Draenei history. Lightforged draenei are a WOW allied race. Rescue from Illidan and the Blood Elves


They rejected the fallen titan's offer and managed to survive his wrath. They saw how their home world was filled with darkness, and their compatriots fell into madness, going over to the side of evil, losing themselves and everything that was dear to them. They lost their home, their families and friends, and even their name.

The word "eredar" became their curse when a cosmic nightmare burst into their world. The sleeping titan inside their planet was enslaved and affected by fel. Those whom they called friends yesterday were today trying to burn out every living thing in the entire universe. And all they could do was run. For thousands and thousands of years, losing everything they held dear.

Some tried to fight. Others simply survive, flying through the Great Darkness in a desperate attempt to preserve the fragments left of their culture that Sargeras and his madness have not reached. The Titan offered them power, and kept his word. He offered them knowledge, and again he did not deceive. But the fugitives saw with their own eyes what their former comrades had to pay for such generous gifts. Sargeras demanded their very essence in return, turning them into monsters eager to turn the entire universe into ashes.


The word "draenei" means "exiles" in the Eredar language. Modern draenei mostly speak the ancient eredar language, free of borrowed words from other demonic languages ​​spoken by modern eredar, but with some new words and concepts picked up from their naaru benefactors. Draenei culture has two lines of development. One of them was developed by those who fled on Genedar over thousands of years. The carriers of the second - the illuminated ones - are members of the Army of Light, who separated from their brothers and went aboard the Xenodar.

It is unclear whether Genedar was similar to Tempest Keep. We don't know if there are other ships similar to it, but it's at least possible. Tempest Keep had Arcatraz, Mechanar, Botanica and Exodar. This means that there may be three more lost groups of draenei somewhere in space. Or a large lost Naaru vessel, of which the Genedar may have been parts, and the Xenodar, whose name may indicate their common origins.

We can reconstruct the chain of events. The arrival of Sargeras on Argus. His proposal. The agreement of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. The escape of Velen with his people. The arrival of the Naaru, who take away the survivors. At some point after these events, Xenodar is separated from Genedar, and on board there are draenei who want to fight the Legion.

Secrets of the Naaru

How long were these two groups one and the same before Zehra sent the Light Ones to war? How many naaru originally traveled with the draenei? How many naaru originally existed and how were they connected by Elune? Why did the Tear of Elune awaken Zera's consciousness, if Only the naaru of her line are capable of this. The Naaru keep many secrets. We know that the Sha'tar naaru A'dal differs from Ze'ra in many aspects. This may be a sign that not all naaru follow the same path. And Ze'ra's separation from the enlightened may not have been a completely coordinated action.

For example, Xera never told Turalyon or the rest of the Army of Light about the naaru's dark cycle. But A'dal and his Sha'tar allowed the adventurers from Azeroth to find out. They even allowed it to happen to one of them, so that to fulfill the prophecy that Velen associated with the blood elves. The current existence of M"uuru as part of the Sunwell became possible solely because the Sha"tar do not adhere to the beliefs of Ze"ra.

Maybe Genedar and Xenodar were simply satellites of the Tempest Fortress? This may explain why O"ros, apparently a former member of the forces of Sha"tara, was a direct descendant of Ze"ra. Is A"dal another original naaru? How do Naaru reproduce anyway? How can O"ros be a descendant of Ze"ra?


The draenei split into two groups. A military faction settled aboard the Xenodar, while the rest of the survivors were on the Genedar. And the presence of several naaru aboard the Genedar implies that this ship was closer in scale to Tempest Keep than the Exodar or Xenodar. During their travels through the Great Darkness, they visited dozens of worlds. It was during this period that Zera and the Army of Light went their own way. And perhaps the rest of the draenei on other satellite ships. During this period, there is no information about possible draenei colonies. The insane bloodlust of Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion always forced them to flee, instead of settling somewhere.

Due to the fact that the ships could travel through dimensions, it is impossible to say exactly how much actual time the draenei spent on board them. In the decades that have passed on Azeroth, Turalyon and Aleria have lived for over a thousand years. This can work both ways. You could leave your world and spend a thousand years fighting the Legion, only to discover that only 20 or 30 years have passed on your home world. Or you could travel several hundred years between worlds and then discover that 25,000 years have passed beyond the Great Void. There is an opinion that thousands of years have come. In addition to Velen himself, there are also other draenei on the Bloodmyst and Azuremyst Isles who remember the flight from Argus.

Generation of Draenei

But there are very few of them left. Some of today's draenei were born during the flight. They have never seen Argus and have no memory of any other life other than escaping from the Legion. Some were born on Draenor before the Horde appeared. The draenei generation is very divided, unlike the rest of the peoples of Azeroth, except perhaps the elves. The elves split into many groups - the kaldorei, kel'dorei, sin'dorei and shal'dorei. Even the newly created ren'dorei continue this trend.

The same can be said about the Eredar. The man'ari, the lightforged, the draenei of Draenor, the lost, the broken and the krokul of Argus. Even the existence of two different types of broken - from Draenor and the mutated krokul of Argus, as well as the lost - shows the variety of ways in which the eredar can be changed by powerful energies, just like like the elves of Azeroth in the past. It is also interesting to note that the elves have a connection with Elune. And the Tear of Elune clearly allows the champions of Azeroth to communicate with Xera.

And that's without even mentioning the group of draenei from the alternate Draenor. Surprisingly, despite two expansions that addressed these issues, we still have a lot to learn about the draenei and their naaru patrons. Most likely, Battle for Azeroth will move away from a space odyssey, but we will return to that soon.

Spiritualized Exiles

Long before the fallen titan Sargeras unleashed the Burning Legion on Azeroth, he set his destructive gaze on Argus, inhabited by representatives of the highly advanced race of eredar. Sargeras hoped that the magically skilled eredar would become a key part of his plan to destroy all life. Sargeras turned to the three Eredar leaders - Kil'jaeden, Archimonde and Velen - and promised them new knowledge and unprecedented strength if they swore allegiance to him.

Only Velen did not accept the titan’s offer, because before that he had a vision. Velen saw a terrible future in which his kinsmen turned into disgusting demons and became the servants of Sargeras in the Burning Legion - a host of absolute evil, whose destructive power is aimed at destroying all life on countless worlds. In an effort to escape from the destroyer titan, Velen with his like-minded people and the surviving inhabitants of Argus resorted to the help of the pious naaru, creatures woven from pure energy. From then on, the fugitives began to call themselves draenei, or "exiles."

Kil'jaeden, who loved Velen like a brother, was angered by the escape of the draenei, who rejected Sargeras's offer and left the borders of Argus. In retaliation, Kil'jaeden led the armies of the Legion in pursuit of the exiles across the universe. Nevertheless, Velen and his comrades managed to hide from their pursuers in a distant world, which they called Draenor, which means “Shelter of Exiles.” Following the instructions of the Naaru, who showed the draenei the path to the Light, the exiles created a unique civilization in a new place, and also became acquainted with the orcs who had lived on Draenor since ancient times and worshiped the spirits of nature.

However, the peaceful existence of the draenei would soon come to an end. Kil'jaeden, having finally found the refuge of the exiles, sowed corruption among the noble orcs, turning them into a deadly and bloodthirsty Horde. Blinded by rage, the orcs fell upon the draenei, destroying more than eighty percent of all exiles and forcing Velen and his relatives to hide in search of salvation. Under the influence of the harmful spells of the orc warlocks, many draenei mutated into a lower form, nicknamed "Krokul", i.e. "Broken." Decades after the Horde massacre, a shaman named Ner'zhul opened magical gates throughout Draenor, causing the world torn apart by magical energy.

The ruins of Draenor, which became known as Outland, became a battlefield where the Burning Legion and other factions fought to gain control of the torn world. Fleeing from the all-consuming chaos, Velen and his followers occupied the Exodar, a satellite of the unparalleled naaru air bastion called Tempest Fortress. Taking advantage of the naaru's creation, the draenei left Outland in search of new allies..

However, the blood elves disabled the Exodar's engines, and the draenei were forced to make an emergency landing on Azeroth, where they swore allegiance to the Alliance. Together with new allies, Velen and his comrades returned to Outland and defeated their old enemies. But soon Velen was visited by another vision, foreshadowing a clash between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. Now the draenei prepare to defend their new home in the coming battle.

Start zone

Azuremyst Island

Azuremyst Isle, located off the northern coast of Kalimdor, became a haven for the draenei who fled Outland on a huge spaceship called the Exodar. When the draenei crash-landed on Azeroth, powerful crystals that had previously been part of the ship scattered across the island, causing the local flora and fauna to mutate. Following the crash, the draenei attempted to find any survivors and repair the damage done to Azuremyst Isle as a result of the crash. Since then, they have firmly established themselves on the island and turned the wreckage of the Exodar into a command center. These days, the draenei, who have suffered such difficult trials, are ready to give their lives in the fight for the island of Azuremyst.

To view information about the race available to the player, see Draenei (Player Available). For information about the Draenei language, see Draenei (language). For information about draenei who changed during some events, see Broken Draenei, Lost Draenei, and Draenei Factions and Organizations.
Attitude towards others
, Neutral, Shatar, Circle of the Earth, Council of Exarchs, Sargerai (Burning Legion)
ClassesHunter, Warrior, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Death Knight, Exarch, Harbinger, Peacemaker, Necromancer
CapitalA Exodar
A Karabor
Prophet Velen
Foreteller Nobundo
And the Council of Exarchs
Enchanted Fairy Dragon

Draenei- a nation of eredar, unaffected by the corruption of the Burning Legion and escaped from Argus with the help of the naaru. The draenei wandered the Universe for a long time in search of their new home and eventually arrived on Draenor, where they spent several centuries. However, the Burning Legion eventually discovered them and tricked the orcs into starting a war against their peace-loving neighbors. The surviving draenei were able to reach the Exodar's spaceship and escaped again, crashing on the Azure Mist Isles in Azeroth. They joined the Alliance shortly before the re-opening of the Dark Portal and have been supporting their new allies ever since.



Approximately 25,000 years ago, on a planet called Argus, there lived a people of Eredar, who had high intelligence and a natural gift for all types of magic. They managed to create a wonderful and large society with the help of their talents. The development of the Eredar was also influenced by an ancient artifact - the triangular crystal of Ata'mal, the origin of which remained a mystery. Legends mentioned that this gift was presented to them in ancient times.

When the development of their civilization reached its highest point, the Eredar were ruled by Kil'jaeden, Archimonde and Velen - three powerful and experienced leaders. Then the dark titan Sargeras drew attention to their people. He stated that he was impressed by what he saw and was ready to give them even more power and knowledge in exchange for loyalty, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde immediately accepted the offer, but Velen was overcome by doubts. He went to the temple and touched the Ata'mal crystal, which gave him a vision that terrified him. He saw a dark future for his people, in which they joined Sargeras and turned into demons. Velen saw the Burning Legion in all its power and the destruction that he carried throughout the Universe. He hurried to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde to warn them about what he had seen, but they rejected his doubts and still believed Sargeras. Together, they taught most of their people the art of warlocks and later joined the Burning Legion.

Velen understood that he had to flee Argus along with those who shared his doubts, and the impossibility of this led him to despair. At this time, the Ata"mala crystal began to glow brightly and rose above the pedestal. Velen heard a voice that explained that it belonged to one of the Naaru - a people of energy beings seeking to stop the Burning Legion. Naaru K"ure invited Velen to deliver his allies to a safe place and asked to take the crystal with him, saying that the naaru gave it to the draenei in the distant past. With the help of the crystal, the Naaru will always be able to find Velen and his followers. Velen, deeply relieved, gathered all the Eredar who believed in him at the appointed time. There were only a few hundred of them. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden tried to stop them, but Velen and his allies barely managed to leave Argus inside the naaru spaceship called Genedar. During the escape, the Ata'mal crystal split into seven parts. Kil'jaeden was furious at Velen's betrayal and vowed to hunt Velen and his followers to the very end of the Universe if necessary.

The eredar who left Argus called themselves draenei and for many years wandered around different worlds and explored space, trying to find a safe haven. Possessed by the draenei, Kil'jaeden did not forget about his oath and sent his servant Talgat to hunt for traitors. The Naaru endowed the draenei with the knowledge and capabilities bestowed by the Light, and told that there were other forces that opposed the Burning Legion. One day the Naaru will be able to unite them all into the invincible army of the Light. The draenei, shocked by what they heard, vowed to serve the Light and defend the ideals of the Naaru.

Rescue on Draenor

Approximately two hundred years before the outbreak of the First War, the draenei discovered a remote and tranquil world that seemed to them an ideal refuge. They named it Draenor, which meant "refuge of the exiled", and began to rebuild their civilization anew. Fearing that Kil'jaeden might discover them, Velen and other spellcasters tried to hide the use of magic. Over time, the draenei met and became friends with the orcs, who worshiped the spirits of their ancestors and lived on the green plains of Nagrand. The draenei and orcs treated each other with respect and exchanged goods, but did not get too close.

But no amount of preparation and protection could hide the draenei from the Burning Legion forever. Eventually Talgat, who had been searching for them for twenty-five thousand years, discovered Draenor through the echoes of Eredar magic and reported it to his master. Kil'jaeden ordered him to explore this world and, when the presence of the draenei was confirmed, to obtain information about the other inhabitants of this world, especially the orcs. He wanted the draenei not just to die, but to be broken and humiliated.

Thanks to the warlock Gul'dan, who began to serve Kil'jaeden, the orcs fell under the influence of demons and later fell into rage and bloodlust, because of which they began a war against the draenei. The bloody battles continued for eight years, and the triumph of the orcs was undeniable. The horde, which united the orc clans, destroyed more than eighty percent of the people and forced the survivors to hide in the remote corners of the world.

The draenei who fought the Horde and were able to survive discovered that the fel energy channeled by the orc warlocks had disrupted their connection with the Light. Even the strongest Vindicators like Akama and Nobundo were affected by this. They began to degrade and changed not only mentally, but also externally.

Kil'jaeden's revenge was accomplished, at least he was sure of it. But Velen and a number of draenei who did not fall under the influence of corruption survived the destruction of the capital and hid in one of the swamps on the coast of the Zangar Sea. For a long time they hid there.

Rescue from Illidan and the Blood Elves

The Lost Tribe, led by Akama, fought against the Fel Orcs who served Magtheridon, the ruler of the underworld who ruled from the Black Temple. The orcs who fell into slavery tried to finally destroy all the draenei and what they had become. With the help of Illidan and Kael'thas, the draenei hoped to turn the balance of power in their favor and get rid of the fel orcs once and for all. They also wanted to reclaim the lands that belonged to them.

The blood elves who arrived on Draenor discovered the power of Storm Keep and were able to capture it. The draenei, under the command of Velen, wanted to escape and, leaving their shelter, began to fight for control of one of the sections of the fortress, called the Exodar. They tried to use it and leave Draenor, but the blood elves were able to disrupt the engine that controlled interdimensional travel. All other sections of the Tempest Fortress remained in Outland, and Prince Kael'tas turned them into his palace.

Arrival on Azeroth

The Exodar crash site.

The draenei were unable to control the Exodar due to a malfunctioning engine, and the ship raced uncontrollably through the Twisting Nether until it crashed into Azeroth on the Azure Mist Isles, located off the western shore of Kalimdor. The landing was unsuccessful - the ship dragged itself across the territory of two islands, losing parts. Although the draenei began rescuing their surviving brethren first, they were concerned about what they had done to the land and the inhabitants of the islands. Once they collected everything that was left of the ship and provided first aid to the survivors, they began exploring the new world. A clash with the night elves living on Darkshore was inevitable.

The draenei, inspired by tales of the Alliance's heroism and victory over the Burning Legion at Mount Hyjal, decided to join this faction. Shortly thereafter, Velen and his followers were instrumental in convincing the Alliance rulers that they needed to launch an invasion of Outland and thwart the Legion's plans. Armed with their unwavering faith in the Light, the draenei stormed into the world that had been their home together for many years. Together with the other nations of the Alliance, they were able to defeat their ancient enemies from the Burning Legion. The return to Outland provided many draenei with a chance to reunite with their brethren left behind. Although some of Velen's group decided to work on restoring civilization on the destroyed world, the majority remained on Azeroth, promising to fight bravely on the side of the Alliance.

Meanwhile, in Shattrath, a small number of draenei priests still perform rites in the ruined temple. These priests, called the Aldor, were happy to meet the naaru named A'dal, and thanks to their combined efforts, Shattrath began to prosper again for the first time in many years. Unfortunately, the peace did not last long - Illidan's army began to attack, including a large force of elves blood. This detachment, led by Voren'tal, was supposed to destroy Shattrath, but something unexpected happened. The blood elves lowered their weapons, and Voren'tal burst into the Terrace of Light, demanding an audience with A'dal. He knelt before the Naaru and said that he had been given a vision that only the Naaru could save his followers. The blood elves remained in Shattrath to serve the naaru and called themselves the Seers.

The blood elves of Silvermoon City began to draw the energy of Light from a naaru named M'uuru, who was provided to them by Prince Kael'tas. With the help of new powers, they created the Order of the Knights of the Blood, who had the same abilities as the paladins. Kael'tas, dissatisfied with Illidan's actions, decided to join the Burning Legion and summon Kil'jaeden. He took M'uru from the blood elves and arrived with him to the Sunwell, in which a portal was to open for Kil'jaeden. The Aldor and Seers put an end to their differences and united into the Army of the Shattered Sun under the orders of the naaru. The line between the two factions blurred - they worked together to seize control of the islands of Qel'Danas and called on the Alliance and Horde for help. Eventually, the Army of the Shattered Sun managed to retake the island and deal with Kil'jaeden. M'uru became a dark naaru and died, but Velen used his last spark to cleanse the Sunwell and return the elves to their source of power.



The elder orc shaman Ner'zhul tried to gather the remaining Orcs in Draenor and escape to other worlds. He opened other Dimensional Gates, but the presence of more than one portal destroyed the planet, leaving only the Hellfire Peninsula and a handful of small lonely islands floating in the Void. These remnants are now called the Netherstorm. The explosion killed many of the inhabitants of Draenor, but many Orcs, Ogres and several Draenei still survived. After the explosion, the Lord of the Underworld named Magtheridon rallied the surviving Orcs and took control of the Netherstorm, using the remaining Dimensional Gates, he summoned demons. from the Twisting Nether, replenishing his army.

There were very few draenei who survived the Horde hunt and the explosion of Draenor, they were constantly under the yoke of Magtheridon and his Demonic Orcs until Illidan arrived with the Blood Elves and Nagas. Together they defeated the forces of the Lord of the Underworld, and now the draenei finally live free from the bloodthirsty Orcs and their demon masters in what was once their home. They began to be called the Broken. The Broken, led by the great Akama, fell victim to the sinister influence of demons, and just like the orcs, they were changed by the plague. Although they have lost some of their former abilities, the Broken still pose a distinct danger to all of Illidan's enemies throughout Outland. It's almost like a miracle that the Broken have somehow managed to maintain their shamanic heritage, though it's impossible to say for sure how many of their traditions remain intact. From the safety of their fortified villages, the Broken have fortified themselves in the Netherstorm, lording it over their smaller cousins, the hapless Lost.

The Seer's Lesson

Few draenei participated in the war against the Scourge in the northern wastes of Northrend. This is because all the draenei who arrived north on an Alliance ship were told by secret agents of the Cult of the Damned that their presence was not needed here. However, the harbinger of Vurenn and the vindicator of Yaaal were able to defeat the agents in the Fortress of Courage. Thorelius the Wise dealt with mysterious visions in the Howling Fjord. Vindicator Maraad traveled aboard the Skybreaker over Icecrown. The draenei also participated in the Argent Tournament.


Anchorite Avuun traveled to the Vault located in the Swamp of Sorrows to learn all he could from Magtur and the Lost Ones there. Awuun believes there is a way to heal the Lost Ones from the fel energy that has poisoned them. He spent many years trying to heal the curse of the Broken. The disgusting energy that touched them not only changed their appearance, but also deprived them of the ability to sense the Light. Avuun was going to help Magtur, who was weakening every day. After his death, Avuun began to think that the Light had abandoned the innocent, and Velen came to him through a portal from the Exodar. He explained that the Light does not wish suffering on anyone, and Magtur is now ready to return to its arms.

Warlords of Draenor

The Draenei will be a major Alliance force during the events of Warlords of Draenor, which takes place in the alternate version of past Draenor, roughly 35 years in the past. The Iron Horde onslaught threatens Draenei cities such as Karabor and Shattrath , and the cornered draenei will align themselves with the Alliance expedition from current Azeroth in order to stop the advancing orcish armies.


A draenei paladin.

Draenei culture is based on two pillars - Light and magic. The first is the result of their special relationship with the naaru, and the second has always been close to the eredar. Because of this, draenei often take the path of a priest, paladin, or mage. Some draenei, such as the Auchenai, even learned the art of communicating with the dead. Others decided to follow the path of shamans under the guidance of the soothsayer Nobundo. The draenei devote themselves to preparing for the day when they will become part of the Army of Light and finally fight the Burning Legion, atoning for the sins of their brethren. However, despite this most important goal, the draenei still try to keep their personal lives in order and pursue their own interests, like all other peoples.

The draenei still do not trust the orcs and sometimes even hate them for all the events that happened on Draenor. Modern orcs still have green skin, and some of them still practice warlock magic. However, among the people, gnomes and dwarves who are members of the Alliance, there are also warlocks. All these reasons, as well as personal grievances on both sides, made forgiveness difficult, even if Thrall and Velen were willing to negotiate peace. However, the Earthen Ring, who sided with the Horde, accepted the shamans of the draenei and the Broken to work together to heal the lands of Outland.

The draenei still dislike the blood elves due to their attack on Tempest Keep and the way they fought against their addiction to magic. However, over time, they realized that not all the blood elves sided with Prince Kael'thas, and even Velen himself spoke about the redemption of the blood elf people after the events on the Sunwell Plateau. But among the draenei, like any other peoples, there remain those who draw conclusions from the first impression, which could be observed in Shattrath, where unkind relations were maintained between the Aldor and the Seers for a long time, the Aldor had a negative attitude even towards those who simply assisted the Seers in their common cause.

On Azeroth, at first the draenei were faced with the fact that many peoples of the Alliance could hardly separate them from the eredar, who served the Burning Legion and almost destroyed this world. The night elves, for example, suffered twice from Archimonde's villainy. But still, most peoples accepted the draenei, and ambassadors from the Exodar are in many cities of the Alliance. Even next to Tyrande Whisperwind, who rules the night elves, you can find a draenei ambassador.


The draenei have learned to shape crystals for all kinds of purposes ranging from power containment to data storage. The purple crystals are often associated with draenei that decorate their buildings, weapons, and armor are known as arkonite crystals and are used to power everyday draenei society. On Draenor, arkonite pylons were used to generate power for the tombs outside Auchindoun , though they were sometimes repurposed to power small towns in emergencies. Arkonite is a powerful source of arcane energy. Before Draenor's destruction, it was primarily mined across Talador with additional mines in Shadowmoon Valley and Tanaan Jungle . The draenei at the Temple of Sha'naar would often mine the mountains of Tanaan for perfect crystals to power their arcane devices and channel their magics . Luminescent Heartglobes are installed atop poles by draenei civil engineers to provide well-lit paths and common areas.


In the RPG, draenei were said to have only been said to speak Draenei , with no other primary or secondary languages ​​listed. In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, they also speak Common. Many high-ranking draenei who have been in contact with orcs before their corruption also know Orcish .


Male draenei artwork.

Female draenei artwork.

Draenei reach a height of 2.1 to 2.4 meters (7-8 ft). They differ in appearance from the Eredar of the Burning Legion, lacking their red skin color and the small horns that appear on the Eredar's faces. However, draenei have fangs. It was said that almost all draenei have blue skin, with the exception of Velen, whose skin turned white in his later years. The skin tones of the draenei who arrived on Azeroth ranged from pinkish-white to light blue and dark purple. Their blood is also blue.

In males, processes emanate from the chin and plates rise above the forehead, overlapped by other plates behind them in a fan-like shape. The tails of men are noticeably larger and have a developed muscle structure. The appearance of women differs from men: instead of plates on the forehead, they have horn-like thickenings of the skull that run along the upper part of it and look like a crown. Their appendages begin to grow behind the ears and usually reach shoulder length. These appendages are thinner than those of males, as are the tails, which are shorter and less powerful. Draenei women are quite attractive to human men, as noted by Prince Anduin Wrynn. The draenei's legs end in broad hooves, distinguishing them from the eredar, whose hooves are denser and smaller.


Most draenei's eyes emit a blue glow, but some have a purple glow. This usually occurs in paladins or shamans, which means that the cause of this glow is not the use of Void magic or something similar. There are also examples with glowing green eyes, which, apparently, are also natural. When a draenei dies, the glow in their eyes disappears, just like the eredar of the Burning Legion.

Gift of the Naaru

Main article: Gift of the Naaru


Name Role Status Location Attitude
Prophet Velen Political and spiritual leader of most draenei. Alive Vault of Lights, The Exodar Alliance, Exodar
High Priestess Ishana Leader of the Aldor in Shattrath City. Alive Shrine of Unending Light, Aldor Rise, Shattrath City Aldor
Iridi Draenei priestess featured in Richard A. Knaak "s novel Night of the Dragon. Died Buried in Outland Unknown
Vindicator Maraad Draenei paladin formerly stationed aboard the Skybreaker above Icecrown. Member of the Alliance expedition to Draenor. Uncle of Garona Halforcen and mentor of his great-nephew Med"an. Alive Draenor Valiance Expedition, New Council of Tirisfal
Irel Draenei paladin heroine of Draenor. Alive Draenor Alliance
Dornaa Shattrath's orphan from Children's Week. Through the questline it appears she is fated to grand things in the future. Alive Shattrath City Unknown
Seer Nobundo Former draenei vindicator and one of the most tragic heroes among the Broken of Outland. First of the draenei shaman. Alive The Crystal Hall, Exodar Alliance, Exodar
Akama Master of Ashtongue Deathsworn, a faction of Broken draenei that first aided and then dethroned Illidan Stormrage . Alive Warden's Cage, Shadowmoon Valley or Black Temple, Shadowmoon Valley Ashtongue Deathsworn, Sha"tar
Nemuraan A survivor of the draenei massacre Unknown Unknown, Last seen at Auchindoun Auchenai
Erunak Stonespeaker Member of Earthen Ring in Vashj"ir . Alive Vashj"ir; Throne of the Tides Earthen Ring
Garona Half-orc Half-orc of draenei descent, was alleged to be half-human. Alive, captured Unknown Shadow Council, Stormreaver clan
Lantresor of the Blade Half-draenei of half-orc descent. Alive Nagrand Boulderfist
Honey Guardian of Tirisfal Alive Unknown New Council of Tirisfal
Alternate universe
Name Role Attitude Status Location
Velen Leader of the draenei, Prophet of the Naaru Alliance Died Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley
Akama High Vindicator on the Council of Exarchs Vindicators, Council of Exarchs Alive Various Locations
Exarch Hataaru Chief Artificer on the Council of Exarchs Artificers, Council of Exarchs Died Elodor Fields, Shadowmoon Valley
Exarch Maladaar Speaker for the Dead on the Council of Exarchs Auchenai, Council of Exarchs Alive Various Locations
Exarch Naielle Rangari Prime on the Council of Exarchs

Fraction: Alliance

Starting location: Azuremist Isle

Capital: The Exodar

Available classes: Hunter, Shaman, Warrior, Mage, Paladin, Priest

Racial mount: Elekks

Racial bonuses:

Shadow Resistance Fighting evil, the draenei received +10 shadow resistance.

Jewelcrafting+15 Living among the crystals, the draenei honed their jewelry making skills

Inspiring Presence- increases the chance to hit with a spell by 1% for you and all party members within 30 yards.

Gift of the Naaru- heals the target for 50 + 15/levels in 15 seconds - 40 yards range - 1.5 seconds cast - 3 minutes cooldown.

Heroic Presence- Increases the chance to hit by 1% for you and all party members within 30 yards.

A month ago, the sounds of a deafening explosion echoed throughout northern Kalimdor. The giant Exodar fell from the sky and landed not very successfully in the world of Azeroth. Having fled the devastated world of Outland, the noble draenei used the interdimensional ship Exodar to reach safety. Having heard of a heroic Alliance capable of resisting the Burning Legion, the draenei came here to ask for help in retaking their devastated homeland. Dedicated to preserving life and upholding the principles of the Holy Light, the draenei hope to form a coalition of warriors and use them to stop the demons in the terrible Burning Crusade. The draenei, armed only with courage and an unshakable faith in the light, eagerly want to find the Alliance and share their fate beyond the lands of Azeroth.


In appearance, the draenei differ from the eredar of the Burning Legion. Draenei skin colors range from white to blue, blue, purple and brown. But not the red skin color of demonic eredars. They are also distinguished from their closest relatives by the absence of fangs and horns.

The thin beards of draenei men resemble tentacles. There are protruding horny plates on the forehead. The muscular tails of men always stand straight.

Draenei women are very different in appearance from men. Their horny plates decorate their heads like a crown. Tufts of hair grow from behind women's ears. Women's tails are weaker than men's. Both sexes have large hooves, distinct from the more compact hooves of the eredar.

Background of the race

Approximately 25,000 years ago, the fallen titan Sargeras came to a powerful race of magicians called the Eredar, who invited them to join his Burning Legion and become masters of the worlds. The homeworld of the Eredar, Argus, was ruled by three wise and strong friends: Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and Velen. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were ready to immediately agree, but Velen doubted the stranger's true intentions. Doubts were confirmed by a vision in which he saw the future of the Eredars who agree to become part of the Legion - they will become demons, or man'ari in Eredun, which meant “wrong monsters.” Velen tried to reason with his friends, but his friends were already seized by a thirst for power, and Velen realized that they were already lost. In desperation, he asked the heavens for help, and a creature named Kur, a member of a race of energy beings called Naaru, answered him. The Naaru are enemies of the Legion and supporters of the Light. They secretly gather all the races opposing Sargeras in order to one day create a single invincible Army of Light. Velen agrees to swear allegiance to the Light if Cure helps them. At the appointed hour, Velen gathered those people who believed him, and barely managed to escape from the forces of Kil'jaden, who had already turned into a demon and considered Velen a traitor not only to his race, but also to their friendship. For many millennia, the fugitives wandered the worlds on the interdimensional ship on the Naaru in search of land where the Legion could not reach them. Not wanting to be called by the old name of the Man'ari, the fugitives began to call themselves draenei, which means “outcasts” in Eredun. Wandering around the worlds, Velen and the draenei had to escape the pursuing forces of the Legion. Along the way, Cure taught the draenei the power and magic of Light.

The degradation of the draenei in Broken and Lost (from left to right)

In the end, the draenei's wanderings ended - they found a beautiful world which they called Draenor ("refuge of outcasts"). The new neighbors turned out to be shamanistic orcs. Both races traded without becoming closer to each other... But here they were still discovered by Kil"jaden. Taking advantage of the belligerence of the orcs, Kil"jaden deceived them into uniting into the Horde and exterminating the "treacherous" draenei. More than 70% of the race was destroyed by orcs who took no prisoners. Velen himself and a small number of survivors went on the run, where they remained for many years. At the end of the Second War in the world of Azeroth, where most of the Horde had gone, the sorcerer Ner'zhul opened several more Dark portals to other worlds. But the opening of the portals led to the destruction of Draenor. From the former green world, only a handful of asteroids remained floating in the Twisting Nether These asteroids are now called Outland. Some of the draenei were also changed by the destruction of the world and became Broken. Some of these changed draenei were able to escape to Azeroth and settled in the Swamp of These Lost. Ones) went crazy due to the lack of their home world and became even more savage.

A small number of draenei still remained unchanged. They were able to recapture the interdimensional ship Exodar from the Blood Elves and flew away from Outland on it. But the elves remaining on board sabotaged the ship's engines, and it crashed on the Azuremyst Islands west of the mainland of Kalimdor in the world of Azeroth. Finding kindred spirits in the Alliance races, the draenei joined them.


Prophet Velen the Divine

One of the rulers of Argus, together with Archimonde and Kil'jaeden. Refused to swear allegiance to Sargaras and with a group of loyal supporters fled from Argus. Wandering around the worlds for a long time, they found the world of Draenor and began to call themselves draenei (outcasts). Their neighbors were orcs and ogres and the gronn. About 200 years later, Kil'jaden found them (who wanted to take revenge on them for their betrayal), and with the help of the orcs he tried to get rid of them (then the orcs became slaves of the Legion). As a result of the war, most of the draenei were killed. Velen himself later left for Azeroth.


The Elder Sage of the Draenei, Akama, managed to save his race by hiding them before the orcs, corrupted by demonic bloodlust, could destroy each of them. After the cataclysm and destruction of Draenor, Akama and his people remained alive, but were forced to participate in an unwinnable war where they fought against the Lord of the Underworld, Magtheridon, and his army of demons and demonic orcs. With the arrival of new allies, the disposition of forces changed. Akama formed an alliance with the Nagas and Blood Elves. When the time came to lay siege to Magtheridon's Black Citadel, Akama aided Illidan, seeking revenge on the demons that pitted the Orc and Draenei races against each other. Using his abilities and cunning, Akama and several of his followers sneaked into the Black Citadel and destroyed the magical power generators that held the Citadel's defenses, and he then assisted Illidan, Kael, and Vashj in the final assault on Magtheridon. When Illidan, Kael and Vashj went to battle for the Frozen Throne, Akama remained in the Wasteland to guard the conquered lands. Now he hospitably shares his lands with the Nagas and Blood Elves. It is unclear what Akama and the Wasteland draenei's relationship is now with Illidan and his forces.


During the orc rampage in Draenor, many Draenei were killed while others were disgraced by the brutal orc soldiers, and Garona was the result of such incest. At the end of the war, Garona and her kind became the only ones who lived in the destroyed Draenei villages. Several Draenei managed to survive the attacks using their stealth abilities - which saved them from destruction. Traveling throughout Draenor, Garona learned about both Draenei and Orc culture, making her invaluable to the Shadow Council, and she was given a job under the sorcerers of the Stormreaver Clan. She quickly became the Chief Translator of the Shadow Council and Gul'dan's personal spy and assassin. Due to her background, she was forever an outcast, and had to use all her strength to survive in this cruel world. After arriving in Azeroth, Garona's experience provided her with much in the understanding of their new opponents - people. She was part of a military group that attacked Medivh, and the magician killed them all, except for her, Garon returned to Gul'dan with a message from the Guardian, and the sorcerer sent her back to Medivh as an emissary of the Horde. , to help Medivh understand the orcs. In Karazhan she met Khadgar, Medivh's apprentice and spy for Dalaran. Together they learned that Medivh was the one who summoned the orcs to Azeroth and that he was actually possessed by Sargeras, the fallen Titan. They fled to Stormwind, where Garona met Llane and Lothar, who accepted her despite her heritage. They assembled a small military group to attack Medivh's tower. Medivh was killed, and Garona became a trusted friend of King Llane. She informed him of the Horde's organization and how it could be used to benefit the Alliance. But, she was still working for the Stormclaw clan, and she was sent on a mission to kill Llane. With a heartbreak, she slit the throat of the King of Stormwind. But Gul'dan was in a coma after Medivh's death, and Doomhammer used the situation to his advantage by killing Blackhand, the leader of the Horde. The new leader's spies found Garona and tortured her, almost to death, until she finally revealed the secret location of the Shadow Council. The Council was destroyed and its sorcerers killed. Garona's fate after this is unknown, but she is presumed dead.

And since then they have been supporting their new allies.

The name of the people means "exiles" in their own language.


A long time ago, on a planet called Argus, there was a people of Eredar, who had high intelligence and a natural gift for all types of magic. They managed to create a wonderful and large society with the help of their talents. The development of the Eredar was also influenced by an ancient artifact - the triangular crystal of Ata'mal, the origin of which remained a mystery. Legends mentioned that this gift was presented to them in ancient times.

When the development of their civilization reached its highest point, the Eredar were ruled by Kil'jaeden, Archimonde and Velen - three powerful and experienced leaders. Then the dark titan Sargeras drew attention to their people. He stated that he was impressed by what he saw and was ready to give them even more power and knowledge in exchange for loyalty, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde immediately accepted the offer, but Velen was overcome by doubts. He went to the temple and touched the Ata'mal crystal, which gave him a vision that terrified him. He saw a dark future for his people, in which they joined Sargeras and turned into demons. Velen saw the Burning Legion in all its power and the destruction that he carried throughout the Universe. He hurried to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde to warn them about what he had seen, but they rejected his doubts and still believed Sargeras. Together, they taught most of their people the art of warlocks and later joined the Burning Legion.

Velen understood that he had to flee Argus along with those who shared his doubts, and the impossibility of this led him to despair. At this time, the Ata"mala crystal began to glow brightly and rose above the pedestal. Velen heard a voice that explained that it belonged to one of the Naaru - a people of energy beings seeking to stop the Burning Legion. Naaru K"ure invited Velen to deliver his allies to a safe place and asked to take the crystal with him, saying that the naaru gave it to the draenei in the distant past. With the help of the crystal, the Naaru will always be able to find Velen and his followers. Velen, deeply relieved, gathered all the Eredar who believed in him at the appointed time. There were only a few hundred of them. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden tried to stop them, but Velen and his allies barely managed to leave Argus inside the Naaru spatial ship called Genedar. During the escape, the Ata'mal crystal split into seven parts. Kil'jaeden was furious at Velen's betrayal and vowed to hunt Velen and his followers to the very end of the Universe if necessary.

The eredar who left Argus called themselves draenei and for many years wandered around different worlds and explored space, trying to find a safe haven. Possessed by the draenei, Kil'jaeden did not forget about his oath and sent his servant Talgat to hunt for traitors. The Naaru endowed the draenei with the knowledge and capabilities bestowed by the Light, and told that there were other forces that opposed the Burning Legion. One day the Naaru will be able to unite them all into the invincible army of the Light. The draenei, shocked by what they heard, vowed to serve the Light and defend the ideals of the Naaru.


Approximately two hundred years before the outbreak of the First War, the draenei discovered a remote and tranquil world that seemed to them an ideal refuge. They named it Draenor, meaning "refuge of the exiled", and began to rebuild their civilization anew. Fearing that Kil'jaeden could discover them, Velen and other spellcasters tried to hide the use of magic. Over time, the draenei met and became friends with the orcs, who worshiped the spirits of their ancestors and lived on the green plains of Nagrand. The draenei and orcs treated each other with respect and exchanged goods, but did not get too close.

But no amount of preparation and protection could hide the draenei from the Burning Legion forever. Eventually Talgat, who had been searching for them for twenty-five thousand years, discovered Draenor through the echoes of Eredar magic and reported it to his master. Kil'jaeden ordered him to explore this world and, when the presence of the draenei was confirmed, to obtain information about the other inhabitants of this world, especially the orcs. He wanted the draenei not just to die, but to be broken and humiliated.

The blood elves of Silvermoon began to draw the energy of Light from a naaru named M'uuru, who was provided to them by Prince Kael'tas. With the help of new powers, they created an order of Knights of the Blood, who had the same abilities as paladins. Kael'tas, dissatisfied with Illidan's actions, decided to join the Burning Legion and summon Kil'jaeden. He took M'uru from the blood elves and arrived with him to the Sunwell, in which a portal was to open for Kil'jaeden. The Aldor and Seers put an end to their differences and united into the Army of the Shattered Sun under the orders of the naaru. The line between the two factions blurred - they worked together to seize control of the islands of Qel'Danas and called on the Alliance and Horde for help. Eventually, the Army of the Shattered Sun managed to retake the island and deal with Kil'jaeden. M'uru became a dark naaru and died, but Velen used his last spark to cleanse the Sunwell and return the elves to their source of power.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King to World of Warcraft.

The Seer's Lesson

Source of information in this section – fiction in the Warcraft universe.

Shortly after the Sundering, refugees began to arrive at the Exodar and set up camps near its walls, wanting help from the prophet Velen, who had not communicated with anyone other than Prince Anduin Wrynn for a long time. Vindicator Maraad returned from a difficult war in Northrend and learned that the Exodar had been restored and could once again move through space. Since Velen had not spoken to anyone, the council decided that the decision to depart the draenei would be made without him if he did not show up. Panic soon began among the refugees, which led to a battle between them and the Vindicators. Velen's appearance ended the battle, and he announced that the draenei would remain in Azeroth to help the peoples of this world cope with the consequences of the Cataclysm and become stronger for the future battle against the Burning Legion.


The source of information in this section is the supplement Cataclysm to World of Warcraft.

Anchorite Avuun traveled to the Vault located in the Swamp of Sorrows to learn all he could from Magtur and the Lost Ones there. Awuun believes there is a way to heal the Lost Ones from the fel energy that has poisoned them. He spent many years trying to heal the curse of the Broken. The disgusting energy that touched them not only changed their appearance, but also deprived them of the ability to sense the Light. Avuun was going to help Magtur, who was weakening every day. After his death, Avuun began to think that the Light had abandoned the innocent, and Velen came to him through a portal from the Exodar. He explained that the Light does not wish suffering on anyone, and Magtur is now ready to return to its arms.


Draenei reach a height of 2.1 to 2.4 meters (7-8 ft). They differ in appearance from the Eredar of the Burning Legion, lacking their red skin color and the small horns that appear on the Eredar's faces. However, draenei have fangs. It was said that almost all draenei have blue skin, with the exception of Velen, whose skin turned white in his later years. The skin tones of the draenei who arrived on Azeroth ranged from pinkish-white to light blue and dark purple. Their blood is also blue.

In males, processes emanate from the chin and plates rise above the forehead, overlapped by other plates behind them in a fan-like shape. The tails of men are noticeably larger and have a developed muscle structure. The appearance of women differs from men: instead of plates on the forehead, they have horn-like thickenings of the skull that run along the upper part of it and look like a crown. Their appendages begin to grow behind the ears and usually reach shoulder length. These appendages are thinner than those of males, as are the tails, which are shorter and less powerful. Draenei women are quite attractive to human men, as noted by Prince Anduin Wrynn. The draenei's legs end in broad hooves, distinguishing them from the eredar, whose hooves are denser and smaller.

Most draenei's eyes emit a blue glow, but some have a purple glow. This usually occurs in paladins or shamans, which means that the cause of this glow is not the use of Void magic or anything similar. There are also examples with glowing green eyes, which, apparently, are also natural. When a draenei dies, the glow in their eyes disappears, just like the eredar of the Burning Legion.


Draenei culture is based on two pillars - Light and magic. The first is the result of their special relationship with the naaru, and the second has always been close to the eredar. Because of this, draenei often take the path of a priest, paladin, or mage. Some draenei, such as the Auchenai, even learned the art of communicating with the dead. Others decided to follow the path of shamans under the guidance of the soothsayer Nobundo. The draenei devote themselves to preparing for the day when they will become part of the Army of Light and finally fight the Burning Legion, atoning for the sins of their brethren. However, despite this most important goal, the draenei still try to keep their personal lives in order and pursue their own interests, like all other peoples.

The draenei still do not trust the orcs and sometimes even hate them for all the events that happened on Draenor. Modern orcs still have green skin, and some of them still practice warlock magic. However, among the people, gnomes and dwarves who are members of the Alliance, there are also warlocks. All these reasons, as well as personal grievances on both sides, made forgiveness difficult, even if Thrall and Velen were willing to negotiate peace. However, the Earthen Rings, who sided with the Horde, accepted the shamans of the draenei and the Broken to work together to heal the lands of Outland.

The draenei still dislike the blood elves due to their attack on Tempest Keep and the way they fought against their addiction to magic. However, over time, they realized that not all the blood elves sided with Prince Kael'thas, and even Velen himself spoke about the redemption of the blood elf people after the events on the Sunwell Plateau. But among the draenei, like any other peoples, there remain those who draw conclusions from the first impression, which could be observed in Shattrath, where unkind relations were maintained between the Aldor and the Seers for a long time, the Aldor had a negative attitude even towards those who simply assisted the Seers in their common cause.

On Azeroth, at first the draenei were faced with the fact that many peoples of the Alliance could hardly separate them from the eredar, who served the Burning Legion and almost destroyed this world. The night elves, for example, suffered twice from Archimonde's villainy. But still, most peoples accepted the draenei, and ambassadors from the Exodar are in many cities of the Alliance. Even next to Tyrande Whisperwind, who rules the night elves, you can find a draenei ambassador.

  • The purple crystals that the draenei decorate their buildings, weapons, and armor with are caronite crystals, which are used to generate energy in everyday life. Caronite is the strongest source of energy.
  • Talbuk meat was a favorite food of the draenei.
  • Ossified poisonous glands belonging to the beasts of Draenor were used in draenei jewelry and were valued no less than the rarest gems.
  • Draenei children play lightening wand. Because of the river monsters, they were taught to stay out of shallow waters.
  • Ground draenei tail is a powerful component for necromancer spells.