Home puppet theater. Making a do-it-yourself puppet theater for kindergarten Home theater out of a box


Do you and your child like fairy tales and interesting stories? How about getting together and spending time with the whole family? Do you want to arrange a small holiday for yourself in the middle of everyday life? Then it's time for home theater! Organizing a performance is not that difficult and can become a exciting game. Today we'll show you exactly how to do it and offer some great ideas to get you inspired.

The day of the performance is very exciting and filled with pleasant chores for the whole family. It will be interesting for everyone, young and old, to participate in the preparation: dad can be entrusted with constructing the stage, and older children will probably want to draw a poster and get some kind of role.

It’s great to play the theater on a cloudy and rainy day, when you don’t feel like going outside and want to spend time at home in a fun, interesting and useful way. Although on a fine day at the dacha you can stage a performance at fresh air. And this is great entertainment during the holidays, when other families with children come to visit you.

Choose together what kind of performance you will stage. It is better to choose simple plots that are familiar and interesting to the child. For example, folk tales (“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”), stories and poems from the child’s favorite books are well suited.

A very important and exciting part of the preparation, which in itself can become an educational game, is drawing posters and tickets. Tickets are simply small pieces of paper with “Ticket” written on them. Instruct your child to deliver tickets to the spectators; for him this will be an honorable duty. The poster can be drawn small on an A4 sheet, or on a larger paper format, then the main part is drawn by adults and older children. Be sure to write the name in large letters. You can draw characters or a scene from a fairy tale, indicate the names of the actors.

In the meantime, the actors can prepare, remember the fairy tale, and adults will come to their aid. We have already written before how to help your child memorize simple poems.

Setting up the stage

Preparing a stage for a home theater with your own hands is a very responsible and creative activity, which will take time, and it is better to plan it for one of the days before the performance. All your efforts will certainly be worth it, because a beautiful and thoughtfully made stage will be useful to you for games more than once.

You can make a stage out of a box - either a large one from under household appliances or a small one, for example, from under dishes or toys, then you will have a mini-theater. Decorate the stage to your and your baby’s taste and build a curtain. You can prepare the backdrop and decorations specifically for the performance. Here are some ideas on how you can do this.

An even simpler option is a curtain in the doorway, especially if you know how to sew.

Or you can simply cover a couple of chairs or a table with a blanket - and the stage is ready!

Making doll actors

Another interesting and very easy to implement idea is to draw faces or muzzles on plastic spoons.

Many kids like it finger puppets. By playing with them, we also train fine motor skills. Mother craftsmen can sew or knit such dolls. Or you can cut them out of ordinary household gloves in a couple of minutes or simply draw faces on your fingers.

Home shadow theater

Play shadow theater- this is always a special sacrament. Meanwhile, adding a little magic to your life is not so difficult. First we need to make a screen. For this, a lid from a box (for example, a shoe box) is useful, in the wall of which we cut out a window and glue a sheet of paper (regular office paper or tracing paper) on top. In addition, you can use white fabric as a screen in the doorway. We cut out figures for the shadow theater from cardboard. You can draw them yourself, print templates from the Internet or buy ready-made ones. The cardboard figurine will need to be attached to a stick, for example, from Chupa Chups.

You can also get shadows of animals using your hands. On a sunny day or in a dark room with a table lamp on, show your baby how to do this. This is also a great way to stretch your fingers.

Well, that’s all, the preparations are over, the guests are in place, the lights go out, and the stage is illuminated by a table lamp. Support the little puppeteer, because he is very worried at this moment. And be prepared to take on most of the performance yourself. If a child stumbles somewhere, help, catch him. The performance itself can be very short, a few minutes. In any case, the family will be delighted and will not be stingy with praise and applause, because everyone did a great job!

Polina Kondratyuk

MU DO DDT in Verkhneuralsk Chelyabinsk region village Krasninsky, Verkhneuralsky district, Chelyabinsk region.

Creative project “Do it yourself puppet theater”

The project was created to attract more students to creative activities. Students aged 12-13 years are involved in the project.

"Do-it-yourself puppet theater"

Explanatory note

Puppet theater plays a huge role in moral and aesthetic education schoolchildren of any age, and especially middle school students, when they are in the “search phase”. Classes in the puppet theater develop children's imagination, memory, thinking, artistic abilities, introduce them to a variety of children's fairy tales, promote the development of sociability, sociability, develop the motor skills of the child's hands and fingers, and motor activity.

In the process of working on a performance, children learn coordinated actions, mutual assistance, and the ability to subordinate their desires to the interests of the group. Very important for younger children school age show an example of friendship, righteousness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, courage, since this period is unique for the formation of one’s own taste, interest, and a certain attitude towards the world around us.

Classes in the puppet theater help broaden children's horizons, improve emotional culture and culture of thinking, and form beliefs and ideals.

While playing in the play, children transform into various images and learn to express their feelings in words and intonation. Based on this, the idea arose to create a project “Do-It-Yourself Puppet Theater” with a group of 6th grade students attending classes in fine and decorative arts with the head of the art studio “Workshop of Miracles” Olga Petrovna Kudrina. The idea of ​​this project is not only to make dolls for puppet theater, but also voice them. Making puppet theater characters will help children better understand the characters, and voicing puppets will help them express their emotions.

Project type:

By the dominant method or type of activity in the project– role-playing, playful, creative.

By type of activity– additional education.

By duration– short-term.

By number of participants– individual-group.

Project implementation timeline:

Project implementation period: February - March 2017

Age of children for whom the project is designed: 11-12 years.

Project update.

IN present moment The diverse use of theatrical creativity among schoolchildren is relevant. Introduction theatrical arts in the form of the “Do-It-Yourself Puppet Theater” project can effectively influence the educational process. Uniting the class team, improving the culture of behavior - all this can be achieved through training and creativity in theater classes. Theatrical creativity acquires particular importance at the middle level. It not only helps to educate the individual, but also teaches through play, because... For children at this age, play is the main activity that constantly develops into work (learning).

Project goal:

Introducing students to creativity, identifying and developing their creative abilities.

To achieve this goal, the following are solved: project objectives:

Educational : develop practical skills creative activity students, as well as their artistic abilities;

Educational: develop culture and speech technique, memory, imagination, artistic abilities;

Educational: develop the ability to perceive and emotionally perceive moral essence actions of the heroes of the works.

Didactic goals of the project:

formation of creative skills and aesthetic taste in the manufacture of dolls for the puppet theater.

— development primary knowledge about theatrical art;

- mastery of basic skills, abilities, methods of artistic and labor activity;

— development of students’ artistic and creative abilities and expression of their attitude to the world around them, in the process of collective interaction;

- fostering emotional responsiveness, as well as hard work, perseverance, accuracy, a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

Abilities, skills and methods of activity formed by the project:

  • Cognitive activity.
  • Speech activity and work with information.
  • Working with literary texts.
  • Correct and conscious retelling out loud (observing the necessary intonation, pauses, logical stress to convey the exact meaning of the statement).
  • Formation of skills in making dolls from foameran and fabric.
  • Establishing the sequence of actions for making dolls.
  • Organization of activities.

The fundamental question of the project:

— How to organize puppet show so that it becomes a real spectacle for the audience?

Problematic issues of the project:

— What is the purpose of a puppet theater?

— What is my role to achieve the common goal?

Pedagogical principles:

  • a differentiated approach to a child’s education, taking into account his individual capabilities and abilities;
  • respect for the individual;
  • using the subject teaching method;
  • encouragement of creativity.

The connection of the project with life and general academic subjects.

The project provides students with the opportunity to realize their interest in educational fields such as literature, fine arts, labor training, music and singing.

Class form:

  • collective;
  • individual - group.

Stages of work on the project.

Stage 1 - organizational and preparatory

It includes searching for a problem, justifying the choice of product, selecting and analyzing materials and tools for making the product, analyzing the work to be done, determining quality control criteria, and organizing the workplace. At this stage, students are presented with a problem. Schoolchildren must understand why and why they need to complete this project, what is the main task of the upcoming work. The emerging images of the future product should be embodied in sketches and drawings.

Stage 2 - project development

Target: planning for the project period.

Stage 3 - technological

Target: high-quality and correct performance of labor operations, correction of one’s activities, control and self-assessment of work.

Stage 4 - final

At this stage, the project is protected and evaluated. In this case, the presentation takes place in the form of a puppet show in front of parents, students, school teachers and pupils of the Beryozka kindergarten.

Work on the project

  1. Organizational and preparatory stage.

Target: introducing children to the world of theater; to give an initial idea of ​​“transformation and reincarnation” as the main phenomenon of theatrical art, in other words, to reveal the secret of theater for children.


1) introduce the history of puppet theater;

2) awaken interest in reading;

3) cultivate the desire to make dolls for the puppet theater with your own hands;

3) make the life of children interesting and meaningful, fill it vivid impressions, interesting things to do, the joy of creativity;

Statement of hypothesis.

Theater arts classes not only activate students’ interest in the art of theater, but also develop imagination, memory, attention and other qualities, educate and improve the psychological atmosphere in the classroom. Preparing a performance is a long process, but very important. Its preparation includes a selection of works - Russian folk tales, design of the performance, starting with mounting and design of puppets and scenery. It is necessary to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for classes. During this period, children learn to communicate with each other, share their thoughts, skills, and knowledge.

  1. Getting to know the goals and objectives of the Do-It-Yourself Puppet Theater project
  2. View presentations: “Types of dolls”; "Puppet theater"
  3. Drawing competition "Doll's house".
  4. Choosing a fairy tale to show in a puppet theater.
  5. Sketching sketches of dolls, selecting materials for making dolls and drawing up a technological map.
  6. Making puppets for showing the fairy tales “Turnip” and “Kolobok” in the puppet theater.
  7. Rehearsals of fairy tales “Turnip” and “Kolobok”.
  8. Presentation and defense of the project “Do-It-Yourself Puppet Theater”.
  1. Project development.

Thematic planning


Subject Features of the implementation of a creative project. Puppet theater. DIY dolls Screen Choosing and working on a play. Musical arrangement of the performance. Premiere of fairy tales " turnip », "Kolobok"
Type of activity Conversation Drawing competition "Doll's house". Presentation

Round table

Creative process Stage design. Creation of sketches and decorations. Working with the work Selection of music. Project Presentation view
Contents of the activity The main stages of working on a project: problem, work planning, collecting information, preparing a sketch, manufacturing an object, presentation and defense. Exhibition of works

Participatory assessment.

Acquaintance with theatrical vocabulary, with the professions of people who work in the theater: director, set designer, prop maker, actor, music designer. Making dolls from foameran, making gloves for dolls. Decorating the screen with improvised means, making design elements (trees, flowers, sun) Distribution of roles. Expressive reading fairy tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok” by the teacher.

Practice reading each role. Individual work with child actors.

Playing a scene with music. Showing a puppet show to the audience.
Supervisor Kudrina Olga Petrovna

From the history of occurrence. Horse dolls: bag (ball), cam-finger, manual, mechanical, etc.

Grassroots dolls: puppet, jumping, etc.

Table dolls: flat, cardboard, foam rubber, boxes, natural material, from gloves, etc. Dolls: toys, “with a living hand”, mask theater, shadow theater, etc.

Creation theatrical performance complements and accompanies all work in order to master the terms (director, concept, author, play, script, etc.)

III. Technological focus of the project.

The implementation of project objectives is carried out through various types activities:

  1. Theater game.
  2. Fundamentals of theatrical culture.
  3. Work on the performance (from sketch to the birth of the performance).

Main areas of work with children:

Theater game – historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of a person.


  • develop visual, auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts;
  • practice clear pronunciation of words, practice diction; cultivate moral and aesthetic qualities.

Culture and technique of speech – games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.


  • teach to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes;
  • pronounce tongue twisters and poems;
  • train clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word;
  • use intonations that express basic feelings;
  • replenish vocabulary.

Fundamentals of theatrical culture – children are introduced to basic concepts and professional terminology of theatrical art.


  • introduce children to theatrical terminology;
  • introduce the main types of theatrical art;
  • cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.

From sketches to the birth of the performance – work on fairy tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok”


  • develop skills in working with imaginary objects;
  • learn to find key words in individual phrases and sentences and highlight them with your voice;
  • develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states(sad, happy, angry, surprising, admiring, pitiful, contemptuous, condemning, mysterious, etc.);
  • replenish vocabulary, figurative speech.
  1. The final stage.

Projected results of the project.

As a result of this project, students acquire representations:

  • about the history of theatrical puppets;
  • about the professions of people who work in the theater (director, set designer, prop maker, actor, etc.);

and can:

  • move the doll over the screen;
  • manufacture theatrical puppet from various materials;
  • create scenery and posters for performances;
  • demonstrate your abilities and achieve success;
  • acquire and apply your knowledge in practice;
  • plan project activities;
  • work in a group, defend a creative project.

List of methodological literature.

  1. Karamanenko T. N. “Puppet Theater”, M. 2001;
  2. Konysheva N.M. Project activities schoolchildren. Magazine " Primary school"No. 1, 2006, p. 17
  3. Rusakova T.G. Fairy tale - a game in the classroom fine arts. Magazine "Primary School" No. 5, 2006, p. 59
  4. Konysheva N.M. Design education in primary school. Magazine "Primary School" No. 5, 2006, p. 57
  5. Ryabova O.N. Circle-studio “Image Theater”. Magazine "Primary School" No. 11, 2005, p. 52
  6. 6. Politakhina E.P. Game design and design in experimental primary schools. Magazine "Primary School" No. 11, 2001, p. 75
  7. 7. Byvaltseva M.V. A child's vision of spectacular art. Magazine "Primary School" No. 12, 2005, p. 45
  8. 8. Ivanova T.D. Education with dolls. Magazine "Primary School" No. 3, 2005, p. 68.
  9. 9. Rudakova V.P. Puppet Theater Club. Magazine "Primary School" No. 3, 2005, p. 69.
  10. 10. Golovanova M.V., V.G.Goretsky, L.F.Klimanova. Native speech. Textbooks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades of primary school. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2005.
  11. 11. Dictionary Russian language. M.S. Lapatukhin. Moscow "Enlightenment".
  12. 12. Kiyanovsky A.A. School theater in elementary school / Library “First of September”, series “Elementary School”. M.: LLC " Chistye Prudy", 2007.

Appendix 1

Master class

Materials and tools:

For students: scissors, foameran, fabric, glue gun, glue gun refills, wooden skewers for sketching (one per desk), napkin.

For the teacher: samples of puppets for the puppet theater.

Lesson progress:

- Today we have a very interesting and unusual lesson, today you will not be students, but... who, you will now find out...

- Who creates the magical, amazing world- theater? (Actors, directors, designers, stage workers and many others). They are doing everything so that you and I leave the theater with good mood and did not remain indifferent to the fate of the heroes. So today in class we will try to create a small performance ourselves. But our theater will not be simple, but flat, i.e. all fairy-tale heroes will be flat.

- Look, guys, how much fairy-tale heroes visiting us today!

So, I invite you to the “wonderful workshop”. Each of you today will create miracles with the help of a variety of objects.

- Try to determine from these symbols, what objects will you work with in the workshop?

— What do you think needs to be remembered so that you enjoy working in the workshop? (safety regulations)

- Let's repeat these important rules for everyone. I will show the symbol, and you will name these rules...

  1. Compass we will draw a circle exactly

Or one or several arcs.

A compass will prick with a needle like a hedgehog,

If you take it in your hands incorrectly.

  1. Glue don't spill it on the desk,

Be careful with the glue!

  1. Scissors from the word “knife”.

Remember if you take them!

— What other materials do we need? (foameran and fabric)

And remember what the mood should be while working, help each other, and then your work will radiate warmth and kindness. Remember the “golden” rule: “Put your soul and heart into your work -

Treasure every second of your work.”

And now I will show you how to make these fairy-tale characters. Be careful.

— First we will look at the instruction card.

- Let's repeat it together now:

Where did we start doing the work?

How is the head made?

How do we work with a glue gun?

— Does anyone have questions for me, is everything clear? Then get to work. I'm sure you will succeed, and at the end of the lesson we will see your fairy tale characters on our stage. (Children do the work, the teacher helps).

— Whoever finished work, clean up the workplace.

- Guys, you did a very good job. Now let's look at your heroes in the fairy tale that you have prepared for us. As in any play, we have a director and actors.

- Who is the director?

— Who are the actors?

- So, the show begins.

- Actors on stage! (show of the performance).

Demonstration of the fairy tale “Rerka” by project participants

Appendix 2

Invitation card T

on puppet show"Turnip" and "Kolobok"

Date:__________ Time______________

Row____________ Place______________

Game of actors and actresses,

The tireless smell of the stage,

The unique noise of the scenes

They change the value of our lives.

The soul takes flight,

And where the end of the game is is unclear.

The theater always lives in us,

And it’s still wonderful!

Appendix 3

"How it all happened..."

Making dolls

We sew mittens:

Assembly of dolls:


“Debut” Speech to 2nd grade students

Performance at the school amateur art show 03/07/17.

Appendix 4

Fairy tale scenarios

Characters: Narrator, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.

The scenery is on stage: a hut, a vegetable garden.

Grandfather lived in the same village
Together with Grandma for many years.
Grandfather once wanted
Steamed turnips for lunch.

Well, I guess I'll go
Yes, and I’ll plant a turnip.

Narrator: I went to the garden and planted a turnip.

The sweet turnip grows,
The turnip is growing big.

The turnip has grown to glory
What miracle of miracles?
Turnip - almost to heaven!
Grandfather decided to pull out the turnip.
But that was not the case -
One is not strong enough.
What to do? How can we be here?
Call Grandma to help!

Grandfather (waves his hand):
Grandma, Grandma - where are you?
Help me pull the turnip!

Grandma grabs onto Grandfather and tries to pull out the turnip.

Once - that's it!
Two - that's it!
Oh! No way to pull it out!
You know, our hands have weakened.
Let's call our Granddaughter to help!

Come on, Granddaughter, run,
Help me pull the turnip!

Granddaughter runs out and grabs Grandma. Trying to pull out a turnip

Once - that's it!
Two - that's it!
No! No way to pull it out!

That's a turnip! What a vegetable!
You know, you'll have to call for help...

Bug! Bug! Run
Help me pull the turnip!

Bug runs out, barking, and grabs his granddaughter.

Here, Zhuchka is ready to help,
Clings to Granddaughter.
Once - that's it!
Two - that's it!
Oh! No way to pull it out...
You know, you have to click the cat,
To help a little.

Murka the cat, run,
Help me pull the turnip!
Stepping softly, the Cat comes out

Once - that's it!
Two - that's it!
Oh! No way to pull it out...
Let's call Mouse...
Hiding somewhere, little coward!

Mouse-Mouse, come out!
Help me pull the turnip!
Mouse runs

This mouse is very strong!
Stronger than a bear, stronger than an elephant!
One can pull out a turnip,
She doesn't need any help at all!
Come on, Grandfather, grab the turnip,
Come on, Grandma, hold on to Grandfather,
Granddaughter and don’t be lazy:
Grab Grandma more tightly now.
Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug,

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee! Do you want a turnip? Pull together!

So they pulled out the turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.

The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls.

Narrator (addresses the audience):
How strong is the Mouse?
It was friendship that won!
Eat to your health, Grandfather,
Your long-awaited lunch!
That's the end of the fairy tales,
And whoever listened, well done!

The artists bow.

Scenario of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. One day my grandfather was sitting and wanted to eat. That's what he says to grandma.

Grandfather: Bake a bun, grandma.

Grandma: What should we bake from? There is no flour.

Grandfather: And you, grandma, go, scrape the bottom of the woods, mark the barn! Maybe you'll get some flour.

(Granny stops knitting and comes into the house)

Narrator: The old woman took a feather, scraped it along the bottom of the tree, swept it around the barn, and collected about two handfuls of flour. I kneaded the dough, fired up the stove, and baked a bun. The resulting bun is both fluffy and aromatic.

(Grandma puts a toy bun on the windowsill)

Narrator: Grandma put the bun on the window to cool. And the bun jumped out of the window and rolled along the path.

(Instead of a toy, a child appears on stage playing the role of Kolobok. He runs into the forest, saying sentences).

I'm scraping my bottom,
sweeping through the barn,
planted in the oven,
It's cold at the window!
I left Grandfather and
left Grandma!

(On the right the Hare jumps out to meet Kolobok).

Hare: Kolobok, rosy side! I'll eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, little Bunny! I'll tell you a poem.

I'm scraping my bottom,
sweeping through the barn,
planted in the oven,
It's cold at the window!
I left Grandfather and
left Grandma!
And I’ll even leave you, Hare!

Narrator: And Kolobok rolled on; only the Hare saw him!
(Kolobok quickly “rolls” past the Hare and disappears behind the fir trees on the right. The Hare runs away in the opposite direction).
(Music plays)
(On the right, the Wolf comes out to meet Kolobok).

Wolf: Kolobok, rosy side! I'll eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me gray wolf! I'll tell you a poem.

I'm scraping my bottom,
sweeping through the barn,
planted in the oven,
It's cold at the window!
I left Grandfather and
left Grandma's
I left the Hare, and I’ll leave you, Wolf, even more so!

(Kolobok quickly “rolls” past the Wolf and disappears behind the fir trees on the right. The Wolf runs away in the opposite direction).
(Music plays)
(The Bear comes out to meet Kolobok on the right).

Bear: Kolobok, rosy side! I'll eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Clubfoot! I'll tell you a poem.

I'm scraping my bottom,
sweeping through the barn,
planted in the oven,
It's cold at the window!
I left Grandfather and
left Grandma's
I left the Hare
I left the Wolf, and I’ll leave you, Bear, even more so!

The bun quickly “rolls” past the Bear and disappears behind the fir trees on the right. The bear goes in the opposite direction.
Music is playing.
Kolobok appears from behind the fir trees on the left, from behind the fir trees on the right the Fox comes out to meet Kolobok.

Fox: Kolobok, rosy side! I'll eat you!

I'm scraping my bottom,
sweeping through the barn,
planted in the oven,
It's cold at the window!
I left Grandfather and
left Grandma's
I left the Hare
I left the Wolf
I left the Bear, and I’ll leave you, Fox, even more so!

Fox: Oh, how wonderfully you sing! Yes, I began to hear poorly. Come closer and tell me one more time!

Narrator: Kolobok was glad that they listened to him, and rolled up very close to the sly fox.

I'm scraping my bottom,
sweeping through the barn,
planted in the oven,
It's cold at the window!

Narrator: And the little fox, his - Am! - and ate it.
Although no... Kolobok still managed to escape. But after that he never boasted again.
That's the end of the fairy tale! And whoever listened - well done!

The ability to display one's creativity for the entertainment of young viewers is not given to everyone. Along with acting, skills in designing the stage and characters of the play are also valued. How nice it would be to entertain children in their usual environment with a little theatrical magic. And the most valuable thing will be creating not only your own script, but also decorating a puppet theater for it with your own hands.

Materials for creation

The foundation of a puppet theater is the stage on which all the action will take place. The stage and screen can be made in several ways. The simplest scene is made of fabric. A large piece of fabric is hung over the doorway, a horizontal slit is made in the fabric, through which the dolls will peek out during the performance.

It's also easy to build a stage using chairs or stools. Two chairs are placed with their backs apart, the seats are hung to the floor with fabric, and distant lands the backrest is stretched with a string or elastic band - rear end scenes from under which the dolls will peek out. This design consists of stools as follows: three stools in a row, two on the sides of this row. The fabric is laid in the same way.

A cardboard scene is made using boxes. You can either glue it together from several boxes, or make it from one. Several boxes suggest laying out of them, like bricks, a full-fledged theater frame with a window, which is later covered with fabric and curtains. One large box should be stripped of its folding parts and two walls to create a piece of cardboard with U-shaped folds. A rectangular hole should be made in the bottom of the box, and the remaining walls should be secured in an angular position so that the box can stand by folding and gluing small square cylinders at the folds, which will prevent the box from folding. Such a scene can be easily decorated with colored paper or wallpaper.

Puppet theater in kindergarten requires a more decent appearance, so it is best to make it from plywood.

Plywood stage

To create this look puppet scene with a screen you will need skills with a saw and threaded screws.

In general, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • plywood or two sheets measuring 750x500 cm and 500x400 cm, or one sheet measuring 750x900 cm;
  • small saw;
  • 4 hinges for the doors, the corresponding number of screws for them, a screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • a hammer and several nails;
  • fabric, elastic or lace, needle and thread.

The plywood must be laid out and sawn into the parts shown in the diagram:

If necessary, the parts can be painted or wallpapered. After this, they need to be assembled by connecting them with hinges for the doors. We make two rectangular pieces of fabric the size of the window, from which we attach the curtain with an elastic band or cord and sew it around it. We nail the edges of the rope onto the screen with nails and a hammer. The screen is ready.

Characters for the theater

Paper dolls are most often used in finger puppet theater or attached to skewers. Taurus for finger theater made from pieces of paper glued into cones and attached to skewers flat dolls from applique on cardboard. The following are templates for paper characters of the fairy tale “Teremok”:

For a performance with the characters of the cartoon “Smeshariki” in a puppet theater, homemade disks are suitable. For one smesharik you need a disk, a plastic stopper from sweet water, plasticine, skewer, template, markers or pencils, glue. The character templates are shown below:

If it is not possible to print on a color printer, you will need to color the templates. Next, you should glue them onto a disk, which is seated in a special cut on top of the cork, inside of which plasticine is placed. A skewer is attached to this cork from below, and the doll is ready.

You should pay attention to the fact that it is better to glue individual parts of the templates, such as ears, horns, tails, onto cardboard, and only then onto the disk.

Dolls can also be made from fabric, without even resorting to cutting out their parts. For sock dolls, it is better to choose bright, unnecessary socks made of thick fabric. You will also need two cotton balls, thin gauze or bandage, two black beads or buttons, a bubo of knitting thread, an oval piece of fabric, needles and thread.

We wrap cotton balls in gauze, twist them at the end and tie them with a knot or thread. On them, on the side opposite to the knot, we sew buttons. This will create the eyes for the doll. We cut the end of the sock along the seam, where, inverted, we sew a round piece of fabric. This is how the doll's body and mouth are formed. Above the mouth we sew the eyes, the nodules of which are covered with a sewn bubo, which plays the role of hair. You can also add other decorative elements.

Glove actors - move on to more professional theater. For such a doll, you need a pair of gloves, scissors, buttons, a bubo or fluffy pompom, threads with a needle in the color of the gloves, embroidery threads or other threads that contrast with the color of the gloves, cotton wool or other printed material. A glove doll in the shape of a hare is very common. We make a head from one glove, cutting off such “fingers” as the little finger, ring finger and thumb. The remaining ones will be ears. We form the part round, sew it inside out, and then stuff it with cotton wool. In the second glove we leave the little finger and thumb outside, and we thread the remaining three into the head piece and sew them together. After this, we sew on the hare’s eyes, a forelock from a bubo, embroider the mouth, and you should get a doll, as in the photo:

Video on the topic of the article

Video on creating elements of a puppet theater:

Winter - best time for crafts with children. Today we will tell you how to make a wonderful home puppet theater out of a box with your own hands. Any child will definitely enjoy this original educational toy. What is especially important is that it is useful to play it, because role-playing performances “feed” the brain.

Our craft will be quite simple; you can complete it in just half an hour. Of course, it’s better to do it together with your child - at least he will help you select pictures. A little time - and you will already be playing mini-theater at home together!

What do we need?

  • carton any size
  • culinary skewers
  • small LED garland
  • small beads with a large hole
  • colored paper
  • small images of your favorite fairy tale characters

How to do it?

It is best to take an elongated and low box. If you don’t have one, take any (shoe ones are perfect). Remove the front edge of the box completely. Cut out the back one so that about 2-3 cm remain at the edges. Make cuts on top at regular intervals using a cutter.

Make a small pallet from the cut parts of the boxes. You need to make exactly the same holes in it. We insert culinary skewers into them (can be replaced with sushi chopsticks or tightly twisted newspaper tubes). Place a bead at the end of each skewer and secure with glue if necessary. This will make it easier to move the dolls.

You need to attach pictures to the skewers. If you don’t have ready-made images, just draw them: penguins, snowmen, Santa Claus - any characters you need for a fairy tale or theatrical performance.

The lid of the box needs to be covered with colored paper; we will install it behind the main part of the craft - it will be something like a screen. Using blue, blue and white paper you can imitate snowdrifts and the sea. Separately glue the small elements and side edges for the future homemade theater.

Place them directly into the box - no need to glue them.

Just place the garland on top. To prevent it from slipping, secure it with tape.