Let's get married at what time does it start? Where is the "Let's Get Married" show? Why was it closed and for how long? - It happens that you don’t like a person very much


Closed her show “Alone with Everyone”, the channel did not buy new season“For now everyone is at home.”

There are also rumors about the closure of other programs, including “Let’s Get Married!”, which has been airing on Channel One since 2008, but channel representatives deny this. Gazeta.Ru spoke with talk show host actress Larisa Guzeeva about whether the new season of “Let's Get Married!” aired, about her relationships with guests and why being single is bad.

— In the background latest events with the closure of various programs and rumors of the closure of "Let's Get Married!" I can’t help but ask a question: will there be a new season of your show?

“I haven’t been to Moscow for a long time and I’ve never lived by gossip—it’s not interesting to me.” I don’t specifically look for anything, but what comes to me is, well, the dog barks, the caravan moves on.

Filming continues, the program will air in the new season.

Photo report: Guzeeva spoke about the fate of the program “Let's get married!”

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You know, “Let's get married!” It's been nine years, God grant that all programs last that long. They are already writing to me and asking when we will return to the air. We'll be back soon. Someday we will be closed, and someone will cross themselves, saying that Guzeeva will not be on the screen, and someone, on the contrary, will be sorry. You can't be loved by everyone. And that's okay too. But it’s not normal when you think that you have grabbed fate by the beard and will sit on what you once thought up until old age.

— Starting with the new season, changes to the program format are being prepared, mainly concerning ways of introducing potential brides and grooms to each other. What is this connected with?

“Even men and women, having lived with each other for a long time, loving each other, come up with some kind of role-playing games. You can’t leave the same thing for many years, this is old school, and we, of course, are constantly coming up with new things and pouring in fresh blood. The main thing is to leave the basic format in which a man and a woman should meet each other. Otherwise, you will have to make a new program and call it, for example, “Let's get a divorce” or “Let's live together.”

— In one issue you need to reveal the character of both your hero and the candidates for her or his hand. How difficult is it for you and your guests to understand who is sitting in front of them?

“It’s getting easier and easier for me with each episode, and my task as a presenter is to reveal the characters of potential brides and grooms so that everyone understands them. A person usually opens up best in an extreme situation; for many, even coming to our program is a difficult situation, so they open up very well.

Press service of Channel One

— Do you root for your heroes, worry about them?

“If I say that I’m really sick, then, of course, I’ll be lying.” But for now the program is underway, I am interested in fully revealing the story of the bride and groom in this short period of time.

— Does it happen that you don’t like a person very much?

- I’m alive, things like this happen. But it's a job and I just do it.

- Follow future fate your heroes?

— This is usually done by program editors. It’s only at anniversary issues that I see who got married and had children.

— Sometimes those who have already been on it come back to your program - something didn’t work out, and they try to arrange their lives again. Is it easier to work with such guests?

- Absolutely the same. Sometimes it helps me that I already know the person’s history, then the next stage of our relationship begins. But a very large flow of people passes through the program, and I may not even remember whether we had a guest or not.

- “Let's get married!” often criticized - sometimes, for example, for the selection of candidates on ethnic grounds or for the use astrological forecasts. Does this criticism offend you?

- A Jew wants to marry a Jew or does not want to marry a Jew - what’s wrong with that? Couples are selected according to similar principles and in ordinary life, and this is connected not so much with nationality, but with the way of life of the family into which the bride or groom is going to join.

And as for astrological compatibility, which is tested in “Let’s Get Married!”, then this is just the format of the program.

If you change it, it will be something else. Let the critics come up with it, film the pilot, approve it, work for a while and achieve at least some ratings. Without this, such criticism is useless, but you can’t throw a scarf over every mouth. What should we do - remove astrologers, not select couples by nationality? So in “Let's get married!” doesn't happen.

— You are modeling life situation dating or artificially creating it?

— Even in life there are often artificially created situations. Someone walked past a neighbor for ten years and did not notice her, and then they found themselves in the same company, it opened up from a completely different side. And now the wedding is taking place. And in our program everything is born here and now. There are no preparations - everything goes as it goes. Some brides and grooms are tight and difficult to open, but some are easier. Everything is like in life.

— Do you think your program managed to influence the demographic situation in Russia?

- But we don’t have such a task - to correct the demographic situation. Some people get married, some don't. We have huge amount marriages and divorces, children were born. We even came with children for the second time.

— How do you want to end each episode of “Let’s Get Married!”?

“I’m trying to ensure that after the release of the program there will be at least one less lonely person on planet Earth.” Loneliness is terrible, it’s unnatural, and today there is practically no place to meet people - not everyone goes to clubs, not everyone has companies or parents who will get married. I’m just a host, but I don’t talk to our guests with a cold nose, and if I succeeded and made a couple, I’m very pleased.

The first one enters the fight against loneliness! On weekdays - the best brides and grooms of Russia on Channel One - “Let's get married!”

On Channel One, under the direction of our film star Larisa Guzeeva, viewers will have the opportunity to gain family happiness! The choices brides and grooms make in the studio are not a game. Only those who really want to find their soulmate are invited to participate in the program. These are adults, accomplished people, ready to make the most important decision in life. What guides them when looking for a partner? How accurately do they understand who exactly they need? Why adherents healthy image lives who declare that they under no circumstances want to meet girls who smoke, easily give up their demands? Why does a man looking for a girl with model parameters end up choosing a plump intellectual? How can we understand what is really important to us in our future chosen one, and what only seems important? Program “Let's get married!” makes the viewer think about these questions.

In each episode, one bride or groom is asked to choose from three candidates for his (her) hand and heart. All of them meet the hero’s requirements for his soul mate. The applicants saw the hero’s photo on the Channel One website and chose this particular person from hundreds of others. They are ready to fight for him, demonstrate their talents and surprise their chosen one: surprise them with dancing, singing, culinary masterpieces, linguistic knowledge and much more. All participants of “Let's Get Married!” go to the program, calling on their relatives and friends to help them, who play the role of classic “matchmakers” and advisers. All these people have their own idea of ​​who their loved ones need as a life partner. They actively help the hero make a choice - they ask the applicants tricky questions and meticulously study them.

“Television is increasingly moving towards practical assistance to viewers,” says project producer Natalya Nikonova. — Participants in our project get a chance to arrange their destiny. It’s precisely a chance, since meeting someone in the program is the beginning of a long journey that they can go through together.” Separate and very important role from the program experts: professional matchmaker Roza Syabitova and love astrologer Vasilisa Volodina. Reasoning from the standpoint of worldly wisdom and guided by the location of the heavenly bodies, they are able to influence the decisions made by the main character of the project. Their credo: “Love is a feeling, and family is a transaction.”

Especially for the premiere, a large studio was built at Ostankino, reminiscent of a cozy courtyard, where cheerful weddings are often celebrated in the open air and at a wide common table. The doors of the apartments of the future “newlyweds” open into the courtyard. There is also a grand entrance of amazing beauty." garden of paradise", under the shadow of which hearts are called to unite. The “Let’s Get Married!” page has been opened on the Channel One website, where anyone can try their luck and leave an application to participate in the project. A questionnaire with a photograph and wishes regarding the appearance, character traits, social and even financial status of the future spouse is all that is needed to get the coveted chance. Want to find love? Do you dream of a family? Become a participant in the “Let's Get Married!” program by filling out forms on the Channel One website

Every weekday Roza Syabitova appears on the Channel One program “Let’s get married!” helps lonely people find happiness. Her precise witty comments and wise advice give the show a special relish.


However, what was the surprise of TV viewers when, at the usual time, they... Especially for website Syabitova spoke out that the program “Let's get married!” is shifting in the ethereal grid and will now appear much earlier.

“I don’t know the motives of the management of Channel One, I can’t comment on its decisions, but I hope that the departure from the usual time of release of the program is a temporary phenomenon,” the country’s main matchmaker reassured everyone. She also talked about the cost of her participation in this project.

“Our work is very hard,” she admitted to the correspondent. website the country's main matchmaker. – The program is filmed in pools, 3-4 episodes per day for several days. All this time we are in a stuffy, dusty room without windows, practically not moving. And this is fraught with thrombosis and problems with the spine, so I put a cushion on my chair, get up and walk as soon as possible. At the end of the filming block, I sit at home all day - tired and exhausted. My blood pressure is rising, I feel like I’m in some kind of prostration, I might just not get somewhere if I put my mind to it.”

Ideal appearance presenters on screen - hair, makeup and dress - the fruit of hard work and sacrifice. “For filming, 3-4 millimeters of television makeup are applied to the face,” said Syabitova. “Basically, this is a mask that does not allow oxygen to pass through and does not allow the skin to breathe, clogs the pores - because of this, the face deteriorates greatly. The makeup is selected taking into account anatomical features faces and ages. Professional make-up artists know that the camera always visually ages a person and makes him gain ten kilograms.”

"And we are dressed by the same stylists who work in the program" Fashionable verdict". Since our program is top-notch, our outfits are always different, tastefully chosen. You must understand that television clothes are different from those that we wear in everyday life - on the screen we will not allow, for example, black color, striped fabrics, cage. But even after filming, I can’t go out in sneakers, jeans, or a simple blouse, even just to walk with the dog, I have to carefully get ready, because people recognize me, come up to me, and I simply have no right to disappoint them. “It’s part of the public profession,” says Rosa.

The fate of the program is in doubt

There are three weeks left before the start of the new television season, but it is already clear that there will be a lot of changes on Channel One. The permanent presenter of “Let Them Talk” Andrey Malakhov left the channel. And fans are concerned about the fate of the “Let's Get Married!” program. — at first it was moved from the usual broadcast time of 18.45 to 17.00, and then completely removed from the air. The popular TV show doesn't even air in reruns. It’s possible that “Let’s get married!” will return to air in the new season. But neither the presenters nor the fans of the project have confidence in this.

Larisa Guzeeva answers the same question to Instagram subscribers: “Why was the program taken off the air”: “Write to the channel - I’m not responsible for the actions of the management.” The TV presenter is vacationing in Bulgaria with her husband and children, and does not yet know whether new programs will be filmed.

Astrologer “Let's get married!” Vasilisa Volodina is now in Moscow, hosting a reception. We called Volodina, and she answered the questions like this: website about the fate of the TV show: “For now we are actually on summer vacation. For the last few years - four years - we have been dismissed for the summer, due to the fact that the audience's interest in the summer also switches to something else, probably to vacations. Now we are not in the grid, we are not standing, because we are testing new program. Well, we’ll see what happens in September.”

Questions about fate “Let's get married!” fans arose after information appeared in the media about trials against the co-host of the project, Roza Syabitova. Her name is associated with the program. Let's remember that women paid Rosa Syabitova's company large sums(on average 200 thousand rubles) for the services she promised to provide - finding a groom for her clients. But the TV matchmaker did not fulfill her promises. Several women banded together, filed a lawsuit, and, with the help of a lawyer, proved that they were not provided with the promised services. The court decided that Syabitova should return the money to her clients, but she still has not done so.

— In order not to pay, Syabitova transferred the company to her elderly mother-in-law, who is 87 years old. In my opinion, this is fraud - Article No. 159..

Women continue to fight against Syabitova, and she herself is now traveling around the country with master classes.

Let us remind you that the TV project “Let's get married!” airs on Channel One since 2008. For a while summer holidays his place on the air was taken by Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually”. Fans are waiting for the show to air in September.

A post shared by Vasilisa Volodina. Astrologer (@vasilisa.volodina) on Aug 1, 2017 at 6:30am PDT

Show hosts behind the scenes Show "Let's get married!" It has been airing on Channel One for more than 10 years. Presenters Larisa Guzeeva, Roza Syabitova And Vasilisa Volodina

help the heroes find their soul mate and start a family. However, not all program participants are satisfied with the result. So, recently Alena Zhalimova from Krasnoyarsk, who became the heroine of one of latest issues, said that on the show everything happens a little differently than television viewers think and see.

Rosa Syabitova According to the girl, the editor of the show found her in social network and invited me to the program. “Yes, they invited me on social networks, but you can send an application on Instagram or on their website. All transport costs were also paid. Since I am a free girl and am in a “passive” search for a husband (that is, I completely abandoned this stupid idea), then I thought: “Why not?” At the very least, announcing this to all of Russia would be a big step. Moreover, this would be my first experience on television - and immediately on Channel One. I was sure that I would get positive emotions, although the risk that I would be mixed with dirt was also great,” Zhalimova was quoted as saying by “7 Days.”

Participant of the “Let's Get Married” program Alena Zalimova Alena noted that there is no clear scenario, but many facts about the brides and grooms are exaggerated. “For example: I really had a serious relationship once and it was heading towards a wedding (before the sudden appearance of a child, for which I was not ready at that time), but I did not choose any dress for the wedding. There is only one take. If you falter, that’s your problem... But here there are simply no actors, and everything happens almost online,” said Alena.

Alena Zalimova She had never seen the groom that Zhalimova had chosen before. She was told that he was the ideal candidate for her, emphasizing his advantages - an investor, rich, smart, educated, lived in Bali. However, after the couple formed, Alena never saw her “groom” again.“We never met. We didn’t even go to Sochi. And in general, on the same night, it seems, at the club he began a relationship with another participant in the program (a blonde), which he nobly informed me about. Apparently, firmness of intentions is not his strong point!” - Zhalimova said.