What happened in the Ural dumplings team. Sokolov from "Ural dumplings" is horrified by the death of the director. “It would be great to write everything down like in a marriage contract”


The actor learned about tragic event from the correspondent of "Days.Ru". “What are you talking about! It can’t be!” he was amazed. “How did this happen? Was he killed?” However, there is no answer to this question yet. The showman admitted that he liked working with Lyutikov:


“I can’t say a single bad word about him. He was a calm, normal, adequate person, an excellent leader - he explained everything clearly and understandably. If I didn’t understand something, he translated it into my language. I can’t even believe that there are more of him No".

According to Dmitry, Lyutikov was previously a team administrator and only worked as a director for a year. There has never been any disagreement between them this year. “Before this, we often crossed paths, he played in “Service Entrance”, I played in “Ural Dumplings”. I recently met his family in Sochi. His daughter is so good. I can’t believe it,” the actor shared.

An operational investigation team is currently working at the scene. So far, experts have not been able to detect signs violent death on the body of the team director. At the same time, many empty bottles of alcoholic beverages were found in Lyutikov’s room.

Who's in ordinary life Dmitry Sokolov - the most famous of the “Ural dumplings”? The team is distinguished by simple life humor, a combination different styles in the programs and, of course, the flavor of the heroes who have long captivated the team’s fans. One of the most memorable images can be called Dima the simpleton, who touches with his naivety.

Sokolov from “Dumplings” biography

Full name of one of the most colorful artists of the KVN team " Ural dumplings"and the show of the same name - Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov. How old is he? Judging by his date of birth, Dmitry is already in his sixties.

His hometown- Pervouralsk. A graduate of a general education school, and then a music school, and after the chemical-technological faculty of the UPI - the Ural Polytechnic Institute (his sister also studied there). Dmitry never had any problems with his studies, but with receiving higher education It was not possible to avoid them: once, while traveling with a construction team, he contracted typhoid fever. Due to numerous absences from classes, I had to leave the institute.

Even in his youth, Dmitry Sokolov was distinguished by his enthusiasm, activity and humorous talent. Creative activity He started in the group of the Horizon construction team. But after Dmitry left the institute, he had to say goodbye to the construction team. However, after the army, he joined “Neighbors” - the KVN team. In 1993, Dmitry Sokolov decided to assemble his own team called “”. The participants were guys from the same university where Dmitry had previously studied, from different construction teams.

This team entered the KVN game very successfully. Soon enough, the “dumplings” passed into Major League. And a few years later the team could boast of the KVN Champions Cup, as well as several KiViNs. Since 2009, “pelmeni” have organized their own project on STS TV channel. And in 2013 they celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their team.

Personal life of Dmitry Sokolov

Sokolov's first wife from Ural Dumplings is a girl named Natalya. They met in a construction team and got married soon enough. But the reason for the divorce turned out to be nomadic image Dmitry’s life, the team for him became an important part of his existence, which took quite a lot of time, which his wife could not come to terms with. The second time Sokolov married Ksenia Li (2011). She also played in KVN (a team called “Irina Mikhailovna”). It is worth noting that the lives of both spouses are connected with humor, which occupies a special place in Dmitry’s life.

Children of Dmitry Sokolov

Now Dmitry Sokolov already has five children: Alexander and Anna and his wife from his first marriage, Maria, Ivan and a baby who was born quite recently, in May 2017, from his second.

Dmitry Sokolov continues to actively participate in the Ural Dumplings project, so in the near future we will see a lot of new sketches and humorous numbers with him in the leading role.

Published 06.26.17 13:13

The artist himself, expelled from the team, said that he was upset by the statements former colleagues.

Journalists from Sobesednik learned the details of the conflict between the Ural Dumplings team and Sergei Netievsky. The publication was told about the situation general manager team Evgeny Orlov, as well as team members Dmitry Sokolov and Dmitry Brekotkin.

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According to Orlov, in 2011, the Creative Association “Ural Dumplings” was created in Yekaterinburg, in which all team members had 10%, and in 2012, Sergei Netievsky organized the company “Idea Fix Media” in Moscow and became its main co-founder:

“Essentially, this company, owned and controlled by Sergei Netievsky, became the owner of almost intkbbee all programs of "Ural Dumplings". The Ural Dumplings team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters on separate one-time contracts, trusting Sergei and being confident in his integrity. And Netievsky received income from the sale of programs to TV channels, hiding it from the team. Netievsky told the team that they work for fees. And the guys believed this version for 3 years. And at this time, he appropriated money from television activities (selling programs on STS), and considered the money already embezzled insufficient. He is suing the team, trying to prohibit the disposal of old programs, the rights to which he himself stole from the team. He wants to be the sole owner of the rights, he wants more and more,” explained Evgeny Orlov

He stated that Netievsky had been selling recordings of Ural Dumplings concerts to television channels since 2009, keeping all the proceeds for himself. As Dmitry Sokolov added, at the time of signing creative team agreement with STS to record the show, Sergei Netievsky continued to hide the real income from the team.

"We already had suspicions. Once on film set We had a conversation with a representative of STS, during which we realized that there is money in this business. After that, we held a meeting at our creative base and asked Netievsky to come with all the contracts and reporting documents. At the meeting, it became clear that our friend was embezzling our income from television activities. Netievsky had to admit everything,” said the artist, noting that when Sergei Netievsky was organizing the Ural Dumplings tour, he also hid real income from the team members:

“After that, we deprived him of the right to tour. In general, there were always hints that something was unclean. He considers his actions legal! Nine people are wrong, and he is right. He said: “This is business. In Moscow, all producers do this." That is, for some reason he imagined himself to be our producer. Although everyone in our team has an equal contribution to the common cause, and income should also be equal. And for his organizational work we paid him an additional 10% ", said Sokolov.

According to Dmitry Brekotkin, the team proposed to resolve this issue out of court, but Netievsky did not agree to a settlement.

"We told him, 'Well, it happened. Let's call it "the devil has confused" or "dizziness from success." You're wrong. You have a way out, you say: “Okay, guys, I admit that I’m wrong. I’ll try to return something.” Do you know what he replied: “What are you talking about? It’s all of you who are wrong, not me!” Then we kicked him out of the directors, created a new enterprise, we have creative work, new projects. And let the investigative authorities in both Moscow and Yekaterinburg deal with this situation,” Brekotkin explained.

Later, Sergei Netievsky himself said in an interview with DK.RU that he read the statements of his colleagues, and they upset him.

“I didn’t expect this from my past colleagues... I understand that they are not doing this themselves, but under the influence of my former manager Evgeniy Orlov. A television product is created not only by actors and authors, it is created and promoted by the work of a well-coordinated team of a production company under the leadership of producers. I done great job producer and really made the KVN team "Ural dumplings" - popular television show! Launching a TV project is a different, higher level of responsibility and risk compared to actors and authors and, accordingly, it is a different payment. During our joint activities, my former colleagues realized this, and even spoke about it in interviews, but under the influence of the new leader they suddenly changed their minds. I appeal to my former colleagues: if you have any complaints against me, but you can’t come to an agreement, then we have a rule of law state - go to court,” Netievsky said.

As I wrote, the conflict between “Ural Dumplings” and Sergei Netievsky has been going on for quite some time. In the fall of 2015, the team decided to remove him from his director’s position, but Netievsky challenged this in court and won the case. In 2016, the showman himself left this position, and this summer, as expected, the Moscow Arbitration Court will consider two claims by Sergei Netievsky based on the results of the activities of the ex-manager of the production company "Idea Fix Media" Evgeniy Orlov, currently holding the position of director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC ".

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov is a Russian comedian and actor, one of the old-timers of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, a participant in the talk show of the same name on STS and a number of other popular humorous projects: “Outside the Game”, “Show News”, “Big Grater”, “Southern” Butovo”, “ProjectorParisholton”, “Valera-TV”, “Unreal Story”.

The hearts of millions of Russians were conquered by enchanting concert programs a domestic “dealer of humor,” as the participants of the “Ural Dumplings” call themselves. Among them are “Visiting Skalka”, “Laughterbat”, “Dumplings - Refreeze”, “Back to the bakery”, “People in something”, “Happy in the dough”.

In the ranking of domestic celebrities from Forbes in 2013, the team took 15th place with an income of 2.8 million dollars, in 2015 - 16th with 800 thousand, in 2016 they were not included in the list of the highest paid stars.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Sokolov was born on April 11, 1965 in Pervouralsk, located 40 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. He became the second child in the family (Dmitry has an older sister) of Vladimir Sergeevich and Irina Aleksandrovna Sokolov.

According to his mother, his son’s artistic inclinations appeared already at the age of 3, when he recited monologues from “ Bremen Town Musicians"with dances and songs. And all this - despite the absence musical ear. This circumstance, however, did not prevent him from later graduating music school and perform as part of a folklore ensemble.

IN primary school he studied poorly because he was overly active, restless and inattentive. But, having matured, I corrected the situation with my academic performance. And during a trip to Moscow with the whole class, he pleasantly surprised the teachers when he suggested taking them not to a cafe or zoo, like other children, but to the theater.

After receiving his certificate, the young man entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI) at the Faculty of Chemistry, where his older sister studied. She was an active participant public life, a fighter of the construction brigade, a member of the propaganda brigade, always invited her relatives to their theme evenings and numerous concerts, which they organized not only within the walls of their educational institution, but also in hospitals, factories, and was able to captivate my brother with the possibilities of a wonderful construction brigade and student life.

Speech by Dmitry Sokolov

At the end of his second year, he went with the Horizon construction team to work in Astrakhan, where he met many good friends, but fell ill with typhoid fever. Subsequently, he had to undergo long-term treatment and take academic leave for medical reasons. When the time came for military service, he ended up in a military construction unit.

Dmitry Sokolov and KVN

After serving in the army, Dmitry returned to his native institute. In 1991, with the KVN team “Neighbors,” which united students from UPI and the Tyumen Medical Institute, he participated in the Major League games (they lost to Novosibirsk that year). Then he was elected commissar of the institute’s student groups. In 1993, the “Neighbors” team broke up, and he decided to organize his own team, inviting into it like-minded people from the best representatives of the propaganda teams of the UPI construction teams.

Dmitry's first game in the newly created team, called "Ural Dumplings", took place in the fall of the same year in the semi-finals against the team of the Law Academy and ended in a convincing victory for the newcomers. In the final they met with the guys from the local university and won again beautiful victory and became champions of their hometown.

In 1995, one of the most significant events for “Pelmeni” took place - they played brilliantly at international festival KVN in Sochi and for the first time got into the Major League. Subsequently, their performances usually always created a sensation. As confirmation, one can recall the parody of Vladimir Zhirinovsky “I am a merman, I am a merman” or the song “Bubbles are flying”, sung by Sokolov in 1997. And his congratulations in verse on the 2000th New Year (“Lonely White Mouse” - about a mouse who lost her virginity in a barn) generally became a classic of the genre.

Dmitry Sokolov and “Ural dumplings” in Sochi

As part of the team, Dmitry won many prestigious awards and titles, including the title of Major League champion, winner of the Super Champions Cup and prize-winner music festival in Jurmala "Voting KiViN".

Further career Dmitry Sokolov

Having completed his career in KVN, Dmitry, together with other team members, continued to operate in the entertainment industry under the Ural Dumplings brand. In 2007, they presented the “Show News” program on TNT, a comic version of regular news broadcasts. Its first releases were very popular among viewers.

In 2009, the opportunity arose to show great concert performance"Dumplings" on the Ren-TV channel. No funds were allocated to organize filming, but they decided not to miss the opportunity and recorded the concert with their own money. And they were right - soon they were offered cooperation by the STS channel.

Within the framework of the STS “Pelmeni”, such humorous “personal” performances began to be prepared and shown monthly. Sokolov, or “Falcon”, as his friends call him, usually acted in them as a village guy, seemingly simple-minded, but possessing special folk wisdom.

Subsequently, not a single project of the team could do without the participation of the talented comedian. He offered original ideas, was involved in organizing tours, preparing concerts, writing drum songs and jokes, and also performed with solo numbers– on Channel One in “Big Difference”, on TNT in “ Comedy Club", in other humorous television programs.

In parallel with the show “Ural Dumplings”, the team released the sketch “Unreal Story”, where Dmitry got the role of Luka Lukich, was the initiator of the comedy talent competition “MEAT GRINDER”, the release of the sketch show “Valera TV”, where Andrei Rozhkov and Dmitry shone with him Brekotkin, Ilana Isakzhanova (Yuryeva) and other colleagues.

Nubuck - “Last year’s laughter fell”

In 2013 creative association talented performers who celebrated the 20th anniversary of the business with a grandiose performance entitled “20 Years in the Test” were awarded the prestigious television award “TEFI-Commonwealth”. In 2014, they became TEFI finalists, and also presented new show programs “You have a visa - no need for brains!”, “Paradise with my dear one and in a boutique.”

In 2015, a team of creative comedians celebrated the 50th anniversary of their master with the concert “50 Friends of SOKOLOUSEN”. Among their works in 2016, one can note “Dough in the Sun,” where they discussed the cost of dishes in the deputy canteen, “Game of Jokes” with Dmitry in the form of a kid, and the New Year’s broadcast of “Olivieda.”

Personal life of Dmitry Sokolov

The star of “Ural Dumplings” is a father of many children; he has five children. From his first marriage to Natalya, then an economics student whom they met in a construction team, Dmitry has a son, Sasha, born in 1992, and a daughter, Anya, born 10 years after his brother. Their family fell apart due to domestic problems and the constant absence of her husband, who was busy filming or touring with concerts.

From his second marriage to Ksenia Li, a former member of the KVN team “Irina Mikhailovna,” the artist has two daughters Masha and Sonya, born in 2012 and 2017, and a son Vanya, born in 2015, during the “somewhat protracted celebration of the half-century anniversary your dad." Youngest daughter the family initially wanted to name her Ioanna, but at baptism they gave her more traditional name Sofia. Dmitry Sokolov with his wife and children

It should be noted that the artist showed himself to be a real and caring husband, not only by buying his wife a fur coat, a car and a house, but also by caring for her during her illness. She suffered from deformation of her lower extremities, walked on crutches, and underwent surgery. And during a difficult period of her life, he was a real support for her - he helped her recover, gave massages, and supported her morally.

Young woman participating in creative life his extraordinary chosen one - goes on tour with him, makes suggestions to the script, is always present in the hall during performances or filming.

Dmitry Sokolov now

In 2017, the wonderful artist continued to amaze his fans with inexhaustible humor, killer jokes, hilarious cartoons, performing in concerts, at various holidays, shows and corporate events.

Doctor Sokolov - From mud to rhinestones - Ural dumplings

In October, at STS, he, along with other “Pelmeni”, presented yet another sparkling masterpiece. Among them: the release of “Caviar of Thrones” and a program with the intriguing title “50 Shades of Tan.”

The comedian also appeared in the video of the All-Russian Popular Front, in which famous artists congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his 65th birthday. Dmitry invited the head of state to go fishing, noting that near their city “there is a wonderful field where they could make a lake for his arrival.”

The former leader of the team, Sergei Netievsky, was kicked out of the team: once inseparable colleagues and friends quarreled over money.

“Show Ural dumplings”/TASS

The residents of Yekaterinburg, who chose orange shirts for their uniform, gathered in 1993 on the basis of student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. There were 12 of them, like apostles: Andrei Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Dmitry Sokolov and others. From the Park team current period"They took Sergei Svetlakov. In 1994, Sergei Netievsky came. They created a national team of USTU-UPI, called themselves “Ural Dumplings”, started playing in KVN and in 2000 won the Major League. Then they took a few cups and began to think about continuing their journey.

Sergey Netievsky. Photo: STS Channel

That's when Sergei Netievsky took control of the ship. Everyone considered him a good captain of the ship, a person who could promote and sell the project on TV. And Sergei Isaev, who subsequently removed Netievsky, and Dmitry Sokolov, and Dmitry Brekotkin said in unison that it was not for nothing that Sergei became the producer of the group.

It was his idea to go to TNT with the idea of ​​the show. Humorous project“Show News” did not live long and was a failure, but it was this bad experience that allowed the guys to sit on the STS channel for a long time.

Alive for the profit

“Ural Dumplings” put together a serious lineup and began to organize concert programs. In 2009, they were invited by STS. More precisely, it was Sergei Netievsky who did not give up trying to sell the project - and did it with great success. The team began recording shows directly at their concerts. Not too multi-layered, but understandable humor, interaction with the audience in the hall, recognizable faces - that’s the whole secret of success. Plus “Pelmeni” continued to tour. 130 people (!) are working on the show - authors, directors, film crew, make-up artists...

In 2013, “Ural dumplings” soared to 15th place on the Forbes list. And where large amounts, there are big conflicts there. Alas, even among old friends.

Head over heels in court

In 2015, the team was suddenly led by Sergei Isaev. The revolution took place without bloodshed. After all, ten participants of the “Ural Dumplings” are the founders of the project - here. It turned out that by the time of the change of power in Pelmeni, Netievsky single-handedly organized the team’s tour - he was general producer Idea Fix Media and founder of First Hand Media. These are the companies that produced Ural Dumplings projects and were involved in the group’s touring activities. All income from the TV show went to these companies. The key claim was this: Netievsky “received income from the sale of shows to television channels, hiding it from the team for three years.”

Producing is a huge job producing a show! And the guys didn’t do anything as producers

But the displaced producer is not at all embarrassed by this. “It’s as if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned had to be shared with the team! - Sergei Netievsky is surprised. — Producing work is a huge job of producing a show. The guys didn't do anything as producers. The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them as with actors and authors. And they received a fee for each episode of our show."

Pelmeni lawyer Evgeny Orlov assured that the ex-producer stole “not a fundamentally huge amount, several million rubles.” Netievsky launched a retaliatory attack - to court. He stated that he was removed, firstly, without a quorum of votes and, secondly, he was not notified of the date of the meeting 30 days in advance. The court reinstated the producer in his position and collected 300 thousand rubles from his former colleagues in his favor for legal costs. After which Netievsky was fired again, and he again proved a violation of rights. Realizing that he could no longer cook porridge with Ural dumplings, in the fall of 2016 Sergei left voluntarily.

The team filed a class action lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court and demanded that the rights to the Ural Dumplings trademark be retained by themselves, and not by Netievsky. The court refused. After which Sergei gave the team the right to two trademarks“Ural dumplings”, asking for a symbolic sum of two rubles.

But the litigation did not end there.

Because the rights to the performances belong to all the actors on the TV show. However, before 2015, Netievsky was one of them, but after 2015, not. Therefore, the team is trying to agree with Sergei on how to divide the rights, earned capital, website and shares in the project.

Million dollar scam

“Now I’m producing a program in which teams of “already Muscovites” and “newcomers” compete in wit on the Moscow 24 channel,” says Sergei Netievsky. — Together with the Russian Youth Union I am engaged in All-Russian festival STEM, from which I want to make a TV show. And for a year now, the authors and I have been writing the script for the film “March 9.”

“Ural dumplings” also participate in the film process. Not so long ago, the heroes of which won 43 million rubles and decided to run away from loved ones so as not to share. Maybe it's hello former friend. Maybe a symbolic message for everyone.

Be that as it may, Sergei Netievsky now lives alone. He separated from his wife two years ago after 18 years life together. The producer denies the information that since the divorce he has accumulated 1.5 million rubles in alimony. He moved his eldest son Ilya to Moscow, the guy is studying at school and does not want to return home, as his father assures. The middle son Ivan and daughter Masha live in Yekaterinburg with their mother.

Now the director of Ural Dumplings is legally Andrey Rozhkov.