What should a man wear to the gym for running, cycling, or weights? How to look good for a girl


You've finally decided to take charge of your fitness and want to lose a few extra pounds of fat and/or gain a few pounds of muscle.

The most reasonable way to achieve your goal is, of course, to visit the gym. There you will be able to exercise under the supervision of an experienced trainer, purposefully pumping up the most problematic muscle groups and gradually increasing the load.

But, getting ready for classes for the first time, you suddenly realize that you have absolutely no idea what clothes are customary to wear in the gym. This question is especially important, of course, for girls, but the male part of society is sometimes puzzled by this problem, since it is known that we are always greeted in an unfamiliar place solely by our clothes.

Selecting shoes

Choosing the right shoes is perhaps the most important part of choosing sports equipment. High-quality shoes that are appropriate for the type of activity you choose will prevent accidental injuries. It is strictly forbidden to wear slippers to the gym, as they do not secure the foot and do not protect the toes. When wearing slippers to classes, it is easy to slip and get dislocated or, if you drop a heavy equipment on your foot, injure small bones.

The easiest way to select shoes for the gym is in a specialized store. For running and cardio training, there are special sneakers that partially absorb the shock load on the foot. It is convenient to carry out strength training in weightlifting shoes with thin anti-slip soles. If you do a little bit of everything, choose versatile running shoes.

Socks and knee socks

Sneakers are not worn on bare feet, so socks or knee socks are a mandatory part of sportswear. Give preference to sports models made from natural fiber that absorb moisture well. Cotton socks that are thick but soft enough are ideal. They do not irritate the skin, fit tightly and reliably on the foot, absorb sweat perfectly and are easy to wash.

Make sure that the elastic bands of socks or knee socks are not too tight and do not squeeze the blood circulation in your legs, otherwise, instead of benefiting from the exercises, you will experience swollen, heavy limbs.


The right choice of underwear for going to the gym is especially important for girls and ladies. In this case, aesthetics must give way to expediency: items made of synthetic lace, elegant underwire bras, thongs and other delights will have to be left for more suitable occasions. Your choice will be classic panties made of cotton jersey and cotton seamless bras.

T-shirts and tank tops

To play sports, you need comfortable clothing, so choose T-shirts in size: they should fit comfortably to the body, without clinging to the protruding parts of the exercise equipment. It’s better to avoid overly tight T-shirts, which the fair sex likes to show off in, if your goal is sports activities and not finding new boyfriends.

You should not choose things with an abundance of decorative details - laces, rivets, pockets, etc. The best option is a comfortable, fairly loose, smooth T-shirt or tank top.

Shorts, leggings, sweatpants

In the gym you can work out in shorts or sweatpants; girls often prefer to wear leggings. The requirements for this clothing are traditional: pants should softly fit the body without restricting movement, but also not dangle, clinging to sports equipment. The material must be well breathable and absorb moisture, which is inevitable during physical activity.

Too tight pants, in addition to the obvious inconvenience, will rub the skin and impede blood circulation. Ladies should avoid revealing shorts that are too short, as they may reveal more to prying eyes during exercise than you are willing to show.

Materials for sportswear

Natural cotton knitwear remains the most popular for sewing sportswear, the hygienic properties of which deserve all praise. At the same time, today leading sportswear companies have developed a number of synthetic materials with properties that are not inferior to natural fiber.

When performing high-impact strength training, wear special sportswear made from two-layer knitwear, which absorbs sweat well and at the same time prevents hypothermia.

Maya MILIC: Working out in the GYM- Playing sports is necessary and useful. And if you missed your time as a child, and your parents did not take you to dance, wrestling and swimming sections, then sooner or later you have to make up for lost time. And even people with a sports background still need to keep themselves in shape, because muscle tone is a guarantee of good health. In addition, most of us have back pain from constant eight-hour sitting at work, have weight problems due to irregular nutrition and other difficulties that can be solved by making a little effort on ourselves.

In my opinion, the path to sports and physical health is now open to everyone - some people run in the park or around the house, some buy mats, dumbbells and other equipment for home, while others prefer fitness centers, which have long appeared in everyone area.

Any resident of a more or less large city can choose a gym based on their financial capabilities, territorial wishes (closer to home or work) and other preferences. Yes, you will have to pay to use the fitness center. Even more - for a subscription for six months or a year you will have to pay a decent amount of money at once. But a fitness club has a lot of advantages and disadvantages over independent training!

Firstly, the money already spent will stimulate you, and when an attack of fatigue and laziness strikes, you will still get up and go to work - because “everything is paid for.”

The second advantage of a fitness club is its equipment. Treadmills, exercise bikes, various exercise machines for all muscle groups, specially equipped rooms for group classes, mats and dumbbells of any weight. All this equipment is designed for you - some for burning calories, some for stretching, others for strength training. You definitely won’t be able to fit a bunch of sports equipment at home, and what you can will take up space and get in the way.

In addition, there are instructors in fitness centers - you can always turn to them with questions, especially if you are new to sports and don’t know how exactly you should work on yourself. Any instructor will tell you how to use this or that exercise machine, what load will be optimal for you, how many approaches to do, and how to breathe correctly. If you wish, they will create an individual training program for you, which you will have to strictly follow to achieve the desired result.

If not all, then many fitness clubs have a sauna or bathhouse and a swimming pool. The first is good because it helps to relax after an intense workout, improve blood circulation, steam the skin and remove moisture from the body. There’s no need to talk about the benefits of a swimming pool - it is recommended to everyone who wants to get in shape, lose weight or just swim for fun.

In general, the atmosphere of the fitness club itself is mobilizing. If at home after work you have to take up jumping ropes, hoops, dumbbells, etc., overcoming laziness and fatigue, then when you come to the fitness club, you will see around you people who selflessly sweat on the treadmill, vigorously pump their backs, arms, legs, or come out satisfied and laughing with aerobics - and this will encourage you to join them and start working on your body too! In addition, many people at home are distracted by household members, and it happens that there is nowhere to sit with your rug. In a fitness club, no one will bother you; there you are on your own, alone with your thoughts. But at the same time, if there is a desire to communicate or get to know someone and find out how he pumped up his biceps so much, they will talk to you friendly, as it is known that physical activity in the human body increases the level of endorphins, which have a positive effect on our mood.

In my opinion, group classes are an integral and perhaps the most important advantage of a fitness club. This is especially suitable for women and girls - since in the group there is also a sense of belonging: yes, not only do I have problems with weight and my stomach is swollen from cakes; The competitive moment is also significant - looking at the neighbor to the left or to the right, we try to do the exercise better, more clearly, more correctly. In addition, group classes are aimed at all the muscles of the body at once - which is what the fair sex needs. Most clubs offer a huge range of workouts: aerobics, ball exercises, yoga, Pilates, stretching, boxing, dancing and much more. At the same time, it is almost impossible to do many types of fitness on your own, since only a trainer can tell you exactly how to do the exercises, help you improve your posture and correct you if you are doing something wrong.

Many people are afraid that they will have to adapt to the club’s schedule and plan their time in advance. But there are advantages to this, since a card to a fitness club will force you to adhere to a certain training regimen, which guarantees the achievement of the desired effect. In addition, after the first month you will understand what suits you best, what classes you like to attend, what exercise equipment brings the desired effect.

In any case, it is up to you to choose how exactly to exercise. But in defense of fitness centers, I would like to add: they diversify our lives, help change the environment, concentrate on ourselves, stimulate, help overcome laziness and fatigue, provide an opportunity to meet interesting people and learn something new. And most importantly - you, your health and figure - this is definitely not something you should save on!

Yuri GEVORGYAN: Works out at HOME- Some people see a gym (fitness club, local gym - underline as appropriate) as a place where once you go you change forever - physically and mentally. But they do not notice that the place of irreversible metamorphosis for the better does not require a long search. This is home. Seriously, working out at home is no worse than working out at a respectable fitness center. There is, of course, less glamor, but the wallet is also safer.

The first argument of adherents of sports clubs is that there are a lot of exercise equipment there. You can't argue that very few people can afford to equip a hall at home. But the fact is that exercise machines, paradoxically, are the lot of bodybuilders and... weaklings. The former work out all sorts of muscles on them in order to look like the bloated atlas of the human body at competitions, and the latter perform basic exercises for which they are not yet prepared enough - presses, pull-ups. In fact, all this fitness variety can be obtained at home. You will need collapsible dumbbells, a barbell, racks, a bench and several expanders or rubber bands. The list looks impressive, but in fact all the equipment does not take up that much space - the bench and racks can be easily disassembled and folded into the corner to the bar from the barbell. And expanders and harnesses can replace almost any exercise machine you’ve seen in the gym. And very soon we will tell you (and show) how. All this equipment will cost 15 thousand rubles. The amount is impressive, but half the cost of a subscription to an average fitness center.

Many believe that the tidy sum paid for a subscription motivates more than a professional coach. Practice shows that the stimulating charge from the money spent dries up after about two to three months, after which classes become irregular. Is it worth paying for a year if you will regularly go to the gym for no longer than a quarter of the paid period?

In addition, practicing at home removes a number of restrictions. For example, you save time. Even if your gym is located near your home or work, getting to it takes time. And you don’t have to adjust to your class schedule, you can create it yourself. Let's say that on Tuesday and Thursday, when you stay late at work, there is Pilates, but the trainer you need works only on Saturday mornings, when you want to sleep off after a hard work week - this is a shame. You can, of course, find another hall, but most likely, according to the law of meanness, it will be located in an inconvenient area or will cost too much. Finding a hall that meets all requirements is not as easy as it seems. Don’t believe people you know who boast that they go to a cheap 24-hour fitness center near their home. They are either lying or just lucky, of which there are few.

But now you have found a 24-hour, cheap, close to home gym. Are you lucky? Not really. This room probably has all the exercise equipment you dreamed of, but in a single copy. And the trouble is, all the other visitors to the hall also dreamed about them. And instead of inspiredly conquering the next steel monster, you waste time in line, waiting for a dreamy conqueror like you to get off it. Another advantage of home training is that there are no queues for the exercise equipment.

But there are trainers in fitness centers. The truth is, it’s better to consult about which program is right for you personally and where to start, not with Google and Yandex, but with a real person. But finding a good trainer is even more difficult than finding a good gym. Therefore, it will be easier and faster to enrich yourself with theory on the Internet.

In fact, training in a fitness center is necessary only for two categories of people. Girls who not only (and not so much) play sports in the gym, but also communicate, for which they go to group classes. And for people who are seriously involved in weightlifting and powerlifting. In these sports, when working with hardware, you need insurance, so you simply won’t be able to bench press or pull the maximum weight at home alone. Yes, and slamming a 200-kilogram barbell on the floor is a pleasure for the most desperate: you feel sorry for the floors and the neighbors.

If you set yourself not sports, but health and cosmetic goals, it is not at all necessary to leave your native walls. At home - faster, cheaper, more convenient. And you can practice to your favorite music!

Having decided to take up fitness and getting ready for their first class, many beginners have little idea of ​​what clothes for the gym will be most suitable. To help them make their choice, we have summarized the experience of experienced athletes and made recommendations for choosing clothes and shoes for fitness and bodybuilding.

What should an athlete's equipment be like?

In order for clothing and footwear for sports to help achieve your goals, they must meet the following requirements:

  • provide thermal comfort;
  • be comfortable when moving;
  • comply with safety standards;
  • do not distract others from training;
  • present your appearance in a favorable light;
  • always be clean and tidy.

In addition to these points, some fitnessists believe that sportswear for fitness should have status, and choose only products from prestigious brands. This is a personal matter for everyone, but beginners are unlikely to spend significant sums on sports equipment. High-quality sportswear can be bought inexpensively, and in addition, with regular training, the size of your clothes can soon change significantly.

Let's consider each of the requirements for clothing and shoes for the gym in more detail.

Thermal comfort

Whatever the temperature in the gym, you definitely won’t freeze during intense physical activity. You will likely feel hot and sweaty during your workout. Therefore, the best choice would be a short-sleeved T-shirt made of jersey that absorbs sweat well, and shorts below the knees, or sports pants made of fairly light and hygroscopic stretch fabric.

Do you need tracksuits, trowels, and sweatshirts in the gym? Yes, having any of these things is desirable. They usually do a warm-up before strength training. If it's cool enough in the gym, then by warming up, you'll be more likely to warm up your muscles during the warm-up.

When working out on exercise machines, you can take off your sweatshirt or trowel while remaining in your T-shirt. And at the end of the workout, when you head to the locker room, outer sportswear will come in handy. By insulating your body, which is hot and damp from sweat, you will protect yourself from drafts and avoid colds.

There is an opinion that by exercising in warm clothes, feeling temperature discomfort and sweating heavily, the exerciser will lose weight faster. Actually this is not true. Weight loss with increased sweating occurs not due to accelerated fat burning, but due to getting rid of fluid. A sauna has a similar “weight loss” effect. Having restored the water balance, the body returns to its weight. Extra layers of clothing do not affect the intensity of fat burning; they can only make the workout more difficult and uncomfortable.

When talking about thermal comfort, we cannot fail to mention gym shoes. Sweaty feet are a common problem, especially among men. When choosing sports shoes, there are many criteria that will be discussed in detail below. To ensure that your feet do not overheat during training, you should pay attention to sports models with mesh inserts. They promote good ventilation of the feet, prevent excessive sweating and all related problems.


What types of materials are best for sportswear? Previously, it was believed that clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen were best suited for sports. But the experience of athletes completely refutes this statement. Cotton and linen knitwear absorbs sweat well, but it takes a long time to dry and, remaining wet, cools the body. Constant skin contact with sweat-soaked fabric can cause diaper rash and chafing.

Clothes made from synthetic materials designed specifically for sports are much more comfortable during training. They are highly hygroscopic and breathable, quickly absorb and evaporate moisture. Due to this, they are much more comfortable for sports than cotton and linen. This is exactly the rare case when synthetics are preferable to natural materials.

The same goes for socks. Contrary to popular belief, the best socks for sports are not cotton, but special socks for sports, characterized by increased hygroscopicity and the absence of any seams.

However, for those who want to lose weight and only do cardio exercises for now, cotton jersey T-shirts will do just fine. They are especially suitable for those who are embarrassed about excess weight, because unlike tight-fitting sports jersey, a loose, elongated cotton T-shirt does a good job of hiding figure flaws.

Comfort while driving

Items must be properly sized. When working out in the gym, you have to move not only a lot, but also in a variety of ways. Therefore, clothing for fitness should stretch well in all directions so as not to restrict movement when performing any exercise. Clothes that are too tight are not acceptable. Tight belts, tops that pinch the armpits, and pants that cut into the crotch should be excluded. Choose low-cut socks, without elastic that compresses the shin.

When choosing a T-shirt, shorts, trousers, evaluate whether it is comfortable to squat, bend, or stretch in them. Pay attention not only to freedom of movement, but also to ensure that when performing exercises, certain parts of the body, for example, the lower back and buttocks, are not excessively exposed. After all, not only physical, but also psychological comfort is important.

An important condition for the comfort of men's and women's fitness clothing is the absence of rough seams. Sweaty and hot skin with constant contact with rough seams and hard labels will chafe and become injured, causing pain.

Safety standards

The safety of training largely depends on sportswear. Clothing that is too loose is dangerous because it can get caught on protruding parts of the exercise equipment and cause you to lose your balance.

Another danger of loose clothing is that the instructor cannot see how correctly the strength exercises are being performed. Only in tight-fitting sportswear is it possible to notice from the outside the incorrect position of the body and errors in movements. This gives the instructor the opportunity to correct the student’s mistakes and teach him the technique.

Hiding in a robe, you can avoid criticism, but at the same time master strength exercises incorrectly. And incorrect technique will not only not allow you to achieve the desired results, but can also cause injury, which happens quite often.

Shoes play a big role in ensuring the safety of training. It must be selected for a certain type of load. Read more about this in the corresponding section.

Moral standards

The desire to demonstrate the advantages of a figure and attract the attention of members of the opposite sex is quite understandable, but people usually go to the gym for a completely different purpose. Provocative sportswear that reveals the details of your physique distracts you from your workout, which can have a bad effect on both your workout results and your reputation.

When choosing clothes for the gym, it is recommended to be more modest; all the advantages of a figure can usually be appreciated even without provocatively revealing clothes. Moreover, open sweaty areas of the body leave unpleasant wet marks on benches and seats of exercise equipment. To the one who is noticed, excessively revealing clothing will help to arouse not sympathy, but, on the contrary, hostility from others.

Attractive appearance

When choosing clothes for the gym, your priority should be comfort and safety. But we must not forget about the aesthetic side. You should like yourself in these clothes. Even if your physical shape is still far from perfect, the reflection in the gym mirror should be pleasant for you. This will create an uplifting mood and increase motivation for regular exercise.

How to dress for the gym so that your appearance is presented in the most favorable light? The principles for choosing sportswear are the same as for the rest of your wardrobe:

  • emphasize the advantages of your figure;
  • try to hide flaws as much as possible;
  • choose shades that match your skin and hair tone, eye color.

There are many opportunities to follow these recommendations when choosing sportswear. Depending on whether it is necessary to emphasize the beauty of the legs and hips or, conversely, to hide their shortcomings, you can choose: tight or loose shorts of various lengths, leggings, loose sports trousers. The same applies to the upper part of the sports uniform - by varying the sleeve length, neck shape, degree of fit, you can choose the most suitable model of a T-shirt or top.

Remember that light shades visually increase volume, while dark shades reduce volume. This allows you to visually adjust the proportions of the upper and lower parts of the figure.

Cleanliness and neatness

One of the most important conditions for an attractive appearance in the gym is cleanliness and freshness of clothes. It is necessary to wash your underwear, T-shirt, shorts and socks after each workout. Shoes also need to be dried and aired; you should not forget them in your bag until the next workout, as this can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The lifespan of sportswear is determined not only by its appearance, but also by its freshness. Even if the T-shirt has not faded or stretched, it is time to replace it if the unpleasant odor absorbed into it does not go away after washing. On average, replacement of sportswear with intensive use is required once every six months.


Shoes for the gym should be selected taking into account the type of training. For training on a treadmill, you should buy running shoes, and for strength training, weightlifting shoes or wrestling shoes. High-quality athletic shoes securely fix the foot and promote alignment of the joints of the knees and ankles during strength exercises. This serves as an excellent prevention of injury and protects joints from rapid wear.

Athletic shoes are not suitable for running and jumping. Due to its rigidity, the spine experiences shock loads during running, which can cause problems with the intervertebral discs. Therefore, if you plan to do both strength and cardio training, purchase two types of shoes and do not forget to change them.

For fitness classes with elements of cardio aerobics and step aerobics, running sneakers are suitable. If stretching exercises predominate (yoga, Pilates), then buy soft, flexible shoes - moccasins, sneakers, sneakers.

One of the important requirements for shoes is that they should not be worn out. Professionals recommend changing your running shoes after 500 miles, which equates to approximately 1 pair per year for two runs per week.


Many people think that it makes no difference what kind of underwear to use for training, because it is not visible under clothes. This is not entirely true. The wrong selection can cause inconvenience and even the most comfortable outer sportswear cannot compensate for it.

Special underwear designed for sports is made of synthetic materials that fit tightly to the body and provide comfort and good ventilation. This is especially important during intense workouts and heavy sweating.

It is recommended to select underwear for exercise in the gym from hygroscopic materials that have sufficient elasticity. The selection of sports bras for women deserves special attention. They should support the chest well so that during active movements it is fixed and the skin does not stretch. If you are a large size, you should choose a bra with wide shoulders and a belt. Since the support properties of bras weaken over time, it is recommended to replace these items of women's sportswear every 6-9 months.


When working with large free weights, you may need gym gloves to help you grip the weights more securely and avoid blisters. Sports gloves differ from regular gloves in having cut fingers and the presence of gel pads on the palms. A beginner does not need this accessory; put off purchasing it until you move on to training with heavy barbells and kettlebells.

If you haven't been to the gym for a long time, starting a new exercise routine can be challenging. Not only do you have to worry about achieving your goals, but you also have to worry about how you look while you're competing for them among the overweight gym denizens. Don't worry - every new gym goer goes through this. With a few simple tips, it won't be hard to look presentable—even sultry—while working out.


Look good while playing sports

    Comfortable clothes. When it comes to choosing workout clothes, comfort comes first. It's wise to choose fabrics that allow you to move, bend, sweat, and are easily removable. Instead of using stuffy materials like denim, vinyl, polyester, etc., choose breathable materials like cotton, bamboo and man-made fibers used in sportswear to keep you cool and comfortable while you work up a sweat.

    • "Moisture-wicking" fabrics are a particularly good choice for workout clothing. These fabrics (usually man-made) transfer sweat to the outside of the material, where it can evaporate rather than be absorbed into the body.
    • When in doubt, wear layers. Wear multiple pieces of breathable clothing at a time and remove external elements that can make you hot and sweaty.
  1. Emphasize your own figure. When you're at the gym, you have a little more freedom than usual and can wear tight or revealing clothing. Make the most of it! For example, if you are a naturally plus-size woman, a well-fitting sports bra and tight yoga pants will highlight your natural assets. On the other side. If you're naturally thin, you can bare your waist to show off your toned tummy. Your ideal outfit will depend on your body type – it will be a little different for everyone!

    • The only surefire way to not flatter your figure is to wear a one-color outfit; it gives almost everyone a “saggy look” (like the person is wearing pajamas). It is much better to wear one piece of clothing in a neutral color (black, gray, etc.) and one color - this will create a healthy contrast that emphasizes the figure.
  2. Use sweat-absorbing accessories. Some people who sweat a lot may benefit from wearing sweat-absorbing clothing. Headbands, bracelets, bandanas and other accessories can help manage your sweat levels, ensuring you look your best.

    • To enhance the effect, you can also carry an antiperspirant deodorant with you to minimize the amount of sweating and unpleasant odor.
  3. Maintain hygiene. The clothes you wear aren't the main determinant of how attractive you are in the gym—it's also about how you act and present yourself. For example, since any hygiene problems you have are likely to be especially noticeable once you start moving, it's important to take care of these issues, both for your own benefit and for the comfort of those around you. Below are just a few simple hygiene tips to help you look and feel great in the gym:

    • Wash your body and hair daily or every other day.
    • Take a bath after every visit to the gym.
    • Protect cuts, scrapes and sores with appropriate dressing.
    • After completing your workout, wipe off your sweat with a disinfectant.
  4. Maximize your stretching. For many, stretching before and/or after exercise is routine. However, if you want to look sultry, this is your best chance! Stretching will give you the perfect opportunity to bend, twist and twist in ways that flatter your figure. Don't be shy - there's no reason to look bad while warming up.

    • If your gym offers yoga classes, consider signing up. One of the main elements of yoga is flexibility, so you will be working on many areas, some of which will naturally benefit from it. Additionally, tight-fitting clothing is quite common for yoga classes.
  5. Choose exercises to achieve your goal. Let's be honest - most people don't look sexy trying to complete a very difficult exercise. If you're straining to do one more bench press or run the last 400m of your half marathon, there's a good chance you'll be sweating, grunting and out of breath. To look as good as possible, choose exercises that you won't have to struggle to perform. Completing exercise at a healthy level of effort will generally help you look great; Don't rush the finish line or give up on your last approach.

    • This doesn't mean you should necessarily shy away from intense exercise. If you want to look good, you need to strike a fine balance between choosing easy exercises that will help you look good without much effort, and choosing exercises that are too difficult.
  6. Know how to flatten certain parts of your body. Is there one part of your body that you're especially proud of - a super-sexy area? If yes, show it! Below are just a few potential "target" areas and some exercises to help identify them:

    • Arms: biceps curls, triceps strengthening, forearm exercises
    • Gluteal muscles: squats, deadlifts
    • Legs: squats, lunges, running, cycling
    • Chest: bench press, bent over/down press
    • Abdominal: crunches, squats
    • Back: pull-up, block row
  7. Take the correct posture. No matter how attractive you are, doing the exercises incorrectly will make you look like a novice. More importantly, doing the exercises incorrectly can be unsafe, potentially leading to long-term injury. To avoid this, perform each exercise in the appropriate position. If you are unsure how to safely perform a particular exercise, talk to a gym member. Since there are almost countless exercises, it is impossible to cover the full depth of this topic in this article, but here are a few tips to get you started - this list is by no means exhaustive:

    • For weightlifting, use only weights that you can lift and lower smoothly and comfortably.
    • If you are standing, sitting or moving, keep your back straight and upright, but do not squeeze your knees.
    • Don't cheat or force yourself to do more than your limit.
    • Avoid performing exercises with a hunched or tilted neck and back, especially when working the related muscles.
  8. Don't stick to one machine. It's easy to forget you're at a public gym, but that won't be much of an excuse for other members to catch you doing it. Resting on a cardio or strength machine is often viewed as bad form (especially by "gym rats") because it deters other people from using the machine unless they specifically ask you to move away. This will make you look like a novice or selfish, so these actions should be avoided if possible.

    • Instead, take a break between sets, stand up, walk around and, if desired, stretch. If you plan to resume exercising on the machine, leaving a bag or other personal item next to it is a way of “reserving” it, preventing others from quickly occupying the machine.

    How to look good for a girl

    1. Use a bra for sports. One good rule for women who want to do strenuous exercise is to invest in a comfortable, well-fitted sports bra. It provides excellent breast support and prevents unwanted bounce, making them especially valuable for activities such as jogging, jumping rope, etc. However, your sports bra should fit you well. To be useful - too tight or loose will be uncomfortable and may look bad.

      Also wear loose tops and fitted sportswear. Women have many options when it comes to dressing for the gym—loose-fitting T-shirts and tight workout clothes are generally acceptable. If you want to look especially good, consider layering (like layering a sport coat over a T-shirt or top) and matching colors, although this is by no means necessary.

      • Unless prohibited by your gym's dress code, you can wear more revealing items (like tiny tops, etc.) as long as they are more breathable and comfortable. However, these types of outerwear are not essential for a good workout.
    2. Wear shorts or sweatpants. Women also have a wide variety of underwear choices - sweatpants, yoga pants, leggings, sweatpants, etc., all options are acceptable, so choose the option that suits you best. In general, shorts are cooler than pants, so they are especially good for cardio exercise, which encourages a lot of sweating.

      • If you're concerned about sweat stains on your pants, wear dark colors like black or navy blue—any stains will be much darker than the fabric.
    3. Don't wear sheer fabrics. When you're worried about your appearance, it's easy to forget that sweating at the gym means you're working hard! However, an abundance of sweat turns clothes (especially white ones) into translucent ones. This can lead to an overly awkward effect, so try to wear dark colors or thicker fabrics to avoid this effect.

      • If you want to look super sexy and wear thin white fabric to the gym, you should wear a bra for obvious reasons.
    4. Don't wear makeup. Generally, you want to skip the makeup before going to the gym. Heavy makeup can be uncomfortable during a workout, especially when you start to sweat. What's worse is that sweat can smear your makeup, giving you a smudged, dirty look. Since you're typically going to the gym to work out (not show off), wearing makeup isn't beneficial.

      Don't wear your hair down. If you have long hair, it is not advisable to leave it down during training. They'll get in your face as you exercise, blocking your view and causing irritation (not to mention giving you a dirty, sloppy appearance). Although rare, loose hair can also get caught in certain types of equipment (such as weightlifting machines), causing serious injury. To avoid these problems, wear a comfortable, neat hairstyle, such as a ponytail or bun.

      • If you don't want to fuss with your hair, use special accessories such as elastic bands, bandanas and headbands to keep your hair tied up. They also give you the opportunity to look fashionable!
    5. Don't wear jewelry. Like loose hair, excessive jewelry is not advisable in the gym. While small split stud earrings usually won't cause problems, hoop earrings, necklaces, and ankle and ankle bracelets can be dangerous if they make it difficult to perform exercises correctly or get stuck in the machine. It's usually best to leave these items at home - this way, you'll not only avoid unnecessary worry, but you'll also avoid looking like someone who prioritizes appearance over exercise.

      • Another reason to avoid jewelry at the gym is the possibility of theft. If you leave your jewelry in a public locker room, it could be stolen, even if you use a lock. It's wise to leave valuables at the reception, but the only way to keep them from being lost or stolen is to leave them at home.
    6. Carry a functional bag. An overstuffed, stuffed-to-the-brim purse can look like a cannonball on a chain—not only is it a hindrance to your workout, but it's also another item you'll have to worry about keeping safe and clean. If you need a bag, try using a small, functional duffel bag. They usually have more space than regular ladies' ones, and they always look great, even when dirty or soaked in sweat.

    How to look good for a man

      Wear comfortable, breathable outerwear. Compared to women, men have almost all the same outerwear options (except, of course, tiny tops, etc.). Men at the gym look best in clothes that are functional, comfortable and breathable. Many men prefer to wear regular cotton T-shirts, although as usual, modern moisture-wicking fabrics that also look great are considered a more comfortable option.

      • If you want to show off your arms, an A-line t-shirt (tank top) or tank top. These types of T-shirts are sometimes even made with long slits on the sides to show off your abs or muscles - although this style is sometimes considered "bro", it provides good ventilation and is usually not prohibited in gyms.
    1. Stick to long shorts. As a general rule, short shorts for men are little more acceptable at the gym than for women. Exposed upper thighs can be considered a fashion faux pas unless the person is part of a cross-country marathon team. Therefore, if you usually wear shorts, it is better to opt for longer models. Even below-the-knee shorts don't look too baggy, so don't shy away from them.

      Keep your T-shirt on. While some men like to take off their T-shirts to cool down after a long run or while exercising, it is sometimes considered rude to do so at the gym. In gyms that don't do this, you will look "dumb" compared to other people. Also, if you sweat a lot while exercising, removing your T-shirt may leave more sweat on the machine, which will look tacky to other people.

    2. One of the latest gym trends is the use of training masks while performing physical exercises. They partially restrict the flow of air into the lungs, supposedly simulating the effect of being at high altitude, where the amount of oxygen is limited. Although some praise high results, there is little (if any) evidence to support these claims. This makes these accessories not only a fancy fashion choice but also a waste of money.
    • Look in the mirror, if you are comfortable being outside in clothes designed for the gym, everything is fine. If you look dull in such clothes, find something else!
    • Don't beat yourself up too much if you want a "day off." Looking great at the gym really sets the pace of life and makes working out easier, but who will really care if one day you show up wearing nothing? After all, you are there to lose weight and stay toned!


    • Don't spend too much on sportswear. It's a well-known fact that your decision to go to the gym is likely to be short-lived, so spending too much on appropriate clothing can be a waste of money. Plus, you can find some great deals if you shop around the area.
    • Make sure you have decent shoes. It's worth spending a little more on sneakers to make sure they protect your feet without causing discomfort.

When it comes to action, motivation plays a huge role in success. But how you dress plays an equally important role in this. Baggy tops and stretchy cotton T-shirts may be comfortable, but they add sloppiness and chaos to your outfit. Correctly selected gym clothes provides not only convenience and beauty of movements, but also protects the body from sweat and irritation of sensitive skin.

What not to wear to the gym. 8 things not for the gym

Consider yourself a fitness veteran? Don't think that you are invulnerable. Both beginners and experienced athletes can become victims of sports fashion. So before you lace up your favorite sneakers or pull on your sports bra, it's worth knowing what not to wear to the gym:

  1. 100% cotton clothing

  2. Not worth it wear to the gym clothes made from 100% cotton fabric. This fiber may seem like a cool, comfortable option at first, but because cotton wicks moisture and dries slowly, your sweat will literally stick to you. In addition to heaviness, wet cotton can cause chills and irritation, and increase friction in the folds.

    How to fix: Buy clothes that, in addition to cotton, also contain synthetics for quick drying. A special fabric has now been developed to separate beads of sweat from the skin with optimal further evaporation.

  3. Worn out shoes

  4. If you don't throw in your shoes until the soles start to split at the seams or there's a hole in the toe, you're doing your feet a disservice. A worn out sole and arch support will leave you without a solid base when standing and can even damage your joints. If shoes do not provide the necessary support, it will lead to pain in the knee and feet.

    How to fix: Change your favorite women's fitness sneakers approximately every 500 km. If, for example, you work out two days a week, then you need to change your shoes a couple of times a year. If it’s six to seven days a week, then you should change your sneakers approximately every three months.

  5. Loose Sports Bras

  6. You can't get the most out of your workout if you're uncomfortable or shy. A good sports bra protects the ligaments and breast tissue from excessive stretching or strain, so you can exercise worry-free.

    How to fix: To choose the perfect bra, take into account the intensity of the workout and the structure of your body. For activities such as yoga or walking, soft models are suitable. For intense cardio workouts, you need to choose thicker models that absorb moisture well. Women with large breasts should choose bras that have wide straps and provide maximum support.

  7. Bijouterie

  8. Jewelry that hangs, dangles, or sticks out has no place in the gym. Anything that will disturb you or make you think about something other than your workout should be left at home. This even applies to a wedding ring - it can cause discomfort, or cause injury when pulling up, or come off your hand when doing yoga and Pilates.

  9. Headphones with loud sound

  10. While headphones can help you get into the rhythm of your workout, they can also limit your awareness of your surroundings. Keep the music volume level low enough to hear what's going on around you.

  11. Baggy clothes

  12. Wearing clothes that are too loose at the gym is a safety hazard. It may get caught on something. In addition, it will be more difficult to see your body, the evenness of your posture and the correctness of the exercise. And doing it incorrectly can harm you more than help you.

  13. Clothes that are too tight

  14. There must be a golden mean in sportswear. It should not be a barrier to full range of motion.

  15. Strong smell of perfumes and lotions

  16. Nobody wants to smell bad at the gym. But the aroma of strong perfumes or colognes intensifies when the body heats up and begins to sweat, which can lead to headaches for you or someone close to you.

    How to fix: choose perfumes without fragrances and oils, specifically designed for sports.