What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree - how many years to study, how they receive it and the benefits of the diploma. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialist's and master's degree, from graduate school and from a junior specialist's?


Modern system higher education in Russia provides the opportunity to obtain the same specialty by receiving diplomas of different qualifications. Just a few years ago, universities and institutes produced exclusively specialists. Now you can go to study for a bachelor's degree or choose a specialty. It is important to understand what the fundamental differences between various systems: This will help you avoid making mistakes when applying to a university.

Bachelor's and Specialist's degrees

There is no need to explain what a specialty is. This system has existed in our country since the time Soviet Union. After graduating from school, the applicant enters a university, where he studies, as a rule, for five years. At medical universities, the period of study was (and is) 6 years, but at the end of the study, in any case, the title of “specialist” is awarded. Moreover, after the specialty, it is possible to continue studying in graduate school to obtain a PhD degree.

In 1999, the Russian government decided to join the Lisbon Convention. Now, on the basis of complete secondary education, an applicant enters a university, studies for 4 years and receives a bachelor's degree. Not all universities managed to switch to the updated system, so in our country applicants have the opportunity to choose which system to receive higher education. In addition, even those universities that graduate bachelors have not yet completely switched to the European system. In particular, many academic disciplines continue to be taught in the same way as before the transition to the new system. In addition, the system for assessing student knowledge has remained unchanged: in Europe and America there is a hundred-point system.

It is worth remembering that a bachelor’s degree is the first stage of a two-level education system. The second and optional level is a master's degree. You can refuse a master's degree by getting a job after receiving a bachelor's degree, or you can enroll to continue your education at any university some time after completing the first stage.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bachelor's degree

After completing a bachelor's degree, the student receives a European education and can continue his studies at any university outside of Russia. In addition, you can complete your master's degree in another specialty. However, many employers, accustomed to hiring specialists, believe that bachelors have an insufficiently high-quality education. Perhaps they are right: the word “bachelor” comes from the Latin “dropout.” In addition, enrolling in a master’s program is not easy: there are only a few budget places. In addition, it is not possible to enroll in graduate school after receiving a bachelor's degree: a master's degree is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of specialty

It is believed that specialists receive better training and are more valuable personnel than bachelors. In addition, after five years of study, it is possible to pass exams for graduate school and receive a PhD degree.

However, a specialist cannot enroll in a master's program on a budgetary basis: this will be considered a second higher education. The only exceptions are those students who entered the university before the introduction of a two-tier system, that is, before 1999. In addition, if a specialist decides to go abroad, he will have to go through a difficult procedure for confirming his diploma.

What is a master's degree?

A master's degree allows you to continue your studies and master another profession or deepen your knowledge in your main specialty. Masters deeply master the theoretical and practical aspects of the specialty, receive high-quality preparation for both research and teaching activities. At the end of the studies, the master's student is required to defend a master's thesis, which is written under the guidance of a doctor of science. It is worth noting that masters have the right to teach at universities, which distinguishes them from bachelors.

Thus, in Russia in present moment A unique situation has arisen. Applicants can choose which system they would prefer to pursue higher education. When making a choice, you should consider your own goals. If you plan to work or continue studying abroad, then ideal option is a bachelor's degree. If you plan to stay in Russia or enroll in graduate school and engage in scientific activities, then your choice is a specialty.

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Postgraduate studies

(Chapter 8, Article 69 of the Law “On Education”)

1. Higher education has the goal of ensuring the training of highly qualified personnel in all main areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, satisfying the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications.

Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor's or specialty programs.

3. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to study master's programs.

What is “bachelor”, “master”, “specialist”?

Bachelor(English) bachelorsdegree) - an academic degree or qualification awarded to persons who have completed the relevant educational programs of higher education. Completed higher education in countries that participate in the Bologna process (incl.

Bachelor's degree- higher education, confirmed by a bachelor's diploma with the award of an academic bachelor's degree or bachelor's qualification.

Bachelor's degree upon admission to work gives the right to occupy the position for which qualification requirements higher education is provided.

A bachelor's degree also gives you the right to continue your studies in a master's program at places financed from the federal budget.

A bachelor's diploma is a document that confirms completion of higher education.

In Russia, this level of training was introduced in 1996. The standard period of study for obtaining a bachelor's qualification (degree) is no less than 4 years. The qualification is assigned based on the results of defending the final work at a meeting of the State Certification Commission. A bachelor's degree in Russia is a higher education. Persons with a bachelor's degree may also be allowed to defend a dissertation for the degree of candidate of science.

After December 31, 2010, bachelor's and master's qualifications (degrees) became the main ones for graduates of Russian higher educational institutions.

Master(from lat. magister- mentor, teacher) - academic degree, qualification (in some countries - academic degree), acquired by the student after graduating from the master's program.

Master's degree(in some countries called master's degree) - the level of higher education, following the bachelor's degree, which allows you to deepen specialization in a certain area.

The Master's degree provides for a more in-depth development of theory in the chosen field and prepares the student for research activities in the chosen field.

IN North America And European Union Most graduates of higher educational institutions do not continue their studies after a bachelor's degree, because a bachelor's degree is a confirmation of a full-fledged higher education.

Students who plan to study are more likely to continue their master's studies scientific research or pedagogical activity at the university.

Specialist(certified specialist) - a qualification acquired by a student after completing a special training program.

The standard duration of the training program for obtaining a “specialist” degree in Russia is at least five years. Qualification is awarded based on the results of defending a diploma project or thesis at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission and gives the right to enter master's and postgraduate programs.

Levelshigher education: where did they come from?

Introduction of new educational standards is connected with Russia’s international obligations to participate in the Bologna process.

In 2003, Russia ratified the Bologna Convention, an agreement that higher education diplomas obtained in a country party to the convention will be recognized in all other member countries. Such standards in education have been adopted in more than 50 countries, primarily European ones. For Europe, the two-stage higher education system is traditional; the bachelor's program lasts 3-4 years, and the master's program lasts 1-3 years. Both are considered full-fledged higher education. If desired, bachelor's students can continue their studies in a master's program, or they may not continue, but immediately go to get a job.

In Russia there are the following levels of higher education:

  1. higher education confirmed by awarding degrees " bachelor" And " master's degree»
  2. qualification " certified specialist».

It can be said that new system is called two-level conditionally, since the “old” one-level system of training specialists also fits into it. The latter was not canceled, since it is necessary in medical, military And technical universities. The following terms of education are provided:

  • at least 4 years for a bachelor's degree,
  • at least 5 years for a certified specialist,
  • at least 6 years for a master's degree.

Apply to study on specialist and bachelor's possible based on the results of the Unified State Exam or Olympiads included in the official list of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Degree bachelor's the student acquires after mastering the basic educational program. He is given full-fledged diploma general higher education. After five years of study, the specialist is also issued a diploma, but not of general higher education, but By chosen specialty. Master - expert in certain scientific field . A master's degree can be obtained by both a bachelor and a specialist. To continue studying at a master's program, a bachelor must enter there after passing exams in specialized subjects. At the same time, a bachelor can go to a master’s program both at his own university and at any other. Both specialists and masters can continue to graduate school. Difference between specialist And master's degree is that the first one is cooked For practical work V industry by chosen direction, and the second - for scientific work. The master's program includes a bachelor's program plus two years of specialized training, including practice, which involves research or scientific and teaching activities.

NovoCNIT, 2017


Summer is coming. And school graduates will have to endure entrance examinations to the chosen university and obtain a profession that will accompany them to life path. If before 2011 everything was clear about this, in principle, now higher education is divided into “bachelor’s” and “master’s” degrees.

Who are bachelors? Is a bachelor's degree a completed higher education? What benefits does this degree provide when applying for a job? These moments confuse parents and applicants, and, coupled with pre-exam jitters, can lead to mild panic. The reader can find answers to these and some other questions in this article.

Bologna system

First, you need to figure out where the idea of ​​two-level education came from.

This model was approved at a conference in Bologna in 1999. Russia signed the “Bologna Declaration on Education,” which sets out the standards, in 2003, becoming the fortieth country.

The Bologna two-level system works successfully in Canada, the USA and a number of other countries, providing not only a high level of education, but also helping young professionals more easily adapt to market mobility and conditions of uncertainty.

The meaning of the word "bachelor"

The word “bachelor” itself can be translated as a young legionary knight, a bachelor. In fact, this quite correctly describes young boys and girls who are at the beginning of their professional journey and searching for their place in the sun.

System and conditions

A student receives a bachelor's degree after four years of successful study at a higher educational institution. The focus can be very different: Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Economics. Not all universities have switched to a two-tier system. The exception is medical universities and art institutes.

While studying at a bachelor's degree, a student receives fundamental knowledge in basic general education disciplines and special subjects.

There are advantages to this. The narrow specialization, which is now studied in the master's program, was previously integrated into the general program. This made it difficult for university graduates to obtain another profession and retrain.

Choosing a path

After completing a bachelor's degree, the newly minted bachelor has a choice.

  1. He can get a job, and a bachelor's degree is equivalent to receiving a full higher education. Therefore, in the competition for a position of interest, a bachelor can participate on an equal basis with masters.
  2. Second option: enrolling in a master's program.

    A master's degree is essentially an intermediate link between a university graduate and an academic degree.

    To obtain a master's degree you must pass exams. The duration of training will be 2 years. A master's degree can hypothetically be completed at any university in the country or abroad. The difficulty here arises when taking into account the quality of knowledge acquired during undergraduate studies. The fact is that a bachelor's degree can be completed at a non-state university, the quality of education in which, in some cases, leaves much to be desired. What does a master's degree have to do with these educational institutions No. This may become an obstacle to passing exams to continue studying and obtain a second level of higher education.

  3. The third option: a bachelor can get a job in his specialty, gain experience, become convinced of the correct choice of profession, and only after that enter a master’s program and graduate from it consciously.

Upon completion of a bachelor's degree, it issues a diploma of higher education, upon completion of a master's degree - another diploma, but this time about the completion of a master's degree.

Those who wish can continue their career by enrolling in graduate school and defending their candidate and doctoral dissertations.

A little bit of Russian history

Everything new is well forgotten old.

Few people know that a two-level education system existed in Russia back in the 18th century. There was a division into candidates and masters of science. Candidates are graduates who graduated with honors from a higher educational institution. If they wished and strived for science, they had the right to enter the master's program. Preparation for passing the exam took a fairly serious period of time - about four years. The level of students who passed the master's exam was equal in qualification to the level of European doctors of philosophy. In fact, the master of that time was a candidate of science of the present time. The system did not last long and was abolished at the beginning of the 20th century, like all scientific degrees. The hierarchy among pundits was restored only in 1934.

Controversy surrounding bachelors

The bachelor's degree generates controversy among employers, parents and applicants.

Incomplete higher education is two years of study at a higher educational institution, four successfully passed sessions in a row and a certificate from the dean’s office confirming the terms of study and the disciplines studied by the student. A certificate of incomplete higher education is a document that can be presented to a potential employer. In addition, if a student, after two years of study, has come to the conclusion that the chosen university or profession has lost all its charm and charm for him, does not motivate him to achieve feats and is burdensome, then with this certificate he can apply to another university. Thus, significantly reducing the training time and avoiding re-studying the completed disciplines.

In the case of a bachelor's degree, the process of studying at this stage is considered completed, the diploma is valid.

Differences between masters and bachelors

Bachelors differ from masters in the level of theoretical and specialized knowledge. Bachelor's degree is primarily focused on skills that have practical application in the chosen profession. The master's program immerses students deeper into theoretical aspects and scientific hypotheses.

It should be remembered that the main lore and skills a person gains with experience in a specific field. Theoretical dogmas are good in sterile conditions, subject to all parameters. In practice, everything is different. Therefore, finding yourself face to face with a specific practical problem at work, you will have to not only rely on the knowledge acquired at the institute, but also rely on your inner personal qualities. Employers take this into account when selecting candidates. Since such traits as sociability, responsibility, empathy, stress resistance depend only indirectly on the degree of education, and are character traits of the candidate, instilled by parents, developed in the process of self-improvement, or received at birth.

Two-tier education system: pros and cons

A bachelor's degree is convenient. Reducing the time spent on higher education, the opportunity to choose further path, mobility. These are additional opportunities for successful self-realization and a conscious path, not imposed by society or internal authorities. Streams of information are falling on the world, new technologies are appearing, professions are emerging that people did not even know existed. And here the bachelor’s degree gives a head start to the specialty, which today is becoming a fragment of the past.

Today, when the system is still in its infancy, there are doubts and hesitations.

Parents who want their children successful career and the best one is still called baccalaureate technical school.

Employers whose HR departments employ HR directors who remember Lenin are wary of accepting bachelors for leading positions. But this is the stage of introducing changes, the uncertainty of which will disappear in the near future. As are the disadvantages of a bachelor's degree in general. Although it is worth noting that leadership positions, related to highly specialized issues, it will not be easy for a bachelor to apply. Most likely, in this case, during a competitive selection, this position will be given to a master.

The education system, standardized according to the Western model, opens up the opportunity for graduates to continue their master's studies outside their homeland.

It should also be remembered that a bachelor who has not completed a master’s program cannot enroll in graduate school.

A bachelor is a young specialist with an open path to self-realization and building an excellent career. Whether to enroll in a master's program or not is everyone's choice. The main thing is to be and feel like a competent specialist in your chosen field. Confidence and openness to new knowledge, the desire for success and readiness for change are the qualities of people who achieve success not only in their careers, but also in life in general.

How to write a bachelor's thesis

Many students entering a university without thinking about what they are going to study for, what they will be at the end: bachelors or masters. Most will most likely stop at the bachelor's level, defending a bachelor's degree and obtaining a higher education. The bachelor's final work (BFA) can be considered as the first part of a specialist's thesis (master's thesis) for those students who plan to continue their studies after completing their bachelor's degree.

The bachelor's thesis is defended by students at the end of the fourth year. An applicant for a bachelor's degree must demonstrate the ability to analyze current scientific problems, solve the tasks assigned to him and master the basics of the disciplines studied during his studies.

Bachelor's degree must be internal unity and completeness, it must reflect all stages of research activities, the topic of the work must necessarily be relevant to modern stage development of science and technology.

For research VRB it is necessary:

  • Formulate a problem statement;
  • Collect the necessary theoretical base (often students are allowed to submit the collected material in the form of an abstract);
  • Analyze existing analogues and solution methods;
  • Provide mathematical apparatus (models, algorithms, methods, formulas, calculations);
  • Carry out detailed analysis results of the first stage of the study;
  • Decompose main goal for several sub-goals.

The result of the research is algorithms, models, research methods, and analysis results developed by the student.

Based on the analysis of systematized information, a certificate of analysis of patent literature is compiled. If a student proposes a solution that is significantly different from the analogues found, then he fills out an application for the alleged invention to register his intellectual property.

The bachelor's thesis must contain:

  • Justification of relevance;
  • Elements of analysis (is an integral part, lack of analysis is unacceptable);
  • Justification for the choice of design solutions;

The bachelor's thesis does not necessarily have to be scientific and technical novelty.

In other words, the work may contain research into ways to solve a problem for which there is at least one ready-made solution.

Persons who have fully and successfully completed their studies at a university are issued a diploma of the appropriate level of professional education: a bachelor's, specialist or master's diploma.

The fact of non-completion of education at a university is confirmed by other documents depending on the year of completion of studies.

1. Documents issued for incomplete and incomplete higher education before October 24, 2007

According to the previously existing legislation on higher and postgraduate vocational education persons who did not complete their education in the basic educational program of higher professional education before October 24, 2007 could receive one of the following documents:

  • diploma of incomplete higher education. It was issued to persons who successfully passed the intermediate certification (for at least two years of study);
  • academic certificate of unfinished higher professional education. It was issued to persons who had not completed the basic educational program of higher professional education.

The academic certificate indicated: the period of study, information about tests passed, intermediate and final exams, and internships completed (Appendix No. 6 to Resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated November 30, 1994 No. 9).

To obtain these documents, it was necessary to contact the educational institution where the training was conducted.

Note: Incomplete higher education is not considered as a level of higher professional education (Definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2012 N APL12-398).

When an employee presented a diploma of incomplete higher education, the employer entered into the information about the employee indicated on the first page of the work book an entry about incomplete higher education, since the training did not continue, but was interrupted (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Resolution Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69).

For an employee with an academic certificate, the employer did work book a note about incomplete higher education, since the citizen had the right to continue studying at an educational institution (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books).

2. Documents issued for incomplete higher education from 10/27/2007 to 09/01/2013

In October 2007, the concepts of incomplete and incomplete higher education were abolished.

All persons, regardless of the length of study and the number of intermediate certifications passed, who have not completed the main educational program of higher professional education, from October 27, 2007 to September 1, 2013, could only receive an academic certificate.

In the period from 10.27.2007 to 09.01.2013, before receiving a diploma of higher education, upon entering a job, an entry was made in the employee’s work book about incomplete higher professional education (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books).

Documents issued for incomplete higher education from 09/01/2013

From 09/01/2013 higher educational institutions Instead of academic certificates, certificates of study or the period of study are issued to the following persons (Part 12 of Article 60 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ):

  • did not pass the final certification;
  • those who received unsatisfactory results at the final certification;
  • have mastered part of the educational program;
  • expelled from the organization carrying out educational activities.

These certificates are issued according to the model established by the organization conducting educational activities (Part 12, Article 60 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Areas of training for masters at RosNOU

What is a master's degree?

A master's degree is part of higher education, its second level. Previously, higher education was “continuous”: 5 years - and you are a certified specialist.

Since 2011, Russia has switched to the Bologna system: 4 years of bachelor's degree plus 2 years of master's degree.

In short, a master's degree is:

  • opportunity to extend student life for another two years;
  • the opportunity to obtain another profession/qualification, or to deepen knowledge and improve training in an already acquired profession.

And, if you pass the competition, you will be able to study at the expense of the state budget, since a master’s degree is not considered a second higher education, it is a continuation of the first higher education.

Important! Only 1) bachelors and 2) certified specialists who entered the specialty before the start of the two-level “bachelor’s - master’s” system can apply for budget-funded master’s degree places.

What is the difference between bachelors and masters?

Bachelor's degree is the first basic level higher education, master's degree - the second (a special case is a modern specialty, which begins as the first level, while the specialist graduate is rated as a master's graduate). In addition to the fact that a master's degree is a more systematic approach to the chosen field of activity, it also offers other career prospects. There are already positions for which a bachelor's degree is sufficient, and positions for which only a specialist or master's degree will be appointed.

As an example, we will give the minimum level of professional education, the presence of which is necessary for a candidate applying for a civil service position.

Level of professional education

Category “managers” of the highest, main and leading groups of civil service positions
Category “assistants (advisers)” of the highest, main and leading groups of civil service positions
Category “specialists” of the highest, main and leading groups of positions

Higher education - specialty, master's degree

Category "specialists" senior groups positions

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Category “supporting specialists” senior and junior groups positions

Secondary vocational education

? More recently, this question did not concern applicants entering universities in our country. But the time has come, and the options for higher education have diversified: now there is a specialty, a master’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree. To make an informed choice, you need to know how one option differs from another and how they are beneficial for you. future life yesterday's schoolboy.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees - “foreigners”

Until 1996, domestic universities only trained specialists. With rare exceptions, the duration of the educational program in which students studied was 5 years. Thus, there was only one level of higher education - a specialty.

The foundations for the emergence of different formats of the “tower” were laid in 1996, when Russia adopted the law “On higher and postgraduate professional education.” It was then that the reform of the educational system began in order to bring it to pan-European principles.

A degree appeared bachelor's, appropriate programs were developed and admission of applicants began. Despite the fact that bachelor’s degrees allow a period of study from 4 to 6 years, the vast majority Russian programs were focused on a four-year period of study.

Reducing the duration of study looked both tempting and dubious, so those entering universities had a natural mistrust and question: Is a bachelor's degree higher education or not?? Although bachelor's degree programs were taught in higher education institutions, many students still considered this level of study to be something akin to secondary vocational education. Naturally, the prestige of bachelor's degrees was incomparable with specialist diploma.

In 2003 Russian Federation signed the Bologna Declaration of June 19, 1999, and domestic universities also opened master's programs. This step brought the domestic education system even closer to the European one, but the choice for students became more complicated.

European education system. What is the difference between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree?

In the European education system, such levels as bachelor's and master's degrees have existed for a long time - and both of these educations are higher. But What is the difference between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree?? The difference is, first of all, in the training programs: more complex programs are being developed for master’s programs, and accordingly, the duration of study is lengthened.

If between qualifications difference between master and bachelor consists of training programs, what additional knowledge can a master expect? Basically, this is more in-depth knowledge in the area of ​​specialization chosen by the student. In the master's program, the student will acquire knowledge that will allow him to continue his theoretical studies in the future. scientific work in the chosen direction, and not just work in the acquired specialty. During a shorter period of study, a bachelor receives only that level of knowledge that will be useful to him in professional (and not scientific) activities.

Thus, European program education has a clear delineation of training: for those who will practice the acquired knowledge in the workplace ( bachelors), and those who, after graduation, will continue scientific activities ( masters).

Such a consistent system, adopted by domestic practice, has formed the opinion that the bachelor’s qualification is less prestigious.

This is partly true, since, based on the provisions of Article 10 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, we can conclude that a bachelor’s degree is a higher education of the first level out of 3 existing ones.

But in fact, the difference between a specialist, a bachelor’s and a master’s degree lies not in the quality of education, but in the purpose of obtaining it - a bachelor’s degree is aimed at studying basic disciplines exactly to the extent that is necessary to work in the specialty.

That is current system education allows the applicant to choose the format and duration of study that will be more convenient for him. But why then does the specialty still exist and what is its difference?

How does a specialty differ from a bachelor's and master's degree?

Firstly, the deadline. Specialty is a traditional form national education lasting from 5 to 6 years. Bachelor's degree is a form of education borrowed from the European system, in which the training course lasts, as a rule, 4 years. Master's training lasts an average of 6 years. All of these are types of higher education, although there are certain nuances.

Secondly, these are programs in which future masters, bachelors and specialists are trained. And most importantly, What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree? in this regard, it is an orientation towards the practical side of learning.

In the near future, in connection with the expected changes to the Bologna Declaration, specialties will cease to exist, and the dilemma “ specialist or bachelor" will cease to be relevant. However, on at the moment the specialty exists. Few universities retain it as one of the levels of education in some areas, and graduate specialists still retain the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

And the opportunity to enroll in graduate school is what distinguishes a specialist from a bachelor. In order to continue studying and scientific activity, a bachelor's degree is not enough for a student - he needs to complete a master's degree or a specialty with in-depth courses. Otherwise, a bachelor’s graduate will not be able to enroll in graduate school.

Therefore, a specialty, if we do not delve into the details of reforming the domestic education system, can be considered simply a legacy of the past, a transitional form that should disappear after the final transition to a Europeanized two-level system.

Specialist, Bachelor or Master - which diploma is better?

The future student must answer this question for himself. The prestige of “testimonials” about higher education in Russia is gradually giving way to the understanding that education, first of all, should have practical benefits (and practicality is the main thing, What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree?).

Thus, the answer to the question " Is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not?? will be definitely positive. Confirmation - federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation,” which lists 3 levels of higher education:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty and master's degree.

Their graduates receive, respectively, degrees specialist, bachelor and master, difference between which lies in the degree of specialization, and not in prestige or level of education.

The higher education system in Russia provides an applicant with a choice of obtaining different degrees of qualification.

Before entering the university, many applicants are faced with the question of the differences between bachelor's and specialist's degrees.

These two forms are the most popular in the country, after which you can continue your studies in master’s and postgraduate programs. It is very important to understand the main differences between these systems so as not to make a mistake with your choice.

What does a bachelor's degree mean?

Bachelor's degree is the initial stage of higher education. This means that the applicant, having chosen a specialty, will receive all the necessary basic knowledge and skills about your future profession.

He will have entry level qualifications. You can study full-time, part-time or freely, combining it with work.

After receiving a diploma, a student can continue his studies at any university in Russia or abroad in a master's program (in his specialty, choosing a narrower focus, or change it).

Complete higher education or not

A bachelor's degree is recognized as completed higher education. Although people often call this form "unfinished supreme." Above the bachelor's degree, the second stage of education is the master's degree.

It is not necessary to study for a master's degree; after graduating from university, you can get a job straight away. Those who want to engage in scientific activities cannot do without obtaining a master's degree.

Please note: The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly states that students who have studied only half of the time allotted at the institute have incomplete higher education.

What is a specialty at a university?

Specialty - traditional form Russian education. After graduation, the student receives the qualification “certified specialist”.

Young people study for 5 years, in the first two years they study general education subjects, and then receive more specialized knowledge. After defending the thesis and receiving the document, the student can immediately enter graduate school.

Many people believe that specialists receive better training and are more valuable personnel.

Please note: After graduating from a specialty, a student cannot enroll in a master’s program on a budget, since this will be considered a second higher education course, which is paid in Russia.

Bachelor's and Specialist's Degrees - What's the Difference?

Main differences:

  1. Duration of training. Specialist course – 5 years, bachelor degree course – 4 years.
  2. Specialists can freely enroll in graduate school, teach at higher educational institutions and work in government institutions in the field of management. A bachelor can enter graduate school. But this is only possible after completing a master's degree.
  3. Specialists study disciplines of a narrower focus in their profession, while a bachelor receives basic knowledge and skills.
  4. After completing a bachelor's degree, a graduate can work in any field of profession, a specialist in a narrower field.
  5. Specialists cannot enroll in a master's program on a budget; bachelors are given this opportunity.
  6. Abroad, a “specialty” degree is not valued - it is equated to a bachelor’s degree, which is recognized international system education. If a specialist student wants to work in a foreign company, he will have to difficult task to defend your diploma in another country.
  7. Bachelors are given a deferment from the army for 2 years of master's degree. If specialists want to study further, there will be no delay.

What is better: bachelor or specialist?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which form of training is better. Depending on the goals, a person chooses the most suitable qualification for him.

Graduates of both forms are currently valued in the labor market. But many employers believe that a specialty provides the most complete knowledge in narrow areas of the profession.

However, upon graduating with a bachelor’s qualification, the student is also endowed with all the necessary knowledge and skills for successful labor activity. A student also has the opportunity to transfer from a bachelor's degree to a specialty degree and vice versa - both within his own university and to other universities. Transfer is possible in the manner established by the regulations of the educational institution.

The choice of program depends on future plans for life. Having answered the questions: where, by whom, in what company does a person want to work, and how long is he willing to study, you can choose the most suitable form of training.

If the applicant is not entirely sure in which area he wants to realize his potential, then a bachelor’s degree is suitable. As well as for those who want to start working or continue studying abroad as soon as possible.

If a student has already chosen a narrow field of activity and is ready to devote himself to long-term study (and maybe scientific activity), the specialty is perfect for these purposes.

By taking a responsible approach to choosing not only a profession and a university, but also a qualification, education will become an excellent assistant in the implementation of professional plans.

What is a specialty

Specialty is a traditional type of higher education for Russia. Students in the specialty program study at the university for 5 years, and after that receive a “certified specialist” degree.

In 2003, Russia signed the Bologna Declaration and began the transition to the European higher education system. This is how a two-level system of higher education appeared in Russian universities: bachelor’s degree plus master’s degree.

How does a bachelor's degree differ from a master's degree?

Bachelor's degree - This is the first level of higher education, it lasts 4 years. During your studies, you will receive basic knowledge in your specialty and a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is considered a completed higher education.

Master's degree - This is the second level of higher education, which lasts 2 years. Unlike a bachelor's degree, a master's degree gives the opportunity to choose a narrow specialization. For example, if you have a bachelor's degree in management, you can go to a master's degree in trade or tourism management.

Advantages of bachelor's and master's degrees

The diploma is recognized abroad.If you received a bachelor's degree in Russia and want to further study abroad, a foreign university will confirm your diploma. It is easier to get a job abroad with a bachelor's or master's degree than with a specialist's degree.

It's easy to change profession. Bachelor's and master's programs are structured in such a way that you can study for 4 years and then enroll in a master's degree in management. As a result, you will have two specialties. In addition, you can study for a master's degree at another university.

Deferment from the army. If a student enters a master's program in the year of graduation from a bachelor's degree, he will receive a 2-year deferment from the army. A specialist is not given such a deferment when applying for a master's degree.

Disadvantages of bachelor's and master's degrees

Mistrust of employers.Some employers are wary of bachelors because they study 1-2 years less than specialists. Therefore, specialists are more often hired.

Paid master's degree.Not all bachelors who studied on a budget will be able to complete a master's program for free. There are budget places for the master's degree, but there are much fewer of them than for the bachelor's degree. If you don’t have enough money for a master’s degree, you can take a break from studying, work and save up for a second diploma.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Employers appreciate it.Employers are willing to hire specialists because they study in a narrow profile, while bachelors receive general knowledge.

It's easier to get into graduate school.If you are going to study science or go to graduate school, choose a specialty. You can become a graduate student immediately after completing your specialty, while a bachelor will first have to complete a master's degree.

Takes longer.A specialist studies 1-2 years longer than a bachelor. If you regret this time and want to start working faster, choose a bachelor's degree.

It is difficult to confirm a diploma abroad.There is no specialty abroad, so it will be more difficult for you to confirm a specialist diploma for studying or working abroad.

What type of training to choose

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better to choose: a specialty or a bachelor’s degree with a master’s degree. To make it easier for you to decide and see the difference between them, we have collected the pros and cons of each form of training in a table.


Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

Higher education diploma




Duration of training

5-6 years

4 years

2 years

Opportunity to study for free

many budget places

many budget places

few budget places

Employers' attitude




Recognition of diploma abroad

hardly admit

easily recognized

easily recognized