What does the guard sing? Yulianna Karaulova: interesting facts from her biography. Participation in “5sta Family” and solo career


Last year, the singer took third place in “Ice Age” and received a marriage proposal, this year she became the host of the “Russian Ninja” show and postponed the wedding.

Since childhood I dreamed of becoming a singer. When I got to the Star Factory, I was 16 years old. After the “factory” she signed a seven-year contract with Maxim Fadeev to participate in the “Netsuke” group. But soon our team disintegrated on its own. However, after some time, Fadeev invited me to another project, but I refused. Then I thought that if I signed a new contract, then by the time the “seven-year plan” ended, I would already be infinitely old! That's what I thought at 17 years old. Intuition suggested that there was no need to agree. Then for a year or two I really regretted my decision. But now I understand that everything was for the better.

I didn't want to be a mother without education

I studied at Gnesinka at the pop-jazz vocal department. If I had signed the contract, I would have had to drop out of college. So, to some extent, I sacrificed my music career for the sake of education. Why? Probably, my parents raised me this way, plus I myself always really wanted to live the life of a student. I was not a nerd, but the process of learning what was interesting brought me pleasure. And I always understood that the profession that I chose was something unsteady. It lacks stability as such. Today you are popular and you have dozens of concerts, but a year or two will pass and you don’t know where you will be. I needed some kind of reserve parachute so that if something happened I could get a job. Besides, I am a girl, and in the future - a mother, and I would like my children to receive good education. It will be strange if I don’t have a diploma, but I teach my children that they should have one. They will tell me: “Mom, but you didn’t study?” And I will have nothing to answer them.

Gave up performing for love

At the age of 18 I got ready to get married. My fiancé wasn't against music, but he didn't want me to perform in public. At that moment I was so much in love that I accepted his position. It’s not that I always dreamed of a family, but then the emotional side overpowered rationality. I probably wouldn’t do that now, because I understand that it’s impossible to be completely happy if you don’t realize yourself and don’t go towards your dream. Sooner or later you will begin to regret it, but time has already been lost. I am a very ambitious person, it is important for me to achieve something myself. I never got married. We broke up, we just realized that it was too difficult for us to be together. But we still communicate. Moreover, I can call this man my best friend.

After the failed wedding, I flew to London and wanted to find an institute where I could get a second education. I dreamed of singing, but as a second option I considered working in the media business, in journalism or something similar. Attended all open days in a huge number universities I really liked London, but I still decided that I needed to return to Russia. Because if I stay there for three or four years, all my personal contacts with the same “factory”, people from television, to whom I can turn for help, will all be lost. And I returned and again went to Gnesinka to the Faculty of Management music industry.

She shot her first video for 250 thousand rubles

First, I got a job as an editor at the MTV channel. Then I started working in a magazine and there I met the guys from the group 5sta Family, interviewed them, and came to shoot a video. When their lead singer left, they called me to take her place. As I remember now, they called me on Saturday morning, when I, almost like Little Red Riding Hood, was going to my grandmother with pies, but in the end I went to a meeting with the producer. And the next day I told the editor-in-chief of the magazine that I was forced to resign. 5sta Family and I have worked together for almost five years. If in the first years we were friends within the team, then a difficult period began. They stopped understanding each other, diverged in their views on life, music, some everyday issues, and began to quarrel. I understood that things would only get worse and that leaving the group would be a step into the unknown, but I left. Almost everyone dissuaded me. They said that starting a solo career is very difficult, how many such singers there were. But people began to appear around me, saying my thoughts out loud and offering some kind of help. I had minimal savings. My first video for the song “You’re Not Like That” was shot by friends. By the standards of music video production, it is not at all expensive; all expenses cost about 250 thousand rubles. The director, cameraman, stylist and everyone else worked on it for free. Only young man– we paid the model a fee. The clip shot. Radio stations began to pick up the song, and it ended up at the top of the month's top list. We didn’t expect that we would start giving concerts and earning some money so quickly. Am I relaxed? Vice versa! It became scary. After all, making yourself known is one thing, but staying at the top is something completely different. And I started recording an album.

He asked me to get married at the skating rink

I have a lot of work to do now. Even personal life faded into the background. Last year, Andrei (Yulianna’s sound producer Andrei Cherny. - Antennas’ note) made me an offer. We have known each other for many years, we first met after the “factory” at the recording studio where he worked and I came to record a song. We were friends, communicated, nothing foreshadowed that we might have any other relationship. When I left 5sta Family, we launched my solo project. As Andrey says, he himself didn’t understand what happened, he just fell in love with me and started courting me. At first I was skeptical about this and laughed. But we decided to try. And we agreed that in any case, even if things don’t work out for us, we will remain friends. We've been together for four years. In December 2016, Andrey asked me to marry him during the recording of the TVC channel’s New Year’s lights at the skating rink. I was even a little angry then, because there were 150 extras around! It always seemed to me that the proposal should be made in a more intimate setting, but when he started talking, I even shed tears and answered “yes.” Andrey had a birthday the next day, December 24, and he wanted to ask for my hand while he was 33 years old. That's so symbolic. This shoot was organized by my friend, and Andrey had the opportunity to prepare everything in advance. Moreover, on the set they told me that some guy would propose to his girlfriend, but I couldn’t even think that it was me!

Photo: Instagram by Yulianna Karaulova

Conflicts over music

To be honest, I don’t have enough time for a wedding right now. You need to plan everything, immerse yourself in preparation. Postponing the ceremony is our joint decision. Andrey understands everything perfectly, after all, we work together, and this is more of a plus than a minus. He understands the specifics of my activity, that I sometimes need to stay somewhere until nightfall. And he doesn’t have questions that a man from another sphere would have, to whom he would have to justify and explain himself every time. Naturally, we have some conflicts over music, but these are work issues.

I think that by the age of 29 I have achieved a lot. Probably, at 16 years old I would see myself now more family man. Maybe in two years I’ll think about motherhood. I say hypothetically, because such things are funny and strange to plan. I, of course, would not want to be the kind of mother who would abandon her child to some nannies or grandmothers and continue to mind her own business. But in this matter it is impossible to say exactly what will be correct and what will be wrong. There are different life circumstances, and many mothers are forced to earn money and even feed their family, and they simply cannot be near their children. So I won’t guess. Naturally, I would like to put aside work for a while and enjoy the moment. But not right now. Now I'm terribly comfortable in the state I'm in. I record songs and shoot videos. For the first time, I became the host of a sports and entertainment show and acted as a commentator. At first it was a little difficult for me, because in general, during the filming of “Russian Ninja”, we commented on the participation of more than 300 people! But then I got involved.


Education: Graduated from the Gnessin Academy of Music with a degree in " pop vocals" and "Music Industry Management" with honors.

Career: participated in “Star Factory - 5” under the leadership of Maxim Fadeev and Alla Pugacheva, was a soloist of the groups “Netsuke” and 5sta Family. In 2015 she began her solo career and released her first album in 2016. Took third place in the project “ Ice age– 6” paired with Maxim Trankov. In November 2017, she released her second solo album.

Marital status: not married.


Channel One

"Russian Ninja"

Sunday, 17:30

Is there love after friendship? The affirmative answer for this couple is obvious. Andrey and Yulianna have known each other for 12 years. During this time, they managed to work together, become friends and, finally, fall in love. They continue to work together now: Yulianna on stage, and Andrey behind the scenes, as her sound producer. They spoke in detail in an interview about how their friendship grew into love.

Andrey, Yulianna, you have known each other for a long time, but do you remember your first meeting?

This was about 12 years ago. I was working at the studio, and a little girl named Yulianna came there and wanted to record a song. I remember there was such a moment: we were recording - and suddenly there was silence. At first I didn’t understand what was going on, and the vocal teacher who was with us said: “Hush, she’s crying!” I went into the booth, and there was a child sitting there wearing glasses and in tears. It was after these tears that we began to be friends.

Well, I wasn’t exactly a child, I was already 17, and the song was really very touching.

And how many years were you in the status of “just friends”?

We were friends for seven years. At this time, everyone had their own personal life, we communicated, crossed paths at work, and shared news.

Andrey, at what point did you look at Yulianna with different eyes?

It hit me like lightning. (Laughs.) We met, as usual, I look - it seems like nothing has changed in her, but I see a completely different person. I decided to act immediately and went on the attack.

I always suspected that I was attractive to Andrei, but when he started courting me, I resisted for a long time: I was afraid of ruining our friendship. But Andrei made a very smart move: he simply conquered my friends. And they kept telling me how good and charming he was.

Yes, men, here is my advice to you: if you want to please a girl, win the favor of her friends! (Smiles.)

Remember your first Valentine's Day?

Yes, I performed at the Olimpiyskiy, and Andrei came into the dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers.

And Julia said to this: “Why are you doing nonsense!” At first she was very wary of all my advances. That's how, in small steps - flowers, songs, poems - I achieved her.

And, judging by the ring on ring finger Julianna, you succeeded...

We've been together for four years now, and I realized it was time to move to another level. As a person of traditional views, first I went to Yulina’s parents and asked her father for her hand in marriage. And when he agreed, I told him about my plan: to propose on the set of the New Year’s “light” at the VDNKh skating rink during her performance. After this, preparations began for Operation Hand and Heart. (Laughs.) Our friends who worked on the set helped me organize everything: they hid me and my parents, specifically did not let Yulia into the dressing room trailer and did everything possible so that she would not suspect anything.

And they did it! The organizers warned me that during my speech the young man would propose to his girlfriend and that she did not know about it. When I had already finished singing, I saw a figure moving towards me, very similar to Andrei, and then I already understood everything. To be honest, at first I was very angry. My first thoughts were: no, not this, not this. I was angry because it always seemed to me that this should be a more intimate moment, but we were filmed by four cameras, there were about 200 extras around - and then Andrei gets down on one knee, begins to stammer and say something...

I didn’t stammer, but made meaningful pauses! In fact, I wrote the text in advance, memorized it, but my head was so foggy that I forgot everything, but I remembered the main thing - she said: “Yes!”

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So when and where will your wedding take place?

Preparing for such an event takes a lot of time, and I have a very busy filming and performing schedule. Andrey does new program, develops musical concept. In general, there is really a lot of work. But this does not mean that we will postpone the wedding indefinitely, we will simply entrust the entire organization to professionals. We don’t want to make a social event out of the wedding, so we decided that the celebration would not take place in Moscow. Friends suggested Georgia to us: it’s a short flight, no visa needed, delicious food, and most importantly, there are mountains that we love very much. And the date has already been chosen - April 22.

Andrey, in addition to working with Yulianna, you have a project called Alien24, which you are working on together with Dima Bilan. Are you planning to release a new batch of electronic music?

There will definitely be new tracks, but now I want to help my future wife and work with her. Otherwise I risk being left without lunch. (Laughs.)

Style: Alesya Bogdanovich. Makeup: Stanislav Kremlev/Elena Krygina Studio. Hairstyles: Arkady Bulgatov. We thank the Ruski restaurant, the flower workshop @flowmaster.moscow, @be_create and @dizhas_bakery for their help in the shooting

Yulianna Karaulova is talented Russian singer, who managed to short time achieve unprecedented heights in your musical career. Throughout her work in show business, the girl has changed many teams.

She was a member of the group “YES!”, in which two other girls sang besides her, and she also performed as part of the group “Netsuke”. But the singer gained real popularity as a soloist of the youth R&B group “5sta Family”.

Becoming a real star, Julianna decided to test her strength in a solo career, which also created a real sensation.

Yulianna Karaulova's childhood

The talented singer was born on April 24, 1988 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Her parents have nothing to do with music business, but despite this, the girl began to show her creative abilities from childhood.

Yuliana’s father worked in the capital of Bulgaria, so when the baby turned 4 years old, she and her mother moved there. There she was enrolled in a local school at the Russian Embassy.

From an early age, the young lady showed her parents her performances, and at the age of six she was already singing full-time on stage. IN school times she was a real activist, often performing at concerts and other events.

As a 10-year-old girl, Yulianna took part in the Bulgarian competition “Dobrich”, as a result of which she was awarded a diploma “For professionalism and artistry”. In general, the whole family lived in Bulgaria for 8 years, after which they returned back to Moscow. She did not stop her vocal training, but on the contrary, she took on learning new skills with even greater enthusiasm.

Musical career of Yulianna Karaulova

In 2003, the young singer participated in the “Face of the Year” competition, organized by the famous youth glossy “YES!” She failed to become the winner, but received second place of honor.

Two years later, the magazine again organized a competition, but this time the prize was participation in music group"YES!" Three singers were declared winners, the list of which also included Karaulova. The other two girls' names were Yulia and Anna. The team wrote four songs, the most popular of which was “Changed My Mind.”

In 2004, all three members of the group “YES!” decided to take part in the fifth season of the Star Factory project, but only Yulianna got on the show.

She later said that she did not immediately agree to come to the casting of this project, because she believed that everything was “bought” there. It was her parents who managed to persuade her to go to the competition.

Yulianna Karaulova in Netsuke’s group “I got caught in the net”

Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to win the show, but the producers approved her as a soloist in the new group “Netsuke”. The team consisted of three girls, in addition to Yulianna, Daria Klyushnikova and Aksinya Verzhak participated in it. Producer Max Fadeev tried his best to promote the group on television, recorded more than one song together with the soloists, and even shot a video, but “Netsuke” never received the long-awaited recognition from the audience. Therefore, it soon broke up.

Yulianna Karaulova's studies

After such failures, the girl began to think that she needed an alternative profession, so she decided to get higher education. In addition to music, she also liked journalism, so she wanted to study at the journalism department at Moscow State University, but she never applied there.

Practically in last days Upon receipt, she changed her mind and submitted documents to the new faculty of pop-jazz vocals at Gnesinka. In parallel with her studies, she found time to work as an editor at YES! magazine.

Yulianna managed to graduate from the academy with honors, and a few months later she re-entered this institution to receive a second higher education majoring in producing.

Yulianna Karaulova and “5sta Family”

The girl met the guys from the group “5sta Family” while she was working as an editor for the glossy magazine “YES!” After a little time, some disagreements began to occur in the team with lead singer Olga Zasulskaya, who eventually left the group because of this.

Looking for new singer The participants, Vasily Kosinsky and Valery Efremov, organized a casting, and remembering the talented Yulianna, invited her to participate in the competition. Of course, thanks to her data, the girl easily got a place in the group in 2011.

In the team, Yulianna managed to truly become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. The group recorded new songs every year, which became real hits. They performed concerts and even toured neighboring countries.

Yulianna Karaulova about her departure from “5sta Family”

In 2012, the team presented a video for the song “Together We,” and after a while the album “Why?” was released. In 2014, “5sta Family” shot a video for the song “My Melody”.

Personal life of Yulianna Karaulova

While participating in the fifth season of the Star Factory show, the singer met with her project colleague Ruslan Masyukov. Whether this novel was true or just another PR stunt is not completely known, but at the end of the project there was no continuation of this story. After some time, there were rumors that Ruslan Masyukov was a homosexual.

The beauty's next relationship was more serious. This time her boyfriend was an ordinary guy Pasha. He saw the singer in the park when she was walking from the university, and immediately fell in love. For several days he learned everything about Julianna and decided that first he needed to meet her friends, after which he got to her.

Their relationship lasted two years and everything was heading towards the wedding, until Pasha began to dissuade the girl from musical career. He didn't like the daily attention from other men. The singer left music for some time, but the promised registration of the relationship never came to fruition. The young people decided that it was better for them to remain just friends.

Karaulova Yuliana Yurievna – vocalist and TV presenter. Mine thorny path began to fame in 2003. Now she is a famous and recognizable Russian pop artist.

Juliana was born on April 24, 1988 in the center of the Russian Federation. The girl’s family was far from creativity and music. But this did not stop the singer from achieving success and showing her creative inclinations at such an early age.

When Yuliana turned 4 years old, Yuliana’s father moved the family to Bulgaria. The girl began to visit educational institution, which was located at the embassy of her country. This is where it began creative path. She organized concerts, and at the age of 6 she calmly performed on stage. Participated in folk competition Bulgaria "Dobrich" and was awarded a diploma.

In 1999, the Karaulov family moved to Moscow again and the girl continued her studies at school No. 1106. She did not give up singing, but began to develop her abilities with even greater zeal. And she did it well.

2003 was a significant year for the singer. She decided to participate in music competition from periodical"YES". Having taken second place, the girl did not back down. Two years later, she applied again and won. The victory earned her a place in new group. Together with two other girls, the group sang several songs, one of them became a hit.

In 2004, Juliana took part in the popular show “Star Factory”. And luck smiled at her - her candidacy was approved. The girl admitted later that it was her parents who persuaded her to participate in the casting of the project. She did not believe that she could pass the selection.

Juliana did not make it to the final and did not become the winner. But producer Maxim Fadeev offered her a place in the Netsuke group, which he himself created and further promoted. Together with other winners, the girl began to conquer the stage. The group never gained popularity and the group broke up.


Failures in the musical field left the girl despondent. She decided not to focus on her singing career and apply to one of the universities in Moscow. Even in her youth, she liked the profession of a journalist. As a result, the choice fell on Moscow Humanitarian University. But soon Juliana changed her mind.

On the penultimate day of admission I submitted documents to Russian Academy Gnesins to the faculty jazz-pop vocals. I graduated from the academy with straight A's. In the same year, I passed the documents to receive another education - I received the profession of “Art Manager”.

Group "5sta Family"

Studying did not prevent Yuliana from working in the famous publication “YES” as an editor. There she met musical group"5sta Family" At that time, lead singer Olga Zasulskaya decided to leave the group. Her place was given to Juliana, who won the competition.

Since 2001, Karaulova has become popular not only in her homeland, but also in foreign countries. Each song of the group became a hit, tours abroad brought popularity and recognition, which Juliana rightfully deserved. In 2015, she left the team and began pursuing a solo career.

Personal life

Juliana's chosen one is not last person in show business. Andrey Cherny is one of the studio workers where songs are recorded. They have known each other for a long time, more than ten years. The girl was recording a song and Andrei helped her with this. This is how the friendship began at first. The guy looked closely at Juliana for a long time, then began to court her. And only in 2016 he decided to call her down the aisle. The bride keeps postponing the wedding. We dreamed of having a celebration in Greece, but the lack of free time does not allow us to prepare the holiday. Juliana is already thinking about motherhood. She wants to raise her children herself, without the help of a mother or nannies.

There are rumors among the couple's friends that there has been a split in their relationship. Therefore, the singer is in no hurry to tie the knot. In her solo work songs about loneliness and unrequited love appeared.

  • instagram.com/yulianna_karaulova

Yulianna Karaulova wanted to formalize her relationship with her lover, music producer Andrei Cherny, in the spring. Moreover, they even named a specific date – April 22. However, the lovers canceled the wedding. It turned out that Yulianna and Andrey simply did not have time to organize everything by this date.


“We really wanted to get married in April, but many organizational issues arose. They need to be resolved, and we are unlikely to have time before April. Therefore, we will most likely postpone our wedding to the summer,” Sobesednik quotes Karaulova.

In the meantime, the singer manages to combine preparation for the main event in her life and work. Recently, the artist performed on a sphere from which she almost fell. “My fatal mistake was that I rehearsed my number without heels. And since the structure was unstable, while I was singing, I was forced to catch my balance every second. I was afraid of staggering and falling. I grabbed the sphere with both hands. But I think this: if you want to live, You won’t get so excited!” – noted the popular singer.

Let us remember that at the end of 2016 Yulianna Karaulova received a marriage proposal from music producer Andrey Cherny during filming New Year's program at the VDNH skating rink. According to the singer, she did not expect that at a working moment Andrei would invite her to become her wife.

According to Andrei Cherny, he was very worried that Yulianna would refuse him. “She’s a creative person, and when she’s working, it’s better not to touch her, but here I am with a ring, in front of the cameras... I was ready for anything,” noted the producer.