What to do to make a waist. The path to a thin waist: classic methods. Video: The most dangerous abdominal exercises


Who doesn't want to have a perfect waist, flexible and thin? It’s unlikely that anyone has met people who admire the “beauty” of fat folds, because it looks, at least, unattractive. That is why those with a very unpleasant figure feature strive to get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible in a variety of ways. However, not all control methods are equally effective, and some not only do not bring results, but also aggravate the situation. So how to “fight” belly fat correctly? How to make your waist thin? We will help you find answers to these exciting questions.

Causes of excess fat accumulation in the waist area

The “absence” of a waist is not always caused by excess fat. The structural features of the skeleton and muscle structure are of great importance. Therefore, in different people the waist is expressed to a greater or lesser extent. A characteristic sign of “obesity” in this area is precisely the folds, which are especially noticeable when wearing clothes with a tight belt (for example, jeans). What contributes to the formation of such an unattractive “roller”?

  • Reduced speed of metabolic (metabolic) processes in the body. This factor can be either hereditary or acquired (for example, due to illness).
  • Malfunction of the endocrine system. This sometimes happens in the female body after childbirth, and also as a result of severe stress. Hormonal imbalances are often caused by taking certain medications.
  • Unbalanced nutrition that does not correspond to the “energy consumption” of the body.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, most often associated with the characteristics of professional activity.
  • Weakness of the abdominal muscles (with good general physical shape).

Before you get serious about improving your figure, you should visit an endocrinologist. If the examination does not reveal any pathologies, then you are quite capable of making your waist thin.

Physical activity is the main enemy of fat deposits

It's no secret that sport helps not only to maintain health and youth, but also perfectly shapes the figure. Therefore, you should definitely take him as your ally. The most effective in terms of correcting individual problem areas of the body will be classes according to specially designed programs (shaping, yoga, water aerobics, etc.) under the guidance of a competent trainer. In your free time, you can study at home. What exercises for a thin waist and a beautiful stomach should be included in your arsenal?

Exercise 1

Sit on a chair, rest your hands on the seat to maintain balance. Make your back straight, lift chin and legs. Move your legs to the right and left. You should start with ten repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

Exercise 2

Sit on a chair or chair, legs together, feet firmly on the floor. As you inhale, extend your arms straight out in front of you and tighten your abdominal muscles. Start by slowly bending forward and finally touch the floor. Inhale again and slowly return to the starting position. One cycle completed. For the first time, five cycles are enough, the number of which can be increased over time.

Exercise 3

Rotation of a hoop is no better exercise for the abdomen and waist. You need to start with a light apparatus, increasing its weight or duration of training as you train.

Exercise 4

It can be performed anywhere: at home, away, at work or on vacation. It is very simple: tense your abdominal muscles for a few seconds, as long as you can stand it, and then relax. Do this exercise as often as possible, and the results will not be long in coming.

Correction of diet and regimen

Without changing certain eating habits, it will be quite difficult to achieve a thin waist, even if you significantly increase the amount of physical activity. Therefore, you should listen to the following recommendations.

  • Meals should be regular and frequent, at least five times a day (every 3-4 hours).
  • You should not rely on mono-diets (kefir, apple, buckwheat and the like). The weight lost as a result of their use will be restored very quickly as soon as you return to your normal diet. You need to remember that you will have to eat “in a new way” for a long time, perhaps for the rest of your life.
  • Don't eat when you don't feel like eating at all. Wait for the feeling of hunger to “wake up”.
    Limit your intake of animal fats and simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweet pastries, ice cream, carbonated drinks) to a minimum.
  • Give preference to lean meats and eat fish more often. The main side dish should be vegetables: raw, steamed, stewed. For salad dressings, it is better to choose unrefined vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream.
  • A good addition to the main diet is low-fat fermented milk products. You can also use them before bed, because an acute feeling of hunger (if, for example, you had dinner too early) will not only prevent you from falling asleep, but can also cause serious stomach problems.
  • Drink herbal teas that stimulate metabolism. Black currant leaves, thyme, oregano, mint, and lemon balm are suitable for these purposes.

Beauty treatments at home

They will serve as a good addition to diet and exercise, helping to make your waist thin.


They improve blood circulation and lymph circulation in tissues, promote the removal of toxins and the breakdown of fat cells.

1. Honey. It is better to use fresh liquid honey. Apply a thin layer of it to the waist and, if necessary, abdomen, wrap these areas in plastic, cover with a warm blanket or blanket and lie there for half an hour. Then take a shower and apply moisturizer.

2. Chocolate. Melt a bar of dark chocolate (you can do two if you are afraid that one will not be enough for your waistline). Apply to the problem area, further steps are the same as for honey wrap.

3. Clay wraps. You can use all types of clay that are sold in pharmacies: white, blue, green. Dilute the amount you need (usually 2-3 tablespoons) with water to a creamy consistency. You can add 3-4 drops of essential oil (if there are no allergies). Lemon, grapefruit, orange, cedar, cypress, and thyme oils are suitable. Exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

You can find other recipes used to reduce waist size based on seaweed, cocoa, vinegar, tea or fruit in the article “”.


It should be carried out with light, but at the same time quite intense pinching and stroking movements until slight redness of the skin appears. As a massage oil, you can use ready-made cosmetic creams that help improve blood circulation and break down fat cells (with caffeine, extracts of horse chestnut, seaweed, red pepper).

A contrast shower would be a good replacement or addition to a manual massage. It will not only help make your waist thinner, but will also significantly improve the condition of your skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

How can modern medicine help?

If for some reason you need to get back to normal very quickly, you should seek help from a medical cosmetologist. Today, there are a lot of effective methods for correcting excessively curvy shapes. Some of them can make your waist thin in a week. These are various types of hardware massage (compression, vacuum), mesotherapy, effects on fat deposits with ultrasound, laser, radio waves. The technique of local tissue cooling (carried out using a special apparatus) has proven itself well, when fat cells are destroyed under the influence of low temperatures and then removed from the body naturally.

A radical method of eliminating the “roll” around the waist is liposuction. Modern medicine offers new, more gentle ways to remove excess fat when the operation is performed under local anesthesia with minimal damage to the skin and blood vessels. Only a plastic surgeon can decide which option is suitable in a particular case after a full examination and a series of examinations.

If you are not ready to solve the problem radically or there is simply no need for this, be patient and make a long-term plan to change your lifestyle, the persistent and methodical implementation of which will certainly give a positive result.

It is difficult to imagine the owners of the fair sex who would not dream of a thin, ideal waist. Body fashion is changing, once curvy figures were in fashion, then thin, model standards became fashionable.

But at any time the beauty and femininity of the body could be judged by the presence of a waist. The hourglass shape will probably never go out of style.

Many people have long heard that people’s ideal body parameters are a circumference size of 90-60-90. But is this so, perhaps, each type of body structure, height, weight corresponds to other parameters of an ideal figure.

In fact, this is quite individual and a waist size of sixty centimeters will be too small for one, and too much for another.

Scientifically, with the help of formulas and calculations, the ideal parameters of a modern girl have been compiled. You can look at them in the table and decide for yourself how far these calculations are from reality.

Height, cm Waist circumference, cm
149-150 55
151-152 56
153-154 57
155-156 58
157-158 59
159-160 60
161-162 61
163-164 62
165-166 63
167-168 64
169-170 65
171-172 66
173-174 67
175-176 68
177-178 69
179-180 70
181-182 71
183-184 72
185-186 73

Here you can see that waist size grows in direct proportion to weight, so if you are 175 cm tall, you do not need to strive for parameters of 90-60-90. It is not at all necessary to achieve the waist size indicated in the table.

Remember, it is important to be feminine and neat, and not frantically achieve fifty centimeters in volume and look exhausted. It may be physiologically impossible to do this. There are always ways to become slimmer, the main thing is to understand what you need to do and try hard.

How to quickly make your waist thin

Making your waist thinner is quite possible. Be patient, because nothing happens quickly and nothing falls from the sky, especially a thin waist. Unfortunately, subcutaneous fat does not disappear quickly due to an inactive lifestyle and overeating.

After all, it is he who becomes a good camouflage for our wasp waist. Here is the answer to a popular question - is it possible to quickly make your waist thin?

Subcutaneous fat serves to protect the body from temperature changes, protect internal organs and store energy when hunger strikes. One gram of fat contains nine calories, so you can calculate how much energy you need to burn several kilograms of fat.

Thus, to burn a kilogram of fat, you need to spend 9 thousand calories, given that one effective cardio workout (for example, running) burns from 500 to 800 calories. This is labor-intensive work that requires a certain amount of effort and time. Everything depends on you.

Let’s say the body was fasting all day, and also received physical exercise, and in the evening accepted an incentive prize in the form of a bun, then in this case you should not expect a positive result.

The fact is that the body does not give up fat during fasting, as it leaves it in reserve for a rainy day.

When food enters a hungry body, especially sugar (flour, sweets), it is immediately deposited as fat in problem areas.

Hunger slows down your metabolism. Therefore, you need to eat several times a day and be sure to eat only the right foods. The sooner you start following all the measures, the faster you will achieve results.

To obtain the required waist circumference, it is necessary to apply a set of certain measures. Let's look at the main principles of how you can make your waist thin.

Exercises for slimness at home

To form a thin waist and a beautiful, toned stomach, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym and spend money. There are many waist exercises that you can do at home or in your local park. So, how to make your waist thinner and remove your belly? Exercises to help!

You should know that fat is not burned locally, exactly in the desired place, it is burned evenly throughout the body. This means that in order to lose belly fat, you need to work on all muscle groups. Pay special attention to loads that consume the most energy.

These are cardio loads, such loads train the heart muscle by increasing heart rate and blood circulation. These include: running, cycling, jumping rope, special cardio equipment. You can run in the park, you can jump rope at home. There are many options, the main thing is to start.

Burning while lying down

Quite simple to perform, but very effective exercise. It is performed with springy movements that will help burn excess fat due to a large number of repetitions.

Lying on the floor, hands behind your head, chin pointing up, legs bent at the knees. With an exhalation, we lift the shoulder blades off the floor to the height of a matchbox, lower them as we inhale, feeling the work of the rectus abdominis muscle, especially its upper part, leading to a burning sensation in the muscle.

The main thing is to breathe correctly, do not make a throat lock by holding your breath.

The exercise can be performed for 30–60 seconds. If necessary, repeat three approaches. It is important not to overdo it and keep your strength.

The peculiarity of performing the technique of this exercise is that its work involves the deep transverse abdominal muscle, which is located in the inner layer of the abdominal muscles and performs a stabilizing, that is, supporting function. By pulling towards the spine, the muscle will make the stomach flatter.

Lying on your stomach, with your feet resting on the floor, we begin to slowly lift your torso, vertebra by vertebra upward, feeling the work of your abdominal muscles. Hands in front of you or on your shoulders. The main thing is not to jerk. We also descend slowly and gradually.

It is important to breathe correctly. We inhale and as we exhale we begin to rise, at the top we inhale again and as we exhale we lower ourselves, without holding our breath. The number of repetitions is from 20-30 times, until the muscles feel burning, 2-4 approaches, taking into account physical training.

Leg raise

This exercise is aimed at working the rectus abdominis muscle, with a large load directed at its lower part.

This technique will help strengthen the muscle, tighten the lower abdomen, burning fat.

According to the female type, fat is deposited in this area of ​​the abdomen and on the sides. Therefore, the exercise is worth mastering.

Lying on your back, palms under your buttocks to prevent stress on your lower back. The lumbar region is pressed tightly to the floor. We keep our legs straight at the bottom, and as we exhale, we raise both legs to an angle of 90 degrees, and as we inhale, we lower them. We perform 20–30 repetitions in 3–4 approaches.

Side crunches

This exercise is aimed at working the oblique and intercostal abdominal muscles; it will help reduce your waist size. The exercise must be performed with your own weight, since excessive force load can increase the thickness of the muscles, this will only expand the waist. For example, block crunches for oblique muscles help gain muscle mass, so avoid heavy weights.

So, lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart, resting on the floor. We place our right palm behind our head and lift our right shoulder blade off the floor, stretching our elbow towards the opposite knee diagonally. 20-30 repetitions on one side, then on the other.


An excellent exercise that uses absolutely all muscle groups. In particular, both the outer and inner layers of the abdominal muscles are well involved in the work. The exercise is static, that is, it is performed by holding a given position for a certain time.

We place our palms on the floor, at shoulder level, place our legs hip-width apart, lift our knees off the floor and take an even position of the whole body parallel to the floor. It is important that the press gets involved in the work, because its work will not only strengthen the muscles, but also eliminate the load on the spine and prevent sagging of the lower back.

We maintain the position for 30–60 seconds whenever possible.

The usual name is a waist hoop. To outline the waist area and break down fat deposits, after training the abs, finish the complex with a hula hoop rotation.

But here you need to be careful, if you have problems with the lumbar region and inflammation of the internal organs, the exercise is prohibited, as it can aggravate the disease. Rotation accelerates blood circulation and increases heart rate, so it can rightfully be considered a fat-burning method of training.

To begin with, 5–10 minutes will be enough, then the time can be increased.

Nutrition for a small waist

As already mentioned, nutrition is one of the main ways to get a waistline. The importance of nutrition accounts for 70–80% of success. Of course, there are factors that prevent you from getting the desired result.

For example, a genetic predisposition to obesity, hormonal imbalance, lack of digestive enzymes that digest fat and carbohydrates. In this case, you will need the help of doctors.

If your body is completely healthy, but excess weight is still present, you are most likely overeating or eating incorrectly.

There is no need to go on diets, as this is a temporary effect, forget about them. Make it a habit to eat right.

The main principles of proper nutrition:

  • less carbohydrates, more proteins. Carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, flour, sweets) are necessary to maintain energy in the body for life. Therefore, it is not recommended to include them in the diet in the afternoon, since unspent energy in the form of carbohydrates will turn into fat deposits in the waist and hips. We leave protein for the evening - meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables;
  • remove simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. For weight loss, it is preferable to choose complex carbohydrates and cereals. These carbohydrates, unlike fast, easily digestible ones (fructose, glucose), do not increase insulin levels, which add excess weight. Therefore, remove them from the diet, and leave cereals and fruits for the first half of the day;
  • We don’t go hungry, we eat often. Hunger helps retain fat to keep the body alive. This is its protective function. If you eat frequently, in small portions, then the brain does not receive an SOS signal, and fat is easily processed into energy;
  • We don’t overeat. Although you need to eat often, this does not mean that you need to eat half your daily allowance for breakfast. Portions should be small and contain less variety of foods at one time, since it will be very difficult for enzymes to digest all the ingredients. Thus, metabolism may slow down;
  • We drink water on an empty stomach and between meals. Water will not only remove protein breakdown products (ammonia) from the body, but will also remove the false feeling of hunger, removing it for a while.

Another way to get a very thin waist

This includes a pleasant and useful method - massage of the abdominal area. You can do either self-massage or with the help of a specialist. Massage improves metabolism, improves blood circulation, breaks down fat deposits, tightens and improves skin elasticity.

And also, massage will help restore strength after completing a set of exercises.

It is advisable to do self-massage on clean skin with the addition of cosmetic oil for massage. Grabbing the fat fold, as if with rolling movements, we stretch the skin up and down. We do not cause pain and bruises.

How to get a thin waist and flat stomach in a week? Let's consider the most effective measures. By adhering to this complex, your waist will noticeably decrease in size in just one week.

  1. We start running in the morning on an empty stomach. Energy will be taken from the fat depot immediately, this will lead to fat burning faster;
  2. We remove the sweets. We do not pollute the body with excess calories, maintain proper nutrition;
  3. We eat more vegetables and proteins. They have the least calories, and the portions look more impressive, so they are quite filling;
  4. We drink flaxseed or olive oil before breakfast. Surprisingly, consuming unsaturated fats leads to weight loss, since their molecular compounds are able to capture free fat from the body and remove it in greater quantities than it was taken in.
  5. We consume less salt, but do not exclude it. Excessive salt intake retains water and leads to swelling, which adds extra inches to the waist.

How to make your waist thinner: reviews

A set of five effective measures helped me a lot to achieve results. I started running in the morning on an empty stomach, cut out sweets, and ate more vegetables with the addition of olive oil. I gained minus 5 centimeters in my waist. The results are visible in just a week!

Inga, 26 years old, Syktyvkar

I really liked the set of exercises at home. Exercise really helps reduce your waist size. I studied every day for 15-20 minutes. First, I jumped rope for 5-10 minutes to warm up the muscles, then crunches, leg raises, planks, side crunches. I performed the complex in three approaches, finishing the workout by spinning a hoop with special massage balls to break up fat for 5-10 minutes. The complex does not take much time, and the effect is obvious - minus five centimeters in the waist in two weeks and minus three kilograms of total weight.

Oksana, 30 years old, Moscow


To achieve your goal of having a thin waist, 15-minute workouts alone are not enough; there must be strong-willed work on yourself every hour, day and night.

Being healthy and beautiful is every girl's dream. By applying all the tips in practice, this will not be difficult to do. Don't forget the main principles:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. Physical exercise;
  3. Rest and sleep.

All this together will lead to the final result faster. It is quite possible to have an ideal waist, the main thing is to just want it and move forward towards your dream.

There are a few more exercises for a thin waist in this video.

Many girls think that going to the gym is tedious and boring. Many people think that they can do without training.

But in fact, physical exercises for the waist are of great importance, because only by dieting you will not be able to get rid of excess volume. What exercises are recommended to be performed regularly to stay slim?

There is no universal method to determine whether the waist is normal or not. Different methods give different values. Many women who do not have extra pounds and adhere to proper nutrition do not have a wasp waist. You need to figure out what the circle should actually be.

You need to take an ordinary measuring tape and measure the circumference of your own waist. If it exceeds 75 cm, then exercises are necessary. This diagnostic method does not depend on height. If this parameter is exceeded, then urgent action must be taken.

Body proportions depend on body type and heredity. An hourglass figure is considered the ideal figure. Typically, such women worry about voluminous hips or buttocks. But against the background of this figure, a thin waist looks very attractive. Women with a pear-shaped circumference are even less fortunate.

The first type of women has a thin waist, and fat is deposited on the butt and hips. In women of the “apple” type, the fat layer is located in the abdominal area; it is more difficult for this type of girl to deal with excess weight on the stomach. The secret to a flat tummy and a narrow, slender 60 cm waist is very simple: to be thin, you need to eat right. Then you will be able to acquire the figure of your dreams in a short time.

Rules for performing exercises

To have a good weight, you need to fit into a schedule of household chores and do physical exercise every day. They will bring the same good results as training in a special center on an expensive simulator under the supervision of an instructor. To train at home, you will need desire, a little space and an effective set of workouts. Ideally you need to purchase gymnastic mat and hoop, but this is not the main condition; you can completely do without these items.

Training time

It is necessary to exercise at a time of day when it is comfortable. Ideally in the morning you need to do gymnastics and some stretching exercises. This way the body will wake up faster and the muscles will become toned. A full-fledged classes must be carried out in the evening when the body is most prepared for stress. Execution rules:

An effective set of training

Excess weight most often appears on a woman's stomach. It is very difficult to get rid of it. This part of the body is the last to lose weight, so it takes some effort to bring your weight back to normal. Exercises for a thin waist at home are easy to do, the main thing is to do it constantly.

8 exercises for a perfect waist

How to do it:

The following workout for a small waist:

  1. The starting position is done lying down. The arms are extended along the body, and the legs are bent at the knees. It is necessary to smoothly pull your bent legs towards your chest and lower them back. It is important that your lower back is pressed to the floor during the exercise. If this fails, then you need to place a rolled towel under it.
  2. The exercise must be performed at least 25 times. The starting position always remains the same, but you need to raise and lower your legs one by one. For each leg you need to do the complex 12 times.

Workout for a wasp waist:

Exercises for the abdomen and waist:

  1. It is necessary to take a lying position, arms located along the body, legs straightened vertically at a right angle.
  2. The right hand should be lowered behind the head. Then, sliding your left hand along the mat, pull it down, and you need to pull your right hand up. At the same time, the girl should feel that the right side of the body is stretching well, and the left side is contracting.
  3. In this position, you need to count to 10, then repeat this exercise on the other side. The exercise is performed at least 15 times. If it is difficult to keep your legs in an upright position, then they should be pressed with your knee on your chest.

Four effective exercises to lose belly fat:

How to make a wasp waist at home - this question worries many girls. To achieve an ideal figure, you need to do exercises at home.

Seven exercises for difficult places

Three exercises for a wasp waist

This workout is not at all difficult, but it will help you achieve a wasp waist. The exercises are as follows:

  1. Up down. You need to sit on the sofa with your legs in such a way that there is a small space left behind. Both legs need to be bent at the knees and arms extended forward, while your back needs to be slightly rounded. You need to begin to smoothly lean back, when your back touches the surface, you need to immediately return to the starting position. If you can’t sit down smoothly, then you need to stretch your legs. If this does not help, then you need to lean on your hands a little.
  2. Raising the body from a lying position. You need to lie on the sofa with your stomach so that your hips are located on the sofa, and your body hangs over the floor, that is, as if “hanging” in the air. It is necessary to ask someone to hold your legs so that they do not rise during training. It is better to keep them in the knee area. Hands should be crossed on the chest or behind the head. The shoulder blades need to be brought together and the shoulders turned. The back should not be rounded. The torso needs to be lowered down and the chest towards the floor. Now you need to raise your torso to the highest point, while you need to stretch your chin up. At the same time, the back and buttocks tense. This workout is performed 4 sets of 6 times.
  3. Raising both legs while sitting. You need to sit on the edge of the sofa. Lower your legs to the floor, but spread them as wide as possible. Your hands should be placed on the edge of the seat, your legs should be bent at the knees and pulled up to the rib. It is necessary to turn your torso to the side with your leg bent, and you will need to bend slightly towards the upper half of your abdominals. You need to return to the original position and perform the same exercise, but in the opposite direction. In total, you need to do 5 approaches, 12 bends on each leg.

Expert nutritionist, personal trainer, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

A thin waist and a flat tummy - this is what those women who are not naturally given an ideal figure dream of. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve a reed-thin waist at home. To do this, you simply need to perform exercises for a wasp waist, aimed at burning fat deposits in the abdomen and sides, as well as strengthening the front wall of the abdominal press so that the stomach looks toned and flat.

The established parameters of 90-60-90 force women to starve and exhaust themselves with exercise in order to get at least a little closer to these parameters. However, these accepted standards of beauty standards are extremely rare in life, since each body is individual and has its own parameters.

In order to calculate what waist size is ideal for you, you need to subtract 100 cm from your height in cm. For example, if your height is 170 cm, then your waist should be 70 cm, but not 60 cm. If you also have wide bones, your waist size should be a couple more centimeters larger.

There is another option for calculating the ideal waist, but it is only suitable for those women who have the same breast and buttock measurements. In this case, the waist should be 70% of the volume of the chest and buttocks. For example, if the volume of the chest and butt is 100 cm, then the waist volume should be 70 cm. This is the ratio that will look most harmonious.

Waist size is also influenced by internal factors, that is, your health. If you have thyroid diseases that have affected your hormonal levels, then you first need to get rid of the root cause, leading to an increase in body weight and, accordingly, an increase in waist size.

Therefore, you should not chase the ideal. It is, of course, good that you are trying to fit your figure to the ideal, but you must create the ideal yourself. And for this you need to make calculations according to the above schemes so that your figure is truly beautiful and harmonious.

Don't discount cosmetics either. For example, modeling cream. It will not only help you achieve the desired result, but also maintain it. The selection of cream must be approached very carefully, because mass production involves the use of parabens (preservatives). They can accumulate in the body and can cause serious illness and general hormonal imbalance. Cosmetologists recommend using only natural cosmetics. Such as the products of the Mulsan Cosmetic company. Only natural ingredients are used in its production. On the website mulsan.ru you can find a wide range of certified cosmetics that will help you always stay slim and beautiful.

What to do if you want to have a thin waist?

How to make a wasp waist quickly? You can do what women did about 100 years ago - wear a corset. This is a truly effective and, most importantly, instant way to reduce your waist size. However, a corset will not give you an ideal waist, because it only visually hides your flaws and does not help eliminate them. Moreover, the corset is dangerous to health, so you should wear it only after consulting a doctor and for no more than 1-2 hours.

There is another way to purchase. It, of course, is not fast, but it is effective and actually eliminates shortcomings, and does not just hide them from human view. These are ordinary and.

Yes Yes. You can’t do without a diet, since in order for your waist to become truly aspen, you need to remove the fat layer from the abdomen and sides, which increase its volume. The diet is selected individually, depending on age, height, weight and existing diseases.
But regardless of whether the diet is too strict or not, you will still have to give up simple carbohydrates, since they are the ones that are very quickly digested by our body and turn into fat, which then begins to hang from the sides.

Simple carbohydrates are found in all confectionery products (cakes, pastries, chocolate, candies, etc.), as well as in baked goods, pasta, sugar and soda. Therefore, if you really want to have a wasp waist, the consumption of these foods must be minimized, and it is best to exclude them from the diet altogether.
Why do you need a diet if you can just do exercises for a thin waist? But because if you don’t remove excess fat from the abdomen and sides, it will turn into muscle, and your waist size will not decrease by a millimeter.

A set of exercises for the waist is aimed at imparting firmness and elasticity to the skin in this area, as well as creating a sculpted image of the muscles. But you won’t be able to lose weight by doing them without a diet.

And the corset... it’s better to replace it with a special weight loss belt - and wear it during training. It will enhance fat burning specifically in the problem area. And then your waist will very soon become really thin - and will not seem so.

What waist exercises can you do at home?

In order for the waist to become aspen, you need to maximize the impact on this area. That is, perform exercises that will make your waist thin and attractive in a short period of time.

But before you start doing these same exercises, you need to “warm up” your body. And to do this, you can simply move actively for 5 - 7 minutes (squatting, running, etc.), you can also just dance, this will also allow you to warm up your muscles before exercise.

Hoop for small waist

Everyone knows that spinning a hoop (hula hoop) is one of the most effective methods of reducing waist size. It was used at the beginning of the last century.

In order for the hoop to spin effectively, it is necessary to choose it correctly. For these purposes you need a heavy hula hoop (). It is this kind of hoop that will help reduce your waist size.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of hoop you want (massage or just metal). But remember that when twisting a hula hoop, the abdominal press must be constantly in tension. And the torsion process should last at least 1.5 hours with two breaks of no more than 2 - 3 minutes. Only with such diligent exercise can you not only make your waist aspen, but also lose a couple of extra pounds. Fitness trainers claim that if you twist the hoop correctly, your body will burn more than 300 kcal in 1 hour.

In order for hoop spinning to bring maximum results, you need to perform exercises for a beautiful waist. That's what we'll talk about now.

The exercises must be performed slowly; sudden movements cannot be made, since when they are performed, a large load is placed on the spine. All exercises are performed 10–15 times in two approaches, with a break between them of less than one minute, otherwise the heated muscles will begin to cool down and the effectiveness of performing exercises to reduce your waist will decrease.

Exercise No. 1

This exercise is very simple and is aimed at burning fat deposits in the sides of the waist - turns. To perform it, you need to stand on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your waist. Watch your posture carefully; it should remain straight throughout the entire exercise. So, start doing maximum bends, first to the left, then to the right. The lower body of the body should be in a motionless state, and the feet should not be lifted off the floor.

Exercise No. 2

We take the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the head, back straight. We begin to bend forward, while trying to reach the right knee with our left elbow (we lift our leg off the floor at the same time as bending forward), then vice versa - we try to reach the left knee with our right elbow.

Exercise No. 3

To complete this exercise you will need a full box of matches. Scatter them on the floor and start collecting. During one bend we lift only one match; after lifting the match, we straighten up completely.

Exercise #4

This exercise is familiar to all of us since childhood - the mill. To perform it, you need to take the appropriate pose - feet shoulder-width apart, upper body bent forward, back straight, arms down. We begin to vigorously wave our arms in different directions. The exercise is performed for 1 – 2 minutes.

Exercise #5

To perform this exercise, take the following pose - spread your legs as wide as possible and extend your arms at shoulder level. Start slowly making turns, first in one direction, then in the other. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the back remains straight, the arms do not bend at the elbows, and the lower part of the body remains motionless.

These exercises will help you get a wasp waist in a short time. It's good if you drink some water between exercises. This will improve metabolic processes in the body, which means the weight loss process will be very effective.
It is recommended to drink water not only during exercise, but throughout the day. To do this, you need to drink about 2 liters of ordinary water in small portions per day.

The stomach is one of the most problematic areas for girls. However, you can find the perfect waist at home. All you need is motivation, a little free space and regular implementation of the presented set of effective exercises for a thin waist.

The best exercises for a thin waist at home

Are you wondering how to make your waist thinner and get rid of your belly fat quickly? Are you looking for an effective set of exercises that you can do at home? In this article, you will find the best workout program to do at home.
Many believe that crunches, abdominal exercises and bending are enough to reduce waist size. It should be remembered that incorrect execution technique can only increase the sides. Follow the recommendations of a professional trainer and stick to the program presented below.

Before you start training, take some time to warm up. Do side bends, jumping and running in place for 5 minutes before training.

How to make your waist thinner: a set of exercises at home

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
2 1 minute
2 10
2 10
Exercise "Cat" 6 15 sec.
2 1 minute
"Bicycle" for a thin waist 3 1 minute
3 15
"Swimming" for a thin waist 2 15
3 30 minutes
5 1 minute


  1. Take a lying position. Use your forearms as support. The entire body should form a single straight line. Tighten your buttocks. Make sure your hips don't drop.
  2. Hold the achieved position for a minute.

The exercise activates the side abdominal muscles. Only your stretching can make the task easier.


  1. Lie on a flat surface with your stomach up. Lower your arms along your body. Raise your legs up to form a right angle. Hips and feet form one line.
  2. Lift your buttocks. Stretch your feet upward. Legs should be straight throughout the exercise. Avoid rocking.
  3. Return to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.


  1. Lie on your back. The body and buttocks are pressed tightly to the floor. Bend your legs at the knee joints. Place them near the sternum.
  2. Turn your bent legs to one side. You should not touch the floor. Then return to the original position. Do the same twist for the other side. For each side, do 10 repetitions, 2 sets.

The movement engages the transverse abdominal muscles.


  1. Get on all fours. Exhale. Try to pull your stomach in as much as possible. Look only forward. Don't raise your head.
  2. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6 more times.

All abdominal muscles are involved in the exercise.


  1. Lie on one side. Get into a plank position using your forearm and feet as support. Look only forward. Keep your back straight.
  2. Stay in this position for a minute. Do 2 times with a 1 minute break.


  1. Lie flat on your back. Fix your hands behind your head.
  2. Bend your knees alternately. At the same time, turn your torso first in one direction, then in the other direction. Practice for a minute. Perform 3 sets.

Press engaged. Its rotational function plays an important role. Balance and coordination are also trained. Do 15 jumps in 3 sets for each side.


  1. Stand straight, keep your hands in front of you.
  2. Jump so that your feet are pressed together. As you jump, turn to one side. On your next jump, rotate your body in the other direction.

Exercise "Swimming" for a thin waist


  1. Lie on the floor with your back up. Your hips should be pressed against a flat surface. The distance between the feet should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Stretch your arms in front of you. Look ahead. Don't lift your head up.
  2. Bend your elbows, placing your palms near your sternum. Retract your shoulder blades.
  3. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 sets of 15 times.

Take the issue of choosing sports equipment seriously. The hoop must weigh more than 2 kg. Exercise with a hoop can provide you with a thin waist and the loss of several extra pounds. If this is your first time doing a hoop exercise, don't overdo it. Allow your body to gradually get used to this type of exercise.


Control tension in your abdominal area. Spin the hoop for an hour and a half. It is permissible to take only 2 breaks of 2 minutes each.

With the help of a jump rope, girls will improve their metabolism and work out their abdominal muscles. During the jump itself, turn your body to the right, then to the left. Over time, this movement will become quite simple to perform. Jump quickly, take as few pauses as possible. After a minute of continuous jumping, take a break of 20 seconds. Do 5 approaches.

Training frequency

Train so that your muscles have time to recover. Work out approximately 3 times a week. Leave 1 rest day between training days. The muscles will get used to the load gradually.

Perform the complex for a thin waist when you feel most comfortable. Usually girls prefer to warm up and stretch in the morning. This way the body gets back to work faster. Basic exercises can be repeated in the late afternoon.

How to make your waist thin quickly in a week: useful tips for doing exercises

  1. Perform the exercises smoothly. Avoid sudden movements. Rest no more than a minute between sets.
  2. Watch your breathing technique. Inhale as you relax. Make the effort while exhaling.
  3. Don't tuck your chin to your chest. Keep your neck straight.
  4. Control your posture. The lower back should not lift off the floor. Don't overload your spine.
  5. Ventilate the room before each workout.
  6. At the end of the session, stretch. This will help the muscles relax.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle. Go for a run, do yoga, ride a bike.

What determines a thin waist?

Subtract 1 m from your height to determine what waist size will be most suitable for you.

  • Heredity. People who are not predisposed to obesity achieve noticeable results in sports much faster. It’s hard for girls who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone.
  • Hormonal background. The waist will be thin if estrogen is present in excess. If there is not enough female hormone in the body, the figure will look the opposite.
  • Level of sports training. The thinness of the waist depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat. Regular exercise will help you achieve a thin waist.


Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Such foods include confectionery, sugar, and carbonated drinks. All of the above foods turn into fat. Choose foods that contain protein. For meat, prefer chicken breast. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink as much water as possible. Eat often, but in small portions. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.