Vorobyova's girlfriend cheated on him. Buzova supported Vorobyov after his beloved betrayed her. Latest news from the "Culture" section


The famous singer and actor Alexey Vorobyov called his lover who cheated on him a whore, and showed everyone else the middle finger.

A classic plot: the husband unexpectedly returns from a business trip, and the wife has sexual pleasures with her lover.

True, in this case, he unexpectedly returned from a creative trip to America famous bachelor, but it was not his wife who cheated on him, but his girlfriend. But this does not change the essence of the matter.

The cuckold turned out to be famous Russian actor and singer, recent hero of the show "The Bachelor".

Today, the artist published three posts on Instagram at once, dedicated to his breakup with his ex-lover.

Under the first photo, Vorobiev told subscribers that he had decided to surprise his girlfriend and fly from the distant States to spend a few hours with her.

“I reclined my seat, lay on the plane and thought... I flew for 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now again spend 13 hours in flight. And you know what? it was worth it... Now I know for sure that miracles don’t happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, but I’m leaving as a bachelor... The moral of the story is this: If you want to make a surprise, fly across the ocean for a day for someone. “It’s better to warn about your intentions,” Vorobiev wrote.

“I’ll remember us like this, okay? And I’ll just erase the rest, as if it never happened. I’ll erase your phone, since I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life,” he wrote.

“It happens..”, “Everything is for the best!”, “Hold on, Alexey! It’s good that you found out now,” “How I understand you!”, the fans supported the star.

But some fans of the singer began to accuse the singer of being like that himself and that, they say, it served him right.

Vorobyov answered them too. Under the third photo, he urged fans not to meddle in his personal life. The photo showed the vocalist himself in an embrace with his ex-girlfriend, whose face was covered by a smiley face with an indecent gesture - the middle finger.

"And this is for all the moralists who decided that life shouldn't be put on display. It's my life and my fucking Instagram. So, with all due respect, fuck off... with that whore."

28-year-old handsome man, actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov, despite his great desire to start a family, cannot find his soul mate.

Just yesterday, returning to Moscow, the artist thought that his beloved was waiting for him and decided to surprise her: come home without warning, but it turned out that in his absence the girl was busy organizing her personal life. Alexey was so enraged by the betrayal of his beloved that he immediately broke off relations with her and crossed her out of his life. On your page in social network He wrote on Instagram about this:

“Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to spend at least a few hours with my girlfriend, but I’m leaving as a bachelor. I'll remember us like this, okay? And I’ll just erase the rest as if it didn’t happen. I’ll erase your phone number, since I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life,” and then added: “And this is for all the moralists who decided that it’s not worth putting life on display.” This is my life and my fucking Instagram. So, with all due respect, go fuck yourself with this whore.”

By the way, one of the first to support the actor was the presenter of “House-2” Olga Buzova, who herself had recently gone through a divorce. She wrote that someone who betrayed once is capable of doing it again, so it’s good that Alexey found out about the betrayal now, and not a year later.

The editors of uznayvse.ru recall that at one time Alexey Vorobyov met with Victoria Deineko,


When you look at Alexey Vorobyov, it seems that he should not have problems with girls: successful, talented, handsome - what is not the man of your dreams? However, in reality everything is different: last week the singer shared his personal experiences about his beloved, who betrayed him. Then Alexey wrote a whole post about his broken heart: “I flew for 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now spend 13 hours in flight again. And guess what? It was worth it. Now I know for sure that miracles do not happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, but I’m leaving as a bachelor... The moral of the story is this: if you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for a day for someone, it’s better to warn about your intentions,” Vorobiev wrote on Instagram.

The singer's fans sounded the alarm: what girl dared to offend their idol like that? After all, Alexey did not show the face of his beloved, and hid her name - so as not to jinx it. And finally, the journalists managed to find out who broke the singer’s heart: according to Vorobyov’s friends, his ex-lover is 21-year-old Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova, the lead singer of the DynamA group, with whom Alexey began an affair last year. “Lesha had many girls, but with tenderness he spoke only about Diana,” a friend of the star told StarHit reporters. “Alexey valued this relationship very much and pleased his beloved with gifts and huge bouquets of roses. What happened destroyed everything - they broke up without even remaining friends.”


It is noteworthy that at the end of last year information appeared that Diana Ivanitskaya had an affair with TV presenter Dmitry Khrustalev. Then the couple often appeared together at events and hugged in front of photographers, but did not comment on their relationship.

    Handsome and talented, of course, but somehow he’s unlucky in love, he hides the girl who cheated on him, which most likely speaks to the sincerity of his feelings. He’s a bachelor again. I’m not a fan of him, but I wish you happiness. I watched a program about him where he talked about how he came back to life and then on stage after the accident, his revelations touched me!

    Here is the girl with whom Alexey Vorobyov dated until recently. He probably even loved him, because he flew from America itself, where he was filming, to surprise his beloved. In the end I got it myself. Alexei Vorobyov himself needs to change this!

    Personally, I was never able to identify her. And from the photo you can see that the girl did not want to advertise the relationship.

    It turns out that at the beginning of 2017, Alexey Vorobyov is free again and at least now he can go on the show The Bachelor.

    Even if he starts a long-term affair, it is not a fact that he will inform us.

    As you can see, Lesha only likes to shout loudly about breakup.

    Alexey Vorobyov is free again).

    It seems that the artist is having no luck on the love front.

    But in this profession it seems that it is rare to find true family happiness.

    Or is this the time).

    It is known that Alexei’s next girlfriend cuckolded him. And with that they fled.

    His identity is not advertised.

    And after such a loud breakup, the artist is still alone. I'm guessing it will take him some time to get into a serious relationship again.

    The year 2017 has just begun and Alexey Vorobyov had a scandal, his girlfriend cheated on him and they broke up. The Internet has already talked about this, Alexey did not make a secret of it, and at the same time promoted himself. Therefore, Alexey is now free again and, as they say, in an active search.

    Despite the fact that handsome Alexei Vorobyov, wounded to the heart, being captivated by far from the most pleasant emotions associated with the news of his beloved’s betrayal, very eloquently and openly shared his personal experiences on the Internet, the identity of the femme fatale still remains a big question .

    And all because Alexey did not go beyond talking about his own disappointment and pain from betrayal. And even more than that, he deleted the original post from the Internet, replacing it with a rather expressive tirade, in which he sent everyone who was overly curious... on a hiking trip in the nearby surroundings together with his ex-girlfriend.

    For clarity, I even posted a corresponding photo, in which the sweet face of the once beloved and only one was hidden from everyone who wanted to know more about what happened in this way:

    This post on personal Instagram eloquently suggests that in the near future and first-hand, we are unlikely to learn the name of the one who broke the heart of the famous singer.

    The depth of Alexei Vorobyov’s experiences and very fresh heart wounds, in my opinion, also indicate that the deceived heartthrob is not yet ready to enter into a new relationship and at the moment is alone.

    One can only sympathize with the singer and wish him good luck in choosing his future companion!

    For now famous singer Alexey Vorobyov is in free flight.

    Although, until quite recently, the young man was in a serious relationship with a girl. And it could even come to a wedding.

    But, unfortunately, or fortunately... A guy who decided to surprise his beloved and beloved, having flown from the USA for just a few hours, caught her in the hot seat. The girl cheated on Alexey.

    It is not known who this person is who captivated and instantly broke Vorobyov’s heart.

    Indeed, Vorobiev is free again, since his ex-girlfriend cheated on the artist, and of course this was the reason for the couple’s separation. Alexey decided not to reveal the name of the girl who did this to him, but he called her lung woman behavior, which was very unpleasant for this girl. So far, he hasn’t had much luck in relationships, but his fans can rejoice, because his heart is free again.

    The identity of the girl who cheated on Alexey Vorobev remained behind the scenes. Alexey did not want to voice it. It is known that they had a very serious relationship.

    When the singer flew to Russia from America specifically to surprise his beloved, he found her in the act of cheating. Came out loud scandal. Sparrow is not going to forgive the girls.

    So the singer’s heart is free again and open to new relationships.

    It's the same girl in the photo, but time will tell who she is.

    Performer, singer and simply handsome, Alexey Vorobev suffered a fiasco from his beloved girl. Then, when the singer was absent in Moscow and went to the USA for performing work, arriving home as a surprise, he found his beloved with ?? a man. And what? It’s a common thing even for such handsome men as Alexey Vorobev.

    Alexey posted everything he saw and heard on his Instagram, and his colleagues in show business did not fail to express words of support to the singer.

    Somehow it turns out that Alexey Vorobyov is constantly in the form of permanent suitors.

    Alexey Vorobiev is young and talented musician, singer and actor. He continues to conquer with his beauty and talent women's hearts, but today his heart is free. The young heartthrob again became an eligible bachelor. And although now he has no one, everyone is waiting to see who will become his chosen one, since his clairvoyant told him that closer to 30 he will meet future wife. Well, for now there is only one woman in his heart and that is his mother!

    Judging by the story of Alexey Vorobyov himself and by the eloquently designed and accompanied by appropriate comments photograph on his Instagram, the singer is no longer dating anyone at the beginning of 2017... The topic turned out to be very banal - Lsha wanted to please his girlfriend (his name is does not name anywhere), having flown to her for several hours thousands of kilometers away without warning, but was forced to personally verify her infidelity, alas... That is, at this point in time the singer is free again, and we must give him his due - although he is angry on your own ex-girlfriend, and scolds, but does not reveal his identity - apparently, he does not want to attract bad attention to his person...

    Lsha Vorobyov is a bachelor again. He has no luck in amorous affairs. I just started dating a girl, and she has already cheated on him.

    Alexey thought that by flying from the USA to his girlfriend suddenly on a date, he would create a sensation, but it turned out that the girl no longer needed his surprise. She was having a great time with another man and Alexey caught his beloved doing this.

    The girl’s name is unknown, but Alexei’s reaction was, to put it mildly, not very adequate. On his Instagram, he sent all the people along with his girlfriend three letters. The singer's fans were very offended and he hastened to apologize.

    You can’t behave like that, Alexey, otherwise you’ll be left without a girl and without fans.

    Alexey Vorobyov, in this situation, in my personal opinion, acted like a gentleman. The name of his ex-lover, who cheated on him with someone else, was not named. He just called her a woman easy virtue.

    Why know her name now? If I asked her to get married, then it would be more interesting.

    But he very skillfully managed to hide the fact that he had a girlfriend at all, because he was credited with having affairs with many beauties after the Bachelor project.

    All that remained were the photographs that Alexei Vorobyov exhibited after discovering the betrayal. But the girl’s face cannot be seen there.

    And the figurine is really wow.

    I don’t think Alexey will suffer for long; such a handsome guy will quickly find a replacement for her.

    It is not known who the mysterious girl who cheated on Alexei Vorobyov is. The singer doesn't say her name. A month ago it became known that Vorobiev had finally found a life partner, but having decided to surprise his girlfriend and arriving ahead of time the other day, he caught her cheating.

    Here's what Alexey Vorobyov said about this:

    On Instagram, Vorobiev posted several photos with his girlfriend (but without revealing her name) with angry and slightly offensive texts, but later apologized for his anger and asked his subscribers for an apology.

The name of the girl with whom the artist broke off relations has become known. Close friends of Alexei Vorobyov claim that he took her very seriously and was not at all prepared for disappointment. Now the director and musician has plunged headlong into his work in order to quickly forget about what happened to him.

After many high-profile novels Alexey Vorobyov learned to carefully hide his relationship, believing that happiness loves silence. But the other day, apparently in a fit of rage, the artist posted a post on Instagram, accusing his beloved of betrayal.

“This girl hurt Lesha,” one of the artist’s friends, Max, told StarHit. - He flew to the USA for filming for 4 months. I decided to surprise my beloved and returned to Moscow for 15 hours. He flew for almost a day and rushed to her, and she behaved in such a way that this post appeared on Lesha’s Instagram...”

Fans wondered who hurt the actor and director so much: music manager Nina, who often posted photos with his dog Elvis, Nastya Dvoryanskaya, whom the artist considers his “goddaughter,” or Miss Russia Zhenya Dravina. But it turned out that this was Diana from the Dynama group.

“Lesha had many girls, but with tenderness he spoke only about Diana,” Max shares with StarHit. - The guys liked the atmosphere of mystery, they tried not to appear in public so as not to get caught. Alexey valued this relationship very much and pleased his beloved with gifts and huge bouquets of roses. But what happened destroyed everything - they broke up without even remaining friends. Diana committed an act that Lech could not forgive.”

When Vorobyov informed the subscribers of his microblog about the betrayal of his beloved, they immediately began to find out what was the matter. However, soon the director and musician himself made it clear that he did not intend to return to this issue. Alexey crossed out everything that connected him with the girl and tried to immerse himself in the work process. It is work, according to the artist himself, that can pull him out of the most severe depression.

Not long ago it became known that Vorobyov was forced to leave Russia for a long time for the sake of long-term filming in the series, in which he was approved for one of the roles. Alexey is keeping the details of the lucrative contract, as well as the name of the popular project, secret for now.


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