What can you write about the village? Characteristics of the current state of the village. From the history of writing


Chepizhko Pavel

This work belongs to the course “Geographical Local History”. The work is devoted to a comprehensive description of a small village located in the central part of Russia. The village of Derbuzhye is the student’s small homeland, and therefore its past and present are interesting to him. The main goal of the work was to give a geographical description of the village.



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Research work on the topic “Comprehensive description of the village of Derbuzhye”

This work belongs to the course “Geographical Local History”. The work is devoted to a comprehensive description of a small village located in the central part of Russia. The village of Derbuzhie is my small homeland, and therefore its past and present are interesting to me. The main goal of the work was to give a geographical description of the village. Tasks: 1. Collect and systematize the material. 2. Submit your work electronically.

Geographical location The village of Derbuzhye is located on the eastern outskirts of the Spirovsky district of the Tver region. This territory belongs to Central Russia.

Factors influencing development Positive factors: Remoteness from large settlements and industrial facilities made it possible to preserve nature. There is a road connecting the village with the regional center. Negative factors: Small aging population. Lack of jobs.

Population Year Number RSE Ave. migration 2006 59 1 1 0 2007 55 0 0 0 -4 2008 54 1 2 -1 -1 2009 49 0 3 -3 -4 2010 41 0 0 0 -5

Infrastructure The village has a dirt road, water supply, power supply, communications office, liquefied gas is brought from Spirov.

Economic activity Animal husbandry. Until the mid-90s, livestock farming was widely developed in Derbuzhye. Cattle, sheep, and pigs were raised here. There was a large sheepfold in Panikha. There was a pig farm with breeding stock in Polyuzhye. At the moment, in the village there is a Musaev farm, which has approximately 70 heads of milking herd and 40 heads for fattening. And also the Chepizhko farm, which has ≈ 50 pigs for fattening and several sows that bear offspring. Plant growing. The main crops grown in this area are oats and flax. Previously, rye was sown, and even earlier, buckwheat was grown. Vegetable growing is not developed in this area. Growing potatoes is labor-intensive because the soil is rocky. In this regard, the only agricultural equipment that can be used is a potato digger; potatoes must be planted and harvested by hand.

Education Former primary school. At the moment there are no educational institutions in the village. But about 15 years ago, in the neighboring village of Polyuzhye, there was an elementary school where children from two villages studied. After finishing fourth grade, students moved to Biryuchevskaya Secondary School. But every year there were fewer and fewer students. A year before the school closed, there was one teacher and four students. Now the school is completely destroyed.

Culture There are no cultural facilities in the form of houses of culture, clubs, or sports facilities in the village. But local residents organize their holidays using the possibilities of nature. For example: they do landscape design, relax in nature, go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

Retail network In the neighboring village of Polyuzhye there is a store owned by the District Consumer Society. Goods are brought from Spirov. Most of the population makes purchases in this store.

Historical sketch Until 1965, the village of Derbuzhye and other nearby villages (Panikha, Kruchinka, Derguny, Yablonka) were part of the same collective farm “Truzhenik”. People worked without wages, receiving money only once a year (1 workday - 5 kopecks). Then the collective farm was transformed into a state farm. After this, the state began to supply the people with equipment and feed, and the state farm handed over everything to the state. The Biryuchevo – Derbuzhye road was built in the mid-80s. The bus started running in 1990.

Monuments The main attraction of the village was the ancient chapel, which was demolished before the start of the Great Patriotic War. Old residents say that it was a very beautiful, carved chapel surrounded by a stone fence.

Development prospects. The village does not have any special prospects, since agriculture in the country as a whole is in decline; changes are possible provided that the state changes its policy in the field of village development: gas, roads, and jobs will appear in the village. Also, prospects depend on the personal initiative of the population.

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The first years after the revolution of 1905-1907. became a desire to study social reality. The works of these years involve us in deep reflections on the history of Russia, its people, and the fate of the Russian revolution. There is an interpenetration of national, historical, contemplative and philosophical thought.

General characteristics of the "Village"

The story “The Village,” created in 1910, has such complex content in an outwardly traditional everyday guise. This is one of the first major works of Ivan Alekseevich, written in prose. The writer worked on its creation for 10 years, starting work back in 1900.

V.V. Voronovsky described this work, which opens the village cycle in Bunin’s work, as a study of the causes of “memorable failures” (that is, the reasons for the defeat of the revolution). However, the semantic content of the story is not limited to this. The story about the doom of the Russian outback, given in “The Village,” is one of the most talented descriptions of the fate of the patriarchal system in the history of modern times. There is a generalized image: the village is a kingdom of death and hunger.

The task that the author set for himself was to portray the Russian people without idealization. Therefore, Ivan Alekseevich conducts a merciless psychological analysis (“Village”). Bunin had a wealth of material for him, which was given to the writer by the well-known life, everyday life and psychology of the Russian outback. A miserable, impoverished life, matched by the appearance of people - inertia, passivity, cruel morals - the writer observed all this, drawing conclusions, as well as conducting a thorough analysis.

"Village" (Bunin): the ideological basis of the work

The ideological basis of the story is a reflection on the complexity and problematic nature of the question “Who is to blame?” Kuzma Krasov, one of the main characters, is painfully struggling to resolve this issue. He believes that there is nothing to exact from the unfortunate people, and his brother, Tikhon Krasov, believes that the peasants themselves are to blame for this situation.

The two aforementioned characters are the main characters of this work. Tikhon Krasov personifies the appearance of the new village owner, and Kuzma - the people's intellectual. Bunin believes that the people themselves are to blame for the misfortunes, but does not give a clear answer to the question of what should be done.

The story "Village" (Bunin): composition of the work

The action of the story takes place in the village of Durnovka, which is a collective image of a long-suffering village. This title indicates the idiocy of his life.

The composition is divided into three parts. In the first, Tikhon is in the center, in the second part - Kuzma, in the third, the lives of both brothers are summed up. Based on their destinies, the problems of the Russian village are shown. The images of Kuzma and Tikhon are in many ways opposite.

Tikhon, being a descendant of serfs who managed to get rich and become the owner of an estate, is sure that money is the most reliable thing in the world. This hardworking, savvy and strong-willed man devotes his entire life to the pursuit of wealth. Kuzma Krasov, a lover of truth and a national poet, reflects on the fate of Russia, experiencing the poverty of the people and the backwardness of the peasantry.

Images of Kuzma and Tikhon

Using the example of Kuzma, Bunin shows the emerging features of a new folk psychology; Kuzma reflects on the savagery and laziness of the people, and that the reasons for this are not only the difficult circumstances in which the peasants found themselves, but also in them themselves. In contrast to the character of this hero, Ivan Bunin (“The Village”) portrays Tikhon as calculating and selfish. He gradually increases his capital, and on the path to power and prosperity does not stop at any means. However, despite the chosen direction, he feels despair and emptiness, which are directly related to the look into the future of the country, which opens up pictures of an even more brutal and destructive revolution.

Through disputes, thoughts, and conclusions of the brothers about themselves and their homeland, the writer shows the bright and dark sides of the life of the peasants, revealing the depth of the decline of the peasant world, analyzing it. “Village” (Bunin) is the author’s deep reflection on the deplorable situation that has created among the peasants.

The third part of the work is devoted to the depiction of the brothers at the moment of crisis - summing up the life path of the main characters in the work “The Village” (Bunin). These heroes experience dissatisfaction with life: Kuzma is consumed by melancholy and hopeless loneliness, Tikhon is preoccupied with personal tragedy (lack of children), as well as the destruction of the foundations of the everyday structure of the village. The brothers realize the hopelessness of the situation in which they find themselves. Despite all the differences in their characters and aspirations, the fate of these two heroes is in many ways similar: despite their enlightenment and prosperity, their social status makes both of them superfluous, unnecessary.

Author's assessment of the revolution

The story "The Village" (Bunin) is a clear, sincere and truthful assessment of Russia during the writer's life. He shows that those who are “rebels” are empty and stupid people who grew up in rudeness and lack of culture, and their protest is just a doomed attempt to change something. However, they are unable to make a revolution in their own consciousness, which remains hopeless and skeletal, as the author’s analysis shows. The village of Bunin is a sad sight.

Portrayal of the peasantry

The men appear before the reader in all their ugliness: beating children and wives, wild drunkenness, torturing animals. Many Durnovites simply do not understand what is happening around them. So, the worker Koshel once visited the Caucasus, but cannot tell anything about it, except that there is “a mountain on a mountain” there. His mind is “poor”; he repels everything incomprehensible and new, but he believes that he recently saw a real witch.

A soldier works as a teacher in Durnovka, the most ordinary-looking guy, who, however, spoke such nonsense that one could only “throw up one’s hands.” Training was presented to him as accustoming him to strict army discipline.

The work "Village" (Bunin) gives us another vivid image - the peasant Gray. He was the poorest in the village, although he had a lot of land. Once upon a time, Gray built a new hut, but it needed to be heated in winter, so he first burned the roof and then sold the hut. This hero refuses to work, sits idle in an unheated home, and the children are afraid of splinters because they are used to living in the dark.

The village is all of Russia, so the fate of the whole country is reflected in the work. Bunin believed that peasants were only capable of a spontaneous and senseless rebellion. The story describes how one day they rebelled throughout the district. It ended with the men burning several estates, shouting “and then fell silent.”


Ivan Alekseevich was accused of hating the people and not knowing the village. But the author would never have created such a poignant story if he had not wholeheartedly rooted for his homeland and peasants, as can be seen in the work “Village.” Bunin, with the content of his story, wanted to show everything wild and dark that prevents people and the country from developing.

For rural sociology, important methodological provisions are, firstly, that agricultural production is a sphere that ensures the integrity of the national economic organism and without which the functioning of other sectors is impossible; secondly, the involvement of a huge number of people in work, in life in the countryside - the number of rural residents in Russia in 1989 was 39 million people, or 26% of the total population.

Before the revolution, when the village consisted of small producers, it was a fairly strong, stably conservative unit with a tendency towards even greater isolation and fragmentation. In the first stages of the existence of collective forms of management, the village and its main social institutions - the collective farm, the state farm - basically coincided with each other. Subsequently, starting from the 50-60s, when the focus towards concentration, specialization and consolidation of agricultural production intensified, the village, as a unity of production and territorial aspects of people’s lives, disintegrated again, but now on a different basis, which, as life has shown , turned into major economic and social miscalculations. This gap is especially clearly visible in the ratio of the number of collective and state farms and rural settlements: already in 1980, there were an average of 10 settlements per agricultural enterprise.

By the mid-80s, the situation in agriculture showed in its entirety the crisis that agricultural policy had led to. The face of the village was determined not by the small number of advanced collective and state farms, but by the bulk of them, which increasingly lagged behind the real needs of the time, and marked the dead end to which the collectivization process in the country had led, which resulted in the ruin of the village, mass migration, and a decline in the prestige of work on the ground. And the apotheosis of all this is the import of bread into our country since the early 60s.

The economic crisis in rural areas was accompanied by far-reaching changes in social life. A very difficult socio-demographic situation has developed in the village, which was primarily manifested in the intensification of migration processes. The decrease in the rural population mainly occurred due to the center of the European part, the North and Siberia (T.I. Zaslavskaya).

Technical progress and attempts to improve organizational forms of management have not led to efficiency and a new quality of labor, which has put on the agenda such urgent issues as changing the forms of land tenure, the qualitative structure of employment, and training workers who can radically increase labor productivity.

It is important to look at rural life from one more side. Despite repeated attempts to improve the material well-being of rural residents (for example, from 1970 to 1989, the salary of a state farm worker increased from 98.5 to 196 rubles), the level of real income of collective farmers and state farm workers was seriously inferior to this indicator in cities. And not so much in terms of differences in wages, but in the fact that rural workers do not enjoy the same range of benefits in housing, utilities, and the transport network that workers living in cities have.

There are still many problems associated with meeting the spiritual needs of the population. Although some quantitative characteristics of social and cultural development at first glance were improving (the size of the housing stock, the number of club institutions and cinema installations), one cannot help but notice the poverty of that book stock, the absence of clubs and houses of culture not only in many villages and cities, but even in regional centers (in 1986, about 400 regional centers did not have cultural centers). In general, cultural services in rural areas do not meet the needs of the time and the demands of rural workers.

But the main thing is that the consciousness and behavior of the peasantry has radically and strategically changed, which has developed in them a special form of lifestyle and a specific reaction to the processes taking place in society. At the beginning of collectivization, in the 30s, the relationship between the collective farm and the family yard was such that the collective farm acted as a kind of branch of the peasant family farm. This was manifested in the fact that the peasant worked just as hard, selflessly and persistently on the collective farm as he had previously been accustomed to working on his individual farm, regardless of any costs or time. However, in the 50-60s, a process of “quiet collectivization” took place, which, in the words of V.G. Vinogradsky, in form meant the consolidation of collective farms, the closure of unpromising villages, and in essence, carried out a radical restructuring of peasant life: now the yard has become to a branch of the collective farm. The yard was placed at the center of the villager’s concerns; it fed, developed, existed thanks to the collective farm, and began to quickly, systematically and consciously connect to the financial and resource potential of collective and state farms, fully embodying the well-known saying: “Everything around is collective farm, everything around my".

It is precisely this situation, when the yard and the collective farm (state farm) - mutual branches, mutual “filters” and mutual “lands” - explains the fierce resistance to the hasty agrarian policy of the neoliberal sense, which in the early 90s was intended to “bless” the peasants without their knowledge and desires.

And if we take into account that at the same time there was a collapse of the intellectual environment of the village, then all this allows us to draw the conclusion: the position of the peasant is seriously destabilized, the process of de-peasantization continues, the villagers have lost in many ways the necessary spiritual community with the land. There was an alienation of the village people from work and its results, which, in turn, could not but affect the economic and social efficiency of agriculture as a whole (P.I. Simush).

The social consciousness of the peasantry, like no other group, presents a very contradictory picture. And most importantly, even those sprouts of a revival of the owner’s attitude towards the land that appeared among some of both former and present peasants were actually ruined by the unreasonable agrarian policy of the new political figures in Russia.

My village is called Martyn. She is beautiful and has a lot of pets. These are chickens, sheep, cows, goats. It’s spring now, but in the summer all livestock except goats and chickens will be taken to the field.

I help my granny bring the cattle home. In my village there are four goats, three female goats, ten sheep, twenty chickens and two cows. We take the sheep and two cows out into the field to graze, and in the evening we bring them home. I also help my grandmother milk goats and cows. Once I even sent sheep. It is very difficult. Watch all day so that not a single sheep runs away. I was very tired, but still, I didn’t lose a single sheep. All the sheep came home.

I also have a dog Mukhtar in my village. He is very kind and good. When Mukha was still little, my mother and I took him into the forest with us. He ran around there and played with us. But we didn’t play there, we picked mushrooms and berries. After I picked up a full basket of mushrooms and a can of berries, I began to play with Mukha and make sure he didn’t run away. When we got home, I put my dog ​​to bed.

I also have a cat Katya and Ksyushechka, I remember her as a little ball of fluff. When she was just born, I immediately gave her the name Ksyushka. Katya used to live in our city, but now she lives in the village because she was very disobedient. Now two good cats live together. We have two new chickens, their names are Squirrel and Feather. The squirrel sat on the eggs and already had ten chicks, they are so small, fluffy and even yellow. The feather has not yet sat on the eggs, but will soon. As you can see, there are a lot of animals in our village. I love my village very much.

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