Goals and objectives of teaching fine arts in primary school


The types of activities in art lessons include what the child does (draws, designs, sculpts). The difference in types of activities can be seen by comparing different training programs.

Let's take 4 programs Nemensky, Cousin, Yusova And Shpikalova.

Kuzin “School of Drawing - Graphic Certificate”: teaches professionals. This academic school. She teaches schoolchildren graphic literacy (the basis of realistic drawing, drawing skills from life, from memory, from imagination, decorative drawing, conversation.).

Types of activities: conversation, drawing from life, drawing from idea and imagination, drawing on themes, DPI. Activities are aimed at objects of the surrounding reality.

Nemensky’s program “Introduction to world artistic culture as part of spiritual culture” educates literate viewers. Graphic literacy is just a means. There is a mixture of all types of activities (their unity): children draw, make, sculpt, design. Three Masters help in this - Master Image (from art with all types and genres), Master Decoration (DPI), Master Construction (constructive arts - architecture). This is the organizing principle of art itself.

Types of activities: image on a plane, in volume, from nature, from memory, imagination; decorative and constructive work, modeling, appliqué, three-dimensional modeling; design and construction activities, art. photography and video filming; perception of reality and works of art; discussions of the works of comrades and the results of collective creativity; discussion of art heritage, selection of illustrations, listening to literary and musical works, folk, classical and modern.

Principle of organization Shpikalova's programs through folklore (connection with crafts). Traditional art goes professional. Children study folk costumes, ornaments, plants used in ornaments.

Types of activities: drawing from life, from memory and from imagination; execution of thematic compositions on the plane and in volume from real and abstract forms; execution of decorative compositions: subject-themed, still life, ornament, improvisation; modeling and art design of paper products; modeling, art painting, applique, working with fabric, working with natural materials; value-oriented (dialogues about art)

Yusov program"The interaction of arts integration in the field artistic development schoolchildren” teaches attitudes towards the subject through an artistic image.

Types of activities: practical artistic activities in fine arts, modeling, creative arts, drawing on topics, conversations on art. With the help of aesthetic perception of reality.

decorative arts associated with everyday life and the way of life of a person, therefore it most fully conveys life and preserves national traditions. It is important to differentiate for students folk art and professional folk applied arts.

Folk art is created by the people on the basis of collective creative experience and national traditions.

Decorative and applied – embodies products with practical application in public and private life, and are distinguished by decorative imagery.

It is convenient to combine the study of folk and cultural literature with local history and history. Folk art, as part of spiritual culture, is a source of ideas for professional artists. DPI works convey to children the people's idea of ​​beauty and goodness.

Kuzin introduces DPI little by little throughout all years of study. It is carried out in the process of students performing decorative compositions. The content “Decorative work” reveals the importance of folk art as a powerful means of aesthetic, labor, and patriotic education. Also love for native land, traditions native land, adult labor.

Nemensky actively uses DPI in his program, devoting a year (7th grade). Students must understand the features of painting, its place in human life, note the meaningful meaning of artistic and figurative language, know the roots of this art, crafts, and create their own projects.

Shpikalova considers folk art as part of material and spiritual culture. He believes that a child’s perception of the world occurs through dpi, where the primary basis is the image of the product. Shpikalova's program is aimed at preserving the heritage of the people and is considered as part of modern life.

Structure of the fine arts training program by B.M. Nemensky

From Nemensky's program

The program “Fine Arts and Artistic Work” is a holistic integrated course that includes all the main types of art: painting, graphics, folk art, sculpture, architecture, design, entertainment and screen arts.

The systematizing method is to identify three main types of artistic activity - constructive, visual and decorative.

These 3 types are the basis for dividing visually spatial arts into types (for example, fine art - painting, graphics, sculpture), each of them is also present in the creation of any work of art and therefore is the basis for the integration of all types of art into a single system, divided according to the principle of the type of art activity.

The priority goal of education in school is the spiritual and moral development of the child, the formation in him of qualities that meet the ideas of true humanity, kindness and cultural usefulness in the perception of the world.

The main semantic core of the program is the connection between art and human life, the role of art in his everyday life, in the life of society

Goal: formation artistic culture students as an integral part of spiritual culture.

Basic principles:

1. A holistic system of introduction to art culture (the study of all main types of spatial arts on a unified basis)

2. “From life through art to life” (connection of art with life, attraction life experience children)

Drawing from life, from memory and from idea in art classes in a secondary school - all these 3 types of activities are present in all programs in different proportions.

The first 2 are most clearly represented in the program Cousin:

Drawing from life - studying and displaying nature on a flat sheet

Drawing from memory using nature - shown → closed → child draws from memory

Drawing by View recommended in programs Nemensky And Shpikalova, it is part of a consistent study of nature.

Drawing from life → drawing from an idea (fantasy) based on acquired knowledge

U Shpikalova stylization for the ornament is underway

Drawing from life at Cousin And Nemensky: for example, still life - compositional solution, light, color, proportions, shape

By submission – come up with a still life that would tell about a person (often using decorative techniques)

The same with the portrait:

Portrait of a neighbor (life)

Portrait of mother (from memory)

Fruit portrait (imagination)

Principles and methods of teaching fine arts regarding the concept of “introduction to world artistic culture” ( Nemensky).


Formation of artistic culture as an integral part of spiritual culture.

Forming an understanding of the role of art in life: the role of art in organizing the forms of the environment in which we live, the surrounding objective world, and ideas about the beautiful and the ugly.

Forming in a child the ability to independently see the world as a means of thinking about it, as a form of expressing his attitude, based on mastering the experience of artistic culture.

Ensuring the progressive artistic development of the child.

Development of art perception skills and mastery figurative language art.

Assimilation of the emotional-value, sensory experience of generations, expressed in art, and the formation of emotional-value criteria for life.

Development of artistic imaginative thinking based on observation and imagination, one’s own creative activity children.

The principle of the constancy of the connection between art and life.

The principle of integrity and unhurriedness, the sensitivity of mastering the material of each topic.

The principle of unity of education and creation;

The principle of living as a form of learning and a form of mastering artistic experience


Explanatory-illustrative (information-receptive).


Problem presentation.

Partially search (heuristic).


Study of artistic heritage.

Selection of illustrative material for the topics being studied.

Listening to music and literary works(folk, classical, modern).

Discussion of works.

Perception of reality and works of art.

Photography, video filming.

Design and construction activities.

Volume-spatial modeling.


Decorative and constructive work.

Image on a plane and in volume (from nature, from memory, from imagination).

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in primary school 4

1.1. Pedagogical conditions for teaching fine arts in primary school 4

1.2. Methods of teaching fine arts in grades I-IV 4

Chapter 2. Thematic planning and production of visual aids for lessons in the program “Fine Arts and Artistic Work” 8

2.1. Fundamentals of Artistic Performance (Primary School Curriculum) 10

1st class (30–60 hours) 10

2nd grade (34–68 hours) 15

3rd grade (34–68 hours) 21

4th grade (34–68 hours) 27

2.2. Design school curriculum art education. 34

Conclusion 37

List of used literature 38


Fine arts, as one of the academic subjects in secondary schools, occupy an important place in the education of students. A careful analysis and generalization of the best teaching experience indicates that fine arts classes are important means development of the student's personality. Fine art, especially close to younger schoolchildren for its clarity, has one of the leading places in the process of formation in children creativity, creative thinking, introducing them to beauty native nature, surrounding reality, spiritual values ​​of art. In addition, fine arts classes help children master a range of skills in the field of visual, constructive and decorative activities.

Purpose writing this course work is to consider the features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school, namely in grades I-IV.

The work aims to: tasks:

Studying the methodology of teaching fine arts in primary school, consider its features,

To identify pedagogical conditions for the successful education of young children school age fine arts, as well as drawing up a thematic annual plan and lesson plan for primary school students

Chapter 1. Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school

1.1. Pedagogical conditions for teaching fine arts in primary school

In the development of children's artistic creativity, including visual creativity, it is necessary to observe the principle of freedom, which is generally an indispensable condition for all creativity. This means that creative activities children can be neither obligatory nor coercive and can only arise from the children's interests. Therefore, drawing cannot be a mass and universal phenomenon, but for gifted children, and even for children who do not intend to later become professional artists, drawing has enormous cultivating significance; when paint and drawing begin to speak to a child, he masters a new language that expands his horizons, deepens his feelings and conveys to him in the language of images what cannot be brought to his consciousness in any other way.

One of the problems with drawing is that for children primary classes Activity alone is no longer enough creative imagination, he is not satisfied with a drawing made somehow; in order to embody his creative imagination, he needs to acquire special professional, artistic skills and abilities.

The success of training depends on the correct definition of its goals and content, as well as on the ways to achieve the goals, that is, teaching methods. There have been debates about this issue among scientists since the very inception of the school. We adhere to the classification of teaching methods developed by I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, Yu.K. Babansky and M.I. Pakhmutov. According to the research of these authors, the following general didactic methods can be distinguished: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive and research. 1

1.2. Methods of teaching fine arts inI- IVclasses

Teaching, as a rule, begins with the explanatory and illustrative method, which consists of presenting information to children in different ways- visual, auditory, speech, etc. Possible forms of this method are the communication of information (story, lectures), demonstration of a variety of visual material, including using technical means. The teacher organizes perception, children try to comprehend new content, build accessible connections between concepts, and remember information for further manipulation.

The explanatory and illustrative method is aimed at assimilation of knowledge, and to develop skills and abilities it is necessary to use the reproductive method, that is, to reproduce (reproduce) actions many times. Its forms are varied: exercises, solving stereotypical problems, conversation, repetition of a description of a visual image of an object, repeated reading and memorization of texts, repeated story about an event according to a predetermined scheme, etc. Preschoolers are expected to work both independently and together with the teacher. The reproductive method allows the use of the same means as the explanatory and illustrative method: words, visual aids, practical work 2.

Explanatory, illustrative and reproductive methods do not provide the necessary level of development of children's creative capabilities and abilities. A teaching method aimed at preschoolers independently solving creative problems is called research. In the course of solving each problem, it involves the manifestation of one or more aspects of creative activity. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the availability of creative tasks, their differentiation depending on the preparedness of a particular child.

The research method has certain forms: text problem tasks, experiments, etc. Problems can be inductive or deductive, depending on the nature of the activity. The essence of this method is the creative acquisition of knowledge and the search for ways to act. Once again I would like to emphasize that this method is entirely based on independent work.

Should be paid special attention on the importance of problem-based learning for children's development. It is organized using methods: research, heuristic, problem presentation. We have already considered the research one.

Another method that helps creative development is the heuristic method: children solve a problematic problem with the help of a teacher; his question contains a partial solution to the problem or its stages. He can tell you how to take the first step. This method is best implemented through heuristic conversation, which, unfortunately, is rarely used in teaching. When using this method, words, text, practice, visual aids, etc. are also important.

Currently, the method of problem presentation has become widespread; the teacher poses problems, revealing all the inconsistency of the solution, its logic and accessible system evidence. Children follow the logic of presentation, control it, participating in the decision process. In the course of a problem presentation, both an image and a practical demonstration of action are used.

Methods of research, heuristic and problem presentation - methods of problem-based learning. Their implementation in educational process stimulates preschoolers to creatively obtain and apply knowledge and skills, helps to master methods scientific knowledge. 3 Modern training must necessarily include the considered general didactic methods. Their use in fine arts classes is carried out taking into account its specifics, objectives, and content. The effectiveness of methods depends on the pedagogical conditions of their application.

As practical experience shows, for the successful organization of fine arts lessons it is necessary to create a special system pedagogical conditions. In line with different conceptual approaches, they are defined differently. We have developed a system of conditions that directly affect the development artistic creativity preschoolers, and we invite you to consider it. We believe that this group of conditions consists of:

    developing interest in the study of fine arts;

    a combination of systematic control over the visual activities of preschoolers with pedagogically appropriate assistance to them;

    instilling in children faith in their strengths and their creative abilities;

    progressive complication visual arts, ensuring prospects for the development of children’s artistic creativity;

    teaching the language of fine, folk, decorative and applied arts and design, mastering the means of artistic expression of the plastic arts;

    purposeful, systematized use of art history stories or conversations that activate the child’s attention, the work of his thoughts, his emotional and aesthetic responsiveness;

    selection of works of fine art for study;

    use in art classes technical means training, especially video and audio equipment, and special visual aids;

    active study by children under the guidance of a teacher of nature (observations, sketches and sketches on the topic, drawing from memory), objects of decorative and applied art, culture and everyday life, historical architectural details;

    introduction of creative, improvisational and problem-based tasks into the lesson;

    the use of a variety of artistic materials and techniques for working with them;

    change of types of visual activities during the academic year (graphics, painting, modeling, design, decorative work, etc.);

    a combination of individual and collective forms of work with children;

    introduction of game elements and artistic and didactic games into the structure of the lesson; use of competition elements;

    systematic development of pedagogically appropriate relationships between sections of the academic subject “Fine Arts”, between this and other preschool disciplines, integrated teaching of art at school. 4

An important condition for the development of artistic creativity of preschoolers in fine arts classes is the use by teachers of technical teaching aids, especially video and audio equipment, and special visual aids. The role of visualization in learning was theoretically substantiated back in the 17th century. Ya.A. Komensky, later the ideas of its use as the most important didactic tool were developed in the works of many outstanding teachers - I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The importance of visibility in teaching was emphasized the great Leonardo da Vinci, artists A.P. Sapozhnikov, P.P. Chistyakov et al. 5

Successful implementation of the principle of clarity in teaching is possible with the active mental activity of children, especially when there is a “movement” of thought from the concrete to the abstract or, conversely, from the abstract to the concrete.

At all stages of the lesson, whenever possible, creative, improvised and problem-based tasks should be introduced. One of the main requirements in this case is to provide children with the greatest possible pedagogically expedient independence, which does not exclude providing them with pedagogical assistance, as necessary. So, for example, in primary school, especially in the first, the teacher, proposing this or that plot, in many cases can draw the attention of preschoolers to the main thing that must be depicted in the first place, and can show on the sheet the approximate location of the objects of the composition. This help is natural and necessary and does not lead to children’s passivity in visual creativity. From restrictions in choosing a theme and plot, the child is gradually led to their independent choice.

Chapter 2. Thematic planning and production of visual aids for lessons in the program “Fine Arts and Artistic Work”

This is the world - and in this world I am.

This is the world - and in this world WE are.

Each of us has our own path.

But we create according to the same laws.

May the path of the creator be long and the bread of the creator difficult.

And sometimes I want to give you some slack.

But take your palms away from your face.

And again you give your heart. And again. ...

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    Visual arts in elementary school

    1. The purpose and objectives of fine art as a subject in primary school

    The subject "Fine Arts" plays significant role in the system of general secondary education. It is called upon to solve specific problems associated with the transfer of fundamental values ​​developed by humanity, with the aim of emotional, spiritual, aesthetic and moral development of the individual, and the formation of his creative potential.

    In this regard, the visual creativity of students in combination with other forms artistic activity is an essential factor in identifying and affirming the student’s individuality, his abilities, leading to self-identification and the development of his own view of the world. On this basis, schoolchildren learn to creatively transform the surrounding reality and the world of their own personality.

    IN educational process The subject “Fine Arts” is distinguished by the dominance of artistic and creative activities. In the process of studying fine arts, such areas of the student’s individuality as imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, emotional sphere, mental activity, intuition, etc.

    Based on the specifics of the academic subject, the main goal of education in the field of fine arts is the formation of the student’s artistic, aesthetic, spiritual and moral culture as a culture of a value-based attitude towards the world, the development of his creative potential as a factor in the creative development and transformation of the world.

    To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

    Students’ comprehension of the cultural experience of humanity through the artistic and figurative system of domestic and world art;

    Development of ideas about national identity native culture;

    Spiritual and moral enrichment of students in the process of artistic and aesthetic development of the surrounding reality and perception of artistic heritage;

    Formation of an understanding of art as a form of artistic and figurative understanding of the world;

    Development of the sensory-emotional sphere of students;

    Creating conditions for the development of creative potential and artistic abilities students based on visual activities;

    Introduction to theoretical knowledge, language and system expressive means fine arts;

    Formation of practical skills in various types of artistic activities;

    Formation of a sustainable interest in fine art, the ability to comprehend its specific features.

    2. Requirements for content and teaching methods

    The basic requirements for the content and methods of teaching fine arts at school are based on the following principles:

    Organic combination and unity of the educational process: moral, spiritual, aesthetic and artistic education should be carried out in conjunction with the systematic assimilation by students artistic knowledge and mastering practical skills of artistic activity;

    Students mastering visual skills and technical techniques, which are not an end in themselves, but a means or toolkit for artistic knowledge and the creation of an artistic image;

    Accounting age characteristics students, a combination of individual and collective forms of work;

    Formation of ideas about fine art, its types and genres, concepts and terms, mastery of techniques and materials, figurative system;

    Formation of core ideas about fine art, which occurs in conjunction with all types of artistic activity: aesthetic development of the surrounding world, perception of art, theoretical knowledge, creative and practical activity;

    Applying a variety of types of work and art materials;

    The interrelations of different types of arts (polyartism) - fine arts, music, literature, cinema, etc., with the help of which an associative-figurative atmosphere is created, necessary for the optimal development of artistic thinking of students. To this end, during the lesson a certain time is devoted to viewing reproductions, listening to music, literary works, viewing fragments

    fine arts educational elementary

    3. Program structure and types of classes

    The system-forming beginning of the program and its semantic core is the differentiation of everything educational material according to three content components that cover the entire program from grades I to grades 4. These include:

    - “Aesthetic perception of reality”;

    - “Perception of Art”;

    - “Practical activities”.

    Aesthetic perception of reality as component artistic activity has a relatively independent system of educational tasks in the program.

    The goal of this content component of the program is also to develop schoolchildren’s visual culture, visual perception, and observation skills.

    The content component “Perception of Art” contributes to the development of the subject at the art criticism level. Its task is to form key guidelines for the perception of works of fine art, expand the artistic horizons of students, study theoretical foundations fine arts, mastering its language, system of expressive means.

    As a result of mastering the content of this section of the program, students gain an understanding of the role of art in human life and society, the foundations of national and world art, the features various types and genres of fine art, their relationships.

    In fine arts lessons, students draw and sculpt from life, from memory, from imagination, design, and perform works in various artistic techniques.

    Practical artistic and creative activities include:

    Image on a plane (use of different artistic materials and techniques (watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, wax crayons, mascara; applique, collage, monotype);

    Modeling from plasticine and working with sculptural materials (clay, salt dough);

    Decorative and applied activities and design (artistic design of flat and three-dimensional products with elements of architecture, artistic design, decorative modeling, traditional folk art).

    The image on a plane includes drawing from life, from memory, from an idea after direct observations or from the imagination, work on a topic as instructed by the teacher, as well as sketches, applied graphics, appliqué, collage, monotype, etc.

    Modeling (sculpture) is of particular importance in elementary school, where the motor-tactile component plays a dominant role in the development of children's visual activity.

    Decorative and applied activities include elements of drawing on a plane, artistic construction and design, work with natural materials (leaves, flowers, herbs, etc.), which contributes to the development of schoolchildren’s ideas about the connection between different types of artistic activities.

    Content practical activities involves solving four main groups of educational tasks: 1) composition; 2) color and lighting; 3) shape, proportions, design; 4) space and volume. Mastering these groups of educational tasks that underlie visual literacy should be subordinated to the conscious decision of an artistic image in accordance with the age capabilities of students.

    The main thing in composition work in the elementary grades is to master the entire surface of a sheet of paper and fill it with an image, and in modeling and decorative work - to create a solid form. Students learn to select image objects for the composition that correspond to the design and draw them large.

    When working with color in grades I-IV, the task is to see color in a variety of ways, to distinguish and compose the necessary shades. In elementary school, gouache should be preferred over watercolor, since gouache gives greater freedom in work and allows you to make corrections. When working on a form, it is important to learn to feel the figurative nature of the form, to strive for consistent figurative complexity when displaying it. To develop the skills of form analysis and its subsequent implementation in artistic image great value have classes in modeling, arts and crafts, and design, where students actively work with three-dimensional forms.

    Learning to convey space on paper begins in grade I, mainly through observation work and on given topics. The main attention in working with primary schoolchildren is on developing their concepts about the fracture of planes and the fracture boundary: the boundary of the floor and the wall, the visible boundary of the earth and sky, as well as the ability to correctly place objects on the surface of the floor and the ground.

    When planning time for this type of work, you need to take into account that types of artistic activities in lessons can be combined and occupy part of the lesson: perception - with practical work, modeling - with drawing.

    It is advisable to diversify the methods of working with art students in the classroom. This could be a conversation, a story, a discussion, watching a multimedia presentation. Lessons based on laws play a huge role artistic dramaturgy, forms of extracurricular and extracurricular activities in the fine arts..

    Particular attention should be paid to artistically gifted children, for whom their own educational system is developed that takes into account their abilities.

    Fine arts lessons should be equipped with the necessary aids and visual aids using modern technical means.

    The effectiveness of the educational process is directly dependent on the level of development of students' practical skills.

    Leading skills are formed comprehensively in all types of artistic activity. Mastering each type requires the formation of private skills and abilities: painting, graphic, plastic, decorative, constructive, perception of works of art, mastering their language, expressive means, etc.


    1Volkova, I.G. Fine arts grades 1 - 5. Approximate calendar and thematic planning / I.G. Volkova, V.N. Danilov - Minsk: Adukatsiya i vykhavanne, 2008.

    2Danilov, V.N. Methods of teaching fine arts and artistic work / V.N. Danilov. - Minsk: UIC BSPU, 2004.

    3Fine arts in primary school / sub. ed. B.P. Yusova, N.D. Mints. - Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1992.

    4Fine arts grades 1-4: curriculum for general education institutions with Belarusian and Russian languages ​​of instruction. - Minsk: NMU NIO, 2008.

    5Nemensky, B.M. Pedagogy of art / B.M. Nemensky. - M.: Education, 2007.

    6.Sokolnikova, N.M. Fine art and methods of teaching it in elementary school / N.M. Sokolnikova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2002 art).

    Posted on Allbest.ru


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    Fine arts as one of the academic subjects secondary school occupies an important place in the education of students. A careful analysis and generalization of the best pedagogical experience indicates that fine arts classes are an important means of developing a student’s personality. Fine art, especially close to younger schoolchildren for its clarity, has one of the leading places in the process of developing children's creative abilities, creative thinking, introducing them to the beauty of their native nature, the surrounding reality, and the spiritual values ​​of art. In addition, fine arts classes help children master a range of skills in the field of visual, constructive and decorative activities.

    Purpose writing this course work is to consider the features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in primary school, namely in grades I-IV.

    The work aims to: tasks :

    Studying the methodology of teaching fine arts in primary school, consider its features,

    To identify the pedagogical conditions for the successful teaching of fine arts to children of primary school age, as well as drawing up a thematic annual plan and lesson plan for primary school students

    Chapter 1. Features of the methodology of teaching fine arts in elementary school

    1.1. Pedagogical conditions for teaching fine arts in primary school

    In the development of children's artistic creativity, including visual creativity, it is necessary to observe the principle of freedom, which is generally an indispensable condition for all creativity. This means that children’s creative activities can be neither obligatory nor forced and can only arise from children’s interests. Therefore, drawing cannot be a mass and universal phenomenon, but for gifted children, and even for children who do not intend to later become professional artists, drawing has enormous cultivating significance; when colors and drawing begin to speak to a child, he masters a new language that expands his horizons, deepens his feelings and conveys to him in the language of images what cannot be brought to his consciousness in any other way.

    One of the problems in drawing is that for primary school children, the activity of creative imagination alone is no longer enough; he is not satisfied with a drawing made somehow; in order to embody his creative imagination, he needs to acquire special professional, artistic skills and abilities.

    The success of training depends on the correct definition of its goals and content, as well as on the ways to achieve the goals, that is, teaching methods. There have been debates about this issue among scientists since the very inception of the school. We adhere to the classification of teaching methods developed by I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin, Yu.K. Babansky and M.I. Pakhmutov. According to the research of these authors, the following general didactic methods can be distinguished: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive and research.

    1.2. Methods of teaching fine arts in I - IV classes

    Teaching, as a rule, begins with the explanatory and illustrative method, which consists of presenting information to children in different ways - visual, auditory, speech, etc. Possible forms of this method are communicating information (story, lectures), demonstrating a variety of visual material, including using technical means. The teacher organizes perception, children try to comprehend new content, build accessible connections between concepts, and remember information for further manipulation.

    The explanatory and illustrative method is aimed at assimilation of knowledge, and to develop skills and abilities it is necessary to use the reproductive method, that is, to reproduce (reproduce) actions many times. Its forms are varied: exercises, solving stereotypical problems, conversation, repetition of a description of a visual image of an object, repeated reading and memorization of texts, repeated story about an event according to a predetermined scheme, etc. It is assumed as independent work preschoolers, and joint activities with the teacher. The reproductive method allows the use of the same means as the explanatory and illustrative method: words, visual aids, practical work.

    Explanatory-illustrative and reproductive methods do not provide the required level of development creative possibilities and children's abilities. A teaching method aimed at preschoolers independently solving creative problems is called research. In the course of solving each problem, it involves the manifestation of one or more aspects of creative activity. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the availability of creative tasks, their differentiation depending on the preparedness of a particular child.

    The research method has certain forms: text problem tasks, experiments, etc. Problems can be inductive or deductive, depending on the nature of the activity. The essence of this method is the creative acquisition of knowledge and the search for methods of activity. Once again I would like to emphasize that this method is entirely based on independent work.

    Particular attention should be paid to the importance of problem-based learning for children's development. It is organized using methods: research, heuristic, problem presentation. We have already considered the research one.

    Another method that helps creative development is the heuristic method: children solve a problematic problem with the help of a teacher; his question contains a partial solution to the problem or its stages. He can tell you how to take the first step. This method is best implemented through heuristic conversation, which, unfortunately, is rarely used in teaching. When using this method, words, text, practice, visual aids, etc. are also important.

    Currently, the method of problem presentation has become widespread; the teacher poses problems, revealing all the inconsistency of the solution, its logic and the available system of evidence. Children follow the logic of presentation, control it, participating in the decision process. In the course of a problem presentation, both an image and a practical demonstration of action are used.

    Methods of research, heuristic and problem presentation - methods of problem-based learning. Their implementation in the educational process stimulates preschoolers to creatively obtain and apply knowledge and skills, and helps to master the methods of scientific knowledge. Modern teaching must necessarily include the considered general didactic methods. Their use in fine arts classes is carried out taking into account its specifics, objectives, and content. The effectiveness of methods depends on the pedagogical conditions of their application.

    Experience shows practical work, for the successful organization of fine arts lessons, it is necessary to create a special system of pedagogical conditions. In line with different conceptual approaches, they are defined differently. We have developed a system of conditions that directly influence the development of artistic creativity in preschool children, and we propose to consider it. We believe that this group of conditions consists of:

    Developing interest in the study of fine arts;

    The combination of systematic control over the visual activities of preschoolers with pedagogically appropriate assistance to them;

    Instilling in children faith in their strengths and their creative abilities;

    Consistently increasing the complexity of visual activities, ensuring prospects for the development of children’s artistic creativity;

    Teaching the language of fine, folk, decorative and applied arts and design, mastering the means of artistic expression of the plastic arts;

    Purposeful, systematic use of art history stories or conversations that activate the child’s attention, the work of his thoughts, his emotional and aesthetic responsiveness;

    Selection of works of fine art for study;

    The use of technical teaching aids in fine arts classes, especially video and audio equipment, and special visual aids;

    Active study by children under the guidance of a teacher of nature (observations, sketches and sketches on the topic, drawing from memory), objects of decorative and applied art, culture and life, historical architectural details;

    The teaching of fine arts, expressed in the organization of schools, the use of certain methods and techniques in teaching, and the theoretical development of art issues, began only during the period of civilization.

    The art of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome reached a high level of development. The construction of cities, temples, and residential buildings required a large number of artists, masters of painting, sculpture, and architecture. In special schools, principles, rules, and laws for constructing images of human figures, animals, plants, and interiors began to be developed.

    Thinkers, artists Ancient Greece considered learning to draw necessary not only for many practical crafts, but also for general education and upbringing. Aristotle (384-322 CE) pointed out that “at present the usual four subjects of instruction are: grammar, gymnastics, music, and sometimes drawing.”

    The works of the great Czech teacher of the Middle Ages, John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), were of great importance in the development of methods for teaching drawing. The great Czech educator believed that the subject of “drawing” should be introduced into secondary schools and that it would help solve its educational problems.

    The French philosopher-encyclopedist Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) also spoke about the benefits of drawing as a general educational subject. Rousseau noted the important role of drawing in cognition and development of a sensory-emotional attitude to the surrounding reality. In the book “Emile,” or “On Education,” Rousseau wrote that for understanding the surrounding reality, the senses that can be developed in a child are of great importance by teaching him to draw from life.

    Art is huge world artistic images, with the help of which artists express their observations, ideas, dreams and fantasies, as well as an effective means of educating a creatively active personality. By introducing students to the fine arts, we thereby convey to them the enormous aesthetic and moral experience accumulated by humanity.

    Art education, understood as education through art, in the unity of its cultural, aesthetic, artistic, psychological and pedagogical aspects, has an active influence on the education of students. In the process of studying fine arts, students actively develop fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking, and the ability for such mental operations as analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.

    Artistic activity helps children understand and assimilate the culture of different times and peoples, develop their abilities, and gain experience in aesthetic communication.

    The artistic knowledge acquired by children, the ability to perceive works of art, and the acquired skills of their own creative activity are effective means of developing children’s interest in art and the need for artistic and creative activity.

    Teaching fine arts involves the general development of creative abilities, the active formation of aesthetic perception, the targeted formation of realistic depiction techniques and artistic expression skills.

    The artistic creativity of younger schoolchildren most often involves drawing with pencils and paints, modeling, appliqué, i.e. the most traditional, popular, and optimal artistic techniques for this age.

    The creative abilities of schoolchildren should be developed taking into account their interests and individual characteristics.

    The introduction of didactic games and exercises into the learning process makes it possible to arouse in children a desire to learn art, participate in creative activities, successfully implement them and enjoy the work done.

    First of all, it is necessary to develop the following general artistic abilities:

      to creative transformation, thinking, logic, combinatorics, variability;

      drawing up an optimal action plan;

      learning, creative development.

    When teaching fine arts, all components of artistic creativity should be developed and formed: interest, voluntary attention, observation, visual memory, emotionality, fantasy, expressiveness, the “eye-brain-hand” system, graphic training, artistic technologies.

    The purpose of teaching fine arts in primary school is the harmonious development of younger schoolchildren through the means of fine arts, the formation in them of a sustainable interest in fine arts and art, and an active life position.

    An indicator and condition for the effectiveness of fine arts lessons is the children’s passion for work, interest and desire to engage in art. Visual activities should bring joy to children and ensure an active emotional attitude of students to classes.

    Fine arts lessons in primary school contribute to the development of younger schoolchildren, form a system of knowledge, abilities, skills in visual activity, and the need for artistic creativity.

    In his activities as a teacher of fine arts are guided by:

    curriculum for general secondary education institutions with Belarusian (Russian) language of instruction:

    Fine arts. I–V grades. Curriculum for general secondary education institutions with Russian as the language of instruction. – Minsk: NIO, 2012;

    Revealed mastery. I-V grades. Educational program for the established education system in Belarus. – Minsk: NIA, 2012;

    approximate calendar and thematic planning :

    “Approximate calendar and thematic planning for fine arts,” grades I–V / I.G. Volkova, V.N. Danilov // Mastatskaya adukatsyaya culture. – 2009, No. 4, 2010, No. 1.

    Calendar and thematic planning is approximate. If necessary, fine arts teachers are allowed to redistribute the number of teaching hours between topics;

    sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards “Hygienic requirements for the design, content and organization of the educational process in institutions of general secondary education”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated July 15, 2010 No. 94. The regulatory document can be found on the website www. minzdrav.by, www.rcheph.by;

    standards for assessing results educational activities students in the academic subject “Fine Arts” in the implementation of the educational program of basic education (Grade V), determined by the educational standard of general secondary education;

    Rules for conducting certification students when mastering educational programs of general secondary education, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated June 20, 2011 No. 38.

    In accordance with the instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “On the organization of the work of general secondary education institutions to monitor and evaluate the results of students’ educational activities during the period of ungraded education at the first stage of general secondary education,” teaching fine arts in grades I-IV of general secondary institutions education is carried out on a content-evaluative basis (without marking).

    Unmarked training in fine arts is carried out with the aim of:

    Formation of internal motivation for learning in students;

    Development of creativity, independence, reflection;

    Formation of adequate self-esteem;

    Formation of skills to independently evaluate the results of one’s own educational activities.

    The need to use grade-free learning is due to the presence of significant differences in the level of development of abilities in the field of fine arts and artistic training of students.

    Teaching fine arts on a content-evaluative basis is carried out based on the principles of continuity and naturalness of control, criteria, flexibility and variability of assessment tools, and the priority of self-assessment.

    In the process of teaching fine arts, detailed evaluative judgments are widely used, reflecting the degree to which students have mastered skills in the field of fine arts, as well as the level of development of artistic skills they have achieved. The verbal and content assessment is complex and is given taking into account the characteristics of various types of artistic and creative activity.

    When conducting fine arts lessons, it is recommended to follow the sequence of stages of grade-free learning technology: setting a goal, putting forward a criterion (jointly by the teacher and students), carrying out activities, and assessing. When putting forward a criterion, it is necessary to focus on the level that can actually be achieved by students when carrying out artistic and creative activities. In the assessment process, it is necessary to harmoniously combine internal assessment (independent assessment by students of their own educational activities) with external assessment (evaluation of the process and result of activity by classmates and the teacher).

    An important condition for grade-free teaching of fine arts is the mandatory and timely implementation of all types of control. The following types of control are used in the learning process: preliminary, lesson and thematic. Preliminary control is carried out during the first week of the school year and makes it possible to establish the initial level of artistic development of students. Lesson control accompanies the process of mastering each lesson topic and allows you to record the progress of students in mastering the educational material. Thematic control makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of mastering the topic of the quarter.

    Control is carried out in practical, oral and written forms, as well as in a combination of these forms. At the same time, practical forms of control in fine arts lessons are a priority.

    The program is based on the principle of systematic development in students of the ability to perceive an artistic image in works of art and to create it as feasible in their own works as a result of aesthetic perception of the phenomena of reality and art and mastering the skills of independent artistic activity. Methods of teaching art at school should take into account its specificity as a way of thinking and mastering the world.

    The program defines a system of basic educational tasks:

      formation aesthetic culture And spiritual world students, the ability to objectively perceive and analyze works of art of all types and directions on the basis of national and universal values;

      improvement of visual perception, development of imaginative thinking, spatial representation, combinatorics, fantasy, sense of composition, form, color, space;

      teaching the basics of fine arts, decorative arts, constructive activity, mastery of the figurative language of plastic arts, a complex of means of artistic expression;

      development of abilities and creative activity of students in the process of artistic and practical activities.

    In order to form a culture of oral and written speech in the process of perceiving works of art and performing artistic works, the teacher must create conditions for the development of coherent oral speech of students, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions, and generalize. It is necessary to develop students’ imagination, aesthetic taste, communication skills, emotional and value-based attitude towards works of art, the ability to conduct a discussion, carry out active and independent artistic and creative activities, increase the level of motivation, and interest in the subject. Acquaintance with the masterpieces of world and national artistic culture should contribute to the formation of national self-identification, patriotism, respect for the culture of one’s own and the peoples of the world, and the desire for a feasible aesthetic transformation of the surrounding reality.

    Requirements for the content and methods of teaching fine arts in primary school ":

      connection with life, with folk artistic traditions;

      unity of upbringing and education, training and creative activity of students; a combination of practical work with the development of the ability to perceive and understand works of art, the beautiful and the ugly in the surrounding reality;

      accounting age capabilities students, the optimal combination of individual, group and collective forms of work;

      variety of types of work and artistic materials used;

      interdisciplinary connections, connections with other types of artistic activities of children;

    In elementary school, the fine arts program defines three types of artistic and practical activities: image, decoration (decoration) and construction (design).

    Image– the leading type of artistic and practical activity, including drawing from life, from memory, representation, sketches, graphics, subject and plot modeling.

    Decoration (decoration)– a type of artistic and practical activity that involves mastering the basics of artistic crafts (painting, ceramics, weaving, embroidery, quilting, appliqué, floristry, stained glass).

    Construction (design)– design and modeling activities, which involve the study of basic technologies for working with paper, cardboard, fabric, construction sets and other materials.

    When teaching art to primary school children, it is important to use games and exercises in the classroom. Group and collective forms of work help to involve students in the creative process, as well as to activate their interest. At this age, children should be given the opportunity to try their hand at different types artistic activities and feel the uniqueness of each of them.

    In addition, during introductory and final classes it is necessary to conduct conversations, during which students should explore the world and learn to perceive art.

    When planning classes, it is necessary to take into account that types of artistic activities can be combined: conversation - image, design - decoration, etc.

    The following basic techniques and materials are used in the learning process: simple, colored, watercolor pencils, wax, watercolor crayons, ballpoint pen, charcoal, felt-tip pens, gouache, watercolor, applique, collage, clay, plasticine, stamp, stencil, painting, floristry, straw, weaving, embroidery, natural materials.

    The teacher can take the proposed approximate planning as a basis and, if necessary, change it independently by creating tasks similar to those recommended in the program. In this case, the content of the lesson should represent the unity of different components: lesson topic, type of activity, object of work, educational tasks, material and technology, terms and concepts.

    It is necessary to have a clear definition and system of knowledge acquired by students in each class, both in individual types of classes (conversations about the fine arts, drawing from life, thematic and decorative drawing), and in general throughout the entire course of study in the fine arts, including various shapes extracurricular and extracurricular activities. At the same time, a very important factor is that the knowledge, skills and abilities that a student receives in life drawing classes are expanded, deepened and consolidated in thematic and decorative painting, during conversations about works of fine art.

    In the same way, the knowledge and skills that schoolchildren master in thematic and decorative drawing lessons find their further development in life drawing lessons.

    Thus, fine arts in a comprehensive school, being a necessary link in the general chain of academic subjects designed to educate students, and above all, subjects of the “aesthetic” cycle - literature, music, occupies an important place in the formation of students’ worldview.

    However, the role of fine arts in education and training will be truly effective if modern fine arts lessons meet a number of conditions, namely:

      Comprehensive solution of educational tasks in fine arts lessons.

      Compliance with the principles of didactics in the process of teaching children fine arts.

      Use in art lessons problematic issues and situations.

      Wide use of visual aids and technical teaching aids in fine arts lessons.

      Maintaining continuity in the visual activities of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

      Compliance with interdisciplinary connections between the lessons of fine arts and literature, mathematics, music, labor training, etc.

      Using a variety of techniques and methods of working with children in fine arts lessons, including elements of play, in order to attract children’s attention and interest in fine arts, awakening in them an emotional and aesthetic attitude to the objects and phenomena of reality, to the process of drawing and their drawing, a sense of empathy for the characters of their compositions and the works of artists in question.

      Maintaining a close connection (tasks, goals, content, teaching and educational techniques) of life drawing lessons, on topics with other lessons and extracurricular activities in fine arts.

      Continuous improvement of the methodology for conducting fine arts lessons in all main sections of the curriculum.

      Using the best practices of primary school teachers and fine arts teachers in the process of teaching children the fine arts.

    In the process of summarizing the best practices of teachers in the aesthetic education of schoolchildren through the means of fine arts, the following aspects are highlighted, especially affecting the improvement of the teaching and educational process in the fine arts lesson. This is, first of all, the use of methods and techniques of work aimed at attracting the emotional and aesthetic feelings of children, at showing them a sense of joy, admiration from meeting beauty in reality and in art, at attracting the interest of schoolchildren in observed and then depicted phenomena and objects the surrounding world. Stimulating the child’s feelings and emotional responsiveness leads to the emergence of sustained attention, to a deep and comprehensive study of the phenomena and objects of reality, to the conscious assimilation of the laws and rules of drawing, to the knowledge of the aesthetic in life and art.

    Fine arts classes are an important means of developing a student’s personality. They contribute to the expansion of interests, the development of students’ aesthetic needs, their mental and creative activity, and their emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality. In fine arts classes, such personality traits as independence, focus, accuracy, and hard work are formed. In the process of visual activity, students acquire graphic and pictorial skills, learn to observe, analyze objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Thus, educational drawing and familiarization with the best works of fine art serve as effective means of understanding reality and at the same time help the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial concepts, memory and feelings, as well as the education of the moral and aesthetic qualities of the child.


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    - Kosterin N.P."Training drawing", 1984.

    - Kandinsky, V.V. “On the spiritual in art”, 1992.

    - Alekhin, A. D."When the artist begins", 1993.

    -Kuzin V. S. “Fine art and methods of teaching it at school”, 1998.

    - Satarova L.A. "Fine arts at school", 2004.

    -Sokolnikova N.M. “Fine arts and methods of teaching them at school”, 2005.

    - Pyankova N.I. "Fine arts in modern school", 2006.

    - Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “On teaching the academic subject “Fine Arts” in 2012/2013 academic year", 2012.