What does the name Christina mean in English? The meaning and origin of the good name Christina. The fate and career of a girl named Christina. Original tattoo for a woman with her name


Christine's predominant personality traits are activity and intellectuality, they are patient, shy and reserved.

The name Christina means “dedicated to Christ,” “Christian.”

Origin of the name Christina:

The name came into our speech from the ancient Greek language during the development of Christianity in Rus'.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Christina:

Even as a child, Christina was withdrawn and taciturn. In appearance and character she resembles her mother, but often reaches mutual understanding with her father. She gives the impression of being “inhibited” - she needs a little more time to think than other children. Despite this, Christina is savvy and quick-witted. She may seem offended, but in reality she is just being in her own way. inner world and completely satisfied with life. She is a little lazy in her studies, but is diligent and patient, and gets to the heart of things.

Christinas are realists, with both feet on the ground. They are careful and hardworking in their work, prone to scientific activities. One of their main features is diligence. They are also good at teaching - Christina is a good teacher and knows how to find mutual language with kids. They plan their careers carefully, do not trust emotions and rely only on reason. They rarely follow other people's advice, they are independent and persistent. They do not achieve success immediately, but stubbornly move towards their goal. Rational, sometimes boring. Failures rarely cause them to panic; Christinas are collected and businesslike. Dreams and fantasies are not for them; for Christine, only really existing things are significant.

Typical Christina is conservative, in mature age- to the point of philistinism. She does not strive to make friends; she feels most comfortable in a male group. She does not tolerate shamelessness, she is capable of deep offense, like an enemy she is vengeful, inventive and insidious. He often builds a wall around himself and does not allow anyone to get to know his feelings and experiences. She selects her friends carefully, is devoted to them, prefers to plan joint meetings, does not like impulsiveness and thoughtlessness. Christina is well-mannered and respects the requirements of etiquette. Her own moral principles more important than friendship, Christina is unshakable and unshakable in her beliefs. Her own competence is important to her and she is susceptible to criticism.

In love, Christina is strict and picky. Much attention pays attention to the rules of public morality. In the opposite field he seeks reliability and attentiveness. Highly values ​​manifestations of self-love and feels the need for hidden tenderness. What is important to her, first of all, is the confidence that she is loved and appreciated; she attaches secondary importance to words. She is not inclined to attribute the slightest echoes of sexual relations to the public; in bed she is gentle and temperamental.

Christina loves her family very much and turns her home into her fortress. Does not tolerate sudden and uninvited visits, any surprises, chaos and laxity in everyday life, does not allow strangers into family life. Sometimes she is overly demanding of her husband, which can cause conflicts. Raises children carefully. Husband's reliability and well-being family life she values ​​more fleeting loves. Betrayal hurts her deeply.

Christines, born in winter, are mysterious, thoughtful and silent. “Autumn”, in addition to this, are pedantic and neat. “Summer” bearers of the name are good-natured and charming, “spring” ones are amorous and romantic, talented in art.

Men named Anatoly, Lev, Peter and Gleb suit her well, less so - Gregory, Anton and Thomas.

Christina is a female name that Wikipedia defines as Russian, Greek, Orthodox and Catholic. The female name Christina really has Greek origin, it has a fairly extensive description and decoding, but in short, the meaning of the name Christina is “Christian.”

The history of the name is very ancient. In Rus' this was originally called ordinary people Christian faith, and only much later the word became an independent name, and acquired an aristocratic connotation, and the meaning of the name Christina was partially erased, losing its main essence.

The name has different variants. For example, Catholic calendars mention him in the form Christian ( male version– Christian), and by Orthodox calendar it sounds like Christina. But origin and translation are one, unchanged.

There are a variety of foreign synonyms for the name: Christiana, Kristel, Christiana, Kristel, Krista and others. You can affectionately or abbreviately say Kristyusha, Chris, Krista, Kristinka, Kristya, Kresya, Krestya, Tina.

The interpretation of the name Christina indicates that the girl has a simple character, an open soul and a very kind heart, as befits a Christian. As a child, the baby looks like a radiant angel with large, wide-open eyes and a charming smile.

The girl has a very flexible character, she is obedient, loves her parents, never contradicts them, and is not capricious. She sincerely rejoices at gifts and small everyday joys.

The girl, whose name is Christina, has an extremely kind heart, she knows how to empathize, and deeply understands what people feel. Also, since childhood, the girl has excellent intuition, excellent memory, she is smart, observant and very attentive to detail.

She studies better than others at school, is very neat, and polite with adults. All of the above does not mean that Christina is an upstart or a “nerd”; the girl has excellent time to hang out with her friends and play, she is interested in various hobbies.

Growing up and life path

Having graduated from school - most likely with honors - Christina chooses her life path herself, without consulting anyone. Over the years, firmness, self-confidence and a certain aristocracy appear in her character, despite her background and family.

She no longer looks like a sweet little angel, but rather resembles a lady from a noble family. Christina’s fate is usually prosperous, luck is always nearby, and difficulties and sorrows bypass the girl. It's like she's pulling me towards her good people, pleasant events and luck.

Every day the girl finds a reason for joy, tries to help people, make the world a little better, but at the same time does not forget about her own happiness, which she builds herself, realizing that fate is in her hands. The secret of the name Christina is that the girl combines completely different qualities: firmness with kindness, confidence with shyness, courage with modesty.

When choosing a profession, Christina wants to be useful, wants every day to be interesting and bring new emotions, wants to develop and grow as a person. She can become both a scientist and an artist, both a teacher and an actress.

He often chooses to work on television or radio, or journalism, in order to be in the thick of things. He can also become a stylist, doctor, psychologist, translator, work in the restaurant or hotel business or in tourism.

The characteristics of the name Christina, and especially its translation, mean that Christina is not indifferent to spiritual development, her faith, religion, family and spiritual traditions are important to her.

This does not mean that the girl goes to church and prays every day - it is not at all necessary. But she is probably engaged in her own spiritual development, is interested in questions of destiny, she is interested in such questions as fate, the meaning of life, the place of man in the world, the girl is inclined to esoteric teachings and comprehension of the mysteries of existence.

For Christina, money is a means to a fulfilling life, but nothing more. She loves to travel and learn new things, is partial to art, loves going to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, and cultural events.

So money is important to a girl, and she earns it through honest, hard work. But still, in work, for Christina, the realization of her own ambitions and personal growth, as well as benefits for people and the world as a whole.

Love and family ties

Christina enjoys success among the stronger sex, and with early youth. She takes the topic of family and relationships seriously and one day, having fallen in love, she gives her heart to one and only person forever.

She is not looking for an angel or a handsome prince, she needs a simple, kind and honest guy, not lazy, decent, who strives to build a strong family.

1. Perfect compatibility named Christina with such male names: Kirill, Taras, Gleb, Boris, Julian, Artem, Rostislav, Leonid. These men seem to be destined for her, and together they will lucky fate. Andrey and Alexander have especially great chances; these names suit Christina flawlessly.

2. Good compatibility: Valery, Lev, Nikolai, Oleg, Albert, Nikita, Grigory, Victor, Eduard, Evgeniy. Good compatibility means that there is every chance of a lasting marriage, but in the early stages there may also be “grinding in”, during which you will have to show wisdom and learn to accept your partner with all his shortcomings.

3. Low compatibility: Maxim, Stepan, Ivan, Vasily, Fedor, Peter, Valentin, Ruslan, Konstantin, Alexey, Yan. Low compatibility is not a death sentence, it simply indicates that Sergey or Maxim are different in character from Christina, and they will not immediately be able to understand each other. But if you want, everything is possible!

Christina meets more than once in church calendar, so she celebrates her angel day several times a year. Christina's name day on the following dates:

  • January 6 and 15.
  • February 19.
  • March 13 and 26.
  • May 31.
  • July 24.
  • August 6 and 18.
  • 27th October.
  • December 15.

Christina is a wonderful person and happy woman. This name combines a variety of qualities that form an unusual character. This woman will make the world a little better, leave behind good memory and she herself will certainly find great happiness in life!

Meaning and origin: dedicated to Christ (Greek).

Energy and Karma: it is easy to see that the name Christina in Russian it sounds with some foreign connotation. Indeed, the times when this very word - peasants - was used to call all ordinary people are long gone, and now there is a huge gap between Christina and the peasant woman, despite the fact that the essence of the name is the same.

So, having returned to Russia again, the name Christina began to bear the imprint of some kind of aristocracy and elitism. Now in last years, it seems that purely Russian names have again begun to come into fashion, however, even now the magic of European names has not completely lost its power, so those parents who give their daughter a name Christina, they already assume that it is different from simple girls, emphasizing her certain selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Secrets of communication: often Christina reacts very painfully to comments addressed to him, but he can completely melt from compliments. It would be good for her to remember to be careful, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: steel.
  • Talisman stone: amber, jasper.

Meaning of the name Christina option 2

1. Personality. Women with secrets.

2. Character. 85%.

3. Radiation. 78%.

4. Vibration. 63,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence is activity.

7. Totem plant. Gentian.

8. Totem animal. Toad.

9. Sign. Virgo.

10. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

11. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves; it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

12. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

13. Excitability. Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

14. Reaction speed. Weak, as well as excitability. Christinas do not count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

15. Field of activity. They are attracted to scientific activity. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

16. Intuition. Without relying on one inspiration, Christina carefully plans his affairs and actions.

17. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

18. Receptivity. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

19. Morality. They adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

20. Health. Average, and it is necessary to monitor it from childhood. They require long stays fresh air, walks, sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

21. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the impenetrability lies a violent temperament...

22. Activity. Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

23. Sociability. Prefer a few selected friends. They love to friendly relations They looked beautiful, they couldn’t stand the shameless intrusions of their friends. Christina values ​​family, they make strict but fair mothers.

Conclusion. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Meaning of the name Christina option 3

Christina- "Christian" (Greek)

She has a slow reaction, some inhibition in movement and emotions, and is phlegmatic. Doesn't do anything hastily, never panics. He stands firmly on his feet and does not waste time on illusory dreams.

It's not always clear what she's thinking. When she is silent, it may seem that she is upset about something, whereas Christina closely monitors what is happening. She seems timid, as if she lacks confidence, but she has strong will and is fraught with enormous internal potential. A little lazy. Excitability is below average. She needs time to be able to understand the essence of the problem, and even more time to solve it. Very impressionable, reserved. Doesn't count on extraordinary miracle in life, thinks realistically.

She loves order in everything that brings success, albeit a little late. She likes to do scientific work - no matter what field. You should not interfere with her choice of profession, but it is necessary to discuss her problems. Christina has the gift of intuition, but is guided only by reason. Carefully thinks through and plans his actions in advance. Analytical image thinking makes it possible to patiently delve into the details of a matter. Gets used to the team well, in which he gives preference to men. It is easier for her to communicate with them. She belongs to a small number of women for whom friendship with a man really exists.

Will never show that he needs you parental love, will not pester you with tenderness. She has the same relationship with her husband. Parents should pay her more attention and warmth from childhood and not let her withdraw into herself. Young people should avoid quarrels with this girl.

She is vindictive and does not forgive anything. Strictly respects the rules of morality.

Sex is a secret area of ​​her nature. She does not participate in conversations on this topic. However, behind the external equanimity lies a stormy temperament. But it must be taken into account that Christina inactive. She needs time to show her capabilities.

Christina prefers to have a few loyal friends rather than numerous acquaintances. She is happy to receive guests and carefully prepares for this. It cannot tolerate uninvited intrusions and surprises of this kind. Loves family. Becomes a strict but fair mother. She needs a husband whom she can rely on.

Christina’s health must be monitored since childhood. She needs a long stay in the fresh air and exercise. She is susceptible to viral diseases and predisposed to leukemia. Her lungs are weak. In adulthood, osteochondrosis and dental diseases are possible.

"Winter" Christina silent, serious, thoughtful.

“Autumn” is also strict, patient, neat, and pedantic. Can work as a speech therapist, teacher, educator, music teacher. Her name matches the middle names: Viktorovna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Glebovna, Sergeevna, Vladimirovna.

“Summer” is mysterious, charming, good-natured.

“Spring” is romantic, a dreamer. This is a graphic artist, musician, fashion designer. The name goes well with patronymics: Grigorievna, Anatolyevna, Efimovna, Petrovna, Lvovna, Svyatoslavovna.

Meaning of the name Christina option 4

CHRISTINE - Christian, dedicated to Christ (Greek).

August 6 - The Holy Martyr Christina broke idols in the house of her pagan father and died a martyr for the faith of Christ (III century).

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • White color.
  • Auspicious tree - cypress.
  • The treasured plant is myrtle.
  • The patron of the name is the dove.
  • The talisman stone is diamond.


Christina agile, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable: she has an excellent memory. She is cheerful, does not do anything hastily, and does not panic. Christina gives the impression of being timid and shy, but in reality she observes, listens, and remembers everything. She has a very strong need for tenderness and love. Christina highly values ​​the external manifestations of these feelings: her outward restraint often hides a stormy temperament.

1. Personality: women with secrets

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: intelligence - activity

4. Totem plant: gentian

5. Totem animal: toad

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

8. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

9. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

10. Excitability. Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

11. Reaction speed. Weak, as well as excitability. They don’t count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

12. Field of activity. They are attracted to scientific activities. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

13. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

14. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

15. Receptivity. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations.

It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

16. Morality. They adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

17. Health. Average, and it is necessary to monitor it from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

18. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the inscrutability lies a violent temperament.

19. Activity. Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

20. Sociability. Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends. They value family and make strict but fair mothers.

21. Conclusion. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

In this material you will find information about the meaning female name Christina, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Christina

Synonyms for the name - Krista, Kristel, Chrissy, Tina, Christina, Christine

Origin – Greek, “Christian”

Zodiac - Gemini

Planet - Jupiter

Color - Silver

Animal - Elephant

Plant - Cypress

Stone - Amber

This name is a derived form of the Greek Christina, which means "Christian" or "baptized" (translated from the Latin "christianus"). In Rus' it was a common noun used to address peasants; later this word went out of use. After many years, women began to be called this; the name acquired a foreign sound. In many countries there are different forms of it: Christiana, Kristel, Kirstin, Christa and others.

Love named Christina

This girl is extremely selective; she needs a person with a stable financial situation or prospects for the future. She has quite high requirements to the chosen one: he must be attractive, athletic, educated and original. Christina does not tolerate stupid men and does not waste time on those who are not worthy of her, she is capable of strong feelings, but they flare up in it very slowly. First of all, she tries to get to know the gentleman well before giving him her heart. At the first meeting, she may seem arrogant, but once she truly falls in love, dramatic changes immediately occur. She becomes the tender and caring girl one could only dream of.

Sexuality of the name Christina

This woman is very attractive in appearance and therefore is always surrounded by the attention of men. Because of this, her self-esteem often skyrockets, but this circumstance plays into her hands: her self-confidence opens many doors. The owner of this name knows well what she wants and always achieves her goal by any means. She is relaxed in intimate matters, it is difficult to embarrass her or make her feel ashamed, because she is well versed in this area of ​​relationships. Christina allows physical intimacy only with the man she really likes. She feels her partner well, has excellent intuition and the makings of a psychologist.

Marriage and family named Christina

Having met a man who satisfies all her requirements, Christina does everything to make their union strong and lasting. The most important thing in life for her is family, she adores children and is ready to give up for them brilliant career, take care of home comforts. She likes it when financial situation There is such a thing in the family that you don’t have to count your expenses and buy everything you want: from expensive delicious food to exclusive interior items. If the husband is not able to provide a comfortable existence for some reason, she will not reproach him, and will do everything to help him with this. This woman’s husband will be incredibly lucky; she will surround him with care and attention, and will take care of his feelings. She will easily find a common language with children, she does not need the “carrot and stick” method, she knows how to achieve her goals simply kind words and a good attitude.

Business and career

This woman has all the qualities of a modern businesswoman; she is self-confident, determined and purposeful. She usually chooses fashionable and highly paid professions, if she does not work for herself. With her attractive appearance, she can become famous model, actress or TV presenter. She will cope well with the role of a leader and will easily gain the authority of her subordinates thanks to her natural charm and broad outlook. Often this girl has vocal or dancing talent; if you develop it, you can make it your main profession or a paid hobby. Since she does not like to limit herself in purchases, she tries to find a stable source of income.

The meaning of the name Christina in character

This optimistic, charming person chooses her friends very carefully. All her life she strives for success: to occupy a high position in society, get into the circles of the elite, provide for herself and her family. At first meeting she may seem arrogant, but she is not. She just doesn’t like to show her real self to strangers. With loved ones she is completely different: soft, sympathetic, empathetic. As soon as someone offends someone dear to Christina, she turns into a dangerous hunter, ready to destroy everything in her path. She usually stays in good mood, does not allow rudeness, shows his disdain with a glance or silence. She - good friend, on whom you can always rely, is usually friends from childhood to old age.

Teen Christina

The girl is well brought up, but has quite difficult character. She is ready to defend her opinion, even if the interlocutor is much older and more experienced. She manages to combine her studies at school with numerous clubs and sections, and may be interested in sports. From a young age, feeling interest from the opposite sex, he learns to use this for his own purposes. Her parents are her authority, especially her close relationship with her mother; she is often very similar to her. In adolescence, he strives for independence, impressing those around him with his determination and self-confidence. It is very difficult to catch this girl by surprise, she will find a way out of any situation simply by snapping her fingers.

Successful people and stars:

Christina Aguilera - American pop diva

Christina C - Russian performer r"n"b

Kristina Pimenova is a Russian model, already at the age of 9 she is considered the most beautiful girl in the world

Kristina Goryunova - Russian promising gymnast

Christina Ricci - American film actress

Ideal compatibility: Arseny, Venedikt, German, Efim, Felix

Unlucky compatibility: Adam, Korney, Martin

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: European form of the name Christina, “Dedicated to Christ”

Energy and character of the name Christina

It is easy to notice that the name Christina in Russian sounds with some foreign connotation. Indeed, the times when this very word - peasants - was used to call all ordinary people are long gone, and now there is a huge gap between Christina and the peasant woman, despite the fact that the essence of the name is the same. So, having returned to Russia again, the name Christina began to bear the imprint of some kind of aristocracy and elitism. Now, in recent years, it seems that purely Russian names have again begun to come into fashion, but even now the magic of European names has not completely lost its power, so those parents who give their daughter the name Christina already assume that she will be different from simple girls, emphasizing her certain selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Here we should immediately make a reservation that not everywhere a name with an imprint of elitism will be perceived favorably, so if Christina wants to have normal relationships in the team, she needs to justify the stylishness of her name. Christina will need to be able to hold on and stand up for herself if necessary, because it is possible that beautiful name will cause envy, and therefore hostility. It happens that Christina simply does not have the courage to live up to her name and from childhood she turns into a timid, complex person. However, this rarely happens, since the general energy of the name has a sufficient charge of strength. Kristya can, if necessary, quite successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often puts the offender in his place.

Most likely, a woman with this name will feel the need to achieve high position in society, for which he may choose some fashionable profession or simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles. Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will still not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case she will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain. Alas, such dreams often overlook simple human happiness, which, as will certainly become clear over time, cannot replace even the greatest success and fame.

Secrets of communication: Christina often reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but she can completely melt from compliments. It would be useful for her to remember to be careful, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

Famous people named Christina

Kristina Orbakaite

When the daughter of Alla Pugacheva and the Lithuanian Baron von Orbach, Kristina Orbakaite (born 1968), first appeared on the stage, hardly anyone took her seriously, her vocal abilities seemed so modest. However, year after year passed, and numerous prophecies that Christina would not stand it now, would break down and leave the stage, did not come true. Furthermore: professional level The singer grew noticeably, and, having fully mastered all the abilities inherent in her by nature, Kristina Orbakaite managed to win the sympathy of numerous fans and, as a result, her own place on the Russian stage.

“The girl, who had always been considered an outsider in the star family, unexpectedly took such a confident step forward that she almost surpassed some of her closest relatives in terms of the quality of her repertoire,” she wrote about Christina music criticism after the release of her album “0 hours 0 minutes”, which made people talk about her as a completely serious and independent singer. Now Kristina Orbakaite no longer needs such reviews: people of the older generation have long forgotten, and the younger ones do not know that she once had to go “through thorns to the stars,” proving her worth in the singing profession.

However, from childhood, Christina was distinguished by responsibility and hard work: stubbornly, of her own free will, in addition to classes in an English special school, she attended music and dance classes, and at the age of eleven she showed real miracles of her ability to work and acting talent, acting in leading role V wonderful picture"Scarecrow."

Currently, Kristina Orbakaite’s performance on stage is not only about the songs themselves, but about an exciting and vibrant show: the image of the stylish, graceful and charming Kristina attracts viewers to her concerts no less than the desire to hear what she sings. And we must admit: this is not at all small.

The name Christina for a girl is sonorous and unusual. The child will be a bright personality in the future. And this is confirmed by the fact that many are known famous people with the same name - Christina Medici, Alchevskaya, Goryunova, Stewart, Aguilera, Orbakaite, Asmus and others.

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The meaning of the name Christina comes down to a Greek word that translates as “in honor of Christ,” “Christian,” “born and dedicated to Christ.” The initial option is Christina. It appeared just with the spread of the Christian faith. But the name Christina is a European version of this ancient church name. In ancient times, the daughter of a peasant from a poor family could be called Christina. But for girls from the noble class they did not use such a name.


    Kristin's life is usually difficult. Since childhood, the child is taciturn, very observant and curious, but is in no hurry to open up to other people. Christina is shy. The girl really needs praise. Plays for her great importance what teachers and parents think about her. Christina handles things carefully. Gradually she will take on some of the housework.

    Studying is easy for Christina, especially in the humanities. Periodically she has various hobbies to whom she gives everything free time. Such people grow up developed, purposeful and talented.


    WITH strangers she is very reserved. At work he behaves distantly. But it is precisely those close to her, whom she loves very much, who know what an ardent and temperamental nature is hidden under a calm appearance. Christinas are characterized by arrogance and a certain temper from childhood, but after some time, thanks to their upbringing, they manage to smooth out such “sharp corners” in their character. Women with this name are quite sociable - they get along well with other people.

    Some people are so beautiful and sonorous name causes slight hostility or even envy, so the fair sex needs the ability to stand up for herself and respond to offenders. Otherwise, Christina will turn into a person with a lot of complexes.

    The name has strong energy, so such a person will have good resistance to stress. Throughout his life he will try to get into high society, confirm your election. Even if the girl remains an ordinary housewife, she will still consider herself special. Quite often it happens that Christina, in pursuit of a great goal, simply does not pay attention to ordinary human happiness and does not enjoy everyday things.

    But this does not mean that Christina is only a dreamer. In life, she relies only on herself, so she is a very reasonable and purposeful person. She even becomes a perfectionist to some extent. Such a girl can easily calculate not only her own steps, but also events several stages ahead. Thanks to this, she makes thoughtful decisions.

    Christina tries to adhere to all the rules that are accepted in society. She respects traditions family values. There is practically no inclination towards adventurism. People around her consider Christina conservative.

    This woman:

  1. 1. Has a strong character, but reacts painfully to any criticism in her direction. She is very touchy, and remembers such unpleasant moments for a very long time. But even in the most difficult situation this person will not be rude or rude. But he won’t tolerate this from others either. She always strives for justice. Moreover, her own foundations are much more important to her than friendship.
  2. 2. Has good health, but there is a tendency to various infectious diseases (viral and bacterial). In old age, problems with the lungs and bronchi appear, and joints begin to ache.


It is difficult for Christina to trust the people around her - she does not keep secrets with anyone. It is difficult for her to find “her” person so that their compatibility is maximized. But if she is attracted to a man, then she completely devotes herself to family life. She tries to choose a husband for herself who is well off financially. She will never be lonely.