What Vakula was supposed to bring from the queen. Blacksmith Vakula. Images of the main characters



Is there anything in the world that is impossible for sincere, bright, selfless love?! In N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas,” the young blacksmith Vakula once again proved the omnipotence of this great feeling.

It’s difficult to love such a “girl” like Oksana. She is capricious and spoiled, as befits a beauty recognized by all. “The boys were chasing her in droves,” and what did she care about the blacksmith in love - the “painter”!

However, Vakula was not one of those who gave up at the slightest difficulty. He is stubborn and patient, gentle and forgiving, although the heartless “wonderful girl” only torments him and constantly makes him look funny.

Vakula doesn’t give up: he gives her gifts, he made and painted the chest in such a way that “even if you walk around the whole neighborhood with your little white legs, you won’t find anything like this”!

“Get, blacksmith, the Tsarina’s booties, I’ll marry you!” - Oksana wanted to laugh at the blacksmith who had lost his head in love, not knowing that Vakula would see his last chance in this request-order.

Having thoroughly racked his brains over the task, the determined young man flew to the Tsarina in St. Petersburg, but not on the wings of love, on the devil himself! The unclean one is to blame; he fell under the hot hand of a desperate blacksmith.

By hook or by crook, having experienced more than one adventure, Vakula finally obtained the royal “shoes” for his beloved. And what about the beloved one?

Yes, by that time she “fell head over heels in love with the blacksmith,” deciding that “she treated him too cruelly,” and was frightened: “What good! Maybe out of grief he will decide to fall in love with someone else and, out of annoyance, will begin to call her the first beauty in the village? »

Truly, love works wonders! It was she who helped Vakula saddle the evil one for a trip to the distant capital, it was she who melted the ice in the heart of the impregnable beauty Oksana. What can I say - advice and love!

Option 2

What can a man in love do to gain the favor of his beloved? As we see from N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas,” even a deal with the devil.

The blacksmith Vakula, wanting to prove to Oksana the truth of his feelings, undertakes a difficult task: to get to St. Petersburg and bring “the Tsarina’s booties.” But for this he has to use the help of the devil. Faced with evil spirits for the first time in reality, the young man gets scared and lost, and besides, the devil demands his soul in exchange for the booties. But Vakula quickly comes to his senses, creates a cross and forces the evil one to obey.

The blacksmith also has to endure a lot of fear during the flight, since on the night before Christmas all the elements come to life, and the evil spirits become especially violent. He sees spirits, witches on brooms and even a sorcerer rushing in a pot.

Having overcome all obstacles and passed the test with honor, Vakula successfully returns home. He also manages to fool and teach the insidious devil a lesson, giving him a good spanking at parting.

So, thanks to his determination, piety, ingenuity and, most importantly, love, Vakula achieves the reciprocity of the proud Oksana.

Other works on this work

Characteristics of the characters in Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” Christmas Eve Characteristics of the image of Vakula the blacksmith The combination of the real and the fairy-tale in N. V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” (2) What I liked about the story “The Night Before Christmas” The image of the blacksmith Vakula (based on the story “The Night Before Christmas” by N.V. Gogol) (1) Fairytale in Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" Fantastic and funny episodes in N. V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” (Plan) Depiction of folk customs in N. V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”

Tale by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas" is part of the famous cycle "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", where fantasy is successfully intertwined with reality, and the fairy-tale with the fictional. The main character of the work is the young blacksmith Vakula, whom the author endows with many positive qualities.

The plot of the work illuminates the feelings of Vakula, who has long been in love with the beautiful Oksana, the daughter of the rich Cossack Chub. However, Oksana is unapproachable and proud. She does not accept Vakula’s love and, half jokingly, offers him a deal: if the blacksmith gets her the queen’s slippers, she will marry him. This condition and the mocking attitude of his beloved upset Vakula. At first he decides to drown himself in the ice hole, but then he pulls himself together and makes another decision: “What will be will be, you have to ask the devil himself for help!” And evil spirits really follow the boy: the devil himself hates him because the blacksmith painted a picture of a demon being shamed on the wall of the church. That is why the devil constantly messes with him: at the beginning of the story he steals the moon (so that the evil Chub, because of the terrible darkness, returns home ahead of time and finds the hated Vakula with Oksana), inclines the blacksmith to suicide, pushes him to various temptations.

However, Vakula deftly overcomes the machinations of the evil one. The blacksmith is not only a pious man, but also a savvy one. Immediately after a hint from the local healer Patsyuk, he realizes that he has a devil in his bag. The blacksmith is not afraid to directly threaten the demon and says that he will cross him if he does not fulfill all his demands. And the evil one has no choice but to take the young man to St. Petersburg to the queen and back.

How does a simple blacksmith manage to outwit the devil himself? The answer to this question is given by the author himself. In his collection, Gogol glorifies courage, fortitude, everyday cunning and piety. It was Vakula who remained faithful to God until the very end. Despite the devil’s exhortations and requests to let him go kindly, Vakula showed character and did it his way. At the end of the story, he whipped the evil one three times with a twig, and in addition, he drew the demon again, so disgustingly that all passers-by spat on him. This proves that the blacksmith is a man of courage and principle.

(Blacksmith Vakula from the film "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" 1961)

Vakula turns out to be more cunning than evil spirits, because he does not follow his temptations, but acts according to his conscience. For example, the demon offered Vakula the hand and heart of the mocking Oksana in exchange for his soul. But the boy understands that one cannot expect anything good or good from the evil one, no matter what riches he promises. And the God-fearing Vakula would never have sold his soul, because selling his soul to the unclean means betraying himself and his faith.

The blacksmith can be called a collective positive image of the entire cycle of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.” This is not only a dexterous, purposeful, selfless and deeply religious person, he is a person in whom enormous natural strength lies. A person who performs godly deeds, not for his own sake, but for the sake of others. Even the devil is not a rival for people like the blacksmith Vakula - kind, sincere people, strong in faith and spirit.

Literature lesson in 6th grade " Test based on N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”

Goals: Educational: learn to analyze the text, trace the main idea of ​​the author in the work.

Educational: promote the development of speech and creative abilities of students; to form independent cognitive activity.

Educational : to cultivate in students a sense of beauty, the ability to appreciate love, to believe in the bright, the good, the lofty.

Lesson equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard.

Purpose: preparing the class for the test and writing it; test knowledge and understanding of the story “The Night Before Christmas”; motivate students to study activities.

Methodical techniques: conversation with students on questions, retelling an episode you liked, monitoring students’ knowledge, intensifying independent work.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Good morning guys! Today we will write a test on the story “The Night Before Christmas” by N.V. Gogol, which you all have already fallen in love with. Please write down the topic of the lesson in your notebooks:

Fifth of December.

Testbased on the story “The Night Before Christmas” by N.V. Gogol

2.Checking homework.

Guys, at home you had to fill out the “Real and Fantastic” table, first writing out from the story what, in your opinion, could have happened in reality, and what is the author’s fiction. So, let's see what you got (students' answers are listened to, homework is replenished with new facts).

A.S. Pushkin spoke about N.V. Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”: “I just read “Evenings near Dikanka.” They amazed me. This is real gaiety, sincere, relaxed, without affectation, without stiffness.” Guys, can you recall those episodes from the story you read that could make Alexander Sergeevich smile or even laugh? (students retell humorous episodes).

3. Writing a test.

Section 1.

Answer the following questions:

    Having risen to heaven, what did Solokha hide in her sleeve?

    What purpose did the devil pursue by stealing the month?

    How many guests did Solokha manage to hide in bags?

    Name who exactly Solokha hid in the bags?

    Who was the first to sow the rumor that the blacksmith Vakula allegedly drowned himself?

    In the company of whom did Vakula go to the palace to the queen?

    Who did the devil turn into as soon as they descended to earth in St. Petersburg?

    What did the blacksmith give Chub when he came to woo him?

Section 2. “Get to know the hero”

Based on the following description taken from the text, determine which hero from the story is being discussed:

    “She was not yet seventeen years old, and in almost the entire world, both on the other side of Dikanka and on this side of Dikanka, there was nothing but talk about her. The boys proclaimed in droves that there had never been and never would be a better girl in the village. She knew and heard everything that was said about her, and she was capricious, like a beauty. The boys chased her in crowds, but, having lost patience, they left little by little and turned to others, who were not so spoiled.”

    “She was neither good-looking nor bad-looking. It’s hard to be good in such years. However, she knew how to charm the most sedate Cossacks..."

    “He was definitely once a Cossack; but whether he was kicked out or he himself ran away from Zaporozhye, no one knew. It’s been a long time, ten years, maybe even fifteen, since he lived in Dikanka. At first he lived like a real Cossack: he didn’t work, slept three-quarters of the day, ate for six mowers and drank almost a whole bucket at a time.”

    “She was such a treasure, of which there are many in this world. Just like her husband, she almost never sat at home and groveled almost all day with gossips and wealthy old women, praised and ate with great appetite and fought only in the mornings with her husband, because at that time she only saw him sometimes.” .

Section 3.

    Determine the theme and idea of ​​this work.

    Write out artistic and visual devices from the text (epithet, comparison, personification)


I would like to draw your attention to the correct formatting of entries. You see that this test consists of 3 sections, each of which is divided into several tasks, so first you indicate the section number, then the task number:

Section 1.

4. Reflection.

So, the test is written. Now please evaluate your performance in this lesson by answering the following questions:

IN Did I accomplish what I set out to do?

IN Did everything turn out the way I planned?


H was it done well?


H was it done poorly?


H What was easy to do, and what turned out to be unexpectedly difficult?

Please indicate the correct answer:

1 . Which publisher's name appears in the title of the collection?

A) Tikhon Sidorenko;

B) Rudy Panko;

B) Levko Makogonenko;

D) Okhrim Golopupenko.

2. In which village does the story by N.V. take place? Gogol?

A) Dikanka;

B) Vasilyevka;

B) Makeevka;

D) Dobrinka.

3. What means of artistic expression is used in this fragment?

“A clear winter night has arrived. The stars looked. Month majestically got up to heaven shine good people and the whole world, so that everyone can have fun praising Christ. ‹…› Not a single crowd of boys has yet appeared under the windows of the huts; for a month he only looked at them furtively, as if calling the dressed up girls to run out quickly into the crunchy snow.”

A) epithet;

B) personification;

B) metaphor;

D) comparison.

4. On the eve of what holiday does the story take place?

A) New Year;

B) Christmas;

B) Baptism;

D) Easter.

5. What were the names of the songs that boys and girls sang on Christmas Eve?

A) nursery rhymes;

B) jokes;

B) carols;

D) charades.

6. Which of the following characters are characters in the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas"?

A) Cossack Kasyan Sverbyguz;

B) Solopiy Cherevik;

B) Ganna;

D) Cossack Tsybulya;

D) Odarka;

E) captain Gorobets.

7. Translate the words in the left column into Russian by matching them with the corresponding words from the right column.

8. What was the witch collecting late at night?

A) herbs;

B) stars;

B) coins;

D) flowers.

9. What did the devil hide in his pocket at the beginning of the story?

A) cradle;

B) handkerchief;

B) month;

D) scroll.

10. What did Vakula promise to give Oksana if only she would agree to marry him?

A) a scarf embroidered with gold threads;

B) booties worn by the empress;

C) a dress embroidered with precious stones;

D) silver mirror with emeralds.

11. Why did “the devil vow to take revenge on the blacksmith”?

A) Vakula depicted him in an unsightly form on the wall of the church;

B) Vakula deceived the devil;

B) Vakula hit the devil;

D) Vakula threatened him with a cypress cross.

12. Who did Vakula turn to for help finding the devil?

A) Serdyuk;

B) Panasyuk;

B) Patsyuk;

D) Danilyuk.

13. What did Vakula need to do to make the devil in his hands “become as quiet as a lamb”?

A) sing;

B) console;

B) be baptized;

D) threaten.

14. How did Vakula “thank” the devil?

A) gave three blows;

B) hugged goodbye;

B) gave a ruble;

D) invited me to visit.

15. What term refers to a detailed description of a character's appearance?

“... The front is completely German: a narrow muzzle, constantly spinning and sniffing everything that comes across, ending, like our pigs, with a round snout, the legs were so thin that if Yareskovsky had such a head, he would have broken them in the first Cossack woman But behind him he was a real provincial attorney in uniform, because he had a tail hanging, so sharp and long, like today’s uniform coattails ... "

A) narration;

B) description;

B) portrait;

D) personification.

16. What means of expression is used in this sentence?

“A short-sighted person, even if he put wheels from a commissar’s britzka on his nose instead of glasses, he wouldn’t recognize what it was.”

A) hyperbole;

B) allegory;

B) epithet;

D) litotes.

17. What did the women say about Solokha?

A) she is hard-working;

B) she is a thief;

B) she is a liar;

D) she is a witch.

18. Tell me who Solokha didn’t hide in the bag?

A) damn;

B) clerk;

B) head;

D) Chub;

D) Vakula

19. What do the villagers think happened to Vakula?

A) got lost;

B) left forever;

B) drowned himself;

D) hanged himself.

20. To which city did Vakula go riding on the devil?

A) St. Petersburg;

B) Moscow;

B) Kyiv;

D) Paris.

21. Which of the following corresponds to how Vakula saw the city? (Several answer options are possible)

A) “I spent a month sneaking a peek into the windows”;

B) “the houses grew and seemed to rise from the ground”;

C) “the crunch of frost under the boot could be heard half a mile away”;

D) “four-story walls are piled up”;

D) “the carriages were flying”;

E) “how good it is to hang around on such a night between a bunch of laughing and singing girls and between the boys”;

G) “pedestrians crowded under the houses.”

22. Who did Vakula turn to for help when he arrived in the city?

A) to the Tatars;

B) to the Cossacks;

B) to Belarusians;

D) to the French.

23. Which historical character is presented in the story like this:

“A minute later, a rather stout man in a hetman’s uniform and yellow boots entered, accompanied by a whole retinue of majestic stature. His hair was disheveled, one eye was slightly crooked, his face depicted some kind of arrogant majesty, and in all his movements the habit of command was visible.”

A) M.I. Kutuzov;

B) A.V. Suvorov;

B) A.D. Menshikov;

D) G.A. Potemkin.

24. Please add, what compliment did Vakula give to the Empress?

“What should the legs be like? I think at least from pure ______________».

A) gold;

B) silver;

B) sugar;

D) porcelain.

25. How did Vakula paint the hut in which he and Oksana now lived?

A) painted portraits of him and Oksana;

B) painted local landscapes;

B) painted a portrait of the empress;

D) drew Cossacks on horses.

The story “The Night Before Christmas” is included in Nikolai Gogol’s collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. In it, the author perfectly depicted the life of a simple Ukrainian farm with its traditions and picturesque landscapes.

Among the heroes of the story, the image of Vakula, a village boy who works as a blacksmith, especially stands out. He is kind and simple-minded, however, endowed with intelligence and courage. The work of a blacksmith is hard work, which turned Vakula into a strong and patient young man. But in addition to strength, he also has a talent for drawing. He paints paintings with religious themes. And he does this so believably that even evil spirits harbor a grudge against him.

An important character trait of the hero is the love of freedom, which was so characteristic of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Vakula respects older people, but does not put up with unfair treatment. For example, he confronts the rich Cossack Chub, who looks down on him and does not regard him as a worthy groom for his daughter. The hero is in love and fights hard for his happiness. He continues to court the coquette Oksana, although many suitors have already turned their backs on the girl due to her harmful character. Vakula notices that Chuba’s daughter is a little strange, but he admires her beauty and is ready to do anything for her.

One day he asks Vakula to bring her slippers that the queen herself wears. The girl hurts the boy’s pride with such a mocking request, but he still agrees to bring her the slippers. At first he does not know how to fulfill the request and even goes to the mysterious Patsyuk for advice. But he mockingly replies that the one who carries evil spirits behind his back does not need help. The hero is surprised, considering what was said to be simple nonsense. But when Vakula opened the bag that he took out of the house, he saw the devil hidden there by Solokha. Then Vakula agrees to the deal for the sake of Oksana.

As a result, Vakula managed to outwit the evil spirits and force him to take him to the palace to the queen. There he decides to ask the queen for her little slippers. Surprised by the boy’s sincerity and courage, the mistress fulfills the request. Vakula returns to Dikanka as a winner. But during his absence, a rumor spread between people that he committed suicide because of Oksana’s refusal. The beautiful lady very much regretted that she asked the boy for an impossible gift, because she realized that she loved him. When Vakula brought her the slippers, she didn’t need them, but only needed him. Love changed Oksana and brought happiness to the blacksmith Vakula.

At the end of the story, the couple finds long-awaited and well-deserved family happiness. He marries Oksana and they have a son. The author shows that people with a good heart, courage and persistence can achieve success.

In the image of the blacksmith Vakula, the writer shows a representative of the common people, endowed with high moral qualities. The boy is strong, honest, kind, savvy and talented, thanks to which he achieves his goal.