House concerts are fun for everyone. Concert script for parents "The magical world of childhood" Solo musical performances and groups


There are many people in the world who would not refuse to become the star of every party or to fill stadiums with thousands of people at their concerts. Such a transformation will not happen in a couple of days; it will take hard work, perseverance, talent and a bit of luck. And also a place for rehearsals. At first, you can do this at home. Here's a look at some amazing home scenes where future stars can take their first steps.

The home stage is the perfect place where the whole family can come together and have a lot of fun exploring their hidden talents. Basically, it does not take up very much space; it can be installed in almost any room.

For music lovers

When it comes to a scene, the imagination most often draws concert venue. Children's bedroom is perfect for equipment home stage. The design is simple, elegant and modern, the background allows it to easily fit into the overall interior. A wonderful place for rehearsals for a young star.

If a small stage is not enough for a big talent, then you can equip a concert venue without the stage itself. Stylish design amazes with painted skyscrapers on background, creating a special atmosphere. For greater effect, you can use dim illumination and spotlights.

Grand performance

In your home cinema you can organize a rock concert and performances of plays by famous authors. To do this, you need to equip a stage in it. It is advisable to equip it in the basement, then it will turn into an ideal place for the whole family, where you can quietly have fun, make noise and relax. If the day has been difficult and you want to relax, then you can calmly watch your favorite movie.

A simple and very effective option for a home stage. The living room or dining room can be considered an ideal place to set up a space for rehearsals and performances in front of guests. If necessary, the instruments can be taken out, then the stage will be freed up for some kind of show. And nothing interferes with the direct purpose of the rooms.

Stage for a rising star

Arranging a stage for your beloved child is a completely achievable task, because you don’t have to try to satisfy the needs of all family members. For a budding wave star, a small stage in an empty corner will be enough. A simple platform, curtains and a hobby theme.

Strange as it may sound, the curtain plays no less important role when registering a home price than the platform itself. It is thanks to him that even a small corner can be turned into a magnificent stage. The version of the platform by the window also looks interesting.

Street performances – ancient tradition, rooted in antiquity. Some people are ashamed and will never go outside to play, thinking that it is something humiliating. However, this is just fun and work (if you are collecting money) - entertainment both for you and, first of all, for passers-by. Street concerts are an excellent training for stage skills and communication with the audience. Moreover, among passers-by, 99.99% are atypical spectators, and training on them is very productive. It is also worth noting that experienced busters often end up working day leave the scene with good earnings. We will talk about the rules and administrative features of street performances in one of the following articles, and here we will look at the main nuances associated with presentation and sound.


The classic image of a busker is a man with an acoustic guitar on the sidewalk or in an underpass. However, no matter how strange it may sound, but acoustic guitar- far from it best tool for the street. Unless, of course, you are gathered with friends on a park bench - but this is not quite a concert. Louder instruments are what you need for crowded spaces: drums or electric guitars. So it’s worth taking care in advance to find a small generator or find out the situation with friendly outlets nearby.


As you have already noticed, your image is also very important for performances. And the street show is no exception. Do you want to be noticed? You need to look according to your needs. Remember, being a musician playing on the street is not the same as being homeless or looking like a homeless person. However, don't dress up like you just stepped out of the marble bathroom in your penthouse. Just find a solution, or just dress like you used to dress for your regular concerts. The main thing is to be at least “half a tone” different from the crowd passing by you.


Adding to the first point, we note that street noise can overwhelm even the loudest singing and playing, so being loud is indeed very important. Not only does this allow people to hear you, but it also makes you look like a confident musician—one who demands attention.


If you really want to make money from your street performances, then it's worth playing to a lesser extent For myself, the main thing is to pay attention to the public. You don’t have to compromise with yourself to do this; there are probably some super-famous songs that both the crowd and you like. There is also no need to play Yesterday for the millionth time, the words of which absolutely everyone knows. However, the recognition of the song is very important, this is what will attract people to you. Of course, you can also insert your own into the speech. own songs. And, of course, you can only play them - it depends on your goals. Also remember that the repertoire can vary depending on the area and location in which you play. For example, there is a nearby Soccer game– why not play Oi! or street punk hits? Or before/after big concert at the stadium you can always play a cover of the hero of the evening or similar performers.


In fact, none of the passers-by likes “askers” - those who approach with a hat to those walking by. If you think it works for you, it's your choice. But if you don't have such a person, make sure that the place where you collect money is visible. It sounds crazy, but pay attention, when passing by some characters playing music on the street, how difficult it is sometimes to understand WHERE, in fact, to express your gratitude for the melodies heard. If you have a small box, it will hardly be noticeable. Try to be creative when it comes to the size and design of the box. It should be large and noticeable. You can write any joke on it or just put your logo.

As a rule, promotion own creativity takes no less strength than its creation. So don't expect the audience's attention to fall on your head on its own. Think about how to organize a concert, collect information on how you did it creative people your direction, which it really helped. After all, you don’t want works created on a wave of wonderful feelings and lovingly improved by labor to gather dust on a shelf or in a desk drawer.

You won't be satisfied with just one breath

The attention and love of fans is a wonderful thing that every artist strives for. Even if your primary interest is purely creativity, it's always nice to see that your ideas are shared. It is especially valuable that there are like-minded people nearby, and you are an exponent of their feelings, and in a sense, they are grateful for this.

Many artists make art for themselves. But if you ask whether they would like to speak, many give a positive answer. The same goes for money. An aspiring artist needs to figure out how to organize a concert in his city and recoup the efforts expended with some bonus.

Ideally, every person should do what they love. If this is music for you, figure out how to make your dream come true and your hobby into a profession. We humans are all interconnected. So, without the support of the public, you are unlikely to become popular and rich, no matter how technical and thoughtful your compositions are. You need to be able to interest the masses. Can be done as solo concert, and jointly with some well-known or the same beginning group.

Where to begin?

In order to understand how to organize a band concert, even the most exalted minds will need to come down to earth and look at the issue from a purely practical point vision. You will have to negotiate with many people, learn to solve organizational issues and understand the wishes of others. If by nature you are not only a creator, but also a talented leader and organizer, then you will be able to understand how to organize a concert.

It is necessary to think about the type of event: will it be a solo performance or a festival. To achieve success, to see an enthusiastic crowd in the hall, and not two half-asleep beer drinkers, you need to figure out how to properly organize a concert. The event must be of high quality and original in order to win positive reviews and attract attention to you in the future.

First steps towards the goal

Let's say you already have a rough idea of ​​what the upcoming event will be like; you can organize a concert in a club or in an open area. Now you need to carefully consider the list of speakers and take care of good advertising. Of course, if you do not yet have a producer ready to help financially, you will have to resolve this issue on your own. Nobody said it would be easy. But this is your dream, so fight for it.

How to organize a concert for an artist if he has little material and few people know him? It would be nice to enlist the support of more experienced and beloved musicians. Of course, they should also have good reasons for performing on the same stage with you. This is either a fee that you will share with them, or others interesting conditions. If you are at approximately the same level, it will be a mutually beneficial transaction in which both costs with responsibility and profits can be divided equally.

If you really are not yet very experienced and are thinking about how to organize a concert, it is better to gather musicians who can attract attention not with their image and promotion, but with originality. In general, those who are in approximately the same conditions as you. They may already be known in your city, but are not big stars on the national stage. It is with such people that you will feel comfortable walking shoulder to shoulder and learning from their experience. At this stage, the most important thing is to organize everything efficiently so that they want to see you again.

Specify a place and time

How to organize a band concert will become clearer when you agree with the club managers about the time of your event. If you don't know how to contact them, check out the official website. You will most likely find all the information you need there. You need to talk with the administration about the place where the event will be held. Also important details are the fee, form of payment, requirements for speakers. You need to agree on a date in advance. It is advisable to make an advance payment in order to avoid force majeure.

The location must be chosen very carefully. Study everything carefully possible options, find out how much you will need to pay for rent, how many people will be able to come there, whether the transport interchange will be convenient. Ideally, there are bus stops, minibuses or metro stops nearby. Remember that if the concert is not scheduled for the weekend, you can negotiate a discount with the owners of the establishment.

Get support

How to organize a concert without significant damage to your wallet? In such cases, it is best to have a sponsor. Music and art are also, in their own way, a commodity, a subject of bidding, purchase and sale transactions. So you need to present your creativity in the most favorable light.

You or your sponsor will have to spend money, but there are many ways to cover some of the costs. For example, by renting a bar, you can become a subtenant and supply advertising services using the room, toilet stalls, stage surfaces at the side and behind. You can also hold competitions and promotions, allow flyers to be distributed during the event, and sell goods in specially designated areas. Even on your own poster, for a fee, you can place someone’s text, promote audio and video advertising, or set aside some time for a press conference.

I don’t know about the rest, but it was customary for us to give concerts at home, on weekends and holidays for parents, grandparents and their friends. The adults gathered, and while they were busy with their feast, conversations and other chores, we, the children, were feverishly making the final preparations for the “concert.”

Home children's concerts were interesting to everyone, both the audience and the participants themselves. You could spend a week or a month learning new songs, making figures for shadow theater, learning poetry, preparing some absolutely fantastic costumes from mom and dad’s clothes. In general, everything was done to surprise parents and guests as much as possible. They prepared for them in advance, and if it was just a day off and there was only your family, you could sing, tell, play something, but if it was some kind of big holiday, like February 23, New Year or March 8 , it was possible to prepare for these concerts in a month, two months. I always wanted to come up with something extraordinary, and since no one knew about the Internet at that time, I had to use my imagination. Thanks to the books I read, educational magazines and simply good upbringing (in those good times there was all this in abundance), we had a wild imagination. By the way, everyone’s favorite pets (hamsters, birds, cats and dogs) very often took part in our home concerts; roles were assigned to them, and then how it turned out.

And now one of these exciting days has arrived! The feelings were like before an exam, what if it doesn’t work out, what if I forget the words, what if the decorations, made with my own hands from colored paper and hidden from my parents until the X-day, fly away. Usually parents were invited into the room where the action took place, they were seated on the sofa and the concert began.

Here I would like to note that during the Soviet era, children were sufficiently educated, as was required of them both at school and at home. Plus, all kinds of clubs were attended not at the whim of the parents, but primarily at the request of the children, fortunately at that time most of the clubs were either free or cost completely symbolic money. And based on all this, our home concerts sometimes turned out very, very good. If one child sings beautifully, another accompanies him, the third shows some miracles, because he is passionate about chemistry and physics, the fourth dances well - there is something to see. And if you consider that your children do all this, isn’t this a reason to be proud of them? Our parents were proud. And we did everything not to upset them and try to be even better. And in fact, these concerts were nothing more than a way to bring joy to the closest people in the world, their parents.

Yes, it’s likely that this wasn’t the case for everyone, but in my circle these concerts were considered something like a wonderful holiday that you prepare for and look forward to. After all, many people used to be friends with their families, and when three, four, or even five or six families gathered in one house, there could be eight to ten children. If someone came unexpectedly, then we, the children, quickly organized a role in our concert for newcomers; they could act as the same scenery or recite some poem while we were changing clothes (children also knew quite a lot of poems for memory back then ). There was a place for everyone and right time. The most important thing is how much fun we had!!! These feelings will never be forgotten. Looking now at the children who are stuck on computers and mobile phones, I really feel sorry for them. And the point is not even that they are different, but how many joys of our childhood these children are deprived of and will never know them again.