Caries of primary teeth stages. Caries. Caries of primary teeth in young children


The problem of dental caries is especially relevant today: if in former times pathological damage to dentin was detected in children 3-5 years old, now decay processes occur in infants up to one year old. How not to miss the onset of the disease, what are its main causes? How to stop if the process has begun to develop? It is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s diet, brush his teeth, and not allow him to put anything in his mouth. An important prevention is a timely examination by a pediatric dentist. This is the only way parents can preserve the beauty of a child’s serene smile.

The main causes of caries in primary teeth

It is important for future parents to remember: not a single chronic, infectious disease goes away without a trace. In order for the offspring to be born and grow up healthy, every step in life must be taken deliberately.

The appearance of the disease is due to a combination of many predisposing factors:

  • genetics - directly depends on the health of mom and dad before and during conception;
  • illnesses of the mother during pregnancy, childbirth, feeding the child;
  • presence of parents bad habits(tobacco, alcohol);
  • artificial feeding of the baby from a pacifier with a bottle (bottle caries from sleeping with a pacifier in the mouth);
  • childhood infectious diseases weaken the body;
  • bacterial, fungal infection that occurs when eating unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals disrupts metabolism;
  • the enamel and dentin of children are characterized by low mineralization, fragility, and malocclusion contribute to caries;
  • Frequent consumption of sweets damages teeth,
  • sour juices and fruits help soften the enamel;
  • feeding the child predominantly soft foods;
  • there is no proper hygienic care for the baby’s oral cavity;
  • trips to the dentist are not practiced.

The reasons are even minor sins when caring for a child: he forgot to boil the pacifier, licked it and put it in the child’s mouth. He gave the baby an apple with a sharp tail and gave him some adult medicine to drink. All this can instantly cause tooth decay.


The misconception of some parents is the thought: caries baby tooth- It’s not scary, the diseased tooth will fall out, it will be replaced by a healthy one. In fact, if caries in children is not treated, when there is purulent damage to the dentin of a baby tooth, the infection spreads to the permanent rudimentary teeth located in the jaw. What will next cause serious illness bone tissue.

The structure of early teeth is unique, so dentists classify milk teeth into several types, depending on the degree of development:

  1. Initial caries is characterized by white spots. Caries at the spot stage in children is not noticeable and does not cause pain. Only a dentist can detect it using the staining method. Eg, " ". The entire enamel is not stained, the damaged tissue becomes noticeable. Subsequently, it is distinguished by spots that acquire a dark color. It is important not to waste time and immediately begin dental treatment without drilling.
  2. Superficial caries of the front milk teeth - damaged enamel darkens, pain occurs when ingested by salty, sour (on edge) or sweet food. It quickly stops after the stimulus is removed. Urgently see a doctor while the enamel can be restored.
  3. Middle dentin, tooth root. It is characterized by acute painful sensations when cold, hot liquid (food), or frosty air enters the site of destruction. The reaction to sweet and sour continues until you rinse your mouth with water. If left untreated, a period of severe damage ensues.
  4. Deep caries of a baby tooth – complete destruction of dentin. Pain also occurs in the presence of minor irritants - brushes, vibration when traveling on a bus. The infection subsequently penetrates into the pulp, causing pulpitis - complicated caries, characterized by its complete death. In this case, acute painful shootings occur, caused by damage to the nerves. Urgent treatment of caries and its complications is needed. In some cases, a dangerous development of the disease is periodontitis followed by a cyst or granuloma.

To avoid losing teeth, or even the entire jaw, it is better not to let it reach the stage of deep caries. Treat and remove promptly.

Caries in temporary children develops very quickly, do not delay a visit to the doctor, act immediately to save the child’s health. Bacterial poisoning can cause many other, non-dental diseases: gastrointestinal tract, joints, heart, allergies. Chronic caries, leading to tooth loss, can cause growth retardation of permanent incisors and molars, which will cause the child to suffer from inferiority.


The main task of dentists during treatment is to preserve the baby tooth until the permanent one appears. If you suspect a disease, do not treat it with home methods using outdated folk recipes.

It is important to remove the causes of caries in baby teeth. Don’t be afraid of the drill yourself and don’t frighten your child; the initial stage of caries in baby teeth can be cured without it.

Advanced dental disease will require filling, but modern gentle techniques will relieve acute pain.

There are methods that involve removing caries without drilling:

  • Remineralization involves cleaning plaque. Surface treatment with special preparations containing calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, and other elements. The procedures ensure the restoration and protection of enamel from harmful substances. This is how they treat;
  • silver plating is used to form a protective bactericidal film of silver nitrate on teeth. In this case, the spots do not increase in size, the health of the enamel of the undamaged surface is maintained, and the dentin is not destroyed;
  • non-contact treatment with ozone, laser, and chemicals is aimed at removing caries, strengthening tooth enamel, and protecting dentin.

When treating the middle and deep (without complications) stages, a preparation method is used: using a drill, the damaged tissue is removed, the cavity is cleaned, and it is filled.

Children are prescribed an air abrasive preparation procedure. With or without anesthesia. If the child is scared, the doctor uses anesthesia and sedative procedures to help relax and get rid of fears.

Deep caries with complications must be removed so as not to endanger adjacent areas and bone tissue of the jaw.


Keeping children's teeth healthy and beautiful requires a lot of care. What to do to prevent the disease:

  • take care of your health, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke tobacco for future parents;
  • do not allow the child to sleep with a pacifier, it is better not to give it at all;
  • do not give the baby a cold, do not kiss him on the lips, protect him from viruses and bacteria;
  • thoroughly wash everything that the child gets;
  • reduce the amount of refined sugar and industrially produced sweets;
  • add a lot of fresh hard fruits and healthy vegetables to your diet;
  • be sure to serve dairy products: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, fortified with calcium;
  • provide a sufficient amount of natural minerals, natural multivitamins;
  • For infants, carefully wipe the mucous membranes and teeth after eating;
  • teach kids the right way brush teeth with early age;
  • buy a brush with a gentle texture;
  • toothpaste Use only medicinal medicine from a pharmacy.

Be sure to visit the preventive office of the dental clinic. Make sure that the child enters it from a young age, anticipating the disease. With joy, without the already formed persistent pain syndrome and fear.

Take care of the kids. The role of baby teeth in a person’s life is very significant: they influence the correct formation of the jaw facial oval, participate in the formation of intelligible pronunciation of sounds and words, determine the correct exchange of nutrients, and ensure sufficient grinding of food.

Trust your child's health professional doctor dentist. Healthy milk teeth determine further healthy condition their permanent counterparts, normal bite, beautiful smile.

Tooth decay in young children is a common problem. If you do not prevent the disease and do not treat the affected teeth, you can get many complications. Caries of primary teeth in young children develops rapidly, so treatment must be carried out as soon as the problem is discovered.

Related articles:

Do caries need to be treated?

Many parents wonder whether it is necessary to treat caries of baby teeth, because they will fall out anyway. You are mistaken if you think this is not necessary. Caries quickly affects a child's tooth, and the infection can spread to the root and gums. Often, due to the disease, abscesses and tissue suppuration occur, which is dangerous for the child’s body. In such cases, simple fillings are not enough. The only way out is to remove the diseased tooth, which children are afraid of, and this traumatizes their immature psyche.

Removal can ruin the baby’s bite, cause speech impairment, and bad smell from mouth. An ugly smile can cause many complexes, children will make fun of him. Therefore, you should carefully approach solving this problem and try to prevent the occurrence of caries.

Important! Most often, the disease occurs in babies under one year of age who have only recently erupted teeth. Every tenth child experiences this disease - caries of baby teeth.

Causes of caries

The reason for such rapid growth and proliferation of caries in the mouth can be various factors that contribute to this. One of the reasons is the entry of pathogenic microflora into the oral cavity, which contains microbes that cause the destruction of tooth enamel. This can happen if parents lick the baby's spoon, pacifier, give food from their mouth, or kiss the baby hard on the lips.

  1. Insufficient compliance with hygiene rules; the child rarely brushes his teeth or does it incorrectly.
  2. If your baby's diet contains a lot of sugar, tooth decay may occur. Sweet environment is an excellent place for the growth of bacteria that cause diseases in oral cavity.
  3. Young children eat mostly soft foods that do not need to be chewed thoroughly. This leads to a decrease in the secretion of saliva, which naturally cleanses the oral cavity.
  4. With food, the baby receives little calcium, and as a result, the teeth begin to deteriorate.
  5. Incorrect formation of teeth in the womb, due to previous diseases or taking illegal drugs.
  6. Taking food or liquid through a pacifier has a negative impact. Food comes into contact with teeth for a long time, which is why caries appears faster.
  7. If parents have bad teeth, then there is a high probability that this will be passed on to their offspring.
  8. With rickets, tooth enamel is destroyed.

Important! Water that has a high fluoride content can cause decay and disease in a child's mouth.

Photos of caries of baby teeth in children

Symptoms of the disease

The classic onset of the disease is the appearance of a small white spot on the enamel. At first you may not even notice it. The child has no pain and eats his usual food without discomfort. Identifying the problem at this stage is not so easy. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to visit a doctor once every six months. The dentist may coat the teeth with a special substance that will discolor the affected areas, or examine the oral cavity with a special optical instrument.

Without adequate treatment, caries develops at the white spot stage. Dark spots and small holes appear on baby teeth. The child begins to complain of pain when eating hot, cold or sweet foods; food may get stuck between the teeth. Over time, the affected areas increase in size, the pain becomes more noticeable and sharp, and bad breath appears.

How does caries affect a child’s body?

  • untreated caries is a source of infection in the body and can cause other diseases in the baby (sinusitis, sore throat, otitis media);
  • damage to the gums and soft tissues of the oral cavity, blood poisoning;
  • the destruction of baby teeth can negatively affect the formation of permanent teeth;
  • the child begins to eat poorly;
  • there is sleep disturbance due to pain;
  • the bite changes, speech defects may appear.

Photos of caries in children, initial stage

Treatment of teeth affected by caries

To treat such a disease, the same methods can be used as for treating adults. The only point that parents need to pay attention to is how to prepare the child mentally for the treatment procedure as much as possible. Today, many methods have been developed for painless treatment of both primary and permanent teeth in children, but psychological factor remains the responsibility of mom or dad. Let's look at the most common treatment methods.


Remineralization of enamel or restoration of tooth tissue. A special substance is applied to the cleaned tooth surface, which contains a lot of calcium, fluorine, and phosphorus. This will restore damaged enamel. The procedure must be repeated every six months. It is used for the early stages of the disease, when large holes have not yet formed. It is also an ideal drill-free treatment for very young children.

Remineralization of teeth in a child


Silvering is a coating of the surface of teeth with silver nitrate that protects the enamel from destruction. Silvering produces a bactericidal effect. The procedure must be repeated after six months. The disadvantage of this method is that the teeth become black.

Important! If a child is afraid to visit the dentist, nitrous oxide can be used. By breathing a little through a special mask, the baby will calm down, relax and the doctor will be able to treat.

Silvering of teeth in a child


Filling can be done without a drill. Apply a product containing an acid to the affected area with a hole, which corrodes the enamel and disinfects it. Then a special polymer is placed into the hole, which hardens under ultraviolet light.

Standard filling is also used. Using a drill, a hole in the tooth enamel is cleaned, after which it is filled. Baby teeth, like permanent teeth, have nerve endings. Therefore, the dentist may use local anesthesia.

Important! Sometimes children categorically refuse to open their mouths for the dentist. Then the doctor may decide to do general anesthesia. This method has many contraindications, so it is not advisable to use it.

Filling a child's teeth

Prevention of caries

Preventative measures that can be followed together with your child will help prevent the occurrence of caries. To do this, follow simple recommendations.

  1. Limit your carbohydrate intake, including sweet compotes and fruit juices.
  2. Make sure your child doesn't fall asleep with the bottle. If this happens, carefully remove the pacifier from your mouth and clean your teeth with a tissue.
  3. When your baby's first teeth erupt, limit feeding at night.
  4. After the first ones appear, start cleaning in the morning and evening.

Important! Children under two years of age can brush their teeth without using toothpaste.

  1. Do not lick the baby's pacifier, spoon, or give food from your mouth.
  2. Make an appointment with a pediatric dentist as soon as possible; it is better to do this before your child is one year old.
  3. Contact your doctor immediately after symptoms of tooth decay appear.

How to properly brush your child's teeth

You can use a toothbrush after a year of life. Buy a special brush that is designed for children. Carry out oral hygiene in a playful way, do not yell at your baby, and do not force him to clean. The child must understand that there is nothing wrong with this procedure. You need to brush your teeth thoroughly and for at least 2-3 minutes.

Important! Before the age of three, do not buy toothpaste containing fluoride for your child.

To clean the first teeth of babies up to one year old, use gauze. Wrap it around your finger and wipe the surface. Don't use toothpaste, just wet it with water.

Caries of primary teeth in children is a multifactorial dental disease with a tendency to chronicity, which is pathogenetically based on a decrease in mineralization (demineralization) of the enamel-dentin layer, which provokes the destruction of the underlying components of the tooth.

Caries of primary teeth in children is a difficult and urgent problem in dentistry. It is rare to find a child whose teeth are intact to caries. Tooth destruction is diagnosed even in children under one year old. The cavities formed by the carious process form an infectious focus, which is the root cause of chronosepsis. Infection from the mouth spreads hematogenously to tropic organs, where it becomes an etiotropic factor of inflammation. Pediatric doctors face many difficult tasks, such as: methods of prevention, methods of therapy and diagnosis of caries, monitoring of complications and their prevention. Childhood dentistry has a number of individual characteristics due to the peculiarities of the morphology of children's teeth and the psyche of the growing organism, the impossibility of using individual treatment methods, the variety of causative factors and symptoms of diseases of primary teeth.

Causes of caries in baby teeth

Caries of primary teeth in children most often occurs from the time the first tooth appears. This is predisposed by certain features of the morphology of primary teeth, namely:

— hard components of teeth (enamel, dentin) have incomplete mineralization;

— dentin and enamel are thin;

— enamel is almost entirely represented by an organic matrix;

- pronounced pulp chamber;

limited ability pulp to dentin formation;

— dentin tubules are pronounced, along which caries of primary teeth spreads faster;

— tooth roots have stages of development (formation, resorption).

In dentistry, there is a term “cariogenic situation” of the oral cavity. This is a combination of factors that, under a combination of conditions, contribute to the onset of carious damage to dental tissues. Such cariogenic factors include:

- genetic predisposition that determines resistance to caries;

— the quality of mineralization of the enamel layer in areas most susceptible to damage (fissures, places where teeth touch each other, cervical area);

— anomalies of the bite and palate, gums and jaws, teeth;

— density and localization in the dental arch;

- the nature and thoroughness of hygienic measures, the formation of plaque, the presence of food residues;

- nutritional characteristics and quality of foods consumed by the child, excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, the content of microelements in food, the predominance of food with a soft consistency;

— features of salivation and saliva: the number of lactobacilli, saliva viscosity, degree of salivation;

— presence of infection with Streptococcus mutans, an infectious agent mainly transmitted by parents;

- the nature and frequency of infectious diseases, the presence of chronic somatic diseases, a decrease in the body’s defense forces.

There are many theories of the pathogenesis of caries in primary teeth; according to the most common of them, the pathological process begins subject to the presence of predisposing factors, against the background of which an imbalance occurs in the mechanisms of mineralization of hard tissues (the predominance of demineralization over the remineralization process). In areas of demineralization, plaque consisting of pathological microorganisms forms. In the process of their life, they break down carbohydrates, final product metabolism of which are organic acids. These acids exacerbate demineralization. The result of this is more intense penetration of the pathogen into the thickness of the tooth and its destruction.

U infants“bottle” caries of baby teeth is common. It arises as a consequence of the fact that some children receive sweet formula, milk, and porridge at night, after the procedure for cleaning their teeth. The lactose contained in these drinks is a substrate for the proliferation of cariogenic bacterial flora. All of the baby's front teeth are affected. But it is important that “bottle” caries of baby teeth does not develop in all children who receive sugar-containing drinks at night, since this is facilitated by a combination of cariogenic factors.

Symptoms of caries in baby teeth

Caries of primary teeth in children often occurs without any clinical symptoms. It is characterized by a torpid, symmetrical spread, simultaneous damage to several areas.

The child may present the following complaints:

- pain, periodic or constant;

- a feeling of discomfort after contact with hot, cold or sweet food;

- young children unmotivatedly refuse to eat, drooling and moodiness appear.

— parents pay attention to the appearance of whitish, rough spots on the teeth and loss of shine. Yellow and brown areas appear on the enamel layer.

Children's teeth are characterized by stages in the development of the root system; therefore, clinical manifestations may vary at each stage.

For caries of primary teeth, during the period when the root system is being formed, it is characteristic that the basis for its formation is a failure in the maturation of the enamel-dentin layer. This occurs during intrauterine development, under the influence of an unsuccessful pregnancy. Early caries lesions more often occur in premature babies, in the initial months, who have suffered from any diseases. During this period, the clinic of caries of primary teeth is characterized by:

- acute manifestation, with rapid progression;

- damage to the upper incisors in the cervical area (cervical caries of primary teeth), in the recesses of the first molars;

- rapid destruction of dentin, due to its immaturity;

— multiple, symmetrical dental lesions;

— occurs practically without symptoms, which undoubtedly makes it difficult to identify it before complications develop;

- rapid transformation into a complication ( and );

— predominance of deep caries;

— the area of ​​carious destruction is not limited, the walls of the cavity are light, the enamel layer is thin, the dentin is moist, and comes off in layers.

For caries with already formed roots it is typical:

- asymptomatic;

— caries spots form in typical areas (cervical and proximal areas, fissures);

- affected areas are covered with plaque; after cleansing, dull, rough areas are identified.

During root resorption, the carious lesion also has characteristics:

— manifests with lesions of the fangs;

- diagnosed already in the complication phase;

— chronicity of the process;

- affects deep structures;

- has a course without symptoms.

Some types of caries are typical for temporary teeth, for example, circular caries of primary teeth. The damage is localized in the neck area and encircles the perimeter of the tooth. Frequently ill, weakened children are predominantly susceptible to such carious destruction. It occurs more often during teething, which occurs ahead of time. Carious destruction rapidly penetrates into the pulp area, but inflammatory process not developing. Due to the activation of the pulp, replacement dentin is formed abundantly, sometimes until the root canals are completely filled. The outcome of such caries is the breaking off of the dental crown.

Another type of caries, typical for baby teeth, is planar caries. It appears on the surface of the molars on the chewing side. With a planar carious lesion, the entire surface is affected. In addition to the fact that planar caries affects weakened children, tooth hypoplasia is of no small importance in its development. Distinctive feature Such caries is the speed of development of the process and rapid damage to the deep structures of the tooth.

Stages of caries of primary teeth

The carious process is characterized by a staged course. Damage to teeth begins with the appearance of plaque, which also goes through several stages:

- during the first two days, micromolecules of food residues and bacteria accumulate at the periodontal border;

- then, within 3-4 days, the plaque layer noticeably thickens and becomes covered with gram-positive cocci;

— over the next few days, plaque penetrates under the gum. Bacteria and products synthesized as a result of their vital activity begin to circulate in the groove between the gum and tooth;

- on days 7-11, secondary bacterial flora joins, which, producing organic acids, destroys tooth tissue.

The stages of development of caries of primary teeth are similar to the process with damage to permanent teeth, but the difference is that during childhood, the destruction of tooth tissue is rapid, and little time passes from one stage to another. In modern dentistry, the following stages of the carious process in a baby tooth are distinguished:

— Spot stage. Under the influence of cariogenic provoking factors, demineralization of the enamel area occurs, practically without affecting its outer layer. If you dry the surface of the tooth, you may notice a whitish or yellowish area with a lack of natural shine. Clinically, this stage may manifest itself as a mild reaction to sweet or sour foods.

— Stage of caries of the enamel of a baby tooth. In the absence of treatment, with repeated processes of demineralization, a dark zone appears, the lesion penetrates the entire thickness of the enamel. A hole appears on the tooth where food debris can accumulate. At this stage, there may be pain when chewing food.

— Stage of medium-depth caries of primary teeth. The damage extends to the dentin tissue. A clear pain reaction to food irritants appears, food clogs the carious cavity, putrefactive processes begin and bad breath appears.

— Stage of deep perforated caries. If treatment measures are not started in a timely manner, the tissue around the tooth and/or pulp is destroyed and complications develop.

Superficial caries of primary teeth

The form of carious lesion in which a defect is formed in the enamel layer that does not reach the dentin layer is superficial. During this process, several zones of enamel damage are distinguished:

— areas where complete destruction and invasion of bacteria have occurred;

— total demineralization;

— areas of incomplete demineralization;

— places of visually intact enamel.

Areas of carious destruction are localized in typical places. Children do not make any complaints. Subjective sensations are not observed in children, although discomfort may occur when the tooth comes into contact with various irritants coming from food. During an objective dental examination, the caries area is rough, with fragile enamel in the center. This form is characterized as a fast and acute process. Chronication of superficial caries occurs extremely rarely.

Deep caries of baby teeth

With deep caries, the dentinal layer is damaged. In the process of its destruction, a number of pathomorphological zones can be distinguished:

- replacing destroyed dentin;

- normal layer, where there are dentinal tubules without crystals and bacterial agents;

- translucent dentin. Thin crystals are forming in the tubules, but there are no bacteria yet;

- transparent dentin. The crystals in the tubules become larger, but there are no bacteria. This damaged dentin, in contrast to healthy dentin, is softer;

- areas of damaged tissue structure. The tubules are dilated and changed, filled with microorganisms;

- infected area. Abundant bacterial flora, dentinal structure is completely destroyed.

With deep caries of primary teeth, the focus of destruction occupies the dentinal layer located around the pulp. The course of this type of carious destruction is acute. With it, children complain of periodic pain and discomfort in the tooth when in contact with thermal and mechanical agents. With deep caries, there is always an indirect effect on the pulp tissue. Before starting therapeutic treatment, you should make sure that there are no complications.

In some cases, deep caries of primary teeth in children can be chronic. This process is characterized by laxity, the formation of sclerotic dentin, due to the activation of the pulp. A cavity of carious damage with a wide entrance, brown dentin, difficult to separate with an excavator.

If deep caries remains untreated, then complications inevitably develop, which can lead to the progression of the infection and its spread to nearby tissues and throughout the body. This also leads to the probable loss of a tooth and, accordingly, a place for future teething permanent tooth. The process of decay in a baby tooth can also damage the deeper, permanent teeth.

Diagnosis of caries of primary teeth

If children have any dental complaints, an examination by a pediatric dentist should be immediately arranged. There are certain diagnostic techniques and methods that allow an accurate diagnosis. Methods for diagnosing caries in children include:

— Analysis of anamnesis data. When parents contact their child, they need to carefully conduct a survey, finding out the time of onset of the disease, its possible cause, ask about subjective sensations, find out the general somatic condition of the child, allergy history, drug intolerance, determine possible negative both behavioral and somatic reactions to examination and treatment. During the conversation with the child, the wording of the questions asked should be clear and mutually exclusive.

— Visual objective examination of the oral cavity. It is carried out using dental mirrors, with sufficient lighting. The surface of the tooth is dried and protected from saliva.

— Probing. It must be done as carefully as possible. Using this method, the condition of the enamel in the area of ​​the stains is determined; in case of deep caries of a baby tooth, the depth of the lesion can be assessed.

— “Silk thread” technique. A thin silk thread is passed into the interdental space, then, pressing the thread to the surface where a cavity is suspected, it is pulled up. If there is damage the thread breaks. In this way, the surfaces of neighboring teeth are checked to exclude false diagnoses.

— Coloring of tooth enamel. The method is based on the fact that damaged areas of the enamel layer are painted with dye (methylene blue). It is used as a method of differential diagnosis with non-carious dental pathologies, such as hypoplasia of the enamel layer.

— Dentin staining. After the cavity of the caries of a baby tooth is opened, to determine the volume of therapeutic intervention, the affected dentin is stained with fuchsin on propylene glycol. In this case, only the infected areas will be painted.

— “Test preparation” method. This diagnostic method is used to determine pulp damage. With a viable pulp, when prepared at the site of the enamel-dentin border, sensitivity remains when in contact with chemical and mechanical irritants. If the pulp is “dead”, then this area becomes intact to irritants of any nature.

— Laser diagnostics. A modern technique that is based on recording different wavelengths reflected from an intact and damaged area of ​​enamel. Allows you to determine the presence of carious lesions on hard-to-reach surfaces.

— Diagnostics through ultraviolet radiation. Healthy teeth, when exposed to ultraviolet light, have a glow with a bluish tint. The study is carried out in a darkened room using a special apparatus. The affected areas lose their glow, which makes it possible to identify the location and extent of the lesion.

- X-ray examination. It can be done either using an X-ray machine or using a computer. The second method is preferable because it takes less time, the image is transferred to a computer screen, the image can be enlarged and reduced, and the radiation dose is reduced. Allows you to evaluate not only the crown of the tooth, but also its root system.

Treatment of caries of primary teeth

There is an opinion that caries of primary teeth does not require therapy. In addition to the fact that caries causes aesthetic and physical discomfort, caries of a baby tooth can become a causative factor of serious complications, diseases of permanent teeth and other organs.

It is always better to start therapeutic treatment at the spot stage. At the same time, treatment takes less time and, most importantly, does not require painful manipulations.

It is important that children, especially young children, have an extremely negative attitude towards medical manipulations, so parents should take care in advance of choosing the place where the therapy will be performed.

Depending on their financial well-being, parents have the right to choose a clinic equipped specifically for children, where the rooms are equipped with colorful equipment and interiors, a TV, where the child feels comfortable, and treatment is carried out in a playful way.

An important component in therapy is the child’s psycho-emotional mood. Special attention should be given to methods of sedation, analgesia and reduction of salivation. The further success of treatment depends on how your visit to the dentist goes for the first time.

Therapeutic treatment of caries of primary teeth occurs in two stages - cavity treatment and filling.

Various techniques are used to open carious areas:

— Chemical-mechanical. Refers to a non-invasive treatment method. Acid or a special solution is applied to the area of ​​destroyed tissue, then after a short period of time, the softened tissue is removed using an excavator, without using a drill.

— Air abrasion method. With this technique, the carious cavity of a baby tooth is opened and processed using a jet of aerosol consisting of water and abrasive. The technique allows for more precise and fine processing by regulating the degree of water supply.

— Ultrasonic method. When using ultrasonic waves, micro-oscillations and vibrations are created in the affected cavity, which contributes to the breaking of molecular bonds and easy removal of the treated tissue.

— Laser method. The method is carried out in a non-contact manner. The treated surface always remains sterile. Laser radiation can be used to process any surface. When using a laser system, there is virtually no thermal impact, which reduces the pain of the procedure.

— Cavities opened with a drill. The method is based on tissue removal through rapid rotation of microburs of various sizes. The disadvantage of this method is that when using boron there is a specific smell and sound, as well as quite strong pressure, which causes discomfort.

Treatment of superficial and medium-sized caries of primary teeth is most often carried out by grinding off the affected tissues and applying remineralizing drugs (silver nitrate, fluoride varnish) to these areas. This technique stops the progressive development of the carious process for six months. The appearance of clearing in impregnated areas is an indication for re-application of the drug.

If it is necessary to open a caries cavity, this is done very carefully, creating additional areas to strengthen the fillings. If necessary, therapeutic treatment can be carried out in several sessions. In this case, a pad with a medicine or remineralizing substance is placed in the cavity.

There are a number of requirements for materials for fillings used in pediatric practice, these are:

— moisture resistance and resistance to various chemical irritants;

- radiopacity;

— hardness close to enamel hardness;

— low thermal conductivity, to protect the pulp;

— high adhesive ability to tooth tissues;

— color close to the tooth tissue;

- they should not give, even minimal, shrinkage after hardening;

— wear resistance;

- antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

In some cases, atraumatic restorative dental treatment is used. In this case, the area of ​​caries of the baby tooth is removed with a sharp excavator, dried, and freshly prepared glass ionomer cement is applied to this place.

During the therapeutic treatment of a deep carious lesion, the softened dentin is removed as carefully and carefully as possible, then the cavity is treated with an antiseptic and a medicinal paste is applied, and the next step is the application of a permanent filling.

When treating primary teeth, complications and errors sometimes occur, such as:

- secondary carious lesions that occur some time after treatment, which indicates a violation of the technique of opening the cavity, applying and preparing a filling;

— opening of the pulp cavity due to inaccurate preparation;

— development of pulpitis due to the use of toxic materials without an insulating gasket;

— loss or chipping of the filling due to violation of the technique of its application;

— development of inflammation of the interdental papilla (papillitis) due to tissue trauma in the absence of the use of isolating agents;

— the filling has changed color due to a violation of the technique of its preparation and application.

Prevention of caries in baby teeth

Prevention of caries is divided into primary and secondary measures. Primary prevention begins at the developmental stage in the womb and consists of:

- consumption by a pregnant woman of foods rich in microelements (calcium and fluorine, phosphorus, etc.), the use of complex vitamins, minerals, frequent and long walks, rational physical activity;

— prevention and prevention of pregnancy pathologies that cause delayed fetal development and hypoxic conditions;

- a child for the first six months should be breastfed, complementary foods should be introduced according to age and be varied;

- timely initiation of prevention, daily and long walks, preferably in a forested area;

- with artificial, mixed feeding, try to reduce the number of night feedings in order to prevent baby teeth;

- minimizing the child’s consumption of sweets and foods rich in easily digestible carbohydrates;

— organize meals in such a way as to cover all needs for vitamins, micronutrients and minerals. The diet should include solid foods that promote mechanical cleaning of the teeth;

— providing the child with individual dishes and cutlery. Parents should not lick the baby's nipples and spoons;

- in case of endemic deficiency of fluoride in drinking water, use additional enrichment of drinking water with fluoride, special food additives enriched with this element.

A separate point in the prevention of caries of primary teeth is oral hygiene. The beginning of oral care should be combined with the moment the first tooth erupts. For cleaning, use gauze soaked in cooled boiled water or special napkins. You need to wipe your teeth after any meal. You can use a special children's brush, which is placed on an adult's finger. Children buy their first toothbrush at the age of one and a half years. A toothbrush and children's toothpaste should be appropriate for the child's age and be as safe as possible. In a playful way, parents should show their child the correct movements when brushing their teeth and, by their example, instill oral hygiene skills.

Methods of secondary prevention, in case of already developed caries, to prevent the progression of the process and damage to intact teeth include:

- regular examinations by a pediatric dentist or hygienist;

— if necessary, complete and timely treatment;

— application of remineralizing coatings (fluorine varnish coating, silver plating);

— treatment of chronic somatic diseases, oral diseases, prevention of infections;

— timely orthodontic therapy.

Caries of primary teeth in children is a very common and acute problem, which should be addressed not only by dentists, but also by pediatricians. But still, the main link in preventing dental damage in children is parents. Keeping simple hygiene rules caring for teeth, oral cavity, instilling them in the child, loving parents make a huge contribution to the future health of the baby. And timely preventive examinations and, if necessary, treatment ensure the prevention of odontogenic complications of both the structures of the oral cavity and other organs, and contribute to the formation of healthy permanent teeth.

Unlike adults, caries in children, which also appears on baby teeth, develops much faster. The whole matter is complicated by the fact that early caries affects not one tooth at once, but several. Treatment of caries of primary teeth is no less than important process than restoring permanent ones, so parents should not delay it. Otherwise, the consequences may be more serious than expected, even after the temporary teeth fall out.

What happens if caries is not treated on time?

Early caries in children can develop from the first year of life

Consequences of caries

It would seem that the destructive process concerns only the hard shell of the tooth. This is actually a misconception. The infectious process moves towards the root system, slowly moving into the soft tissues and transferring purulent masses there. The result of this will be premature loss of a baby tooth.

Early tooth loss can lead to the following consequences:

  • the shape of the face changes;
  • bite and speech will be impaired;
  • a complex appears.

Babies' first teeth begin to appear at the age of 4–6 months. If you believe the statistics, approximately 12% of children under one year old already suffer from a similar illness. And by 4–5 years this figure increases to 73%. This problem is especially acute in villages and towns where there is no qualified specialists and dentists.

Teeth destroyed by caries

Caries of primary teeth in children becomes a reason for the development of infections, which subsequently destroy the protective functions of the small organism.

The first thing that appears is pain from exposure to external irritants (cold, hot, sweet or sour). Complications caused by caries can even endanger the life of a baby, especially if caries has begun in one year old child. Once pus gets into the soft tissue, the following diseases may occur:

  • thrombosis of the neck and other veins;
  • sepsis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • meningitis;
  • abscess.

Loss of baby teeth causes permanent teeth to grow incorrectly

By disrupting a child's deficient immune system, the infection can cause complications such as:

  • nose (in the form of a runny nose or sinusitis);
  • ears (otitis);
  • throat (sore throat);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (stomach upset, indigestion).

Therefore, by leaving the treatment of caries of temporary teeth without attention, parents doom their child to further suffering.

Causes of death of temporary teeth

Scientists have concluded that the bacteria that cause caries of baby teeth in young children are transmitted directly from the mother. Among the microorganisms that destroy tooth enamel are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. Bacteria are transmitted through use common types cutlery, through nipples that parents lick, and even through kisses. From this it follows that the cause of the development of the disease is infectious bacteria transmitted from one person to another.

The presence of these bacteria in the baby’s cavity does not really mean anything. For milk caries to appear, the simultaneous presence of a number of factors is necessary:

  • cariogenic bacteria;
  • features of saliva;
  • oral hygiene;
  • diet;
  • heredity.

The bottle that the child sucks, namely the sugar-containing liquid in it, has a particular influence on the development of caries.

Bottle caries - due to constant sucking

How to recognize the disease

First of all, caries appears on the front milk teeth. You can see spots on them that may be different color(from white and yellowish to brown and almost black). Sometimes caries in the front teeth appears as a depression that is barely noticeable to the naked eye. Signs of caries can appear on absolutely any part of the front milk teeth. The more the disease progresses, the clearer the hole on the tooth becomes.

The onset of caries on baby teeth

Caries on baby teeth can be identified by the following signs:

  • Visually, when barely noticeable spots begin to appear.
  • By pain syndromes. The baby complains of pain, especially when reacting to irritants (cold, hot, sweet, etc.).
  • Smell from the mouth. Occurs when food rots in the oral cavity due to exposure to cariogenic microorganisms.
  • A multiplicity of suspicious manifestations, when the manifestation of caries begins on several teeth at once.

Carious processes during breastfeeding

Children from birth to 4 years of age can develop “bottle” or circular caries, which becomes the death of children’s tooth enamel. The front teeth begin to suffer from it first. Bacteria eat away the enamel in the cervical area. You may see white or black spots near the gums. If the crown is completely encircled, the tooth can quickly break.

When breastfeeding, the disease can develop only if feeding is done too often at night and there is a complete lack of hygiene procedures.

Night feeding is a cause of tooth decay

It doesn’t matter what kind of feeding you take (breast or bottle), the causes of tooth decay in children can be the following:

  • frequent feeding during sleep;
  • lack of hygiene after eating;
  • snacking on sweets.

Bottle caries in young children must be recognized and treated in time. Otherwise, it will lead to serious problems in the future. In addition to pain, there will be problems with chewing, digestion, and malocclusion.

As a treatment and preventive measure, the child is prescribed fluoride-containing medications.

The procedures can be performed both in a dental clinic and at home. Ozone or laser treatment cannot be performed at this age. In order to prevent bottle caries, it is recommended to brush your teeth every time after eating. When using a feeding bottle, its components must be thoroughly sterilized.

Fluoridation of teeth should only be performed by a doctor

Painful sensations during the development of carious processes

Childhood caries can occur in different ways: with pain and without any symptoms. Pain reactions depend on the degree of destruction of tooth enamel:

  • superficial caries of baby teeth - pain occurs from sour or sweet foods;
  • average caries in children is manifested by slight pain from all external stimuli;
  • the stage of deep caries in children is accompanied by severe pain from all types
  • irritants, including during chewing.

It is necessary to treat caries of primary teeth at the initial stage, when a white spot has just appeared on the surface. The child does not experience pain, so frequent visual inspection of the oral cavity is necessary.

Caries causes severe pain

Methodology of a modern approach to the treatment of childhood caries

Many parents wonder: how to treat tooth decay in a child? Today, pediatric dentistry has at its disposal a lot of modern means that are reliable and safe even for infants, and most importantly do not injure their psyche. At modern treatment Non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques are used:

  • deep fluoridation;
  • restoration of enamel and dentin;
  • delayed filling;
  • manual treatment of the damaged area without the use of a drill;
  • ICON (ICON) - removal of carious spots.

The latter type of technology is new. One visit to pediatric dentistry is enough to get rid of a stain on the enamel, that is, superficial caries.

The procedure goes through four main stages:

  • cleaning the surface from plaque;
  • gel treatment with low content acids;
  • A highly fluid polymer material is applied to the affected area;
  • drying using a special lamp, under the influence of which the material hardens.

It can be argued that this is the same filling, only all stages are carried out without standard set equipment. But the method is only suitable for treating superficial caries in its initial stage of development.

What to do when the boundaries of the enamel are completely or largely destroyed? The ART technique is used to treat deep caries. Its meaning lies in the fact that the treatment of childhood caries is carried out using a set of hand excavators specially designed for this purpose. But this technique has one drawback: a small area of ​​pigmented dentin remains. This technology is not always applicable for the treatment of caries of permanent teeth in children, therefore it is more applicable for the treatment of caries of primary teeth.

Preventive measures

Measures to prevent dental caries in children consist of an integrated approach. To do this, there are two ways to prevent its development:

  • systemic - indoor application drugs and special products;
  • local - application of special mineralizing components to the enamel surface.

Systemic measures to prevent caries in a child are as follows.

Limit the intake of carbohydrates in various forms, including sweets and cookies. Focus on the consumption of “hard” foods, namely vegetables and fruits. This is an excellent option not only as a snack, but also for self-cleaning the tooth surface.

Nozzle for cleaning teeth for little ones

Stability of the first teeth and bones will be given by the consumption of calcium-containing products, which include: milk, kefir and cream, cottage cheese and cheeses, parsley and spinach, dried apricots and much more. Additionally, you can introduce special medications, but for this you need to consult a pediatrician in order to correctly calculate the dosage. In summer, it is enough to use such drugs in their pure form, but in winter it is better to take them in combination with supplements containing vitamin D.

Silvering teeth will stop caries

The use of fluorides - fluoride should enter the child's body to a greater extent with water, this is how it is better absorbed. True, so drinking water is very rare in many regions of our homeland, therefore it is necessary to introduce fluoridated milk and salt into the diet and additionally use drugs containing fluoride, gels, and mouth rinses.

It should be noted that an overdose of fluoride entails Negative consequences, so you can’t do without qualified help from a specialist. This is especially true for children from six months to 3 years old.

Among the local means of prevention for young children, the following should be highlighted:

As soon as the baby's first baby tooth has erupted, you need to start using hygiene products, an excellent option would be impregnated wipes or regular gauze soaked in warm water. This procedure is carried out after eating.

Proper use of toothbrush and toothpaste, their regularity. Your child should be accustomed to these objects from the age of 1.5 years in a playful way, so that he does not develop a negative attitude towards these objects. To begin with, use toothpaste without fluoride so that the baby does not swallow it and get an overdose; it is better to give toothpaste with a high fluoride content when the child turns 4 years old.

High-quality oral hygiene - protection against caries

Professional and home fluoridation - drugs help strengthen the enamel surface and thereby prevent childhood caries, creating reliable and strong protection.

This technique must be approached correctly so that the body does not receive an excess of fluoride.

For preventive measures, the chosen method alone is not enough. An integrated approach to the matter is needed, which would include means of both systemic and local prevention. This approach will protect your baby’s teeth for a long time and prevent caries from developing.

Treatment of caries in children is a complex process, especially if the condition of the teeth is very advanced. But a cured tooth is always better than a lost one. Therefore, help your child overcome his fear of dentists. And it’s best to take timely preventive measures so as not to bring children’s teeth to a frightening state. Remember that a child should always have a positive example before his eyes, and then the baby himself will control the process of personal oral hygiene.

According to statistics, today only 20% of children do not know what caries is and dentist chair. Parents do not take this disease too seriously due to its high prevalence. And really, why worry if all children equally have bad teeth? In fact, early caries is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive solution. Today we will talk about the causes and prevention measures, as well as the available treatment options. This information will be extremely important for all parents, as it will allow them to avoid a number of troubles.

What is caries

This is the process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. There are quite a few reasons for this; today we will analyze them in detail. These can be both external and internal reasons, that is, it also affects general condition body, immunity first of all.

However, the main reason why early caries develops is dental plaque, or more precisely, bacteria that live in the oral cavity. How do they get there? Everything is very simple, the mother becomes their carrier. They licked the pacifier, let the baby eat from his spoon, and so the teeth began to deteriorate, before they had time to really grow. But that's not all. If the mother did not treat her teeth before pregnancy, then the baby is guaranteed early caries, because he will initially be infected.

How does the process of tooth decay proceed?

We have already learned that there are bacteria in the oral cavity that are responsible for the development of this disease. But early caries is caused by their waste products. This results in a classic power circuit. Bacteria eat sugars and produce acids. As a result, the acid-base balance in the oral cavity is disrupted.

This is the answer to the main question about why early caries develops so quickly. The enamel of baby teeth is very weakly mineralized, this is especially noticeable in the first 2 years and 5 months of life. It is because of this that dentists recommend giving up sweets at least during this period of a child’s life and not giving him too cold or hot food.

So, the resulting acid washes away minerals from the enamel, which means that the destruction process proceeds very quickly. In just a few months, early caries turns into complicated forms, in which dentists remove teeth. Imagine that the child at this moment may still be only a year old. At the age of 2 to 3 years, these processes slow down, but most often by this time it is too late, and most of the teeth are in poor condition.

Causes of early childhood caries

Let us now discuss in detail why such a disease develops. Many parents think that if they do not give their baby sweets, then they are completely protected from the development of caries. In fact, it’s too early to relax. The list of reasons is much wider:

  • Improper oral hygiene. Even if teeth are just emerging, they immediately need proper care. This is wiping the gums with a damp cloth, and later brushing with a wet brush without toothpaste. When a child has 6-7 teeth, you can start using the first fluoride-free toothpaste.
  • Infection with pathogenic microorganisms. We've already talked about this, but it's worth repeating. It is impossible to eat with a child from one spoon, especially if you have carious teeth in your mouth.
  • Genetic predisposition. This is a violation of the development of enamel, which begins during intrauterine formation, due to maternal smoking or taking certain medications.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, in particular fluoride and calcium, in the child’s diet.
  • Long-term breastfeeding, no matter how strange it may be. By the time baby teeth form, the baby should be fed five times a day. But if a child continues to breastfeed without restrictions, at any time of the day or night, without performing oral hygiene after this, then plaque and carious cavities will form.
  • Mixtures and juices, milk, sweet compotes - all this contributes to the development of caries. This factor is especially serious if the child does not part with the bottle day and night. After a year, he should only receive water at night. During the day, after each feeding, it is necessary to perform oral hygiene.
  • Cookies and buns, sweets and marshmallows that are given to a child are also an important factor, since food for bacteria is constantly present in the mouth. It is not necessary to completely deprive your child of sweets, but convey to him that after sweets he needs to chew gum, rinse his mouth, or at least drink water.

Important for everyone to know

Once again, to summarize, I would like to note that early caries in children occurs largely due to fractional and frequent feedings on demand, as well as unlimited access to snacks during the day and, most importantly, at night. Replace all sweets with fruits. The fructose they contain does not pose any danger. In addition, the diet should have enough calcium, the main source of which is cottage cheese and cheese. No less important is vitamin D, which we get from fish. In addition, the body can produce it on its own when exposed to sunlight. Third required component- this is fluorine. You can buy special water filters enriched with this element.

Preventive actions

Early caries of primary teeth is much easier to prevent than to treat. And first of all, maintaining hygiene will help you. All the measures described above (rinsing the mouth, wiping the first teeth and their subsequent brushing) are also aimed at reducing the risk of developing the disease. If you notice bright white stripes on your child's teeth, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. Soon enough they will turn into dark spots.

Early childhood caries can be stopped in the first stages if you use drugs that increase the mineral composition of tooth enamel. From birth to six years, doctors prescribe special gels, for example, ROX Mineral. Mom will rub it into her gums, and the minerals will effectively strengthen tooth enamel. After six years, Remars Gel is prescribed, which also gives very good results.

Consequences of advanced forms of the disease

Often parents believe that nothing bad is happening. These are baby teeth, they will fall out and that’s it. Photos of early caries in advanced stages present a rather unpleasant picture, but you need to think not only about the aesthetic side of the issue. If the disease is not treated, then a general decrease in immunity occurs. How could it be otherwise when a breeding ground for bacteria grows in the tooth cavity and tends to invade other organs. Bye the immune system strong, it will contain the number of bacteria, but as soon as it fails, hostile microorganisms take over.

The child is often sick

What does uncontrolled bacterial growth lead to? First of all, these are constant problems of the ENT organs. The closest are the tonsils, followed by the bronchi and lungs. In this case, parents are faced with endless sore throats, coughs and other manifestations of acute respiratory infections.

Gastrointestinal diseases are rarely associated with caries, but there is also a direct relationship here. The child ingests a large number of bacteria of the streptococcal flora along with waste products. It is clear that this does not have the best effect on the digestion process.

Moreover, all this along the chain leads to orthodontic problems. Since the teeth hurt and the respiratory organs are constantly in an inflamed state, a malocclusion and the habit of breathing through the mouth gradually develop. This is even reflected in the formation of specific facial features. You see how much an untreated tooth means.

What can you do

In fact, parents can, if not completely cure, then significantly stop early caries. We’ll talk to you now about how to get rid of a rapidly progressing disease at home. The first thing to remember is that only in the early stages can home treatments be effective.

You can determine it yourself. If the damaged tooth still does not hurt, even when too cold or hot water gets in, there are no black spots, and the caries itself looks like a whitish strip, then it is worth taking a number of measures to prevent further development clinical picture. In principle, this is the prevention that was described above. If you realize it at this stage of the development of the disease, then a photo of early caries in children will be practically no different from a healthy smile, with the exception of bright white spots. So:

  • Urgently choose a special paste and use it twice a day.
  • Additionally, treat your teeth with gels and compounds to strengthen the enamel.
  • Use rinse aids.
  • Follow your diet. That is, replace sweets with vegetables and fruits and enrich your diet with fermented milk products.

Folk recipes

First of all, this is the use of medicinal herbs and decoctions from them:

  • For these purposes, dentists recommend using sage. It destroys microorganisms and normalizes the acid-base environment in the oral cavity. To do this, pour 100 g of dry grass with the same amount of vodka. After two weeks, the product can be used in the form of applications.
  • An infusion of finely chopped roots is often used for rinsing. To do this you will need a glass of raw materials, cut into pieces. They are poured with a liter of vodka and left for 7 days. After this, the tincture is used for evening rinsing, diluted with water.
  • Mint strengthens tooth enamel. To do this, the leaves are cut and placed in a water bath for several minutes. You can add a little wine vinegar to them for better preservation. Used for rinsing.
  • Decoction onion peel effectively kills bacteria.
  • Simple soda and salt perfectly inhibit the development of caries. To do this, add 40 g of one or another substance to a glass of water. Every time after eating you need to rinse your mouth with this solution.

Further development of the disease

Until now we have only talked about early caries. It will not be possible to get rid of deeper lesions at home. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Even the superficial stage is characterized by the appearance of defects in the enamel, which creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. The middle stage is associated with the destruction of not only enamel, but also dentin. Painful sensations already arise here when in contact with cold and hot, when eating sour and sweet. The deep stage of caries is damage to the internal cavities of the tooth. Now the disease is approaching nerve endings. Accordingly, the pain becomes more and more pronounced.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, taking care of the oral cavity is largely the task of parents. It is you who can create all the conditions to make trips to the dentist rare and enjoyable. In our article we provide photos of early caries of baby teeth so that you have a good idea of ​​where it all begins. There is no need to wait until black spots or holes appear on your teeth. If you start acting now, your chances of stopping the disease are much higher. And of course, you can’t do without consulting a professional doctor, at least once every 6 months.