Sights of the Taman Peninsula Gelendzhik: recreation, information, entertainment. Sights and entertainment of Taman: photos with descriptions

Taman is a hospitable, abundant region, delighting guests with a warm sea, endless sandy beaches and a special Kuban flavor. Today, the village of Taman is not only a wonderful resort on the Azov Sea, but also an important historical and Cultural Center, representing the unique Cossack ethnic group and the rich history of this region, because the age of the settlement is more than 2600 years. In addition, due to the construction of a bridge to Crimea, the village has excellent prospects for the development of tourism infrastructure.

There are no picturesque mountains and forests on the Taman Peninsula, like in other resorts Krasnodar region. However, this circumstance does not reduce interest in this region. The secret is simple. Along with the magnificent beach holiday, which is extremely popular, especially among families who vacation with small children, there are mud volcanoes that are unique in nature and are the property of Russia. The Taman Peninsula can be called a real kingdom of volcanoes, the mud of which produces a fantastic therapeutic effect. Right at the entrance to the village is located largest volcano– Karabetova hill with a convenient lake where you can take mud baths. Salt Lake, located near the village, is popular. A little to the north, closer to the Temryuk Bay, there is the famous and most visited volcano Tisdar, where you can “lose your face” in the full sense of the word. Also attractive are the Akhtanizovskaya Sopka volcano with a bubbling dark gray mud mass and the Plevak volcano, located near the coast of the Azov Sea.

One of the most scenic spots, where you should definitely visit when coming on vacation to the village of Taman, is the Lotus Valley. The endless sea of ​​gorgeous white and pink flowers leaves a lasting impression. Looking at this beauty and inhaling the heady aroma, fantasies about fabulous India come. This trip will remain in the memory for a long time as a reminder of a vacation in Taman - a magical place rich in unusual natural attractions. Also attractive are the Cape and Tuzla Spit - the westernmost point of the Taman Peninsula, which is a narrow strip of land in the Kerch Strait. Here you can admire picturesque sunsets, listen to the silence interrupted by the singing of birds and the cries of seagulls, and enjoy pristine nature.

A wonderful place where you can also visit is the ancient settlement of Hermonassa-Tmutarakan - an archaeological site that reveals secrets ancient history village of Taman. In addition, a holiday in the village will be incomplete without a visit to the Ataman ethnographic center, where the Cossack village of the early twentieth century is recreated in great detail. An area of ​​almost seventy hectares, fifty huts, smoking rooms, workshops, barns, stables, cellars, a mill, a school, taverns, taverns and even a gypsy camp located nearby - all this must be seen. Here you can participate in ancient rituals, feel the indescribable Cossack flavor and have great fun.

Despite the fact that the Taman Peninsula, washed mainly by the Sea of ​​Azov, is inferior in popularity Black Sea resorts Russia (Anapa, Sochi, etc.) – you should definitely visit it at least once! On the Taman Peninsula there are unique places that you will not find on the coasts of the Black Sea.

Map of the Taman Peninsula

Sights of the Taman Peninsula


This city is the largest settlement on the Taman Peninsula.

Sign at the entrance “Temryuk”

Located in Temryuk museum of military equipment open air. War vehicles are assembled there different years. He was located on Mount Miska. You need to go along the street. Rose Luxemburg. Read the details.

GPS Coordinates: N 45 16.6692; E 37 23.1000

Clearing with tanks

By the way, if you are in Temryuk, be sure to try Temryuk kvass - the best kvass in the Krasnodar region! Do not confuse it with Starominsky or Tamansky - it’s not the same.

Mud volcanoes and lakes

Throughout the Taman Peninsula there are numerous mud volcanoes and mud lakes that spew out healing mud.

(second name - Blue Balka), located in the village “For the Motherland”. Entrance fee: 400 rub. Read about this volcano and the “Island of Health” recreation center.

GPS Coordinates: N 45 21.4312; E 37 06.0353

Volcano Shugo - one of the largest mud volcanoes on the Taman Peninsula. Located in the village of Fadeevo, near the village of Varenikovskaya.

For more information about the benefits of medicinal mud, as well as their location on the map of the Taman Peninsula, see.

Golubitskoe mud lake

A reservoir of incredible beauty, located a few meters from the sea. You can admire it, you can swim in it, and there is healing mud in the lake. The lake is located on Central Beach.


Ethnographic village-museum Ataman. It is located on the outskirts of Taman. Ataman shows everyday life Kuban Cossacks 200 years ago.

Stanitsa Ataman

Read how to get to Ataman and how much tickets cost.

Lotus Valley

Located in the Akhtanizovsky estuary. After the village “Strelka”, before the bridge over the Kazachy Erik, you need to turn left and drive along the Erik for several kilometers. You arrive at the parking lot in the town of “Oak Market” and purchase a ticket. Then take a boat along the estuary to the lotuses.

Ancient city of Tmutarakan

The oldest city on the territory of the Taman Peninsula, which was part of Old Russian state. The history of the city has been known since the 6th century BC. At that time the city belonged to the Bosporan kingdom and was called Hermonassa. In the 3rd century AD. the city was destroyed. Then there were the Khazar and Byzantine periods. In the 10th century, Russians came here.

Temryuksky historical-archaeological museum

Temryuk, st. Lenina, 28
Opening hours: from 9.00 to 17.00,
Closed on Monday

Located in a 19th century building built by a wealthy resident of Temryuk, Polunin. The museum opened in 1920. For 80 years, unique exhibits have been collected here telling about amazing story: ancient times, the Tmutarakan principality and development by the Cossacks. On the second floor there is an exhibition dedicated to the Civil and Great Patriotic War. A separate room tells about the flora and fauna of the peninsula. You will learn that millions of years ago, wild dinosaur elephants, rhinoceroses, cave bears, and saber-toothed tigers lived on the land of ancient Taman. Huge mammals lived in the waters of the ancient Tethys Ocean. Currently, sturgeon and other valuable fish species live in the seas and estuaries, in the Kuban River. Here you will see stuffed fish and animals - inhabitants of floodplains and estuaries Kuban-Priazovskaya lowlands and delta of the Kuban River: wild boar, cat-hausa (reed cat), fox, jackal, waterfowl and birds of prey: kite, golden eagle, lesser spotted eagle and others.

Military slide

Branch historical and archaeological The museum is located at the exit from Temryuk, in its eastern part. Here, in the open air, there is an exhibition of military equipment: from small arms to tanks, aircraft, torpedo boats and missiles. It will be especially interesting for boys. Guided visits are possible from April to October inclusive.

Tasting room "Amber Bunch"

Stanitsa Golubitskaya, st. Vysotnaya, 6 (area of ​​the Lada boarding house)
Opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00

You will find a fascinating story from a certified winemaker about the technology of creation and the rules for tasting Taman wines. The lecture lasts 30-40 minutes. You will be offered 6 types of the best local wines, 40 grams each, and cookies.

Mud volcanoes

This business card Taman Peninsula. Their number ranges from 27 to 32. Thousands of people come to see them every year. The mushy gray mud rises to the surface in bubbles of oil gases. Its temperature in summer ranges from 12 to 20 degrees. At times, dirt is thrown to the surface. For this reason, mud volcanoes were nicknamed rotten mountains, burnt graves, and vomits. About 10 years ago, the largest active volcano on the Taman Peninsula was considered Karabetova Mountain, located 4 km from the village of Taman. There is almost no activity here now. But it’s still worth visiting here, since in good weather you can see the western tip of the Taman Peninsula from here in full view. After all, the height of Karabetka is 152 meters. The village of Taman, capes Panagia and Tuzla, the Kerch Strait and the Crimean coast are clearly visible. The mountain is located 4 km east of the village of Taman. You can visit an active mud volcano called Rotten Mountain. It is located approximately 15 km southeast of Temryuk, if you follow the highway to Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Near the gas station you need to turn right off the road. Also worth a look is Shugo Volcano. It is more difficult to find, so it is better to contact a tour company. It is located 35 km from, 5 km from the highway between the villages of Gostagaevskaya and Varenikovskaya. Local mud has a high content of iodine, bromine and other components, which increases its medicinal value. Another volcano, Mount Miska, is located in the center of Temryuk, on the territory of the Military Hill Museum. Its activity is two small puddles of mud with bubbles appearing on the surface.

Museum of Cossack History

Stanitsa Starotitarovskaya, st. Lenina, 199-a
Opening hours: from 9.00 to 17.00
Closed on Monday.

The museum is located in a building built in 1898, in the center of the village of Starotitarovskaya (30 minutes drive from Temryuk). This is a branch of Temryuksky historical and archaeological museum. There are 4 halls: two halls are dedicated to the history and life of the Kuban Cossacks, the rest are dedicated to the exhibitions “I was born in the Kuban village” and “War and destinies”. You will hear poems about the Kuban land and a story about the peculiarities of the Kuban dialect, see antiques and learn their purpose.

If you book a tour in advance by phone, the program will be brighter and richer. You will be greeted with bread and salt by Cossacks and Cossack women in colorful costumes, then a tour of the exhibition, after which you will be invited to a Cossack farmstead.

Here adults will be treated to vodka with lard and cucumbers, and children will be offered homemade kvass and pies. The ensemble "Khutoryanochka" will perform folk songs, games and rituals.

To the Lotus Valley

To see the beautiful lotuses brought to us from India, you need to drive from Temryuk towards Anapa. Before reaching the village of Strelka, cross the bridge over the Kazachy Erik and turn right. There will be an oak grove on the right. This is the natural monument “Oak Market”. Here, several centuries ago, the Turks set up a market for slaves, who were taken to Turkey and the countries of the East. Going down to the erik, you can see boats and motor boats, which will take you to the Akhtanizovsky estuary. True, the journey along the water surface takes about an hour one way, so on a hot afternoon, do not forget to take with you drinking water and hats. But the beauty is worth seeing. The contemplation of hundreds of large pale pink Indian lotus flowers peacefully swaying on the water delights everyone without exception. It is forbidden to tear them, you can only shoot them with photo and video equipment. In addition, picked flowers fade very quickly.

Typically, lotuses begin to bloom in mid-July, when the water in the estuary warms up to 28 degrees. Flowers reach a diameter of 15-20 cm, and huge leaves up to 80 cm. 10 days after opening, the flower fades. In its place appears a dark basket with seeds, which, after ripening, fall into the water. There are many legends and beliefs associated with the lotus; it is especially revered in India and Egypt, Japan and China. Now this miracle can be seen in Russia.

Mud lake Golubitskoye

Located in the village of Golubitskaya, just 50 meters from the shore of the Azov Sea. It is small, only 100 by 150 meters and about a meter deep. The bottom of the lake is covered with deposits of healing mud with high content hydrogen sulfide, bromine and iodine. Having plunged into the lake, you can then wash off the healing mud in sea water, combining business with pleasure. This mud has been well studied and is highly valued by doctors in Taman and Anapa.

Volcano Blue Balka

It is located 10 km west of the village of Golubitskaya. If you drive along the highway towards the port of Kavkaz, you will come to the village “For the Motherland”. Locals They will be happy to tell you the way to the mud hill. It is located 150 m from the sea and is a crater with liquid mud with a diameter of 15-20 m. Immersion in mud is not only beneficial for the body, but also a very fun activity. You try to swim, but you feel like a frog in sour cream - you are floundering in one place. This pleasure is paid (within reasonable limits). There are showers, changing rooms and a cafe on the shore of the Azov Sea nearby.

Tasting room of the company "Milstream"

Temryuk district, village. Vinogradny, st. Lenina, 8

An excursion to the winery and subsequent tasting of local products is carried out at a high level professional level. It is proposed to evaluate from 8 to 13 brands of wines of 25 grams each. Usually these are dry varietals (Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Isabella), semi-sweet (Sauvignon, Cabernet, Isabella, Pinot Franc) and semi-dessert (white Muscat, rose Muscat) wines. There is a store at the factory.

Cape Panagia

Located south of Cape Tuzla. This is where the Black Sea part of the Kerch Strait originates. Panagia from Greek means “prosvira”. The 30 m high cape is composed of bryozoan limestones. Layered clays lie on both sides of it. The sea is actively encroaching on land, removing an average of about 1 meter per year. The clayey shore is eroded, leaving a chain of limestone rocks in the sea. By appearance the rocks look like small round buns, reminiscent of bread.

Cape Iron Horn

It is located southeast of Cape Panagia, near the village of Volna, to which an excellent road leads from the village of Taman. It is called so because a layer of brown iron ore, up to 4 m thick, comes directly to the surface here. The iron content in the ore is up to 32%. Therefore, until 1932, the ore layer was mined here manually. The height of the cape is 65 meters. To the east there is a small sandy beach with clear water.

Salt Lake

This lake is worth not only seeing, but also tasting. It is located between the villages and Tamansky, next to Yantar beach. From the height of the surrounding hills, the lake seems wide and deep - its length is approximately 1500 m, width 1000 m, while maximum depth only 10 cm. In summer, the lake dries up and becomes covered with a crust of white crystals table salt. At this time, you can cross the lake on dry land. Under the layer of compacted salt lies a shallow, about half a meter, layer of healing mud. This mud is successfully used in Anapa sanatoriums and brings significant relief to people suffering from joint pain. Salt Lake was formed relatively recently. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was part of the single Kuban estuary, into which the main channel of the Kuban River, Zhdiga, then flowed. TO mid-19th century, the Kuban estuary split into several small estuaries - Vityazevsky, Kiziltashsky, Tsokur, Bugaz. Later, Salt Lake separated from the Bugaz estuary. Until 1952, salt was mined here - up to 20 thousand tons per year. The lake is separated from the sea by a dam, on which a magnificent sandy beach about 100 m wide has formed. It stretches to Anapa for almost 40 km.

"Taman Switzerland"

Pos. Priazovsky

This place will be interesting to visit by car and for motorcycle travelers. It is located in the west of the Taman Peninsula. Having reached the Chushka spit along the M25 highway, you need to turn right to the village of Ilyich. Having passed through the village, continue along the road according to the signs “Tamanskaya Switzerland & La costa moto” to the village of Priazovsky (about 8 km). Having passed by the temple under construction, along a well-worn dirt road you go straight down to the lake on the shore of the Azov Sea. There is a tourist tent camp here all summer and early autumn. There is a cafe-bar, catamaran rental, and parking. The lake (800 by 250 meters) is of spring origin and has a depth of 10-15 meters. Around the lake there are extensive thickets of Pontic hawthorn and steppe herbs. The smells make my head spin. You can fish, swim, sunbathe and simply enjoy life away from civilization.

Cape Tuzla

If you are eager to visit the westernmost tip of the Krasnodar Territory and you have a car, then it’s worth making a voyage here. The cape is located 10 km from the village of Taman. From the Turkic word “ace” means “salt”. Indeed, nearby there is a salt lake of the same name, to which an asphalt road leads. Further from the cape, the recently restored Tuzlinskaya Spit stretches another 4 km, convenient for vehicles. At its tip in summer there is a spontaneous campsite and beach. Bring binoculars. It will be interesting for you to explore the Crimean coast, ships on the roadstead of the Kerch Strait and the quarters of the city of Kerch. The width of the strait is about 5 km, the depth is 4-8 m. At Cape Tuzla there are small salt lakes, where salt mines used to operate, and in 1923 there was a mud bath.

Tasting room of the Zaporozhye winery

village Krasnoarmeysky, st. Zavodskaya, 19

This is the farthest tasting room from Temryuk and the main recreation centers. It is located near the highway leading to Port Caucasus. Still, it's worth a look. A tour of the factory and tasting of 5-6 brands of wine lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour. IN last years The production of wines under the “Grape Paradise” brand began here. There is a store next to the factory where you can buy wine.