Wonderful quotes from children from the book by Korney Chukovsky. Wonderful quotes from children from Korney Chukovsky’s book Station III. Lost and Found - (teacher reads assignment from envelope)


Game journey through the works of K. I. Chukovsky - page No. 1/1



Game journey through the works of K.I. Chukovsky.


1. Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, photographs.

2. Book exhibition, epigraph “If you add up all the paths of joy that Chukovsky paved to children’s hearts, you will get a road to the moon” (S. Obraztsov).
Progress of the event.

(Music “Doctor Aibolit and the Monkeys” sounds)

Leading. Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the birthday of one cheerful and cheerful person who loved children and dedicated many poems and fairy tales to them. He was even born

April 1, which is considered a day of jokes, fun and laughter. This was in 1882. So, if the writer were alive, he would now be 120 years old. Today we will talk about Korney Ivanovich

Chukovsky! Chukovsky lived almost his entire life in St. Petersburg. He was a literary critic by profession, he loved his profession very much, and if he had been told that he would be famous as

A children's writer, he would probably be very surprised. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller quite by accident. Here's how it happened.

His little son fell ill in Helsenki, and Korney Ivanovich took him home on the night train.

The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. To somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale. The boy stopped being capricious, listened without opening his mouth, and then calmly fell asleep. The next morning, barely

Waking up, he immediately demanded that his father tell him yesterday’s tale again.

Perhaps this incident would not have had any consequences. But soon something similar happened to Korney Ivanovich again. He was sitting at his desk and working on an article that a scientific journal had ordered for him. Suddenly he heard a loud cry. It was his youngest daughter crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. Chukovsky left the office, took the girl in his arms and, unexpectedly for himself, quietly said to her: We must, we must wash ourselves.

In the mornings and evenings,

And not to pure chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Many years have passed since then, and the works of K.I. Chukovsky are known not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Tall stature, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging over his forehead, laughing light eyes - this is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. By the way, K.I. Chukovsky is a literary pseudonym. Do any of you know the real name of the writer? (Nikolai Vasilievich Kornechuykov).

“A-a-a-a, Chukovsky! – some of you said at the beginning of our meeting. “Everyone has known about him since childhood.” Today we will check if everything is real. I invite you on a journey.

Station 1. Vokzalnaya

There is a ticket office at each station. The one who can name Chukovsky’s work will participate in our journey. For each correct answer, a ticket (token) is given. And so, let's hit the road!

Station 2. Zagadkino.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was a very hardworking person. “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in line, I composed riddles for children.”

1 .There was a white house, 2. Locomotive

Wonderful house, No wheels!

And something knocked inside him. What a miracle locomotive!

And he crashed, and from there, didn’t he go crazy -

A living miracle ran out and walked straight across the sea! (Steamboat).

So warm, so

Fluffy and golden. (Egg and chicken).

3. Ah, don't touch me

I will burn without fire! (Nettle)

4. Red doors in my cave,

White animals sit at the door.

And meat, and bread - all the spoils -

I gladly give it to white animals. (Lips and teeth).

5. I had a cart

But there was no horse.

And suddenly she neighed

She neighed and ran.

Look, a cart is running without a horse! (Truck).

6. I have two horses, two horses.

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard, like stone. (Skates and ice).

7. The sage saw the sage in him,

Stupid - stupid

Ram - ram,

The sheep saw him as a sheep,

And a monkey - a monkey,

But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him,

And Fedya saw the shaggy slob. (Mirror).

8. I'm lying under your feet,

You trample me with your boots,

And tomorrow you will take me to the yard

And hit me, hit me,

So that the children can lie on me,

Flounder and somersault on me. (Carpet).

9. Little houses are running along the street,

Boys and girls are being taken to their houses. (Automobile).

10. She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will burn -

She will cry and die. (Icicle).

11. I'm not wandering through forests,

And by the mustache, by the hair.

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves and bears (Comb).

12. They flew into a raspberry

They wanted to peck her

But they saw a freak -

And get out of the garden quickly!

And the freak is sitting on a stick,

With a beard made from a washcloth. (Birds and scarecrow).

13. If only pine trees ate

They knew how to run and jump,

They would rush away from me without looking back,

And they would never meet me again,

Because – I’ll tell you without bragging –

I am steely, and angry, and very toothy. (Saw).

14. I'm a one-eared old woman

I'm jumping on the canvas

And a long thread from the ear,

Like a web I pull. (Needle).

15.Here needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk. (Hedgehog).

Station 3. Rhyme(finish the word)

1 .In the vegetable garden

Grow...(chocolates; “Miracle Tree”)

2. There's polish on your neck,

Under your nose... (blot; “Moidodyr”)

3 .The fly went to the market

And she bought... (samovar; “Fly – Tsokotukha”)

4. Robin Bobin Barabek

Ate forty...(person; “Barabek”)

5. The bears were driving

On...(bicycle; “Cockroach”)

6. And they stood at the gate

Twisted Christmas trees,

We walked there without worries

Crooked...(wolves; “Once upon a time there lived a man”)

7. And again the bear: -Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea...(urchin; “telephone”)

8. Look into the tub -

And you will see there... (a frog; “Fedorino’s grief”)

9. The little frogs came running,

Watered from... (tub; “Confusion”)

10. Dear girl Lyalechka!

She was walking with a doll

And on Tavricheskaya street

Suddenly I saw... (an elephant)

Station 4. Heroic

There are a huge number of heroes in the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky. Let's remember some of them.

1. A good doctor who treated animals and birds. (Aibolit).

2. A nice dog from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.” (Abba).

3. A thick-skinned animal that fell into a swamp. (Hippopotamus)

4. Evil sister of Aibolit. (Varvara)

5. The daredevil who swallowed the villain in the fairy tale “The Cockroach.”

6. The monkey who scared the children with the Karakula shark in the poem “Barmaley” (Gorilla).

7. The daredevil who defeated the Spider in the poem “Fly - Tskotukha” (Mosquito).

8. Doctor Aibolit's duck (Kika).

9. A terrible giant who was swallowed by the daring Sparrow (Cockroach).

10. The grandmother from whom the dishes ran away (Fedora).

Station 5. Confusion

One of the students was copying the titles of poems in the library, but made mistakes. Name the poem correctly.

  1. "Arbolit" (Aibolit)

  2. "Disgusting" (Joy)

  3. "Karmaley" (Barmaley)

  4. "The Painted Sun" (The Stolen Sun)

  5. "Nophelet" (Telephone)

  6. “A man drank in the world” (A man lived in the world)

  7. "Puganitsa" (Confusion)

  8. “The snakes are laughing” (The hedgehogs are laughing)

  9. “Khudo-tree” (Miracle-tree)

Station 6. Crossword

Final words from the presenter.

Our journey has now ended. Many more times you will encounter works

K.I. Chukovsky, and now we will summarize.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short.

We say: “Goodbye,

See you happy next time!”

Used literature:

  1. “Library at school” No. 01 (85) - 2003.

A holiday of health and cleanliness.

(theatrical play program).
Characters: presenter, Cleanliness, Dirt, Hedgehog, Wolf, Bear, Hare.

Acquaintance with the biography and work of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.


To awaken children's interest in studying the life and work of the children's writer K.I. Chukovsky;

Introduce children to the biography of Korney Chukovsky and the main points of his literary work;

In a playful way, remember and repeat the content of Chukovsky’s books.

Form: literary journey.

Design: exhibition of books “The best wizards are children's writers”, drawings by children, portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.

Equipment: slides.


Chukovsky's talent is inexhaustible,

smart, brilliant,

cheerful, festive.

I. Andronikov.

Progress of the event.


A word about “Book Name Days”

During the spring holidays, many Russian libraries host Children's and Youth Book Week. (Information about the history of the holiday).

Our library hosts literary games and quizzes these days.

There is a tradition in libraries to dedicate “Book Name Days” to writers who celebrate their anniversaries of the year.

Our meeting today in the library is dedicated to these wonderful events.

Now listen, watch and participate in quizzes and games.

Accompanied by a slide presentation.

Librarian: Forty minutes drive from the capital, in one of the most beautiful corners of the Moscow region - in the village of Peredelkino, among birches and pines, in a small country house lived for many years a tall gray-haired man, who was known not only by all the children of the village, but also by the smallest residents of Moscow and the whole our vast Russia, and even abroad.

Early, early in the morning, as soon as the sun rose, this tall gray-haired man was already working on his plot: in winter he cleared the paths from fallen snow, and in spring and summer he dug in the vegetable garden or flower garden.

At six o'clock in the morning he was already sitting in his room upstairs, by the large window at a spacious table, writing.

After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly. Sometimes he even went racing with the kids he met while walking.

To these little friends of his, he seemed like a giant, a real kind wizard from a fairy tale - huge, generous with affection, always having a joke, a funny saying, a kind word “in reserve” for each child, from which the little ones’ eyes sparkled and their cheeks turned pink. That is why, for a long time, children with great tenderness called their beloved giant “Chukosha.”

You probably already guessed who we are talking about? About the children's writer and poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Near his house in Peredelkino, near his dacha, the writer built a small house and set up a children's library there for the surrounding children. All the books, and there were several thousand of them here, were carefully collected by Korney Ivanovich himself, donated by writers and publishing houses.

I invite you on an extraordinary journey to an unknown country that you will not find on the map. It's called "Chukonada".

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born on March 31, 1882. The writer’s real surname and patronymic is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov, and Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is his pseudonym.

The writer spent his childhood in Odessa. Chukovsky graduated from only 5 classes when he was expelled from the gymnasium due to his low origin; Chukovsky’s mother was a simple laundress. At the age of 16, he left home so as not to “sit on his mother’s neck.” He then earned his living in a painters' artel, painting roofs and fences; he also learned English from a self-instruction manual and read books voraciously.

You know guys, Korney Ivanovich had absolutely no intention of writing children's poems. He was a fairly famous literary critic and sincerely considered this his only recognition.

Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. My little son fell ill. Korney Ivanovich carried him on the night train. The boy was naughty, moaning, crying, and in order to somehow distract him, Korney Ivanovich began to say:

Once upon a time there lived a Crocodile.

He walked the streets.

He smoked cigarettes.

He spoke Turkish, -

Crocodile, Crocodile, Crocodilovich.

(Slide demonstration: illustration for “Crocodile”.

Librarian:(continues to talk).

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. The next morning, waking up, he asked his father to tell him yesterday’s tale again. It turned out that he remembered it word for word. This is how the famous “Crocodile” was born.

Perhaps this single incident would not have had any significance in the life of Korney Chukovsky if another similar incident had not occurred. One day Korney Ivanovich was working in his office, he was writing an article commissioned by an adult magazine, and suddenly he heard a loud cry. It was his little daughter crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. Chukovsky left the office, took his daughter in his arms and, quite unexpectedly for himself, quietly said to her:

I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings,

And to unclean chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

This is how “Moidodyr” was born.

(Slide demonstration: illustration for “Moidodyr”.

Librarian: Guys, what will happen if kittens start grunting, ducklings start croaking, and piglets start meowing? It is clear what will happen - confusion. There is a book with the same title by Chukovsky.

The hero of many fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky is a crocodile. And now these crocodiles got lost.

Let's help them return to their fairy tales. Let's remember them together.

Quiz "The crocodiles got lost."

Quiz questions are on the slides. The answers are just a click away.

But because of the Nile

The gorilla is coming

The gorilla is coming

The crocodile is leading!


...And with tears he asked:

My dear, good one,

Send me galoshes

For me, my wife, and Totosha.


Suddenly, my good one comes towards me,

My favorite Crocodile.

He is with Totosha and Kokosha

Walked along the alley...


Poor crocodile

Swallowed the toad.


Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried mushrooms.


And in the big river

The crocodile lies

And in his teeth

It's not the fire that burns, -

The sun is red...

("Stolen Sun")

Saved me from death

You freed us.

Have a good time

Saw us

Oh, good crocodile!


Librarian: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by his great diligence. Always, wherever he was: on the tram, in line for bread, in the doctor’s waiting room, so as not to waste time, he composed riddles for children.

K.I. Chukovsky told himself: “I often had bursts of joy and fun. You walk down the street and senselessly rejoice at everything you see: trams, sparrows. Ready to kiss everyone I meet.

I remember one such day - August 29, 1923. Feeling like a person who could work miracles, I did not run in, but took off, as if on wings, into our apartment and, grabbing some dusty piece of paper, having difficulty finding a pencil, began to write a cheerful song about Mukha’s wedding. (Show the book “Fly-Tsokotukha”)

Korney Ivanovich recalled:

“And one day inspiration washed over me while swimming in the sea. I swam quite far, and suddenly, under the influence of the sun, wind and Black Sea waves, the following poems formed on their own:

Oh if I drown

If I go down...

I ran naked along the rocky shore and, hiding behind a nearby rock, began to write down poems with wet hands on a wet cigarette box lying nearby. I immediately wrote twenty lines. The fairy tale had neither a beginning nor an end.”

Have you guys guessed what fairy tale we are talking about?

Chukovsky's favorite hero of fairy tales is Doctor Aibolit, a kind, sympathetic doctor who is not afraid of any difficulties in order to save big animals.

Sweet from the cartoon "Doctor Aibolit".

Librarian: Once Korney Ivanovich spent three hours sculpting various figures from clay with the children. The children wipe their hands on his trousers. It was a long way to go home. The clay pants were yellow and had to be held down. Passers-by looked at him in surprise. But Korney Ivanovich was cheerful. He had inspiration, poems were composed freely.

The sieve gallops across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel

She walked along the street.

Axes - then, axes

So they pour down the mountain,

The goat got scared

She widened her eyes:

"What's happened? Why?

I won’t understand anything.”

Do you guys understand what happened in Chukovsky’s fairy tale? What is it called? (“Fedorino’s grief”)

The librarian reads the next passage if the children answer incorrectly.

And they ran through the forest,

We galloped over stumps and over hummocks.

And the poor woman is alone,

And she cries and cries.

A woman would sit at the table,

Yes, the table went out of the gate.

Grandma would cook cabbage soup

Go and look for a saucepan!

And the cups and glasses are gone,

There are only cockroaches left.

Oh, woe to Fedora,

It was ... (“Fedorino’s grief”).

Often among the heroes of fairy tales we feel the presence of the author himself. Now we will hear the example of a fairy tale.

I suggest you Quiz game “Continue the story”.

The librarian reads the beginning of each quatrain from the fairy tale “Telephone,” and the children continue.

My phone rang.

- Who's talking?


From a camel.

- What do you need?


- For whom?

For my son.

- How much should I send?

Yes, about five pounds

Or six:

He can't eat anymore

He's still small for me!

And then I called


And with tears he asked:

My dear, good one,

Send me some koloshi

For me, my wife, and Totosha.

- Wait, isn't it for you?

Last week

I sent two pairs

Excellent galoshes?

Ah, the ones you sent

Last week

We ate a long time ago

And we can't wait,

When will you send again

For our dinner

New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:

Is it possible to send


And then the monkeys called:

Please send

And then the bear called

Yes, how I started, how I started


- Wait, bear,

don't cry,

Explain what you want? -

And why, why -

I don't understand!

- Please hang it up


And then the herons called:

Please send

We are frogs today


And our stomachs hurt!...

And such rubbish

All day:

Ding-dee - laziness,

Ding-dee - laziness,


Either the seal will call, or the deer.

And recently two gazelles

They called and sang:



Everyone got burned


- Oh, are you sane, gazelles?

The carousels didn't burn down,

And the swing survived!

You gazelles should not make a noise,

And next week

They would gallop and sit down

On the swing-carousel!

But they didn't listen to the ghazals

And they were still making noise:



All swings

Got burned?

What stupid gazelles!

And yesterday morning


Isn't this an apartment?


I got angry and started yelling:

- No! This is someone else's apartment!!!

Where is Moidodyr?

- I can’t tell you...

Call the number

One hundred twenty-five.

I haven't slept for three nights

I'm tired.

I would like to fall asleep


But as soon as I lay down the call!

- Who's talking?


-What's happened?

Trouble! trouble!

Run here quickly!

- What's the matter?

- Whom?


Our behemoth has failed

into the swamp...

- Fell into a swamp?

Neither here nor there!

Oh, if you don't come-

He will drown, drown in the swamp,

Will die, disappear


- OK! I'm running! I'm running!

If I can, I'll help!

Oh, this is not an easy job -

Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!

Chukovsky's poems are very musical. Many of his tales have been adapted into operas (an opera is a piece of music in which everyone sings accompanied by an orchestra), and cartoons have been created.

Slide: fragment from the cartoon “Barmaley”.

Here’s another example: “I live in Peredelkino. It's not far from Moscow. A tiny midget lives with me, a little boy, whose name is Bibigon. Where he came from, I don't know. He says he fell from the moon. “And I, and my children, and grandchildren, we all love him very much.” (Show the book about Bibigon).

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales and poems for you. They teach empathy and compassion. Without this ability, a person is not a person.

Chukovsky is no longer among us. And even your grandchildren will probably enjoy reading and listening to his poems and fairy tales.

Many times you will encounter the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. When you read M. Twain’s books “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, R.E. Raspe “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”, R. Kipling “Rikki - Tiki - Tavi” and others, then you will get acquainted with Chukovsky - the translator. (Showing books).

When you grow up, you will read his book “The Silver Coat of Arms”. In it, Chukovsky talks about his childhood.

But the poet V. Berestov dedicated this humorous poem to K.I. Chukovsky:

We read a lot of books at school -

Dahl, Zhukovsky, Fet, Tolstoy,

Bianchi, Charushin, Kharms, Krylov.

Tales, fairy tales, stories, poems -

We read all this ourselves at school.

And they pestered mom and dad.

We listened to fairy tales all day long.

There were those tales to reread;

About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,

About Aibalit and Moidodyr,

About Telephone and Fedorino's grief.

Moms and dads told us

That these heroes have been called for a long time.

Grandmothers read fairy tales to them when they were children -

They learned these heroes from them.

We pestered the grandmothers for a long time -

Where did they learn these fairy tales?

About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,

About Aibalit and Moidodyr,

About Barmaley in the fabulous sea,

About Telephone and Fedorino's grief.

This is what the grandmothers told us:

They read these fairy tales in childhood.

These books were written by Korney’s grandfather -

Storyteller, critic, poet, sorcerer.

We felt sorry for grandfather Korney -

In his childhood he did not call Barmaley.

How much has he lost in life?

That I didn’t know these fairy tales as a child.

About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,

About Aibalit and Moidodyr,

About Barmaley in the fabulous sea,

About Telephone and Fedorino's grief.

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney,

Compared to us, he lagged behind,

Because in childhood "Barmaleya"

And I haven’t read “Moidodyr”,

Didn't admire "Telephone"

And I didn’t delve into “Cockroach”,

How did he grow up to be such a scientist?

Without knowing the most important books?

We learned a little from them

So that friends can come to the rescue.

To feel sorry for and love animals,

In order not to brag and not to be cunning,

So as not to give us Fedorino's grief -

It is necessary to maintain order in the house;

So as not to end up at Barmaley’s for lunch -

You have to listen to the one who is smarter.

Grandfather Korney wrote good books -

He raised adults and children.

Our grandchildren and children will be

For 3rd grade

  1. "Journey to the land of Chukovsky's fairy tales" for the anniversary of fairy tales


    Explore biography And creation Cornea Ivanovich Chukovsky. Project goal: introducing children to reading fiction in the process acquaintance with life and creativity Cornea Ivanovich Chukovsky ...

  2. Irina Vladimirovna Lukyanova Korney Chukovsky


    In the autumn of 1907 it took place acquaintance Chukovsky with Repin. The artist himself... biographies and artistic creativity classics of literature, writes B. Melgunov. – Chukovsky...over English pronunciation Cornea Ivanovich. Chukovsky At first he answers angrily: ...

  3. Document

    Miscellaneous": 1. Acquaintance Baby and... biography[Electronic resource]. – Access mode: /wiki Nyxen Children's Library Wizard of Roots Chukovsky...children with creativity Cornea Chukovsky– talented... Works Cornea Ivanovich Chukovsky raise...

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Starting from the age of two, every child becomes a brilliant linguist for a short time, and then, by the age of five or six, loses this genius. There is no longer a trace of it in eight-year-old children, since the need for it has passed.”

In confirmation of this website selected some delightful children's sayings from the book "From Two to Five" by a favorite childhood author. Just enjoy:

  • Two-year-old Sasha was asked:
    -Where are you going?
    - Behind the sand.
    - But you already brought it.
    - I'm going for more.
  • - Is it possible to get married again?
  • - I'm daddy's helper.
  • A four and a half year old girl was read “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”
    “Here is a stupid old man,” she was indignant, “he asked the fish for a new house, then a new trough.” I would immediately ask for a new old woman.
  • Mom: - Son, if you don’t eat porridge, I’ll call Baba Yaga!
    Son: - Do you think she will eat your porridge?
  • - Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had a little prince.
  • - Mom, cover my back leg!
  • - Grandma, are you going to die?
    - I'll die.
    - Will they bury you in a hole?
    - They'll bury it.
    - Deep?
    - Deep.
    - That's when I'll turn your sewing machine!
  • - How old are you?
    - It’s almost eight, but for now it’s three.
  • - Nanny, what kind of paradise is this?
    - And this is where the apples, pears, oranges, cherries...
    - I understand: heaven is compote.
  • - Dad, turn the TV down, I can’t hear the story.
  • On her birthday, Yana (4 years old) changes clothes for the arrival of guests:
    - Well, now I’ll be so beautiful that you all won’t think it’s enough.
  • - Daddy, daddy, buy me a drum!
    - Well, I already have enough noise!
    - Buy it, daddy, I will play it only when you sleep!
  • - Volodya, you know: the rooster’s nose is its mouth!
  • Lyalechka was sprayed with perfume:
    I'm so smelly
    I'm all so stuffy.
    And spins around the mirror.
    - I, mommy, am beautiful!
  • The upset father reports that he crashed the car. Five-year-old Nyura consoles him:
    - But now you don’t have to buy gasoline!
  • - Dad, look how your pants are frowning!
  • - Oh, mom, what fat-bellied legs you have!
  • - Mom, give me a thread, I’ll string beads.
  • - Our grandmother slaughtered geese in winter so that they would not catch a cold.
  • - Mom, how I feel sorry for the horses that they can’t pick their noses.
  • - At first I was afraid of the tram, but then I got used to it and got used to it.
  • The grandfather admitted that he does not know how to swaddle newborns.
    - How did you swaddle your grandmother when she was little?
  • - Oh, mom, what a lovely thing!
  • - Well, Olya, that’s enough, don’t cry!
    - I’m not paying to you, but to Aunt Valya.
  • - What did you scratch yourself on?
    - About the cat.
  • - When will you play with me? Dad comes home from work and goes straight to the TV. And my mother is such a lady! - I started washing right away.
  • - You know, dad, all animals have their backs up and their bellies down!
  • - Who is more beautiful - dad or mom?
    - I won’t answer you because I don’t want to offend my mother.
  • - Grandma, look how stupid the ducks are - they drink raw water from a puddle!
  • On the bus, a four-year-old boy sits in his father’s arms. A woman enters. A polite boy jumps up from his father’s lap:
    - Please sit down!
  • A first-grader returns from school on September 1st. Mom asks her:
    - Daughter, what did you learn today?
    - I learned to write!
    - On the first day? What a child! And what did you write?
    - Don't know. I haven't learned to read yet.
  • Nastya, 4 years old.
    - Mommy, please give me a sister, but only an older one!
  • Masha (3 years old) saw the wrinkles on her father’s forehead, stroked them and said:
    - I don’t want you to be angry!

A game-trip through the works of K.I. Chukovsky

For younger students

OBJECTIVES: to consolidate the acquired knowledge about the writer’s works in literary reading lessons; develop the ability to work in a group; continue to form an adequate response to the situation of victory or loss.


1. Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky

2. Book exhibition by K.I. Chukovsky

3. Exhibition of children’s drawings for the writer’s works

Epigraph: “If you add up all the paths of joy that Chukovsky paved to children’s hearts, you will get a road to the moon” (S. Obraztsov).

Progress of the event

Leading. Today we have gathered here to talk about one cheerful and cheerful person who loved children and dedicated many poems and fairy tales to them. So, who will we talk about today? That's right, about Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky!

* (Portrait) Tall stature, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of mustache, laughing light eyes and a surprisingly light gait - this is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. By the way, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a name he invented, a literary pseudonym. And the writer’s real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov.

Chukovsky lived almost his entire life in St. Petersburg. If they had told him that he would be famous as a children's writer, he would probably have been very surprised. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller quite by accident. Here's how it happened.

His little son fell ill, and Korney Ivanovich took him home on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. To somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile. He walked the streets." The boy stopped being capricious, listened without stopping, and then calmly fell asleep. The next morning, as soon as he woke up, he immediately demanded that his father tell him yesterday’s tale again.

Perhaps this incident would not have had any consequences. But soon something similar happened to Korney Ivanovich again. He sat at his desk and worked. Suddenly he heard a loud cry. It was his youngest daughter crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. Chukovsky left the office, took the girl in his arms and unexpectedly quietly said to her:

I need to wash my face
In the mornings and evenings,
And to unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Many years have passed since then, and the works of K.I. Chukovsky are known not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Today we will check whether you really know his fairy tales well. I invite you on a journey.

So, let's hit the road!

Station I. Name the fairy tales

*From the letters lying in the envelope, you need to make up the names of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky

  1. Fly Tskotukha, Telephone

  2. Cockroach, Crocodile

  3. Moidodyr, Barmaley

  4. Miracle tree, Aibolit

  5. Confusion, Fedorino grief

*Station II. Rhyming (Say the word - the teacher reads the assignment from the envelope)

    In the garden somewhere in the garden
    Grow up... ( Chocolates; "Miracle Tree".)

    There's polish on your neck,
    Right under your nose... ( Blot; "Moidodyr".)

    A fly went to the market
    And I bought... ( Samovar; "Fly-Tsokotukha.")

    The bears were driving
    On... ( Bicycle; "Cockroach.")

    And again the bear:
    - Oh, save the walrus!
    Yesterday he swallowed
    Marine... ( Hedgehog; "Telephone".)

    Look into the tub -
    And you will see there... ( frog; "Fedorino's grief.")

    9. The little frogs came running,
    Watered from... ( Tub; "Confusion".)

    I'll sew him new legs,
    He will run again... (Along the path; “Aibolit”)

    In Africa there are sharks, in Africa there are gorillas,
    There are big evil ones in Africa... (Crocodiles; “Barmaley”)

    But the Bear doesn’t want to fight,
    He walks and walks, Bear, in a circle... (Swamps; “The Stolen Sun”)

*StationIII. Lost and Found - (teacher reads assignment from envelope)

Some heroes lost things. Let's remember what works we could return them to.

    Shoes (“Miracle Tree”).

    Saucers (“Fedorino’s grief”).

    Balloon (“Cockroach”).

    Thermometer (“Aibolit”).

    Galoshes ("Telephone").

    Soap (“Moidodyr”).

    Washcloth (“Moidodyr”).

    Dishes (“Fedorino’s grief”).

    Samovar (“Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Fedorino’s grief”).

    Irons (“Fedorino’s grief”).

*Station IV. Crossword (Write in the characters whose words these are)

    Go ahead, clubfoot, scratch the crocodile,
    Tear it into pieces, snatch the sun from its mouth (hare)

    Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea (fly)

    Wait, don’t rush, I’ll swallow you in no time (cockroach)

    Oh, you, my poor orphans, my irons and frying pans (Fedora)

    I forgive Fyodorushka, treat him to sweet tea,
    Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna! (samovar)

    Oops, I was bitten by a wasp! (fox)

    Where is the killer? Where is the villain? I'm not afraid of his claws! (mosquito)

    Hey, firefighters, run, put out the blue sea! (whale)

    I'll sew him new legs.
    He will run along the path again (Dr. Aibolit)

*Station V. Exhibition of drawings (1 - guess the fairy tale from children’s drawings; 2 - assemble a picture from pieces)

*Station VI. Riddle (Riddles are printed on pieces of paper, one of the team members reads the riddle, the other gives the answer)

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was a very hardworking person. “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, I wrote riddles for children so as not to waste time.”

Book "25 riddles"

Bondarenko Alla Fedorovna

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Organized School No. 2" Khanymey village,

Purovsky district, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Topic: Lesson-trip through the works of K.I. Chukovsky

“Crazy Chukovsky style”

Lesson objectives:

    summarize children’s knowledge from the works they read; contribute to the formation of emotional responsiveness to the works of K.I. Chukovsky;

    repeat knowledge of small genres of folklore, literary terminology (rhyme);

    promote the development of imaginative thinking, attention and memory of students, and foster an interest in reading.

General educational objectives:

    formation and improvement of the main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading);

    formation of the skill of correct, conscious, expressive, fluent reading, role-based reading, and the ability to work with text.

Developmental tasks:

    development of cognitive processes;

    development of students' creative abilities.



    creative reading with educational value.

Shapes: individual, pair, frontal, group.

Equipment: portrait of the writer, epigraph “Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, intelligent, brilliant, cheerful, festive” (I. Andronikov), exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky, photo collage “Visiting Moidodyr”, crossword puzzle, children’s drawings for his works; recording of the song “Clouds”.


1. Organizational moment.

Stand straight and beautiful.

The bell is ringing, the bell is calling -

And the lesson begins in the classroom.

(Checking readiness for the lesson).

2. Message of the topic, setting the goal of the lesson.

Their writer writes to us,

He writes day and night.

They live in his notebook

Poems, fairy tales and riddles!

Today we are visiting the wonderful writer, storyteller, humorist and merry fellow Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. His poems and fairy tales give us joy, fun and good mood. Korney Ivanovich was a true friend of children: he loved them, communicated, for each child he found his own cherished, magic word, his own joke, a funny saying. No wonder the children were drawn to him and affectionately called him “Uncle Chukosha.” But in fact, the real name of this man is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov.

The writer lived in a small country house not far from Moscow. He wrote, translated, published magazines, and edited a lot. K.I. Chukovsky is widely known not only here, but throughout the world.

Let's look at the portrait of this kind and cheerful man, smile at each other and begin a journey through the pages of the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

3. Consolidation of the studied material.

1 page "Confusion".

What happened to the titles of works by K.I. Chukovsky?

“Fedorino Sea”, “Painted Sun”, “Disgusting”, “The Thin Tree”, “Karmaley”, “Mokdodyr”, “Muse-Tsokotukha”, “The Snakes Are Laughing”, “The Man Drank in the World”.

One of the letters in the titles of the poems is mixed up. Our task is to name the poems correctly.

Open the “Game Library”, p. 48 "Workbook".

The same story happened with the heroes of the work “Confusion”.

Guess which animals are hiding and don’t want to be recognized.

Meowed kittens:

“We're tired of meowing!

We want to grunt like piglets

And behind them ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want to croak like little frogs

Pigs meowed:

Meow, meow!

Kitties grunted:

Oink, oink, oink!

The ducks croaked:

Kwa, kwa, kwa!

Chickens quacked:

Quack, quack, quack!

little sparrow galloped up

And the cow mooed:


came running bear

And let's roar:


Physical education minute.

Mood: Do everything diligently,

Listen carefully!

One, two, three, four, five!

The children went out for a walk.

We found ourselves in a meadow.

I'm running forward faster!

Buttercups, daisies, pink porridge

Collected our second class

This is the bouquet we have!

(The song “Clouds” plays)

Guys, we need to hurry up, there are some clouds in the sky! What are these amazing clouds?

Page 2 “Joy”.

Which work by K.I. Chukovsky are the drawings of our guys based on?

Poem "Joy".

What is the most important thing in the poem? (Rhyme.)

What is rhyme?

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines (Ozhegov’s dictionary).

Rhyme is the consonant ending of poetic lines.

Rhyme - select words to create a rhyme.

There are poems in which there is no rhyme or it is hidden, but they are very rhythmic and beautiful. Therefore, the most important thing in poetry is the mood.

Reading a poem by students.

Page 3 “Fedorino’s grief”.

To which work does the proverb “Order is the soul of every matter”?

Who has done the homework for our next page? Reading by role of the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief.” Those interested, please come to the board!

Reading by roles p. 19-22

How do we see Fedora at the beginning and end of the fairy tale: sloppy, lazy, caring?

How should you treat your things?

Page 4 “Riddles of K.I. Chukovsky."

Look at the book "Riddles".

This book contains riddles for children, written in poetic form by K..I. Chukovsky. I will give you riddles on cards. Get ready to tell them to your friends (cards are given to students who read well).

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


I am a giant: that huge one over there,

Multi-pound slab

Like a chocolate bar

I instantly rise to height.


Suddenly out of the black darkness

Bushes grew in the sky.

And they're blue

Crimson, gold

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty.

And all the streets below them

They also turned blue

Crimson, gold,


I'm not wandering through forests,

And by the mustache, by the hair,

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves and bears.


Little houses

They are running down the street.

Boys and girls

The houses are being transported.


The sage saw a sage in him,

Stupid - stupid

Ram - ram,

The sheep saw him as a sheep,

And a monkey - a monkey.

But they brought him to him

Fedya Baratova,

And Fedya saw the shaggy slob.


I'm a one-eared old woman

I'm jumping on the canvas

And a long thread from the ear,

Like a web I pull.

I have two horses, two horses.

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard, like stone.

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

Physical education minute.

We sat, we sat,

Our backs went numb.

(Children stand up.)

Let's wait a little

Let's look out the window.

Keep your head straight, look up, down, left, right.

Use your eyes to write the first letter of your name.

Close your eyes.

Now let’s open our eyes and continue working.

Page 5 “Moidodyr”.

The history of the creation of the poem “Moidodyr” is interesting.

One day K.I. Chukovsky was working in his office and suddenly heard loud crying. His youngest daughter cried, expressing her reluctance to wash. Chukovsky left the office, took his daughter in his arms and, quite unexpectedly for himself, quietly said:

“We must, we must wash ourselves.

In the mornings and evenings,

And to unclean chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace, shame and disgrace!

That’s how “Moidodyr” was born.

Guys, we received a package from Moidodyr! Let's see what's in it. (The teacher takes out the letter and gives it to the student.)

Student (reads).

“Dear guys! I, Moidodyr, ask you to join the Society of Friends of Cleanliness! Members of this society can be all students who are friends with soap, a washcloth, a toothbrush, and toothpaste.”

Guys, are there those among you who are not friends with soap, a washcloth, and a toothbrush? No? Then you can all consider yourselves members of the Society of Friends of Cleanliness.

A poster is hung on the board on which the rules of the friends of cleanliness are written:

Wash your hands, face and neck morning and evening.

Don't forget to clean the dirt from under your nails.

Wash my feet before bed every day.

Brush your teeth morning and evening.

Oh! And there’s something else in the package. Here... this is a reminder for every student!

Now we are sure that everyone knows and follows the rules of cleanliness!

Page 6 “Favorite books of K.I. Chukovsky."

We will encounter the works of K.I. many more times. Chukovsky during lessons at school. But I would like you to read it yourself.

A lot of books for children are published in our country. Every year they are brighter and more beautiful. The exhibition presents wonderful works by K.I. Chukovsky.

4. Summing up the lesson.

What is the most important thing in the poem?

What works by K.I. Did we repeat Chukovsky in class?

What rules does Moidodyr advise to follow?

Today everyone was happy with your answers. It was a pleasure traveling and working with you. Thank you.

5. Homework.

p.54 in the workbook.