What is the sin of pride and how to fight it in life? How is pride different from arrogance? Main Differences


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And it is he who will be the most significant. Until then, nothing else can be done. The famous theologian C. Lewis once said:

“If you think you don’t suffer from pride, then you really do suffer from it.”

It often happens that people deny their sin, passing it off as imaginary virtues. To do this, you need to know the main differences in order to be able to correctly and timely determine the significance of the defect.

Pride and pride, what's the difference?

In most cases, a person consumed by pride does not want to admit it and passes it off as pride, while talking about a high virtue that helps him achieve everything in life himself and explore the world on his own. This is a huge misconception. What is the difference between pride and arrogance:

  • pride is a manifestation of the spiritual strength and inner dignity of a person, which are expressed in respect for oneself and for everything dear, as well as in the ability to protect and preserve it;
  • pride is an external manifestation of selfishness, which carries with it disrespect for others and undeserved exaltation of oneself in the eyes of others.

Pride and vanity

As for vanity, this quality is closest to pride, since it also has nothing to do with virtue and is one of the signs of this vice. This is a vain desire to constantly confirm one’s superiority in the eyes of others and the desire to hear flattery, often knowing about its insincerity.

Pride and arrogance

Arrogance also borders on pride and often even takes on its appearance. This is a person’s tendency to put himself “on a pedestal”, to show indifference and disrespect towards others, ridiculing them and showing his contemptuous attitude.

Pride - terrible sin, and it is he who leads a person away from himself, from others, from the world, from God, preventing him from finding the cherished grace and harmony. Therefore, one must always remember that life is a great miracle, and it must not be desecrated by vices in order to be able to enjoy all its earthly and Heavenly blessings.

Proverbs about pride

I climbed into wealth and forgot my brotherhood.

Stupidity and pride grow on the same tree.

We live without straining, we serve no one.

Pride goes out on horseback and returns on foot.

If you stand high, don’t be proud; if you stand low, don’t bend.

They praise - don't be proud; they teach - don't be angry.

He is high in his opinions, but low in his deeds.

Arrogance destroys dignity.

Last in number, first in importance.

Prayer from pride to the Monk Alexy, the man of God:

Oh, great servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexis, your soul stands in Heaven before the Throne of the Lord, and on the earth given to you from above by grace, perform various miracles! Look mercifully at the coming holy icon your people, tenderly praying and asking for your help and intercession. Stretch out your honest hand in prayer to the Lord God, and ask us from Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, healing for the afflicted, intercession for the afflicted, consolation for the grieving, ambulance for the needy, and for all who honor your peaceful and Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. Judgment of Christ. To her, servant of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, so that through your prayers we have received grace and mercy from the Lord, let us glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, glorified in the Trinity and the worshiped God, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Lord is always with you!

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What is the difference between pride and arrogance? Some consider these concepts to be synonyms, while others are sure that the terms are completely opposite in meaning. In fact, the words pride and pride are paronyms that make up a paronymic pair. They are similar in spelling and consonant, but differ in meaning. You can determine what feeling a person experiences, pride or arrogance, by examining their differences in detail.

What is pride?

The concept of pride implies self-esteem, a person's ability to treat both himself and other people with respect. People of this type are able to determine the value of their abilities and achievements. They treat other people fairly. It feels like pride can point out shortcomings that still need to be worked on. People with a sense of pride always treat themselves judiciously, because they do not try to hide the presence of shortcomings. They are clearly aware of the presence of problems and do not avoid them. This makes such people less vulnerable than others. Because they clearly understand the presence of weaknesses and do not experience complexes. Such people consciously accept the fact that every person has his own shortcomings. And they understand that shortcomings should not be hidden, but simply worked on.

What is pride?

Such a concept as pride is always perceived negatively. Pride arises as a result excessive pride of an individual about himself. Such people usually have negative qualities such as arrogance and selfishness. Proud people always put themselves above others. They are sure that they are the most beautiful, successful, they know everything, they can do everything, unlike other people. They believe that they know more than others how to live and are much better versed in many areas than others.

In most cases, the manifestation of pride is completely unreasonable. The individual is proud of some far-fetched things, not noticing the reality around him. At the same time, he criticizes and humiliates others. In Orthodoxy, pride is considered one of the deadly sins. Pride is equated with the intention to become on the level of God, to be higher and more important than others.

Such people quite often suffer from delusions of grandeur. Proud people are not at all sensitive. If you tell them about problems, they will only mock and even consider the person a loser. Therefore, it is usually better not to open up to them and not ask for help. It is not at all pleasant to communicate with such people, due to their constant attempts to put themselves above others, at the expense of other people's failures. Proud people constantly strive to prove, both to themselves and to other people, that they know everything. They always consider themselves to be right and the most knowledgeable in everything.

Where does pride come from?

Most often, pride arises from the ordinary need to become necessary and needed by others. After all, it is believed that those who know a lot are needed by society. For this reason, pride forces a person to direct his energies to proving omniscience. He does this not in order to acquire status, but in order to receive recognition, proof of his importance and significance.

Very often the reason originates from early childhood. When a child lacked the attention of his parents and felt unneeded. After such a shock, already in adulthood a person tries to regain the missing attention. And he does this in every possible way.

Pride and arrogance difference

Since pride and pride are similar words, many people think that these concepts have same value. But in reality these concepts are different. The main difference is emotional coloring concepts.

Pride has a negative emotional connotation, as it forces an individual to put himself above others through humiliation. Arises from hatred, not perception, not respectful attitude to others. All these emotions are negative.

Pride has a positive emotional connotation. Because this feeling helps you simply rejoice in the achievements, both your own and those of others. A proud person does not at all strive to appear better than others, and, therefore, has no need to offend or humiliate others.

What is the difference between pride and arrogance?

Such a feeling as pride helps to manifest positive feelings: sympathy, justice, patriotism. Pride, on the contrary, helps to identify negative emotions: hatred, envy, neglect. A proud individual strives to be honest and fair. You can consult with such a person and ask for help. The proud person thinks only about himself. He is unable to understand or help.

Another difference is achievements. Such a feeling as pride arises only if a person has really achieved something. He clearly assesses his capabilities and is proud achieved goals. A proud person is proud of far-fetched achievements.

If you think about the difference between pride and arrogance, you can define: pride is strength, pride is weakness. Demonstrating pride in the willingness and ability to sincerely admire the successes of others. Such a person is truly happy about the achievements of others. A proud person is not able to rejoice for others. On the contrary, he feels a feeling of envy when others are more successful.

Signs of pride

Identifying a proud person is quite simple.

  • He always considers only himself to be right.
  • Does not take into account the opinions of other people, calls their opinions stupid and untrue.
  • Regularly tells others how stupid they are.
  • He considers himself above everyone, and the rest somewhere below.
  • He comes up with the levels of distribution of people himself. He never puts anyone on the same level as himself.
  • He can come to the rescue only in rare cases, from which he can benefit for himself. If such a person did help, he will definitely demand an answer later. With all this, claiming that he is the most necessary.
  • He rarely asks for help.
  • He always tries to achieve something on his own, so that he never shares it with anyone.
  • If he still can’t cope without the help of others, he will ask, stepping over principles. But he will try end result not to be indebted and not to feel that they helped.

Pride makes a person believe that the whole world will simply collapse without him. And others will not be able to live without help. The individual claims that he is all-knowing and can do everything, and others must line up for advice or help. But in reality it turns out that he himself needs this help, which he does not admit until the very end. I am always ready to give advice, even if no one asks for it. With all this, I am sure that people will definitely use his advice. Which only increases his authority in his own eyes. Pride does not make it clear that in fact all people have their own opinions and do not need his help at all.

Another characteristic of a proud person is the desire to take on all the worries. He is constantly trying to be on time everywhere, to redo a bunch of things. Because I’m sure they simply won’t cope without him. A person suffers, wastes a lot of energy and time. And if he doesn’t achieve what he wants, he begins to blame everyone around for the failure. It will be told how he did everything possible and impossible. And fate, other people, anyone but him are to blame. If he does manage to achieve success, then he will take all the credit exclusively for himself. He always criticizes other people who act the way he wants. Absolutely unsuited to listening to other people's advice. Because he regards any advice as an attempt to manipulate him.

IN modern world The concepts of pride and arrogance are often confused with each other. People perceive them as the same thing or something very similar. Meanwhile, these two entities have absolutely different meaning. If the first concept indicates self-esteem, self-sufficiency, then the second speaks of complex nature, internal unresolved personality problems. Signs of pride are a frequently occurring feeling of injustice and irritation. Such a person always believes that he was wronged in vain. This article addresses the issue of pride and explains how it differs from pride. We will look at the components of each concept in order to understand what the danger of cultivating this feeling is and how it can be overcome.

Pride and pride. Differences

Both concepts have the same root, which means they are derivatives of vanity, narcissism and arrogance. However, in the case of pride, the manifestation of a feeling of false superiority over others is not as pronounced as with pride. In the modern world, you can be proud of your homeland, your own achievements, and your loved ones. And pride comes from pathological self-doubt.


It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that it is necessary to respect and value one’s own personality. Without healthy love There is no development towards oneself, just as it is impossible to fully move forward, discover one’s talents and one’s own capabilities. A person should have a feeling of pride. Otherwise, anyone can manipulate and use it for their own purposes. But, at the same time, any should be moderate. You can’t see the catch in everything, but in people - worst enemies or deceivers. Unfortunately, the reality modern reality are such that many of us have to go through numerous trials that are accompanied by pain, resentment and disappointment. But this is not at all a reason to become a weak, embittered person? On the contrary, you need to gather all your will and good beginnings in order to maintain faith in the best and in people.

Trust in the world

How more people disposed towards others, the more open he is towards himself, the easier it becomes for him to accept new things. Trust in the world consists of several components, such as: the situation in the family where a person lives, the attitude of the people around him, own desires and dreams, character, temperament. Pride, most often, subjugates people, makes them unfree, hostages of their fears. One who is proud cannot really be happy. He does not know how to truly trust, to open up to relationships. Just proud man is able to recognize the feelings of another, he empathizes, helps others, but at the same time does not lose himself.


Pride always makes a person selfish. No exceptions. Concentrating only on your own experiences, it is impossible to think about others, to bring real help to others. A person who fails to curb his pride will not be able to truly empathize with the experiences of his loved ones and will remain deaf to spiritual impulses. Pride sometimes adds strength to a person, helps him understand the essence of what is happening, while pride sometimes deprives him of common sense.


For full promotion life path a person constantly needs to develop. The essence of development is not only to learn new things. It is extremely important to work on your own shortcomings, learn lessons from what is happening, and let go of the past in time. Pride can cope with this; pride, most often, makes a person suffer additionally.


Overly proud people are often accused of not being attentive enough to the needs of others. Meanwhile, if a proud person simply does not allow himself to be offended and therefore gives the impression of an unapproachable loner, then the one who is guided by genuine pride also tries to subordinate those around him to his own worldview, to impose his point of view on them. Narcissism, or, in this case, should be considered as a psychological defense of the individual against feelings of inferiority.

Essence of Pride

Pride, like any personality characteristic, includes several structural components. Simply put, pride has three main components that keep it alive.

Pride is a mortal sin

In Christianity, like any religion, pride is considered a great sin. The fact is that according to religious views, there is no particular difference between pride and arrogance. Pride must be condemned just as much as arrogance, and therefore observance of divine commandments is an integral element of religious canons. There is an opinion that one who is proud cannot truly open his heart to true love. Such a person cares, first of all, about himself and his interests. All that matters to him is that his needs are met.

The overthrow of pride occurs through deep repentance and overcoming oneself negative qualities character. It is impossible to overcome pride in oneself if a person does not consciously do so. “Pride is a sin,” says the Bible, and all spiritual teachers of the past and present agree with this statement.

How to get rid of pride?

Often people, having experienced serious difficulties in life due to the fault of their own character, ask the question: how to deal with pride? After all, it prevents you from leading a full life; with pride, you will most likely lose old friends and not gain new ones.

Pride makes both the person and those around him suffer. To overcome this quality of character in yourself, you need to work long and hard, work on yourself. The following tips can be called constructive methods how to overcome pride.

Respect others

Show genuine interest in other people's needs. If you respect their dreams, then no one will judge yours. Respect for others begins with accepting your relatives. It is extremely important to accept loved ones as they are, and not try to change them. Vanity and pride cannot help with this. It is necessary to completely reconsider your feelings and attitude towards loved ones.

Pride dulls the feeling of closeness of souls, relatedness of relationships, patience and humility. It is known that a proud person is not able to give up on his own claims; he goes to the end, achieves his goal at any cost. To overcome this quality in yourself, just try to at least sometimes think about how the other person feels. Imagine yourself in the place of your friend, to whom you were rude for some unknown reason, or your father. Do you think it was pleasant for these people to hear caustic remarks or unfair accusations from you? Analyze your own actions more often, then the feelings of other people will gradually begin to open up to you, you will understand their experiences.

Be careful

If you want to be useful to people, then pay more attention to them. Once you start noticing even the small things you did, you will see how much easier your life has become. It is important that the level of trust between you and your relatives increases day by day. Even if they have not noticed such manifestations of care in you before, do not worry: your efforts will someday still be objectively assessed. You should not admire your pride and consider it your main thing. Warm, trusting relationships between people sometimes take years to build, but it is worth it.

Pay attention to your own feelings as well. If you notice in detail what is happening inside you, you will realize that you feel much better when you give joy to others, even if it is fleeting, short-lived. Find time to take care of your parents, sisters, brothers, friends. Take a closer look, perhaps, to some of them in at the moment need your help? Don't miss this opportunity to improve and overcome your pride.

Don't be afraid to break stereotypes

Most people act in a certain way throughout their lives, with absolutely no idea that they could act differently. For every event in life, a normal action has already been “invented” that would reflect the essence. Just think about how much we ourselves schematize everything and turn it into a routine, and yet each event in itself is unique and inimitable. For example, on the birth of a child it is customary to congratulate young parents, New Year give gifts. Perhaps someone doesn’t celebrate everyone’s favorite holiday and doesn’t want to make a feast just because it’s customary.

Remember, every event, even if it has been repeated millions of times on earth, is unique. Accordingly, for each situation you need to look for your own individual approach, the maximum acceptable for this case. Pride cannot be admired; pride must be overcome and let go. Allow yourself to experience feelings, even if they are negative. Just start taking any action from the moment you understand the mistakes and focus on a constructive solution. Once you overcome pride, you will feel incredible lightness and a mature sense of self-worth.

Love yourself

Usually a person is capable of causing pain to another only when he himself experiences strong dissatisfaction with life. Otherwise, there would be no need to offend a loved one. In fact, everything that is said in a fit of anger is addressed not to the person to whom everything is expressed, but to oneself. If each of us had the ability to listen to our own words, then there would be no need for pride. After all, nothing can be achieved with pride.

Love yourself and see how you no longer want to use pride. Self-love awakens harmony in a person’s soul and gives rise to satisfaction. There will be no trace of pride left.

Find your purpose

Note to yourself, are you living your life? After all, how often does it happen that a person follows the opinion of the majority, succumbs to outside influence and chooses a path that is completely different from his own. Destination should be understood as the purpose with which we come to this physical world. And it’s up to us how we carry it out. Pride has no place among those who strive for an integral, fulfilling life. The search for purpose is, of course, an important component of a person’s life, and therefore it is important to approach this process with full responsibility.

If you, despite mature age, have not yet found your own unique path, it’s time to decide on the direction. Listen to yourself, remember your youthful dreams. Maybe it's time to make your deepest desire come true? There will be no trace of your former pride when you find yourself. This is long and exhausting work that requires maximum honesty and complete dedication. Anyone who is dissatisfied with his pride and intends to replace it with a more positive feeling must carefully monitor his emotional state. Emotions show us what is happening in our soul. Pride is not a feeling that needs to be cherished.

Accept your own shortcomings

As strange as it may sound, you need to learn to accept yourself for who you are. Long-term work on oneself, negative ones, always involves significant changes. But it’s also important to learn to accept flaws that you can’t do anything about. Forgive yourself for small mistakes, understand that no one is perfect and stop blaming yourself for the past. You can even thank yourself for the mistakes and mistakes that you once made. Without them, you wouldn't know that you could be a completely different person. In other words, thanks to our shortcomings, we move forward, develop and improve.

Thus, the concept of pride is closely related to emotional sphere a person, his character, habits, way of life. In small quantities, manifestations of this quality of character are characteristic of all people. The only thing that matters is how a person plans to deal with pride.

Man is emotional personality, which has developed its own life rules. He has a huge energy reserve, through his feelings he expresses his own attitude towards others and the world, but what energy this person’s thoughts are endowed with, and what kind of emotions he shows when communicating with other people, depends solely on him and his desires. Let’s try to find out further what pride is and why it is a sin for people.

Pride - what is it?

Pride - a feeling of complete superiority own personality over others. It is an inadequate assessment of personal importance. The manifestation of pride very often leads to stupid mistakes, because of which others suffer. This sin manifests itself in arrogance, not showing respect for other people, their lives and experiences. People with a heightened sense of pride have an increased desire to brag about their achievements. They consider their success only to be their own merit, without taking into account the help of others and higher powers in ordinary life situations, do not recognize the help and support of others.

In Latin, “pride” is translated as “superbia.” It is a sin because every quality of a person is laid down by the Creator. And considering yourself the source of all your achievements in life and that everything around you is the result of personal labor is fundamentally wrong. Criticism of the actions and speech of other people, accusations of incompetence, rude ridicule - greatly amuses people with pride and brings them untold pleasure.

Very often a person does not even realize that he is submitting to pride and thinks this is some other quality of his character . But then it gets worse– as a result, a person is completely immersed in this sin. How can you discern it in yourself and other people in order to stop in time and protect yourself from sin? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with and learn to distinguish the following signs of sin:

It is these signs that are often confused with pride itself., sometimes accept these signs as virtues, but only when they take first place in a person’s character and begin to guide him. After this, the person is unable to control himself, and this inevitably leads to harm to himself and the people around him.

Eat different types this sin. This may be an age-related type of pride. When adults treat little ones with disdain, because they are still very stupid and naive due to their age. Or, on the contrary, young people believe that older people do not understand anything about modern trends and their views on life are outdated.

There is pride of knowledge. When a person considers himself the smartest, and everyone around him is a fool.

Pride of beauty. This sin mainly affects women who consider themselves the most beautiful, and other women unworthy of compliments and love.

National pride. People believe that their nation is superior to others, and some nations do not even have the right to exist. An example of this sin is the Germans' views on the Jewish nation during World War II? Why is this not an indicator of the full manifestation of pride and not the result of the complete mastery of sin by some Germans.

There are a sufficient number of types of pride, each type manifests itself in one or another area of ​​human life and activity.

The results of this sin

Pride mainly acts as a source of bad thoughts and emotions, which negatively affect the state and behavior of people, in other words, prevent them from living a “correct” life, since an inflated sense of the importance of one’s “I” becomes the starting point of aggression towards other people. Other ideas about the world give rise to inside there is a flash of the following emotions: anger, resentment, hatred, contempt, envy and pity. They primarily lead to the absolute destruction of a person’s mental health, and, accordingly, his consciousness.

Pride and psychology

This sin often becomes a sign of incorrect upbringing. IN early age Parents often tell their child that he is better than others. However, the baby should receive praise and support, but only for a specific, real reason. False praise will create inflated self-esteem, which will invariably lead to pride. Such children, when they grow up, will not be able to realistically evaluate their own shortcomings. An example of this is that they do not know from childhood about criticism directed at them, and they will not be able to perceive it as adults.

As a rule, such sin brings discord in communication- after all, maintaining a friendly relationship with a proud person is a dubious pleasure. No one wants to feel humiliated from the very beginning, listen to long monologues about someone’s perfection and rightness, the lack of steps towards compromise will not lead to anything good. A proud person never recognizes the talents and abilities of another.

Pride in Orthodoxy

This is the main sin in Orthodoxy, since it is precisely this that is the source of other human vices: greed, anger. The salvation of a person's soul is based on the concept- The Lord is above all. Then you need to love your neighbor, sacrificing your interests and desires. But pride does not accept debt to another person; it does not have a feeling of pity. A virtue that eradicates pride and humility.

Current society imposes the opinion that a woman can easily do without a male representative. Pride in women does not recognize a family in which the man is in charge and his opinion is the main one. Women in similar relationships They do not recognize that their husband is right, they constantly show their independence as proof, and try to subjugate the man to themselves. For such women, it is important to be a leader and a winner without deviating from your principles. It is not possible for such a woman to make sacrifices for the sake of her own family. Draws similar pictures for us modern society .

Total control, the habit of “dripping on the brain” and female irritability are poisonous family life. Every quarrel ends only after the man admits that he was wrong and the woman’s ego wins. A man's compulsion to extol a woman over every little thing lowers his self-esteem, which is why love dies. And the man wants to break off all relationships.

Get rid of this sin

When a person realizes what sin he carries within himself, and there is a desire to get rid of it, then the question immediately arises: how to get rid of it? This is not to say that this is very easy to do. After all, in order to get rid of a bad quality of character, you need to go through a long and difficult path, realize the sources of sin, and the most important thing is to make every effort to get rid of it, since the struggle will be with yourself.

Liberation from this sin - the path to knowing yourself and God, each subsequent step must be deliberate and confident. To do this you need to remember these rules:

  1. love the world around us as he is;
  2. learn to perceive any situation that occurs in life without offense and indignation, every time to show gratitude to God for what he has sent, because all circumstances are something new and useful;
  3. be able to see positive aspects in any position, although they are not always noticeable at first glance, since awareness often comes after some time.

We fight pride

There are such situations when a person himself can no longer do anything with himself to overcome pride. In such a situation, you should ask for help from your “senior comrades”, listen to their wise instructions and be able not to refuse them. This will help you take the true path, the path of resistance, and will also give you the opportunity to step further on the path of self-knowledge.

Most effective method when fighting sin - service to family, society, the world and God. By giving oneself to others, a person changes because environment becomes different - cleaner, brighter and more righteous. It’s not for nothing that the sages say: “Change yourself, everything around you will change.”

I have always believed that it is necessary to separate these two concepts - pride and arrogance. Pride is supposedly such a noble feeling, and pride is when you are proud of yourself, how beautiful, smart and cool you are.

Those. in pride there is a feeling of superiority, arrogance, exalting oneself over others. I don’t know about other religions, but in Christianity (Orthodoxy, Catholicism) this is one of the seven deadly sins. While pride for one’s country, for belonging to a religion, and sometimes for one’s loved ones or one’s own achievements, is encouraged in every possible way.

Analyzing the sad situation now happening in the world and in Ukraine in particular, I realized that pride is the same pride, and there is actually no difference.

Pride and arrogance - what's the difference?

Proud of belonging to any group of people (for example, “I am Ukrainian,” or “I am Russian,” “I am a Christian”), you are still proud of YOURSELF, you still feel superior to those outside your social group, i.e. subconsciously you still consider yourself better than others. It’s just that this essentially sinful emotion is veiled, hidden under the guise of belonging to a certain society - you are not alone better than others, but you are better TOGETHER.

It’s as if you are speaking not on your own behalf, but on behalf of the team. But in fact, YOU are still proud. Which means it’s YOUR pride, YOUR ego, YOUR sense of self-importance.

And this “noble” feeling can lead to hatred, aggression and the desire to kill. On football matches This is what often happens because of pride in one's team. Because when this feeling is also collective, expect trouble. Because then the responsibility is also collective, your personal guilt seems to be dissolved in the general one, and now you no longer feel any inhibitions and can openly do something that you would never dare to do alone.

Would one of my acquaintances, a Kiev yogi, voluntarily go to war, shoot at the DPR, if he were not proud of his belonging to the people of Ukraine, if the whole country did not consider it correct and noble? A man who does not eat meat has gone to kill people... strange things are happening in your land, Lord!

There is also a topic that, they say, pride is a sense of self-worth, and pride is a sense of self-importance. Complete bullshit. Self-esteem and self-importance are absolutely the same thing.

Here's an example. Professor with three higher education found himself unemployed, and the employment center offered him the profession of a janitor. He refused indignantly - unworthy work! And I will say, this is a sense of self-importance. In essence, he humiliates the people who actually clean the streets. Someone has to do it! And perhaps the janitor put his heart and soul into cleaning the street and making people feel good - why is his profession worse than that of a professor?

On minibuses I often meet very worthy people who try to sit in the last seats so that they don’t have to transfer money to a ticket. And if the last seats are taken and they have to sit in front, they are diagnosed with chronic deafness. How much dignity! It’s not clear what they’re doing in the minibus – the Rolls-Royce must have broken down. Of course, for an outside observer, their heart rate is off the charts, but they think it’s their self-esteem! So there is no need to justify pride with dignity.

In general, as soon as the comparison “who is higher, who is lower, who is more worthy, who is more important” is included, then pride immediately rushes. You need to have a cool mind - and then neither pride nor arrogance will disfigure you.

Bottom line. Pride and arrogance - no difference.