What is real mother's love? The theme of maternal love in Russian literature. The Problem of Mother's Love


Essay-discussion on the topic of mother's love

Motherly love is a special feeling available only to mothers. We examine the features of its manifestation in examples of essays. 🙂

The first version of the essay (based on the text by A.G. Aleksin “Tolya didn’t like autumn. He didn’t like it because the leaves were falling...”)

Definition of the concept

Motherly love is a feeling that knows no barriers, restrictions or any conventions. It is endless, resisting it is a pointless and stupid exercise. Mom is the only person in the world who loves us unconditionally, in any situation, no matter how we show ourselves.

A.G. Aleksin tells the story of a boy’s first trip to school, to first grade. Tolya wanted to seem like an adult and did not allow his mother to accompany him, but she still followed him, watching him from around the corner. Seeing her for the first time in a crowd of endlessly walking people, the boy got a little angry. Perhaps he simply did not understand what it meant to her mother's heart to let him go alone into adulthood. But he felt all the warmth of her heart and his love for her when he opened the classroom window and saw her, her eyes wandering around the windows of the school building. I so wanted to wave her hand and reassure her, to say that he was fine. But you can’t behave like that in class.

An argument from personal experience

We do not always understand our own mothers, sometimes we do not know their feelings. They seem stupid to us, sometimes crossing the boundaries of our own ideas about care and love. We will probably have to fully understand maternal feelings only when we have our own children.


Mother's love protects us throughout our lives. You cannot scold your mother or be offended by her for being overprotective. Only a mother can love us without demanding anything in return. The bond between mother and child cannot be broken. Sometimes we realize this too late.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by Mikhail Ageev “One day in early October, early in the morning, while leaving for the gymnasium, I forgot the envelope my mother had prepared in the evening...”)

Definition of the concept

Maternal love is a feeling, or perhaps a state of mind, that cannot be destroyed by anything. No matter how the child behaves, no matter what problems he causes, mother’s love only grows stronger. Moreover, mothers love those people more for whom they have to worry more. That's how a mother's heart works.

Argument from the text read

A mother can also cope with her own child’s arrogant attitude towards her. Mikhail Ageev narrates the story that happened to high school student Vadichka. Because he forgot the money to pay for his studies, his mother brought it to the gymnasium herself. But the boy was so embarrassed by his poorly dressed mother that he did not want to approach her, and to the questions of the schoolchildren he answered that this was their governess. Looking at her from the side, Vadichka felt sorry for her mother, but not for long. Probably, at that moment he simply did not think about the fact that his mother was suffering from poverty and had grown old before her time for the sake of his education, for the sake of his future.

An argument from personal experience

Often we don’t think about the cost at which our parents, our mothers raise us, get clothes, food, toys. Sometimes, in an effort to provide their child with a better future, mothers forget themselves, and children, not realizing the seriousness of their sacrifice, begin to feel embarrassed and isolate themselves from them.


Mother's love is the most powerful feeling in the world. It is capable of overcoming all difficulties and troubles: hunger, poverty, humiliation, ingratitude. It should be the goal of every child to ensure the happiness and peace of their mothers.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by Yu. Ya. Yakovlev “No one, like a mother, knows how to hide her suffering and torment so deeply ...”)

Definition of the concept

Mother's love is the deepest feeling that can overcome all life's difficulties and problems. Often a mother sacrifices herself to protect her child from want or hunger, and when it is impossible to avoid this, she is ready to accept the child’s dissatisfaction, but not weigh adult problems on him.

Argument from the text read

This situation is described in the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev, who is trying to convey to the reader that sometimes we misunderstand our mothers and judge them undeservedly harshly. And all because we don’t know even a small part of the suffering that she has to experience, looking at the only piece of sausage lying on her son’s plate. Only many years later, the hero of the story understood why my mother looked out the window for so long, why her shoulders trembled, how hard it was for her to hear the reproachful sound of the door slamming.

An argument from personal experience

We don't know much about the lives of our own parents. About what difficulties they have to face, at what cost they get our well-being. Understanding comes with age, when a person has his own children, and he, now from the side of the parent, enjoys children's unconscious cruelty.


Mother's love, mother's heart is the most precious thing for every person. This is what protects us throughout our lives, gives us strength and supports us in any situation in which we find ourselves.

One of the famous people said: “You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother.” Mom... Her love always accompanies a person: starting from birth and until the mother is alive.

Boris Ekimov touches on the problem of maternal love in his text. Mother's love is an inexhaustible source of goodness, forgiveness, wisdom, warmth and even self-sacrifice. I remember an incident that occurred in Japan during the earthquake. The mother shielded her three-month-old baby. When they were found, they saw a phone with a note: “If you survive, remember that I love you.” The rescuers, strong men who had seen a lot, cried when reading these lines because they realized what a mother could do to save a child.

B. Ekimov also writes about the infinity of a mother’s love.

His attitude to this problem can be judged by the vocabulary he uses when describing the meeting of mother and son after a long separation. “The mother whispered to him unconsciously.” “You make my heart bleed,” “You took out my mother’s heart,” and so on. Then she could no longer say anything, but only “banged her gray head against her son’s chest.” Further, B. Ekimov writes that Khurdin felt “good” next to his mother. He enjoyed standing next to his living mother and listening to her stories about farm life.

For example, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Zakrutkin in the drama “Mother of Man” tells the story of a young woman named Maria. During the Great Patriotic War, she was left alone in a village burned by the Nazis. Before her eyes, some of her fellow villagers were shot, some were sent to Germany, and their houses were burned. An even greater shock for the heroine was the sight of Vasyatka’s husband and son hanged, as well as the fact that the wounded girl Sonya was literally dying in Maria’s arms. It seems that there is no more physical or mental strength. But the life emerging inside a woman keeps her on this earth. She not only tries to survive in harsh conditions, but also helps several orphans survive, who by the will of fate were brought to this farm.

Indicative in this regard is the scene of Maria’s meeting with a wounded German soldier. The first feeling of hatred makes Maria kill him. But the word “mother,” which is understood by people of different languages, stopped the already raised hand. The feeling of maternal kindness wins. It is no coincidence that the author calls the main character the “Mother of Man.” She became like that to everyone around her. Paying tribute to her willpower, endurance, perseverance and patience, the regiment commander knelt in front of Maria and pressed his cheek to her weary hand.

A lot of poetic works have been created about my mother. Yaroslav Smelyakov in the poem “Mama” endows his heroine with kindness and cordiality. His mother is all-forgiving and accepts children as they are. The author calls her very touchingly: “My Mother” and “Human Conscience.” Yaroslav Smelyakov confesses to his mother his boundless love for her.

Thus, all of the above convinces us that the role of the mother in the life of every person is limitless. Mother is for us a devoted friend, a wise mentor, and a caring nanny. The following words are very accurately said about a mother: “Losing a mother is... like losing the sun above your head.”

Lately, Khurdin has often thought about Vikhlyaevskaya Mountain and his bicycle; and, thinking about the trip to his mother, he dreamed of fixing his old bicycle and going to Vikhlyaevskaya Mountain. They didn't say another word until they got home. And the closer they got, the more acutely Khurdin realized how long those five years of separation had been.


During life, a person has to deal with a large number of different emotions and feelings: some of this is temporary and fleeting, and some of it sits in the heart for a long time. However, nothing can ever compare with a mother’s feelings for her child. In his text, B. Ekimov invites us to think about the eternal problem of maternal love.

For the heart of a loving person, especially a mother, separation inflicts the deepest wound. The author introduces the reader to the story of the life of Khurdin, who returned home after five long years of absence, and draws our attention to the emotions with which his mother greeted him. The writer focuses on the sharpness and chaotic movements of the woman, thereby emphasizing her overwhelming joy and at the same time concern. At the moment of the meeting, she does not talk about herself at all, she only tries to express her intense excitement that has been eating her up all these years - but due to tears and overflowing with emotions, she could only bang her “light gray head on her son’s chest” in a frenzy. B. Ekimov leads us to the idea that five years of separation from her son was an endless period for this woman, and all the experiences that she experienced tortured her not only spiritually, but also physically.

Any separation from a loved one is accompanied by an abundance of moral and physical torture, but one year of separation between mother and son is equivalent to a decade. B. Ekimov believes that a mother’s heart is the embodiment of devotion, and love is the strongest and all-consuming feeling. And the less a mother knows about her child, the less often she sees him, the stronger and deeper her experiences.

I completely agree with the author’s thoughts and also believe that a mother’s love for her child is the most comprehensive, deepest and strongest feeling. It is no coincidence that writers and poets of all centuries sang and exalted it in their works, and it is no coincidence that this theme soon turned into an eternal one - on a par with love for one’s Fatherland.

For example, A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”, with the help of the farewell episode, very succinctly and deeply showed Avdotya Vasilievna’s love for Petrusha. The mother, having learned that her son was leaving for service for a long time, was shocked and depressed by this news so much that she “dropped the spoon into the saucepan, and tears streamed down her face.” Avdotya Vasilyevna also cried while saying goodbye to her son, wishing Petrusha health through her tears, because nothing could be worse than this parting for a mother’s heart.

The problem of maternal love was also raised by D.I. Fonvizin in the play "The Minor". He describes the main character as a stupid, hypocritical woman, a rude and mercantile wife, an evil and cruel landowner, but Prostakova’s love for Mitrofanushka is immense and sincere so much that it can, to some extent, even obscure many of the shortcomings of this heroine. However, unfortunately, Prostakova showered love on her son so much that he became fed up with this feeling and stopped appreciating it. At that moment when the heroine encountered Mitrofanushka’s betrayal, when she finally saw his neglect and rudeness, she was not just upset, she had the feeling that her heart was torn to pieces, and at the same time the realization came that her son, whom she so loves and cherishes him very much, grew up to be a bad person, unable to appreciate her love and care.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that nothing can be stronger than a mother’s love for her child - this is the brightest, strongest and most sincere feeling. This is why we should protect and love our mothers, no matter what - because we are the meaning of their lives.

The theme of maternal love in Russian literature.

“She sincerely, maternally loves her son, loves him only because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, and not at all because she sees glimpses of human dignity in him.” (V.G. Belinsky.)

Speaking about the theme of maternal love in Russian literature, I would like to immediately note that in the works of Russian classics the image of the mother is usually not given the main place; the mother, as a rule, occupies a secondary position, and most often is completely absent. But, despite the fact that writers paid little attention to this topic, the image of the mother in different writers at different times and in different works is endowed with some common features. We will consider them.

The first work studied at school in which the image of a mother appears is Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” written in 1782. The play is aimed at ridiculing the morals and lifestyle of the Prostakov family, but despite the whole set of negative qualities, a bright feeling still lives in Mrs. Prostakova. She dotes on her son. The play begins with the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, and this care and love lives in her until the last appearance of the play. Prostakova’s last remark ends with a cry of despair: “I don’t have a son!” It was painful and difficult for her to endure the betrayal of her son, to whom she herself admitted that “she sees consolation only in him.” Her son is everything to her. How furious she gets when she finds out that her uncle almost beat Mitrofanushka! And already here we see the main features of the image of a mother in Russian literature - this is an unaccountable love for her child and not for personal qualities (we remember what Mitrofan was like), but because he is her son.

In “Woe from Wit” (1824), Griboyedov’s mother appears in only one episode. The fussy Princess Tugoukhovskaya with the no less fussy six princesses came to Famusov. This fuss is connected with the search for the groom. Griboyedov paints the scene of their search brightly and funny, and in Russian literature such an image of the mother will subsequently become popular, especially in Ostrovsky's plays. This is Agrafena Kondratyevna in “Our People – We Will Be Numbered”, and Ogudalova in “Dowry”. In this case, it is difficult to talk about the love of a mother for her daughter, since it is pushed into the background by worries about marriage, so we will again return to the topic of mother’s love for her son.

In The Captain's Daughter and Taras Bulba, both Pushkin and Gogol show a mother at the moment of separation from her children. Pushkin, in one sentence, showed the state of the mother at the moment when she learns about the impending departure of her son: “The thought of an imminent separation from me struck her so much that she dropped the spoon into the saucepan, and tears streamed down her face,” and when Petrusha leaves, she “ in tears he punishes him to take care of his health. Gogol has exactly the same image of his mother. In “Taras Bulba” the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the “old woman”. Only having met her sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. She spends the whole night at their bedside and feels with her mother’s heart that this night is the last time she sees them. Gogol, describing her condition, gives the correct description of any mother: “... for every drop of their blood she would give herself all.” Blessing them, she cries uncontrollably, just like Petrusha’s mother. Thus, using the example of two works, we see what parting with her children means for a mother and how difficult it is for her to bear it.

In Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” we are faced with two characters who are opposite in character and lifestyle. Oblomov is a lazy person, not doing anything, not adapted to activity, but, as his best friend himself says about him, “he is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people...”, Stolz himself is an unusually active and energetic person, he knows everything, can do everything, learns something all the time, but is spiritually undeveloped. And Goncharov in the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” gives us the answer to the question of how this happened. It turns out that they were brought up in different families, and if the mother took the main part in Oblomov’s upbringing, for whom, first of all, it was important that the child was well and nothing threatened him, then the father took on Stolz’s upbringing. German by origin, he kept his son under strict discipline, Stolz’s mother was no different from Oblomov’s mother, she also worried about her son and tried to take part in his upbringing, but the father took on this role, and we got a prim but lively Andrei Stolts and the lazy but sincere Oblomov.

The image of a mother and her love in Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” are incredibly touchingly depicted. The mother of Rodion and Dunya Raskolnikov, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, throughout the entire novel tries to arrange the happiness of her son, tries to help him, sacrificing even Dunya for his sake. She loves her daughter, but she loves Rodion more, and she fulfills her son’s request not to trust anyone, so that they don’t talk about him. She felt in her heart that her son had done something terrible, but she did not miss the opportunity to once again tell even a passerby that Rodion was a wonderful person, and began to tell how he saved children from a fire. She did not lose faith in her son until the last, and how hard this separation was for her, how she suffered not receiving news about her son, she read his article, did not understand anything and was proud of her son, because this is his article, his thoughts, and they were published, and this is another reason to justify my son.

Speaking about maternal love, I would like to talk about its absence. Konstantin from Chekhov’s “The Seagull” writes plays, “looks for new forms,” is in love with a girl, and she reciprocates his feelings, but he suffers from a lack of maternal love and wonders about his mother: “loves, does not love.” He regrets that his mother is a famous actress and not an ordinary woman. And he remembers his childhood with sadness. At the same time, it cannot be said that Konstantin is indifferent to his mother. Arkadina is horrified and worried about her son when she finds out that he tried to shoot himself, personally puts a bandage on him and asks him not to do that again. This woman chose a career over raising her son, and without maternal love it’s hard for a person, a striking example of which is Kostya, who eventually shot himself.

Using the example of the above works, images and heroes, we can conclude that mother and maternal love in Russian literature are, first of all, affection, care and unaccountable love for the child, no matter what. This is the person who is attached to his child with his heart and is able to feel him at a distance, and if this person is absent, then the hero will no longer become a harmonious person.

Used Books.

1. V.G. Belinsky “Hamlet, Shakespeare’s drama” // Complete. collection cit.: In 13 volumes. M., 1954. T. 7.

2. D.I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”.// M., Pravda, 1981.

3. A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”.//M., OGIZ, 1948.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky. Dramaturgy.//M., OLIMP, 2001.

5. A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”.//Full. Collection cit.: In 10 volumes. M., Pravda, 1981. T.5.

6. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”.//U-Faktoriya, Ekt., 2002.

7. I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”.//Collected. cit.: M., Pravda, 1952.

8. F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”.//Hud. Lit., M., 1971.

9. A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull". Collection cit.: In 6 vols. M., 1955. T. 1.

We analyzed many texts to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and identified common patterns in the formation of problems. For each of them we have selected examples from the literature. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the article.

  1. For a loved one, it doesn’t matter what you look like or how you behave, he will love you no matter what. A mother's love is a great force. In the work D. Ulitskaya “Daughter of Bukhara” Alya, having learned about her daughter’s terrible diagnosis, does not abandon her. On the contrary, a loving mother spends all her strength for the benefit of her child. Together they go through many difficulties. Alone, left without a husband, Bukhara quits her job and gets a job at a school for retarded children, so that she can always be with Milochka. Soon Alya falls ill and knows that it is fatal. However, during this time she tries to arrange her daughter’s life in the best possible way and does not calm down until Mila gets married. Only in her happiness does she find peace.
  2. Children are the most precious thing a woman has. Therefore, mother's love is omnipotent. Losing a child is the worst tragedy in a parent's life. In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" the grief of a woman who lost her son in the war is shown. Countess Rostova learns about the death of her beloved Petya and seems to lose her mind after this. Her heart foresaw a tragedy; she did not want to let her son go to serve. But, due to his youth, Petya did not know what war was. He dreamed of becoming a hero. However, this was not destined to come true, and he dies in the first battle. Having received terrible news, the Countess locks herself in the room, screams and calls her son. Life is no longer important to her. During the month spent in this sorrow, the once beautiful woman becomes an old woman. And only through the efforts of her daughter does she leave the room. However, without her son, her life will no longer be the same.

The role of the mother in the life of the child

  1. “Mom” is the first word that almost every child says. But not everyone is lucky enough to feel the affection and care of the one whom they so wanted to call to themselves. Main character poems by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri" was taken from home as a child. He knew that somewhere far away he had a family, he remembered how his mother nursed him. But the war deprived him of all this. The Russian officer took him away, but left him in the monastery when he became afraid that the prisoner would die without surviving the difficult journey. Trying to fill the void in his heart, the matured Mtsyri escapes from his cold prison. He dreams of finding his family and finally feeling warmth and care. However, realizing that the past cannot be returned, he dies. And yet, it was the memory of his parents’ home that made the young man recognize himself and rebel against the slow torture of imprisonment within the monastery walls. He accepts death with gratitude, because life in slavery is much worse. The young man made this leap to freedom only thanks to the power of the memory of his origin, his family, his mother.
  2. Mom cannot be replaced. Just as you cannot give the same love that your loved one gives you. Yes, in the story Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" we see the life of a boy left without a mother. Yes, he is being raised by his aunt. However, she will never be able to perceive Tom as her son, and the boy feels it. He runs away from home on purpose. The lack of maternal love also affects his character: a tomboy who does not feel cared for and is not ready to work for someone.
  3. The ingratitude of a child

    1. The main character of the story E. Karpova “My name is Ivan” I couldn’t understand the power of mother’s love in time. Semyon is wounded in the war, and after such a terrible event he decides not to return home. Aged, blind and weak, he tries to live out his warped life. Accidentally recognizing him by his voice on the train, Semyon’s mother rushes to him, but he pushes away his once dear woman and calls himself by a different name. Only after a while does he realize what happened. However, it will be too late. Only standing at his mother’s grave does he understand everything.
    2. Sometimes we realize the importance of mother in our lives too late. I find confirmation of my thought in the work of K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram”. The main character, Katerina Petrovna, has not seen her daughter for three years. Her mother wrote letters to her and dreamed of meeting her again. Nastya lived her own life, sometimes sending “dry” letters and some money. But Katerina Petrovna was happy about that too. Before her death, she kept dreaming of seeing her daughter for the last time. But this was not destined to come true. Nastya learned about her mother’s poor condition only from Tikhon’s telegram. However, it was already too late. The woman was buried by complete strangers. And only at her mother’s grave did Nastya realize that she had lost the dearest person in the world, without ever expressing her gratitude.
    3. Love for mother

      1. We must respect and appreciate what mothers do for us. They are always on our side and give us all their love. The great poet understands this too S.A. Yesenin. In a poem "Letter to Mother" he addresses his “old lady” with tenderness. The son wants to protect his own woman, who is worried about rumors and news about his bad behavior. He approaches this conversation with caution and assures with all care that there is nothing to worry about. He asks not to bring up the past and not to be so sad about it. Yesenin understands that it is not easy for a mother to accept when evil things are said about her child. And yet he tries to assure his mother that everything will be fine.
      2. It is a joy for a mother to see her child happy. After all, she is partly responsible for his fate. In a poem A. Pavlov-Bessonovsky “Thank you, mommy” The author understands how important a mother is in life. He begins his work with words of gratitude for life, for warmth and comfort, for love. The poet is so filled with a feeling of gratitude that a distinct “thank you” is heard through every line of the poem.
      3. Excessive motherly love

        1. The upbringing of parents often influences the future fate of the child. It is the mother who plays a significant role here. In the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Minor" readers see an example where a mother’s excessive love harms her son’s future. Mitrofan is a kind of adult child. He is lazy, ill-mannered and selfish. The hero does not see the benefit of communicating with other people politely. The upbringing of the mother, who always indulged her son in everything, played a big role in this. She never forced him to do anything, always protected him from danger, and encouraged any of his undertakings. However, in the end, such an overly loving attitude turned against Mrs. Prostakova. At the end of the play, the boy refuses his own mother and pushes her away.
        2. Mom is the person who should always give love and protect us. But sometimes incorrect parenting methods can ruin a person’s destiny. For example, in the play “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky the main character is a weak-willed, spineless person. The merchant's wife, Marfa Kabanova, keeps her family, especially her son, in fear and tension. She manages everything in the house and controls the lives of her children. In a toga, her son, Tikhon, cannot resist his mother’s word. He is unable to protect either his wife or himself. The hero becomes an alcoholic and tries to run away from home under any pretext. As a result, he loses his wife and blames his mother for all his sins.