers

paid attention to me

taught dance.

Stupykailo: Here comes my friend! Hello buddy!

They greet each other and shake each other's hands for a long time.

We said hello to you, but we didn’t say hello to the guys.

Zapinaylo: This is true. This is not good. It's your fault, Spotykaylo.

Stupykailo: Now it doesn’t matter who is to blame. Better say hello to the guys - and that's it.

Zapinaylo: And I don’t know how?

Stupykailo: Well, okay, I’ll teach you, watch and listen. It's very simple. Hello guys, hello! Bows.

Zapinaylo: It's very simple. Hello guys! Stupykailo: "very simple" no need to talk tell me only: well, go.

Zapinaylo: Very simple - no need to say just say only: "Hello guys, hello".

Stupykailo: You, Zapinailo, don’t understand anything, guys don’t need it speak: "very simple", Tell only: “Hello, guys, hello!”. What a stupid person you are, you can’t even learn to say hello, and yet you’re still going to learn to dance. Even little children know how to say hello, but you’re not little anymore. Zapinaylo: (cries loudly) You only teach and scold me. Stupykailo: Well, okay, don’t be angry, let’s say hello together. Repeat after me and bow together. Together: Hello guys, hello! Leading: well, it’s good that you finally learned to say hello and said hello to our guests and guys. Children in kindergarten have a fun life, and they start their day with a cheerful song.

A song is being performed "Kindergarten" music Aseeva.

Leading: Instead of morning exercises

We dance rock and roll

We jump, we wave our arms,

The floor groaned beneath us.

Rock roll - great dance

Groovy, simple, lively.

If you dance with us,

We will be friends with you.

Performed "Rock and roll".

Dance composition of your choice

musical director.

Stupykailo: How fun, how fun, how great you are.

My friend Zapinailo and I will repeat everything now. Terpsichore: No, dear friends, to learn like that dance, are needed patience and diligence. Take a look and learn from the guys.

A our dances are different:

Both folk and beautiful.

Oh, on the mountain, on the mountain the girls were walking.

The ribbons were red, the girls braided their hair in russian russian blond.

Russian winches came out dance"Kalinka",

This Russian soul remembered the old fashioned way.

Child: Russian dance is catchy,

Let's sing our native tune.

We will dance with a smile,

We'll show you how to move in it.

Children perform a dance "Kalinka" "Rhythmic mosaic").

Terpsichore: This is the dance of the Russian people, and the American people also have their own dance. It's called "Country" or "Cowboy Dance". Country in English means village. In America, cowboys are called horse shepherds. It is no less fiery and fun than Russian dance "Kalinka".

Child: Peasant dance "Country" arose in America, His dancing adults and every student.

He lives in everyone's heart for so many, many years,

It will cheer you up and save you from troubles.

Children perform "Country Cowboy Dance".

Stupykailo: What a dance! My friend and I understood everything, let's dance!

Repeat the movements dance, they can't do anything.

Terpsichore: Enough, enough, well done! It's already working out better. I think by the end of our performance you will become real masters dance. In the meantime, I advise you to learn some more.

Our guys have another interesting dance. Guys, guess the riddle. What kind of dance is this?

Are you famous in Estonia?

Known to Latvians

And also all over the world

Cheerful kids.

Children: Polka!

1st child: Polka dance is a miracle, like mischievous rain.

We clap our hands and stamp our feet.

2nd child: Polka, polka, polka,

We Let's dance with Olechka,

Come on, together one, two, three,

Let's dance the polka, look!

Children perform Belarusian polka "Yanka".

Terpsichore: Dear guests, Spotykaylo and Zapinaylo, and you could play the drum dance?

Zapinaylo: Who, us? On the drum? Where are we? We only recently learned to walk. No, no, we won't succeed.

Terpsichore: But our guys can do it, and they have such a dance in their program. Attention, attention "drum dance".

Children perform "Dance on the Drum" music R. Pauls.

Terpsichore: Just a miracle, just a miracle

This mini island

And the kids live

It's pretty simple there!

Everyone calls him

Just Chunga-changa

There's even a dance

In Chango-Mango style.

Dance being performed "Chunga-changa" music V. Shainsky.

Musical composition by A. I. Burenina

Zapinaylo: But this dance we we can dance!

They're starting dance.

Terpsichore: Well done, well done, you are doing great dance this dance. I believe you will be great dancers.

There are also very cheerful people who dancing and fun is the main essence of life. Their dancing cheerful and fiery. These are gypsies.

Girls in gypsy costumes enter to the music.

1st child: Ah, dark-skinned gypsies,

gold rings,

our flared skirts

with wild flowers.

2nd child: The field is our homeland,

Tabor is my home,

We live big

friendly family.

3rd child: We have been fortune tellers since childhood,

IN dancing - masters,

And now you can

Make sure of this.

4th child: Gypsy girls,

Stand in a circle.

Let from your dance


Girls perform a dance "Gypsy"(musical composition by A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic mosaic").

Leading: Our wonderful holiday has come to an end. Our beautiful guest It's time to say goodbye to us, but we will never forget this holiday, it will remain in our hearts forever.

Terpsichore: Now the hour of parting has come,

It's time for us to say goodbye

But, I must admit, it’s a shame

Break up with you.

To the world of beauty dancing -

Music, movement,

Come often and without regret.

We guys will meet more than once,

Goodbye, goodbye

Good, good morning!

- (Greek). One of the 9 muses, the patroness of dancing and singing, depicted with a lyre in her hands. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TERPSICHORE Greek, from terpo, I admire, I console, and chores, chorus, dance. Muse... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

In Greek mythology, Terpsichore is one of the nine muses, the patroness of dancing; in figurative speech – ballerina, ballet. Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003. Terpsichore... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

- (Terpsichore, Τερψιχόρη). Muse of dancing with a lyre in her hands. See Muses. (Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, published by A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) TERPSICHORE (Τερψιχόρα), in Greek mythology the muse of dance (Hes. Theog.... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Terpsichore- Terpsichore. Roman marble copy of a Greek original, 3rd 2nd centuries. BC Hermitage. TERPSICHORE, in Greek mythology one of the 9 muses, the patroness of dancing. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Terpsichore- Terpsichore. Roman marble copy of a Greek original, 3rd 2nd centuries. BC Hermitage. Terpsichore. Roman marble copy of a Greek original, 3rd 2nd centuries. BC Hermitage. Terpsichore in the myths of the ancient Greeks is one of the nine muses, the patroness of dancing;... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of World History

Muse of dance and singing Dictionary of Russian synonyms. terpsichore noun, number of synonyms: 5 asteroid (579) muse ... Dictionary of synonyms

In Greek mythology, one of the 9 muses, the patroness of dancing... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

In the myths of the ancient Greeks, one of the nine muses, the patroness of dancing; portrayed with a lyre and plectrum in her hands... Historical Dictionary

- (foreign) dancer (allusion to Terpsichore, the muse of dancing). Wed. Will I see the Russian Terpsichore's soul filled with flight? A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Onegin. 1, 19. See Muse... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

- (Teryukora) one of the nine muses. Later she became involved in music dancing and choral singing. She was depicted as a young girl with a smiling face, decorated with a wreath and holding a lyre in one hand, and a plectrum in the other... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


  • Story. In 2 parts. Part 1
  • Story. In 2 parts. Part 2, Herodotus. In the history not only of Hellenic, but of European education in general, Herodotus occupies an outstanding place. His work “History” is the first completely preserved historical and general...

Ancient Greek mythology is curious about the cult of the gods of Olympus and the veneration of their children, who represent the third generation of exalted beings. Greece was famous for its enlightened minds and artists. Therefore, the muses who inspired creation were especially respected. 9 women, daughters of the supreme god - the Thunderer, represent a harmonious triad. They personified science, crafts and arts. Each of the muses was necessary for the comprehensive development of the state, improving education and new achievements in all areas.

History of appearance

The muses were originally considered inspirational nymphs. They are able to bestow talent in a particular direction or a tendency to express themselves in one form or another of art. Over time, the number of muses has changed. The myth says that each of them is the daughter of Zeus.

The first mentions of these creatures tell of Meletus, whose privilege was reflection, Mneme, in charge of memory, and Aeda, whose element was song. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod sang the praises of nine maidens, the children of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. According to legend, girls were born at the foot of Olympus. Beautiful in appearance, they were distinguished by their sincerity and demonstrated wonderful talents.

Hesiod said that if a muse decided to bestow a talent on a mere mortal, she would accompany him from infancy. Girls patronized those who recognized their strength and believed that their talent was not unfounded. The muses punished those prone to insolence. Ancient Greece initially believed in muses who favored the poetic sphere, but later patrons of the exact sciences appeared. Each sister accepted responsibility for the area entrusted to her. They had specific responsibilities and distinctive attributes.

Terpsichore was the muse of dance and choral singing and was often depicted as a dancer with a slight smile. A wreath adorned her head, and in her hands the girl held a lyre and a plectrum. Terpsichore dominated the harmony between the internal and external, creating a strong and conflict-free relationship between the soul and the human body. In literary works, Terpsichore is described as "enjoying round dances."

Herodotus described the appearance of the patroness of music and dance in the fifth book of the Muses cycle. In the work, the historian left descriptions concerning the attitude of the ancient Greeks to various areas of scientific activity, crafts and arts, characterizing the image and perception of the muses by their compatriots.

Muse of dancing and singing

The dance of the ancient era was based on strict adherence to rhythm and its combination with movements of the arms and legs. The myth said that Terpsichore accompanied, teaching mortals to combine the spiritual with the physical. According to her behest, in dance one should take exquisite poses and use aesthetic gestures, reflecting thoughts and mood, creating a harmonious action.

The Muse of Dance was an important character for the ancient Greeks and a representative of the divine pantheon. Dance was highly valued in the state and was identified in its degree of seriousness with gymnastics. In gymnasiums there was a separate subject that taught harmonious movement to music.

Terpsichore's biography is ambiguous. According to some sources, she gave birth to the future singer Lin, and according to others, in alliance with the river god Achelous, she gave birth to sirens. Alternative versions report that Lin is the son of Urania, and the sirens are the daughter.

Terpsichore is associated with, drawing attention to the fact that she is often depicted with ivy, which was a symbol of the god of winemaking.

There is evidence that the Pythagorean school had a temple where Pythagoras taught students. Terpsichore, Erato and Thalia, the patroness of the physical principle, elements, flora and fauna, were sung here.

Contrary to popular belief, the patroness of dancing and singing was not invented by the ancient Greeks in the name of entertainment. The ancient inhabitants believed that dance was an act aimed at contemplating and understanding nature, which had its own laws of movement. Terpsichore advised on pleasure dances at weddings and taught how to convey emotions and a subtle connection with the culture of their native country and nature through movement. Dance was perceived as a harmonious movement of soul and body in symbiosis. The Greeks knew how to hear and listen to music and associated it with the heartbeat. Lack of talent did not allow everyone to realize themselves in this direction.

Film adaptations

The Muses are considered minor characters in the ancient Greek pantheon. The image of Terpsichore is rarely used in cinema, but references to it and the use of her name are common. The muse is mentioned in documentaries describing research in the field of mythology and theology, as well as in feature films dedicated to the art of music and dance.

The film "Prisoners of Terpsichore", released in 1995, is a striking example of the mention of the name of the muse in cinema. This is a Russian-made ballet film describing the interaction between a teacher, Professor Sakharova, and soloist Balakhnicheva. The dramatic plot tells about the period of training of a dancer of the Kremlin Ballet, inspiration and a difficult path accomplished thanks to talent, hard work and love for the art of dance.