What does the name Mitrofan mean from Greek? Health and energy. Positive traits of the name

  • Meaning and origin of the name Mitrofan: Translated from Greek, the name means “Revealed by the mother.”
  • Energy named after Mitrofan: Hard work, sense of humor, sensitivity

Character of the name Mitrofan

It so happened that thanks to the work of Denis Fonfizin and in particular his play “Minor”, ​​the name of his main character - Mitrofanushka - at one time was almost a household name. Of course, this manifested itself in different ways in different strata of society, but today the name Mitrofan has practically fallen out of use and looks like it is completely outdated. Most likely, a person with this name will feel quite uncomfortable in society, and Mitrofan’s pride can become quite painful. In some cases, this leads to the development of an inferiority complex, while in others it inclines a person to search for ways to assert himself in society. If Mitrofan knows how to treat his name with humor, then it can be accepted by society quite favorably. So, today in near-bohemian companies all sorts of funny and outdated names are becoming fashionable, such as Mitrofan, Feofan and the like, which, if skillfully presented, can distinguish a person favorably from the owners of familiar and therefore faceless names. In addition, many Mitrofans prefer to change their name to a more neutral one, like, say, Mitya, although this does not completely save them from self-esteem.

In general, Mitrofan is usually quite good-natured, hardworking and also has a wonderful imagination. Sensitive pride and a certain passion inherent in the energy of his name make him live more of an inner life, hidden from the eyes of others. It will not be surprising if dreams replace reality for him. It is quite possible that Mitrofan will remain somewhat reserved in public, but in a close circle, where no one questions his merits, he may well become the life of the party. Especially if his character is not alien to a sense of humor.

From these positions, Mitrofan could well realize his talents in any creative profession, however, for full success, he still needs to somewhat smooth out his pride and gain self-confidence.

Astrology named after Mitrofan

  • Mitrofan's zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Patron planet of Mitrofan: ☽ Moon
  • Patron saints of Mitrofan: Mitrofan of Constantinople (name day June 17), Mitrofan of Voronezh (name day December 6)
  • Name Color: Yellow, Brown, Purple
  • Lucky colors Mitrofana: White
  • Mitrofan's talisman stone: Agate, opal, silver

"The Secret of the Name Mitrofan", Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Mitrofan's name day

Mitrofan's name day is June 1, June 17, July 6, August 1, December 7. Saints: Mitrofan (Wilhelmsky), martyr, priest; Mitrofan (Kornitsky), martyr, priest; Mitrofan of Constantinople, patriarch; Mitrofan, bishop, Voronezh; Mitrofan, hieromartyr, archbishop, Astrakhan.

The meaning of the name Mitrofan

Mitrofan means “revealed by the mother” (this is a translation of the name Mitrofan from the ancient Greek language).

Origin of the name Mitrofan

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Mitrofan with its origin. The history of the name Mitrofan has Greek roots. It came from Greek name?????????? (Metrophanes), which literally translates as “revealed by the mother.”

What does the name Mitrofan mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Mitrofan according to B. Khigir, in childhood the owner of this name is very sensitive and touchy; parents often see a sadly twisted mouth. It is necessary to encourage him more often with affection and attention. For him, the family has long represented the whole world. Parents' quarrels family dramas reduce his vitality, turn him into an eternally hesitant person, unsure of anything. The adult Mitrofan is a good-natured, hardworking, talented, sometimes unexpected person, living a rich inner life, mastering a pen, and able to speak interestingly. Often dreams replace reality for him. Mitrofan can be a writer, playwright, or actor. His remarkable diligence will help him in this, but for successful career We also need activity and self-confidence, which Mitrofan lacks. Despite this, it should be recognized that Mitrofan has more opportunities to live interesting life. IN mature age Mitrofan is fascinated by philosophy, he often reflects on the problems of good and evil, life and death, analyzes events and people's actions. Mitrofan loves beautiful, young, well-groomed women. The concept of fidelity has no meaning for him of great importance, so he has frequent and protracted conflicts with his wife. He does not like to isolate himself in his home; he needs communication and friends. But he can be withdrawn, secluded, go into his own fantasy world.

Characteristics of the name Mitrofan according to D. Zima and N. Zima

According to the description of the name Mitrofan by D. Zima and N. Zima, a person with this name, due to its rarity, will feel quite uncomfortable in society, and Mitrofan’s pride can become quite painful. In some cases, this leads to the development of an inferiority complex, while in others it inclines a person to search for ways to assert himself in society. If Mitrofan knows how to treat his name with humor, then it can be accepted by society quite favorably. So, today in near-bohemian companies all sorts of funny and outdated names are becoming fashionable, such as Mitrofan, Feofan and the like, which, if skillfully presented, can distinguish a person favorably from the owners of familiar and therefore faceless names. In addition, many Mitrofans prefer to change their name to a more neutral one, like, say, Mitya, although this does not completely save them from self-esteem.

In general, Mitrofan is usually quite good-natured, hardworking and also has a wonderful imagination. Sensitive pride and a certain passion inherent in the energy of his name make him live more of an inner life, hidden from the eyes of others. It will not be surprising if dreams replace reality for him. It is quite possible that Mitrofan will remain somewhat reserved in public, but in a close circle, where no one questions his merits, he may well become the life of the party. Especially if his character is not alien to a sense of humor.

From these positions, Mitrofan could well realize his talents in any creative profession, but for full success he still needs to somewhat smooth out his pride and gain self-confidence.

The nature of the name Mitrofan is such that when talking with the bearer of this name you should not forget that you are dealing with a painful a proud person. Even if he is not prone to conflicts and will not challenge you to a duel if you somehow offend him, all the same, you are unlikely to ever return Mitrofan’s favor.

Characteristics of the name Mitrofan according to N. Zagovorova

According to N. Zagovorova, Mitrofan is characterized by a certain laziness of soul. He may be quite a hardworking person, he may be in good standing among other work colleagues, he may complete the task assigned to him with commendable persistence, but in this case this is not the case. Mitrofan at one point (somewhere in adolescence) suddenly stops in his development and does not want to go further. Doesn’t want to read or learn something new, doesn’t feel the thirst for travel, or just a change of scenery. That is, Mitrofan is a conservative and in some ways even an overwhelming person.

In general, he is quite good-natured and has a good imagination. For the most part he lives in his own, closed from others, inner world. (Sometimes dreams can even replace reality for him). Mitrofan often becomes the life of the party (he has a good sense of humor; unlike many, he is able to laugh, including at himself).

Derivatives of the name Mitrofan

Variants of the name Mitrofan: Mitrofaniy.

Diminutives for the name Mitrofan: Mitrofanka, Mitrofakha, Mitrofash, Mitrokh, Mitrosha, Trosh, Tosh, Mitrasha, Mitrya.

Name Mitrofan on different languages

  • Name Mitrofan on English language: Mitrophan.
  • The name Mitrofan in Ukrainian: Mitrofan.
  • Name Mitrofan on Belarusian language: Mitrafan.
  • Name Mitrofan in Greek: ???????????? (Metrophanes).

Famous Mitrofans:

  • Mitrofan Borisovich Grekov is a Soviet battle painter.
  • Mitrofan Aleksandrovich Arsenyev is a Russian architect.
  • Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky – Russian Soviet musician, performer and collector of Russians folk songs; founder and first artistic director Russian folk choir your name.
  • Mitrofan Petrovich Belyaev is a Russian music publisher and philanthropist, founder of the Belyaev Circle, which united many outstanding musicians.
  • Mitrofan Osipovich Nezhentsev - Colonel of the General Staff. Participant in the First World War and Civil War. Commander of the Kornilov Shock Regiment. Active participant White movement in the south of Russia. Pioneer. Knight of the Order of St. George, 4th degree, holder of the St. George's Arms.
  • Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin - Soviet military leader, Chief Marshal of Artillery. Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Mitrofan Ivanovich Zarudny is a Russian lawyer and writer.
  • Mitrofan Viktorovich Dovnar-Zapolsky is a Belarusian historian, ethnographer, folklorist, economist, founder of Belarusian national historiography. Doctor historical sciences, Professor.
  • Mitrofan Stepanovich Zverev - Soviet astronomer and astrometrist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Mitrofan Stepanovich Bodnarsky - Soviet geographer.
  • Mitrofan Ilyich Grekov - cavalry general, participant in the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Japanese wars.

The meaning of the name Mitrofan: The boy's name means "mother's light." This affects the character and fate of Mitrofan.

Origin of the name Mitrofan: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Mitrosha, Mitya, Mitroshka, Mitroshechka, Mitenka, Mitrofanchik.

What does the name Mitrofan mean? The name Mitrofan comes from the merger of ancient Greek words and is translated as “meter” (lit. “mother”) and “faino” (“to shine”). Another meaning of the name Mitrofan is “having a glorious mother.” A guy with this name needs communication vitally, so he spends a lot of time with friends. He Mitrofan chooses a woman based on her intelligence and ability to behave in society - beauty does not matter much to him. In the 19th - early 20th centuries this name was in use, in the 20th century it completely went out of fashion, but now it is appearing again.

Surname: Mitrofanovich, Mitrofanovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Mitrofan: The name Mitrofan celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • Mitrofan, saint, first bishop of Voronezh, December 6 (November 23).
  • Mitrophanios, saint, first patriarch of Constantinople, June 17 (4). He was elevated to the episcopal throne in 316 by Emperor Constantine the Great, who appreciated his holiness and wisdom. He defended Orthodox faith from heretics. A man with this name died in 326 at the age of 117 years.

Signs of the name Mitrofan: On Mitrofan, December 6, if it is drizzling with snow and wind from the north, then on June 6 there will be wind from the north and rain will sprinkle. Since June 17, this buckwheat.


  • Zodiac: Cancer.
  • Planet: Moon.
  • Color: light green.
  • Mitrofan talisman stone: coral.
  • Favorable plant: fir, violet.
  • Patron: Navy SEAL.
  • Lucky day: Monday.
  • Happy time of year: autumn.

Characteristics of the name Mitrofan

Positive features: The name Mitrofan is distinguished by neatness and grooming. A man with this name is outwardly meek and a little flirtatious. He has a developed sense of respect for others and has no desire to command, so he does not impose anything on anyone.

Negative features: Mitya is distinguished by sensitive pride, suspiciousness, touchiness, and pettiness. A man named Mitrofan is looking for ways to assert himself in society in any way. His outer meekness is deceptive. In fact, Mitya can be cunning, picky, and overly demanding.

Character of the name Mitrofan: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Mitrofan?

Mitrofanushka is very sensitive and touchy as a child; his parents often see his sadly twisted mouth. It is necessary to encourage him more often with affection and attention. For him, the family has long represented the whole world. Quarrels between parents and family dramas reduce his vitality and turn him into an eternally hesitant person, unsure of anything.

The adult owner of the name Mitrofan is a good-natured, hardworking, talented, sometimes unexpected person, living a rich inner life, mastering a pen, and able to speak interestingly. Often dreams replace reality for him. Mitrofan can be a writer, playwright, or actor. His remarkable hard work will help him in this, but a successful career also requires activity and self-confidence, which Mitya lacks. Despite this, it should be recognized that he has more opportunities to live an interesting life.

In adulthood, Mitya is fascinated by philosophy; he often reflects on the problems of good and evil, life and death, and attaches great importance to the analysis of events and people's actions.

Mitrofan and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Agatha, Vasilisa, Glafira, Glikeria, Christina, Matryona is favorable. The name Mitrofan is also combined with Nymphodora. Difficult relationships are likely with Albina, Valentina, Eupraxia, Isidora, Capitolina, Mavra.

Love and marriage: He is Mitrofan - an amorous, sensitive, passionate person. It is of particular importance for him to carefully hide his personal life from the eyes of strangers.

Mitrofan loves beautiful, young, well-groomed women. The concept of fidelity does not mean much to him, so he has frequent and protracted conflicts with his wife. Mitya does not like to isolate himself in his home; he needs communication and friends. But he can be withdrawn, secluded, go into his own fantasy world.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He Mitrofan is inquisitive, hardworking and also has creative imagination and fantasy. He's attracted to unusual look activities. A guy with this name can become a philosopher, astronomer, or musician. He has enough confidence in his success.

Business and career: Mitya, unnoticed by others, can turn into wealthy person. He Mitrofan knows how to make the right contacts and use his full potential to achieve financial well-being.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Mitrofan: Mitya is suspicious of his health, sounds the alarm over any trifles, and loves to be treated. The main danger to his health is the improper use of medications, their overdose.

The fate of Mitrofan in history

What does the name Mitrofan mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Mitrofan Grekov (1882-1934) - an outstanding battle painter. Grekov drew his impressions from life. He lived on the Don, where the Civil War. Grekov’s paintings never gave the impression of a dry, petty reconstruction of combat episodes; they always attracted attention with their figurative richness, the power of poetic experience, the emotionality of the embodiment of the plan, artistic skill. These are “Tachanka”, “To the detachment to Budyonny”, “Trumpeters of the first cavalry”. The name of Mitrofan Grekov rightfully stands among the great masters battle genre in world art.

Mitrofan in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In English, the name Mitrofan is translated as Mitrophan, in Belarusian: Mitrafan.

What does the name Mitrofan mean?
This name means someone who has a glorious mother or is revealed by a mother.

Origin of the name Mitrofan:
Today there are exactly two versions about the origin of this name. So, translated from ancient Greek, such a name as Mitrofan is often translated as someone who has a truly glorious mother, but when translated from Latin it means - revealed by the mother.

Character conveyed by the name Mitrofan:

Mitrofan is always a sensitive and extremely touchy nature; he often needs some kind of constant encouragement from almost all of his loved ones. So quite often, instead of a charming smile, his parents may have to see their baby’s face unpleasantly twisted by some kind of insult. He just needs to be given an unusual amount of attention and, of course, affection. But Mitrofan’s attitude towards this world is often formed precisely on the basis of quality family relations his beloved parents. So, of course, family dramas or constant quarrels can make Mitrofan less and less viable, and also often deprive him of normal self-confidence, and of course uncertainty can easily be added to his already extremely contradictory character; he often hesitates the need to make a choice.

It should still be noted that in general Mitrofan is still good-natured, even very hardworking and really capable person. As a rule, its deep inner life always very rich, and he is often a somewhat unexpected and extraordinary person, he always knows how to speak beautifully, relevantly, he is often even noted to have some talent as a writer. And sometimes Mitrofan simply “flies somewhere in the clouds”; his bright dreams can simply overshadow objective reality.

But Mitrofan will be able to achieve real success in such creative fields as drama, sometimes acting, he might also be lucky somewhere on the path of writing. But at the same time, serious career success may well not happen in Mitrofan’s life, since his existing reserve of hard work may not be enough to definitely achieve success. So he will need some kind of self-confidence, and definitely some very active actions in the right direction, but he simply does not have this at all.

Later, already in adulthood, Mitrofan quite often begins to become interested in certain trends in philosophy. So he is extremely worried about certain dogmatic questions, say about good and evil, or about life and death, among other things, he begins to actively engage in extremely detailed analysis all the actions and actions of those around him numerous people.

And here family life Mitrofan, as a rule, may not turn out very well. So the owner of this wonderful name We are very passionate, and always madly loves different people beautiful women, and that’s probably why there’s no need to even talk about some kind of marital fidelity at all. And of course, it is an extremely rare wife who will actually be able to tolerate his behavior like this. And of course, very often Mitrofan can have serious quarrels, and even conflicts precisely because of his frequent betrayals.