What is happening with the transmission while everyone is at home. RBC: Channel One will close the program “While everyone is at home” after the scandal with orphans. Scandal with "video passports"


The “While Everyone is Home” program is being closed due to disagreements over allegedly inflated funding for videos about orphans

Timur Kizyakov. Photo: Alexandra Mudrats/TASS

Another departure from the First: Timur Kizyakov is leaving the channel. The program “While everyone is at home” will no longer be broadcast. The formal reason for closing the program, which turned a quarter century old this year, was a scandal over the financing of the filming of videos about orphans. It turned out that the money was allocated from three sources at once: the channel, the state and sponsors. Kizyakov stated that he resigned himself.

The decision to close the program, according to RBC, was made not on August 15, but a month before. Allegedly, Channel One has long been dissatisfied with the quality of “While Everyone is Home,” although we still need to look for such long-lived people on television: the program has been airing since 1992 and has changed little over the past quarter century; attempts to somehow update it have failed, and the only innovation is more than ten years old .

In 2006, the program featured the section “You’re Having a Child.” They say that it was the situation around her that was the last straw. On television, such issues are usually resolved quietly, without washing dirty linen in public. This was the case with Malakhov, and the intrigue continues to this day. Oleshko’s departure went almost unnoticed. In the case of Kizyakov, it is literally about money.

At the end of last year, the company that produced the program received 110 million rubles from the Ministry of Education and Science to produce videos, so-called video passports, about orphans. The channel also paid for this, and sponsors also helped. According to Vedomosti, one column costs 100 thousand rubles. Kizyakov could do this for less money, says Mitya Aleshkovsky, head of the charity foundation “We Need Help.”

Mitya AleshkovskyHead of the charity foundation “Need Help”“He was accused of producing these videos on a commercial basis. They said that since you are studying good deed, then you should not engage in commercial activities. This, in my opinion, is wrong, because everything in this world has a commercial value, even the production of a video, and the people who produced these videos, of course, should receive decent payment according to market conditions. There is nothing wrong with a charitable foundation paying for any commercial task. The question is whether they paid a reasonable price or not. If this price is not justified, then it is not justified in the case of a commercial organization.”

At the same time, the prices for operator work in Moscow are known - 20 thousand rubles. And if you go to the regions, pay for tickets and accommodation film crew, what if there are more children than the original budget assumed?

Komsomolskaya Pravda and Vedomosti were the first to draw attention to the scandal, catching on to the status of the defendants and the amount. At the end of last year, at a meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science, it turned out that “While Everyone is Home” was making videos about orphans with public money. This in itself is not a problem, but the difficulty is that the word “video profile” turned out to be registered trademark, and Kizyakov allegedly even sued other philanthropists on this matter.

And, of course, it turned out that the production of “While Everyone is Home” received double, if not triple, payment, which became the reason for the investigation within Channel One. The situation became clearer just before the start of the new season. Timur Kizyakov himself commented on her Business FM:

Timur Kizyakov TV presenter “I give a simple example. Do you know how much it costs to dig a grave? 40 thousand! Through Sberbank, official payment. 40 thousand. Two diggers will work with shovels for an hour, and then save a child’s life, and not with funds that were begged from people, but with government funding or large companies. This suddenly became a crime, and we have to justify ourselves, explain something. If the video passport disappears, this will never happen again, because no one will do anything like that for such money. If this were a profitable business, wouldn’t other TV channels, having both staff and equipment, do something similar at home? They would have lowered the price—not 100 thousand, but 95 thousand—and won these competitions. Why don't they do it? The cost is higher. We are working on this matter, and 2.5 thousand children placed out of 3 thousand filmed is the result. If we had withdrawn 30 thousand, we would have arranged 28 thousand.”

“While Everyone is Home” is criticized, among other things, for the fact that it only films cute, healthy children, while the Kizyakov family built a house. Now the former presenter of Channel One assures that the building was erected a year before the start of the project about orphans and that there is no point in making excuses - the sponsors transferred the money not to the program’s accounts, but to the guardianship authorities.

There was no official reaction from Channel One, but it is obvious that the breakup turned out to be scandalous. Timur Kizyakov directly says that he wrote his resignation at the end of May, because the channel’s management “had become difficult to work with.” However, on the First, even after the departure of Malakhov and Kizyakov, there were enough legendary projects and star presenters.

By the way, one of the first versions of Malakhov’s departure from Channel One is related to the fact that “Let Them Talk” is becoming a more politicized program, which the presenter allegedly did not agree with. This assumption of the BBC, in fact, was confirmed: the first full-fledged episode of the program with a new presenter was dedicated to Mikheil Saakashvili.


On the evening of August 15became known, that the TV show “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One. This was reported by RBC, Vedomosti and Komsomolskaya Pravda, citing sources on the TV channel. Sources from RBC and Komsomolskaya Pravda linked the termination of the contract between Channel One and Dom LLC, which produces “While Everyone Is Home” (49.5% of the company belongs to presenter Timur Kizyakov), with the events of the end of 2016 - then journalists learned about government funding for video profiles orphans coming out of the program. At the same time, Vedomosti’s source clarified that the reason could be a drop in the program’s ratings over the course of recent years, and the situation with video profiles became the “final point” for the channel.

“While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992 (during this time the channel has changed its name more than once); Timur Kizyakov was the presenter all this time. In 2016 he entered high council party "United Russia", promising that he would develop children's television and placement of orphans.

Information that Kizyakov’s company receives budget money for filming video profiles of orphans appeared in December 2016; Channel One knew nothing about this. Since 2006, “While everyone is at home” there has been a column “You will have a child,” which is hosted by Kizyakov’s wife Elena. The section shows stories about orphans - “video profiles”, for each of which “House” receives 100 thousand rubles under a government contract (over three years the organization received 35 million rubles). At the same time, Kizyakov is suing other producers of video profiles and criticizing charitable foundations involved in placing orphans in families (for the fact that when they film their videos about children, they “cook up who knows what”).

In December 2016, Channel One promised to investigate whether the manufacturer violated the terms of the contract. Immediately after the publications, the First initiated an audit. “As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed,” said RBC’s interlocutor.

An employee of the Channel One directorate, which oversaw the broadcast of the program (asked not to give his first and last name), confirmed this information in a conversation with Meduza: “After the New Year, proceedings began regarding the scandal with orphans, and that was the end of the story. But even before that, the channel had a million complaints against them [the creators of “While Everyone is Home”].”

“The channel works systematically with charitable foundations, but it turned out that we are helping them, and our program is making money from charity. It is also interesting that Kizyakov did not take part in a single charity event for children organized by the TV channel. Every year on June 1, the channel travels to one of the cities to visit hospitals and orphanages. And in the cities they always asked to bring Kizyakov, the friend of all children,” an employee of Channel One told Meduza.

“We understand that news about the First fiercely generates traffic, but no, we are not closing “Let’s Get Married,” “Fashionable Sentence,” “Test Purchase” and “First Studio.” For the future, we are not closing “Field of Miracles,” KVN, "What? Where? When? AND " Evening Urgant"Everything is fine with Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Feels great." Good morning"The Vremya program is still broadcast at 21.00. Smak has not run out of food. Dmitry Krylov is buying tickets for his next trip," the press service of Channel One told RIA Novosti.

“Let Them Talk” with Dmitry Borisov collects excellent ratings. See an updated "Tonight" soon. (Vladimir) Posner, by the way, is also with us. But we are glad that our programs are so popular that the news about each of them rises to the top of Yandex. We advise our colleagues not to wishful thinking,” the channel added.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that the host of the “Let Them Talk” and “Tonight” programs Andrei Malakhov may leave Channel One. On Wednesday, the press service of Channel One RIA Novosti reported that on the initiative of presenter Yulia Menshova, the project “Alone with Everyone” is being closed in the new television season; At the same time, the channel is working with the TV presenter on two new projects, which viewers will see in the near future.

It also became known that another presenter of Channel One, Alexander Oleshko, moved to NTV and in the new season will host the competition “You are super! Dancing.”

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Media reports that the television program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer be broadcast on Channel One. Press representatives report that the television company has terminated its contract with the third-party organization Dom, which was involved in content production. Official data regarding the possible closure of the program has not yet appeared, but sources of correspondents confirmed this information to journalists.

Insiders said that the contract was terminated based on the results of an internal audit. It was organized after publications in the media that the show’s hosts, Timur Kizyakov and his wife Elena, allegedly took money for producing videos about orphans in the “You’re Having a Child” section.

"It is a fact. And the decision to terminate the contract with the company was made not today, but about a month ago. The channel began checking as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed, and it was decided to close the program. main reason– spoiled reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” correspondents quote an informed source.

As a result, according to sources close to the management of Channel One, it turned out that Dom received money not only from the TV channel for outsourcing the production of the program, but also from the state, as well as from sponsors. According to journalists, among those who allocated funds for the creation of a column about orphans was a manufacturer of ceramic tiles.

The Dom company, registered in 2015, belongs to Timur Kizyakov and Alexander Mitroshenkov. A very small share of Dom LLC in the amount of 1% is also owned by the head of the organization, Nina Podkolzina. Correspondents contacted the business partner famous TV presenter, but he said that he did not have data about financial scandal. “I’m away,” RBC quotes the man.

“StarHit” contacted representatives of Channel One, but they said that they were hearing about this for the first time and could not yet comment on the publication that appeared in the media. Probably, TV viewers will learn news about the future fate of “While everyone is at home” in the very near future. According to some unconfirmed reports, Timur Kizyakov may switch to Russia 1.

Later, the presenter commented on the current situation to reporters. Timur Kizyakov said that the Dom company itself terminated the contract with Channel One back in May. According to the man, the sponsoring companies transferred funds not directly to the accounts of the television project, but to the guardianship authorities. In addition, strict reporting was in effect during the transfer. Kizyakov denied rumors that he enriched himself by creating videos about orphans.

“There was a huge splash on the Internet about the fact that, it turns out, we are making a lot of money from this. Now I believe that Channel One is trying to save face when programs with a long-standing reputation leave. And, to be precise, the “scandal” that these business organizations involved in placing children tried to stir up happened in December. And for some reason, at that moment, Channel One simply stepped aside and pretended not to know us. And now, in order to somehow save face, they found a reason,” Kizyakov said.

The TV star also explained why he decided to stop working on Channel One. “The main reason is that we do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there,” says Kizyakov.

IN currently employees of “While everyone is at home” are thinking future fate project, the radio station reports "Moscow speaks".

Let us recall that the popular program first appeared on Channel One in 1992. The “You’re Having a Baby” section began to be published fourteen years after the start of the television show. Timur Kizyakov is the permanent host of the program.

// Photo: Shot from the “Tonight” program

TV presenter Timur Kizyakov explained the reasons for leaving Channel One. According to him, along with the “While everyone is at home” project, he quit his job. at will back in May, after the scandal with video passports of orphans.

Kizyakov insists that the transmission manufacturer Dom LLC in early June own initiative sent Channel One an official notice that he would no longer create a program for them: “We did this because unacceptable methods the work of the channel management." Kizyakov refused to disclose the essence of his claims. “We know nothing about the fact that the channel allegedly decided not to work with us anymore in April,” he told Vedomosti.

Kizyakov also insists that the severance of relations with “First” for the “Dom” company is not directly related to the scandal around video passports: “Although we were extremely unpleasant that the channel did not protect us in this situation.”

As reported, Since 2011, companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” have received about 110 million rubles from tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities (data from the government procurement website and SPARK-Interfax). to create videos about orphans.

The host of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov, calls these videos, along with the accompanying documents about orphans, video passports. The production of such a video passport costs 100,000 rubles, as follows from the procurement documents. Video passports are posted on the website of the same name and aired on Channel One under the “You’re Having a Child” section.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova reported that the channel, on commercial terms, buys a license from the manufacturer for the entire program, including the section “You will have a child.” She did not disclose the amount. The channel did not know that videos about orphans were produced at state expense, Krymova claims. The television company is investigating whether the producer violated the terms of the contract, she added.

“While Everyone is Home” has been airing on Channel One since 1992. The program is produced by the structures of Alexander Mitroshenkov’s Transcontinental Media Company. A source close to “First” knows that the channel pays about 1.5 million rubles for one episode of “While Everyone is Home”; in addition, the “You’re Having a Child” section has a separate sponsor - the tile manufacturer Kerama Marazzi, part of which The creators of the show also receive money.

State funding for video passports became known after a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science, where ministry employee Evgeny Silyanov said that Kizyakov receives money from the budget to create videos about orphans and is suing other charitable foundations if they try to use the term “video passport.”

According to Mediascope, latest issue“While Everyone is Home” was watched by 13.9% of Russian viewers over 4 years of age, this is the 49th result among all shows and series for the week (data for residents of cities with a population of more than 100,000 people).

On Channel One, the exodus of TV presenters who have worked there for almost decades continues.

On Tuesday, news came that the television company would no longer buy the program “While Everyone Is Home.”

This is due to the scandal that began last year. The charitable part of Kizyakov’s program - the section “You will have a child” - was accused by critics of additional funding.

Channel One then expressed bewilderment about this.

“We are buying the “While everyone is at home” program from the Dom company (formerly TMK and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationships with government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects to be an important matter, and, of course, the column about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We’ll sort it out,” the kp.ru website quoted the response of the television company’s press service in December 2016.

“Happy work with and for children in the most different projects, films and television programs has been accompanying me for a long time. "You are super! Dancing" - unique project NTV, which you want to be involved in! For many years, being the host of popular television shows various formats, I always tried to become a protector, support, comrade and friend for the participants. Especially for children,” NTV.Ru website quotes Oleshko. — As a child, I myself, dreaming of becoming an artist, studied in a variety of studios and clubs, including dancing. And for some time he was part of the children's group of the legendary dance ensemble“JOK.” Therefore, I know firsthand how important kind word and support. I want our young dancers to open up and show everything they are capable of. Each of them is super!”