Quotes on the topic of dancing. Cool expressions and funny DJ phrases


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Poems about dancing

Oh dance, we are with you forever,
Thank you for existing
Thank you that the word is a person
You transform with your creativity!
After all, you give us new world,
A world without deception and without flattery,
And where to the sounds of gentle lyres
We only want to be with you!

See how the body bends in dance,
Like the flame of a fire rising to the heights.
You will see a miracle - the movement of time,
You will hear a miracle - an aspiring thought.
Well, if you want to dance,
To express everything that has lived in you for so long.
Don’t forget to give your whole body to the dance,
So that the spark of God will take you to the heights.

Thank you for the magic of dance,
For the song of excited hands!
Thanks for the wonderful stanzas
About the joy of sweet torment.
Thank you for the grace of your words
Woven into the dance of the soul!
Thank you! We'll meet again.
Call us - we will hurry!

On a green meadow
The pigs are having fun together,
The hopachok is dancing dashingly,
They hit with their hoof: chok-chok-chok!
The clever little goats are dancing,
Hippos, camels,
Hedgehog, squirrel, badger.
Wider, wider, wider circle!
Three elephants are blowing trumpets.
What a dance! Famously! Famously!
Hey, faster, faster, ram,
Beat the drum with your horns.
Mishka danced:
"Look at you, look at you, look at you, look at you!"
Hey! And we could dance there!
Tram-ta-ta-ta! Tram-ta-ta!

Consultation for parents

Dancing is no less important than exact sciences.

Dancing is beautiful!

Dancing is useful!

The art of dance is an excellent means of education and development little man. It enriches spiritual world, helps the child to reveal himself as a person. The combination of movement, music, and play creates an atmosphere of positive emotions, which in turn liberate the child and make his behavior natural and beautiful. Very little time will pass and you will notice how your daughter or son will noticeably transform: proud posture, correct coordination of movements, and sophisticated plasticity will appear. In addition, he will begin to feel the rhythm, understand the nature of the melody, he will develop artistic taste, creative fantasy. All this will certainly make him a deeper person and teach him to better understand himself and others.

... Every child is potentially a creator of all sorts of values, including aesthetic ones: by building houses, he shows his architectural creativity, sculpting and drawing... a sculptor and painter; finally, he is strongly drawn to round dancing, songs, dances and dramatization...

Needless to say, everyone loves to dance - both adults and children. And it doesn’t matter whether a person dances according to the rules or moves as best he can. In any case, dancing is fun.

Dance cannot be reduced simply to rhythmic movements with or without music, it is also a manifestation of our individuality and uniqueness, a story (or confession) told through movements. Plunging into amazing world dance and music, we become able to openly express our emotions, which is not always permissible to do in everyday life. Thus, dance art carries, in addition to beauty, a psychotherapeutic effect: expressing oneself openly and brightly, without fear internal contradictions and passions, we thereby free ourselves from the pressures and complexes that have already taken root in our soul. Dance allows you to be completely liberated and teaches you not to be afraid to be yourself.

Dancing is also a great way to improve your health. Smooth and expressive movements straighten the spine, strengthen muscles and improve posture.

...Dance, first of all, is a rebellious force of spirit, will, nervous energy that can be expressed, given, expressed in various kinds of body movements, and the body at the moments of these spiritual outbursts submits to the thirst for spiritual revelation. .

Even the most withdrawn children become more relaxed, open and sociable. With the help of dance you can solve many problems psychological problems. Through dance, a child begins to look at the world with different eyes. Of course, problems will not simply disappear, but a person begins to perceive them differently, much more positively.

Dance awakens creativity and makes it possible to realize these abilities through the harmony of movements. In the process of learning dance exercises, a child’s self-esteem increases. He begins to believe that he is able to achieve something, to do something great and beautiful. Seeing the satisfied face of the mother, rejoicing when her child overcomes yet another difficulty in mastering the dance, the child understands that he likes it! This means he is needed and appreciated! He is loved.

One of the conditions for successful results is careful, friendly attitude to a beginning dancer, the ability to instill in him faith in his capabilities. Let your child never become an artist and choreographer, but throughout his life he will remember these classes, his first comprehension of music and graceful movements under the guidance of loving parents.

Artistry is characteristic human nature, especially for children. Many of us lose this quality over the years. Many adults, even in the company of close friends, are embarrassed to sing something, much less dance. But do our children really have to grow up with such complexes? This should never be allowed to happen! Better join the performances of little dancers. Everyone will benefit from this. After all, by encouraging artistry in a child, we change ourselves.

In less than a month, mom and dad or grandparents will be surprised to discover that the child has begun to smile more often, his movements have become more flexible, and even his voice has changed. He ceases to be afraid to express his opinion, begins to behave at ease, and those around him feel at ease and have fun. But the most important thing: little artists’ self-confidence increases, self-esteem increases, and abstract thinking and imaginative perception of the world begin to work at full capacity. And dad and mom will be able to be proud of their creatively developed child.

The collection includes quotes about dancing and dancers:

  • I want to dance until I'm a hundred years old. And if you’re not lazy, you won’t last more than forty. Maya Plisetskaya
  • Ballet is hard labor in flowers. Faina Ranevskaya
  • I see the roots of dance in the richness of nature. Kazuo Ono
  • Ballroom dancing is a type of demonstration of mastery of plasticity and sensual dynamics. Vyacheslav Zaitsev
  • Couple flashes after couple. A. S. Pushkin
  • Ballroom dancing brings only positive emotions. Alexander Peskov
  • Learn to save movements until you develop automaticity. Robert Heinlein
  • Was natural as a twist. Leonid Pletnev
  • The one who said “stupid as a tenor” apparently did not know the dancers. Jerzy Villefort
  • IN good dance there is not a single unnecessary movement. Fred Astard
  • The way people move is their biography in motion. Jerry Spence
  • You always need to figure out what you really want. Boris Moiseev
  • Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires. George Bernard Shaw
  • The second is the first of the losers. Tarasova, figure skating coach
  • Dancers are God's athletes. Albert Einstein
  • Looking at the beer makes it good to dance. Russian proverb
  • Dance is a type of wordless rhetoric. Canon Toynot Arbu

  • Discipline is one of the most necessary qualities of a dancer. Boris Moiseev
  • Dance is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument. Rachel Farnhagen
  • They realized that they were left without bread. Russian proverb
  • Tango is a bed on which you are not ashamed to bare your soul. Sergey Pichurichkin
  • If you ask a girl to dance and she agrees, don’t be happy: first you still have to dance. Vyacheslav Berendakov
  • Striptease is, first of all, a mood. "Cosmopolitan"
  • If a girl dances poorly, she scolds the orchestra. Jewish proverb
  • Russia; hundreds of miles of fields and ballet in the evenings. Alan Hackney
  • Art fulfills the task of preserving, as well as some decorating, faded, faded ideas. Nietzsche
  • The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings. Boris Moiseev
  • How can you dance "Rumba" without knowing true love. Editorial
  • Imitate the wind when it bursts out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sounds of its own pipe, the seas tremble and jump under its feet. Nietzsche
  • When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Stanislav Popov, President of RTS
  • Dance with three legs. Russian proverb
  • Those who know how to dance can dance anyway, but those who don’t can’t learn from a book. Editors of "Dancing Klondike"
  • A partner is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Vitaly Leshchenko
  • Castrati dance the best. Vladimir Kolechitsky

  • Many ballets would be amazing if it weren’t for the dance. Evening Standard
  • Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.
  • A king can be judged by the way they dance during his reign. Chinese proverb
  • Folk dance is valuable because it reveals the character, experiences, culture, and temperament of the people. Igor Moiseev
  • You should never think that your partner is in any way worse than you. Moreover, you can’t show it on stage. Maris Liepa
  • Real education includes the ability to sing and dance well. Plato "Laws"
  • No sane person would dance. Cicero
  • Don't spare your heels, go ahead and be a jerk! Beat the trepak, don't spare the heel! Russian proverb
  • Dance was once erotic, now it has become gymnastics. Sydney Rome
  • Don't get carried away with food. Boris Moiseev
  • Independence is one of the most significant and valuable acquisitions for a true artist. Boris Moiseev
  • You don’t have to love yourself in art, you have to love the art in yourself. Stanislavsky
  • We cannot rest on our laurels. Boris Moiseev
  • Our life can be full of loneliness, hateful monotony, and only through dance can we transform into fairy-tale kings and princesses. Dmitry Fateev, “Gala Waltz”
  • Never criticize your partner. Brave Combo
  • True art survives in any situation. Yuri Bashmet
  • Never dance with a partner who has more problems than you. Vyacheslav Berendakov
  • Everything on stage should sparkle, amaze, and fascinate. Boris Moiseev
  • The foundations are laid by the Teacher. Igor Moiseev
  • Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. James Brown
  • A couple is a kind of painting that moves across the dance floor. Tatiana Kostina
  • The only thing better than ballet is the corps de ballet. Gennady Malkin
  • The first appearance on the floor must produce an effect: you need to be remembered once and for all. Whether they love you later or not, it doesn’t matter, but they will remember you. Maris Liepa
  • After a two-hour television ballet, it’s nice to watch traffic controllers at street intersections. How calming it is to see movements that have some meaning. Gabriel Bertel
  • Every tango is a farewell. Yanina Ipohorskaya
  • Isn’t it obvious that dance is a complete metamorphosis? Paul Valerie
  • Dancing is an exciting activity that requires dedication, effort and time. Lev Leshchenko
  • Standard dancing is a back discipline. Leonid Pletnev
  • If you can talk, you can sing, if you can walk, you can dance. African proverb
  • A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up anything in the composition of the soil or the watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. Rauf Salakhutdinov
  • If God intended that you know how to dance, then you have to give it. Alexander Peskov
  • Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material. Ted Shawn
  • You don't have to be a good dancer to win the competition. It is enough to dance better than others. Dassi
  • Dance is the mother of all languages. Collinwood
  • The day was a waste if I didn't dance. Nietzsche
  • To dance is to affirm. Bayard Call
  • Listen to everyone, listen only to yourself and the coach. Leonid Pletnev
  • Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer. George Balanshine
  • The whole sphere of dance has now expanded so much that it is the variety that is of interest, and not any specific phenomenon that someone calls dance. Merce Cunningham

Aphorisms, quotes about dancing Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw) Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and in movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. Men are like that. It’s like they’re going to watch a belly dance, but they still stare at the boobs. Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word. Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE! Those who don't dance have complexes. It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance. Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's physical education. Beautiful handwriting is not given by birth - it needs to be learned; and ease of movement - distinguishing feature who knows how to dance. Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers abnormal. Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are! Dancing is creating an image for yourself, where you are part of something bigger, where you throw out your emotions, feelings and passion. It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it. I dance because I'm happy. I dance because I am free. I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself. Love --- kiss, scream --- suffer! The world is not like hell and heaven! There are no illusions and no limits, there is only sound and body dance! When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. The grasshopper's dancing is complete nonsense from the butterfly's point of view. Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg. Aphorisms and quotes If you can talk, you can sing, if you can walk, you can dance. (African proverb) Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing. (James Brown) To dance is to affirm. (Bayard Call) A king can be judged by the way they dance during his reign. (Chinese proverb) Dance is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument. (Rachel Farnhagen) The day was a waste if I didn't dance. (Nietzsche) Dance is the mother of all languages. (Collinwood) The way people move is their biography in motion. (Jerry Spence) Dancers are God's athletes. (Albert Einstein) Anyone who cannot feel music considers dancers abnormal. (George Carlin) I don't try to dance better than anyone else. I try to dance better than myself. (Mikhail Baryshnikov) A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up anything in the soil composition or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die. (Rauf Salakhutdinov) A successful dance partnership is like the relationship of good relatives - a sea of ​​patience and a mountain of work. (Kay Gilley) A dancer's ears are in his toes. (Nietzsche) Imitate the wind when it bursts out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sounds of its own pipe, the seas tremble and jump under its feet. (Nietzsche) Oh superior people, your worst thing is that all of you have not learned to dance the way you should dance - to dance on top of yourself! (Nietzsche) Gait reveals whether someone is already walking along his path - look how I walk! But whoever approaches his goal dances. (Nietzsche) I want to dance until I am a hundred years old. And if you’re not lazy, you won’t last more than forty. (Maya Plisetskaya) Perfect dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan. (Sylvia Guillem) Knowing how to dance gives you the greatest of freedoms: to express yourself fully as you are. (Melissa Hayden) People express themselves most truly through dance. The body never lies. (Ange de Mille) Only mediocrity dances with their feet. Geniuses dance with their hearts. (Dmitry Yemets) Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires. (Bernard Shaw) Instead of stomping your feet out of anger, it’s better to learn step dance. (Fred Astaire) Dance was once erotic, now it has become gymnastics. (Sydney Rome) No time for slow dancing!... (Vladimir Vishnevsky) If you are not invited to white dance, don’t be upset - be a man... (V. Sumbatov) Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's physical education. (Dassi) You can forget the movement, you can’t forget the mood. Dance with all the energy of your body and the fire of your soul to shake out all the melancholy from your liver, and do not hold yourself back, fearing that your partner will be afraid that the force of your movements will shake something out of your brain. (Lola Montez) When you dance, you don't sweat: you glow. (Didi) If you know the names of all the movements you dance, then you are either a beginner or an international dancer. (Dassi) When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy. Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everything dances. (Maya Angelou) Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion (Martha Graham) To dance with your feet is one thing, to dance with your heart is another (proverb) All the diseases of mankind, all the tragic misfortunes that fill the history books, all political mistakes, all the failures of great leaders arose only from the inability to dance. (Jean Baptiste Moliere) Dancing is an excellent training for girls, it is the first way to learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. (Christopher Morley) Stop you don’t dance because you get old, you get old because you stop dancing. (Jesse Newbern) Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. (Jacques d'Amboise) To dance means to be outside oneself, bigger, stronger, more beautiful. In dance there is power, in dance there is the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it whole. (Agnes de Mille) In dance there is a little madness that brings great benefit to everyone. (Edwin Denby) Life is not choreographed. That's why I often fall. (Sasha Duncan) Dance for yourself. If someone understands, good, if not, it doesn’t matter, keep doing what you love. (Louis Horst) Dance is the world’s favorite metaphor. (Christy Nilsson) When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of dance, it becomes a prayer. (Gabriella Roth)

Dance helps to create a new multifaceted image, more sensual, emotional and passionate.

By dancing, we surpass ourselves, become stronger and more powerful, revealing our new facets and capabilities.

Movements Indian dances beautiful and ornate, but at the same time not complicated: with one hand we seem to screw in a light bulb, and with the other we stroke the cat.

Dance is every time a new sensual story of two, where they merge into a single whole and give free rein to their dreams and desires.

A distinctive feature of a good dancer is natural ease of movement; this is not a beautiful handwriting that can be learned.

To dance means to show your superpowers, to leave the usual image and appear before the viewer more beautiful and powerful, succumbing to the energy and power of dance.

Dance is not only the art of moving easily and rhythmically, but also of withdrawing your foot in time to avoid being stepped on.

Dance is your vital pulse, your breath. It is an opportunity to express happiness and sadness, joy and sadness, love and hate in motion in a short period of time.

Read more quotes about dancing on the following pages:

Dance is the loneliness of people who do not need words.

What will you choose: dancing or a guy? – Dancing, they don’t act like idiots 😀

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are!

Those who don't dance have complexes.

Those who don't dance have complexes.

If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word.

Anyone who is late for the disco will dance an explanation

Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are!

I dance because I'm happy. I dance because I am free.

You could make a great dancer... if it weren't for the balls.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Girl, are you dancing? -Yes! -And I thought you were being electrocuted!

Dance until they tell you, “Well, you can dance some more.”

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance.

Well, the neighbors have finally fallen asleep, now we can dance...

It's better to dance at a disco than in line for the toilet.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Tango is a bed on which you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers abnormal.

Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE!

Yesterday I stood in a long line for the toilet... I learned to dance tectonics! 🙂

It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance.

Those who don't dance have complexes.

From the film “Real Boys” Igor Sergeevich: What kind of dances? Antokha: Well, there are sports and ballrooms! Vovan: Absolute, haha, improbable. 😀

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw)

If you know the names of all the movements you dance, then you are either a beginner or an international dancer.

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's physical education.

Girls! Darlings!!! How many times do you have to repeat this? Minuet IS A DANCE!

Dance is a verse in which every movement is a word.

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw)

It is not the place that makes a dancer beautiful, but the dance.

If a girl dances poorly, she scolds the orchestra.

Tango is a bed on which you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

Yes, he can dance, but to the rhythm of a hose.

Dance is a verse in which every movement is a word.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it.

You could make a great dancer... if it weren't for the balls.

Dancing is like making love, but you are not ashamed, but you get pleasure from people watching.

Tell me what's your favorite dance and I'll tell you who you are!

If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

Each dance is a unique story of feeling: He and She merge in soul and body, and a flight begins on the waves of tenderness and temptation.

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg.

If you asked a girl to dance and she agreed... Don't be happy: first you still have to dance.

People who don't pump up their muscles rock the dance floor!

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Beautiful handwriting is not given by birth - it needs to be learned; and ease of movement is a distinctive feature of someone who knows how to dance.

Whoever doesn’t dance is Philip Kirkorov...!

The grasshopper's dancing is complete nonsense from the butterfly's point of view.

Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you also need to remember to do it

Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE!

Every tango is a farewell.

You could make a great dancer... if it weren't for the balls.

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's physical education.

The grasshopper's dancing is complete nonsense from the butterfly's point of view.

Some learn to dance, others are born to dance.

The daughter comes home from the disco. The mother is indignant: “What do you wear to dances?” Get dressed quickly and go to bed!

Dancing is a vertical expression of horizontal desires.

Dancing is the art of moving your foot before your partner steps on it.

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

If you are invited to dance by two gentlemen at once, you can dance in circles with them.

When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy.

Men are like that. They seem to be going to watch a belly dance, but they still stare at the boobs.

If you want to learn to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and in movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

No sweet slow-motions or passionate tangos! Dancing in splendid isolation with my eyes closed is my thing!

Anyone who cannot feel the music considers the dancers abnormal.

Beginner dancers walk from crooked leg to crooked leg, while experienced dancers move from bent to bent leg.

the site reminds: dancing is one of the most important arts, and is highly regarded in society. To confirm this - 30 quotes from great people about dancing.

Dancers are God's athletes.

(Albert Einstein)

It all started with Fouette.
When the earth is in its rotation,
Like a virgin in nakedness,
Flustered with embarrassment,
Suddenly it started spinning in the dark.

(Valentin Gaft)

I want to dance until I'm a hundred years old. And if you’re not lazy, you won’t last more than forty.

(Maya Plisetskaya)

Ballet is hard labor in flowers.

(Faina Ranevskaya)

The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings.

(Boris Moiseev)

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires.

(George Bernard Shaw)

Imitate the wind when it bursts out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sounds of its own pipe, the seas tremble and jump under its feet.

You should never think that your partner is in any way worse than you. Moreover, you can’t show it on stage.

(Maris Liepa)

Dance, said the Sheep Man. - While the music is playing, keep dancing. Do you understand, no? Dance and don't stop. Why are you dancing - don’t argue. What is the point of this - don’t think about it. There is still no meaning and there never was. If you think about it, your legs will stop. And if your legs stop even once, we won’t be able to help you. All your contacts with the world around you will be cut off. They will be cut off forever. If this happens, you will only be able to live in this world. Gradually you will be drawn here entirely. Therefore, there is no way for the legs to stop. Even if everything around you seems stupid and meaningless, don’t pay attention. Follow the rhythm and keep dancing. And then what has not yet completely hardened in you will begin to slowly dissolve.
(Haruki Murakami)

Movement, dance - in my opinion, this is brilliant, because it is limitless self-realization.
(Jude Law)

Anyone who is interested in dancing has no trouble falling in love.
(Jane Austen)

You can’t teach a person to really dance, only he can do it himself.
(Jerome David Salinger)

A couple is a kind of painting that moves across the dance floor.

(Tatiana Kostina)

When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of dance, it becomes a prayer.
(Gabriella Roth)

Dance is the highest intelligence in the freest of bodies.
(Isadora Duncan)

Dance is a small model of life in a few minutes, with its own emotions and experiences.
(Andrey Vavilin)

They don't stop dancing because they get old, they get old because they stop dancing.
(Jesse Newburn)

Each dance is a unique story of feeling: He and She merge in soul and body, and a flight begins on the waves of tenderness and temptation.
(Dmitry Fateev)

Dance is the world's favorite metaphor.

(Christy Nilsson)

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

(Mikhail Baryshnikov)

Dance is the secret language of the soul.