What is zipper? How it is formed and where it takes this natural phenomenon. Polar Lights


Lightning is a powerful electric discharge. It occurs with the strong electrification of cloud or land. Therefore, lightning discharges can occur or inside the clouds, or between adjacent electrified clouds, or between the electrical cloud and the Earth. Lightning category precedes the emergence of the difference in electrical potentials between adjacent clouds or between the cloud and the Earth.

Electrification, that is, the formation of the forces of attraction of electrical nature, everyone is familiar from everyday experience.

If combing clean dry hair of plastic comb, they begin to attract it to her, or even spark. After that, the comb can attract other small items, for example, small pieces. This phenomenon is called electric friction.

What causes the electrification of clouds? After all, they do not rub each other, as it happens when the electrostatic charge is formed on the hair and on the comb.

The thunderstorm cloud is a huge amount of steam, some of which is condensed in the form of the smallest droplets or ice floes. The top of the thunder cloud can be at an altitude of 6-7 km, and the bottom hang over the ground at an altitude of 0.5-1 km. Above 3-4 km, the clouds consist of ice floes of different sizes, as the temperature there is always below zero. These icebags are in constant motion caused by upward flows of warm air from the heated surface of the Earth. Small ice floes are easier than large, fond of ascending air flows. Therefore, "nimble" small ice floes, moving into the top of the cloud, all the time faced with large. Each such collision leads to electrification. At the same time, large ice floes charge negatively, and small - positively. Over time, positively charged fine ice floes turn out to be in the upper part of the cloud, and negatively charged large - downstairs. In other words, the top of the thunderstorm cloud is charged positively, and the bottom is negative.

The electric field of clouds has a huge tension - about a million V / m. When the large oppositely charged areas are suitable close to each other, some electrons and ions, running between them, create a luminous plasma channel, according to which the remaining charged particles rushes behind them. So the lightning discharge occurs.

During this discharge, huge energy stands out - up to a billion j. The channel temperature reaches 10,000 k, which gives rise to a bright light, which we observe when discharge of lightning. The clouds are constantly discharged through these channels, and we see the external manifestations of these atmospheric phenomena.

The split medium exploded expanding and causes a shock wave perceived as thunder.

We ourselves can simulate zipper, let the miniature. Experience should be produced in a dark place, otherwise nothing will be visible. We will need two oblong balloons. I influence them and tie. Then, watching they do not come into contact, simultaneously squeeze their woolen cloth. Air filling them is electrified. If the balls bring closer, leaving the minimum gap between them, then from one to another through a thin layer of air will begin to slip sparks, creating light flashes. At the same time, we will hear the weak crackling - a miniature copy of thunder during a thunderstorm.

Everyone who saw zipper noticed that it was not brightly luminous straight, but a broken line. Therefore, the process of forming a conductive channel for a discharge of lightning is called its "stepped leader". Each of these "steps" is a place where the electrons broken up to the nearby velocity stopped due to collisions with air molecules and changed the direction of movement.

Thus, lightning is a breakdown of a capacitor, in which the dielectric is air, and the plates - clouds and earth. The capacity of such a capacitor is small - approximately 0.15 μF, but the energy supply is huge, as the voltage reaches a billion volt.

One zipper consists of several discharges, each of which lasts only a few tens of millions of seconds.

Most often lightning occurs in cumulating rain clouds. Lightning also happens with volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and dust storms.

There are several types of lightning in shape and in the direction of the discharge. Discharges can occur:

  • between the thunderstorm cloud and land
  • between two clouds
  • inside the clouds
  • get out of the cloud into a clean sky.

Many people are afraid of a terrible phenomenon of nature - thunderstorms. This usually happens when the sun closes with dark clouds, thunder thunder and it rains.

Of course, it should be afraid of lightning, because it may even kill or become known for a long time, therefore, and invented various means to protect against lightning and thunder (for example, metal poles).

What happens there at the top and where does the thunder come from? And zipper how does it occur?

Thunderstorm clouds

Usually huge. Heights they reach several kilometers. It is not visually visible, as inside these rattles, a clutch and boils. This air, including water droplets, is moving up and vice versa at low speed.

The upper part of these clouds by temperature reaches -40 degrees, and water drops that fall into this part of the clouds freeze.

On the origin of thunderstorm clouds

Before we find out where the thunder comes from and lightning, as it arises, we will briefly describe how thunderstorm clouds are formed.

Most of these phenomena occurs not over the water stroke of the planet, and above the continents. In addition, the thunderstorm clouds are intensively formed over the continents of tropical latitudes, where the surface of the earth is air (unlike air over the aqueous surface) heats up and rises quickly up.

Usually, such a heated air is formed on the slopes of different elevations, which draws into itself wet air from the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's surface and raises it up.

Thus, so-called cumulus clouds are formed, converting thunderstorm clouds described slightly higher.

Now clarify what zipper, where does she come from?

Lightning and thunder

Of the most frozen drops, pieces of ice are formed, which are also moving in the clouds with a huge speed, facing, driving and charged with electricity. Those ice floes, which are easier and less, remain at the top, and those that are larger - melting, going down, turning back to the water droplets.

Thus, two electrical charges arise in the thunderstorm cloud. At the top of the negative, in the bottom - positive. When meeting, different charges occurs powerful and lightning occurs. Where she was taken from, it became clear. And what happens? A flash lightning instantly warms up and expands air around him. The latter heats up so much that the explosion effect occurs. This is a thunder, frightening everything alive on earth.

It turns out that all this - manifestations then the next question arises about the latter from where it takes place, and in such large quantities. And where is it going?


What is zipper, where she comes from, found out. Now a little about the processes that preserve the charge of the Earth.

Scientists found out that the charge of the Earth is generally small and is only 500,000 pendants (like 2 car batteries). Then where does the negative charge disappear, which is transferred by zippers closer to the surface of the earth?

Usually in clear weather, the Earth slowly discharged (constantly between the ionosphere and the surface of the earth passes a weak current through the entire atmosphere). Although the air is considered an insulator, it has a small proportion of ions, which allows you to exist in the amount of the atmosphere. Due to this, although slowly, but the negative charge is transferred from the earth's surface to height. Therefore, the volume of the total charge of the Earth is always preserved unchanged.

Today, the most common opinion is that the lightning ball is a special type of charge in the shape of a ball, and existing for quite a long time and moving on an unpredictable trajectory.

There is no unified theory of this phenomenon today. There is a lot of hypotheses, but so far no recognition in the environment of scientists.

Usually, according to eyewitnesses, it occurs in a thunderstorm or in a storm. But there are cases of its occurrence and sunny weather. More often it is generated by ordinary lightning, sometimes occurs and descends from the clouds, and less often appears unexpectedly in the air or can even get out of some object (pillar, wood).

Some interesting facts

Where does the thunderstorm and zipper come from, we found out. Now a little about curious facts relating to the above-described natural phenomena.

1. Every year, the Earth is experiencing approximately 25 million outbreaks of lightning.

2. Lightning has a middle length of approximately 2.5 km. There are also discharges extending in the atmosphere by 20 km.

3. There is a belief that zipper cannot hit twice in one place. In fact, it is not. The results of the analysis (by geographic map) of lightning shocks for the previously few years have shown that lightning and can hit the same place several times.

So they found out what zipper, where she was taken.

Thunderstorms are formed as a consequence of the most complicated atmospheric phenomena of a planetary scale.

Every second on the planet, the Earth occurs about 50 flashes of lightning.

Another 250 years ago, the famous American scientist and public figure Benjamin Franklin found that Zipper is an electric discharge. But still disclose all the secrets to the end, which stores lightning cannot be: to study this natural phenomenon is difficult and dangerous.

(20 photos of lightning + video lightning in slow motion)

Inside clouds

Thunderstorm cloud do not confuse with a regular cloud. Its gloomy, lead color is explained by a large thickness: the lower edge of such clouds hangs at a distance of no more than a kilometer over the ground, the top can reach a height of 6-7 kilometers.

What happens inside this cloud? Water pairs from which the clouds are composed, freezes and exists in the form of ice crystals. Ascending air flows, walking from heated Earth, fond of small ice floes up, forcing them all the time to face large, deprecated down.

By the way, in winter, the earth is heated less, and at this time of the year, practically no powerful ascending flows. Therefore, winter thunderstorms - an extremely rare phenomenon.

In the process of clashes, the ice cream is electrified, just as it happens when friction of various items are one of the other, for example, combs about the hair. Moreover, small glands acquire a positive charge, and large - negative. For this reason, the upper part of the lightning-forming cloud acquires a positive charge, and the bottom is negative. There is a difference in potentials in hundreds of thousands of volts on each meter of distances - both between the cloud and the Earth and between the parts of the cloud.

Lightning Development

Lightning development begins with the fact that in some place the cloud has a focus with an increased concentration of ions - water molecules and the constituent air, gases from which electrons added.

According to the hypotheses, such a focus of ionization is obtained due to acceleration in the electrical field of free electrons, always available in the air in small quantities, and their collision with neutral molecules that are immediately ionized.

On another hypothesis, the initial push is caused by cosmic rays, which all the time permeate our atmosphere, ionizing air molecules.

The ionized gas serves as a good conductor of electricity, so the current begins to flow through ionized areas. Next - more: the current current heats the ionization area, causing all new high-energy particles that ionize the nearby areas - the zipper channel spreads very quickly.

Following the leader

In practice, the process of development of lightning occurs in several stages. First, the front edge of the conductive channel, called the "leader", is promoted by jumps to several tens of meters, each time, slightly changing the direction (from this zipper is winding). Moreover, the speed of promotion of the "leader" can, in certain moments, reach 50 thousand kilometers per single second.

In the end, the "leader" reaches the Earth or another part of the cloud, but this is not the main stage of further development of lightning. After the ionized channel, the thickness of which can reach several centimeters, turns out to be "breaking", along it with a huge speed - up to 100 thousand kilometers in just one second - charged particles are rushed, this is the zipper itself.

The current in the channel is hundreds and thousands of amps, and the temperature inside the channel, at the same time, reaches 25 thousand degrees - because lightning and gives such a bright outbreak, visible for tens of kilometers. And instantaneous temperature differences, in thousands of degrees, create the strongest air pressure drops propagating in the form of a sound wave - thunder. This stage lasts very long - thousandths of seconds, but the energy that stands out is huge.

End stage

At the final stage, the speed and intensity of the movement of charges in the channel decreases, but still remain quite large. It is this moment that is most dangerous: the final stage can last only the tenths (and even less) of the second of a second. This, long enough, impact on objects on Earth (for example, on dry trees) often leads to fires and destruction.

Moreover, as a rule, the case is not limited to one bit - new "leaders" can be moved by the latter path, causing repeated discharges in the same place by the number of up to several tens.

Despite the fact that humanity is known for mankind from the moment of the appearance of the person himself on Earth, to the present time it has not yet been studied.

Tuchi spread the wings and the sun from us closed ...

Why sometimes during the rain we hear thunder and see zipper? Where do these outbreaks come from? Now we will tell about this in detail.

What is zipper?

What is lightning? This is an amazing and very mysterious phenomenon of nature. It almost always happens during a thunderstorm. Someone is amazing, scares someone. He write about the lightning poets, study this phenomenon of scientists. But much remained unsolved.

One knows exactly - this is a gigantic spark. Like a billion light bulbs exploded! Its length is huge - several hundred kilometers! And it is very far from us. That is why at first we see her, but only then hearing. Thunder is a "voice" of lightning. After all, light flies to us faster than the sound.

And still zippers are on other planets. For example, on Mars or Venus. Conventional lightning lasts only a split second. It consists of several discharges. There is a lightning sometimes quite unexpected.

How is lightning formed?

Lightning is born usually in a thunderstorm cloud, highly above the ground. Thunderstorm clouds appear when the air begins to warm themselves. That is why after severe heat there are amazing thunderstorms. Billions of charged particles literally fly into the place where it originates. And when they are going very, very much, they flare. So where the lightning come from - from the thunderstorm clouds. She can hit the ground. The earth attracts it. But it can break in the cloud itself. It all depends on how it is zipper.

What are the lightning?

Lightning types are different. And you need to know about it. This is not only a "ribbon" in the sky. All these "ribbons" differ from each other.

Lightning is always a blow, it is always a category between something. They have more than ten! We call only the most basic, attaching pictures of lightning:

  • Between the thunderstorm clouds and land. These are the very "ribbons" to which we are accustomed.

Between high wood and cloud. The same "ribbon", but the blow is directed to the other side.

Ribbon lightning - when not one "ribbon", but somewhat parallel.

  • Between the cloud and the cloud, or simply "will be played" in one cloud. This type of lightning can often be seen during a thunderstorm. You just need to be attentive.

  • There are also horizontal zippers that land do not concern at all. They are endowed with tremendous strength and are considered the most dangerous

  • And everyone heard about the ball lightning! Little only who saw them. Even less than those who wish to see them. And there are also people who do not believe in their existence. But ball lightning exist! Take a picture of such a zipper. She explodes quickly, although it can and "take a walk", but a person next to her is better not to move - dangerous. So - not to the camera here.

  • Lightning look with a very beautiful name - "Fires of St. Elma". But this is not quite lightning. This is a radiance that appears at the end of the thunderstorms on pointed buildings, lanterns, ship masts. Also is a spark, just not attenuating and not dangerous. Holy Elma's lights are very beautiful.

  • Volcanic lightning occurs during volcanic eruption. The volcano himself already has a charge. This is probably the cause of lightning.

  • Sprite zippers are such that you will not see the earth. They arise above the clouds and their study while few people are engaged. Lightning these are similar to jellyfish.

  • Dotted lightning was almost not studied. It is extremely rare to observe it. Visually, she really looks like a dotted line - as if the zipper tape melts.

These are the lightning of different. Only the law for them is one - electric discharge.


In the ancient times, Zipper was considered a sign, and the rage of the gods. She was a mystery before and remains it now. No matter how unfolding it on the smallest atoms and molecules! And always it is insanely beautiful!

Lightning 1882.
(c) Photographer: William N. jennings, c. 1882.

The electrical nature of the lightning was disclosed in the studies of American physics B. Franklin, in the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich experience was carried out to extract electricity from a thunderstorm cloud. The experience of Franklin's experience is widely known to clarify the electrical nature of the zipper. In 1750, they published a work in which an experiment was described using an air serpent launched in a thunderstorm. The experience of Franklin was described in Joseph attracted.

Physical properties of lightning

The average lightning length is 2.5 km, some discharges extend in the atmosphere to a distance of 20 km.

Formation of lightning

Most often lightning occurs in the heap-rain clouds, then they are called thunderstorms; Sometimes lightning is formed in layered rain clouds, as well as with volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and dust storms.

Typically, linear zippers are usually observed, which relate to the so-called non-electrode discharges, as they begin (and ends) in the clusters of charged particles. This defines them some have not yet explained properties that distinguish lightning from discharges between the electrodes. So, lightning is not shorter than a few hundred meters; they arise in electric fields of much weaker than fields with interelectrode discharges; The collection of charges, portable zippers, occurs for thousands of shares of seconds from billions of small, well isolated from each other of the particles located in the amount of several km³. The most studied the process of development of lightning in thunderstorm clouds, while lightning can be held in the clouds themselves - internally, lightning, and can hit the ground - ground lightning. For lightning it is necessary, in a relatively small (but no less critical) volume of the clouds, an electric field was formed (see atmospheric electricity) with tension sufficient to start electrical discharge (~ 1 mV / m), and in a large part of the cloud would exist A field with medium tension sufficient to maintain the beginning of the discharge (~ 0.1-0.2 mV / m). In zipper, the electrical energy of the cloud turns into thermal, light and sound.

Ground lightning

The process of development of ground-based lightning consists of several stages. In the first stage, in the zone where the electric field reaches a critical value, the impact ionization begins, created at the beginning of free charges, always existing in a small amount in the air, which under the action of the electric field acquire considerable speeds towards the Earth and, facing molecules constituting Air, ionizuy them.

Under more modern ideas, the ionization of the atmosphere to pass the discharge occurs under the influence of high-energy cosmic radiation - particles with an energies of 10 12 -10 15 eV, forming a wide atmospheric shower (shaft) with a decrease in the punching air voltage by order of magnitude from such under normal conditions.

According to one of the hypotheses, the particles launch the process called a breakdown on runaway electrons. Thus, there are electronic avalanches, turning into the threads of electrical discharges - streamerswhich are well-conductive channels that, merging, give rise to a bright thermo-ionized channel with high conductivity - a stepped leader of Zipper.

The movement of the leader to the earth's surface occurs steps in several tens of meters at a rate of ~ 50,000 kilometers per second, after which its movement is suspended by several dozen microseconds, and the glow is strongly weakened; Then, in the subsequent stage, the leader is moving back to several tens of meters. A bright glow covers all the steps throughout; Then the stop and weakening of the glow again follow. These processes are repeated when the leader moves to the surface of the Earth with an average speed of 200,000 meters per second.

As the leader's leader moves to the ground, the field strength at its end is enhanced and under its action from protruding on the surface of the Earth items is thrown response Streamerconnecting with the leader. This lightning feature is used to create a lightning conductor.

In the final stage on the ionized leader, the channel follows back (bottom up), or chief, lightning dischargecharacterized by currents from tens to hundreds of thousands of ampere, brightness, noticeably exceeding the brightness of the leader, and a high speed of promotion, initially reaching ~ 100,000 kilometers per second, and at the end decreasing up to ~ 10,000 kilometers per second. The temperature of the channel with the main discharge may exceed 2000-3000 ° C. Lightning channel length can be from 1 to 10 km, diameter - several centimeters. After passing the pulse, the ionization of the channel and its glow is weakened. In the final stage, the lightning current can last hundredths and even tenths of a second, reaching hundreds and thousands of amps. Such lightning is called protracted, they most often cause fires. But the earth is not charged, so it is believed that the discharge of lightning comes from the cloud towards the ground (from top to bottom).

The main discharge can often be often part of the cloud. The charges located at large altitudes can give rise to a new (sweat) leader moving continuously at a rate of thousands of kilometers per second. The brightness of its luminescence is close to the brightness of the step leader. When the sweat-shaped leader comes to the surface of the Earth, follows the second main blow, similar to the first. Usually lightning includes several re-discharges, but their number can reach several dozen. The duration of multiple lightning may exceed 1 sec. The displacement of the multiple lightning channel by the wind creates the so-called ribbon zipper - the luminous strip.

Internally, lightning

Inland lightning over Toulouse, France. 2006

Inland lightning include usually only leaders; Their length varies from 1 to 150 km. The proportion of intracelastic lightning is growing as they displaced the equator, changing from 0.5 in moderate latitudes to 0.9 in the equatorial strip. The passage of lightning is accompanied by changes in electrical and magnetic fields and radio emission, so-called atmospheric.

Flying from Calcutta in Mumbai.

The likelihood of damage to the zipper of the ground object increases as its height increases and with an increase in the electrical conductivity of the soil on the surface or at some depth (the effect of the threshold) is based on these factors). If there is an electric field in the cloud, sufficient to maintain the discharge, but insufficient for its occurrence, the role of the lightning initiator can perform a long metallic cable or aircraft - especially if it is highly electrically charged. Thus, sometimes "provoke" lightning in layered rain and powerful cumulative clouds.

Lightning in the upper atmosphere

In 1989, a special kind of lightning was discovered - elves, lightning in the upper atmosphere. In 1995, another type of lightning was opened in the upper atmosphere - Jeta.



Jeta They are blue-color tubes. The height of the jets can reach 40-70 km (the lower limit of the ionosphere), Jets live relative to the longer elves.


Spritty It is difficult to distinguishable, but they appear almost in any thunderstorm at an altitude of 55 to 130 kilometers (the height of the "ordinary" lightning is not more than 16 kilometers). This is a kind of lightning, beating from the cloud up. For the first time, this phenomenon was recorded in 1989 by chance. Now the physical nature of the sprites is known extremely small.

The interaction of lightning with the surface of the Earth and located on it objects

The global frequency of lightning strikes (scale shows the number of shocks per year per square kilometer)

According to early estimates, the frequency of lightning strikes on Earth is 100 times per second. According to modern data obtained using satellites, which can detect lightning in places where terrestrial observation is not conducted, this frequency is an average of 44 ± 5 \u200b\u200btimes per second, which corresponds to about 1.4 billion lightning per year. 75% of these lightning strikes between clouds or inside the clouds, and 25% in the ground.

The most powerful zippers cause the birth of fulgarians.

Shock wave of lightning

The discharge of lightning is an electric explosion and in some aspects similar to detonation. It causes the appearance of a shock wave dangerous in close proximity. The shock wave of a sufficiently powerful thunderstorm discharge at distances to several meters can cause destruction, breaking trees, injure and contuse people even without direct electric shock. For example, at a current increase of 30 thousand amperes in 0.1 millisecond and the diameter of the channel 10 cm, the following pressure of the shock wave can be observed:

  • at a distance from the center of 5 cm (the boundary of the luminous zipper channel) is 0.93 MPa,
  • at a distance of 0.5 m - 0.025 MPa (destruction of fragile building structures and human injuries),
  • at a distance of 5 m - 0.002 MPa (knocking out the brass and temporary stunning of a person).

At long distances, the shock wave degenerates into the sound wave - thunder.

People and Lightning

Lightning is a serious threat to the life of people. The defeat of a person or an animal zipper often occurs on open spaces, since the electric current goes along the shortest path "Thunder Cloud-Earth". Often lightning falls into trees and transformer installations on the railway, causing their fire. The defeat of the usual linear zipper inside the building is impossible, but there is an opinion that the so-called ball lightning can penetrate the slots and open windows. The usual thunderstorm discharge is dangerous for television and radioantennes located on the roofs of high-rise buildings, as well as for network equipment.

In the body of victims, the same pathological changes are noted as with electric shocks. The victim loses consciousness, falls, convulsions can be marked, breathing and heartbeat often stops. On the body, you can usually detect the "current tags", the location of the entrance and the exit of electricity. In case of a deadly outcome, the reason for the termination of the main life functions is a sudden stopping of breathing and heartbeat, from the direct action of lightning on the respiratory and vasomotory centers of the oblong brain. On the skin there are often so-called zipper signs, tree-like light pink or red strips, disappearing with fingers (persisted for 1 to 2 days after death). They are the result of expanding the capillaries in the zone of contact zone with the body.

Lightning takes place in the tree trunk along the path of the smallest electrical resistance, with the release of a large amount of heat, turning water into a couple, which splits the trunk of a tree or more often takes off the cortex sections from it, showing the lightning path. In the following seasons, trees usually restore damaged tissues and can close the whole wound, leaving only a vertical scar. If the damage is too serious, the wind and pests ultimately kill the tree. Trees are natural bulky, and, as you know, provide protection against lightning strike for nearby buildings. High trees planted near the building, and the high biomass of the root system helps to ground the discharge of lightning.

For this reason, it is impossible to hide from the rain under the trees during a thunderstorm, especially under high or solitary in the open area.

From the trees, affected by lightning, make musical instruments, attributing to them unique properties.

Lightning and electrical installations

Lightning discharges are a greater danger to electric and electronic equipment. With direct zipper in the wires in the line, overvoltage arises, causing the destruction of electrical equipment isolation, and large currents cause thermal damage to conductors. To protect against thunderstorm overvoltages, electrical substations and distribution networks are equipped with various types of protective equipment such as arresters, nonlinear overvoltage limiters, long-screen arresters. In order to protect against direct lightning, lightning lighters and lightning cables are used. For electronic devices, an electromagnetic pulse created by zipper is also danger.

Lightning and aviation

Atmospheric electricity in general and lightning in particular represent a significant threat to aviation. Lightning in the aircraft causes spreading current of a large value according to its structural elements, which can cause their destruction, fire in fuel tanks, equipment failures, the death of people. To reduce the risk, the metal elements of the outer covering of aircraft are carefully electrically connected to each other, and the non-metallic elements are metallic. Thus, low electrical resistance of the case is provided. To flow the lightning current and other atmospheric electricity from the housing, aircraft are equipped with arresters.

Due to the fact that the electric capacity of the aircraft in the air is small, the discharge "cloud-plane" has a significantly lower energy compared to the discharge "Cloud-Earth". Lightning is most dangerous for a low-fat aircraft or helicopter, since in this case the aircraft can play the role of the conductor of the zipper current from the cloud in the ground. It is known that airplanes at large altitudes are relatively often affected by lightning and nevertheless, cases of disasters for this reason are single. At the same time, there are a lot of cases of damage to lightning aircraft on take-off and landing, as well as in the parking lot, which ended with disasters or the destruction of the aircraft.

Lightning and surface ships

Lightning also represents a very greater threat to surface ships in view of the fact that the latter is raised above the surface of the sea and have many sharp elements (masts, antennas), which are electrical field tension concentrators. During the times of wooden sailboats with high resistivity of the housing, the lightning strike almost always ended for the ship tragically: the ship burned or destroyed, from the lesion by electric shock people. Wall steel ships were also vulnerable to lightning. The high resistivity of the ropping seams caused a significant local heat dissipation, which led to the occurrence of an electric arc, fires, the destruction of the ripples and the appearance of the hull waters.

The welded body of modern vessels has a low resistivity and provides safe spreading of the zipper current. The protruding elements of the superstructure of modern vessels are securely electrically connected to the case and also provide safe spreading current of the zipper.

Human activity

With a terrestrial nuclear explosion for a fraction of a second before the border arrival of the fiery hemisphere in several hundred meters (~ 400-700 m, when compared with an explosion of 10.4 mT) from the center, the reached gamma radiation produces an electromagnetic pulse with a voltage at ~ 100-1000 sq. m, which causes a lightning discharge, drowning from the ground before the arrival of the fiery hemisphere border.

see also


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