Buzova insulted Tarasov’s new girlfriend after his birthday (photo). Dmitry Tarasov already lives with his new lover Football player Tarasov and his new girlfriend


In early November, Dmitry Tarasov confirmed in an interview with Life that he was breaking up with his wife, popular TV presenter Olga Buzova. IN last days In 2016, the couple officially filed for divorce in one of the Moscow registry offices. All subsequent time, the public was concerned about the reasons for their separation, it seemed, even more than Tarasov and Buzova themselves. We went the most various rumors: they say that Dmitry cheated on Olga, someone said that Tarasov himself initiated the separation. Another reason was cited as Buzova’s reluctance to give birth in at the moment children.

Tarasov: “Is Buzova crying? She just had too much to drink."

According to one version new girl Dmitry Tarasov - fashion model, second vice-Miss Russia 2014, Miss Spring 2012, Don Beauty 2012, 22-year-old Anastasia Kostenko. According to rumors, the couple was spotted more than once in a cafe at the same table. Someone says that Tarasov rented an apartment for the girl and even, they say, the newly formed couple is expecting a new addition.

Except modeling activities It is known that after 9th grade Kostenko studied to be a ballerina and choreographer, and then moved to Moscow, where she entered the philological faculty of the RUDN University. It’s interesting that not long ago Kostenko changed her VKontakte status to “in love.” By the way, Tarasov follows Anastasia on Instagram.

Somewhere in Montenegro

Anastasia on the left

According to another version, a certain Anna Ushakova, also a fashion model, became a homewrecker. Ushakova is the winner of the Moscow Beauty 2016 competition. All that is known about her personal life is that Anna was seen several times in company with the son of singer Valeria Artemy.

Almost naked Anna Ushakova on the beach

Despite radical change image and external self-confidence, Olga Buzova still cannot return to normal life after a divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. Recently, with a voice breaking from sobs, she read her text at the Pioneer Readings about moving from her ex-husband’s apartment, and on the eve of Valentine’s Day, Buzova experienced a real nervous shock.

“I just finished working... I just saw something that hurt me again... I promise myself every day not to cry anymore... I promise myself to start sleeping and eating every day... but it’s not working yet... when will it get easier??? WHEN???" - Buzova wrote on her Instagram page, attaching her own sad portrait to the post.

The TV presenter did not name the reason for her tears, but Buzova’s fans are sure that it’s all about blogger Amiran Sardakov’s entertaining program, dedicated to her ex-husband. In the new episode of the “Diary of a Khach” program, Sardakov visited Dmitry Tarasov. During the shooting, the operator's video camera accidentally captured the girl in the frame several times. Despite the fact that the video does not have a clear image of the girl’s face, users think that this is Anastasia Kostenko, the football player’s new passion.

Dressed in a gray T-shirt and pink short shorts, Tarasov’s friend was in charge of the kitchen during the program, trying not to get into the camera. Amiran Sardakov also casually mentions that his girlfriend lives in the athlete’s house.

At the same time, in Tarasov’s apartment there is still a personalized lamp O&D, which means “Olya and Dima.” Is Buzova’s ex-husband going to get rid of the reminder of ex-wife, is still unknown.

(Episodes with Anastasia Kostenko: 09.04 - 09.34, 21.46 - 22.10)

This afternoon Olga Buzova coped with her emotions and recorded a joyful message to her fans in honor of Valentine's Day. “This is my first February 14th that I celebrate alone. It’s hard for me to talk about love now, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to experience this feeling again! But I still believe in the real, pure, mutual love and I think that this is the main thing in life - to love and be loved,” the TV presenter wrote in a commentary on the video.

Anastasia Kostenko is a 22-year-old Russian model. In 2014, she won the title “Second Vice-Miss Russia”, after which she took part in the Miss World competition in London. Fans suspected that he and Tarasov had a serious relationship after the couple was spotted at the same table in a cafe. They did not give official comments about their relationship.

At the same time, it is certain that new friend It was Anastasia Kostenko who became a football player, no one can (little evidence). In the photo of the couple from the cafe, which appeared on the Internet, the girl’s face is not visible. Later, users found it, but it is certainly difficult to determine anything from it.

According to another version of the media, the winner of the “Moscow Beauty 2016” competition, Anna Ushakova, could become the new love of the Russian athlete. She often posts photos of luxurious bouquets, like those that the athlete gave to Buzova in happy days marriage. However, he is in no hurry to name the admirer.

    As everyone knows, Olga Buzova warned Tarasov in advance that if he cheated on her, she would immediately divorce him and leave. She doesn’t need a husband who is wandering around.

    Then photos with her husband stopped appearing on Buzova’s Instagram. They immediately suspected that Tarasov had a new girlfriend. Of course, there are no photographs of her. Because it's just a duck.

    The guy goes to the club with the guys, and Buzova has a sea of ​​ill-wishers and envious women, so they wrote her a caption below for one of the photos. Thus, making Olga think that he really has someone. This is ordinary PR.

    Rumors appeared online about the imminent divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov after Olga Buzova was hospitalized due to overwork, and her husband was hanging out at the club at that time and did not even visit his wife.

    There is no confirmation of the divorce rumors, but in the photo he is with his ex-wife:

    There are a lot of rumors on this matter. But opinions are divided. Some believe that this is really so, and Tarasov was attracted to another girl, while others admit that all this PR and hype is being deliberately intensified following the example of the Borodin-Omarov couple.

    Moreover, the version that all this was staged has a higher priority.

    In general, my personal impression is that all of us, that is, viewers and readers of news in once again They are fooling. In general, I don’t believe in these rumors, but this is just my opinion.

    October 2016

    Everything seems to suggest that Dmitry Tarasov is having an affair with Anastasia Kostenko, who held the title of Miss Russia.

    They do not publish photos together, but they also do not comment on rumors regarding their romance.

    Meanwhile, rumors attributed to Kostenko not only pregnancy, but also the birth of a child.

    This is what Anastasia looks like. It seems to be hinting at a child. From Tarasov?

    Now on the Internet they are very actively discussing the fact that Tarasov cheated on Buzova and they are on the thin line of divorce. This is discussed in great detail here.

    But not everyone believes that this is true, they were already loving and perfect couple. Although Olga last days She doesn’t post photos with her husband at all, she’s always there alone or with friends, and not so long ago she felt really bad, she even became different on air.

    Somewhat sad and not bright. He writes sad messages on his microblog. Some believe that this is PR, like Borodina or Zhuzha had.

    Bye from married couple there are no comments, but there are many messages on the network about Tarasov’s betrayal. Of course there are no photos.

    There are rumors that the reason for the break between the spouses was the betrayal of Dmitry Tarasov. The circle of the famous TV presenter said that Dmitry Tarasov began to avoid the company of his wife, attending noisy parties, he often did not spend the night at home, Olga was unable to forgive the betrayal and left her husband. The identity of the homewrecker remains unknown, they say that the football player was seen with a busty blonde girl, blondes are his favorite type, this can be seen in the example of his wife.

    Now rumors have appeared on the Internet that football player Dmitry Tarasov is divorcing TV presenter Olga Buzova and has already found a replacement for her. The new passion's name is Anastasia Kostenko. She works as a model and she is Miss Russia. Although they have photos together new couple Not yet. Nastya and Dima have not yet commented on their relationship, but the couple has already been spotted several times together in expensive clubs and restaurants.

    There are a lot of rumors on the Internet about the divorce of Olya Buzova and Tarasov, but I still don’t believe in these tricks, this is show business, it’s all a setup. The main rumors that the Internet is rich in are that Dmitry Tarasov cheated on his wife with his sister Buzova Anna, and that his new girlfriend is the second vice Miss Russia 2014 - Anastasia Kostenko, who is 5 years younger than Buzova, you can read more about this girl and their romance here on this site.

    Dmitry Tarasov was spotted with some girl, and it was clearly not his wife, Olga Buzova. Lately there are rumors that Tarasov and Buzova are not getting along family life, Dmitry was repeatedly seen in entertainment establishments without his wife.

    It is not yet known what kind of girl was seen next to Tarasov.

    Dmitry Tarasov is not dating anyone all this another divorce yellow press that's all. All that was written on the Internet was after Dmitry Tarasov did not come to Olga Buzova when she was in the hospital, but this is all done to attract attention, such tricks have already been done by Ksenia Borodina and Omar Kurbanov, and Katya Zhuzha did something similar for the sake of attracting attention to her person, especially since Olga Buzova has a huge army of fans and subscribers in all social networks. You can see more details on this website.

The once happy marriage of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova still broke up - this is evidenced by numerous TV shows and articles on the Internet. A happy couple who gave fans constant radiant smiles divorced from high-profile divorce in the fall of 2016. The couple lived together for 4 years. During this time, they formed jointly acquired property, of which, according to Olga, nothing remained. This is not refuted by Dmitry Tarasov himself, claiming that the football player purchased the house, apartment and expensive car with his own money - this is confirmed earlier given consent Olga to register real estate in the name of relatives of her then-current husband.

But it’s not property litigation that attracts fans to information about divorce famous personalities. It's much more interesting to find out who you're with now ex-spouses. And if rumors have not yet appeared about Olga, then Dmitry is now in a new relationship - and this has been happening for a long time. People have been interested in Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend for a long time – as soon as information about the betrayal of his legal spouse appeared. But who is she? Previously, there was Anastasia Kostenko - it was she who was the target of a flurry of indignation from Buzova’s fans, she was considered an insidious homewrecker happy couple. But who is Dmitry with now?

Where did it all start?

To begin with, we should briefly talk about how the scandal in the Tarabuzik family began. So, at first, fans simply suspected something was wrong in the family, looking at photos on Olga Buzova’s Instagram. If earlier Olga constantly pleased photos together, then now they were gone. The presenter herself began to appear at social parties alone - this was for a long time explained by the footballer’s busy schedule, although the spouses themselves did not comment on the situation. The “last straw” for subscribers and the public in general was Olga’s hospitalization - while famous TV presenter was in the clinic, her previously beloved and loving husband was having fun at the club. This is where it all started.

After some time, the spouses, who did not comment on the situation, began to openly throw mud at each other, not hiding their hatred. Dmitry tried to accuse his wife of indecent behavior, alcohol abuse and other troubles. Olga simply said that this man did not live up to her expectations. But piquant information surfaced on the Internet - Dmitry cheated on Olga! Yes, he didn’t just cheat, he started dating a girl! After some time, Olga herself confirmed the information - she was aware of her husband’s love affairs, and this happened more than once, but with one girl.

Dmitry Tarasov's new girlfriend

2017 began for Dmitry Tarasov with new love– in which the football player is infinitely happy. His new girlfriend, according to Dmitry himself, now lives in the Moscow apartment in which the football player previously lived with Olga. Surprisingly, Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend does not advertise her romance and new place of residence. He himself is free and ex-husband Buzovoy boasted that he had been living with the new girl for a long time.

Appeared new information about cohabitation in the video “I am building Kotelniki”, for the filming of which blogger Amiran Sandarov and co-host Valeria visited the famous football player. The footage showed a slender brunette beauty in the kitchen, peacefully preparing lunch. However, it became unclear to viewers and subscribers why the football player did not introduce the new girl to the visiting guests. Surprisingly, even at the common table everyone was seated except for the beauty in cute short shorts.

Viewers believed that it was Ananstasia Kostenko who lived with Dmitry - in any case, the girl from the video was very similar to her. Anastasia herself does not comment on the changes that have taken place in her life - on her Instagram there are only her own photographs. Tarasov himself has photos with his footballer friends and his daughter.

Rumors and other gossip

Not long ago, information appeared on the network about Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend - she was Anna Ushakova, with whom the free football player even spent New Year holidays in the Maldives. A new passion appeared after Olga Buzova’s fans’ own investigation. The role of the new girl is the winner of the Moscow Beauty 2016 beauty contest. It should be noted that Anastasia Kostenko is the winner of the Miss Russia 2014 contest. Both girls are hot brunettes with long hair– the complete opposite of Olga. Dmitry was spotted with Anna Ushakova in a restaurant, but neither of them comments on the situation.

The second rumor is that Anastasia Kostenko is pregnant from Tarasov. It's obvious good news for every woman for whom simply having a child is happiness. But still none of the defendants comment on what is happening. Spiteful critics only noticed that if Dmitry does not want to introduce his new girlfriend, with whom he now lives, to his guests, it means that he does not consider the relationship serious.

And indeed Dmitry Tarasov is a flighty fellow. Previously, he was “taken away” from the family by Olga Buzova, now Olga herself has suffered - but who became that homewrecker is still unknown exactly. Be that as it may, Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend deserve peace of mind, so you shouldn’t press them. What if Anastasia is really pregnant? And pregnant women shouldn’t worry too much.

Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend: the whole truth about the football player’s mistress. The scandal that broke out in the family of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov a few weeks ago spilled onto the Internet. It became known that the couple separated, separated and took off wedding rings. Olya started talking about betrayal, Dmitry took the position: “Do not judge and you will not be judged.”

And if the spouses themselves did not want to talk about the reasons for the separation, then Internet users found out everything themselves. So, Olga told in verse that she was betrayed by the most close person(and who could she be at the moment? closer to Tarasov, only him). And the betrayal of a woman and wife most often consists of cheating on her with another, in other words, a relationship with her mistress.

Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend: two candidates immediately acted as mistresses, and this despite the fact that both of them are title holders in beauty contests.

Anastasia Kostenko, 22 years old, second runner-up of Miss Russia 2014

Anna Ushakova, Miss Moscow 2016

It is worth noting that both girls do not comment in any way on their relationship with the football player. And even the attacks of Buzova’s many fans are met with silence. Only her mother comes to the defense of Anastasia Kostenko.

And on Ushakova’s blog every now and then there appear photos with flowers given to her by an unknown fan.

Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend: the whole truth about the football player’s mistress. So which of these beauties is Tarasov’s real mistress, who destroyed the “Tarabuz” family, or maybe they are both dishonest? The other day Buzova, Tarasov and Ushakova made a mistake and the truth came out. There was no betrayal, and what this trio did turned out to be nothing more than PR. In Buzova’s dog account, a photo of her pets appeared against the background of a bouquet of flowers, which a little later appeared in Ushakova’s photo. But! The background of the photo is the same, which suggests that there was no treason, but only a conspiracy in order to promote their names in this dirty and complicated story.