Former fan or last love: why Oleg left Ivanushki. Oleg Yakovlev. What was the fate of the “little one” from “Ivanushki Singer Oleg Yakovlev” what biography personal life


One of cult groups in the mid-nineties the team "Ivanushki International" became. And what was the despair of their fans when it happened in 1998? tragic death twenty-eight-year-old Igor Sorin. Official version Many people still don’t believe about the fall from the sixth floor, but there is also clarity in the circumstances of the lead singer’s death famous group there has been no increase in two decades. The excitement around this incident was not hampered by the fact that at the time of the tragedy Igor had already decided to pursue a career as a soloist, and his place in “Ivanushki” was taken by Oleg Yakovlev, unknown to anyone until that time.

The audience did not immediately accept the new performer and his unique appearance, but over time he managed to achieve recognition. Oleg followed the usual path of many vocalists - after quite a long performance as a member of " Ivanushek International" began to write his compositions, released solo album. And what a shock not only for the audience, but also for colleagues in show business was the news of the singer’s sudden hospitalization, that he was undergoing intensive therapy, and finally, of his sudden death. Artists are prone to superstitions, and many of them express the opinion that the place of the third performer in the group “Ivanushki” is cursed, and it is better for Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and Kirill Andreev to perform as a duet.

What is unusual in Oleg Yakovlev’s biography is, first of all, his place of birth. He was born in the Mongolian city of Choibalsan, where at that time (November 18, 1968) his parents served in a military unit. They were not married, and Oleg knew about his father only that he was from Uzbekistan and much older than his mother. When the boy was seven years old, the mother returned with her son and two older daughters to the Buryat industrial village of Selenginsk, where she began teaching Russian at school. She did not plan to teach her son music, but Oleg himself enrolled in a piano class. True, due to the lack of his own instrument, the training did not last long, but the boy willingly attended choir classes at the Palace of Pioneers and the athletics section, where he managed to grow to the level of a candidate for master of sports.

In high school he dreamed of creative profession. However, to enter Irkutsk drama school Oleg succeeded only in a not particularly prestigious profession - actor puppet theater. After graduation, he received a honors diploma and risked storming the theater universities of the capital. Fate was favorable to Oleg - he was accepted into GITIS, and the course director, famous actress Lyudmila Kasatkina called Yakovlev her best student.

In 1987, Yakovlev was accepted into the troupe of the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. Despite the fact that he was involved in many performances, including “Cossacks”, “Lev Gurych Sinichkin”, “Twelfth Night”, the young actor’s salary was small. In addition to traditional part-time jobs in advertising and radio, Oleg even had to work as a janitor. In 1990, he appeared on screen in a short episode of the film “One Hundred Days Before the Order,” which became one of the first critical reflections on everyday life in the army.

Oleg also tried to perform as a vocalist. In 1997, he even took part in the recording of the video clip “Ivanushek” with the popular composition “Doll”. Soon after this, Oleg heard an announcement on television that Ivanushki International needed a third vocalist to replace Igor Sorin. Oleg recorded several compositions on tape, including such a hit as “White Rosehip,” and sent them to the address of the group’s production center. Soon he was accepted into the trio. This was greatly facilitated not only by his vocal abilities, but also by his small height young singer(170 cm), which made him a suitable replacement for the diminutive Sorin.

True, Oleg’s prominent cheekbones and oriental eyes bore little resemblance to the face of his predecessor, and, moreover, dark hair the new soloist was given deliberately careless highlights. The group’s fans did not immediately accept Oleg’s unique appearance, and he had to earn the audience’s appreciation through hard work. However, after the recording of “Poplar Fluff,” which took first place in the charts, Yakovlev began to have more than enough fans. The album “I’ll Scream About This All Night” also became very successful - the third for the group and the debut for Oleg, followed by the collections “Wait for Me” (2000), “Oleg, Andrey, Kirill” (2002). The songs “Bullfinches”, “Beznadega-tochka-ru”, “A Drop of Light” and many others became hits.

In 2002, “Ivanushki” were invited to participate in the concert of Vyacheslav Dobrynin, which took place on the stage of the Kremlin Palace. They were followed by concerts in honor of the opening of the International Youth sports games(Olympic complex) and the celebration of Sovereignty Day (Vasilievsky Spusk).

Best of the day

In 2005, another album of the group was released - “10 Years in the Universe”, which included such hits as “Bouquet of Lilacs”, “I Love”, “Ticket to the Cinema”. However, critics rightly argued that it was not worth compiling an anniversary album based on recoveries. It was obvious that the group's popularity was declining. Producer Igor Matvienko suggested that the singers temporarily suspend work and created a business structure for them to compensate for material losses. However, the period of stagnation did not last long. In 2007, the group performed at a gala concert dedicated to the election of Sochi as the capital of the new Olympics, and they were often invited to various television shows.

Meanwhile, Oleg was increasingly thinking about leaving Ivanushki. In 2006, he starred in an episode of the film “The First Ambulance”; in 2007, he appeared in “Ivanushki” along with others famous performers on Election Day. Yakovlev began to compose own songs, Igor Matvienko did not object to their execution. According to rumors, this is what led to conflicts among the performers. They also talked about Yakovlev’s strong penchant for alcohol. Be that as it may, in 2012 he announced that he would perform alone. A major role in making this decision is attributed to his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol, a journalist who became Oleg’s producer and strongly supported him in his decision to perform solo.

"Dance with your eyes closed" debut video Yakovlev, enjoyed great success. It was followed by the release of the album "TVA", several of whose compositions became the basis for video clips. In 2017, Oleg presented the song “Jeans”. The singer worked a lot, and neither colleagues nor friends noticed anything special in his condition, since Yakovlev was always thin and had pale skin. Therefore, his emergency hospitalization at the end of June came as a complete surprise to everyone. Doctors diagnosed bilateral pulmonary edema, Yakovlev was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. Alexandra behaved courageously and hoped that the doctors would be highly qualified, but on June 29 the singer passed away. According to relatives, pneumonia developed against the background of a long-term liver disease, for which the singer did not consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Oleg Yakovlev is known to many as the lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”, which has been popular for a long time. The remarkableness of this man was not only in his appearance, but also in the vocal abilities that he possessed. Everyone knows that every participant in this music group was interesting in its own way, while they had an incredibly iconic repertoire.

Five albums were released during his career, after which Oleg Yakovlev decided to perform solo. It became known that on June 29, 2017, in the capital’s hospital, without regaining consciousness. Currently, about the causes of Oleg Yakovlev’s death and his personal life, in last days, very little is known.

The singer’s homeland was the city of Ulaanbaatar, where he was born in 1969. His parents were in Mongolia for work. At that time, the family already had two daughters who were born in Moscow, but after a business trip the family came home with a new addition. The singer’s father is Uzbek by nationality, and his mother is Buryat. It is clear that both parents were not Orthodox, so the son, without hesitation, chose Orthodoxy. Neither nationality nor religion prevented him from moving towards his cherished goal. He understood that only through his own work could he achieve maximum popularity.

He lived in Mongolia until he was seven years old, then the family moved to Angarsk. Here Oleg Yakovlev went to school and completed his education in Irkutsk. His academic achievements pleased his parents, as he received good grades. What attracted him most was humanitarian sciences, such as history and literature. This is exactly how the biography of Oleg Yakovlev developed during his school years.

The young guy was talented in all directions. They predicted an incredible future for him in the creative direction.

WITH early childhood I began to get interested in music and participated in the school choir. Subsequently, he joined the choral singing circle at the House of Pioneers. Get a decent one music education failed, but at the same time had natural talent. Actively engaged in sports, achieved good luck in athletics, has the rank of Master of Sports. You don’t even have to remember his talent for playing billiards. Many professionals call him a virtuoso of the game.

Already in high school he began to get involved theatrical performances. Primarily due to his external characteristics, he was suitable for various roles in plays. After graduating from eight classes, he went to the theater school in Irkutsk. Having received a diploma with honors, he decided to work in the puppet theater, as this was his specialized education. Oleg Yakovlev wanted something more; he didn’t like the fact that the audience was watching the dolls and not him. As a result, I decided that I needed to start conquering the capital.

Upon arrival, he easily enters GITIS. At the first stages of training it was very difficult, since there was a catastrophic lack of money. I had to work as a janitor to earn money for food. Later he was invited to the radio, where he worked in the department for recording advertising texts.

After successfully graduating from the institute, he is invited to the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. Here he managed to gain incredible, one might say irreplaceable, experience. Oleg’s repertoire includes such performances as “Twelfth Night”, Lev Gurych Sinichkin”, “Cossacks”. At that time, the money that theater actors received was minimal; not many were even able to live on it. As a result, Yakovlev continued to work as a janitor and ran to rehearsals during breaks. He could also be seen in an episode of the film “One Hundred Days Before Order,” which was released in 1990. He no longer appeared in serious films, since he devoted most of his time to theatrical art.

After meeting the production center of Igor Matvienko, the young guy abandoned the theater and chose the musical direction.

That is, Oleg was talented in every way. Fans always wanted to know more about the musician’s parents, but he didn’t say anything.


Oleg Yakovlev became part of Russian show business for a reason. From early childhood he was drawn to music and his talent was confirmed by many teachers. After the collapse Soviet Union, appeared creative association « Contemporary opera", which was engaged in the creation musical performances and musicals. At that time the genre was not so popular, but artists with good voice, could earn additional income here.

Realizing that he needs to develop and move forward, the young actor records the composition “White Rosehip” from famous opera and sends it no less famous Igor Matvienko. At that time, the production center was looking for a new soloist for the group “Ivanushki International”, since one member had died. As a result, the choice fell on Oleg Yakovlev, who was happily accepted by the soloists, but not by the fans. There were a lot of contradictory statements regarding Oleg Zhamsarayevich.

After the release of such hits as “Bullfinches” and “Poplar Fluff,” many forgot about the events that took place and already considered Yakovlev a full-fledged part of the Group. Subsequently, the first album “I’ll Scream About This All Night” was released. It was incredible a large number of tours and concerts not only in Russian Federation, but also abroad. Of course, Oleg Yakovlev’s personal life did not stand aside. At that time, he was pursued by an incredibly large number of fans.

Oleg Yakovlev and the group “Ivanushki International”

In one of his interviews, Oleg Yakovlev said that in 2003 the group could have broken up. Some kind of conflict was brewing and the producers suggested that they just break up and get busy solo career.

After some deliberation, the guys decided that they needed to save “Ivanushki International” and continue to work on the repertoire. Matvienko highly appreciated their decision, thereby doubling the salary.

Oleg Yakovlev was a member of the group “Ivanushki International” for 15 years.

The biography of Oleg Yakovlev from Ivanushki has become public today. The young man became part of history Russian pop culture. His best songs and the unique performance attracted millions of fans across the country. Even today on the radio you can hear hits of yesteryear performed by Oleg Yakovlev.

Solo career

The group existed until 2012, after which Oleg Yakovlev finally decided on a solo career. In 2013, his place was taken by Kirill Turichenko, after an official announcement of resignation. The decision was very difficult, since for almost 15 years Yakovlev was the soloist of this musical association.

Immediately after leaving, I organized a presentation of my new job, the video “Dance with your eyes closed” was shot. At that time he had a lot interesting material, which he was able to use. He released such songs as “New Year’s”, “Blue Sea” and so on. Some clips were also filmed. In 2016, the song “Mania” appeared, which fans really liked. Last job singer's composition "Jeans".

Personal life

After the first hits appeared, each soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” enjoyed incredible popularity among girls. They gathered huge stadiums of fans who were eager to meet them. Despite his short stature and exotic appearance, Oleg was also very popular. But not everyone knew that love had long “settled” in his heart. The young people met in St. Petersburg, where Alexandru Kutsevol studied at the Faculty of Journalism.

Oleg Yakovlev with his wife Alexandra Kutsevol

This couple, despite various experiences and difficulties in life, always supported each other. After her husband's success, she decided to start producing him, which she did very well. Currently, you can find out more information about the personal life of Oleg Yakovlev in in social networks, there is enough joint photos with my wife.

He also decided to leave the Ivanushki International group after persistent arguments from his wife. As a result, a quarrel occurred between him and the soloists of the musical association.

Such an unpleasant set of circumstances led to incredible success Oleg Yakovlev in his solo career. Each stage in my career was not very easy; I had to overcome difficulties. Perhaps it was his wife’s support that affected his success.


Facilities mass media excited fans and the public on June 28, 2017, when it was reported that Oleg Yakovlev was hospitalized. Many who follow his Instagram account saw that a few days ago, he congratulated all the health workers in a white coat with a joyful face. No signs of trouble. But already on June 8 he was in critical condition in intensive care. As for Oleg Yakovlev’s illness, there were no reports of this. Many people know that he recently presented his new song, and was always a cheerful person.

According to the singer's official representatives, he was connected to a life support and ventilation device.

The diagnosis was disappointing - bilateral pneumonia. Many fans are interested in what Oleg Yakovlev was doing in his personal life in recent days, and what caused his death.

On June 29, 2017, the famous singer Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev, who at that time was only 47 years old, passed away. As the doctors said, he was diagnosed with pulmonary edema, which progressed. The main reason is cirrhosis of the liver, which Oleg suffered from.

Biography of Oleg Yakovlev, story and episodes of life , obituary of death. When born and died Oleg Yakovlev, memorable places and dates important events his life. Singer Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Oleg Yakovlev:

born November 18, 1969, died June 29, 2017


“Believe me, I’m very sorry too,
That it was all over so soon.
And I have to leave again
And I love your quiet city.
And I have to leave again
And wait for the postal envelopes.
Believe me, understand, I'm sorry too
Already past concerts.”
From the song “Believe me, I’m also very sorry” by the group “Ivanushki International”


By Oleg Yakovlev’s own admission, he became a member of the Ivanushki International group almost by accident. And at first, not all fans of the most popular musical group The 1990s received the new member favorably. After all Oleg Yakovlev took the place of Igor Sorin, who tragically passed away just a few months later.

However, for long years successful work in the group Oleg Yakovlev could not help but win the hearts of the audience with his in a positive way, obvious optimism and a bright, warm smile. And when Oleg Yakovlev left Ivanushki for the sake of solo career, this was a big disappointment for many fans.

As a young man, Yakovlev received the specialty “puppet theater actor”, after which he went to the capital, entered the Moscow GITIS and got into the workshop of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Oleg called the great artist his second father and teacher. But, having worked in his theater for some time, I received a non-winning, in my opinion young actor, role. And then I saw an advertisement on TV that a certain group was looking for a new lead singer.

Oleg Yakovlev and the group “Ivanushki International” in 1998

According to Oleg, he did not hope for anything and even forgot about the old recording sent to the studio. However, this particular entry out of hundreds and hundreds of others interested the group's producer Igor Matvienko. And after a month " probationary period“Oleg Yakovlev became a full member of one of the most successful Russian pop groups at that time.

With Oleg Yakovlev, “Ivanushki” recorded their loudest hits: “Poplar fluff”, “Bullfinches”, “Revi”, “Golden clouds”, “”. Both the image and the character of Oleg were good contrast with two other band members, Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov. And after fifteen years of working together “Ivanushki” and Oleg Yakovlev parted on friendly terms, periodically continuing to work together.

Regarding his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev was full of ideas, strength and creative plans for the future. He supported his endeavors in every possible way and common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, with whom the singer lived for many years and planned to be legally married in the future. No one could have imagined that bilateral pneumonia in a matter of months would lead first to hospitalization and then to the death of this smiling, energetic and seemingly eternally young artist. Oleg Yakovlev died at the age of 47 from cardiac arrest. The artist’s relatives refused traditional funeral, preferring cremation to them.

Cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev

The sudden death of such a young and seemingly healthy artist could not but give rise to a wide variety of versions regarding the true background of the circumstances of his death. Thus, Yakovlev’s friend and colleague in the group “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev suggested that in sharp deterioration The fact that he smoked a lot and for a long time played a role in Oleg’s health. Some rumors cited the artist’s overall unhealthy lifestyle as the cause of death. However, the singer’s common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, said that self-medication and Yakovlev’s categorical refusal to apply for medical care, until it came to emergency hospitalization.

Oleg Yakovlev in the video for the song “Blue Sea” (2014)

Life line

November 18, 1969 Date of birth of Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev.
1990 Yakovlev stars in a cameo role in the film “One Hundred Days Before the Order.”
1998 Oleg Yakovlev becomes a member of the Ivanushki International group.
2006 Yakovlev stars in a cameo role in the film “First Ambulance”.
2007 Yakovlev is starring in the film “Election Day.”
2012 Oleg Yakovlev begins a solo career.
2013 Yakovlev officially leaves “Ivanushki” for the sake of a solo career and records the album “TVA”.
2017 The last studio recording of Oleg Yakovlev (song “Jeans”).
June 29, 2017 Date of death of Oleg Yakovlev.
July 1, 2017 The date of the official farewell to Oleg Yakovlev and the burial of his ashes at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Memorable places

1. Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), where Oleg Yakovlev was born.
2. Angarsk, where Yakovlev lived as a child.
3. Irkutsk Theater School, from which Oleg Yakovlev graduated with honors.
4. GITIS (Moscow), from which Oleg Yakovlev graduated.
5. Moscow Theatre of Drama under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, where Yakovlev played.
6. Funeral home-necropolis Troekurovo (Troyekurovskoe cemetery), the site of the official farewell to Oleg Yakovlev.

Episodes of life

Oleg Yakovlev’s father, an Uzbek by nationality, professed Islam, and his Buryat mother professed Buddhism. Yakovlev called this mixture of nationalities “explosive” and explained his explosive temperament to it.

Yakovlev received the title of CCM in athletics.

In the early 2000s. the group “Ivanushki International” was on the verge of collapse, and the group’s producer, Igor Matvienko, suggested that the participants stop musical activity and go to new business. However, all team members decided to continue working together.

“Ivanushki International” and Oleg Yakovlev perform the song “Bullfinches” on anniversary concert, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group (2015)


“Not many popular songs allow you to find sincere, kind energy, a good message... Maybe this is why the girls, our fans, need us so much.”

“My happiness is the mutual understanding of two close people, this is the ability to change, this is family, children, love, this is my favorite thing.”

“...I consider it a rule to always smile!”


“It’s a pity that it’s so early. I prayed for him...I grieve. Olezhka, my dear, the Kingdom of Heaven to You."
Kirill Andreev, member of the group “Ivanushki International”

“He worked actively, very nice, very friendly, very creative person... The news shocks me. As always, the news is shocking when people die untimely. Of course, these are tears, drama, and tragedy for the whole family and fans, everyone who loved and knew this man. My condolences".
Dmitry Malikov, National artist Russia

“The feeling that he is infinitely young, infinitely bright, he still has time to live and live... All this is so unexpected, so hasty and so early...”
Mitya Fomin, singer, ex-member of the Hi-Fi group

“It’s sad when young people pass away, especially someone you know. This is sad news, it cannot but cause indignation, so I want to express my condolences to my family, friends, and team. And once again I would like to remind you that you need to take care of yourself from your youth, and not succumb to such moments that can unsettle you.”
Joseph Prigozhin, producer

Oleg was born when his parents were on a long business trip to the small Mongolian town of Choibalsan. There he spent the first year of his life, and then the family returned to Angarsk. The boy grew up and graduated from school in Irkutsk.

At six, he personally chose an occupation to his liking and entered the music school without the help of parents. Having confronted my mother, a teacher of Russian and literature, with a fait accompli, he began to demand a piano. Buying a bulky instrument for a small apartment, my parents almost went broke.

As Oleg himself said in his interviews, it was easy for him humanities and was very drawn to music. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a singer or even a pianist. But he came to the stage in a completely different way.

After graduation, the young man entered the Irkutsk Theater School, majoring in puppet theater actor, but Oleg always wanted to be on stage, in plain sight, in front of the audience. And hiding behind a screen is not his thing. In search of recognition, the young man decided to conquer the capital.


He entered GITIS the first time, in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina. Yakovlev had good inclinations, so the guy was quickly considered for theater world. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself noted the young man’s talent and invited him to his theater.

Like all young artists, Yakovlev worked part-time - first he mastered the romantic profession of a metropolitan janitor, then he got a job on the radio, starred in videos and, of course, played in the theater.

Meanwhile, it was 1997. One of the soloists, Igor Sorin, has left the Ivanushki International group, famous throughout the country. He decided to pursue a solo career and no longer participated in new projects.

Castings have begun to fill the vacant position. Oleg also took part in one of them. He knew that he didn’t quite fit the type - the producers were looking for “small and fair”, and Yakovlev is naturally dark-haired, and also not so short - 1.72.

In one of his interviews, the artist admitted that he was very surprised when he was first offered to participate in one of the videos of “Ivanushki” - in “Doll”. To get into character, Oleg had to dye his hair blond, which he did. Throughout most of his work with the boy band, he abandoned his natural hair color.


He officially joined the team only some time later, when the tragedy with Igor Sorin had already happened. Largely because of this, the public received the new guy coldly, but Oleg was understanding.

The artist was surprised: “Ivanushki” is shown so little on TV, but their songs are remembered and loved throughout the country, in every city they are very much awaited and are still adored. Over time, he also had his own horde of fans.

Yakovlev really enjoyed working as part of such a responsive team. He talked about the importance of having real friends around who will help, will cover you if you are sick and cannot work at full capacity, and will listen.

However, the young man, working in a vocal project, did not lose his acting skills. It is known that in 2010 Armen Dzhigarkhanyan called the singer to return to the theater, where his Moscow career began. But Oleg no longer saw himself in this role.


He decided to go free swimming back in 2012. I took time out to create something of my own. He was pushed to the idea by his beloved girl, Sasha Kutsevol, the same sexy brunette in a red dress who starred in his first solo video.

He said that at first he wanted to present himself as new project, and become the main character of the video for this. But then I thought that his beautiful and charming Sasha could make the product much more popular.

And things went well. The song got into rotation on radio stations, a video was released, and the image changed. Now he had finally become a brunette and expected to eventually become a sort of “Takeshi Kitano” - the most stylish Asian in Russian show business(Oleg’s mother is Buryat, father is Uzbek).

Saying goodbye to “Ivanushki”, after 17 years of joint creativity, he managed to work a little with Kirill Turichenko, who replaced him in the team. Oleg then said in an interview that the cohesion of the team is due to the similarity of characters and energies of all the soloists. He sincerely hoped that Kirill would easily join the team.

Oleg Yakovlev officially terminated his work contract with Ivanushki in 2013.

The same girl from the video has been a fan of Yakovlev since she was 11 years old. But I met my idol only in the late 1990s. The girl won the artist’s sympathy and inspired him to a new creative breakthrough. Then, in 2013, recording solo compositions, he was completely happy.

Alexandra became not only a muse, but also the singer’s director. She handled all administrative issues and was good at it. They spent all their time together, even introducing each other to their parents.

Oleg confessed: “I love Sasha’s parents madly!” They didn’t often visit their beloved’s relatives, but they always returned from there with a bag of homemade dumplings. In moments of discord, Oleg called his beloved’s parents and feignedly complained about Sasha to her dad: “Your daughter didn’t cook borscht for me! She knows how, but she doesn’t want to!” After such playful antics, the couple quickly made up.

Published 06/30/17 08:28

Oleg Yakovlev, last news: Journalists learned details of the health status of the late former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”.

The cause of Oleg Yakovlev’s death is still of interest to the media

Former member of the Russian pop group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev, on the morning of June 29, was sick with AIDS. Express-Gazeta reports this with reference to a competent source.

According to the singer’s friend Alexandra Kutsevol, the cause of Oleg’s death was cardiac arrest. At the same time, the publication’s source claims that the artist’s heart problems were a consequence of immunodeficiency.

His colleagues didn’t even know about Oleg Yakovlev. Other participants of Ivanushki International noted that Oleg always intkbbach was in excellent spirits. He was always thin and pale, so no one could even think that the singer was sick with something. However, Alexandra Kutsevol, on the contrary, knew about her beloved’s poor health and repeatedly recommended that he see a doctor, but Yakovlev preferred to self-medicate.

Previously, the singer’s common-law wife said that long time Oleg was experiencing health problems, and an unexpected deterioration in his health occurred a few days ago. He was urgently hospitalized and placed in intensive care with bilateral pneumonia. Doctors connected him to an artificial respiration apparatus, but they failed to save the star’s life.

Oleg Yakovlev and his sudden death became the theme of the “Let Them Talk” program

To the deceased former soloist"Ivanushek" was dedicated to Oleg Yakovlev new release talk show "Channel One" "Let them talk." According to the program participants, in 2010 the singer had a hard time with the death of his older sister Svetlana, who passed away from cancer. The artist’s friends noted that the misfortune crippled the artist, who was very worried about the loss, but never showed it and kept everything to himself..

The wife of the lead singer of “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev, Lola, said that Oleg Yakovlev did not share his problems and experiences with others, and certainly did not talk about his health problems, so his sudden death was a real shock for his colleagues.

“You can’t help a person who keeps everything to himself. He didn’t say that he felt bad, so no one helped him,” a psychologist invited to the studio as an expert reasonably noted. "I am firmly convinced that we create the evil fate in our destiny with our own with my own hands", said the wife of Kirill Andreev.

"Let them talk", Oleg Yakovlev: VIDEO

The artist performed as a member of Ivanushki International from 1998 to 2013. He then left the group and pursued a solo career.