What does the name Aram mean? The meaning of the letters in the name Aram. Actors, celebrities, scientists, famous and famous people named


What does the name Aram mean?: merciful (name Aram Armenian origin).

Short meaning of the name Aram: Arik.

Angel Aram Day: is not celebrated, since today the name Aram is not included in the list of church holidays.

Zodiac name Aram: Gemini, Virgo

Characteristics of the name Aram

Character of the name Aram: Most often Aram is youngest child in the family and enjoys universal love. True, even this does not allow Aram to grow up as a selfish person - he always tries not only to live with dignity, but to think about the people around him. He mainly inherits his character traits from his father, and looks like his mother. The character of the name Aram is generally balanced, and he himself is an easy-going person. He studies quite well at school, and we can say that studying does not bring any difficulties to Aram. Aram has many friends among his peers, but he himself is still more interested in communicating with older people. In any case, the name Aram knows how to make friends and is always ready to come to the aid of people dear to him if they are in trouble. We can say that the meaning of the name Aram is fully reflected in real life.

Aram and his personal life

Love and marriage: In his personal life, Aram tries to do everything to ensure that relationships are stable, harmonious and balanced. He starts a family quite early and remains wholeheartedly devoted to his wife, without even thinking about betrayal. Often a man named Aram stays with his wife to live in his parents’ house, because he is very attached to them. Thus, the father remains an authority for Aram throughout his life, and warmth always reigns in relations with his mother. Aram himself is a wonderful owner who is able to maintain order in the house, raise children and even cook. He is always happy to surprise guests with culinary masterpieces.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Aram has many talents. Often, even in childhood, he visits music school or dance studio. Since his parents try to do everything to maximize Aram’s talents, it is not surprising that already at school he understands what he would like to do in the future. This allows the name Aram to focus on disciplines that would help him enter the university. Higher education Aram considers it obligatory for himself and approaches this issue extremely seriously.

Aram is characterized by courage and willpower. He can make decisions quickly enough in extreme situations, which is highly valued by management. At the same time, Aram is sometimes characterized by indecisiveness and modesty, which borders on shyness. That’s why his superiors don’t even know about some of his talents, which could prevent Aram from building a career.

Health and energy

Health and talents: If we analyze the meaning of the name Aram, taking into account what time of year the owner of this name was born, then we can note that work is very important for a representative of the spring type. He can be capricious and selfish, but at the same time he values ​​justice and, having become a leader, strives to reveal the talents of his subordinates and help them reach new heights in their careers. The name Aram, who was born in the summer, is distinguished by his wild imagination and is a real generator of ideas that he constantly tries to bring to life. He is liked by the fair sex and is respected among his work colleagues, as he is distinguished by his erudition and intelligence.

“Autumn” Aram dreams of getting into high society and become financially independent. He will not rest until he achieves exactly this goal, which he certainly achieves by acquiring the necessary acquaintances. Such an Aram has excellent makings to become a good leader.

In the numerology of the name Aram, the number 7 patronizes, which indicates that its owner has the most different talents. Aram can work in the field of science, art, philosophy and even religion.

The name Aram has several versions of origin. The most common version is the biblical origin of the name, an Aramaic name. In the Bible, Aram is the son of Shem, grandson of Noah.

From Persian the name Aram is translated as “peace”, “consolation” - perhaps this was the name of a child who did not cause much trouble to his parents. This version resonates very well with Aram's temperament.

Aram has a calm and easy-going character. Often he is not the first child in the family, but he becomes everyone’s favorite. Aram is talented, he dances well, and has an ear for music. It’s good if the boy’s abilities do not pass the attention of his parents. The boy's face resembles his mother, and he inherited his character from his father. Growing up, Aram becomes shy and somewhat indecisive.

The character of Aram, born in winter, will most likely be dominated by selfishness, determination and stubbornness. However, Aram is characterized by a sober mind, despite some temper. Aram can be harsh, but he does not remember evil for a long time. The boy is friendly, can influence others, but he himself does not fall under the influence of others.

“Autumn” Aram easily makes profitable acquaintances. The man named by this name strives and eventually ends up in the so-called high society.

Aram, born in spring, can be capricious and selfish, and sometimes he quarrels over trifles. However, this does not prevent him from quickly and easily forgetting grievances and, without dwelling on them, coming to the right decision. A man with this name is characterized by great willpower, courage and the ability to quickly respond to adverse situations.

“Summer” Aram likes to make plans that he cannot implement on his own, without like-minded people. The boy easily finds helpers among his friends. Aram, born in July, stands out for his intelligence and gallant attitude towards ladies, as well as his organizational skills.

Aram decides what to become in the future while still at school. He takes his choice of profession very carefully and seriously. Aram, born in autumn, often becomes a successful boss. He respects his subordinates, supports the ideas of specialists, helps in their implementation and at the same time is not afraid of competition.

Aram prefers to be in the company of adults. Studying at school is easy for the boy; Aram quickly makes friends and always tries to help them. The boy easily gains the trust of others and becomes an authority figure for his friends.

In relationships, Aram tries to maintain calm, harmony and stability. Having married early, Aram is very devoted to his family and his children. Throughout his life, Aram maintains a warm relationship with his mother, and his father always remains an authority for him.

Numerology of the male name Aram

Seven is the number of the name Aram, and it is also the number of luck. The life of such a person is ambiguous and interesting, dynamic and vibrant. Although, it must be admitted, sometimes he gets so used to the turbulent flow of life that he ceases to see the novelty. To enjoy every moment, he should rest more often, devoting time not to the affairs or concerns of other people, but to himself and his desires... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

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Short form of the name Aram. Arik.
Synonyms for the name Aram. Armeni, Armenik, Abraham.
Origin of the name Aram. The name Aram is Jewish, Muslim, Armenian.

The name Aram has several versions of origin. The most common version is the biblical origin of the name, an Aramaic name. In the Bible, Aram is the son of Shem, grandson of Noah.

There is also an Armenian version of the origin of the name. WITH Armenian language Aram is translated as “noble”, sometimes “merciful”. It was this name that was borne by one of the Urartian kings - Aram the First. In Armenian mythology there is a hero Aram, who is considered the ancestor of the Armenian people. And other peoples began to call the land of Armenians by his name. So the Greeks called their lands Armen, but other neighbors, the Syrians and Iranians, called them Armeni or Armenik. And these names later became personal names.

From Persian the name Aram is translated as “peace”, “consolation” - perhaps this was the name of a child who did not cause much trouble to his parents. This version resonates very well with Aram's temperament.

Aram has a calm and easy-going character. Often he is not the first child in the family, but he becomes everyone’s favorite. Aram is talented, he dances well, and has an ear for music. It’s good if the boy’s abilities do not pass the attention of his parents. The boy's face resembles his mother, and he inherited his character from his father. Growing up, Aram becomes shy and somewhat indecisive.

The character of Aram, born in winter, will most likely be dominated by selfishness, determination and stubbornness. However, Aram is characterized by a sober mind, despite some temper. Aram can be harsh, but he does not remember evil for a long time. The boy is friendly, can influence others, but he himself does not fall under the influence of others.

“Autumn” Aram easily makes profitable acquaintances. The man named by this name strives and eventually ends up in the so-called high society.

Aram, born in spring, can be capricious and selfish, and sometimes he quarrels over trifles. However, this does not prevent him from quickly and easily forgetting grievances and, without looking back at them, coming to the right decision. A man with this name is characterized by great willpower, courage and the ability to quickly respond to adverse situations.

“Summer” Aram likes to make plans that he cannot implement on his own, without like-minded people. The boy easily finds helpers among his friends. Aram, born in July, stands out for his intelligence and gallant attitude towards ladies, as well as his organizational skills.

Aram decides what to become in the future while still at school. He takes his choice of profession very carefully and seriously. Aram, born in autumn, often becomes a successful boss. He respects his subordinates, supports the ideas of specialists, helps in their implementation and at the same time is not afraid of competition.

Aram prefers to be in the company of adults. Studying at school is easy for the boy, Aram quickly makes friends and always tries to help them. The boy easily gains the trust of others and becomes an authority figure for his friends.

In relationships, Aram tries to maintain calm, harmony and stability. Having married early, Aram is very devoted to his family and his children. Throughout his life, Aram maintains a warm relationship with his mother, and his father always remains an authority for him.

Aram's name day

Aram does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Aram

  • Aram (son of Shem, grandson of Noah)
  • Aram, also called Arama, Arame, Aramu (the first ruler of Urartu, ancient state on the territory of present-day Armenia. Reign period approx. 59 - 844 BC)
  • Aram Khachaturian ((1903 - 1978) Soviet composer, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure. People's Artist USSR (1954), Hero Socialist Labor(1973), laureate of four Stalin (1941, 1943, 1946, 1950), Lenin (1959) and State Prize USSR (1971), author of the music of the National Anthem of the Armenian SSR (1944), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR (1963). One of the greatest figures in music of the 20th century.)
  • Aram Kocharyan ((born 1952) Armenian statesman.)
  • Aram Grigoryan ((born 1954) Armenian diplomat)
  • Aram Voskanyan (former Armenian football player, forward)
  • Aram Hakobyan (former Armenian football player, forward)
  • Aram (Aram Pasha) Manukyan ((1879 - 1919) Armenian socio-political and statesman, member of the Dashnaktsutyun party)
  • Aram Manukyan ((born 1957) Armenian politician)
  • Aram Safaryan (member of the Armenian Parliament)
  • Aram Karapetyan ((born 1964) Armenian politician)
  • Aram Tamazyan ((born 1952) Prosecutor General of Armenia from 2001 to 2004)
  • Aram Asatryan ((1953 - 2006) popular Armenian singer, songwriter; godfather modern direction Armenian city song - rabiz)
  • Aram Simonyan ((born 1955) Rector of Yerevan State University)
  • Aram Harutyunyan (Armenian statesman)
  • Aram Vanetsin ((1901 – 1971) soviet schedule and painter, created many illustrations for books, including the following publications by A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov of the 1947-1950s (“Blizzard”, “Izmail Bey”, “Hero of Our Time”) ; interior of the museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy " Yasnaya Polyana"was also restored based on the image of the interior painted by Vanetsin Aram)

Meaning of the name Aram: The name for a boy means “kind-hearted”, “merciful”. This affects the character and fate of Aram.

Origin of the name Aram: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Aramchik, Arik.

What does the name Aram mean: The name has several versions of its origin, and the most common is that it is an Aramaic name, since in the Bible Aram was the son of Shem and the grandson of Noah. The name Aram is translated as “mercy”, “kindness”. This is exactly the name of one of the Urartian rulers - A. First. The hero was also known in the mythology of the Armenians, who was considered the ancestor of the entire Armenian people. Another meaning of the name Aram is “consolation” - translated from Persian. A guy with this name is destined to overcome all the hardships of life in order to live happily after reaching adulthood.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name Aram: the name Aram does not mark the name day, since Abram is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac of Aram – Capricorn, Leo
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Aram color - mixed
  • Auspicious tree - nut
  • Treasured plant – valerian
  • The patron of Aram is a fox, a weasel
  • Talisman stone Aram – emerald

Characteristics of the name Aram

Positive features: Quite reserved and calm even in childhood.

Negative features: a guy with this name is distinguished by stubbornness, determination and exaggerated pride. A man with this name is sometimes quick-tempered and harsh, but is not distinguished by vindictiveness.

Characteristics of the name Aram:“Autumn” Aramchik is softer in character and is able to adapt to the situation. Therefore, it is much easier for him to make profitable acquaintances. As a result, a Man gets into high society without much difficulty and, as a rule, gets along quite well in life.

Selfishness and whims are characteristic of a “spring” newborn. He Aram attaches great importance to trifles. However, he can quickly forget the insult. But from positive qualities You can highlight courage, willpower, and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions.

A child with this name, born in the summer, really does not like to plan anything. A child with the wonderful name Aram is distinguished by his intelligence and organizational skills.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Aram: Often he is not the first child in the family, but even in this case he becomes everyone’s favorite. He Aram is talented, has wonderful musical ear and often demonstrates a knack for dancing. Drawing has a special meaning for him. It would be good if parents were able to recognize Aram’s talents in time and develop them.

The fate of Aram in history

What does the name Aram mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Aram - biblical hero, grandson of Noah and son of Shem
  2. Aram is the first ruler of Urartu, a state that previously existed on the territory of present-day Armenia
  3. Aram Khachaturyan - Soviet conductor, composer, teacher, musical and public figure, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of four Stalin Prizes, State Prizes of the USSR, Lenin Prize. Known as the author of the music for the National Anthem of the Armenian SSR. Known as one of the prominent figures music during the 20th century
  4. Aram Kocharyan – statesman of Armenia
  5. Aram Grigoryan – Armenian diplomat
  6. Aram Hakobyan – former football player of Armenian origin, playing as a striker
  7. Aram Voskanyan is a former football player who played as a striker
  8. Aram Manukyan – Armenian statesman and socio-political figure
  9. Aram Safaryan – Member of the Parliament of Armenia
  10. Aram Karapetyan – political figure of Armenia
  11. Aram Tamazyan – Prosecutor General of Armenia (2001-2004)
  12. Aram Asatryan – Armenian performer, songwriter
  13. Aram Simonyan – rector and teacher of Yerevan State University
  14. Aram Vanetsin – Soviet painter and the graph who became the creator large quantity illustrations for books (including publications by M.Yu. Lermontov and A.S. Pushkin).

The male name Aram has Aramaic roots; in the Bible this was the name of Noah’s grandson. Even in ancient times, this name spread to the territory of Persia, and it came to our country from Armenia, where it is highly revered due to the fact that it was the name of the Urartian king Aram the First. Armenians say that the name Aram means “noble”, “merciful”.

Characteristics of the name Aram

The owners of this name really possess these qualities, and they are also calm, talented, serious, love to study, devoted to family and work. Aram does not succumb to the influence of others; from a young age, he invents for himself what his life should be like and purposefully goes towards his dream. Some people may not speak very well of Aram, saying that he is hot-tempered, harsh, stubborn and narcissistic, however, these qualities, although they sometimes come out, in general cannot characterize this person, since each of us in certain situations can lose your temper, become stubborn, respond sharply.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This interesting name suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Aries or Capricorn. Aries (March 21-April 20) is similar to Aram in his friendliness, directness, and optimism. Under his patronage, Aram will skillfully combine good nature and aggressiveness, and will want to devote his life to active scientific activity, travel, discoveries. As for Capricorn (December 22-January 20), he is similar to Aram in his patience, sobriety of thought, and modesty. Under the auspices of this sign, Aram will gain unprecedented resilience and will live without attracting excessive attention to himself, but enjoying the respect of people for his efficiency and decency.

Pros and cons of the name Aram

What are the pros and cons of this name? Among its strengths are unusualness, rarity, good character, inherent to its owners, easy compatibility with both Russian surnames and patronymics, and with surnames adopted from other nationalities. Among the disadvantages of the name Aram, we can note the low possibility of choosing beautiful diminutive forms for it (Aramov is abbreviated as Aramchiks, Arikas), as well as the Caucasian sound, which can be negatively perceived by others throughout life (in this case, you need to take into account the specifics of the region, where you live).


It should be said that the Arams are in very good health. They usually love sports, look good, are physically active, and walk quickly.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships These are exemplary husbands who are very attached to their parents, faithful to their spouse, and dote on their children. The Arams are happy to help their mother and wife around the house and cook very tasty food.

Professional area

IN professional field They make excellent business managers, cooks, jewelers, and massage therapists.

Name day

Arama's name day is not celebrated, since this name is not in the church calendars.