Dogons and aliens from Sirius. Dogon. Aliens of the "Ship Nommo" from the constellation Canis Major


In 1931, an expedition took place along the African Niger River, on the territory of the Republic of Mali, under the leadership of geographers from France J. Deterlen and M. Griaule. They discovered a fairly small Dogon tribe, which was previously unknown to anyone in the world. The tribes that geographers found on the “dark continent” were backward in their development, but after talking closely with the Dogon, it turned out that their ideas about the world and the Universe are very similar to modern ones.

The Dogon do not have a written language; they pass on their knowledge from generation to generation in the form of drawings or legends. Members of the tribe shared their knowledge about the structure of the Universe, and also said that our planet moves around its axis “along big circle”, and “permanent stars” are stars that move around other stars, and satellites are stars that form circles when moving. They also know well about the planets in our solar system; they can tell the most information about Saturn and Jupiter. When talking about the planets, they draw a picture for each. When depicting Saturn, they indicated that the planet has two concentrated rings, and near Jupiter they drew four small rings. But, indeed, Saturn is the only planet that is surrounded by rings, and Jupiter is surrounded by four large satellites.

However, the most amazing thing, as scientist Lucian Zinich noted in his work, is that the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter can only be seen with the help of a special telescope, the existence of which the Dogon tribe does not even know. They also have information about Sigitolo (in our opinion about Sirius) - this is the largest star in the night sky, which is located in the constellation Canis Major. Having talked even more with people from this tribe, scientists concluded that their development is far ahead of the knowledge of modern science in the 70s of our century. According to the stories, these facts were already known to the semi-wild Dogon a long time ago.

This knowledge includes information about the composition of small stars around Sirius that we know are composed of heavy nuclear matter, which we call “white dwarfs.” The Dogon know about the existence of 226 constellations in our sky. The most amazing thing is that in the legends of this semi-wild tribe there are modern facts from the field of nuclear physics as well as molecular biology. It is impossible to imagine that such knowledge is available to people developing in primitive conditions of existence. It makes no sense to even imagine the hypothesis that this tribe has a telescope, even a natural one, the mirror of which is a lake in a cave, as well as the assumption that many thousands of years ago several space aliens from Sirius arrived on our planet. But the question remains open: who then provided the Dogon tribe with such information? Many scientists are working on the answer to this question.

Now is the time to remember the famous book “The Mystery of Sirius”, written in 1977 by the English scientist Robert Temple. In his work, the author expressed the opinion that he categorically rejects contact of the Dogon tribe with space aliens. He believes that the Dogon could have received their deep knowledge from the very developed people of the Garamantes in ancient times, who were mentioned by Herodotus. Their kingdom was located from the border of Egypt to the Atlas Mountains. Perhaps they left many drawings in the Tassili Mountains. This people disappeared among the inhabitants of West and North Africa and did not leave behind any monuments, except for small ruins northeast of the city of Murzuka. That is why we know practically nothing about them now. It is believed that some of them settled in the center of the continent, most likely on the Tibesti Highlands, where geographers encountered similar legends as those of the Dogon.

Scientists believe that the descendants of the ancient Garamante people are the Tuaregs. There are facts that show us that this people were highly developed - this is a huge water supply system built, located under the Sahara, it stretches from Sebha to the Ghat oasis, which is located near the Algerian border, as well as many feudal buildings. Let us note the fact that the length of the tunnels cut into the rock is more than 1,600 kilometers. It is amazing how people of the third millennium were able to do this without having mining equipment, tools needed for laying routes, ventilation and lighting. Just imagine, during this work they brought to the surface more than 20 million cubic meters of rock. On this basis, scientists make the assumption that perhaps it was the Garamantes who enlightened the Dogon tribe. But then a new question arises: who gave them such unique knowledge?

Secrets of the Dogon tribe

Today we will introduce you to another secret, which is a link in the chain of eternal questions: “Who are we? Where did you come from? Where are we going?"

At all times, there have been a few mysterious ethnic groups on Earth, whose information and artifact heritage attracts the attention of humanity. These are the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, Dogon, etc. The common features of these peoples are characteristic, in particular, the phenomenon of their sudden appearance and the same sudden and rapid disappearance from the Earth. Particularly striking examples are the Maya and Dogon peoples. Regarding the latter, scientists are currently unanimous on only one thing: no one can say exactly where the Dogon came from. Some researchers suggest that the Dogon tribe appeared simply “out of nowhere,” while other anthropologists consider them a version of the Egyptian civilization, based on the similarity of some myths, in particular the worship of Sirius.

The Gomburi Mountains are located in southern Mali (Africa). This is where the Dogon tribe lives in caves and primitive huts. Isolation from the rest of the world for many centuries allowed this tribe to maintain its identity. In 1931, two French anthropologists accidentally came across this wild but very peaceful tribe. This is where the study of the Dogon began. Scientists Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen, having made this unique “find”, which is a wild tribe for every anthropologist, remained in it for almost 10 years. And there was a reason! What they saw and learned in this tribe was so unusual and interesting that the French came to Mali in the 40s and 50s, continuing to study the customs, myths, and religion of the Dogon. We want to introduce you to all this, and you can draw your own conclusions. According to historical and archaeological evidence, the Dogon came to the Bandiagara plateau, which is now also called the “Country of the Dogon,” at the very beginning of the 13th century. But this tribe holds information that, by any standard of the modern worldview, they simply could not have. Their information destroys all our ideas about ourselves as the only intelligent beings in the Universe. The Dogon claim that knowledge was transmitted to them by space aliens from Sirius in the person of the reptoid amphibian - Nommo, who should return in 2003. If “it” flew somewhere at all...

Over ten years of active work among the natives, the French obtained a lot of interesting material for historians and anthropologists. They were given tools that had not previously been found in any other isolated wild tribe on the planet, all kinds of figurines made of stone, bone and wood. It later turned out that many of these objects are at least 4000 years old!

Scientists were also surprised unusual way cultivation and irrigation of land with Dogon. But the most interesting is yet to come. In the Dogon country there is a cave that goes deep into the mountains, and in this cave there are wall paintings that are over 700 years old. A special person, a saint of their tribe, sits at the entrance to the cave to protect it. This is his lifelong job. This person is fed, cared for, but no one dares to touch him or come close. When he dies, another saint takes his place. So, about the drawings on the walls of the cave, this can be said to be the story of the origin of life on Earth. There is a hypothesis according to which the Dogon came to Earth from Sirius. In any case, all Dogon legends and myths are associated with this brightest star in the sky, which is called “Sirius-A”. The friendship of the French with the Dogon led to the fact that one of their sorcerers revealed secrets to anthropologists, which subsequently produced the effect of a bomb exploding in the scientific world. The sorcerer drew for the French right on the sand a map of the starry sky, in which the central place was occupied by the star Sirius, and next to it two more stars unknown to science - the sorcerer called them Po Tolo and Emme Ya (Western scientists did not even know about the existence of Emme Ya at that time ). The sorcerer noted that Po Tolo’s orbit around Sirius is elliptical and the star moves along it for 50 years.

When the skeptical French asked the native where such deep astronomical knowledge came from, he said that many, many years ago, messengers from heaven flew from the heavenly land of Po Tolo to the Dogon. They were unusually tall and “fish by nature”: they breathed water and therefore constantly wore transparent helmets filled with liquid. The Dogon called the newcomers “nommo,” which in the native language means “drink water.”

Nommo stayed in the Dogon tribe for a hundred years. During this time, they taught the natives to irrigate the land, domesticate animals, make medicine from plants, improved agriculture, methods of hunting animals, and showed how to properly prepare forage. And a hundred years later they flew to Po Tolo, promising to definitely return. Then the sorcerer picked up a small seed of some plant and told the French that the soil of Po Tolo was so heavy that even such a particle of soil from a distant star would not be able to be lifted or moved by all his fellow tribesmen. Hence the name Po Tolo: po is the smallest seed, and tolo is a star. According to the Dogon, Po Tolo has three characteristic features: unusually white and bright (as the sorcerer claimed, looking at it, you can go blind), unusually heavy and very small. The star map drawn by the native showed Saturn and its rings, as well as Jupiter and its moons. The sorcerer showed the scientists the four calendars used by his tribe: the Sun, the Moon, Sirius and Venus.

But this is only part of the Dogon information. They also knew about all the other planets in our solar system, including Neptune, Pluto and Uranus, which we discovered relatively recently. Drawings of the cave, made about 700 years ago, clearly indicate the orbit and rotation period of Sirius B, a white dwarf (Po Tolo), the existence of which astronomers only established in 1862, and only fifteen or twenty years ago they were able to confirm the rest of the information on this star . But the existence of Sirius C (Emme Ya) has not yet been confirmed by astronomers, although it is assumed. In our next publication we will continue our acquaintance with this amazing mysterious tribe.

So, the star Po Tolo, known to science under the name Sirius B (or Sirius Large - the first white dwarf discovered). Western scientists began to suspect its existence only in 1844, when they noticed some features of the movement of Sirius in its orbit. Astronomers realized that some celestial body had a strong influence on this star and interfered with its uniform movement. And only eighteen years later it was possible to calculate the existence of a star, which, due to its unusually high density and enormous weight, influences the movement of Sirius. Sirius B was first observed through a telescope in 1928, but it was only photographed in 1970. Scientists were also interested in whether the substance that makes up the white dwarf is really “the heaviest substance in the Universe,” as the Dogon claim. Initial calculations made more than 20 years ago placed its weight at approximately 2,000 pounds (907.2 kg) per cubic inch (16.4 cc). This could certainly be classified as a heavy substance, but scientists now know that this was an extremely low estimate. According to the latest data, its weight is approximately 1.5 million tons per cubic inch.

Black holes aside, it does appear to be the heaviest matter in the Universe. This means that if you take a cubic inch of this white dwarf, which would weigh about one and a half million tons, then this mass could pass through absolutely everything that comes in its way. It would go straight to the center of the Earth, oscillating back and forth in the Earth's core for a long time, until finally friction would stop it at the very center.

In addition, when scientists checked the orbital period of Sirius B around the large star Sirius A, they found that it was 50.1 years - the same for the Dogon. How did a primitive tribe have such detailed information about a star, the parameters of which could only be measured in this century? But this is only part of the Dogon information. They also knew about all the other planets in our solar system, they knew exactly what these planets look like when you approach them from space, which we also learned only recently. They also knew about red and white blood cells, and had various kinds of information about the physiology of the human body that we have received not so long ago. All this in the “primitive” tribe! Naturally, a group of scientists was sent there to ask the Dogon how they knew all this. The Dogon replied that they were shown this by wall paintings in their cave. The drawings show a flying saucer descending from the sky and landing on three legs - it is very similar to the shape we are familiar with; the drawings then show creatures from the ship digging a large hole in the ground and filling it with water, then jumping out of the ship into the water and coming to the water's edge. These creatures look very similar to dolphins, maybe they were dolphins, but we don't know for sure. Then these creatures began to communicate with the Dogon. They described where they came from and gave the tribe all this information.

Most people, including scientists, simply don't know what to do with these kinds of facts. Since we can't find a way to integrate this unusual information with what we think we know, we simply put it aside - because if we accept it, then our theories, as you know, don't work.

There is one more thing that the Dogons knew about. This small drawing was on the wall of the cave (see figure), but scientists did not know what it was until the orbits of Sirius A and Sirius B were calculated on the computer. The diagram from the Dogon cave (this is the view from Earth) is identical to the model rotation of Sirius B around Sirius A for a certain time - from 1912 to 1990. Dolphins, or whoever these creatures were, transmitted this pattern to the Dogon, dating back to the present time, at least 700 years ago!

According to some scholars, the period between 1912 and 1990 was perhaps one of the most important periods in the history of the Earth. In 1912, experiments with time travel began. 1990 was the first year after the completion of work to create the “Ascension Grid” for our planet. And many other events occurred during this period. The fact that the Dogon wall paintings accurately pointed to this period can clearly be seen as a prophecy.

The following is interesting. On another continent, in Peru, the Uros Indians living near Lake Titicaca tell a story very similar to that of the Dogon.

Here is their creation story: a flying saucer appeared in the sky and landed on Lake Titicaca, on the Island of the Sun. Dolphin-like creatures (similar to Nommo from Dogon stories) jumped into the water, approached the people and told them where they came from. From the very beginning, these creatures entered into intimate relationships with the people who preceded the Incas. It was this contact with the Sky People that, according to this story, marked the beginning of the Inca Empire. In general, it was found that different cultures There are similar legends all over the world. There are twelve different cultures with a similar legend in the Mediterranean alone.

The Dogon records contain information that at the moment of Nommo’s arrival, a fire broke out in the sky. new star, which was five times brighter than Venus. In one of the hypotheses we're talking about about an alien ship, in another about a supernova explosion, possibly in the Sirius system. The Dogon also have indications that Sirius was once in the place of our Sun. Mention is also made of Sirius C - the “Woman Star”, which should become the new center of the world.

According to the general belief of the Dogon, Nommo will definitely return to earth, but this time in the form of people, and will rule the world. The Dogon tell legends about Nommo with great love and respect for these “kind and wise” newcomers. The stories and star maps of the Dogon tribe seem incredible. In many world religions there are references to the fact that “someone will descend to earth,” but it is not often that one comes across maps of the sky, where stars not yet discovered by science are indicated. And it makes you think about a lot of things.

Let us dwell briefly on the esotericism of the Dogon. We have already mentioned one of the hypotheses, according to which the Dogons came to Earth from Sirius. Higher powers They call them Code Keepers.

The sacred cave contains artifacts from Sirius: the Alien Mummy, the Sirius Casket, the Dogon Crystal and the Sacred Lake. This cave is located in a mountain, and the mountain is a Pyramid. The Dogon mission is to transmit the energy of Sirius to Earth through their bodies, the Mummy, the Crystal and the Pyramid. The Sirius Chest contains, among other things, information about the polarity reversal of the Earth.

The Dogon Mirror is a deep-sea underground lake in a cave - the Pyramid, which is like a telescope mirror. At certain times, through this “telescope” you can observe all three stars of the Sirius system, their planets and satellites! There are also other tasks performed by the Dogon. Of course, in the minds of the general mass, they do not know what they are doing. Their work is directed by their Higher Consciousness and priests, the main one being Hogon.

According to available information, the Dogon mission is nearing completion. They must complete their task and return to Sirius. It is noteworthy that the Dogon were never inhabitants of the Earth in the full sense of the word. According to some versions, their soul after physical death transported directly to Sirius. However, this does not mean that everyone on Sirius is like the Dogon. The Dogon in their earthly form look like this because they are on Earth and carry out a specific mission. And when their work is finished, they must disappear from Earth, quickly and efficiently, like other space marines. Their departure will be lightning fast; most likely, the Dogon Country will plunge underground as a result of a powerful underground earthquake. But first they must complete their mission. And they cannot do this without the help of the people of Earth.

We have already mentioned that on the surface of the Earth there are many sacred places connected by direct energy-information channels. Crimea is one of them. Recently, an underground lake associated with Uranus was discovered there near Chatyr-Dag. On the night of the winter solstice (2001), a certain work. As it turned out, Chatyr-Dag and the Dogon pyramid are working in sparring. Their infrastructures are identical! They carry out part of a unified program to broadcast to Earth the much-needed energy of Sirius.

There is a so-called Crimea Crystal, which is a physical-subtle material object consisting of a substance of extraterrestrial origin.

The connection between our planet Earth and Sirius also occupies modern astronomy.

Look at the picture - you are here, and this is the place in the overall picture of the world where we originate.

Where we are, on the third planet from the Sun, it is not easy to understand the intimate connection between the Earth and Sirius. Considering the characteristics of the galactic spiral, scientists came to the following discovery. They noticed that our solar system does not move in space in a straight line, but along a helicondal model, in an elongated spiral. However, such a spiral cannot arise unless we are gravitationally bound to another large body - such as another solar system or something even larger. For example, many people think that the Moon revolves around the Earth, don't they? But this is not so, and has never been so. The Earth and Moon revolve around each other, and between them there is a third component at a distance of about one third from the Earth to the Moon, which is the central point, and the Earth and Moon spiral around this point in the same way as they move around the Sun. This happens because the Earth is connected to a very large body, the Moon, which causes the Earth to move in a certain pattern. And since the entire solar system moves in a spiral in the same way in space, it must be gravitationally connected with some other very large celestial body. So astronomers began searching for this celestial body, first in a specific area of ​​the sky that we were associated with, then narrowing it down more and more until they settled on a specific star system just a few years ago. And this is the Sirius star system - Sirius A, Sirius B and very possibly, scientists believe, Sirius C.

And our solar system is closely connected with the Sirius system due to gravity. We move through space together, rotating in a spiral around a common center. Our fate and the fate of Sirius are intimately connected. We are a single system!

The Dogon live in the southeast of the Republic of Mali in western Africa. This nation numbers approximately 800 thousand people, the vast majority of whom are Muslims, a small part of Christians, and an even smaller part of pagans. The Dogon have their own languages ​​and their own rich history. Other civilizations had little influence on Dogon culture. This is understandable, since they live in hard-to-reach areas where conquerors and missionaries could not reach for a long time. Little is known about the origins of the Dogon. Their ancestors settled in Mali in the 10th-12th centuries, displacing other tribes and partially adopting their traditions. Strictly speaking, the Dogon are not much different from many other tribes in this region.

But what then attracts the attention of ufologists and astronomers to them? And the fact is that, being a rather backward African tribe, the Dogon have amazing knowledge about the constellation Canis Major. To understand the depth of knowledge of the Dogon, you need to plunge into their beliefs.

The heavenly creator in the Dogon religion is Amma, at first Amma was only an emptiness that existed outside of space and time. Nothing existed except this emptiness until Amma opened his eyes. His thought “came out of the spiral,” and our world began to grow rapidly—an idea that some researchers believe is a mythological retelling of the Big Bang Theory. The creator god created Nommo, the first living creature. Soon it divided, and part of it rebelled against Amma. Contrary to the will of his creator, Nommo (or rather, his “separated” part - Ogo) built a ship and after a long journey descended to Earth. Amma did not forgive his disobedience and eventually decided to destroy his rebellious child: according to local beliefs, Nommo arrived on Earth during a “firestorm.” Allegedly, it was thanks to him that the Dogon acquired valuable knowledge about the Universe.

Dogon mythology is closely connected with Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, part of the constellation Canis Major. Sirius is 22 times brighter than the Sun and, according to legend, it is the “homeland” of the god Amma.

In Dogon myths, Sirius is described as double star- just like in the ideas of astronomers. An invisible white dwarf rotates around Sirius A (in Dogon language Sigi tolo) - Sirius B (in Dogon language - Po tolo). Nowadays, scientists are confident in the correctness of this interpretation. But if we can observe Sirius A with the naked eye, then Sirius B can only be seen through a telescope. The white dwarf was discovered only in 1862, and it is not clear how the Dogon learned about it. But that’s not all: the Dogon “know” that the rotation period of Sirius B is 50 Earth years (according to modern astronomical data - 51 years), and every half century they organize the Sigi holiday, thereby marking the “rebirth of the world.” Just a coincidence? But the Dogon also know that Sirius B is a white dwarf - they even designate this star as a white stone.

Surprisingly, according to the Dogon priests, another star revolves around Sirius A - Sirius C (this is for now symbol). Its existence has not yet been officially confirmed, but in 1995, astronomers Duvent and Benest reported that they had observed Sirius C. Perhaps Sirius C really exists and is a small star.

It is believed that in addition to knowledge about Sirius, the Dogon, even in ancient times, also had information about the structure of the solar system - they, for example, were aware of the rings of Saturn. In addition, they divide celestial bodies into planets, stars, satellites, etc. The Dogon are sure that people also live on other planets, although they are different from you and me.

Evidence of contact

All this knowledge is known thanks to the book “The Pale Fox” by the French anthropologist Marcel Griaule. He and his colleague Germaine Dieterlen studied Dogon culture for more than twenty years. Other researchers have also put forward the hypothesis of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. One of them was, for example, the writer Robert Temple, who published the book “The Mystery of Sirius”. In the second half of the 20th century, the public's attention was also attracted by the work of the French astronomer Eric Guerrier, in which he convincingly proved the veracity of the idea of ​​paleocontact.

However, many scientists actively criticize these assumptions. One of them is an anthropologist from Belgium Walter van Beek, who spent twelve years of his life communicating with the Dogon. According to him, during the entire time he was among these people, he did not hear absolutely anything that would be mentioned in the work of Marcel Griaule - about any Sirius or the structure of the solar system.

But it is also possible that van Beek communicated with those representatives of the Dogon who do not have such knowledge... The fact is that Dogon legends can only be retold by initiates - the Olubaru. It is known that Marcel Griaule had a long conversation with several Dogon people who had access to secret knowledge. One of the patriarchs, a Dogon named Ongnonlu, described to Griaule the basis of the system of traditional beliefs. Subsequently, the words of Ongnonlu were supplemented by other noble Dogon.

Lost in translation

Dogon ideas about the structure of celestial bodies are far from a strictly scientific understanding. Their knowledge of Sirius is part of their traditional beliefs and is closely intertwined with myths. To indicate the movement of Sirius B around Sirius A, the Dogon made sketches. These could be figures laid out on the ground or inscribed on stone. There are also oral traditions about Sirius. One of the Dogon ritual songs contains the following words:

The road of the mask is the star Digitaria (Sirius B), this the road goes similar to Digitaria.

In any case, the French ethnographer Marcel Griaule, who knew the intricacies of Dogon dialects, insisted on this translation option. But there is an alternative, literal translation of these lines, which completely changes their meaning:

The road of the mask is a straight vertical, this road goes straight.

Versions and assumptions

Some researchers have tried to explain the Dogon mystery without resorting to “alien” versions. But these attempts sometimes only further strengthened the position of the paleocontact hypothesis.

Take, for example, the common version about ancient telescopes. It is known that the Dogon were in contact with the ancient Egyptians. Theoretically, they could have inherited astronomical knowledge from them. Another question is: was there anything to inherit? After all, even if we assume that the ancient Egyptians had primitive telescopes, they still would not have allowed them to see Sirius B: it became known only with the advent of modern equipment.

Another version says that the Dogon could have... their own telescope. True, in this case we are talking only about natural phenomenon, capable of replacing optics. There is an assumption that water, rotating at a constant speed in a closed space, under certain conditions could form a giant concave mirror and would make it possible to distinguish celestial bodies reflected in it. Supposedly this is how you can see stars that are hidden from the naked eye...

An equally strange hypothesis states that the Dogon had unique vision, which allowed them to see Sirius V. Indeed, a trained eye is able to distinguish objects at a considerable distance. But in the case of Sirius B, even the sharpest vision will be powerless. In general, if you believe the words of Marcel Griaule, the Dogon knew not only about the very fact of the existence of Sirius B, but also about its orbit, mass and density. Not to mention the knowledge of the African tribe regarding other celestial bodies. It is impossible to explain all this with some ancient devices or physiological characteristics of the Dogon.

There is, however, another version that can give a comprehensive answer to the question about the mystery of the Dogon: knowledge about astronomical bodies was brought by European missionaries who visited the Dogon even before the expedition of Marcel Griaule. End XIX century(Sirius B was discovered a little earlier) became a period of greatest activity for Christian missions, and perhaps the Dogon subsequently wove the stories of the white-skinned guests into their traditional value system, and subsequent generations accepted them as the real ancient traditions of their ancestors.

On the other hand, it is not so easy to imagine that European missionaries told Africans about the structure of our Universe, and not about Jesus Christ. However, the version that astronomical knowledge completely unnecessary in everyday life was left wild tribe aliens also sounds pretty ridiculous.

Paleocontact: truth and fiction

To our question, the famous ufologist, coordinator of the Cosmopoisk association, Vadim Chernobrov, answered:

- Based on the available facts, we see that in some astronomical matters the level of the Dogon even exceeded the modern one. Where they got this knowledge is a mystery. It is not even known for certain in which village the main material evidence of this knowledge is located. The main interest is, of course, the data on Sirius. One of the Dogon myths tells of a system consisting of three stars. According to Dogon information, the third star (Sirius C, still unknown to science) rotates around Sirius A along a longer trajectory. Official science did not recognize the idea of ​​the existence of Sirius C for a long time, but then scientists observed X-ray emission from the Sirius system, and it became clear that a third star may exist.

The scientific knowledge of some savage peoples, seemingly uneducated and primitive, is sometimes shocking modern man. For example, the Sumerians, who lived in the southern part of Iraq, five thousand years ago knew about the presence of all the planets that made up the well-known system, as well as about the 10th planet, which scientists still argue about to this day. Another example of amazing knowledge about the Universe is the knowledge of the Dogon tribe.

Representatives of the Dogon tribe taught scientists

In 1931, the Dogon tribe was visited by M. Griol, an ethnographer from France who was interested in the life and culture of isolated tribes. He noted that the Dogon tribe includes literate people-farmers who know writing. Civilization level of a given people differed little from similar neighboring tribes. Initially, the professor did not notice anything remarkable or unusual until he heard the Dogon legends about space and the Universe. For many centuries, these stories were passed down orally from generation to generation.

After this, Grigol and his colleagues visited the Dogon more than once. Moreover, he lived there periodically for quite a long time, studying the legends of this people, and also comparing them with the work of scientists.

The Dogon describe the process of formation and development of the Universe as follows:

In the Dogon version, the above process looks like this:

First of all, the god Amma appeared, who initially existed on nothing. This god had the appearance of a ball or egg closed in its shell. The world inside the deity had neither space nor time, in general, it had nothing. Amma existed like this for quite some time, but suddenly decided to open his eyes. At the same time, his thoughts came out of the spiral that was previously located in his belly. It was this spiral that contributed to the future expansion of the world.

About modern world The natives also said a lot, for example, that it is limitless, but its size can be calculated. Grigol compared this formulation with the theory of relativity, which was created by the world famous Einstein.

Our galaxy, called Milky Way, The Dogon called it the “border of place.” This boundary in their legends designates one separate section of the world of Amma, within which our planet resides, and this entire world, in turn, serves as a component of the spiral and continuously rotates along it.

Surprisingly, most galaxies discovered by scientists using modern research technology, which the Dogon simply could not have and still do not have, have a spiral shape. Could this be just a coincidence?

The Dogon structure of the universe

Representatives of the ancient tribe described above argued that our planet is not central, responsible for the universe. In addition to her, there is a presence in space huge amount other inhabited planets.

Spiral-shaped worlds are inhabited and contain diverse life. God Amma, who gave form to everything and appearance, at the same time created living creatures similar to modern ones, and everything else that inhabits these worlds.

It is incredible that the Dogons imagined not only space objects - stars, but also other space objects, and also understood which of them revolved and around whom. They said:

Under the influence of a spiral spring, our Sun rotates only around itself, and the planet on which we are located rotates around its personal axis and, moreover, moves along the “Great Circle”.

As it turned out, the Dogons know all the planets of our planetary system. In addition, they claim the presence of a tenth planet. The natives are even aware that the planet Venus has a personal satellite. The current science of astronomy, in their opinion, still does not know everything.

When the Dogons told their legends to the forwarders, they supplemented them with illustrations that were original, but quite understandable. For example, they drew the planet Jupiter with a large ball, next to which they drew 4 small circles - the largest satellites discovered by Galileo back in 1610. By the way, the Dogons had never heard anything about Galilee.

The main planet-star, according to the tribe, is Sirius

This star is truly the brightest in the night sky. According to the Dogons, this star had the most important and significant influence on the development of our life. Moreover, the tribe knows that Sirius is a star-type system consisting of 3 cosmic luminous bodies. Our scientists have so far discovered only the first satellite of Sirius, and they continue to argue about the existence of the second.

The companion of the above star is Sirius B. According to the Dogons, this body rotates around the main one in half a century. During the Sirius convergence, star B begins to glow brighter than usual, so it becomes noticeable. As star B moves away, Sirius begins to glow. This pattern of glow is confirmed by scientists.

The Dogon claim that Sirius B is the heaviest cosmic body, which is also confirmed by scientists. It was this star that was the first “white dwarf” to be discovered during observations of the Universe. One cubic cm of the substance that makes up this star weighs 50 tons.

We may be aliens from Sirius B

Some Dogon legends describe skyboats that brought us from the planet whose “sun” was Sirius B before it exploded. The natives said that when descending, the ships adhered to the trajectory double helix, which, by the way, looks suspiciously like DNA. This spiral, in their opinion, revived the first particle of life, and the boats reflected the cycle of life in it.

Where did the Dogons get their knowledge from?

When the expeditioners asked the natives how they learned about the Universe and so on, they answered that they partially read the drawings on the walls in the “Holy Cave”. This area is located on tribal territory and has a huge amount of rock art, whose age in the twentieth century exceeded 700 years.

Not everyone can enter the cave, since a special guard constantly sits near its entrance - ordinary person strong physical build, which is difficult to get around. The guard of the cave is looked after: they feed him, clothe him, bring him water and anything else he asks for. No one from the tribe can touch him, as he is considered a saint. After the death of the guard, he is replaced by another “saint,” completely repeating the fate of the previous one.

The Dogon shamans flatly refused to show the exact location of the treasury. They only told the forwarders that not only drawings, but also “evidence” were stored in this cave. Some researchers managed to get into the cave secretly, but during this they died, and a “natural” death from a cerebral hemorrhage. No trace violent death was not found on their bodies.

The entire celestial sphere is divided into areas called constellations. Each of them includes tens and hundreds of stars. Our distant ancestors, for greater clarity, depicted the constellations in the form of various figures. They outlined star clusters with imaginary lines and obtained original drawings. This is how the constellation of the Crane, Dove, Hare, Peacock, Golden Fish and many, many others appeared. For example, in starry sky There are 41 constellations in the Southern Hemisphere, and 47 in the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, today there are 88 constellations.

Constellation Canis Major in the form of a drawing of a dog and lines on the night sky

We will be interested in the constellation Canis Major, located on the celestial sphere of the Southern Hemisphere. It includes 148 stars. There are 80 of the brightest of them. But the brightest star of this constellation is called Sirius. It emits a bluish-white glow and is perfectly visible in the night sky. It should be noted right away that the bluish-white beauty leads in its brightness not only among its brothers in the constellation. It is brighter than all the stars in the night sky, and people have known about it for thousands of years.

Not only residents of the Southern Hemisphere can admire Sirius. The northerners were also lucky. Even residents of Norilsk, Vorkuta and Murmansk are not deprived of this pleasure. Good visibility of this celestial body explained by the fact that it is closer than other stars to our solar system, with the exception of the Alpha Centauri star system (4.36 light years), Barnard's star (5.97 light years), and the Wolf 359 star (7.82 light years) and the stars Lalande 21185 (8.29 light years).

The distance between our native Sun and Sirius is only 8.64 light years. For the vast expanses of the Milky Way, this is nothing. In its brightness, Sirius is second only to the Sun, Moon, beautiful Venus, mysterious Mars and gas giant Jupiter. But among the distant stars of the Universe he is the first. Other shining formations are clearly paler, but they are located further from the old Earth.

Sirius is the brightest star in Earth's night sky

To mid-19th For centuries, the bluish-white star was considered a lonely beauty in the endless black cosmic abyss. But in 1844, the German mathematician and astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) hypothesized that there was some large dark body invisible to the human eye near Sirius. The professor's conclusions were not based on nothing. The star, moving, constantly deviated first to the left, then to the right from its linear motion.

Friedrich Bessel argued that the star and the mysterious dark body have a common center of rotation, and the period of one revolution around it is 50 years. Venerable astronomers perceived this statement with skepticism. The German professor could not prove it in any practical way. He died in 1846, and in 1862, the American astronomer and telescope designer Alvan Graham Clark (1832-1897), while checking the operation of a new 18-inch optical telescope, discovered a small star near Sirius.

They began to observe her and discovered that she was moving in a certain orbit, completely consistent with the calculations of Friedrich Bessel. Thus, the theoretical calculations of the German professor found practical confirmation, which once again confirmed the genius of the self-taught mathematician.

In subsequent years, astronomers unraveled the mystery of the mysterious object. It turned out to be a star that received the status of a white dwarf. There are no thermonuclear reactions in the depths of this space object. Moreover, the mass of such a cosmic formation is equal to the mass of the Sun, but the diameter is many times smaller. Accordingly, the white dwarf has an enormous density, which is millions of times greater than the density of any star, in the depths of which irreversible thermonuclear processes are constantly taking place.

In the end, Sirius revealed his secrets to people. The large bluish-white star was named Sirius-A. The white dwarf was named Sirius-B. The latter is the very first white dwarf with the highest mass discovered. The age of the stars is about 200-300 million years. By cosmic standards, this is youth. At the very beginning of its life path Sirius consisted of two bright suns. The mass of one was equal to 5 masses of our Sun, and the mass of the second was only 2 masses of our native star.

The more massive star burned out and became a white dwarf. Its volume decreased to the size of the Earth, and its mass became equal to the mass of the Sun. Another formation, that is, Sirius-A, today exceeds the Sun in mass twice, that is, it has remained unchanged in its size. People have been observing its radiance for thousands of years in the firmament. This is where the fun begins.

The noble Roman citizen and philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC-65) called Sirius not a bluish-white, but a bright red star. One could argue that the venerable meter was mistaken, but the fact is that Claudius Ptolemy (87-165) also saw a radiance of a similar color. The latter was an astronomer and astrologer. He regularly admired the night sky, but for some reason he did not see any bluish-white lights.

Did this respected gentleman really suffer from some kind of hidden visual defect? But what then to do with the Chinese astronomer Sima Qian (145-90 BC). This resident of the eastern tip of Eurasia also mentions the red color of a distant star. He is echoed by representatives of many other peoples who lived around the same time. One cannot help but conclude that 2000 years ago Sirius-A emitted a red glow, and then, for unknown reasons, changed its color to bluish-white.

Official science categorically rejects this state of affairs. An age of 2000 years for the Universe is the same as a second in human life. In such an insignificant period of time, no fundamental changes can simply occur to the star.

Scientific minds of our time make the assumption that the word “red” is only a metaphor. Poetically minded personalities of antiquity simply tried to emphasize the beauty of the star, so they endowed it with bright epithets that had nothing to do with reality. It is also necessary to take into account that during sunrise and sunset the star flickers, creating a pale red glow around itself.

There is, however, another opinion that has nothing to do with official science. It offers the public a slightly different interpretation of events and points to little-studied aspects of life that lie beyond rational thinking.


In West Africa, in the southeast of the state of Mali, there live a people who call themselves Dogon. These people live in remote areas of the Bandiagara sandstone plateau. The steep cliffs of this natural formation reach a height of up to 500 meters, and the length of the plateau reaches 150 km. This area has a unique landscape. It includes people's houses, sanctuaries for the performance of religious rites, grain storage facilities, cleared areas for public meetings and is a unique architectural complex considered an object World Heritage UNESCO.

The Dogons appeared in the lands West Africa approximately in the 10th century. Legends say that they came from somewhere from the upper reaches of the Niger, that is, from west coast the hottest continent on the planet. But where exactly they lived for many millennia, where the roots of this people “grow” - nothing is known. One gets the impression that the tribe arose out of nowhere and settled on the Bandiagara plateau, significantly displacing the local peoples.

The Dogon never had a high culture. Given their isolation, there have been no fundamental changes in the 21st century. This semi-wild tribe, which feeds itself by raising cattle and farming. There is practically no production; only blacksmithing and pottery are developed. People live in adobe houses, which can rather be called huts. However, adobe buildings have always been distinguished by their high strength, durability and low cost, and their environmental friendliness even today does not raise any doubts. The population reaches 200 thousand people.

The tribe is divided into communities, and these, in turn, are divided into families. Every community has a priest. This spiritual guide his flock. He is also the keeper of ancient knowledge left to him by his ancestors. Knowledge is expressed in myths and legends and carries very interesting information. It is thanks to her that the Dogon are widely known not only to ethnographers, but also to astronomers.

This people, hidden from the whole world in hard-to-reach places, has its main god Ammu, as well as the folk hero Nommo. Deities emerging from water occupy a significant place in mythology. These are half-people, half-snakes, possessing enormous mystical power. There is also the evil creature Yurugu, who brings destruction and death. In general, nothing special. Every nation has something similar in its myths and legends. But this is only at first glance.

What is the difference, and who noticed it first? Here it is necessary to mention the name of the French ethnographer Marcel Griaule (1898-1956). This is a professor at the University of Paris who organized as many as 5 expeditions to Africa. That is, a person who deeply possesses certain knowledge concerning the archaic elements of the culture of the ancient peoples of the hot continent.

It must be said right away that Marcel Griaule’s expeditions were by no means short-term trips to backward African tribes. The scientist lived among these people for years, carefully studying their myths, traditions and customs. This is a serious researcher, and you can trust him unconditionally.

In the 30s of the last century, a Frenchman lived for several years among the Dogon. He carefully studied the life of these people and recorded their legends from ancient times. Returning to Europe, the scientist processed the material and published several serious articles on ethnography. They did not arouse any interest among the general public. These were highly specialized works, interesting only to people of science.

How it happened is unknown, but the works of Marcel Griaule caught the eye of the English astronomer and mathematician William Hunter McCrea (1904-1999). Having carefully read the ethnographer’s articles, the Briton was shocked to the core. What he read in the Frenchman’s works went beyond the usual understanding of the world around him and directly related to the distant star Sirius.

Dogon and Sirius

The most important place in Dogon mythology was occupied by the star Sirius. In the minds of these people, it was considered triple and consisted of main star and two minor stars. The main one or Sirius-A was called Sigi tolo by the Dogon. The secondary ones were called: Po tolo and Emmeya tolo. There was no doubt that Potolo was Sirius B or a white dwarf. But Emmeya is unknown to modern astronomy.

Legends mysterious people said that at first, most big star was Potolo. It emitted a bright red color, clearly visible from Earth. This is exactly how Sirius was contemplated by Seneca, Claudius Ptolemy and Sima Qian in their time. In the 2nd century AD, a huge star exploded and turned into a white dwarf. Another star entered the “arena”, namely Sigi Tolo or Sirius-A. It is this cosmic formation, emitting a bluish-white glow, that astronomers have been seeing in the night sky for 1800 years.

This interpretation of distant events explained the discrepancy between the colors of the bright star in different periods of time. But what was surprising was the fact that none of the ancient astronomers mentioned any explosion. It turned out that only the mysterious people were aware of the events, and the rest of the planet, as they say, was neither in ear nor in spirit.

As for Emmeya Tolo, unknown to modern science, the Dogon are completely clear about this. This object also rotates around a common center of rotation, making one revolution every 50 years. But its trajectory is much longer than that of its counterparts. Therefore, this star moves at a higher speed. In terms of mass, it is 4 times lighter than Sirius-B, and its radius is 1.5 times greater. Accordingly, the density of this cosmic formation is less than that of a white dwarf.

The Dogon are not limited to information about three stars. Their myths and legends tell much more about space. The priests of the mysterious people know that the stars in the sky are part of a huge cosmic formation called Yalu Ulo - the Milky Way galaxy. In addition to this formation, there are other star systems located at a great distance from the Earth. The center of the world around which the Universe revolves is Sirius. It is through it that the invisible axis passes, and nearby stars represent the support of outer space.

This space is not a “lifeless desert” at all. There are many intelligent beings living in space. They are not similar to earthlings, but in their intelligence they are in no way inferior to them, and in many cases they are superior. As for solar system, then the priests of the mysterious people name the five planets revolving around the Sun. These are Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. At the same time, they call Mercury a star rotating near Venus, and Jupiter only has four satellites. They don't mention Uranus and Neptune at all. That is, these two planets are unknown to them.

In his scientific reports, Marcel Griaule mentioned a deep cave on the mountainside. The entrance to the cave was guarded by a priest specially chosen for this purpose. This was his lifelong responsibility. After the death of a person, another priest took the place and was constantly at the entrance until the end of his days. What was stored in this cave? Its walls were covered with drawings that were at least 700 years old. The rock inscriptions depicted the history of the emergence of intelligent life on planet Earth.

According to the pictures, mysterious tribe The Dogon flew to the blue planet from Sirius. But, having arrived on Earth, the distant ancestors of today’s natives turned out to be completely unadapted to local conditions. Then mysterious creatures flew from the bluish-pale star, whom the Dogon called nommo - water drinkers.

They were tall and always wore transparent spacesuits filled with water. These creatures were inseparable from the native tribe for 100 long years. Mysterious entities taught the Dogon agriculture, hunting, and explained how to make medicines from plants, how to build houses for yourself. Having made sure that their students already felt confident enough on Earth, the aliens flew away, but promised to return.

All these stories, legends, rock paintings reminded a beautiful fairy tale. But the information in this tale largely corresponded to the truth, which the ignorant people living in the remote regions of Africa simply could not know.

The scientific world, naturally, became interested in this whole unusual situation. The Dogons came under the close attention of objective and serious researchers. It must be said right away that the cave mentioned in the reports of Marcel Griaule was subsequently not found. But the priests with whom the researchers spoke even today showed amazing knowledge in such matters as the structure of outer space and, in particular, spoke in detail about Sirius-A, Sirius-B and the third unknown star.

At the same time, the knowledge of the mysterious people had certain flaws. So they called only 4 satellites of the gas giant Jupiter, namely: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Nowadays, any schoolchild knows that there are as many as 47 of them, and this is far from the final number. The mysterious people knew nothing about Uranus and Neptune, let alone Pluto. The conclusion suggested itself: the Dogon have knowledge not even of yesterday, but of the day before yesterday.

The aliens, if they decided to tell the African tribe about space, should have given truly complete and truthful information. Otherwise they said about the third star Sirius, but forgot about Neptune and Pluto.

Consequently, there were no aliens from outer space, and even in spacesuits filled with water. And there was, most likely, some unknown missionary who was seriously interested in astronomy. It appeared on the Bandiagara plateau in the 19th century. As a true Catholic, striving to convert people to the true faith, he at the same time enriched them with the unique knowledge about the structure of the Universe that humanity possessed at that time.

This knowledge, however, went against the laws of God, but apparently the unknown missionary was a rather free-thinking person and successfully combined God’s word and scientific progress.

As for the third star of the bluish-white beauty, this could simply be the fantasy of the venerable husband. After all, his stories about space were not a dry scientific report, but a bright and colorful narrative. Otherwise, who would listen to him?

At the same time, as we know, Neptune was discovered in 1846, and the world learned about Sirius-B in 1862. So the missionary, talking about the distant bright star of the constellation Canis Major, could not help but know about the 8th planet of the solar system. However, he did not mention a word about her. He also didn’t say anything about Uranus, which received planetary status in 1783.

All this indicates that most likely there was no mysterious missionary, or there were several similar people who gave the Dogon fragmentary knowledge about the structure of the Universe in different periods of time. Be that as it may, it is the version about the missionary that is the most acceptable for official science. It more or less plausibly and realistically explains the mystery of the mysterious African people. All other hypotheses and assumptions look so fantastic that serious researchers call them complete nonsense.

The version about aliens can only be confirmed by the discovery of the 3rd star of Sirius. But so far nothing like this has been discovered in the cosmic abyss. So let’s be patient and wait until official science completely refutes or confirms the presence of an invisible cosmic body next to the bluish-white beauty.

As for the explosion of the Sirius-B star, this statement of the Dogon is also in great doubt. If such a cataclysm had occurred, then a large dust cloud could have been observed near Sirius A for many millennia. However, nothing like this has been noticed by modern telescopes.

Dogon and Sirius are one of the most intriguing mysteries of our time. WITH light hand French ethnographer Marcel Griaule, humanity received another riddle, which modern science is not yet able to solve. We can only wait for time to dot the i’s and lift the mysterious veil that has surrounded the African people, who have been almost completely isolated from the outside world for almost 80 years.