Boris who hosts the live broadcast. Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life. Talk show "Live"


An employee of the Spas channel told the site that Orthodox TV is being turned into a clone of the scandalous show Live.

Previously, the site wrote about in Russia. With the arrival of new leadership in the person of Boris Korchevnikov, “promoted” by the “Live Broadcast” program on “Russia 1”, one of them - the Spas TV channel - began to change. An employee of the TV channel assures that his colleagues are being fired, and viewers are starting to turn away from Spas.

In May, we were told that a new general director had been appointed to Spas, Boris Korchevnikov. “He wanted to do something new, young, to give fresh breath to the channel,” one of the Spas employees shared with the site, who, for obvious reasons, asked not to use his first and last name. - But in the end it turned out that the “new breath” in two months of his work led to obvious fact. Previously, the channel showed high-quality programs that were in demand by the viewer and had already received a well-deserved assessment - “Ukrainian Question”, “Conservative Club” and many others, which viewers watched both on air and on social networks, on Youtube. And now there is only one program on the channel called “Live Broadcast”, an analogue of the program of the same name on the “Russia 1” channel.

[Note ed.: judging by the schedule, the Spas TV channel has a fairly extensive program; however, in the program for the current week there is neither the “Ukrainian Question” nor the “Conservative Club”, but there is also no notorious “ Live broadcast" Archives of this program available on the “Spas” channel on Youtube, the last episode on July 14 was dedicated to the “charity marathon”, among the topics of earlier issues were “Abortion”, “Euthanasia” and “Stalin”.]

- Did the channel need this new breath?

It so happened that the channel’s management regularly changed, with Boris Kostenko always remaining the most “constant” (he has now been appointed Korchevnikov’s deputy). Korchevnikov’s new vision was expressed in one thing: to close all programs and leave one of his own - “Live”, which would cover some hot topics. But you yourself understand that any topical topics can be covered in different ways. For example, there were such programs on the Spas channel, but the authors did not go beyond certain limits. The mission of the channel is the spiritual and moral education of the viewing audience. The channel has its own established audience, a different tempo and rhythm than others federal channels. We had expectations that it would come and get better, there would be something new. In the end, everything devolved into creating a scandal as much as possible, going into some kind of investigation with detailed bloody details - about murders, criminals, with people smeared on the asphalt.

- Does Korchevnikov continue to host the same program on the Rossiya 1 channel?

As far as I understand, he was fired from there, “Live broadcast” on “Russia 1” will either be closed, or they will hire new team with a new face. Now he will be in the frame on “Spas” repeating the same program one-on-one as on “Russia 1”, only without the extras.

[Note ed.: Boris Korchevnikov continues to broadcast “Live” on “Russia 1”, despite previously existing rumors about him on Dmitry Shepelev. The latest episode, available on the website of the Russia 1 channel, is dedicated to the topic “ Foster-son Galina Brezhneva, in order to kick her son out of the house, called him step-native and even demanded a DNA test.”]

All “Live broadcasts” begin with the fact that “today so-and-so knocked down or shot someone to death, let’s discuss it, yell, scream, make a scandal.” Rating is, of course, an important thing, but achieving it by similar means It’s not allowed on the Orthodox channel. As a result, viewers call, write, complain, and switch the “Spas” channel to another button.

- When Boris was appointed to this position, did he gather people and announce something?

At a general meeting of employees, a policy was announced: there will only be “Live Broadcast” six to eight hours a day. Thus, the channel will become relevant, we will talk about what newspapers and the Internet are shouting about today. Then educational programs about faith, Orthodox holidays, and Russians began to disappear from the airwaves. famous people, about how people came to faith and so on. This seemed uninteresting to the new manager. Although the channel showed stable growth in viewership and always saved face.

- It’s strange, because Korchevnikov often positions himself as a believer.

Therefore, all channel employees had the expectation that innovations would be made from the point of view of an Orthodox person. But the expectations were not met.

- Were the channel’s employees also fired on the same day?

Many employees were told that they needed to pack their things. With the arrival of Boris Korchevnikov, the channel lost many good specialists who were not ready to endure swearing and shouting - both in the control room and at themselves.

- And what is your forecast? What should “Spas” viewers expect?

If “fried” material is presented in such a context, nothing good will happen. Because of these scandalous and current topics in Boris Korchevnikov’s program on the channel, scandals and showdowns have already begun. Viewers write letters, complain that it has become impossible to watch the channel, and demand a change in intonation. Well, how can you invite some motorcyclists, “Hells Angels” on the air of an Orthodox channel?! Crazy house.

Release of the “Live broadcast” of the “Spas” channel on June 26: “Bikers are gathering around MGIMO because of this student prestigious university who killed a motorcyclist. Major again, drunk again. And will he be punished to the fullest extent of the law?”

War veteran Nikolai Dupak came on air - so they simply brought him out during the “Live Broadcast”: he is boring, he is old, he has become uninteresting. Uncontrolled bacchanalia, aggression on a channel that should, on the contrary, call for peace, for kindness, for a different attitude towards the outside world.

But Boris Korchevnikov does only what he can. He worked for many years on the Russia 1 channel in scandalous talk show“Live” and probably believes that this is exactly what should be said on the “Spas” channel - this is “joyful and free Orthodoxy.”

“That broadcast a year ago was incredible. Every evening my mother discusses the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live, I find her watching your program,” Korchevnikov admitted to Malakhov.

The presenters recalled that the very first episode of the updated talk show was watched by more than a million people on the Internet. They admitted that they spoke very frankly at the time in the most different topics, which have never been touched upon before. Boris recalled how he met his dad, whom he had not seen for a long time, and spoke about the tumor with which he lived for many years.

Korchevnikov noted that it was Malakhov who revealed the biggest secret. For the first time, the TV presenter’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, who was pregnant at that time, was in the studio. Andrey admitted that his wife was very impressed personal history Boris still treats him very kindly.

“I don’t remember what we said and discussed, but I know one thing: when you see a person on the screen and meet him in life, there is a stereotype of perception,” Malakhov said. “Natasha took your story so close to her heart that when she comes to church and leaves notes about your health, she always writes your name.”

After leaving the “Live Broadcast” program, Korchevnikov began working on the program “The Fate of a Man.” Despite the fact that celebrities usually open their souls to him, there was one broadcast when Boris himself had to answer awkward questions. In a conversation with actress Anna Kovalchuk, they touched on the topic of family and marriage. The artist began to ask the presenter about his personal life - Boris was embarrassed and replied that he was not married. Kovalchuk shamed Korchevnikov, who was 35 years old at that time, and noted that he should take more initiative in finding a bride if he dreams of a family.

This conversation sunk into Boris’s heart; he considers Anna an amazing woman whose opinion is worth listening to. He also admires her as a mother of two children. "She will open new season on the Spas TV channel, he will read fairy tales. Anna does this amazingly. She's an amazing mom!" – revealed the secret of Korchevnikov.

Andrei Malakhov became interested in his colleague’s new project and admitted that perhaps his child would be interested in it.

“My son Sasha will be able to listen, he is nine months old. He has never seen television, but listens to music and fairy tales. We try to protect him from any gadgets. Perhaps he will like fairy tales performed by Anna Kovalchuk,” Andrey suggested.

The presenters recalled how much famous artists opened their souls to Boris during his program. However, Korchevnikov is waiting for Andrei Malakhov to visit. “I really hope that very soon we will meet at the “Fate of Man” studio. I’m grateful that you agreed to come and talk about your journey,” said Boris.

Korchevnikov admitted that he would like to remember those great people who are no longer with us - that is why in the new season he is launching the “Distant Relatives” program.

Boris Korchevnikov returns to “Live”

Exactly one year ago Andrei Malakhov entered the studio "Live broadcast" together with Boris Korchevnikov, who handed over his brainchild to him. Today Boris returned to tell how this television year went for him, what shocking confessions the stars made in his new program "The Fate of Man" and how he managed to breathe new life to Orthodox channel "Spas", general director which he became. Andrey Malakhov also remembered the most bright heroes its program: declarations of love, pleas for forgiveness, exclusive interviews, shocks, revelations, changed destinies and achievements that became possible thanks to the incredible “Live” team. Nostalgia for the past and plans for the future, which only viewers of this episode of the program will know about!

Boris Korchevnikov says that he feels the year has flown by like one day. And, despite all his new projects and positions, his mother, when he comes home, discusses the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” with him. Malakhov reminded his colleague that a year before the “passing of the baton” both presenters found themselves in the service of His Holiness Patriarch, at the same time they approached for a blessing and at the same time received it: Andrey considers this coincidence symbolic.

A year ago, the joint program “Live Broadcast” by Korchevnikov and Malakhov was watched on the Internet by more than a million people: it was amazing with the frankness with which Boris talked about himself, his life, destiny and health. He then spoke about the woman with whom he had been together for several years, but never married, about the absence of his father in his life, about his fleeting finding and acquaintance with his sister. About a tumor, a not very successful operation and spiritual insight.

Both presenters recalled how that broadcast went, how it was on it that Malakhov admitted that he and his wife were expecting a child, and that Natasha(who generally shies away from public events, but came to that show) has since always asked the church for health for Boris. Andrei teased his colleague, pointing out that many stars visiting his “The Fate of a Man” are interested in the fate of the presenter himself: when will he finally get married?! And I was the first to ask this question Anna Kovalchuk, about which Korchevnikov said many warm words. He said that the actress herself suggested new project for the Spas channel: she will read fairy tales to children, and she does it amazingly. Malakhov asked to make an audio version of this series: he protects his nine-month-old son Sasha from the TV, but he listens to music and fairy tales with pleasure.

If in the joint “Live Broadcast” viewers saw Malakhov’s wife for the first time, then in Korchevnikov’s program his mother appeared for the first time Vladimir Solovyov, Andrei reminded his colleague, noting this as a great journalistic success: after all, even the famous presenter himself rarely gives interviews. Malakhov said that he goes to the gym (after the birth of his son, this happens rarely) and knows that Inna Solomonovna works out there every day and is in such amazing shape that she could compete in the Mrs. World competition.

Andrey considers the issue with another journalistic success of Boris Maria Aronova: she was more ruthless to herself and more frank than in confession. Then the program "Hi Andrew!" spoke about the happiness of the actress - about her wedding with her loved one. Malakhov especially highlighted the episodes of “The Fate of Man,” where the guests are Dmitry Pevtsov , Irina Bezrukova, - they talked about losses, about the death of loved ones... “Such interviews are worthy of the award “For Journalistic Compassion,” says Andrei. He had similar interviews with a terminally ill patient

Illustrious Russian TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov recently left the “Live Broadcast” program, which he hosted on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. His place was taken by Andrei Malakhov. This change was perceived negatively by the overwhelming majority of TV viewers, because many TV viewers were accustomed to seeing Malakhov in the “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One.

As for the future of Boris Korchevnikov, the showman was not at all upset about the change of job. From now on he works for Orthodox TV channel"Saved". On the eve of Korchevnikov social network Instagram congratulated all its subscribers and viewers of the Spas TV channel on church holiday Assumption Holy Mother of God. Korchevnikov broadcast directly from Red Square. At the same time, the TV presenter said that he was waiting for all his fans and viewers of the “Live broadcast” on the “Spas” channel.

The TV presenter said that in his new place he will talk about the most important thing in a person’s life.

“I would really like the Spas TV channel to convey to viewers this feeling that once opened up to me when I came to church: a feeling of joy, love, freedom and a fulfilled, meaningful life. In my opinion, this is the most driving thing, “what could possibly happen,” said Korchevnikov.

At the same time, Korchevnikov revealed all tragic truth about your health. Information about cancer the young presenter caused a flurry of emotions and discussions online. Boris Korchevnikov openly admitted what his terrible illness had led to, and also said where he would now work.

Many network users wondered whether Boris Korchevnikov was really sick. And it’s sad to hear this, but it’s true. Rumors about the presenter's illness appeared a year ago.

Then, Korchevnikov had a brain tumor removed, but unfortunately, the cancer returned again. More recently, the program “Live Broadcast” appeared on TV screens, in which ex-host Korchevnikov and new producer and presenter Andrei Malakhov jointly revealed the truth.

As it turned out, Boris Korchevnikov really does have cancer. And he has been struggling with this disease for a long time. Moreover, as the channel workers said, the presenter began to lose his hearing due to illness. Korchevnikov himself also admitted that he could hardly hear. Such health problems have become a serious obstacle to work.

Boris Korchevnikov has a brain tumor. He openly spoke about all this, about his illness in the Live Broadcast studio. Korchevnikov noticed that now the illness had subsided, but when he first learned about it, his first thought was “he needs to finish all his unfinished business.”

The ex-host of “Live Broadcast”, who went to the “Spas” TV channel, noted that only in some emergency situation does a person rethink his life and try to live to the fullest, for real.