Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy. How to use lingonberry leaf during pregnancy How to drink lingonberry leaf during pregnancy


Unfortunately, a wide range of medications cannot be used to treat an expectant mother. Lingonberries during pregnancy - “a drop of immortality” (popular name) can be an excellent replacement for pills and injections.

Pregnancy transforms a woman’s body for optimal gestation. The volume of circulating blood increases by 50%. The cardiovascular system and kidneys may not cope, swelling occurs, and blood pressure levels increase. The entire arsenal of vitamins and microelements is spent on the formation of a new organism, which can lead to a lack of nutrients and a weakened immune system of the expectant mother. Symptomatic therapy is required.

The taiga bush is a treasure trove of vitamins, many useful amino acids and various microelements. During pregnancy, the use of lingonberries in the second and third trimester does not harm the fetus if there are no contraindications. An infusion of leaves has a diuretic effect and eliminates excess fluid in the body. Swelling goes away, blood pressure decreases.

The benefits of lingonberries for pregnant women can be determined by their chemical composition. The medicinal and beneficial properties of lingonberry fruits are higher than those of the leaves. During pregnancy, berries will be an excellent treat.

Acids and vitamins determine the taste of berries. The leaves contain linoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, blood vessels and kidneys. With their help, cell restoration processes occur more actively. Gallic acid from the leaves has been awarded with anti-tumor properties. The seeds contain lipids that are easily digestible.

  1. Ascorbic acid (C). It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory antiviral effects. Strengthens the wall of blood vessels. Indispensable during colds.
  2. Benzoic acid. Serves as a powerful antiseptic.
  3. Ursolovaya. Present in the skin of berries, it serves as an anti-stress component.
  4. Folic (B9). Without it, complete protein synthesis is impossible, which is essential for the growth and development of a child.
  5. Kikotinovaya (PP). Improves tissue blood flow, reduces cholesterol levels, and takes part in protein synthesis.
  6. Vitamin A. Carrots are inferior in terms of its content. Perfectly supports the eyesight, skin condition, and beauty of the expectant mother's hair.
  7. Tocopherol (E). Increases immune defense, strengthens cell walls. Necessary for the synthesis of placental proteins, has a beneficial effect on the tone of the uterus.
  8. B vitamins. Necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child, stabilize the emotional state and protect against depression.

When frozen and during heat treatment, the structure and properties of acids and vitamins are not affected. This allows you to stock up on wonderful berries for the winter and prepare healthy fruit drinks all year round.

Microelements and carbohydrates

Sugars in the form of glucose and fructose make up 10% of the composition and are quickly absorbed. They will not harm women with diabetes.

  1. Iron. While pregnant, some women suffer from anemia. This element is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, an oxygen carrier.
  2. Calcium and phosphorus. Indispensable components for maintaining healthy teeth and bones in pregnant women.
  3. Potassium. Necessary for proper functioning of the heart and muscles.
  4. Magnesium. It has a good effect on intestinal motility, relieving the pregnant woman of defecation disorders.

Is it possible to eat lingonberries during pregnancy?

To understand whether a berry is safe or not, you need to understand its beneficial effects and become familiar with a number of contraindications. It is important to maintain proportions in the preparation of decoctions and infusions during the period of bearing a child.

Beneficial properties of lingonberry leaves and fruits

An obstetrician-gynecologist can determine whether pregnant women can eat lingonberries. Because in the early stages of pregnancy it is better to refuse any methods of treatment with lingonberries.

  1. The magic berry has a diuretic effect, which means the load on the heart is reduced. Treatment of edema is especially important after 30 weeks of pregnancy. For this purpose, whether pregnant women can use cranberries or lingonberries, the doctor decides.
  2. Normalization of blood pressure.
  3. Antiseptic effects are necessary for the prevention and treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis during pregnancy.
  4. Choleretic effect.
  5. Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
  6. Anti-cold remedy. Helps with cough, reduces body temperature, causes a sweat effect.
  7. General strengthening effect due to the variety of vitamins.
  8. Activation of metabolism, stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  9. Neutralization of toxic substances, removal of heavy metal salts.
  10. Improves the functioning of the digestive system, the berry has a mild laxative effect.
  11. Anti-inflammatory effect on the joints of the lower extremities and lumbosacral spine.
  12. Maintaining excellent mood and calmness.

Taking red fruits in advance helps prevent the formation of edema.

Contraindications for the use of lingonberries

Due to the high acid content in the berries, it cannot be used if the stomach has high acidity. The use of lingonberries is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. An allergic reaction, although the berry is the most hypoallergenic.
  2. Kidney failure.
  3. Urolithiasis. Movement of stones and pain may occur.
  4. Cholecystitis.
  5. Blood clotting disorder.
  6. Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  7. Low blood pressure readings. The harm of lingonberries during pregnancy will be the occurrence of fainting.
  8. Diarrhea.

It is necessary to monitor the general condition, blood pressure level, and reaction to the use of the berry “medicine”. If health indicators deteriorate, pregnant women should immediately stop using lingonberries.

How to properly consume lingonberries during pregnancy

In order to maintain the health of the expectant mother, all parts of the bush are used. The fruits are best consumed fresh. Lingonberry leaves are used to prepare infusions and decoctions, which are excellent for edema during pregnancy.

In any case, the taiga beauty has a large amount of vitamins, which is especially valuable for expectant mothers.

Decoction of lingonberry leaves

A great way to get rid of swelling and cleanse the urinary system.

Is it possible to drink a decoction of lingonberry leaves in the early stages of pregnancy? Any doctor will answer that no. Because it can increase the tone of the uterus and cause miscarriage.

Lingonberry leaves can be bought at the pharmacy, where there will be instructions and methods of use during pregnancy. You need fresh dried leaves, they contain the largest amount of biologically active substances. There is a classic recipe for making a decoction:

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of leaves into 500 ml of boiling water.
  • Heat the resulting infusion for 20 minutes in an enamel container.
  • Leave for 45 minutes, strain through a strainer.
  • Replenish the original volume of water with boiling water.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves not only eliminates swelling during pregnancy, but is also a general tonic during colds.

Infusion of lingonberry leaves

The product reduces blood pressure very well and improves the well-being of women with hypoacid gastritis. Brewed leaves will also help in rinsing the mouth and throat for stomatitis and tonsillitis. The pharmacy chain has filter bags with crushed leaves, which makes it easier to prepare lingonberry infusion.

There is a collection in bags, where the main component is lingonberry leaf - Brusniver. Other components:

  • rose hips;
  • St. John's wort;
  • series.

How to brew lingonberry leaves during pregnancy

If packaged form, then 1 pc. pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid. Exposure time – 15 minutes.

How to take an infusion of lingonberry leaves for swelling during pregnancy

The prepared infusion should be taken only after meals, ½ glass 3 times a day.


Red berries are suitable for replenishing the reserve of vitamins and microelements. There are many benefits contained in fresh fruits (from the bush). Lingonberry juice is very valuable, as it restores the immune system well during a cold. Serve as a measure to prevent uterine bleeding.

Is it possible to eat lingonberries during pregnancy?

Yes, if there are no contraindications. I can be added to cottage cheese, porridge, and salads for years. The fruits are very nutritious and low in calories. The only caution is not to eat berries on an empty stomach.

Vitaminka salad recipe

Pour a handful of berries into a plate and pour tbsp. l. honey Leave for 20 minutes. While the fruit is aging, you need to grate fresh carrots and turnips. Add vegetables to berries, mix and eat.

Recipe “Lingonberry marmalade on agar”

A very light sweet and sour and safe dessert.


  • lingonberries – 200 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 140 ml;
  • agar – 1.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

  • Grind the washed berries and strain. You will get thick puree and juice.
  • Mix water (100 ml) and puree.
  • Pour cold water (40 ml) over the agar and wait 15 minutes.
  • Pour sugar into the bottom of the pan.
  • Add lingonberry juice, heat to a boil.
  • Cook for 30 seconds.
  • In seconds, add the remaining lingonberry mixture, mix, and pour into the molds.
  • Leave at room temperature for 4-5 hours.
  • Dessert is ready.

Juice and fruit drink from berries

These drinks are very refreshing and rich in microelements and vitamins. If you have a juicer, you can prepare a variety of juices with the addition of vegetables and fruits (carrots, beets, apples, etc.). The daily intake of juice is 2 glasses.

Preparing fruit juice is more difficult, but there is a simple recipe for lingonberry juice during pregnancy that will help with swelling.

  • You need to take a glass of berries, wash them, and mash them with a fork.
  • Add 2 glasses of water.
  • Cook until boiling.
  • Insist.
  • Strain the warm lingonberry juice.
  • Sweeten.

During pregnancy, lingonberry juice can be modified into compote. Lingonberries, like many berries, go well with dried fruits. Makes a great drink. A good tandem is formed by combining lingonberries with herbs (mint, sage, chamomile, etc.). To improve the taste, you can add honey.


Herbal medicine and treatment with medicinal herbs are a real salvation during pregnancy. The fact is that many medications can harm both the mother and the unborn child, and that is why almost all doctors recommend paying attention to the “gifts of nature” - various medicinal teas, mixtures, tinctures (not alcoholic) and decoctions based on them. Herbal, natural preparations have a gentle effect on the body, do not cause side effects and do not harm the health of a pregnant woman.

Lingonberry leaf is often prescribed during pregnancy. This is a universal medicine. But it, like all other herbs, has its own indications and contraindications for use. Therefore, you should not take it yourself. It is better to consult your doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Vitamin composition

Lingonberry leaves (like lingonberries themselves) are rich in vitamins, essential oils and beneficial microelements . It includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin P;
  • biologically active components;
  • glycoside arbutin.

All these substances and components help you cope with colds, strengthen the immune system, get rid of heartburn and swelling, and reduce blood sugar.

Important. Lingonberry leaves during pregnancy (and lingonberry berries) are contraindicated for those women who have been diagnosed with high acidity. And, conversely, it is indicated for women suffering from diabetes.

Vitamin groups normalize a woman’s psycho-emotional state, promote the full development of the fetus, and affect the tone of the uterus.

Useful properties

Lingonberry leaf (and lingonberry berries), like many other plants, have a complex effect on the body of a pregnant woman . They are appointed as

Methods for preparing decoctions from lingonberry leaves

Usually the dosage, and therefore the method of preparing the decoction, is prescribed by the doctor. If for some reason this does not happen, then you can use the following universal recipes.

  1. 1 tablespoon of dry mixture, 200 ml of water. Pour boiling water over the leaves, cool, strain the broth and take 100 ml twice a day (3 weeks).
  2. Pour 2 herbal tea filter bags into 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, add another 100 ml of water to the infusion. Take 2 times a day.

Important. In order to soften the bitterness of the decoction, you can add mint or honey to it, but only if there are no contraindications.

Recipe for decoction of edema based on lingonberry leaves

There is also a certain recipe for a decoction that helps cope with swelling appearing after 28 weeks of pregnancy:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dry leaf;
  • 200 ml water;
  • boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain, add another 200 ml of water;
  • take 3 times a day before meals.

Side effects

Once again, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that recommendations for taking lingonberry leaves during pregnancy should be given by a doctor. Uncontrolled use and overdose can lead to

  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • lowering blood pressure.

All these conditions are dangerous for the expectant mother and that is why you need to be careful when taking herbal tea.

Doctors still don't have a clear answer to the question. about the rules for taking lingonberry leaves during pregnancy. Some believe that in small doses it is useful and has a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and the unborn child. Others recommend consuming lingonberry leaves only in the third trimester.

Important. In the early stages of pregnancy, bleeding is very dangerous, which usually occurs if a woman’s uterus is in good shape. That is why it is not recommended to use decoctions and teas based on lingonberry leaves in the first trimester. It is best to replace them with some other natural remedy, but, again, only on the recommendation of your doctor.


There is also a large list of contraindications, on the basis of which the doctor decides to exclude lingonberry leaves from the expectant mother’s medicine cabinet. The main ones can be considered:

When you take lingonberry leaves for the first time during pregnancy, you must carefully monitor the body’s reaction. If signs of an allergy appear (runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes appear), then taking the flock should be stopped immediately.

Lingonberry leaf is not recommended to be taken in combination with other herbs. Firstly, it already has a complex effect on the body of a pregnant woman, and secondly, with indiscriminate intake of herbal preparations, the cause of the allergy will not be clear if it suddenly appears (and it can manifest itself, because a woman’s body is very vulnerable during the period of bearing a child) .

Once upon a time, a bird of happiness carried drops of the Water of Immortality in its beak to give it to all people... But the evil wasp did not want people to live forever, and stung the bird... She opened her mouth in pain - and drops of water fell on the leaves of the lingonberry ... Since then the bush has become evergreen...

Beautiful, isn't it? This sweet legend has survived to this day, but its fabulousness does not in any way diminish the importance of lingonberries in our lives. After all, from ancient times to this day, everyone knows about its medicinal properties.

Beneficial properties of lingonberries during pregnancy

It’s not for nothing that lingonberries are called a drop of immortality. This is a very valuable medicinal plant. Just carefully read the far from complete list of substances that this berry and especially the leaves of the bush are rich in. So: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, organic acids (citric, malic, benzoic, tartaric, salicylic, lactic, etc.), vitamins A, B1, B2, C, mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium , a large amount of manganese). Well, just the periodic table! Or a vitamin chest! At the same time, the calorie content of lingonberries is 46 kcal! It’s not hard to guess where we’re going!

Now imagine the body of a pregnant woman. After all, all these substances are so necessary for the expectant mother and her growing fetus! But in order not to be empty words, let’s still figure out what benefits lingonberries have during pregnancy.

Firstly, the juice from its berries is hypoallergenic. Agree, it is very important for the fetus. In general, a pregnant woman’s body needs constant replenishment of many vitamins. Lingonberries contain a large amount of carotene (there is even more of it than in carrots!), which helps improve vision. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant - lingonberries contain up to 30 mg. B vitamins support the emotional state of a pregnant woman - we know how important a good mood is for an expectant mother.

It is difficult to list all the beneficial properties of lingonberries. It is very important to know, especially for pregnant women, that lingonberry juice, diluted with water, reduces fever, high fever, and stomach pain. But it is so important to use medications as little as possible during this period. Here's an alternative - lingonberries!

Lingonberry leaves during pregnancy

Lingonberries are valuable not only for their delicious berries, but also a lot of benefits are contained in the leaves of this bush, which can be used both fresh and dried. In addition to being a pronounced diuretic, lingonberry leaves also have choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, tonic and immunostimulating properties. Most often, their help is used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, but lingonberry leaves can also be useful for diseases of the oral cavity, liver and lungs, with increased fragility of blood vessels and capillaries, and with disturbances in mineral metabolic processes. After 30 weeks of pregnancy, many women experience, for example, swelling. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is an excellent diuretic. It’s not difficult to prepare: 2 tbsp. raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, 30 min. heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. cool and strain. We insist for 2 days. Take 2-3 times a day.

This decoction is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so you can take note of it.

How to properly consume lingonberries during pregnancy?

It’s not hard to guess that doctors and traditional healers recommend eating lingonberries, preparing drinks and desserts from them, adding them to various dishes, and even using them as a folk medicine for a variety of ailments to absolutely everyone, including and especially women during pregnancy.


Of course, everything is good in moderation! Therefore, first of all, it should be noted that there is no need to abuse even such a valuable berry. After all, it (like the leaves of the plant) is a powerful medicine that requires caution in use.

Due to their ability to lower blood pressure, you need to use lingonberries very carefully if you have hypotension and a tendency to it. This especially applies to lingonberry juice and berries. Also, with minimal doses and after consultation with a doctor, it is necessary to start taking lingonberries if kidney function is impaired, because this drug has a pronounced diuretic effect, which means that the load on the kidneys during the period of taking lingonberries increases significantly, which may be unsafe. And if urates were found in the urine, then you should completely stop taking lingonberries.

Be sure to keep in mind that fresh lingonberries are contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers and gastritis! Taking lingonberries and drugs based on them with increased secretory function will lead to the development of diarrhea, so it is better to refrain from such treatment. Lingonberries are also contraindicated for cholecystitis, and if you are prone to bleeding and have reduced blood clotting, you need to use lingonberries very carefully. Remember that decoctions can be taken for medicinal purposes only in consultation with your doctor.

You should know that preparations and medicinal solutions from lingonberries must be taken on an empty stomach or before meals, but not after meals.

And finally, about the main thing! How to prepare and use it? Just in case, let us remind you that lingonberries ripen at the end of August - at the beginning of September. Its fruits are coral in color, very juicy and sweet and sour in taste with many red-brown seeds. So at the beginning of autumn we go for the miracle berry. But if we need leaves, it’s better in early spring, before flowering. In any case, this vitamin carrier must be in your home green first aid kit.

To make replenishing your body with vitamins even more enjoyable, here are some delicious recipes:

  • Salad "Vitaminka". Add a spoonful of honey to a glass of lingonberries and leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, three fresh vegetables (carrots, turnips). Then mix everything together and enjoy!
  • Or even simpler: 400 gr. lingonberries and 4 tbsp. Pour a glass of sour cream over honey and sprinkle nuts on top. Yummy!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

When a woman is carrying a child, the use of any medications is extremely undesirable, and their quantity is significantly limited. Therefore, various traditional medicines are used that do not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

The beneficial properties of lingonberries have been known since ancient times. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also used this medicinal plant to get rid of various ailments. In this article we will look at the beneficial properties of lingonberries and the possibility of using them during pregnancy and lactation.

Medicinal properties

Lingonberry leaves and berries of this plant are widely used in alternative medicine because they have a large number of beneficial properties. They reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, but its increased content in the blood of a pregnant woman can lead to pathology in the development of the fetus, which is why it is recommended to consume lingonberry leaves.

A large amount of vitamins and microelements contained in the berries of this shrub allows you to cope with vitamin deficiency and strengthen the body's immune system. This property is very important for both pregnant women and breastfeeding women, since vitamins should be supplied not only to the mother, but also to the baby.

Since all the forces of the mother’s body are aimed at bearing the child, a young lady “in pregnancy” can very easily get sick with ARVI or a common cold. Thanks to the ability of lingonberries to cope with pathogenic microbes, the process of recovery and recovery is much faster. Having antipyretic properties, lingonberries allow you to cope with high temperatures along with other medications that are prohibited during pregnancy.

Lingonberries have a demineralizing property that allows them to dissolve salts and remove them from the body.

The wound-healing property of lingonberry leaves is used to ensure that various wounds, cuts and abrasions heal more quickly, and the skin is restored without leaving scars.

The choleretic effect of this shrub on the body is used to combat stagnation of bile, so the collection of lingonberries is recommended for use by women who suffer from obstructed outflow of bile.

Lingonberry juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, among which are:

  • B vitamins allow the body to cope with psycho-emotional and physical stress during pregnancy;
  • vitamin E allows the fetus to fully grow and develop, in addition, it has an antioxidant effect, improving metabolic processes and protecting the body from the negative effects of toxins;
  • vitamin P removes excessive swelling;
  • carotene– helps improve visual function in a pregnant woman, and also promotes the development of the fetal brain;
  • iron helps to cope with anemia, which is very common among the fair sex who are bearing children. This element takes part in the formation of hemoglobin.


You can evaluate the benefits of using lingonberries during pregnancy by counting the number of ailments that such a plant can cope with.

Freshly squeezed lingonberry juice is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste and refreshing effect, it also allows you to overcome various diseases, among which the following are worth noting:

  • Heart disease or painful feelings in its area. It is recommended to consume the juice daily as it is enriched with chromium, copper and manganese. These microelements have a positive effect during the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • High blood pressure. Many expectant mothers face a similar problem, and drinking lingonberry juice on an ongoing basis will allow them to cope with this problem without taking medications.

  • Drinking an infusion of these berries is useful for constipation and problems with stool, as it has a mild laxative effect.
  • The problem of edema formation accompanies many women throughout pregnancy; it can appear both in the early stages and in later stages. Vitamin P contained in lingonberry fruits helps to get rid of excess fluid and, thus, remove puffiness.
  • It is recommended to drink lingonberry juice if anemia develops, since it contains a large amount of iron. A similar problem can occur in both a pregnant woman and a nursing mother.

When breastfeeding, a woman may experience a lack of vitamins and nutrients. To avoid colds and strengthen your immune system and that of your baby, it is also recommended to drink lingonberry juice or fruit drink.

Lingonberry leaves are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to get rid of colds, as an additional component of complex treatment. Decoctions and infusions of lingonberry leaves can help cope with a number of diseases.

  1. Cystitis. The structure of lingonberry leaves contains the glycoside arbutin, which is characterized by excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and it also helps remove excess urea and nitrogen from the body. Thanks to this effect, taking an infusion from the leaves of this plant allows you to cope with cystitis and avoid the use of antibacterial drugs, which are extremely undesirable during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Pyelonephritis. A tincture based on lingonberry leaves helps to cope with such a disease without taking breaks from breastfeeding.
  3. Many young ladies expecting the birth of a baby may encounter such a problem as heartburn. It can appear both in the first months of pregnancy and in the last stages. If a woman has low acidity, then she can safely use lingonberry-based tinctures. If there is increased acidity in the stomach, taking this drug is contraindicated.

By studying the positive reviews left by young ladies who are in an interesting position, we can draw a conclusion about the benefits of this plant during pregnancy.

Lingonberries are used to treat a variety of dental diseases, help cope with diseases of the lower extremities, and are recommended for use for arthritis, hepatitis and gastritis. The healing properties of this shrub are used to strengthen capillaries and vessel walls.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties that lingonberries are characterized by, pregnant women need to use it with caution, paying close attention to their own well-being and health. Restrictions on the use of parts of this plant apply to a number of cases.

  • Young ladies who have a tendency to hypotension (low blood pressure) should use lingonberries with caution, especially lingonberry juice. Berries can greatly lower blood pressure, as a result of which the blood supply to the blood vessels of the placenta will not be fully realized, and the intrauterine saturation of the fetus with useful substances will be disrupted.
  • Having a diuretic effect, this plant can be harmful to a pregnant woman, as it can provoke the movement of stones that are present in the kidneys. As a result, renal colic may occur, and in severe cases, internal bleeding may occur.

Representatives of the fair sex suffering from cholelithiasis should not consume lingonberries either.

  • Increased acidity in the stomach during peptic ulcers and gastritis is a contraindication for eating lingonberry berries, which contain abundant amounts of fruit acids.
  • Since lingonberries can thin the blood, their use is not recommended for young ladies who are prone to bleeding and have reduced blood clotting.
  • Lingonberry decoction can be harmful if taken immediately after eating food - it can cause digestive upset. In case of active secretion of gastric juice, this shrub can cause diarrhea.

The use of this plant in medical therapy must be agreed with the attending physician. Excessive consumption of berries, fruit drinks and decoction of lingonberry leaves can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage. Only a doctor can choose the appropriate dosage to avoid negative effects.

How to take?

The expected effect will depend on correct use. When purchasing a package of ready-made dried lingonberry leaves at a pharmacy, you should make sure that there are detailed instructions. It necessarily prescribes not only the dosage, but also the methods for preparing decoctions and tinctures based on such a plant.

You should definitely coordinate your intake of lingonberries with your doctor. He can advise on the best way to drink medicines based on this shrub, so as not to harm the baby and get only benefits from lingonberries.

Regardless of which method of consuming lingonberries you choose: eating fresh berries, drinking lingonberry juice or fruit drink, or preparing decoctions and infusions from the leaves of this plant, be sure to monitor your well-being. If your condition worsens or an allergic reaction occurs, you should stop taking medications based on this shrub and consult your doctor.


Let's look at the most popular lingonberry recipes.


To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tablespoons of chopped lingonberry leaves. They need to be poured into a saucepan and filled with 200 milliliters of hot water. The container is placed in a steam bath and “simmered” with the lid closed for 25–30 minutes. After this time, the broth is removed from the heat and infused for another 15–20 minutes. After this time, the tincture is filtered. It should be consumed 30–40 minutes before the main meal.


To prepare lingonberry juice, you will need 350–400 grams of the fruits of this shrub, 3–4 tablespoons of honey and 1.5–2 liters of water. Before preparing fruit juice, do not forget to thoroughly wash the berries and select spoiled fruits. Lingonberries are placed in boiling water. After 5-6 minutes, the berries become soft and crack, giving the drink a brighter and richer taste and aroma. You will need to boil them for another 5-6 minutes, after which you should strain the fruit juice through a sieve or colander with small holes.

The berries that remain in the colander need to be squeezed out a little with a spoon if you want the taste to be even more pronounced. Honey is added to the finished drink.


Lingonberries can be brewed and consumed as tea. To prepare a similar drink, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of dried lingonberry leaves with 1 glass of boiling water. This drink should steep for 30 minutes. The easiest way to prepare lingonberry tea is to throw a few lingonberry leaves into a teapot and drink it like regular herbal tea.


It’s also easy to prepare compote from lingonberries - this will require 250 grams of fruit, 200 grams of sugar and 2 liters of water.

This drink should be brewed in an enamel container to avoid a metallic taste.

Fresh berries need to be carefully sorted, removing debris, and then rinsed thoroughly under running water. The washed lingonberry berries remain in a colander to drain excess liquid. At this time, sugar syrup is being prepared: add sugar to boiling water, gradually stirring until it completely melts. Lingonberry berries are placed in the resulting syrup and after 3 minutes after the drink boils, it is removed from the heat. Cover the compote with a lid and let it brew a little.

Since this drink is subjected to prolonged thermal exposure, it retains all the beneficial qualities and properties of lingonberries. The resulting drink can be consumed both warm and cold, and if the lingonberry compote is planned to be prepared for the winter, then immediately after turning it off, it must be poured into glass jars and rolled up.

How to store?

Lingonberries are considered the most useful, especially if consumed fresh. The main disadvantage is that this plant bears fruit for a limited time. The same lingonberries that can be found in supermarkets throughout the year will not bring any benefit to a pregnant woman, since they are grown with the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Therefore, it is better to take care of preparing this plant in advance.

Due to the fact that lingonberry fruits contain benzoic acid, they can be stored in the refrigerator for a certain period of time. To do this, you need to place thoroughly washed berries in a jar and fill with cold water. You need to make sure that the water does not stagnate and change it periodically.

You can preserve lingonberry compote or fruit juice and use it as an alternative to freshly prepared drinks.

If you plan to use lingonberry leaf decoctions, then prepare young leaves. It is better to collect them on bushes that grow away from the roadway. Leaves should be dried in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight. You can store such raw materials in linen bags.

Despite the fact that the latter option may seem more convenient to use, such raw materials contain fewer nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, it is better to purchase preparations placed in cardboard packages and use the required amount of lingonberry leaves for preparing medicinal potions.

It is not for nothing that lingonberries are classified as medicinal plants, because not only the berries, but also the leaves have healing properties. Like any other medicine, during pregnancy lingonberries should be used with caution and only as a preventive measure. If you decide to take it to treat any diseases, then you need to coordinate the appointment with your doctor.

For information on what other properties lingonberries have, see below.

For pregnant women, there are quite obvious things that ideally should not be done even at the planning stage - smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, etc.

However, the situation is much more complicated if you delve into the basics of proper nutrition for pregnant women, because it immediately turns out that not all products are equally useful for every expectant mother - this is because a 100% natural and healthy product can cause serious damage to both the mother’s body and except inside it - that's two.

In addition, there is a fairly wide range of products that cannot be unambiguously recommended or, on the contrary, prohibited for consumption by expectant mothers. If experts cannot say something unambiguously, then what should pregnant women do? Who to listen to?

Let's think together about whether lingonberry leaves can be consumed during pregnancy. Let's weigh all the pros and cons, and everyone will draw their own conclusions - whether it is worth brewing it or not experimenting during pregnancy.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy

Both lingonberry leaves and berries are extremely popular in medicine due to their wide range of actions:

  1. Lingonberry is an excellent diuretic, which is important for pregnant women suffering from edema.
  2. It is often prescribed to people who have problems with the outflow of bile.
  3. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, lingonberries perfectly fight vitamin deficiency.
  4. Lingonberries are actively used in the treatment of various dental diseases.
  5. Lingonberry leaf is used for the prevention and treatment of colds as part of complex therapy.
  6. It is excellent for treating diseases of the lower respiratory tract, arthritis, hepatitis and gastritis.
  7. Lingonberries, among other things, strengthen capillaries and blood vessels, have diuretic, astringent, and demineralizing properties.

Despite the fact that this is not a complete list of all the beneficial properties of lingonberries, among experts you can find ardent opponents of the use of this remedy during pregnancy. The fact is that lingonberry leaf can cause increased uterine tone, and this disease is quite common among expectant mothers, especially in the later stages.

Uterine tone during pregnancy

Hypertonicity refers to contractions of the uterus, which can occur even in the early stages of pregnancy. If it is not diagnosed in time and pregnancy management is not adjusted, it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

You can diagnose uterine tone either with medical help or at home on your own, since it has quite pronounced signs:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Discharge with blood.
  3. Stone belly.
  4. Dizziness and nausea.

Even one of these symptoms indicates that the expectant mother urgently needs to see a doctor, who, after examining her, must send her for an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis.

There are physiological and psychosomatic reasons for the appearance of uterine tone. Physiological ones include:

  1. Previous abortions.
  2. The fruit size is significantly larger than average.
  3. Multiple births.
  4. Polyhydramnios.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Poor nutrition.
  7. Complications of pregnancy.

This is not the entire list of factors that provoke uterine tone, but it is already becoming clear that many of them are under the control of the expectant mother. This means that to minimize the risk of tone, a pregnant woman should give up smoking and drinking alcohol, try to sleep more, be less nervous, spend more time in the fresh air and eat right. It would seem that these are far from new tips, but they really help not only prevent uterine tone, but also avoid many other unpleasant moments!

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy for edema

Since lingonberry leaf has a diuretic effect, doctors may prescribe it to pregnant women who have problems with edema. Regular use of the decoction will not allow excess fluid to remain in the body.

In general, expectant mothers should drink, like everyone else, 1.5-2 liters of water per day, in addition to all other liquids, and this water should be from a trusted source. However, if swelling torments her, then you should avoid drinking any liquid before bed. In addition, although walking is recommended for pregnant women, you should reduce the load on your legs, and during sleep or normal rest, try to place a pillow under your feet,

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: how to take

Lingonberry leaves are sold in any pharmacy, and on the packaging you will definitely find a detailed recipe on how to prepare it and in what quantities to use. However, these are fairly general recommendations, and they may differ significantly from those that your doctor will give you when prescribing this decoction.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the expectant mother feels great and there is not even a hint of uterine tone, then the following regimen is usually prescribed: per day you need to drink 200 ml of the prepared decoction, dividing it into 4 doses of 50 ml or 2 100 ml. For 1 glass of water there is 1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaves.

Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy: reviews

There are quite a few contradictory reviews on the Internet about lingonberry leaves as a decongestant. It helps some, it doesn't help others. Apparently, it all comes down to the individual characteristics of the body and the lifestyle of each expectant mother.

You should not consider lingonberry leaf as a panacea - if you drink a decoction from it and immediately go to bed, then, most likely, it may have the opposite effect.

In addition, lingonberry leaf really should not be taken by pregnant women with increased uterine tone. This condition is, in principle, extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby, therefore it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time and get specific recommendations for yourself.

Let's sum it up

Now you know everything or almost everything about lingonberry leaf and its use during pregnancy. You should still understand that absolutely any herbs taken without a doctor’s recommendation can be extremely dangerous! Perhaps they will alleviate the condition in some ways, but will cause complications in another place. We treat one thing, we cripple the other. Therefore, you should be especially careful with absolutely everything that gets into your mouth. All experiments should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict guidance!

Video " Cowberry. Useful and dangerous properties and use of lingonberry leaves in folk medicine"