What is the ancient Russian state? Architecture and fine arts. Normanists and anti-Normanists


Until now, historians have put forward various theories about the emergence of Kievan Rus as a state. It has been taken as a basis for a long time official version, according to which the date of birth is called 862. But the state does not appear out of nowhere! It is impossible to imagine that before this date, in the territory inhabited by the Slavs there were only savages who, without help from “outside”, could not create their own power. After all, as we know, history moves along an evolutionary path. For the emergence of a state there must be certain prerequisites. Let's try to understand the history of Kievan Rus. How was this state created? Why did it fall into disrepair?

The emergence of Kievan Rus

IN this moment Domestic historians adhere to 2 main versions of the emergence of Kievan Rus.

  1. Norman. It is based on one significant historical document, namely the Tale of Bygone Years. According to this theory, the ancient tribes called on the Varangians (Rurik, Sineus and Truvor) to create and manage their state. Thus, they could not create their own state entity on their own. They needed outside help.
  2. Russian (anti-Norman). The rudiments of the theory were first formulated by the famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. He argued that the entire history of the ancient Russian state was written by foreigners. Lomonosov was sure that there was no logic in this story, it was not revealed important question about the nationality of the Varangians.

Unfortunately, until the end of the 9th century there are no mentions of the Slavs in the chronicles. It is suspicious that Rurik “came to rule the Russian state” when it already had its own traditions, customs, its own language, cities and ships. That is, Rus' did not arise on empty space. Old Russian cities were very well developed (including from a military point of view).

According to generally accepted sources, the founding date of the ancient Russian state is considered to be 862. It was then that Rurik began to rule in Novgorod. In 864, his associates Askold and Dir seized princely power in Kyiv. Eighteen years later, in 882, Oleg, commonly called the Prophetic, captured Kyiv and became the Grand Duke. He managed to unite the scattered Slavic lands, and it was during his reign that the campaign against Byzantium was launched. More and more territories and cities were annexed to the grand ducal lands. During Oleg's reign, there were no major clashes between Novgorod and Kiev. This was largely due to blood ties and kinship.

Formation and flourishing of Kievan Rus

Kievan Rus was a powerful and developed state. Its capital was a fortified outpost located on the banks of the Dnieper. Taking power in Kyiv meant becoming the head of vast territories. It was Kyiv that was compared to the “mother of Russian cities” (although Novgorod, from where Askold and Dir arrived in Kyiv, was also quite worthy of such a title). The city retained its status as the capital of ancient Russian lands until the Tatar period. Mongol invasion.

  • Among the key events of the heyday of Kievan Rus can be called the Epiphany in 988, when the country abandoned idolatry in favor of Christianity.
  • The reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise led to the appearance of the first Russian code of laws (code of laws) called “Russian Truth” at the beginning of the 11th century.
  • The Kiev prince became related to many famous ruling European dynasties. Also, under Yaroslav the Wise, the raids of the Pechenegs, which brought much trouble and suffering to Kievan Rus, became permanent.
  • Also, from the end of the 10th century, its own coin production began on the territory of Kievan Rus. Silver and gold coins appeared.

The period of civil strife and the collapse of Kievan Rus

Unfortunately, a clear and uniform system of succession to the throne was not developed in Kievan Rus. Various grand ducal lands were distributed to warriors for military and other merits.

Only after the end of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise was a principle of inheritance established, which involved the transfer of power over Kiev to the eldest in the clan. All other lands were divided between members of the Rurik family in accordance with the principle of seniority (but this could not remove all the contradictions and problems). After the death of the ruler, there were dozens of heirs laying claim to the “throne” (from brothers, sons, and ending with nephews). Despite certain rules inheritance, supreme power was often asserted through force: through bloody clashes and wars. Only a few independently refused to rule Kievan Rus.

Contenders for the title of great Prince of Kyiv did not shy away from the most terrible deeds. Literature and history describe terrible example with Svyatopolk the Accursed. He committed fratricide only in order to gain power over Kiev.

Many historians come to the conclusion that it was internecine wars that became the factor that led to the collapse of Kievan Rus. The situation was also complicated by the fact that the Tatar-Mongols began to actively attack in the 13th century. “Petty rulers with big ambitions” could have united against the enemy, but no. The princes dealt with internal problems “in their own area”, did not compromise and desperately defended their own interests to the detriment of others. As a result, Rus' became completely dependent on the Golden Horde for a couple of centuries, and the rulers were forced to pay tribute to the Tatar-Mongols.

The prerequisites for the coming collapse of Kievan Rus were formed under Vladimir the Great, who decided to give each of his 12 sons his own city. The beginning of the collapse of Kievan Rus is called 1132, when Mstislav the Great died. Then 2 powerful centers at once refused to recognize the grand ducal power in Kyiv (Polotsk and Novgorod).

In the 12th century. There was rivalry between 4 main lands: Volyn, Suzdal, Chernigov and Smolensk. As a result of internecine clashes, Kyiv was periodically plundered and churches burned. In 1240 the city was burned by the Tatar-Mongols. The influence gradually weakened; in 1299, the residence of the metropolitan was moved to Vladimir. To manage Russian lands it was no longer necessary to occupy Kyiv

Old Russian state. A state that existed in the East Slavic lands from the end of the 9th century. until the second third (according to another point of view, until the middle) of the 12th century. and united a significant part of the East Slavic lands (and at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th centuries - almost all of them).

Emergence. The Old Russian state was formed around 882 as a result of the unification of the states by the Novgorod prince Oleg the Prophet, conventionally referred to in science as “Novgorod” and “Kyiv”.

Capital: Kyiv.

Self-names: Rus', Russian land; It is called the “Old Russian State” (or “Kievan Rus”) historical science.

Head of State: Grand Duke Russian; until the middle of the 11th century. he was called the title “Kagan” borrowed from the Khazars (in historical science the head of the Old Russian state is called the Grand Duke of Kyiv).

Coat of arms. For the period from the 960s. by 1054 the coat of arms of the Russian Grand Duke (Kagan) is known. Under Svyatoslav Igorevich (964 - 972) and Svyatopolk the Accursed (1015 - 1016 and 1018 - 1019) it was a bident, under Vladimir Svyatoslavich (978 - 1015) and Yaroslav the Wise (1016 - 1018 and 1019 - 1054 .) - trident.

Legislation Old Russian state at the end of the 9th - 10th centuries. was oral (“Russian Law”). During the XI - early XII centuries. a set of written laws is being formed - Russian Truth (formed by such legislative monuments as Yaroslav's Truth, Pokonvirny, Lesson for Bridge Workers, Yaroslavich's Truth and the Charter of Vladimir Monomakh).

Functions state apparatus at the end of the 9th - end of the 10th century. performed by the warriors of the Grand Duke (Kagan); from the end of the 10th century such officials as virniks, mytniks, and swordsmen are known.

Social system. In Soviet historiography, the Old Russian state was considered early feudal - i.e. one whose character was determined by the formation of feudal relations at that time. According to scientists of the Leningrad school I.Ya. Froyanov, the feudal structure in the Old Russian state was by no means system-forming.

Periods of state history. In the history of the Old Russian state, four large periods can be distinguished.

1) Around 882 - early 990s. The state is federal in nature; The territories of the East Slavic tribal unions included in it enjoy broad autonomy and are generally weakly connected with the center. Therefore, the Old Russian state of this period is often characterized as a “union of tribal unions.” After the death of Svyatoslav Igorevich in 972, the state generally splits into three independent “volosts” (Kyiv, Novgorod and Drevlyanskaya, again united by Yaropolk Svyatoslavich only around 977).

2) Early 990s. - 1054 As a result of the liquidation of most tribal princes by Vladimir Svyatoslavich and the replacement of tribal princes with governors (sons) of the Russian Grand Duke (Kagan), the state acquired the features of a unitary one. However, as a result of strife between Yaroslav the Wise and his brother Mstislav Vladimirovich (Lyuty), in 1026 it again breaks up - into two halves (with the border between them along the Dnieper) - and only after the death of Mstislav in 1036, Yaroslav restores the unity of the state .

3) 1054 - 1113 According to the will of Yaroslav the Wise, the state again takes on the features of a federation. It is considered the common property of the princely family of the Rurikovichs, each of which has the right to reign in one or another region ("volost"), but must obey the eldest in the family - the Russian Grand Duke. However, as a result of what began in the 11th century. rapid growth cities (potential regional centers) and the decline in the importance of the Dnieper trade route (which was blocked every now and then by the Cumans), the role of Kyiv as a single center controlling the Dnieper route begins to decline, and the federation shows a tendency to turn into a confederation (i.e., to the collapse of a single state).

4) 1113 - 1132 Vladimir Monomakh (1113 - 1125) and his eldest son Mstislav the Great (1125 - 1132) manage to stop the beginning of the collapse of the Old Russian state and again give it the features of a federation (rather than a confederation).

Since neither Vladimir Monomakh nor Mstislav the Great managed to eliminate the objective reasons for the growth of centrifugal tendencies (and these, in addition to those listed above, included the weak controllability of a huge state with the then means of communication and communications), after the death of the latter in 1132, these tendencies triumphed again . The city "volosts" one after another began to leave the subordination of the Russian Grand Duke. The last of them to do so were in the 1150s. (which is why the time of the final collapse of the Old Russian state is sometimes attributed to the middle of the 12th century), but usually the end of the existence of the Old Russian state is considered to be the boundary of the first and second thirds of the 12th century.


  1. Karpov A.Yu. Vladimir the Holy. M., 1997.
  2. Karpov A.Yu. Duchess Olga. M., 2012.
  3. Karpov A.Yu. Yaroslav the Wise. M., 2001.
  4. Kotlyar N.F. Old Russian statehood. St. Petersburg, 1998.
  5. Petrukhin V.Ya. Rus' in the 9th - 10th centuries. From the calling of the Varangians to the choice of faith. M., 2013.
  6. Sverdlov M.B. Genesis and structure of feudal society in Ancient Rus'. M., 1983.
  7. Froyanov I.Ya., Dvornichenko A.Yu. City-states of Ancient Rus'. L., 1988.


There are several historiographical names for the state that prevailed in the literature in different time— “Ancient Russian state”, “Ancient Rus'”, “Kievan Rus”, “ Kiev State" Currently, three historiographical names are most widespread - “Old Russian State”, “Kievan Rus” and “Ancient Rus”. The definition of “Old Russian” is not connected with the division of antiquity and the Middle Ages in Europe generally accepted in historiography in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. In relation to Rus', it is usually used to designate the so-called pre-Mongol period of the 9th - mid-13th centuries, in order to distinguish this era from subsequent periods of Russian history.

Old Russian state- a state that arose in early middle ages V Eastern Europe, in 862 as a result of the unification of a number of East Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes under the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty of the two main centers Eastern Slavs— Novgorod and Kyiv, as well as lands (settlements in the area of ​​Staraya Ladoga, Gnezdov).

"Varangians", Vasnetsov V.M. 1909

An event that took place in 862 A.D. received the code name “calling of the Varangians.” In the fourth to seventh centuries AD, a migration of peoples took place in Europe, and this migration also captured the Slavic tribes. During these processes, an intertribal alliance gradually began to take shape, which marked the beginning of our future Russian state. Here is an excerpt from the ancient Russian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years”:

"In the summer of 6367 (859). The Varangians from overseas took tribute from Chud, and from the Novgorod Slovens, and from Meri, from all the Krivichi. In the year 6370 (862) they drove the Varangians overseas and did not give them tribute and began to rule themselves, and there was no truth in them, and generation after generation rebelled, and they had strife, and began to fight with themselves. And they said to themselves: “Let us look for a prince who would rule us and judge us by right. And they went overseas to the Varangians, to Rus'. That’s what those Varangians were called, Rus, just as other Varangians are called Svei (Swedes), others are Urmans (Normans), Angles (Normans from England), other Goths (inhabitants of the island of Gotland), and so are these. The Chud (Finns), Slovenes (Novgorod Slavs), and Krivichi (Slavs from the upper reaches of the Volga) said the following words to Rus': “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it; come reign and rule over us.” And three brothers and their family volunteered and came. The eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. From them the Russian land was nicknamed, that is, the land of the Novgorodians: these are the Novgorodians from the Varangian family, before they were Slavs." As it is written in historical sources, in 862 there was an act of voluntary agreement between the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes, who agreed that in order to end internecine wars, it was necessary to choose a person as a ruler from the outside, who was not associated with any local clan, who was supposed to judge by right , that is, according to the law. And such a person was Prince Rurik, who laid the foundation for the first Russian dynasty, which ruled our state for more than seven centuries. Rurik first settled in Staraya Ladoga, built a fortress there, and took power in Novgorod by agreement with the local Slavic boyars. After the death of his brothers, Rurik began to rule the state alone. And in 882, as it is written in historical information, his successor Oleg, who began to rule immediately after the death of Rurik, having killed Askold and Dir (Normans who had earlier left Rurik), thus conquered Kyiv. After this, he freed the Slavic tribes from Khazar tribute and subjugated them to his power. This version of the emergence of the formation of the Russian state is confirmed in written sources, for example the First Novgorod Chronicle and the Tale of Bygone Years. Who is Rurik and where he comes from, it was not possible to find an exact answer; there are many versions. In Staraya Ladoga (Lake Ladoga), according to Russian chronicles, it is assumed that Rurik could be a Scandinavian, a Swede, and even a Norwegian or Dane and the leader of the Eastern Slavs-Russians. There are assumptions that Rurik is a reliable person, born around 817. Son of the Danish king Haldvan. The debate about the calling of the Varangians, led by Rurik, has been going on for about two hundred centuries. But there are certain things such as:

1. From 862 to 1598, Russia was ruled by the Rurik dynasty and the last king from this dynasty was Fyodor Ivanovich.

2.Rurik was invited to rule himself twice Slavic tribe and two Finnish ones.

3. Still modern population The Russian north-west preserves the memory of Rurik (such as Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, Priozersk). And no matter how scientists argue, whether Rurik existed at all and regardless of whether Rurik’s grave will be found or not in the vicinity of Priozersk, and whether archaeologists and anthropologists will find objects that are associated with his reign. All the same, the History of Russia begins with this name.

The Old Russian state arose on the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” on the lands of the East Slavic tribes - the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, Polyans, then covering the Drevlyans, Dregovichs, Polotsk, Radimichi, Severians. During its heyday, the Old Russian state covered the territory from Taman Peninsula in the south, the Dniester and the headwaters of the Vistula in the west, to the headwaters of the Northern Dvina in the north.

Map of the settlement of peoples on the eve of the formation of the state

The formation of the state was preceded by a long period(from the 6th century) the maturation of its prerequisites in the depths of military democracy. During the existence of the Old Russian state, the East Slavic tribes formed into the Old Russian nationality. Old Russian state (Old Russian and Old Slav. Рѹ́с, Рѹ́ськаѧ злѧ, Greek. Ῥωσία, Latin. Russia, Ruthenia, Ruscia, Ruzzia, other Scand. Garðar, later Garðaríki).
By the middle of the 12th century, the ancient Russian state entered into a state feudal fragmentation and actually broke up into one and a half dozen separate Russian principalities, ruled by different branches of the Rurikovichs. Kyiv, which had lost its political influence in favor of several new centers of power, continued to be formally considered the main table of Rus' until the Mongol invasion (1237-1240), and the Principality of Kiev remained in the collective possession of Russian princes.

1 - First used by Constantine Porphyrogenitus in the treatise “On the Administration of the Empire” (948-952). (Soloviev A.V. The Byzantine name of Russia // Byzantine temporary book. - 1957. - No. 12. - P. 134-155.)
2 - The spelling Ruscia is typical for Latin texts from Northern Germany And Central Europe, Ruzzia - for Southern Germany, various variations of Rus(s)i, Rus(s)ia - for Romance-speaking countries, England and Scandinavia. Along with these forms, from the beginning of the 12th century in Europe, the book term Rut(h)enia began to be used, formed by consonance on behalf of the ancient people of Ruten. (Nazarenko A.V. Ancient Rus' on international routes: Interdisciplinary essays on cultural, trade, political relations of the 9th-12th centuries - M.: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 2001. ISBN 5-7859-0085-8. - P. 49-50 )
3 - Designation of Rus' in Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic sources, including runic inscriptions, skalds and sagas. First found in the vis of Hallfred the Difficult Skald (996). The toponym is based on the root garđ- with the meaning “city”, “fortified settlement”. Since the 12th century it has been replaced by the form Garðaríki - lit. “Country of Cities” (Ancient Rus' in the light of foreign sources. - pp. 464-465.).

The main prerequisites for the emergence of the Old Russian state developed during the 6th-8th centuries. During this period of time passed a large number of various events: the collapse of the clan system, the formation of tribal unions, replacement of clan division, etc. It is worth noting that the ancient Russian state of Kievan Rus is an amazing state that has occupied its niche in history.


According to historians, the formation of the represented state was influenced, first of all, by the Norman tribes. From the very beginning, two large and important cities from a political and economic point of view were formed: Kyiv and Novgorod. This state arose precisely in Kyiv, which was the political center at that time.

Among the most famous rulers of the ancient Russian state, Prince Oleg can be distinguished. Many campaigns are associated with the activities of this great Kyiv prince. Experts say that it was Oleg who formed the so-called core of the ancient Russian state.

The importance of the adoption of Christianity for the state development of Rus'

Among the final stages of the formation of Kievan Rus, one can highlight the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, as well as St. Vladimir. During the reign of these princes, quite large state changes took place in Kyiv. The most important thing is that during the reign of these princes Christianity was adopted, which became the state religion. It should be noted that this religion was already familiar to the Slavs. Few people know that Byzantium is the first source of the appearance of Christianity in Rus'.

It is no secret that the baptism of Rus' took place in 988 thanks to Prince Vladimir. If we talk about the reform of Prince Vladimir, it was the most progressive and also effective. More precisely, Christianity in Rus' is the main spiritual force that has significantly strengthened the state. In addition, at this time a completely new institution called the church appeared in Rus'.

This institute was headed by the metropolitan, in villages and cities there were priests, but in the regions - bishops. People paid a tenth of their income (tithe) to the church monthly. The grand ducal power became the political basis of the state.

The main factors influencing the destruction of the Kyiv state:

  1. The formation of feudal relations, which influenced the emergence of the largest land holdings;
  2. Changing the order of the principality by seniority. Installed perfectly new organization authorities;
  3. Creation of appanage principalities;
  4. Weakening of economic ties, etc.

In general, the ancient Russian state of Kievan Rus went through quite a lot difficult stages formation.

It is worth noting that the formation of the ancient Russian state of Kievan Rus is associated with Prince Rurik, who was summoned by the Novgorodians in 862. Many historians consider Rurik to be the founder of the ancient Russian state, since he really did a lot of things. It was Rurik who first conquered Kyiv in 882. Besides, to this prince managed to defeat the following tribes: Varangians, Drevlyans and others.


At that time, the basis of the ancient Russian state was Slavic traditions. Between the 10th and 11th centuries, political life Kievan Rus has changed significantly. The formation of an ancient Russian state is quite in demand Norman theory, according to which it was the Normans who were the first indigenous inhabitants of Ancient Rus'. The topic of the origin of the great state is still relevant and interesting for many scientists.

Video: Kievan Rus - foundation.

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Annual event Earth Hour is an action organized World Fund wildlife(WWF), designed to limit the consumption of electrical energy for 1 hour on one day at the end of March.

The Earth Hour event was first held in 2007 in Sydney (Australia), and since then, every year the number of countries and cities taking part in the environmental event has only increased.

More than 7,000 cities and towns plan to take part in Earth Hour 2019 settlements(with a population of more than 2 billion people), located in 188 countries. Of course, these will include Russian cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

If you are concerned about the fate of the planet and you decide to join this action, then at the specified time you should turn off the lighting in accessible rooms and unplug electrical appliances not related to life support.

What date and time will the Earth Hour 2019 event take place:

Traditionally, the event is held on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

In 2019, Earth Hour is scheduled to take place on Saturday. March 30, 2019. The promotion starts at 20:30 local time and lasts for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2019 campaign:
*Date: March 30, 2019
* Time: from 20:30 to 21:30.

March 18 in Crimea is a day off or a working day:

According to the above laws, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol the date "March 18" is a non-working holiday, an additional day off.

That is:
* March 18 is a day off in Crimea and Sevastopol.

If March 18 coincides with a holiday (as, for example, happens in 2023), the holiday is transferred to the next working day.

If a holiday coincides with annual paid leave, March 18 is not included in the number of calendar days of leave, but extends it.

Is March 17 a shortened working day:

If calendar date March 17 falls on a working day, then the duration of work on this day is reduced by 1 hour.

This norm is established in Article 95 Labor Code RF and applies to working days preceding, among other things, regional holidays.

When is the closing date of the Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk:

Previously, we already stated that the 29th Winter Universiade will be held in the very center of Russia - the city of Krasnoyarsk, from March 2 to 12, 2019.

Will end sporting event on Tuesday March 12, 2019 a colorful Closing Ceremony from director Ilya Averbukh, which will last more than three hours.

What time will the Closing Ceremony of the Universiade 2019 begin, where to watch:

Beginning of the Closing Ceremony of the Universiade 2019 - 20:00 local time, or 16:00 Moscow time .

IN live the show will show federal TV channel"Match!" . The live television broadcast starts at 15:55 Moscow time.

A live broadcast will also be available on the channel "Match! Country".

You can start a live online broadcast of the event on the Internet on the Sportbox portal.

On the first calendar day of Spring.

That is, Maslenitsa in 2020:
* Starts - March 24, 2020
*Ends - March 1, 2020

The first day of Maslenitsa (Monday - “Meeting”) in the 20th year is located after the Russian public holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day, and in the event of a standard transfer it will be a day off.

It is symbolic that the final day Maslenitsa week(in 2020 - March 1, 2020) falls on the first day of Spring. After all, it is on the seventh day of the celebration, on Sunday, at sunset that the straw effigy of Maslenitsa is burned, which folk tradition symbolizes the transformation of an outdated winter into a beautiful Spring.