Take Great Pictures - Best DSLR Cameras for Beginners. The advantages of this technique. What's inside a DSLR camera?


How to choose a DSLR camera? Digital SLR cameracan be quite an expensive purchase, especially if you want to purchase a high-end device. The market is replete with DSLR cameras of various brands, models, and they all boast a variety of features. It is especially difficult to choose your first DSLR (digital reflex camera), which will meet all requirements. However, in the future, it will be much easier for you. PBefore you make a purchase, please read our complete guide on how to choose a DSLR camera.

Before you finally decide on the model and brand of your future SLR camera, be sure to read the following articles:

  1. (always DSLRs)

12 simple steps on how to choose a DSLR camera:

  1. Why do you need a DSLR camera?. Depending on your tasks, different models will suit you. For home and entertainment - one camera model; for studio and wedding photography - others. Sometimes you can combine a fairly simple camera model with a good lens, and it completely satisfies the needs of its owner.
  2. Determine your budget. Price is often the deciding factor when choosing a DSLR camera. You must remember that not only the carcass is important, but also the camera lens. So take this into account when planning your budget. Additional costs include: spare battery, memory cards, filters, flash, tripod, bag or case. General recommendations: when purchasing your first camera, consider options with a kit lens included; sometimes stores have offers for 2 lenses + body. It's always cheaper than buying separately.
  3. Camera release year. Digital technology is essentially obsolete within a couple of months of its release to the market. The relevance of the camera model is an important parameter. The exception is the legendary options, which do not fall in price even after many years. At one time, such a camera was the Nikon D300. Try to buy something that has been released recently. There are fewer problems with firmware, choosing accessories, and so on.
  4. Number of megapixels. Despite the fact that professionals have already explained the insignificance of this parameter more than once, and everything above 10 megapixels is excellent, nevertheless. The quantity is not the most important thing, but for cropping and printing in large format it is very convenient. However, 18 megapixels is enough for the eyes.
  5. Full frame or cropped? Since the price of full-frame cameras is much higher than cropped ones, if your budget allows, take a full-frame one, if not, then don’t bother. Please note that lenses are also available for full frame and cropped ones.
  6. Ability to shoot in RAW. Today, probably all cameras have the ability to shoot in RAW. For photo processing - this is a treasure!
  7. Camera weight and size. This again comes down to usage. Weight and size always matter, except if the cameras are always on a tripod in the studio. Large sizes and weight are especially felt when traveling and when the shooting day is long.
  8. Zoom. If you have a compact ultrazoom, then you will have a hard time with a simple DSLR camera, where the usual zoom is 3x (lens 18-55). Large zoom lenses for SLR cameras cost a lot and have a number of their own technical features.
  9. Video recording capability. Some people need a DSLR camera primarily for shooting video. An important parameter, when purchasing, check the possibility of connecting a microphone and its cost. Many cameras entry level The video is being filmed, but a microphone cannot be connected for better sound. Also take into account maximum quantity frames per second. The HD function will also not be superfluous.
  10. Lens(s). Just because you have lenses from another manufacturer doesn't mean you have to stick to that brand only. There are many adapters on the market to expand your choices. Lenses are an important part of the camera, and they cost a lot. However, this is the case when savings are inappropriate, as quality suffers. To begin with, the whale ones, those that come with the camera, are suitable, but in the future it will be correct to buy a lens specifically for your needs. If you have owned or have a DSLR camera, you may already have a number of compatible accessories you need.You may not know, but Zenit and other Soviet photographic equipment are the same SLR cameras, only film. Lenses from them can also be used on modern technology using adapters.
  11. Brand. Can you choose from? But there are at least a few more excellent manufacturers: Sony, Pentax, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Samsung, Olympus. The final quality of the photo depends only on you, the photographer.
  12. Think ahead. Maybe sometimes it's worth spending a little right away more money for a model that will keep up with your needs and allow you to grow and learn, rather than buying a cheaper entry-level model that will soon become outdated? It's sad, but entry-level models quickly drop in price and may not be useful in the long run.
  • Lenses (lens) are a very important part of a DSLR camera.
  • Try before you buy! It just seems like a DSLR works wonders. Try shooting in a store and you will see that sometimes it doesn’t matter what you shoot with. In inexperienced hands, even on a DSLR they will turn out very regular photos, the same as on a regular digital camera.
  • Essentially, any camera that has a removable lens and allows full manual operation is a winner.
  • When used correctly and carefully, lenses do not become obsolete. Typically, older lenses from the same manufacturer can be used with more modern models. If something doesn't fit, you can always find an adapter.
  • Happy shopping and creative photography!

Despite the fact that the SLR market is occupied by Japanese manufacturers with 74% of cameras, competition is high. In the battle of the "titans" ( Canon with 48% of the market and Nikon- with 29%) such giants as Sony, Olimpus and Pentax. European companies Victor Hasselblad AB(Sweden) and Leica Camera AG(Germany) are focused on the professional sector of expensive medium format cameras. The famous German “Zeiss” optics are now in cameras Sony, and the creator of the mass hobby for photographic art, American Kodak, practically abandoned the production of finished cameras, refocusing on components for them.

As a result of competition between manufacturers and technology development, the range digital cameras and their electronic “stuffing” is rapidly changing. Before photographers had time to get used to using light-sensitive CCD-type matrices, they were almost replaced by more economical CMOS matrices. The sizes of matrices also change. The size 36x24 mm (full-frame, FF in English and Russian photo slang, respectively) has not only become the norm for the professional segment, but is clearly ready to appear in the semi-professional segment.

Using RAW was the privilege of the pros, and now this format is supported by entry-level cameras, including even digital point-and-shoot cameras. The tendency of many functions to “flow” from the professional segment to the amateur segment fairly confuses the classification of cameras by user groups. But when creating the TOP-10 SLR cameras, you cannot do without their classification.

Let's agree on terms

We will consider only popular mass-produced cameras with a matrix size of no more than 36x24 mm and a price no higher than a mass-produced Russian car, i.e. no more than 260,000 rub. for the Body package (without lens). In general, in the professional and semi-professional segments it is easier to compare digital cameras separately from lenses for two reasons.

  • Firstly, the shooting result is very dependent on the lens, and the choice of lens depends on the subjects being photographed.
  • Secondly, optics practically reached the limits of its perfection already in the era of film cameras.

Professional Let's name cameras that allow you to obtain frames with high speed and quality worthy of glossy magazines and large-format printing. Universal and reportage professional cameras must also be high-performance and suitable for work in different conditions, sufficiently protected from moisture and dust, and durable.

If the camera has a crop factor (the ratio of the diagonal of a 36x24 mm frame to the diagonal of the so-called “cropped” matrix) in the range of 1.3 - 1.6, then the camera can be called semi-professional or advanced amateur. Of course, if its other parameters are at high level.

DSLR for Beginners- this is a device with simple controls, a low price and an inexpensive standard lens, allowing a beginner to master the basics of photography and decide in the direction further development.

So, what does a digital SLR camera mean? How is it built?

This is a camera in which the viewfinder lens and the lens for capturing the image are the same. In addition, such a camera uses a digital matrix, which is designed to record images.

If the camera is not a SLR, then the viewfinder receives an image from a separate small lens, which is most often located above the main one. In a conventional camera, that is, a point-and-shoot camera, the image is displayed on the screen and goes directly onto the matrix.

With a regular mirror digital camera light passes through the lens. Then the light reaches the diaphragm. The aperture regulates the amount of light. Then the light reaches the mirror, is reflected and passes through the prism. This is necessary to redirect it to the viewfinder. Additional information information about the frame and exposure is added using the information screen.

What happens when a photograph is taken?

The mirror of the camera device rises and the camera shutter opens. At this moment the light falls directly on the camera matrix. Photographing takes place, that is, the frame is exposed. The shutter closes and the mirror lowers. The camera is ready to shoot again. This process that we have described happens very quickly! Time is measured in just fractions of a second!

So, we figured out how a digital SLR camera works. But how to choose yours among a huge variety of different models?

How to choose a digital SLR camera?

The question: which SLR digital camera to choose worries many people.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is - full frame or crop? That is: which format should you choose? There is a full-frame matrix and a trimmed, that is, “cropped” version.

If you are not a professional photographer, then the best choice for you would be a model with a reduced matrix. Why? Because such a choice are models that have a lower price. Important! It is almost impossible to get excellent quality photographs on a full-format sensor if you use an inexpensive lens. The slightest flaws will be noticeable. On the crop they will be practically invisible.

The second point that you need to pay attention to when buying a camera is the manufacturer. Solving the problem of which digital SLR camera to choose often begins with which manufacturer to choose. And there is a reason!

So, manufacturing companies.

Undoubtedly, among all companies producing cameras, the recognized leaders are:

  • Canon;
  • Nikon;
  • Sony, largely thanks to the purchase of Konica-Minolta.
  • Pentax;
  • Olympus;
  • Samsung.

It is generally accepted that Canon and Nikon are the best manufacturing companies. It should be taken into account that the cost of photographic accessories from Canon is the highest. At the same time, ease of use is somewhat inferior to Sony and Nikon cameras.

Sony cameras have a very big advantage - a stabilization system built into the body. Thanks to this, the company was able to significantly reduce the cost of optics for these cameras.

Now let's consider the next, very important point: increase, that is, Zoom.

It should be noted that a function that almost all digital cameras have is the ability to zoom. What is this? Magnification is a change in focal length.

The editors of Audio and Video are convinced of the persistence of the myth: “the larger the zoom, the better.”

This - erroneous statement! Zoom is a derived value that shows the ratio of the maximum and minimum focal length. What depends on focal length? To put it simply, this is everything that will be included in the frame when photographing. This function allows the photographer to get a convenient cropping of the image. It turns out that the photographer can remove everything unnecessary from the frame even at the shooting stage.

You are going to film gatherings with friends. If your minimum focal length is too long, then your faithful friends will simply not be included in the frame.

Zoom happens:

  • optic;
  • digital.

The first one is the best and highest quality. This is magnification using optics. In this case, the increase is achieved by changing the focal length of the lens.

Digital Zoom: With this method of enlargement, the finished image is simply stretched using software. This is a bad choice. An example is the following: you found a beautiful picture on the Internet and decided to decorate your desktop with it. The picture is small in size and when stretched it turned out fuzzy.

We conclude: when choosing a Zoom, you should only pay attention to the optical one.

And now about megapixels and real sensitivity. In fact, for large quantity For photographers, this characteristic is very important. But this is not entirely correct, because when choosing a camera, you should first of all look not at megapixels, but directly at the quality of photographs at high sensor sensitivity values.

Body or Kit?

Everyone knows that high-quality optics cost more than the camera itself. And it must be said that the development of electronic technologies does not affect the cost of optics. This is why most professional photographers keep the same lenses when changing cameras. Manufacturers take this into account, and their old optics are suitable for new camera models.

Important point! All photographers have different tasks! A choice should be made based on this factor. You may need different lenses: short-focus, long-focus, portrait, and so on. Therefore, manufacturing companies make it possible to purchase a camera separately and a lens separately.

This is called Body. That is, it means a complete set.

What if the buyer is not a professional and does not understand what he needs?

For such “dummies” there is a choice: manufacturers offer a “camera + lens” set. What does this set represent? This is: a “universal” lens. This lens is the optimal solution for beginners. The cost of such a lens is relatively low, since mass production has been established.

So, the conclusion: digital SLR cameras for dummies are a “camera + lens” set. Often such a kit includes two lenses: short-focus and long-focus. The purpose of such lenses is to shoot at close and long distances.

But if the photographer does not expect to buy interchangeable lenses from the very beginning, then the best option would be a “kit” set with them. An excellent choice is two lenses, because the price of such a set will be much less than if purchased separately.

When choosing a camera, you should pay attention to the classes.

So, there are entry-level cameras, amateur cameras and semi-professional cameras. The first are the most technologically disadvantaged. Manufacturers compensate for these characteristics with automatic modes with various tips for dummies. Attention: the cost of such cameras is comparable to advanced point-and-shoot cameras.

Amateur cameras - that's for sure best option, if the very first camera is purchased, and the person is not yet familiar with all the possibilities digital photography. The advantage of this choice: relatively low price and compact size. This is the choice for travel lovers.

Semi-professional cameras are for those who are quite familiar with photography. Plus: convenience. A large camera, paradoxically as it may sound, is more convenient to shoot. Semi-professional cameras have improved ergonomics. They often have additional controls designed for quick access to certain settings.

What is the main selection criterion here? Undoubtedly, solvency should be taken into account here. As the class of the model increases, both the characteristics of the cameras and their cost increase. Please note: the cost of the lens must be taken into account.

The first is the best and highest quality, magnification using optics. In this case, the increase is achieved by changing the focal length of the lens.

Suggestion from the editors of Audio and Video: Nikon D5200.

The Nikon D5200 with an 18-55 mm lens can confidently be placed in first place in the ranking of entry-level SLR cameras. That is, such cameras that are intended for “dummies”. This is an excellent choice for family and leisure photography while traveling. The Nikon D5200 has excellent photo and video quality in its class. There is a price-quality ratio. The disadvantages include the lack of a focusing motor, which, of course, limits the choice of lenses. But, if you compare this model with the D5100, this camera has an improved autofocus system. We recommend that you immediately purchase a 55-300mm telephoto lens in addition to the 18-55mm one that comes with the kit.

The Nikon D5200 camera is a CMOS matrix, 23.5x15.6 mm (DX format), 24.1 MP; maximum resolution 6000x4000; ISO 100 x 6400 in 1/3 EV steps (can be increased to ISO 25,600 equivalent); continuous shooting up to 3 or 5 frames per second; Full HD video recording; shutter speed from 1/4000 to 30 s; USB 2.0 interface; SDXC, SD/SDHC memory cards; the approximate price of Nikon D5200 18-55 VR Kit is $650. Quite a decent choice for the money!

What does Canon offer?

We draw your attention to Canon EOS 650D. This is the third generation of entry-level DSLRs with an 18-megapixel sensor, a bright 3-inch screen, and a 9-point autofocus system. It is possible to record video with Full HD resolution. Now auto focus has become hybrid, and the rotating display has become touch-sensitive. The camera is equipped with the latest DIGIC 5 processor, which enables continuous shooting at 5 fps and a built-in stereo microphone. The camera was announced back in 2012 and went on sale shortly thereafter.

In North America it is called the EOS Digital Rebel T4i, in Japan it is called the Canon EOS Kiss X6i. Retail price: $650 for camera without lens, $720 for kit with Canon lens EF-S 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 IS II and $950 for the EF-S 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS STM lens kit. And now this camera is very popular and was included in the ranking of the ten best “DSLRs” for non-professionals in 2013.

Well, what about the third leader - Sony? What does she offer?

Audio and Video Editors' Choice is the Sony SLT-A58. Sony SLT-A58 is an amateur SLR camera based on a translucent mirror. The design is equipped with a new Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor. Sony SLT-A58 is high resolution and excellent picture quality.

One of the important indicators of the current trend is the rotating LCD screen. The interface, of course, is not as rich as in semi-professional SLR cameras, but still quite powerful. And ambitious photographers have full access to all the basic functions. Among the design solutions is the presence of AF​/MF levers on the side panel. This is great if you want to use lenses that are not compatible with the DSLR series. The camera is powered by a removable lithium-ion battery NP-FM500H with a capacity of 1600 mAh (7.2 V). The camera has a standard flash opening. The flash has a standard power - guide number 10. If you are going to use the flash often, then you need to be patient, since charging between successive shots takes from 3 to 5 seconds.

The Sony SLT-A58 has a 4:3 aspect ratio LCD screen with a 3-inch diagonal and a resolution of 460,000 pixels. It is possible to use an OLED EVF viewfinder , which is a characteristic element for a DSLR SLR. The heart of the camera is an Exmor HD CMOS sensor with a resolution of 20.1 megapixels. You'll have access to a sensitivity range of ISO 100 - 16000, and an electronic shutter ranging from 30 - 1/4000 sec. Aperture F3.5 - 5.6. You can rely on 4x digital zoom. All these characteristics will give good image quality, which can be called above average.

Now let's talk about the choice for professionals. For this group of consumers there is a professional digital SLR camera.

What can the leading manufacturer Canon offer professional photographers? Canon offers two professional lines: 1D with an APS-H sensor size and 1Ds with a 36x24mm sensor size. If we look at it in total, there are eight models in these lines. This is less than in the lines of semi-professional DSLRs, but the choice is very worthy. It is quite obvious that the cost of Canon SLR cameras for professional use is high. But the excellent quality of the equipment is worth it! The price-quality ratio is present here.

Thus, the Canon EOS 1 D X professional DSLR camera is very popular . Canon EOS 1D X - This combination of speed, high resolution and excellent image quality. These cameras are designed for reportage and studio photography. Canon EOS 1 D X is: 18.1 MP matrix (36×24 mm) / 3.2" screen / shooting speed 14 fps / video 1920×1080 /. The camera weighs 1585 g. In the rating of cameras for professional use, this camera took second place.

What does Nikon offer? According to the rating of professional cameras, Nikon D4 took first place. This is by far the fastest and most powerful professional camera available. Nikon D4 is: 16.2 MP matrix (36×24 mm) / 3.2" screen / shooting speed 11 fps / video 1920×1080 /. The camera weighs 1340 g

The best mid-level professional camera was the Canon EOS 5D Mark III. This camera has a 22.3 MP matrix (36x24 mm) / 3.2" screen / shooting speed 6 fps / video 1920x1080 / and weighs 950 g

Among the budget models, it is worth highlighting the Nikon D4 600. This camera has become the best budget full-frame SLR camera. It has the advantages of exceptional image quality, lightweight body and relatively affordable price. Nikon D4 600 has a 24.3 MP matrix (35.9 x 24 mm) / 3.2" screen / shooting speed 5.5 fps / video 1920×1080 / and quite light weight - 850 g

And among the budget cameras from Canon, it is worth noting the Canon EOS 6D camera, which is a full-frame budget DSLR. Here, savings were achieved by cutting down capabilities that are important only for a very narrow circle of super professionals. Canon EOS 6D is a 20.2 MP matrix (36 x 24 mm) / 3" screen / shooting speed 4.5 fps / video 1920 × 1080 / and light weight- 755 g

Choosing a digital SLR camera is not an easy matter. We hope that we have been able to clarify this issue for you.

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Hello, dear readers of my site! Today I will tell you how DSLR cameras differ from compact cameras. Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages.

First, let's take a look and see the scientific definition of a DSLR. I recommend adding the dictionary to your bookmarks; in the future, this will save enormous time.

To identify characteristic distinctive feature between a SLR camera and a compact, popularly also often called a point-and-shoot camera, let’s consider how does a DSLR work.

Operating principle of a SLR camera

After passing through the lens system in the lens, it falls onto the mirror, hence the name "Reflex camera", which at the initial moment (position 1) closes the matrix with the shutter.

Next, the rays, passing through the focusing frosted glass, enter the optical system called a pentaprism, in which the image is flipped 90 degrees so that it does not appear upside down at the output of the eyepiece.

The next step is to press the shutter button. As soon as we have done this, the mirror in the camera body rises to position 2, the shutter moves back and the image is freely projected onto the camera matrix.

The final stage, for which the camera electronics are responsible, is reading, processing and displaying information received from the DSLR matrix. This is where the operating principle of a SLR camera ends.

As for digital compacts, there are no mirrors. The light is immediately projected onto the matrix and, after pressing the shutter button, the photograph appears on the screen. The design is simple, but such cameras have technical characteristics much worse than SLR cameras.

So what's the most important thing?difference between SLR cameras?

The digital camera has on board a mirror optical viewfinder, which is not subject to the phenomenon of parallax, since the light enters through the lens.

Note: if the manufacturer has built a viewfinder into the compact, then light, as a rule, enters it through an additional window offset relative to the optical axis.

Let's consider advantages of a DSLR camera:

  1. The presence of a mirror optical viewfinder, as a result, the absence of the phenomenon of parallax, more accurate aiming and focusing of the object.
  2. significantly more than digital compacts, so the amount of noise and defects in the image is less, the colors in the photograph look more natural and richer, the range of depth of field is wider, and the detail of objects is much higher.
  3. Phase detection autofocus sensors, not contrast sensors like point-and-shoot cameras. As a result, we have fast autofocus and a high rate of fire.​

​K Other differences between SLR cameras and digital compacts include the following advantages:

  • Possibility of connecting an external flash.
  • for different shooting scenes.
  • A huge number of accessories from different manufacturers: filters, cases, remote shutter buttons, tripods, diffusers, and other goodies.

Basic cons of DSLRspeak for themselves:

  • Price. For the price of a budget DSLR you can buy a couple of decent digital compacts.
  • Weight and dimensions. Weight - 510 grams (according to the passport) and this is without a lens, the weight of compacts is at least 3 times less.​

What better DSLR or soapbox?

The answer is neither one nor the other. The devices are designed for different purposes. Due to their light weight and size, point-and-shoot cameras can easily fit into a pocket, while a DSLR camera will have to be carried around your neck or placed in a backpack. These two types of technology have different philosophies. Compacts are designed for point-and-shoot or "I was here" photos, but a DSLR is a lifelong hobby.

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Live communication in the comments:

    I think this is a mistake: “a wider range of depth of field.”

    A DSLR has a narrower depth of field.

    Thanks for your comment. No, I don't see this as an error. If we are talking about the POSSIBILITY to control the depth of field, then the range on a SLR camera is wider, and if we're talking about O MAXIMUM depth sharpness, then the compact (if you compared a DSLR with it) will have more.

    With this age of IT technology and the transition from film photography to digital photography, I have almost forgotten how to take photographs. At one time I shot with Zenit-ET and Zenit-TTL SLRs, there was a pretty good film photo archive, and slide deposits as well. Then, from 2007. Having switched to a compact digital camera, I slowly began to lose my photography skills through a mirror.

    Now I’m glad that I returned to the DSLR again, now to the imported Nikon 😉

    Although I’m not parting with my Canon IXUS 1100 HS soap dish yet. In particular, due to good quality videos being shot. On a 16 GB card, the camera shoots for more than 55 minutes, plus excellent color quality

    Cool article. I also recently switched to a DSLR. I used to shoot on a point-and-shoot camera and didn’t bother, but then I realized that I wanted more. Now I don’t want to pick up a soap dish. Although there are also a lot of difficulties with a DSLR - it’s hard to carry, lenses need to be changed. But the quality of the photographs justifies everything.

    Alexey, what did you choose as your first DSLR?

    I am a fan of taking photos, but not a professional, I didn’t understand the intricacies...thank you for the article, it expanded my horizons

    Thank you, Alexey, with great pleasure!

    Which most expensive and professional DSLR has a matrix larger than that of the Sony RX1 point-and-shoot camera? And the lenses are interchangeable?!

    Sergey, here’s Nikon D810 Body offhand

    A very mediocre article.

    Why are there 2 rectangles in the path of light after the lens? Maybe it's the aperture and shutter/curtain?

    They have a huge "frosted glass" sign on them with a small arrow pointing towards the truly frosted glass - confusing.

    The principle of operation of a SLR camera ends earlier - immediately after the mirror moves away and the shutter is released.

    Again, what does “the shutter was triggered” mean? It would be nice to explain that the shutter moves back for milliseconds, and the mirror can return to its original position much later.

    The rest of the process is no different from the process in a non-mirror device.

    The advantages of a DSLR camera are exaggerated in the article:

    The size of the matrix is ​​not an advantage of a DSLR, but an advantage of a large device. If you increase the size of the soap dish, you can make the same matrix as in a DSLR.

    You can reduce the matrix, but leave the mirror and the rest - the device will still remain a mirror.

    Non-DSLR cameras (for example, Canon G10) also have the ability to connect an external flash.

    It is not at all necessary that the range of depth of field be wider - it is determined by the capabilities of the lens, not the camera.

    A huge number of accessories from different manufacturers: filters, cases, remote shutter buttons, tripods, diffusers, and other “goodies” are also no different.

    In total, from my point of view, there is only one fundamental difference between a DSLR - it is immediately visible in the viewfinder future photo and you can immediately see how focusing and aperture (the same depth of field) influence it - what will be visible clearly and what will be blurry. Even autofocus is not a fundamental difference, because... 30 years ago, DSLRs did not have autofocus.

    Don't be offended by your opinion.

    Oleg, hello.

    Two squares + lens - tried to show a lens system. Apparently unsuccessful.

    I completely agree that the main difference is the mirrors, hence the name - DSLR. But I’ll argue about the range of depth of field... It’s very difficult to get a shallow depth of field on a small matrix (you can experiment on a mobile phone).

    Everything else... matrix size, flash, buns were written according to average models, meaning by digital compacts ordinary point-and-shoot cameras (modern mirrorless cameras and other expensive models were not taken into account).

    P.S. I agree 100% that the article should be of higher quality. There are plans to rewrite a couple of dozen articles on the blog, add examples, etc., but this is not my main job and I have to spend time whenever possible.

    Thanks for the criticism and detailed answer.

    Alexey, Thanks a lot for calmly reacting to my criticism. Many people in your place would simply ban me. This highly characterizes your moral qualities.

    As for the depth of field, it completely depends on the aperture. The aperture value is the ratio of the area of ​​the image to the area of ​​the lens not covered by the aperture. The smaller the hole in the lens, the larger the aperture number. Old cameras even had a depth of field table combined with the aperture value. In a mobile phone, therefore, it is theoretically impossible to experiment with depth of field, because... there the aperture is always constant.

    Thank you, gentlemen, your criticism is the source of our development!

    Kozma Petrov

    Oleg, regarding the depth of field. I have read debates on this topic many times on various forums. Many people write that it is connected indirectly, because A small matrix has less sensitivity to light, etc.

    I accepted math for myself. point of view, the formula for depth of field contains a focal length, so I think it is more correct to use the equivalent focal length, which already depends on the size of the matrix.

    Oleg writes:

    This highly characterizes your moral qualities.

    Not a fact... If the criticism is constructive, normal, without insults, trolling, etc., then on the contrary, I’m glad, it means people read the article. In general, this blog was created for main goal- figure out the whole theory yourself, etc... Over time, the goals, of course, were adjusted.

    I doubt that the sensitivity to light of a small matrix is ​​less; it is determined not by the size of the matrix, but by the sensitivity of its individual elements - pixels. The film had no pixels, but the film speed was indicated on the packaging. In photography theory, I consider myself to be at an average level, far from professional.

    Here are interesting articles on this topic

    fototips (dot) ru/teoriya/grip/

    www (dot) cambridgeincolour (dot) com/ru/tutorials/camera-lenses.htm

    Oleg, I agree about the photosensitivity of pixels. The same point of view was expressed in an article about Megapixels.

    www (dot) 64bita (dot) ru/basicshot.html

    Nice site. Thank you. I'll read it later. By the way, the photo shows a lens on which there are scales of apertures and corresponding depths of field.

    I saw and the site is really good!

    I don’t know about anyone, but for myself I came to an unexpected conclusion and result:

    A DSLR camera only has the advantage of having a viewfinder, but this is often found in regular cameras. And the fact that additional accessories... there are mirrorless cameras with such capabilities. From my own experience I am convinced that... the most important thing is not accessories, but skill and a head with straight arms. Now I've generally moved to full digital equipment. The camera is a point-and-shoot camera, the video camera is hand-held, like an amateur one. So I will say one thing - and all this can be mounted on a tripod. Normal lighting is required for photo and video shooting. In the studio it’s enough that I don’t use flash on the point-and-shoot camera anymore. Outdoors in sunny weather, even more so. So the advantages of this technology are its mobility and ease of transportation, instead of kilogram equipment. And the results can already be processed and mounted on a computer in such a way that no one can tell the difference. So it's a matter of taste and color. The main thing is not the artist’s brush and canvas, but how he knows how to paint and paint. And I realized the benefits of technology at the moment of mobility, when I picked up and put the camera in my pocket...

    And in general... Now I consider all this bulky equipment just a visual show-off. Like “you’re a photographer or a video studio operator.” More than once during filming I noticed how people around me looked - like a new amateur showing off and pretending to be a professional, and how other photographers with huge lenses smile condescendingly... But I’ve already forgotten about it and don’t pay attention. On the contrary, sometimes you even feel sorry for the same operator with his bulky camera. But the IT age does not stand still. We must keep up with the times and admit that it is not the size of the device that plays a decisive role... I realized this in time.

    Thanks for the informative article. Very simply told about the complex)

    Well, you wrote an article!

    The quality of ANY photo depends on 3 parameters: SHARPENESS, SHUTTER SPEED and APERTURE.

    For precise focusing, SLR cameras appeared. This was huge progress! The photographer could fine-tune the sharpness at the MOMENT OF THE SHOT.

    DSLR cameras only make sense for FILM cameras!!!

    In the age of digital cameras, the viewfinder is an LCD monitor: everything that appears in the photo you immediately see on it. A digital SLR is a scam for those who don’t understand anything, but are willing to pay a lot to make it cool...

    In digital photos, the decisive word lies with the lens and electronics (primarily the bit depth of the CCD matrix).

The craze for photography has aroused a general interest in cameras among the population. Since it is not easy to understand such a specific device, many people have many questions regarding the purchase: how to choose a DSLR camera, which brand to choose, what technical characteristics are considered the most important, how not to overpay for a DSLR?

Basic nuances of choosing technology

The main purpose of the camera is to create beautiful picture. Even without understanding such a device at all, hardly anyone would dare to call it simple. We understand that the more complex the technique, the more realistic the image. DSLRs differ from other cameras in their design and operating principle. The image from the lens is projected onto the eyepiece using a mirror installed at an angle of 45 degrees. It is this arrangement that allows the photographer to observe the picture, which we then see in the photograph.

The advantages of this technique:

  • fast and accurate focusing;
  • the image is transmitted without delays typical of other devices;
  • if necessary, you can change the lens;
  • wide choice opportunities;
  • the available settings allow you to fully control the shooting;
  • duration of work;
  • reliability, good protection from external influences (dust, moisture, etc.);
  • affordable price of budget models.

A person who is partial to photographs at a certain point begins to ask a completely reasonable question: which SLR camera is better to buy, which brand to give preference to, what points to take into account when choosing equipment.

A DSLR is a technique that requires additional investment. The explanation for this state of affairs is very simple: a keen photographer strives for improvement, so he constantly tries to supplement his camera with new lenses, flash, filters and other devices. In addition, this giant weighs a lot, so the photographer will need a tripod and a special bag. If the desire to take up photography is very strong, then such a purchase is completely justified.

First-class SLR cameras are not cheap. Pictures taken even with the most inexpensive DSLRs will be better than pictures taken with ordinary point-and-shoot cameras. Each manufacturer necessarily divides equipment into categories. For amateurs who do not know how to choose a SLR camera, we recommend giving preference to not too expensive amateur or semi-professional cameras.

Advice: choose equipment that is as easy to use as possible and has the potential for further development.

The quality of photographs depends entirely on the capabilities of the lens. Often, an ordinary camera is equipped with simple optics, which at first completely satisfies the photographer. Further, the experience gained will tell you that it is better to buy a more powerful and advanced lens. Many, heeding the advice of professionals, buy the housing and expensive optics separately. Tip: It's better to buy a cheap camera and an expensive lens, or vice versa.

Resolution and matrix size are very important parameters of a DSLR. The first value characterizes the number of pixels that form the image. There is an opinion that the more such miniature elements, the clearer the picture. However, when looking at different photographs, many people have a reasonable question: why do photographs taken with digital point-and-shoot cameras? a large number pixels are often worse than those made by DSLRs, where there are fewer such mini-elements. The fact is that it is not entirely good for DSLRs to have a huge number of such points, since each pixel creates an electromagnetic field around itself, and the result of the interaction of the fields is manifested as noise. Thus, the more pixels, the worse the quality of the pictures.

Physical matrix size– a very important concept, since this is where the pixels are located. The larger the matrix, the more light will fall on it, and the pixels are at some distance without interfering with each other. As a result, the photos will be of higher quality.

Size 36 x 24 mm is the standard matrix. Photos taken by cameras with a full-size chip are considered to be of the highest quality. There are also devices with a “cropped” matrix. The concept of crop factor denotes the ratio of the reference and full-frame matrices. The best indicator of a “cropped” matrix is ​​4/3. These cameras also take good pictures.

Matrix sensitivity parameter (ISO) important for shooting in low light. In twilight, a minimum of light enters the matrix, so the pictures turn out dark. Strengthening the electrical signal allows you to take photographs even in the dark. The higher the ISO, the better the image. This hardware amplification of the signal increases the electric field, which means noise arises, which has a bad effect on the quality of the image. Today modern technology Using special mechanisms, it suppresses such noise.

Image stabilization capability guarantees no blurred picture. This function is usually installed on lenses, less often in the body. Many photographers argue that it is only important for high-resolution shooting.

Manufacturers usually make their own lens mounts. Canon and Nikon offer the widest selection of both lenses and mounts. You can also find companies on the market that produce mounts for equipment from various manufacturers. The leader in this area is the Sigma company.

The camera is usually used both indoors and outdoors. If the conditions of the apartment cannot be called difficult, then filming outdoors can take place in rainy or foggy weather. It is very important that the device body is reliably protected from all kinds of external influences. Cases made of magnesium alloy have good moisture protection. A waterproof lens will ensure filming in the most challenging conditions.

A modern DSLR will do an excellent job of shooting video, and of fairly good quality. Many models are equipped with special connectors for connecting a microphone. Whether such a function is needed, the buyer decides based on his preferences.

A good SLR camera should be as convenient and easy to use as possible. Such equipment is never small, so you should prepare in advance for considerable size and quite heavy weight. Comfortable use, convenience of buttons, levers, shutter, lens and other mechanisms will only add positive characteristics to the technology.

The leaders in the DSLR market are Nikon and Canon. Although Sony, Pentax and some others are also involved in the production of such equipment, professionals still advise giving preference to the first two companies. It is better to purchase the latest models, since it is easier to select all kinds of accessories for them, perform firmware, etc. The exception is devices that do not fall in price and have been in trend for many years.

Brief overview of the best DSLRs

Experience shows how difficult it is to choose a DSLR camera in 2018. Below is a group of DSLRs that are suitable for beginners, amateurs and professional photographers.

The model cannot be called a new product, however, it is a DSLR equipped with an 18-megapixel matrix, a DIGIC 4 processor, a 3-inch liquid crystal screen, with a light sensitivity of 100 - 6400 units. attracts amateur and beginning photographers. Externally, this device looks very attractive, practically not inferior to more expensive and advanced models. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, good functionality and reasonable price, the DSLR still attracts many buyers.

The camera is another option aimed at beginner photographers. The body of the device is made of durable plastic, the assembly of parts is very high quality, there are soft rubber pads at the point where the fingers rest and on the handle. The whale lens operates softly and silently, there is Wi-Fi support, allowing you to transfer pictures to a smartphone or directly upload them to social networks. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on equipment, this model is perfect.

– a worthy representative of a famous manufacturer. The device boasts a large number of megapixels, an automatic focusing system, and decent video quality. Externally, the DSLR is not much different from its predecessors: the same strict black body with an elegant textured finish. This amateur camera belongs to the mid-price group. The DSLR will serve as an excellent tool for learning various functions.

– a good DSLR camera that gets closer thanks to its technical specifications to professional DSLRs. The device copes well with burst shooting and is powerful enough to create 3D panoramas. Focal length will allow you to take first-class pictures with enough long distance, first zooming in on selected objects. Burst rate is 12 frames per second. The rotating display of this device allows you to photograph objects at different angles and from all possible angles.

A SLR camera belongs to the group of semi-professional cameras. The capabilities of this device are better than those of earlier models from this manufacturer. The device uses a new matrix, a more powerful processor, and an improved focusing system. The DSLR produces good video in Full HD resolution and has a built-in Wi-Fi module that provides fast connection with mobile devices.

The camera appealed to connoisseurs of active tourism. The model is lightweight and its durable body reliably protects the mechanisms from dust and moisture. The pictures taken with this device are of high quality and practically no different from professional ones. The peculiarity of this model is the ability to shoot videos from photos.

The camera is the pride of the company, it has everything it needs to be considered the best SLR camera. The predecessor of this model managed to stay on the market without changes for five years. The presented version has a set of options and advanced functions necessary for operation, so it copes well with fairly complex shooting. The result of the camera is high-quality photos and good video.

A DSLR camera is a first-class, inexpensive piece of equipment for true professionals. The camera uses a full-size 36-megapixel CMOS matrix and a powerful Expeed 4 processor. ISO is 64-12800. The camera copes excellently with burst shooting; the resulting images have excellent quality and good detailing of the smallest elements.

– an ideal choice for professionals. This model is deservedly considered the most advanced camera from this manufacturer, because it combines all the best characteristics of its predecessors, plus many functions have been improved. The camera is suitable for both professional photographers and enthusiasts. This DSLR is perfect for reportage shooting.

High-quality photographs are a memory of interesting events and moments in a person’s life. If the quality of shooting is important, desire and professionalism are not enough. Only first-class technology will allow you to achieve excellent results, for which you will never have to blush. We hope that the information listed above will help answer the exciting question of how to choose the right SLR camera, so that you don’t end up disappointed in the purchase and don’t regret the money spent.