What are electrons in physics. Electron (elementary particle)

  • Associative examples of the process of ezoosmosis, transfer and distribution of energy and information
  • Electron
  • Reaction formulas underlying controlled thermonuclear fusion
  • Electron

    Despite the fact that the electron is the first discovered elementary particle in physics (by the English physicist Joseph Thomson in 1897), the nature of the electron still remains mysterious to scientists. The electron theory is considered unfinished, since it is characterized by internal logical contradictions and many questions to which official science does not yet have answers.

    The name of this elementary particle was proposed in 1891 by Irish physicist George Stoney (1826 – 1911) as the “fundamental unit of measurement of electrical energy.” The word "electron" comes from the Greek word "electron", which means "amber". (As you know, amber is a hardened fossil resin. When rubbed, amber acquires an electrical charge and attracts light bodies. This property has been known since ancient times different peoples. For example, judging by the surviving information, in Ancient Greece the properties of amber were known back in 600 BC). Scientists agreed among themselves to consider the electric charge of an electron negative in accordance with an earlier agreement to call the charge of electrified amber negative.

    Electron is integral part atom, one of the main structural elements substances. Electrons form the electron shells of all atoms known today chemical elements. They participate in almost everything electrical phenomena, which scientists now know about. But what electricity actually is, official science still cannot explain, limiting itself to in general phrases, that this is, for example, “a set of phenomena caused by the existence, movement and interaction of charged bodies or particles of electrical charge carriers.” It is known that electricity is not a continuous flow, but is transferred in portions - discretely.

    Almost all the basic information about the electron that science still uses was obtained at the turn of the century late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. This also applies to the idea of ​​the wave nature of the electron (suffice it to recall the work of Nikola Tesla and his study of the generation and wireless transmission of energy over a distance). However, according to official history physics, it was put forward in 1924 by the French theoretical physicist, one of the founders of quantum mechanics, Louis de Broglie (Louis de Broglie; 1892 - 1987; a native of a well-known aristocratic family in France). And it was experimentally confirmed in 1927 by American scientists Clinton Davisson (1881–1958) and Lester Germer (1896–1971) in an experiment on electron diffraction. The word "diffraction" is derived from Latin word"diffractus", which literally means "broken, broken, bending around an obstacle in waves." Diffraction is the phenomenon of a wave, such as a ray of light, propagating when passing through a narrow opening or hitting the edge of an obstacle. The idea of ​​the wave nature of the electron served as the basis for the development of wave mechanics by the Austrian theoretical physicist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) in 1926. Since then, official science has made little progress in studying the nature of the electron.

    IN ACTUALITY, AN ELECTRON consists of 13 phantom Po particles and has a unique structure. Detailed knowledge about the electron is deliberately omitted here, since the information is presented publicly and this knowledge may pose a danger if it falls into the hands of people who want to create new look weapons. Let us only note that the electron has unusual properties. What is called electricity today is actually a special state of the septon field, in the processes of which the electron in most cases takes part along with its other additional “components”.

    Interesting information indicating the uniqueness of the electron was presented in the AllatRa book:

    « Anastasia: How can an Observer make changes with his observation?
    Rigden: To make the answer to this question clear, let’s take a short excursion into quantum physics. The more scientists study the questions posed by this science, the more they come to the conclusion that everything in the world is very closely interconnected and does not exist locally. The same elementary particles exist connected with each other. According to the theory of quantum physics, if you simultaneously provoke the formation of two particles, then they will not only be in a state of “superposition”, that is, simultaneously in many places. But also a change in the state of one particle will lead to an instant change in the state of another particle, no matter what distance from it it is, even if this distance exceeds the limits of action of all forces in nature known to modern mankind.
    Anastasia: What is the secret of such an instant connection?
    Rigden: I’ll explain now. Consider, for example, an electron. It consists of information bricks (or as the ancients called them - “grains of Poe”), which give it its main characteristics, including determining its internal potential. By modern ideas the electron moves around the nucleus of the atom as if in a “stationary orbit” (orbital). More precisely, its movement is now represented not in the form of a material point with a given trajectory, but in the form of an electron cloud (a conventional image of an electron “smeared” throughout the entire volume of an atom), which has areas of condensation and discharge of electric charge. The electron cloud, as such, has no sharp boundaries. By orbit (orbital) we do not mean the movement of an electron along a specific line, but a certain part of space, the region around the nucleus of an atom, where the greatest probability of the electron being located in an atom (atomic orbital) or in a molecule (molecular orbital) remains.

    So, an electron, as is known, in the material world can exist in two states simultaneously: particles and waves. It can manifest itself in different places at once, according to the same quantum physics. Leaving, or rather disappearing from its atomic orbit, the electron instantly moves, that is, it disappears here and appears in another orbit.

    But what is most interesting about this issue is what scientists do not yet know. Consider, for example, the electron of a hydrogen atom - an element that is part of water, living organisms, natural minerals and is one of the most common elements in space. The electron cloud located around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom is spherical in shape. This is what can be recorded on modern stage science. But scientists do not yet know that the electron itself twisted into a spiral. Moreover, this spiral (one and the same) can be twisted both to the left and right side depending on the location of the charge on it. It is precisely thanks to this spiral shape and the change in the location of charge concentration that this electron easily passes from the state of a particle to a wave and vice versa.

    Let me give you a figurative example. Imagine that you are holding an orange in your hands. Using a knife, you carefully remove the peel from it whole, in a circle, as if in a spiral, moving from one of its vertices, say, from point A to the other - point B. If such a peel is separated from an orange, then in its usual folded form it will be in the shape of a ball, following the contours of an orange. And if you stretch it, it will look like a wavy rope. So, the orange side of the orange peel will represent, in our figurative example, an electron spiral, where on the surface in the area of ​​point A there is an external charge, and in the area of ​​point B from the inside (on the white side of the peel) there is an internal charge. Any external change at point A (on the orange side of the peel) will lead to the same instantaneous internal, but opposite in strength and impact, change at a point located on the white side of the peel under top B. As soon as the external charge of the electron subsides, under the influence of the internal potential the spiral stretches and the electron goes into a wave state. When an external charge appears again, which is formed as a result of the interaction of a wave with matter, the spiral contracts, and the electron again passes into the state of a particle. In the particle state, the electron has an external negative charge and a left-handed helix, and in the wave state, a right-handed helix and an external positive charge. And all this transformation occurs thanks to ezoosmosis.

    An observer from a three-dimensional position can, when certain technical conditions are created, see an electron as a particle. But the Observer from the position of higher dimensions, who will see our material world in the form of energies, will be able to observe a different picture of the structure of the same electron. In particular, that the information bricks that form this electron will exhibit exclusively the properties of an energy wave (an extended spiral). Moreover, this wave will be infinite in space. Simply put, the position of the electron itself in the general system of reality is such that it will be located everywhere in the material world.

    Anastasia: Can we say that it will exist, regardless of whether we see it as Observers of the three-dimensional world or not?

    Rigden: Yes. In order to understand this, let's look at another example - with a mirror. Let's say several fundamental information building blocks form a structure that represents a local point, a certain object. Let's place it in the middle of a room in which multiple mirrors are placed at a certain angle in such a way that it is reflected in each of them. So, the object is in the middle of the room, reflected in every mirror, and besides, we see it, therefore, information about it is also in our consciousness. In a word, information about this object is simultaneously present in several places. And if we remove one of the mirrors, then we will not observe this object in that place. But when we return the mirror, he will appear again. This means, in principle, information about him did not disappear. It’s just that under certain conditions for the manifestation of information, we see an object, but the conditions have changed - we don’t see it. However, objectively, this object continues to exist in that place in information terms. Reflection can have a continuous flow, which means that this object is at every point of a given room (and, by the way, not only the room, but also the space beyond the boundaries of the room), regardless of whether we see it or not.

    According to quantum physics, whether an electron remains in a particle state depends on the very act of measurement or observation. In other words, the unmeasurable and unobservable electron behaves not like a particle, but like a wave. In this case, there is a whole field of probabilities for him, since he is here and now in many places at the same time, that is, in a state of superposition. Moreover, despite the fact that the electron occupies multiple positions, it will be the same electron and the same wave. Superposition is the possibility of simultaneously being in all possible alternative states until a choice is made, until the Observer has made a measurement (calculation of a given object). As soon as the Observer focuses attention on the behavior of the electron, it, in the sense of an electron, immediately collapses into a particle, that is, it turns from a wave into a material object, the position of which can be localized. In a word, after measuring, so to speak, the choice of the Observer, one object will be located in only one place.

    Anastasia: Oh, this interesting information! The findings of quantum physics turn out to be valuable for those who are engaged in self-improvement. This in some way explains the reason why a person fails in meditation. After all, what contributes to, so to speak, the “materialization” of the meditation process, that is, the transition from a wave to a material state, in which energy again acquires the properties of matter? It is observation and control from the Animal nature. In other words, meditation does not work when the thought processes characteristic of the habitual, daily state of consciousness are turned on. At the same time, the brain is constantly trying to identify something and localize the object of observation. This situation develops when, during meditation, the Personality is not sufficiently immersed in an altered state of consciousness or loses control over this state. This allows the Animal nature to intervene in the observation process, as a result of which associative images are born and the Truth is lost. The wave passes into matter. But as soon as you “turn off your brain” with its thought processes and fully engage in meditation, thanks to the manifestation of your deep feelings, then the expansion of consciousness occurs and the matter observed from the Spiritual principle turns into a wave. You merge with the real reality of the world, become one with it, and at the same time feel all its diversity, as if there are many of you and you are everywhere. Then real meditation occurs, as a process of cognition of the Truth.

    Rigden: Absolutely right. The world of the Animal nature is the world of the dominance of matter and its laws. The world of God is a world of perfect energies. When you are in meditation, in an altered state of consciousness, you become part of the process, part of the divine manifestation here. As soon as the Observer from the Animal nature turns on in you, it seems to you that the fact of your control over matter is established. In fact, the fact of control over you by matter (Animal Mind) is established. As a result, you become just a more manifested material object, in fact, you turn into a corpuscular object of general matter (corpuscle, from the Latin corpusculum - “little body”, “the smallest particle of matter”) and obey its laws. If you switch to the wave state, you become part of the divine manifestation in this world, that is, an Observer from the Spiritual nature. That is why they say: whatever is more in you, that is what you will be.

    In a state of meditation, ordinary perception disappears. For an experienced meditator, in particular, if we consider his state in the spiritual practice “Lotus Flower”, the consciousness really expands significantly, goes beyond the boundaries of the familiar world. A person feels that he is everywhere at the same time. We can say that superposition in quantum physics, the acquisition of the wave state, is the same as in meditation the acquisition of the state of entering higher dimensions, where matter is no longer present. Superposition in a state of meditation is when you “see”, in the sense of feeling with deep feelings, the whole world and its various manifestations. But as soon as the Observer concentrates on some object, his consciousness narrows and is limited to the object of observation. That is, as soon as you make a choice and focus on specific details, the wave is transformed into matter. After all, when you concentrate on the details, the volumetric perception disappears, and only the details remain. Thoughts from the Animal nature are a kind of tool, a force for the materialization of objects, and feelings from the Spiritual nature are a force for expanding consciousness, reaching higher dimensions.

    Anastasia: Yes, how complex this world is and how obvious simple things can be in it.

    Rigden: So, regarding quantum physics... On the one hand, this concept of the Observer expanded the boundaries of the knowledge of scientists, on the other hand, it led to a dead end. After all, the position of the Super-Observer proves that there is some enormous force that is capable of influencing the Universe, all its objects and all the processes occurring in it from the outside.

    Anastasia: In fact, this is another way to scientifically prove the existence of God?

    Rigden: Yes. Man has a Soul, like a particle divine power. The more he transforms his inner world, the more his Personality merges with the Soul, revealing himself before God, the more he becomes spiritually stronger and gains the opportunity to influence the material world from higher dimensions. And the more such people there are, the more significant and widespread this influence is. The Super Observer is God who can influence everything. And man, as an Observer from the Spiritual nature, is an Observer who can intervene in the processes of the world and change them at the micro level. People, of course, have access to certain manipulations with matter from the position of an Observer from the Animal nature. But a person receives real power of influence only when his Observer from the Spiritual nature is activated.”

    Can be compared to a cloud. This is due to the fact that electrons have properties not only of particles, “pieces” of matter, but also properties. Electron clouds surround the core in layers and are located at strictly defined distances from it. For a long time, scientists could not explain why the gaps between the nucleus and electrons are so strictly defined and why, in general, each atom with all its electron shells always has the same dimensions. The answer to this riddle is also connected, as it turned out, with the wave properties of electrons, with the fact that all parts of the atom have their own constant places.

    But don't think that the electrons are permanently fixed in these places. No, they can jump from one shell to another. At the same time, amazing things happen.

    If an electron moves away from the nucleus, it increases; if it approaches, it decreases. This change in energy does not occur gradually, but suddenly, abruptly. Energy is added or decreased in very specific portions, which are called quanta. This means that, jumping closer to the nucleus, the electron releases one quantum of energy, and in order to move further from the nucleus, it must, on the contrary, receive from somewhere, “absorb” one quantum.

    What are these quanta? If you have already read the story “,” you probably noticed that light is both waves and particles, which are called photons. Photons are quanta of light, that is, the smallest portions of radiation.

    Now you must have a clearer understanding of what was briefly mentioned in the story about light, a clearer understanding of how light is emitted and absorbed. As electrons jump closer to the nucleus, they emit light. And when matter absorbs light, they jump to orbits further from the nucleus. In this case, the electrons are enriched with energy, and the substance heats up. The more energetic the electrons move, the more often they make jumps, the higher the body temperature. That is why, by absorbing a lot of light, the substance heats up more.

    Each substance has its own distance between electron shells and, therefore, its own quantum size, its own length of emitted light waves, that is, its own color of light waves. And that’s why each substance absorbs certain specific rays best: one is red, another is green, and the third is invisible ultraviolet.

    Electrons not only jump from orbit to orbit, sometimes they become completely detached from the atom. For example, in a metal, all atoms give up part of their electrons “into a common pot.” These free electrons move between atoms and carry electric current.

    Finally, electrons sometimes leave their matter altogether, and then they can fly through space at enormous speed. And here again the complex, contradictory nature of the electron appears.

    The TV screen glows because an electron beam is directed at it from inside. This beam can be lowered and raised, moved to the right or left. Electrons behave like particles that obediently fly exactly where they are sent.

    The same flow of electrons will move completely differently if it is directed into a substance. Flying between or approaching atoms, this flow can bend around obstacles, like waves on water. The electron, as always, is unstable: sometimes it looks like a particle, sometimes like a wave. It depends on the size of the objects among which it moves. The television tube is relatively large - there is an electron - a particle. The distance between the atoms of a substance is incomparably smaller - there the electron is more like a wave.

    To obtain a flow of electrons, it is necessary, for example, to heat a substance, just as the cathode of an electron tube is heated (this is discussed in the stories “Radio” and “”). This means that you need to expend energy. And it is often not at all easy to tear off an electron from an atom; this requires energy - after all, electrons are held quite firmly in the atom.

    You may ask: what holds them in the atom? Why don't they fly away? Let us remind you: both electrons and the nucleus have electric charges, and, moreover, not the same, but different: the nucleus is positively charged, and the electrons are negatively charged. Such opposite charges, as they are called, attract each other.

    An electron is like a unit of negative electricity; it has the smallest of all possible negative charges. If you read the story “,” you will see how this property of the electron benefits people, and you will find out how its name was born.

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    Electron (elementary particle)

    This article was written by Vladimir Gorunovich for the Wikiknowledge site, under the title “Electron in Field Theory”, placed on this site in order to protect information from vandals, and then supplemented on this site.

    The field theory of elementary particles, operating within the framework of SCIENCE, is based on a foundation proven by PHYSICS:

    • Classical electrodynamics,
    • Quantum mechanics
    • Conservation laws are fundamental laws of physics.
    This is the fundamental difference between the scientific approach used by the field theory of elementary particles - a true theory must operate strictly within the laws of nature: this is SCIENCE.

    Using elementary particles that do not exist in nature, inventing fundamental interactions that do not exist in nature, or replacing interactions existing in nature with fabulous ones, ignoring the laws of nature, engaging in mathematical manipulations with them (creating the appearance of science) - this is the lot of FAIRY TALES passed off as science. As a result, physics slipped into the world of mathematical fairy tales.

      1 Electron radius
      2 Electric field of an electron
      3 Electron magnetic moment
      4 Electron rest mass
      5 New physics: Electron (elementary particle) - summary

    Electron(English Electron) - the lightest elementary particle with an electric charge. Quantum number L=1/2 (spin = 1/2) - leptons group, electron subgroup, electric charge -e (systematization according to the field theory of elementary particles). The stability of the electron is due to the presence of an electric charge, in the absence of which the electron would decay similarly to a muon neutrino.

    According to the field theory of elementary particles, an electron consists of a rotating polarized alternating electro magnetic field with a constant component.

    Structure of the electromagnetic field of an electron(E-constant electric field, H-constant magnetic field, yellow marked alternating electromagnetic field)

    Energy balance (percentage of total internal energy):

    • constant electric field (E) - 0.75%,
    • constant magnetic field (H) - 1.8%,
    • alternating electromagnetic field - 97.45%.
    This explains the pronounced wave properties of the electron and its reluctance to participate in nuclear interactions. The structure of the electron is shown in the figure.

    1 Electron radius

    Electron radius (the distance from the center of the particle to the place where the maximum mass density is achieved) determined by the formula:

    equal to 1.98 ∙10 -11 cm.

    Occupied by an electron, determined by the formula:

    equal to 3.96 ∙ 10 -11 cm. The radius of the annular region occupied by the alternating electromagnetic field of the electron was added to the value of r 0~. It must be remembered that part of the value of the rest mass concentrated in the constant (electric and magnetic) fields of the electron is located outside this region, in accordance with the laws of electrodynamics.

    An electron is larger than any atomic nucleus, therefore it cannot be present in atomic nuclei, but is born in the process of decay of a neutron, just as a positron is born in the process of decay in a proton nucleus.

    Statements that the electron radius is about 10 -16 cm are unproven and contradict classical electrodynamics. With such linear dimensions, the electron must be heavier than the proton.

    2 Electric field of an electron

    The electric field of an electron consists of two regions: an outer region with a negative charge and an inner region with a positive charge. The size of the inner region is determined by the radius of the electron. The difference in the charges of the outer and inner regions determines the total electric charge of the electron -e. Its quantization is based on the geometry and structure of elementary particles.

    the electric field of an electron at point (A) in the far zone (r > > r e) exactly, in the SI system is equal to:

    The electric field of an electron in the far zone (r > > r e) is exactly equal in the SI system:

    Where n= r/|r| - unit vector from the center of the electron in the direction of the observation point (A), r - distance from the center of the electron to the observation point, e - elementary electric charge, vectors are in bold, ε 0 - electrical constant, r e = Lħ/(m 0~ c ) is the radius of the electron in the field theory, L is the principal quantum number of the electron in the field theory, ħ is Planck’s constant, m 0~ is the amount of mass contained in the alternating electromagnetic field of the electron at rest, c is the speed of light. (There is no multiplier in the GHS system.)

    These mathematical expressions are correct for the far zone of the electron’s electric field: (r>>r e), and the unfounded statements that “the electron’s electric field remains Coulombic up to distances of 10 -16 cm” have nothing to do with reality - this is one of the fairy tales that contradicts the classical electrodynamics.

    According to the field theory of elementary particles, a constant electric field of elementary particles with quantum number L>0, both charged and neutral, is created by the constant component of the electromagnetic field of the corresponding elementary particle. And the field of electric charge arises as a result of the presence of asymmetry between the outer and inner hemispheres, generating electric fields of opposite signs. For charged elementary particles, a field of elementary electric charge is generated in the far zone, and the sign of the electric charge is determined by the sign of the electric field generated by the outer hemisphere. In the near zone, this field has a complex structure and is a dipole, but it does not have a dipole moment. For an approximate description of this field as a system point charges You will need at least 6 "quarks" inside the electron - it is better if you take 8 "quarks". It is clear that this goes beyond the standard model.

    An electron, like any other charged elementary particle, can have two electric charges and, accordingly, two electric radii:

    • electric radius of the external constant electric field (charge -1.25e) - r q- = 3.66 10 -11 cm.
    • electric radius of the internal constant electric field (charge +0.25e) - r q+ = 3 10 -12 cm.
    These characteristics of the electric field of an electron correspond to the distribution of the 1st field theory of elementary particles. Physics has not yet experimentally established the accuracy given distribution, and which distribution most accurately corresponds to the real structure of the constant electric field of an electron in the near zone.

    The electric radius indicates the average location of an electric charge uniformly distributed around the circumference, creating a similar electric field. Both electric charges lie in the same plane (the plane of rotation of the alternating electromagnetic field of the elementary particle) and have a common center that coincides with the center of rotation of the alternating electromagnetic field of the elementary particle.

    Electric field strength E of an electron in the near zone(r ~ r e), in the SI system, as a vector sum, is approximately equal to:

    Where n-=r-/r - unit vector from the near (1) or far (2) point of charge q - electron in the direction of the observation point (A), n+=r +/r - unit vector from the near (1) or far (2) point of charge q + electron in the direction of the observation point (A), r - distance from the center of the electron to the projection of the observation point onto the electron plane, q - - external electric charge -1.25 e, q + - internal electric charge +0.25e, vectors are highlighted in bold, ε 0 - electrical constant, z - height of the observation point (A) (distance from the observation point to the electron plane), r 0 - normalization parameter. (There is no multiplier in the GHS system.)

    This mathematical expression is a sum of vectors and must be calculated according to the rules of vector addition, since this is a field of two distributed electric charges (q - =-1.25e and q + =+0.25e). The first and third terms correspond to the near points of the charges, the second and fourth - to the far ones. This mathematical expression does not work in the internal (ring) region of the electron, generating its constant fields (if two conditions are simultaneously met: r
    Electric field potential of an electron at point (A) in the near zone(r ~ r e), in the SI system is approximately equal to:

    where r 0 is a normalizing parameter, the value of which may differ from that in formula E. (There is no factor in the SGS system.) This mathematical expression does not work in the internal (ring) region of the electron, generating its constant fields (if two conditions are met simultaneously: r
    Calibration of r 0 for both near-field expressions must be performed at the boundary of the region generating constant electron fields.

    3 Electron magnetic moment

    In contrast quantum theory The field theory of elementary particles states that the magnetic fields of elementary particles are not created by the spin rotation of electric charges, but exist simultaneously with a constant electric field as a constant component of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, all elementary particles with quantum number L>0 have magnetic fields.

    Since the values ​​of the principal quantum number L and the spin of leptons coincide, the values ​​of the magnetic moments of charged leptons in both theories may also coincide.

    The field theory of elementary particles does not consider the magnetic moment of an electron to be anomalous - its value is determined by a set of quantum numbers to the extent that quantum mechanics works in an elementary particle.

    Thus, the main magnetic moment of the electron is created by the current:

    • (-) with magnetic moment -0.5 eħ/m 0e c
    To obtain the resulting magnetic moment of the electron, it is necessary to multiply by the percentage of the energy of the alternating electromagnetic field, divided by 100 percent, and add the spin component (see Field theory of elementary particles source), the result is 0.5005786 eħ/m 0e s. In order to convert into ordinary Bohr magnetons, the resulting number must be multiplied by two.

    4 Electron rest mass

    According to classical electrodynamics and Einstein’s formula, the rest mass of elementary particles with quantum number L>0, including the electron, is defined as the equivalent of the energy of their electromagnetic fields:

    where the definite integral is taken over the entire electromagnetic field of an elementary particle, E is the electric field strength, H is the magnetic field strength. All components of the electromagnetic field are taken into account here: constant electric field, constant magnetic field, alternating electromagnetic field.

    As follows from the above formula, the value of the rest mass of an electron depends on the conditions in which the electron is located. Thus, by placing an electron in a constant external electric field, we will affect E 2, which will affect the mass of the particle. A similar situation arises when an electron is placed in a constant magnetic field.

    5 New physics: Electron (elementary particle) - summary

    opened before you new world- the world of dipole fields, the existence of which physics of the 20th century did not even suspect. You saw that an electron has not one, but two electric charges (external and internal) and two corresponding electric radii. You saw that the linear dimensions of an electron significantly exceed the linear dimensions of a proton. You saw what makes up the rest mass of an electron and that the imaginary Higgs boson was out of work (solutions Nobel Committee- these are not laws of nature yet...). Moreover, the magnitude of the mass depends on the fields in which the electron is located. All this goes beyond the concepts that dominated physics in the second half of the twentieth century. - Physics of the 21st century - New physics moves to new level knowledge of matter.

    Vladimir Gorunovich

    An electron is an elementary particle that has a negative electrical charge. It is equal to -1. The electron is part of all atoms, and therefore of any substance. An electron is the lightest electrically charged particle. Electrons are usually denoted “e−”.

    What is important to know about electrons

    In a metal, some electrons can move freely because they are not bound to atoms, which makes metals good conductors of electricity. Due to its small mass, the electron is the particle most involved in the development of the partial theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and relativistic quantum field theory.

    It is generally accepted that in our time the equations that describe the behavior of electrons in all physical conditions. All electrons obey Dirac-Fermi statistics. This is expressed in the Pauli principle, according to which two electrons cannot exist in the same quantum state.

    One consequence of this principle is that the states of the valence electrons (the most weakly bound electrons), which determine chemical properties atoms depend on the charge number (atomic number), which is equal to the number of electrons in the atom.

    Another consequence is that the “clouds” of electrons that envelop the nuclei of atoms have a resistance to overlapping them. As a result, the substance tends to occupy a certain space. Now you know what an electron is, but what are its characteristics?

    Characteristics of electrons

    As befits all elementary particles, the number of basic characteristics of the electron is small:

      1. Mass (me, measured in MeV or grams);
      2. Charge (?e, measured in C);
      3. Spin (1/2ћ, measured in J s, where ћ is Planck's constant h divided by 2).

    All other characteristics of electrons are expressed through these characteristics, for example, the magnetic moment, measured in J/T.

    Electron structure

    The structure of an electron is similar to the structure of an atom. An electron consists of a negatively charged shell and a positively charged nucleus (the mass of this particle).

    The electron nucleus consists of electron antineutrinos (the positive charge of the nucleus). The electron shell consists of photons.

    Number of photons in electron shell more number antineutrino in the nucleus. Since the electron has an excess of negative charge, it is negatively charged. Neutrino is also a compound particle that represents the bound states of a photon and a graviton.

    Now you know everything about what an electron is!

    An electron is an elementary particle, which is one of the main units in the structure of matter. The electron charge is negative. The most accurate measurements were made at the beginning of the twentieth century by Millikan and Ioffe.

    The electron charge is equal to minus 1.602176487 (40)*10 -1 9 C.

    The electric charge of other smallest particles is measured through this value.

    General concept of electron

    Particle physics says that the electron is indivisible and has no structure. It is involved in electromagnetic and gravitational processes and belongs to the lepton group, just like its antiparticle, the positron. Among other leptons it has the lightest weight. If electrons and positrons collide, this results in their annihilation. Such a pair can arise from a gamma quantum of particles.

    Before neutrinos were measured, the electron was considered the lightest particle. In quantum mechanics it is classified as a fermion. The electron also has a magnetic moment. If a positron is also included in it, then the positron is divided as a positively charged particle, and the electron is called a negatron, as a particle with a negative charge.

    Selected properties of electrons

    Electrons are classified as the first generation of leptons, with the properties of particles and waves. Each of them is endowed with a quantum state, which is determined by measuring energy, spin orientation and other parameters. His belonging to fermions is revealed through the impossibility of having two electrons in the same quantum state at the same time (according to the Pauli principle).

    It is studied in the same way as a quasiparticle in a periodic crystal potential, whose effective mass can differ significantly from the mass at rest.

    Through the movement of electrons, electric current, magnetism and thermal emf occur. The charge of an electron in motion forms a magnetic field. However, an external magnetic field deflects the particle from the straight direction. When accelerated, an electron acquires the ability to absorb or emit energy as a photon. Its multitude consists of electronic atomic shells, the number and position of which determine the chemical properties.

    Atomic mass mainly consists of nuclear protons and neutrons, while the mass of electrons makes up about 0.06% of the total atomic weight. The electric Coulomb force is one of the main forces capable of holding an electron close to the nucleus. But when molecules are created from atoms and chemical bonds arise, electrons are redistributed in the new space formed.

    Nucleons and hadrons participate in the appearance of electrons. Isotopes with radioactive properties are capable of emitting electrons. In laboratory conditions, these particles can be studied in special instruments, and for example, telescopes can detect radiation from them in plasma clouds.


    Electron discovered German physicists in the nineteenth century, when the cathode properties of rays were studied. Then other scientists began to study it in more detail, raising it to the rank of a separate particle. Radiation and other related physical phenomena were studied.

    For example, the team led by Thomson estimated the charge of the electron and the mass of the cathode ray, the relationship of which, as they found, does not depend on the material source.
    And Becquerel found that minerals emit radiation on their own, and their beta rays are able to be deflected by the action of an electric field, and the mass and charge retain the same ratio as that of cathode rays.

    Atomic theory

    According to this theory, an atom consists of a nucleus and electrons around it, arranged in a cloud. They are in certain quantized states of energy, the change of which is accompanied by the process of absorption or emission of photons.

    Quantum mechanics

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, a hypothesis was formulated according to which material particles have the properties of both particles themselves and waves. Light can also appear in the form of a wave (it is called a de Broglie wave) and particles (photons).

    As a result, the famous Schrödinger equation was formulated, which described the propagation of electron waves. This approach was called quantum mechanics. It was used to calculate the electronic states of energy in the hydrogen atom.

    Fundamental and quantum properties of the electron

    The particle exhibits fundamental and quantum properties.

    The fundamental ones include mass (9.109 * 10 -31 kilograms), elementary electric charge (that is, the minimum portion of charge). According to the measurements that have been carried out to date, the electron does not contain any elements that can reveal its substructure. But some scientists are of the opinion that it is a point-like charged particle. As indicated at the beginning of the article, the electronic electric charge is -1.602 * 10 -19 C.

    While being a particle, an electron can simultaneously be a wave. The experiment with two slits confirms the possibility of its simultaneous passage through both of them. This conflicts with the properties of a particle, where passage through only one slit is possible at a time.

    Electrons are considered to have the same physical properties. Therefore, their rearrangement, from the point of view of quantum mechanics, does not lead to a change in the system state. The electron wave function is antisymmetric. Therefore, its solutions vanish when identical electrons fall into the same quantum state (Pauli principle).