Cream gel horsepower for subglobs. Horse ointment for joints: rules for using “horse” products


We agree that it is difficult to take this seriously right away. However, when severe pain in joints and in case of damaged ligaments, an external remedy, originally intended to help animals, is an excellent help. The analgesic effect is observed within the first minutes from the moment of application to the skin, and this has been proven in the process of using the product by many users. Therefore, the gel-balm, developed for use in veterinary medicine, has appeared in regular pharmacies and is in demand. So, why do they say that this gel is Horsepower for Joints and how effective is it really?


Let us immediately note that products under the name intended for use for horses include gel-balm and other products that can be used not only in the treatment of leg joints, but also in case of muscle damage in the back area. This is evidenced by reviews left by users on thematic forums. In particular, it is noted that at first a cooling effect is felt, and after 10 minutes muscle tension and joint pain disappear, but the gel-balm must be applied in very small portions. To remove the moment of misunderstanding, we note that all these products are certified and recommended for the treatment of leg joints for a wide variety of diseases.

Noting the qualities of a veterinary drug for treating joints in people, users also explain its safety for humans. Thus, it was noted that Floresan contains substances that are widely used in cosmetology. For example, propylene glycol in cosmetics is used as a binder, and in the process scientific research it has been proven that it does not accumulate in the body. The gel also contains glycerin, camphor, lanolin, menthol and Siberian fir extracts.

Many of those who have used the gel-balm for leg diseases and felt its effectiveness note that it can be used for problems such as:

  • arthritis;
  • osteoartosis;
  • physical overload;
  • muscle and ligament injuries.

The cooling effect is especially noticeable, and this is due to the concentration of menthol, and the shape of the gel provides for rapid penetration specifically to the damaged area. But while noting the rapid cooling and analgesic effect, users also noticed that in advanced cases of joint diseases, the gel-balm helps only for a short time.

Note that Germany produces separately “” according to a rather complex recipe, which is based on essential oils and herbal extracts, often used in the treatment of joints, muscles and blood vessels of the legs. There is the right concentration of menthol and camphor, mountain arnica, medicinal rosemary, Siberian fir, field mint and horse chestnut are included. This option contains a large concentration of horse chestnut, which makes it possible to use the product to relieve swelling and inflammation. Moreover, this balm can be used up to 3 times a day, when applying, rubbing the product in with smooth movements. However, please note that it should not be used on children under 12 years of age.

About veterinary products for humans

One of the veterinary drugs adapted for humans is the “Horse Strength” (“Easy Movement”) cream for treating muscles and protecting joints. Thanks to its special concentration, just like a gel-balm, it can be used for joint diseases of the legs, and the cream helps increase range of motion, improves metabolic processes in the affected tissues and relieves muscle tension. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the components that are part of this adapted product. The cream contains mint oil, which helps normalize capillary tone and improve blood circulation, and lavender oil, also included in the product, has a tonic and analgesic effect, and this especially affects the condition of the subcutaneous tissue and muscles. An important component, included in the “Easy Movement”, is vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant that strengthens cell endurance and prevents damage to organs and systems, prevents the formation of blood clots and stimulates their neutralization. In addition, the cream contains extracts of several medicinal plants: calendula, celandine, yarrow, chamomile, wormwood, St. John's wort, peppermint - and it also includes pine buds, caraway and rose hips, and licorice root.

In the treatment of joint diseases of the legs and for relieving muscle spasms in the back, Horse Force is also recognized as a remedy no less effective than gel-balm and cream, which contains components, and three of them can be considered the main ones. This is vitamin E, thanks to which the ointment acquires the characteristics of an antioxidant and helps improve the condition of blood vessels, mint essential oil, which has a cooling effect and relieves muscle spasms, and lavender oil, which has a tonic effect. In addition, the ointment contains several auxiliary components, which are also often included in medicinal external preparations for the treatment of joint diseases of the legs. But it should be borne in mind that there is another adapted ointment under the same name, but it is intended for treating the joints of the legs or back at the stage when a warming effect is not needed. In this case, the ointment is saturated with pepper and chestnut extracts.

Thanks to their components, the ointment, cream, and gel-balm help strengthen the functions of the musculoskeletal system, improve joint mobility, and also reduce swelling and promote recovery cartilage tissue, tendons and ligaments. In addition, when treating joint diseases of the legs, for example, they reduce calcium deficiency and strengthen bone tissue. Therefore, many advise using these products not only in the treatment of legs, but also for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, since, despite its name, the entire “horse” series of external products is adapted for humans.

A few notes on use

You should always pay attention to the instructions for a particular drug. For example, it is recommended to use a balm up to 3 times a day, gel, ointment and cream - 2 times. It is noteworthy that “Horse Balm,” as reviews indicate, is successfully used even in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis And colds, and ointment - for “lumbago” in the lower back and for massage. However, in any case, you should consult a doctor and take into account the characteristics of your own body.

It is also necessary to take into account direct and indirect contraindications to the use of the “horse” series of external agents. Do not apply any of them to the mucous surface, as well as to areas with existing mechanical damage: abrasions, wounds or cuts. As a direct contraindication to the use of these drugs, the presence of cancer and neoplasm of unknown nature. You should also be aware of the risk of an allergic reaction, which some patients experience to methylparabens and essential oils in certain products.

It is also necessary to take into account that the warming version of the ointment produces a significant irritating effect. When applied to sensitive skin, hematomas, small hemorrhages, and spider veins may appear. Therefore, before starting the main use, it is recommended to apply the product to the wrist area and observe this area for 12 hours. If there is no allergic reaction, the product can be used in the process of treating your disease.

During the application process and if you want to pass the product on “by inheritance,” one more feature should be taken into account. It contains plant components and oils, the effectiveness of which tends to zero after the expiration date.

Traditional methods of treatment are an excellent stimulant for combating many diseases. Horse ointment is very popular now.

It is used to treat diseased joints. Initially, this drug was used to treat animals, but now an improved and adapted formula is actively used among people.

Manufacturers are confident that their product is a unique modern product that helps speed up the healing process, relieve joint pain and muscle spasms, and restore mobility to a person. Horse ointment for joints can indeed significantly improve the patient’s condition, but at some stages of the disease, this remedy can be practically useless. Therefore, before purchasing, you must read all the information on the drug.

It is advisable that the remedy be recommended by a doctor. Although the drug is completely natural, it is better to consult with a specialist first; this will help avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction and provide the maximum possible therapeutic effect in each specific case.

Horse joint ointment can be sold in several forms. In the pharmacy chain you can find gels, balms, and creams. The products may differ in composition and consistency, therefore the principle of action on diseased joints will be different.

For example, horse joint balm has a pleasant gelatinous texture and is very easy and pleasant to apply to the skin. It is made with the addition large quantity herbal ingredients.

Main active ingredients

The compositions and active ingredients of the “horse series” of drugs may vary.

For example, horse ointment for joints contains a number of healing herbal ingredients:

  • arnica;
  • sweet clover;
  • common wormwood;
  • hop;
  • comfrey;
  • Kalanchoe.

And horse balm for joints contains a number of essential oils and herbal extracts: menthol and camphor, mountain arnica and rosemary, Siberian fir and field, horse chestnut. It has a regenerating, distracting, anti-edematous effect.

Horse joint gel with menthol and camphor will help with swelling and pain in the joints.

Horse joint gel (depending on the manufacturer) may contain:

All substances as a whole provide an excellent analgesic and tonic effect. As additional substances, the composition contains water, glycerin and soybean oil. Instructions for use are included. The photo shows what the packaging with the medicinal product looks like.


Horse ointment can simultaneously provide several therapeutic actions. This allows you to fight joint disease much more effectively and speed up the healing process.

The ointment has the following effects:

  • eliminates pain;
  • improves blood circulation in several areas, which include skin, muscles and fiber;
  • accelerates the metabolic process in joints, ligaments and tendons;
  • enhances the effect of other products that are used for external use;
  • restores mobility and eliminates stiffness;
  • perfectly relieves stress, improves general state.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, in addition to traditional remedies, the doctor may prescribe several “horse series” drugs, which will potentiate (improve) the effect of each other.

Some features

Horse ointment, gel, cream can be used in several industries. The fact that the drugs were originally developed for animals should not confuse the patient - on this moment Manufacturers have improved product formulas and adapted them to the human body.

“Horse” products are used in the following cases:

  • for cosmetic purposes;
  • for the treatment of joints whose disease is associated with degenerative changes in the body, it may be arthritis or arthrosis;
  • after injuries, if bones, joints and ligaments were affected;
  • for decreasing inflammatory process in muscle tissue;
  • to reduce tension after prolonged physical activity;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the massage session.

For example, regular use of ointment will help enrich connective tissues with nutrients. Gradually, the cartilage will become more elastic and will be protected from damage. In addition, joint fluid will begin to be produced more actively, which explains the return of patients to mobility.

additional information

The name of the ointment speaks for itself. It was originally developed exclusively for veterinary purposes. Gradually the drug adapted to human needs. The effectiveness of this product is confirmed by many positive feedback that can be found on the Internet.

Users note that the product does not cause side effects, it is easily applied and distributed over the skin, and is quickly absorbed. The ointment is quite economical, and one package lasts a long time.

“Horse remedies” give quick results, so you should think about the duration of the treatment course. The fairly large dosage of the product is explained by the fact that the dosage was initially designed not for humans, but for large animals. The drug should not be abused and it is advisable to consult with your doctor before using it.

Precautionary measures

It is worth remembering that the product is potentially not dangerous. It has practically no contraindications; the only trouble that can happen to the patient is an allergic reaction. To avoid this, before applying the ointment to the affected area, you need to conduct a small test.

A small amount of ointment is applied in a thin layer to the wrist. If after 30 minutes no changes appear on the skin, you can safely use the drug.

Equine gel or ointment should be discarded if:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • small blisters.

Also, the products should not be used if there are lesions or dermatological problems on the skin. The safety and effectiveness of the “horse series” products is due to the fact that they act on the same principle as all other pharmaceutical drugs. In terms of its composition, the ointment is no worse than products that are developed specifically for humans.

As strange as it may sound, products produced for veterinary purposes can be much safer than those for humans. But it is worth remembering that the product must be used carefully, in minimum quantity. An overdose can cause irritation, itching, and even burns.

Where to buy drugs

The cost of horse ointment (as well as gel and balm) for joints is low. It is quite affordable for the consumer, especially considering the large volume of packaging. On average, the price of drugs ranges from 500 to 800 rubles.

The products can be purchased at a pharmacy, and some at a veterinary store. Often the drugs are found in retail outlets selling cosmetic products.

You can order the gel, for example, via the Internet. Since the products have become very popular, you can even buy them in some supermarkets. In the video in this article you can learn more about medicinal properties ointments.

Application method

You must first test for an allergic reaction; if the result is negative, you can safely use the ointment:

  • the drug should be applied to cleansed skin;
  • a small amount of product is squeezed into the palm of your hand and distributed in a thin layer over the skin;
  • rub the ointment with light circular movements until completely absorbed;
  • it is advisable to wrap the painful area with a warm cloth;
  • It is best to do the procedure in the morning and/or before bed, when the joints are long time be at rest.


Do not apply the product to your skin if you have:

  • allergic reaction to individual components of the drug;
  • abrasions;
  • ulcers;
  • burns;
  • open wounds;
  • scratches;
  • inflammation;
  • malignant formations.

Pregnant and lactating women should use this product with caution and only after consultation with a specialist. Do not use in the treatment of children under 8 years of age, and for older ones - on the recommendation of a doctor.

Horse ointment for joints can be an excellent additional treatment for joints, which will help alleviate the patient’s condition, eliminate pain and restore mobility to the joints. It should be remembered that “horse drugs” are unlikely to be suitable as the main medicine; for this it is better to use more effective medicines prescribed by qualified specialist after a comprehensive examination!

Today, anyone can find Horsepower balm for joints on sale. This drug is in special demand due to powerful advertising.

Therefore, using famous name Manufacturers and sellers of these products successfully sell a lot of creams, claiming that each ointment is a panacea that eliminates all diseases of the skeletal and muscular system.

Balm-gel Horsepower for joints

This gel is intended for the treatment of the ligamentous-articular apparatus in case of pain resulting from severe physical activity, injuries, osteoarthritis and arthritis.

The balm also eliminates stiffness of movement, relieves nervous tension and activates metabolism.

This effect can be achieved due to the fact that the balm has a unique natural composition:

  • Lavender oil has a tonic, regenerating and analgesic effect. Moreover, lavender has a positive effect on the muscular-ligamentous system and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Vitamin E, which is part of the gel, is a powerful antioxidant that increases the level of cell endurance and prevents the formation of free radicals (compounds responsible for pain, rapid aging, and organ damage). Vitamin E also counteracts the formation of blood clots, stimulating the process of their resorption.
  • The product contains peppermint oil, which has a cooling and relaxing effect. Mint also contains menthol, which tones capillaries and improves local hemodynamics, so that the active substances quickly reach their goal.

Gel for healthy joints Horsepower must be rubbed into the skin of the affected area twice a day until the symptoms completely disappear. Also, Horse Power balm can be used during a tonic massage, for rubbing painful areas and for cosmetic purposes.

Note! When using the drug, you should avoid contact with mucous membranes and areas of skin that have been damaged.

Gel Zoo VIP

The Zoo VIP facility also has popular name– Horse balm for joints. Its instructions state that the gel is intended for the treatment of horse joints. And only after a while its effect was tested on the human body.

In most cases, people's feedback was positive. However, doctors' reviews of the cream intended for the joints of horses are ambiguous: some advise using the gel, while others strongly do not recommend using this cream for treating humans.

The instructions for the drug state that Horsepower balm has a positive effect on joint health, relieves pain, and has a tonic and calming effect. Therefore, Zoo VIP ointment is used to get rid of pain that occurs in connective tissues and spine.

Gel Horsepower has a unique anti-allergenic composition:

  1. Pepper and camphor - have a warming effect, activate blood circulation, remove swelling and accelerate the regeneration process.
  2. Mint and eucalyptus - promote rapid absorption of other active ingredients, have a cooling and relaxing effect.

Horsepower gel is applied to the affected area in a circular motion, while avoiding wounds and abrasions. You need to use the product at least 3 times a day until pain and other unpleasant symptoms are completely relieved. After applying it, the joint must be left to rest for half an hour.

Cream-gel Alezan

Alezan cream for horse joints – effective remedy for the treatment of changes in the musculoskeletal system. However, its instructions state that the drug is intended only for animals.

Therefore, Alezan cream has mixed reviews among patients and doctors. And you can only buy it at a pet store or veterinary hospital.

Cream-gel relieves inflammatory processes, such as swelling and pain. Moreover, it has a wound healing and antiseptic effect. It is also used for chronic diseases, to normalize calcium metabolism, strengthen cartilage and bone tissue.

Alezan's composition is replete with useful components:

  • The balm contains 13 phytoextracts - thyme, wormwood, chamomile, peppermint, rose hips, celandine, caraway, calendula, licorice, St. John's wort, yarrow, pine and fennel. These herbs have positive influence on the condition of the joints and surrounding tissues, accelerating the process of penetration of the active ingredients.
  • Glucosamine, which is part of Alezan, is a natural component that is an element of cartilage tissue. Thanks to this component, the progression of various diseases slows down, and the condition of tissues improves.
  • Mumiyo and sea buckthorn - have medicinal properties and contribute to rapid recovery after injuries and fractures.

You should use Alezan like this: squeeze a little cream onto a sponge and then gently rub it into the affected area. After which an airtight bandage is applied to the joint for half an hour.

This procedure must be carried out twice a day. Reviews from people who have used it say: to achieve optimal effect, you must use the product for at least one month.

Note! Treatment with the cream is best done in courses: after 1 month of regular use, you should take a break for 30 days, after which you can repeat the course of therapy.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will be minimal.

Side effects and contraindications

All of the above ointments, including Horsepower balm, can be used by almost everyone without restrictions. You can verify this by reading reviews of people using creams to treat joints.

The only caveat is the individual sensitivity of the components of the cream. Common side effects are allergic reactions and burns.

But the effects of drugs intended to treat animals have not been studied, so official data on the occurrence side effects No. However, it should be noted that Zoo VIP gel cannot be used by people with malignant tumors.

Today to make it easier pain syndrome and to restore mobility to the joint, people massively use all kinds of ointments, the initial task of which is to treat animals. According to multiple reviews, Horsepower cream has a pronounced effect.

But it's still not worth the risk own health, therefore, it is better to treat joint diseases with ointments that have already been tried on humans.

Today, a fairly common remedy is the “Horsepower” gel for joints. As a rule, it is used to treat diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, pathologies of ligaments, tendons and the muscular system. But the range of applications is not limited to this. Scientists have proven that the gel is also effective for ordinary pain caused by fatigue and overload. Initially, these products were used exclusively for animals, but now they are popular among humanity. It's no secret that when treating horses, only natural and highly effective ingredients are used. So why can’t people use such a tool? Therefore, today a remedy has already been developed that can be used by humans.

Release form for joint products

“Horsepower” for joints includes not only gels, but also ointments and balms, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain and eliminating the inflammatory process. Gels are produced in special plastic tubes from 100 to 500 ml. Among the remedies for treating joints you can find:

  1. Gel “Horsepower” for joints.
  2. Balm “Horsepower” for joints.
  3. Ointment "Horsepower" for joints.

Each of them has miraculous properties and contains exclusively natural and healthy ingredients. It is not known why, but it is the gel that is considered the most popular. So what is he like?

IMPORTANT! Any gel from this series can be designated as a balm-gel, because it contains the properties and actions of both a balm and a gel. Therefore, when you see such an inscription, do not be surprised.

Main components of the gel

In addition, auxiliary ingredients can be added, such as horse chestnut and so on. All these components are selected in such a relationship with each other that the finished product has maximum effectiveness. So, the main properties of the drug:

  1. Relieves muscle tension.
  2. Accelerates regeneration processes.
  3. Reduces pain symptoms.
  4. Relaxes the muscular system.

Gel pricing policy

Gel “Horsepower” for joints has a different cost, which varies depending on the form of release and the manufacturer. Therefore, today you can buy it with a big difference. To clarify the situation a little, it is necessary to make a short review. So, “Horsepower” gel for joints price:

    1. A package with a capacity of 500 ml will cost you 300-350 rubles.
    2. A tube with a capacity of 200 ml will cost from 160 to 180 rubles.
    3. If you buy 100 ml, you will only have to pay 70-90 rubles.

It is worth noting that there is also a separate food under the same name, but it costs much more. For example, a 280 ml jar costs about 1500-1800 rubles. Therefore, it is much cheaper to use a gel, which perfectly eliminates inflammation and relieves pain.

How to use the gel

Gel "Horsepower" for joints has enough simple rules use. In order to smear the sore joint, you need to squeeze a very small amount of gel onto your palm. Next, massage the affected area until it is completely absorbed. You can rub the gel twice a day.

IMPORTANT! Never apply the gel to damaged skin. Make sure there are no open wounds or burns! Also avoid contact with eyes, oral cavity and nose. Experts recommend that after application, provide the patient with rest for about 40-60 minutes. Be sure to consult your physician before use.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for use are indicated in the instructions. This:

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Arthrosis.
  3. Arthritis.
  4. Rheumatism.
  5. Stretches.
  6. Eliminate muscle tension.
  7. Massotherapy.
  8. In addition, this gel is actively used during the rehabilitation period after injury and surgery.


  1. Damage to the skin.
  2. Allergic reaction to any component contained in the gel.
  3. Malignant formations.

Balm-gel is intended to relieve pain symptoms in the muscles, back, joints and ligaments. Used to prevent muscle strain in situations of increased physical activity. As the manufacturer of the Horsepower product group assures, the main advantage of its products is the predominance of natural ingredients.

Active substances

Demineralized water, soybean oil, glycerin, carbopol, triethanolamine, vitamin E, methylparaben, propylparaben, menthol, mint essential oil, lavender essential oil.

Lavender oil is used as a reliever of vascular spasms, an analgesic and a preventative.

Vitamin E blocks the formation of new blood clots and promotes the resorption of existing ones, prevents the formation of scars, stimulates skin regeneration and slows down the aging process of cells.

Essential oil mint has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the fight against muscle and joint pain. Massage using this substance is indicated for bruises. Among other things, mint is known as an antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic, antispasmodic, vasodilator, and absorbent agent.

Methylparaben and propylparaben are common ingredients in modern daily cosmetics and play the role of a preservative stabilizer that prevents the development of microorganisms. Methylparaben and propylparaben are contraindicated in breast cancer and pregnancy (can provoke pathology of the reproductive function of the embryo).

Triethanolamine, when used for a long time, can have a toxic effect and cause allergies, irritation of the skin and eyes.

The gelling component in this composition is carbopol.

The ingredients included in Horsepower are often found in other joint gels due to the proven effectiveness of the active ingredients.


The drug has a cooling and analgesic effect, easing the general condition of patients with affected musculoskeletal systems.

It is used for treatment and prevention of pain in the joints, muscles and ligaments.

  • Scope of application of the gel:
  • diseases of joints, muscles and ligaments;
  • massage;
  • relaxation;

prevention of muscle strain.
Mode of application:

Intolerance to some components of the drug.

Release form:
The drug is available in 500 ml tubes and is valid for 2 years from the date of manufacture. The product is sold in pharmacies, the cost of the gel for joints ranges from 400 to 600 rubles.

The Horsepower brand produces products for animals, which quickly became popular among people. The following brands are released under the HORSE FORCE brand:

  • balm – body gel;
  • “melting” hair mask (hyaluronic acid, pepper extract);
  • balm - rinse aid;
  • shampoo - conditioner;
  • baby shampoo "PONY";
  • gel for veins (horse chestnut and leech).

You can order the Gel on this website >>

This cosmetic series is not the only one that was originally intended for animals and later adapted for humans. , although still sold in veterinary departments, are actively used in the human environment. It should be concluded that today pharmacology pays Special attention the health of the joints of horses, and humanity subsequently “borrows” the medications of its pets, and quite successfully.

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